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Book Summary of
Around the World in 80 Days
by ______

21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

Submitted by:
Rosalia Villanueva

Submitted to:
Maritha C. Keener

Date of Submission:
January 13, 2023
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Chapter 1
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In which Phileas Fogg and Passe-partout accept each other, the one as master, the one as man.

Phileas Fogg lives alone in a mansion at No. 7 Saville Row, Burlington Gardens in London,

England. He is a member of the exclusive Reform Club social organization and has a reputation

of being worldly despite his mysterious, solitary nature. Mr. Fogg is wealthy and generous, yet

no one knows how he earns his fortune. He has no family or close relationships and opts to

spend every day reading newspapers and betting on games of whist at the Reform, “not to win,

but for the sake of playing.

Fogg is eccentric and extremely particular about his daily schedule, meals, and habits—he

carefully observes a clock in his house that displays the hours, minutes, seconds, days, months,

and years. Mr. Fogg even fires his servant for bringing him shaving water that is two degrees

cooler than he prefers. He hires a new servant name Jean passepartout, a Frenchman who

hopes that working in a domestic setting will be a relaxing change from his formerly

adventurous life.
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Chapter 2

In which Passe-partout is convinced that he has at last found his ideal

Chapter 2 of Passepartout is devoted to getting to know his employer's residence, routine, and

schedule. He is ecstatic to discover that all of the clocks in Fogg's home are running at the same

time. Only at home does his employer sleep, dress, and take care of his personal hygiene

requirements. He schedules each activity to begin and end at the same time each day. Fogg is

the kind of boss Passepartout desires because he is a "well-ordered man," according to

Passepartout. Passepartout, on the other hand, was a genuine native of Paris. Since leaving his

own country and moving to England to work as a valet, he has been looking fruitlessly for a

master who shares his values.

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Chapter 3

In which a conversation takes place which seems likely to cost Phileas Fogg dear

Fogg begins his regular morning routine at 11:30 AM by walking to the Reform Club, where he

has breakfast and reads newspapers until it's time for dinner. He plays with his regular

opponents, Andrew Stuart, John Sullivan, Samuel Fallentin, Thomas Flanagan, and Gauthier

Ralph, after his evening meal. These men are wealthy, reputable Reform Club members, just

like Fogg.

The men talk about a recent heist of £55,000 by a "well-to-do" man from the Bank of England

as they play whist. Detectives were dispatched to ports around England, and a sizable reward

was offered in an effort to locate the missing funds. While Fogg and Ralph believe that the

globe has gotten smaller since men can now travel around it 10 times faster than they could a

century ago, Stuart believes that "the world is vast enough" for the criminal to escape.

The journey from London to Suez, via Suez to Bombay, via Bombay to Calcutta, via Calcutta to

Hong Kong, via Hong Kong to Yokohama, via Yokohama to San Francisco, via San Francisco to

New York, and finally via New York to London, is estimated to take Fogg and Sullivan eighty

days. Stuart doubts this and wagers Fogg £4,000 that he can't complete the journey in such a

short period of time.

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Chapter 4

In which Phileas Fogg astounds Passepartout, his servant

After leaving the Reform Club, Fogg abruptly informs Passepartout that they will be departing

right away to journey around the globe in eighty days. He gives Passepartout control of the

£20,000 carpet bag. Passepartout cries as Fogg hands a woman begging for money the twenty

guineas he just won at whist, on the way to the railway station.

Fogg is dropped off at the station by his Reform Club pals. As the train passes through

Sydenham, Passepartout shouts out, recalling that he failed to turn off the gas in his bedroom.

He offers to let them examine his passport when he returns on December 21st, but Ralph

assures him that they trust his word "as a gentleman of honor."

Chapter 5
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In which a new species of funds, unknown to the moneyed men, appears on ‘change

As Fogg and Passepartout are moving, the Reform Club members are waiting for his challenge.

The debate over Fogg's bet's wisdom or foolishness swiftly spreads to all of London's affluent

clubs, sparking fervent debate among the general populace. A position is taken against Phileas

Fogg by more than a dozen periodicals. This dispatch had an immediate impact. The well-

dressed man vanished to make room for the bank robber. The betting fever stops when

Detective Fix of the Metropolitan Police sends a telegraph identifying Phileas Fogg as the Bank

of England thief. The mysterious Phileas Fogg is now thought to have planned his abrupt trip as

a means of avoiding capture.

Chapter 6
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In which fix, the detective, betrays a very natural impatience

Detective Fix and the British consul in Suez, Egypt, are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Fogg

aboard the Mongolia steamer as it goes through the Suez Canal from Italy to India. Fix wants to

track down Fogg, catch up with him at his next destination in Bombay, India, and put him in jail

so he can get the reward for catching the bank robber.

Passepartout makes his way past the throng of passengers when the Mongolia docks and asks

Detective Fix where to find the British consul to get his master's passport stamped. Fix informs

Passepartout that his master needs to visit the consulate in person to prove his identity after

realizing that the passport he is holding is Fogg's.

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Chapter 7

Which once more demonstrates the uselessness of passports as aids to detectives

Since Fix wants time to get a warrant from London so that he can arrest Fogg in Bombay, he

tries to convince the British consul to deny Fogg's passport a visa. However, when Fogg enters

the consulate and presents his passport, the consul is required by law to stamp it.

As he makes his way back to his cabin on the Mongolia, Fogg examines his notepad, where he

has meticulously recorded their journey's so far. He and Passepartout are perfectly on schedule

as of October 9th, neither having gained nor lost time.

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Chapter 8

In which Passepartout talks rather more, perhaps, than is prudent

Without recognizing that Detective Fix is a detective, Passepartout approaches him and starts a

discussion. Passepartout tells that Fogg and he are traveling across the world and heading to

Bombay, India. The investigator suggests Passepartout alter his watch because it is still set to

London time and notes that the dial is slow. After confirming Fogg is the robber, Fix telegrams

London to deliver an arrest warrant to Bombay. After Passepartout and Fogg have settled into

their stateroom, Fix board the Mongolia.

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Chapter 9

In which the red sea and the Indian ocean prove propitious to the designs of Phileas Fogg

On the Mongolia, Fogg, Passepartout, and Detective Fix sail for Bombay. Fogg prefers to eat his

four daily meals in the cabin and engage in whist games with the other passengers rather than

spend time on the deck. Fix keeps purchasing drinks for Passepartout and talking to him in an

effort to win his trust.

Fogg only briefly disembarks when the Mongolia pauses in Aden, Yemen to refuel with coal and

get his passport stamped; Passepartout walks off to see the city and interact with its

multicultural populace. The ship continues on to Bombay, where it arrives two days earlier than

expected on October 20. Fogg notes this time gain in his itinerary.

Chapter 10
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In which Passeportout is only too glad to get off with the loss of his shoes

As part of British India, Fogg, Passepartout, and Detective Fix arrive in Bombay. Much of India's

heartland is still a sovereign nation, despite the British Empire controlling a sizable section of

the country's outlying areas. The Great Indian Peninsula Railway has superseded more ancient

ways of transportation, and the British presence has altered Indian culture, race relations, and


Once more, Fogg is not interested in exploring Bombay's local attractions, so he eats in the train

station while Passepartout performs errands before the train to Calcutta departs. Fix is upset to

learn that the warrant for Fogg's arrest has not yet arrived at the Bombay police headquarters.

After completing his tasks for Fogg, Passepartout wanders the streets, seeing a Parsee religious

festival "with staring eyes and a gaping mouth," and stumbles onto a pagoda that he enters to

admire, unknowing that Christians are not permitted to enter Indian temples by the British

government. Passepartout just avoids being beaten by a mob of enraged priests by running

back into the streets.

Passepartout returns to the station just five minutes before the Calcutta train is supposed to

depart, much to Fogg's displeasure. Fix overhears Passepartout telling Fogg about his mishap

and instead of following them to Calcutta, comes up with a fresh strategy and opts to remain in

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Chapter 11

In which Phileas Fogg secures a curious means of conveyance at a fabulous price

Fogg and Passepartout travel to Calcutta by rail with Sir Francis Cromarty, a brigadier-general

who participated in the most recent Sepoy uprising and currently resides in India. Sir Francis has

studied Indian history and adapted to their ways, but Fogg isn't interested in learning more

since he's more focused on the goal of circumnavigating the world in eighty days than he is on

learning about other people's cultures.

Fogg dismisses Sir Francis' concerns that Passepartout's mistake at the pagoda would land them

in problems with the British authorities. Passepartout starts to romanticize the adventure and

senses the return of his "vagabond nature." Passepartout incessantly worries about the time,

whereas Fogg is cool-headed about the wager. Passepartout is advised, like Detective Fix, to

switch his watch from London time, but he refuses.

The conductor abruptly announces that everyone must exit the train since the railway has not

yet been completed past this point. Passepartout and Sir Francis are incensed, but Fogg

maintains his composure and informs him that he anticipated a delay and has two extra days

that he can give up.

Chapter 12
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In which Phileas Fogg and his companions venture across the Indians forests, and what ensued

Phileas Fogg and Sir Francis Cromarty remain mute during the agonizing voyage on the howdah

seats connected to Kiouni the elephant's back, while Passepartout laughs merrily and tumbles

about like an acrobat. They journey for hours over dangerous terrain where local tribes fought

British rule by making use of their knowledge of the challenging terrain. The gang spends the

night in a dilapidated home before beginning the final leg of their walk to Allahabad early the

following morning. The guide interrupted Sir Francis Cromarty and continued, "Suppose we

save this woman," shaking his head a few times in the process. "The sacrifice which will take

place to-morrow at dawn is not a voluntary one," he added.

Chapter 13
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In which Passepartout receives a new proof that fortune favours the brave

The guide consents to assist Fogg, Passepartout, and Sir Francis in releasing the young woman
because she is a Parsee like him. He reveals that the woman's name is Aouda and that she is the
wealthy Bombay merchant's orphaned, English-educated daughter. She was compelled to wed
the elderly rajah of Bundelcund after her father passed away, and now the rajah's family wants
her sacrificed.

Aouda is taken to the funeral pyre in the morning and placed close to the rajah's body to be
cremated. Together with the audience that has arrived to observe the sacrifice, Fogg,
Passepartout, Sir Francis, and the guide interact. When Fogg suddenly experiences "an instant
of insane kindness," he rushes the pyre but is stopped by Sir Francis and the guide.

The rajah suddenly emerges like a ghost, grabs Aouda, and vanishes into the haze with her.
When he approaches Fogg, Sir Francis, and the guide, they recognize him as Passepartout, who
had sneaked into the burning pyre when it was still smoke-free and, posing as the rajah, had
spared Aouda from the sacrifice. The guys safely run into the jungle with Aouda as the
Brahmins at the wedding discover what has happened and start shooting at them.

Chapter 14
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In which Phileas fogg descends the whole length of the beautiful valley of the Ganges without
ever thinking of seeing it

Sir Francis informs Fogg that in order for Aouda to avoid her executioners, she must
permanently depart India as Kiouni escorts the men and Aouda through the forest. Aouda
slowly starts to regain consciousness as they go to the Allahabad train station, and her stunning
physical attractiveness is revealed. Her accent and mannerisms are distinctly European, a result
of her upbringing in British India.

As the train is set to leave Allahabad, Fogg pays the guide and gives him Kiouni as a show of
thanks. Aouda fully recovers while traveling to Benares and is appreciative when Sir Francis
explains how they were able to save her. She agrees to take Fogg up on his offer to accompany
her to Hong Kong, where she has family. Sir Francis bids his friends farewell and gets off the
train when it reaches Benares so he can rejoin his men.

The Ganges River boasts a varied panorama with mountains, agriculture, jungles, villages, and
woods as the railway departs from Benares and travels along it. What the old gods, to whom
Brahmins pray, would think of this modern, anglicized India with its steamships and railroads is
a question posed by the story.

On October 25, Fogg, Passepartout, and Aouda reach Calcutta without being late or early. Fogg
does not regret their extended trek across India, even if they have lost the two days they gained
between London and Bombay.
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Chapter 15
In which the bag of bank-notes disgorges some thousands of pounds more
A policeman approaches Fogg, Passepartout, and Aouda as they are leaving the Calcutta train
station and leads them to a jail. For taking Aouda, Fogg and Passepartout believe they are in
trouble. They are shocked to learn Passepartout is being detained in the courthouse for
entering the pagoda in Bombay. Fogg receives a seven-day jail term and a £150 fine, while
Passepartout receives a fifteen-day jail term and a £300 fine.

From the rear of the courtroom, Detective Fix, who predicted this conclusion in Bombay, is
ecstatic because the sentencing will give him more time to execute his arrest warrant for Fogg.
To his surprise, Fogg posts a £2,000 bail for Passepartout and himself before boarding the
steamer Rangoon bound for Hong Kong. Fogg has already shelled much more than $5,000 on
the trip.
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Chapter 16

In which Fix does not seem to understand in the least what is said to him

To catch Fogg in Hong Kong, the final English colony Fogg will visit on his tour before returning
to London, Detective Fix follows Fogg, Passepartout, and Aouda onto the Rangoon. Aouda and
Fogg get to know one another better over the voyage. Despite his icy, machine-like manner, he
sits with her and consoles her since he knows how much she appreciates his assistance.

If everything else fails, Fix determines his final option will be to reveal his true identity to
Passepartout and win him over to his mission of finding Fogg. When Passepartout appears on
the ship's deck, he pretends surprise as he tells him about their adventures traveling between
Bombay and Calcutta.
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Chapter 17

Showing what happened on the voyage from Singapore to Hong Kong

Detective Fix continues to chat with Passepartout during the ship ride, and Passepartout starts
to get skeptical about Fix's objectives and the peculiar coincidence of the detective traveling the
same route as Fogg via these different nations. He comes to the conclusion that Fix is a spy
employed by the Reform Club to confirm Fogg's travels.

A typhoon leads the Rangoon to lag behind schedule after a brief stop at Singapore. Fix
observes the anxiety that this delay gives Passepartout, and Passepartout makes a suggestion
that he is aware of what Fix is planning. Fix is unable to determine whether Passepartout is
Fogg's collaborator, but he determines that if he is unable to capture Fogg when they arrive, he
will confess his intentions to Passepartout in Hong Kong.
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Chapter 18

In which Phileas Fogg, Passepartout, and Fix go each about his business

Fogg pretends as though he previously anticipated the delay that the storm would entail, but
the weather keeps the Rangoon behind schedule. As the storm will give the arrest warrant
more time to reach Hong Kong, Fix is happy about it, but Passepartout is "enraged beyond

After the storm subsides, Fogg, Passepartout, Aouda, and Fix reach Hong Kong. They won't miss
it because, as Fogg learns, the boat to Yokohama was also delayed. In addition, he finds out
that the cousin Aouda intended to meet in Hong Kong emigrated to Europe two years prior;
hence, he chooses to carry her along for the remainder of the tour.
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Chapter 19

In which Passepartout takes a too great interest in his master, and what comes of it

Walking around the city, Passepartout is amazed at the diversity of the people, and the
narration adds that Hong Kong was changed by the "colonizing genius of the English" into "an
important city and an outstanding port."

Passepartout inquires as to whether Detective Fix will travel with them as far as America
because he continues to believe that he is a spy for the Reform Club. Fix responds in the
affirmative, and Passepartout has Fogg book him a room. Fix determines that this is the right
moment to reveal to Passepartout who he is and what drives him. He leads him to a place
where people use opium and claims to be a detective hunting after Fogg, whom he suspects of
robbing the Bank of England.

Fix threatens to arrest him as an accomplice unless he helps to keep Fogg in Hong Kong until
the warrant arrives, but Passepartout stays true to Fogg and refuses to betray him, dismissing
his suspicions and telling him that Fogg is "the most honorable of men." In order to make
Passepartout fall asleep, Fix decides to give him an opium pipe. Fix is happy that Passepartout
won't wake up in time to inform Fogg that the Carnatic steamship is leaving for Yokohama.
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Chapter 20

In which Fix comes face to face with Phileas Fogg

Fogg is shocked when Passepartout doesn't show to answer his ring the following morning. He
is informed by Detective Fix that he and Aouda missed the Carnatic since the ship sailed sooner
than expected once its repairs were finished. Since the next steamer won't arrive for another
week, Fogg starts asking sailors in the harbor to take him to Yokohama, much to Fix's dismay.

When John Bunsby, the owner of a pilot boat, notices Fogg, he promises him £200 if he can
bring the group to Yokohama before the American steamer from that city to San Francisco has
left. Fogg agrees to be transported there instead after the pilot informs him that they would be
better off catching the boat in Shanghai where it starts. Before they leave, he makes an
unsuccessful attempt to locate Passepartout, who is still unconscious in the tavern.
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Chapter 21

In which the master of the Tankadere runs great risk of losing a reward of two hundred pounds

On the Tankadere, a pilot boat owned by John Bunsby, Detective Fix travels to Shanghai with
Fogg and Aouda. Bunsby steers the boat as rapidly as he can despite the bad weather at Fogg's
urging. Fix wonders if he should keep after Fogg since he won't be able to lawfully detain him
once they get to the US. Since making the arrest is his responsibility as a detective, he decides
that he will.

Fogg and Aouda plan to meet up with "the worthy fellow" in Yokohama because they assume
Passepartout must have left on the Carnatic without them. However, Bunsby alerts them to an
impending storm as they get closer to Shanghai. He struggles to maneuver the Tankadere
through the storm, and it almost flips numerous times. Fogg gives Bunsby the order to raise the
Tankadere's flag and fire the small cannon on board as a distress signal because they arrive in
Shanghai just as the American liner is departing for Yokohama.
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Chapter 22

In which Passepartout finds out that, even at the antipodes, It is convenient to have some
money in one’s pocket

The account says that Passepartout boarded the Carnatic as it was leaving port after waking up
in a daze from his opium high. He questions whether he ought to inform his master about
Detective Fix's discovery and what Fogg will think of him for becoming wasted. When
Passepartout finds out that Fogg and Aouda are not on the Carnatic and understands that Fix
intended to make him drunk so that they would miss the steamer, he becomes even more

Passepartout discovers that Yokohama, like Hong Kong and Calcutta, has a mixed population
upon arriving in the city's European district. He makes the decision to explore the Japanese
district and is amazed by the "motley throng" he runs into, who have different faces and dress
styles than what he is used to.
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Chapter 23

In which Passepartout’s nose becomes outrageously

Passepartout has spent his first night in Yokohama without food, and he is now desperately
hungry. He finds an advertisement for an acrobatic group performing before leaving for the
United States while exchanging his European gear for a Japanese costume from a street vendor.
Passepartout persuades Mr. Batulcar, the head of the company, to include him in the play as a
clown because he was a circus performer before switching to domestic service.

Passepartout participates in the Japanese acrobats known as the Long Noses, who perform
while donning extravagant costumes and large ornamental noses. When he spots Fogg and
Aouda in the audience while supporting the other acrobats at the base of a "human pyramid,"
he calls out, "Ah my master! My lord! Passepartout causes the pyramid to fall out of
excitement, and he, Fogg, and Aouda then hastily leave to board the American boat headed for
San Francisco.
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Chapter 24

During which Mr. Fogg and party cross the Pacific Ocean

Passepartout decides against disclosing Detective Fix's true name and objectives to Fogg and
instead chooses to take responsibility for becoming wasted at the Hong Kong tavern. Along
with a wide variety of other passengers, Fogg, Passepartout, and Aouda board the General
Grant steamboat bound for San Francisco. Aouda and Passepartout both laud Fogg's "honesty,
generosity, and commitment," and Aouda senses an emotional bond developing with the man
she sees as her "protector."

Passepartout is pleased to be rid of Detective Fix, and smugly notes that his watch (which he
refused to change at Fix's recommendation) now fits up precisely with the ship's time. The
voiceover explains, however, that while it is 9:00 A.M. It is nine o'clock at night on this side of
the 180th meridian. a twelve-hour difference in London.

Fix decides to board the General Grant and follow Fogg to America and then to England, where
he can finally make the arrest, after finally obtaining the arrest order for Fogg at the English
embassy in Yokohama. When he runs across Fix on the deck as he boards the steamer after
them, Passepartout responds angrily. Fix is able to persuade him that since they now have a
common desire to see Fogg return to London as quickly as possible, they are now more like
comrades than rivals. Passepartout agrees grudgingly. Fogg hasn't gained or lost a day by the
time the General Grant gets to San Francisco.
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Chapter 25

In which a slight glimpse is had of San Francisco

Passepartout is carefully observing the Anglo-Saxon architecture and the eclectic population of
the "vast commercial emporium" that has emerged out of a once-wild Western metropolis as
he, Fogg, and Aouda ride in a carriage to the International Hotel in San Francisco. Fogg agrees
to Detective Fix's request to travel with them on their upcoming trip back to Europe after they
run into each other at the hotel.

Fogg, Passepartout, Aouda, and Fix are out exploring San Francisco when they come upon a
boisterous political event where Mr. Mandiboy and Mr. Camerfield, two candidates for judge of
the peace, are engaging in gun dueling. Fix intervenes to protect Fogg when a man by the name
of Colonel Stamp Proctor tries to strike him with his cane while they are being swept up by the
mob. As they flee from the mob, Fogg makes a promise to return to America and track down
Colonel Proctor because he views the latter's casual brutality as an assault on his honor.
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Chapter 26

In which Phileas Fogg and party travel by the pacific railroad

however, actually split into two separate lines: the Union Pacific, which runs between Ogden
and Omaha, and the Central Pacific, which runs between San Francisco and Ogden. In the past,
under ideal circumstances, the trip from New York to San Francisco took at least six months.
The train left Oakland station at six o'clock. It was already dusky, cool, and menacing with
clouds that seemed to be threatening rain. The American River, which drains into San Pablo
Bay, is along which the line from San Francisco to Sacramento travels in a north-easterly route.
At half past nine, the train arrived in Utah, the region around the Great Salt Lake where the
Mormons had their solitary colony, and the Humboldt Range defiles.
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Chapter 27

In which Passepartout undergoes, at a speed of twenty miles an hour, a course of Mormon


During the night of December 5, the railway moved about fifty miles in a southeasterly direction
before ascending roughly the same distance in a north-easterly direction, toward the Great Salt
Lake. While William Hitch defends the Mormon religion's founders and discusses how its
leaders and devotees suffer at the hands of the US government, passengers quit the car one at
a time until Passepartout is the last one left standing. As the train draws closer to Ogden,
Passepartout also adjourns the conference. Along with his fellow travelers, which astonishingly
includes Phileas Fogg, who never leaves the train, he takes a quick tour of Salt Lake City.
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Chapter 28

In which Passepartout does not succeed in making anybody listen to reason

As the train moves on, Passepartout and Detective Fix grow impatient and tired of delays. While
Fogg is asleep, Aouda notices that Colonel Stamp Proctor, the man who insulted Fogg in San
Francisco, is also a train passenger and alerts Passepartout and Fix to the situation. They decide
to play a game of whist to divert Fogg since they are concerned that a disagreement with
Colonel Proctor may cause scheduling issues.

Just after passing through the Rocky Mountains, the train abruptly stops and makes a loud
whistling noise. Passepartout and a few other passengers quickly exit the vehicle when they
notice a red signal halting the train due to a collapsed suspension bridge up ahead. The
conductor chooses to send the train on its fastest possible speed in order to cross the bridge
before it collapses at the recommendation of an American passenger.

The conductor and other passengers ignore Passepartout's warning that it would be safer for
them to cross the bridge on foot and for the train to follow them. The train "leaps" across the
river at maximum speed, and just as they reach the other side, the bridge falls into the rapids
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Chapter 29

In which certain incidents are narrated which are only to be met with on American railroads

Fogg is still on track to be in New York in four days after traveling by rail for three days. They go
through Nebraska, where the Sioux and Pawnee Indian tribes staged a mock battle to
commemorate the Union Pacific Railroad's 1867 opening as "a powerful engine of development
and civilization."

Whilst playing whist, Fogg, Passepartout, Aouda, and Fix carry on. Colonel Stamp Proctor
emerges out of nowhere and introduces himself to Fogg. The conductor advises that since they
are running late, they engage in combat as the train is moving rather than getting down at the
next stop when he challenges Fogg to a duel with revolvers. As Fogg and Colonel Proctor
prepare to engage in combat, they hear "savage yells" and notice that a group of gun-toting
Sioux Indians are attacking the train.

The steam valve is accidentally opened by the Sioux chief instead of closed, and the train
accelerates. The conductor is hurt while the Sioux plunder the train and fire at the passengers,
so Passepartout scales the rolling railway cars to get to the front. The train stops when he
disconnects it from the engine. As soldiers from neighboring Fort Kearny come in to assist, the
Sioux escape the train. Three passengers, including Passepartout, are absent from the station
platform, according to a head count.
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Chapter 30

In which Phileas fogg simply does his duty

Colonel Proctor was among the many passengers who were hurt during the battle, although no
one was killed. At Aouda's request, Detective Fix stays behind to watch over Aouda while Fogg
marches out with a band of troops from Fort Kearny in pursuit of the Sioux. As the Sioux flee
toward the Republican River, Fogg tells Aouda that he will risk everything to catch
Passepartout, "alive or dead."

Aouda and Fix choose to remain at the station despite the fact that another train is not
scheduled to come until tomorrow evening since he believes that it must depart because they
are already three hours late. As night falls, they wait impatiently for Fogg and the soldiers,
along with the Fort Kearny soldiers' commanding officer.

The following morning, they meet the group of troops, along with Fogg, Passepartout, and the
other two tourists who were saved, after hearing gunfire in the distance. They engaged the
Sioux, who had taken Passepartout and the others as prisoners, ten miles south of Fort Kearny,
in battle and prevailed. Even though they are greeted with "joyful cries," Passepartout feels bad
about making Fogg miss the train.

Chapter 31
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In which Fix the detective considerably futhers the interest of Phileas Fogg

Fogg is twenty hours behind schedule as a result of the encounter with the Sioux. The previous
night, an American named Mudge offered to take Detective Fix on his sledge, but Fix had
declined. Now, Fix advises that they accept Mudge's offer in order to gain eight hours. In the
winter, the sledge with sails is utilized to go across the frozen plains. Mudge agrees when Fogg
offers him a sizable payment if he can get them to Omaha on schedule.

Fogg advises Passepartout and Aouda to stay in Fort Kearny and find a more comfortable
method to return to Europe since the voyage will be extremely cold and difficult. Fix is hesitant
to believe that Fogg is a criminal, despite their shared refusal to break away from him.
Nevertheless, he decides to carry out his obligation and return Fogg to England as soon as
possible so that he can be arrested.

Fix, Fogg, Passepartout, and Aouda brave the icy voyage to Omaha. Just in time to board the
Chicago-bound train that will take them through the Midwest and into New York, they arrive at
the station. But when they go to the pier, they find out that the Liverpool-bound China steamer
had left 45 minutes earlier.
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Chapter 32

In which Phileas Fogg engages in a direct struggle with bad fortune

Fogg tries his best to find another boat that will get him to Liverpool or London in time to meet
his wager, but he is unsuccessful. Passepartout keeps criticizing himself for causing Fogg to be
late, but Fogg doesn't hold it against him and keeps his composure. Fogg departs to check out
the anchored ships on the Hudson River when they decide to book a hotel in New York City.
There, he meets Andrew Speedy, a Welshman who owns the commercial ship Henrietta and is
about to set sail for Bordeaux, France. Instead of taking them to Liverpool, Captain Speedy
declines to do so and accepts Fogg's offer of £8,000 to transport them as far as Bordeaux.

Chapter 33
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In which Phileas Fogg shows himself equal to the occasion

An hour later, Fogg, Passepartout, Aouda, and Fix board the Henrietta. The following day, Fogg
has paid the crew to pass Captain Speedy, and they imprison him in his cabin in order to take
control of the vessel. It is obvious that Fogg was once a sailor as he maneuvers the boat toward
Liverpool "like a gentleman." Fix is perplexed and believes they must be traveling to another
location where Fogg, whom he still believes to be the bank robber, may evade the law.
Passepartout is impressed.

The Henrietta has not yet been delayed by the choppy seas and winter winds, but Captain
Speedy's engineer tells Fogg that there is only enough coal on board to get the ship to Bordeaux
and not Liverpool. In order to burn everything bar the engine and the iron hull for fuel, Fogg
commands the engineer to keep fueling the fires and convinces Speedy to sell the boat for

They arrive in Queenstown, Ireland, just as the Henrietta runs out of steam. Detective Fix
hesitates, maybe having changed his mind about "his man," and instead pursues Fogg,
Passepartout, and Aouda on the train to Dublin and then onto the boat headed for Liverpool.
Since this is British land, Detective Fix is tempted to arrest Fogg right away. He ultimately takes
Fogg into custody when they get off the ship on the Liverpool pier.

Chapter 34
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In which Phileas Fogg at last reaches London

At Liverpool's Custom House, Fogg is detained. Aouda is upset, and Passepartout once more
assumes responsibility for Fogg's misery because he was aware of Detective Fix's true
intentions before the arrest. At 11:40 a.m., they had landed in Liverpool. On December 21, with
a six-hour flight to London, and only nine hours and fifteen minutes to get to the Reform Club in
time to win the wager.

As Fogg is free and the true bank robber has been apprehended, Fix breaks into the Custom
House at 2:30 p.m. and begs Fogg to forgive him. Fix is knocked to the ground after being struck
by Fogg, who then rushes to the railway station with Passepartout and Aouda to request a
special train for 3:00 PM. It is now 8:50 P.M. despite the fact that the trip could have been
completed in five and a half hours with no interruptions. By the time Fogg gets to London, he
has already lost the bet by five minutes.
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Chapter 35

In which Phileas Fogg does not have to repeat his orders to passepartout twice

Despite having lost the wager and his entire riches and reputation, Fogg accepts the setback
"with his customary serenity" at his Saville Row house. But Aouda and Passepartout can't sleep
that night because they are frightened for him. The following morning, Passepartout yells out to
Fogg, asking him why he does not hold him responsible for the wager's failure. In response,
Passepartout is told to leave the room so that Fogg can meet with Aouda. Fogg says he holds no
one accountable.

Since he had planned on giving Aouda a share of his riches and now has nothing left to give her,
Fogg begs Aouda's forgiveness for having brought her to England. In response, Aouda begs him
to pardon her for holding up his arrival, but he assures her that doing so was required to save
her life and get her out of India. Aouda begs Fogg to marry her so that she can be his
"kinswoman and friend," as she is grieved by his misfortune and lonely life.

With an uncharacteristically sentimental smile, Fogg accepts Aouda's proposal and tells her he
loves her. Fogg calls Passepartout, who recognizes what has happened right once, and begs him
to go that evening and inform the Reverend Samuel Wilson of their upcoming wedding on

Chapter 36
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In which Phileas Fogg’s name is once more at a premium on ‘Change

The real bank robber, James Strand, was apprehended on December 17th, and Fogg's
reputation in England changed from that of a criminal to that of a "honorable gentleman" who
was continuing his tour around the globe. Again bets were placed, and Fogg's five pals at the
Reform Club (as well as the rest of London) awaited information in suspense.

On the evening of December 20th, Fogg's buddies wait in the Reform Club and think he has lost
the bet. Finally, at exactly 8:45 p.m. as planned, Fogg enters the saloon followed by a jubilant
mob and says calmly, "Here I am, sir! ”

Chapter 37
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In which it is shown that Phileas Fogg gained nothing by hos tour around the world, unless it
were happiness

According to the narrator, Passepartout was dispatched to the reverend's house at 8:05 PM to
inform him of the marriage ceremony, but he wasn't there. Passepartout hurried back to Saville
Row and informed Fogg that they had made a mistake—they had misjudged and arrived in
London twenty-four hours ahead of time—and that it was actually Saturday and not Sunday as
they had thought. Fogg jumped into a cab with only 10 minutes left and won the bet by getting
at the Reform Club at 8:45 p.m. on time.

Fogg and his colleagues gained four minutes for each degree of longitude they crossed because
they were moving eastward toward the sun. Fogg unknowingly gained twenty-four hours during
his journey because he circled the Earth 360 times. Passepartout kept his watch on London time
the entire trip, so it showed the right time but not the day of the week.

Fogg and Aouda are married on Monday, two days later. Passepartout receives the privilege of
announcing Aouda to her new husband after saving her life in India. The following day,
Passepartout notes that if they had not stopped to save Aouda, they could have traveled
around the globe in only 78 days. Fogg's expedition may have seemed futile at first, but the
adventure led him to meet Aouda, who "made him the happiest of men," making his trip
around the globe worthwhile in the end, the narrative notes.

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