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The Learning Site for Agriculture is a farm practicing the various applicable
agricultural technologies, which basically employs doable farming strategies and operating
successfully. The farmer/ farm family owner is relatively advance compared to the rest of the
farmers. The LSA also include a successful agri- processing enterprise owned by a processor
who is not necessarily a farmer/farm family.
I. Functions of the Learning Site for Agriculture
a) practicum area to complement classroom learning;
b) venue for practical and hands-on learning for immediate use;
c) visit area for other farmers, other rural community members, ATI’s training participants
and others interested in agriculture and agri-products/ by-products processing; and
d) On-the-job training (OJT) site for ATI’s scholarship program
e) grantees, its other programs such as the “Adopt a Farm Youth Program” under the 4-H
Farm Youth Program, and interested agriculture students and individuals.
II. Qualification Requirements
2.1 The Farm
a) The farm can be any of the following:
 Privately-owned farm (farmer’s farm, NGO farm, PO farm); or
 RBO-owned/operated farm (Rural-Based Organization- 4H Club, RIC,P4MP,
Irrigator’s Associations, IP Organization, Magsasaka Siyentista Organization,
other farmers associations; farmers cooperatives); or
 Demonstration farm duly owned and operated by the ATI ; or
 Demonstration farm duly owned and operated by the Department of Agriculture(DA)
and its attached agencies, Department of Education (DepEd), CHED, SUCs, other
gov’t agencies, LGU Agriculture offices, provided these are institution projects
for techno demo and learning purposes.
b) With proof of ownership of the land (certified photocopy of land title or tax declaration in
the name of the farmer or legality of use (lease contract, contract of agreement of tenancy
whichever is applicable);
c) The farm is integrated and diversified, a specialized farm producing a specific commodity
in sizable volume (e.g. mango farm, cacao farm, dragon fruit farm, corn farm, root crop
farm, goat farm, etc.) or a farm demonstrating a special technology on agriculture(urban
gardening, edible landscaping, etc.);
d) With basic techno-demo farm facilities, holding area, a wash room and toilet; and
e) Accessible by land and other transportation facilities;
2.2 The Farm Owner or Farm Family
a) Primarily, the farmer must be a graduate of ATI training courses/programs relevant to the
operation of a Learning Site for Agriculture(list of trainings attended as evidence) ;
b) Successful in farming /as an entrepreneur;
c) Farm tiller or should be the main actor in the operation of the farm not just a farm owner
or business person;
d) Willing and able to demonstrate technologies in the farm;
e) A farmer-leader or respected in the community;
f) Available and enable to orient his/her practices to the clientele;
g) With potentials for further enhancement;
h) Willing to be trained regularly;
i) Healthy, physically fit to perform the responsibilities of LSA(with medical certificate);
j) A Filipino citizen residing in the country(must not be dual citizenship)
k) Member of RBOs (4-H,RIC,P4MP, IP, Farmers Association/Organization and
Cooperatives (certificate of membership as evidence)
l) Magsasaka Siyentista of the FITs center component of the Techno
Gabay Program;
m) Recipient of the DA Family Support such as farm machineries, equipment, facilities,
production inputs and other benefits;
n) Recipient of awards from credible institutions(e.g. GAWAD SAKA, Rice, Corn and
Cassava Achievers Award, TOFARM, etc).(photocopy of awards as evidence)
2.3 For the Institution Level (Agencies, SUCs, CHED, DepEd, LGUs)
a) Successful in demonstrating farming or the agri-processing as a viable
b) enterprise for learning purposes;
c) Have a staff permanently assigned with a Special Order/ Designation as evidence to
maintain the demonstration farm or the agri-processing enterprise;
d) Have a staff assigned with a Special Order/ Designation as evidence to demonstrate the
technologies in the farm or the agri-processing enterprise for the clients at any given
time; and
e) Generally fall under the “Technical Assistance Only” category.
2.4 The Agri- Processing Enterprise Owner

a) May not necessarily be a farmer or farm family;

b) Must be a graduate of ATI training courses/programs relevant to
c) the operation of LSA on agri-processing(list of trainings attended as evidence;
d) Successful as an agri-processing entrepreneur;
e) Main actor in the operation of the enterprise;
f) Leader or respected in the community(Certification from from the
g) Brgy. Capt. as evidence or other authorities in the community)
h) With potentials for further enhancement;
i) Willing to be trained regularly;
j) Healthy, physically and mentally fit to perform his/her
k) responsibilities;
l) A Filipino citizen residing in the country;
m) Member of RBOs;
n) Other considerations (recipient of processing equipt. And facilities from DA, DTI,
DOST, etc.; recipient of agriprocessing related awards(picture or photocopy of awards as
2.5 Procedure in Certifying the Learning Site for Agriculture (LSA)
a) Information Dissemination
b)Receiving of Application
c) Orientation of the applicant
d)Accomplishment of Farm Profile Form
e) Field Validation/ Ocular Inspection
f) Acceptance by the prospective LSA
g)Preparation of LSA Development Plan
h)Endorsement/ submission of application to ATI-CO
i) Processing of the filled-up forms with the requirements needed and evaluation of
submitted requirements
j) Preparation of report and recommendation/MOA Preparation
k)Approval of LSA certificate and preparation of signage lay-out
l) Issuance of LSA certificate, signage and execution of MOA.
2.6 Checklist of Requirements
a) Letter of Intent by the Farmer-applicant or Letter of Endorsement/Recommendation by
the LGU.
b)Properly Filled-up Farm Profile Form
c) Learning Site for Agriculture Evaluation(LSA) Form
d)Acceptance to Become LSA Form
e) Farm Development Plan
2.7 Required Documents
a) Photocopy of Training certificates and Awards received
b) Photocopy of tax declaration/ Land Title/ Authority to develop
c) the farm/site
d) Medical Clearance of the applicant
e) Certificate of Residency
f) Farm Development Plan
g) Farm Lay out(indicating the existing facilities)
3. Responsibilities of the Learning Site for Agriculture Owner
For LSAs with financial assistance:
a) Prepare and submit the physical development plan immediately;
b) Provide counterpart in the physical development of the site(in cash or in kind or both);
c) Implement the physical development as approved and complete on the required time
d) Update ATI regularly for the status of implementation and submit a completion report
e) Make available his/her farm or processing enterprise as demonstration area for hands-on
f) Maintain operation records of production and sales, technologies developed and shared,
activities undertaken, visitors and trainees served and other accomplishments
g) Submit semestral accomplishment report to ATI containing the operation records(no.9);
h) Sustain the operation as LSA for at least five (5) years.
4. Responsibilities of the Agricultural Training Institute
a) Conduct ocular inspection of the site;
b) Assist in the preparation of dev’t plan,

c) evaluate and approve the physical development plan,

d) provide assistance in cash or in kind;
e) Pay the cost incurred for ATI-organized activities conducted at the site;
f) Arrange with the LSA schedule of ATI activities to be conducted at the site;
g) Document and packaged the best practices/technologies of the LSA;
h) Provide capability building interventions for the continuing enhancement of the LSA
i) Assist the LSA owner in acquiring competency certificate from TESDA; and
j) Conduct monitoring and evaluation of the LSA
5. Responsibilities of the Local Government

a) Assist the LSA owner in the implementation of its development plan;

b) Helps in the monitoring of the LSA projects.
c) Assist in the submission of accomplishment report by the LSA owner.

6. Financial Assistance for Facility Development

PARTICULARS Maximum Amount

Initial Establishment Php150,000.00

Enhancement/Improvement Php 100,000.00

 A detailed breakdown of items needed for the development as well as the
enhancement must be enumerated to justify the amount to be provided to the LSA.
 Documentary evidence shall be the attachments to further justify the provision of
financial support.
 The assistance in cash must be properly liquidated on time, following government
accounting and auditing rules, regulations and protocols.
 Close monitoring shall be done to ensure that the cash provided will be utilized as
7. Other Privileges

a) The LSAs may accept assistance from other agencies/ entities to

b) help them set-up or improve their operations.
c) The LSAs may accept other clients to serve, provided ATI will be given priority in their
d) The various LSAs can opt to organize themselves into a network of Practical Agriculture
Associations/Organizations providing extension services and enable them to apply for
accreditation as Private Extension Service Providers of the ATI.

8. Provisions on the Implementation of the Program

a. Not qualified to apply for LSA
 Current ATI personnel, including their spouses, children and other relatives.
 Government employees, employed with gov’t agencies and local government units
including their spouses.
 Elected officials, currently serving their term including their spouses, children,
grandchildren and in-laws.
b) The established procedures and guidelines shall be strictly followed in the identification
and certification of LSAs.
c) The establishment of LSAs should be focused primarily on their responsibilities as partners
in extension service and not the provision of assistance by the ATI.
d) The initial consideration in the establishment of LSA should be the existence of a demo
area or agriprocessing and not to start from zero.
e) It is not mandatory that all the farmers and the rural community members will become
f) The LSAs should be equitably and strategically located in the municipalities/provinces to
maximize their utilization.

g) LSA should be at least one(1) per municipality.

h). If the LSA owner is incapacitated, migrated or died, other family members can take over
to continue operations.
i) The certified LSA can be dropped from the list and required to return the amount of
assistance availed if it remains unfunctional, non-compliant and with undesirable behavior for
three (3) consecutive monitoring periods.
9. Monitoring and Evaluation Schemes
a) Monitoring will focus on “outputs” while internal evaluation will focus on “success
b) Regular updating of LSA database.
c) Submission of semestral accomplishment reports.
d) ATI to conduct field monitoring and visit to the certified LSAs.
e) Partner with LGUs/SUCs to assist in the filed monitoring and visit.

10. Internal and Impact Evaluation

a) Internal evaluation shall be undertaken every 2 years.
b) Impact evaluation shall be conducted to determine the achievement of the desired
outcomes and objectives of the program.

The School for Practical Agriculture Accreditation (SPA)

An exceptionally performing Learning Site for Agriculture (LSA) based on an

evaluation to be undertaken will be up-scaled to SPA and will be developed further by the
ATI. Wherein, the farm/agri-products/by-products enterprise shall be further enhanced with
basic training facilities and the owner shall be trained further for competence. In effect, the
SPA shall become a "training center in the field" to complement the ATI in the delivery of
training and extension services to the clientele.
I. Added Features
The SPA shall carry the general features of a LSA being such initially, but shall have the
following as added features:
 The SPA farmer/farm family shall be referred to as "farmer-trainer"; the agri-
products/by-products processor as "processor-trainer."
 The integrated farm (either crop-based, livestock based or fishery-based) is enhanced
with additional commodities and/or increased area or the specialized commodity farm is
enhanced with increased area or has become integrated, both showcasing the best cultural
management and science-based practices; the agri-products/by-products enterprise
expanded or upgraded from single product to multi-product processing showcasing
practical but scientific processing techniques.
 The farm activities cover production to successful marketing while the processing
enterprise activities cover processing to packaging and successful marketing as well.
 In addition to the basic demo farm/processing facilities; it shall have functional facilities
needed to undertake live-in training & extension activities such as a modest lodging
facility, toilet and bath, classroom with training equipment.
The SPA will still continue the functions of a LSA. In addition, it shall serve as:
 an alternative or complementary training venue for ATI's training interventions
particularly for agricultural skills and/or processing skills development training courses
that require hands-on methodologies on a live-in arrangement;
 a model to showcase the development of an ordinary farm to an agribusiness farm which
would redound to increased farm income, proving agriculture as viable and productive
livelihood and source of income/a model to showcase the benefits of value-adding
through processing; and
 source of training and the other extension services in the field such as farm business
advisory services, information support and technology demonstration.
II. Components of the SPA:
a) Training. Training shall be undertaken at the site by the farmer-trainer/processor-trainer
employing hands-on method with the farm/processing enterprise as the practicum area.
b) Demonstration Services. Method and result demonstrations will be undertaken.
c) Information Support. Information communication materials such as leaflets, flyers,
hand-outs and other visual materials shall be distributed by the SPA to its clients. These
may be acquired from the ATI.
d) Technical Assistance. Technical information and guidance shall be provided by the
farmer trainer/processor-trainer in addition to the training and information support.
e) Complementary Projects. Projects, such as processing center, marketing outlet or one
stop-shop may be set-up as additional features and income source and in preparation to
becoming a Farm Tourism Site for accreditation by the DOT.
1. Selection Criteria
    1.1 For LSA to be up-scaled to SPA, the following criteria shall be considered:
a) Should have been LSA for at least one (1) year
 b) Track record of exceptional performance as LSA
(To establish track record and exceptional performance, the ATI will review the
monitoring reports and accomplishment reports submitted).
        c) For the Farm:
 continues practice of integrated farming system/the specialized
farm practices should have been enhanced;
 farm activities continues to cover production to marketing;
 preferably, the farm should be at least 1,000 sqm;
d) For the Agri-Products/By-Products Enterprise:
 the processing facilities improved/upgraded
 processing techniques and skills of the owner upgraded
 processed products diversified and volume of production increased
 Sustained number of clientele served
 Other accomplishments and pertinent information
 Willing to counterpart in the enhancement of facilities for SPA.
 Owner willing to conduct training and extension activities in the
 Preferably with potentials to become a Farm Tourism Site for
accreditation by the DOT

 1.2  In exceptional cases and if meritorious, farm/processing enterprise owners can apply
directly to become SPA without passing through the LSA stage provided they meet the
criteria and standards set for both LSAs and SPAs.
2. Ocular Inspection/Field Validation
An ocular inspection will be undertaken to determine if the criteria set is fulfilled using
the "SPA Acceptance Evaluation Form".
3. Recommendation for Up-scaling to SPA
After the review of track record and ocular inspection, a recommendation report will be
prepared by the concerned ATI focal person to serve as justification for the up-scaling. Such
report shall contain the updated Farm Profile, the accomplishments as LSA, evaluation
results, and other pertinent information.
4. Orientation of the Prospective SPA
The prospective SPA owner will be oriented on the SPA features and responsibilities for
his/her/their decision to accept or decline. If accepts, to become SPA, the owner signs
the "Acceptance to Become SPA Form".
5. SPA Development Plan Preparation
Upon acceptance to become SPA, the owner will prepare and submit the development plan to
enhance the site towards becoming an SPA. Such development plan may include the
 further farm lot/processing enterprise improvement/enhancement
 provision of additional basic farm tools and machineries/processing
facilities for processors
 provision of basic farm inputs/processing materials
 setting-up of low cost mini/modest training facilities: classroom for 15-25
participant capacity (about 50 sq m); sleeping quarters for 15-25 participants; toilet
and bath; training equipment
 complementary projects such as one-stop shop or marketing outlet and other tourist
6. Execution of Memorandum of Agreement
On approval of the development plan the "Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for SPA
Establishment" between ATI and the SPA owner will be executed to formalize the
partnership with the approved development plan as attachment.
7. Issuance of SPA Certificate and Signage
SPA Certificate and Farm Signage will be issued by the ATI Central Office. The signage
shall contain the ATI logo and LSA/SPA logo among others.
8. Registration with Appropriate Agencies
To be legitimate, the SPA shall register with the Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC), Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), and Department of Social Welfare and
Development (DSWD).
9. Responsibilities
a) The Farmer/Farm Family/Agri-Products/By-Products Processor
 Prepare development plan for the up-scaling to SPA
 Provide counterpart in the development of the SPA
 Implement the development plan as approved and complete such on the agreed time
 Update the ATI on the status of implementation of the development plan regularly
and submit a completion report after
 Continue to practice science-based diversified and integrated farming system/practical
but scientific agri-products & by-products processing
 Continue to orient field visit groups arranged by the ATI
 Train participants, scholarship grantees, 4-H youth trainees arranged by the ATI on a
live-in arrangement
 SPA farmer turned agri-preneurs,
- shall adopt small farmers who eventually will become their partners in
- using "buy-back" scheme, act as consolidator of farm products of small farmers at
fair and reasonable prices.
 Continue to document technologies developed/used.
 Continue to attend ATI-required capability building interventions.
 Continue to maintain records: production and sales data, technologies
developed/shared, farm activities/processing enterprise activities undertaken, visitors
and trainees served other relevant accomplishments.
 Continue to submit quarterly accomplishment report to ATI.
 Sustain operation of the SPA for at least five (5) years.
b) The ATI
 Conduct ocular inspection of the site.
 Assist the SPA in the formulation of development plan for further improvement
based on the monitoring and evaluation results by the ATI and by providing the
 Evaluate and approve the development plan.
 Provide assistance in cash, in kind or a combination of both cash and kind based on
the approved SPA development plan, the amount of which shall not exceed the
authorized amount indicated in the guidelines.
 Monitor the implementation of the development plan.
 Provide capability-building interventions such as training, coaching and technical
assistance to continuously equip the SPA owner with the necessary knowledge, skills
and attitude.
 Assist the SPA owner in acquiring competency certificate from TESDA (higher level
than the one acquired as LSA).
 Provide SSS and PCIC insurance as social protection (if not yet provided while LSA).
 Provide information materials needed.
 Arrange with the SPA scheduled ATI activities to be conducted at the site.
 Pay the cost for ATI-organized trainings and other activities conducted by the SPA -
meals and lodging, supplies and materials, honorarium for services rendered as
resource person and other direct training costs on a per activity basis, subject to
government accounting and auditing rules.
 Document and package the best practices/technologies developed and used by the
SPA owner.
 Conduct quarterly monitoring of the SPA activities and accomplishments.
 Conduct annual evaluation of the SPA.
10. Process flow for the Accreditation of School for Practical Agriculture
a) Information dissemination
b) Submission of Letter of Intent
c) Accomplishment of Farm Profile/ Recommendation Letter (Direct SPA applicant)
d) LS Cooperator to submit Updated Farm Profile; Accomplishments as LSA;
Evaluation results and other documents (up scaling).
e) Assessment of competencies and compliance of the requirements.
f) Conducts ocular Inspection.
g) Prepare validation report and send feedback to the applicant.
h) Orientation of the SPA on the features of the SPA and the SPA co-operator
i) If accepts to become SPA, sign the acceptance form.
j) Prepare and submit farm development plan (for enhancement towards SPA).
k) Prepares signage and signed certificate.
l) Issuance of SPA Certificate and Farm signage; MOA


It involves the organizations which usually undertake trainings and other
complementary extension activities for target clientele along the value chain (input suppliers,
producers, traders, processors and consumers.
I. Purpose for the ESP Accreditation
a) To hasten and improve organic agriculture public- private partnership on extension
services to the Department of Agriculture’s stakeholders;
b) To provide opportunities and wider participation of the private sector in the conduct
of extension services in agriculture and fisheries;
c) To recognize and harness the efforts and capabilities of private institutions/service
providers dedicated to the delivery of agriculture and fishery extension services; and
d) To provide a variety of extension activities to Agricultural Extension Workers,
farmers, IPs and other stakeholders in support to the thrust of AFMA and the Organic
Agriculture Act.
II. Target and Qualified Organizations
a) Rural- Based Organizations;
b) Cooperatives
c) Non- Government Organizations
d) People’s Organizations
e) Multinational companies
f) Business Entities
g) Foundations
h) Faith-based Organizations

III.Qualification Requirements
a) Eligibility Requirements
 Articles of Incorporation, its by-laws, and amendment thereof, duly registered
with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
 DTI/DOLE/SEC Registration Certificate/ CDA for Cooperatives
 Tax Identification Number (TIN)
 Mayor’s Permit/ Municipal License
b) Credibility
 Must have a positive image and a high degress of acceptability among
stakeholders in the area/s to be served, including membership in or affiliation
with any reputable local, national and/or international federations.
 Must also have an accumulated experience of not less than five (5) years in
Agriculture and Fisheries Extension (AFE) work especially using
participatory/ community- based approaches and documented positive impact
on stakeholders.
 Must not also have any record of anomaly in its previous transactions.
c) Resource Capability
 Manpower- Trainers, and Training Management Staff
 Facilities- Dormitory. Training Hall. CR, etc.
 Equipment- Projector, Laptop, etc.
d) Technical Capability
 Must have the competence to carry –out trainings that respond to the needs of
the agriculture and fishery sector as identified in the National Educators
Academy of the Philippines (NEAP). 
e) Financial Capacity
 The Extension Service Providers audited financial statement stamped
“received” by the BIR or its duly authorized and accredited institutions for the
immediately proceeding year, showing among others, its total and current
assets and liabilities, or Certificate of Tax Exemption.
IV. Process flow of the ESP Accreditation
a) Filing of Application
 Legal documents
 Technical documents
 Financial documents

b) Documentary Evaluation
 Document evaluation in ten (10) working days upon receipt of the
c) Ocular Inspect and Validation
 Ocular inspection and field evaluation report prepared in ten (10) working
days after the inspection
d) Approval/ Disapproval of Application
 Approval/ disapproval of applications in ten (10) working days upon
submission of the inspection report.
(In case of non- conformance, five (5) days will be given to comply with the
required documents failure to comply shall means automatic disapproval.)
e) Awarding of Certificate
 The Executive Officer will issue the Certificate of Accreditation.



I. Categories of Agri-Tourism/Farm Sites.

For purposes of accreditation, agri-tourism/farm sites are categorized as follows, namely:

a) Day Farm
b) Farm Resort
II. Minimum Standard Requirements
For purposes of accreditation, the following are the minimum standard requirements
for the operation and maintenance of agri- tourism/ farm sites

2.1 Location

The farm shall be situated in a generally safe and peaceful location.

2.2 Facilities/Amenities (for day and farm resorts)

The farm shall have the following facilities/amenities, or can also be available in the
nearest service area at least not more than two hours drive from the farm, in
addition to the existing facilities necessary for its regular operation:
a) Reception/Information Counter- an information counter or reception area
shall be designated where guests can inquire about the farm’s tour offerings,
services or amenities. It can also serve as briefing area for the tour.
b) Parking-parking area with designated drop-off/loading area shall be provided
for buses and other public as well as private vehicles.
c) Dining/Multi-Purpose Area- there shall be a dining, recreational and
activity area for guests. Picnic grounds shall use outdoor fixtures made of
indigenous materials in keeping with the farm setting.
d) Farm Guide - Farm guides shall accompany the tour group during the entire
conduct of the farm tour. They shall provide information on farm operations,
processes, products and other unique features of the farm.
e) Souvenir Shop/ Mini-Trading Area - There shall be a souvenir shop or
mini-trading post to provide guests with a place to purchase the farm’s
produce (fresh or processed) and/or negotiate for possible business
partnerships or transactions.
f) Accommodation (for farm resorts only) - There shall be accommodation
facilities which shall comply with the minimum standard
requirements of an accommodation facility of the DOT.
g) Restaurant (for farm resorts only) - There shall be a restaurant or catering
service within the farm resort’s premises to cater to the dining needs of
h) Infrastructure - Support infrastructure facilities shall be in place such as
road, electricity, water and communication.

III. General Rules on the Operation and Maintenance of Agri-Tourism/Farm Sites

3.1 Operation

The farm shall be in operation for at least three (3) months in a year.

3.2 Safety and Security

To ensure safety and security, the following shall be available:

a) Security Personnel - security personnel shall be on duty on a 24-hour basis to

ensure the safety of guests.
b) Safety Signages - appropriate safety signages shall be conspicuously displayed
within agri-tourism/farm site;
c) “Off Limit” Areas - “Off Limit” areas shall be clearly demarcated. Access to
these areas shall be roped-off or blocked. Public areas shall be specifically
d) Fire Fighting Facilities - There shall be fire fighting facilities within the farm.
e) First Aid Kit - A well-stocked first aid kit shall be made available at all
f) Farm Equipment - Farm equipment shall have proper parking or storage areas.
Farm equipment, purposely put on display, shall be roped-off from visitors.

3.3 Sanitation. The following sanitary facilities shall be provided:

a) Wash Areas - There shall be designated wash areas within the farm with
ample amenities such as continues flow of clean water, soap, hand towel or
tissue paper.
b) Restrooms - There shall be separate clean and well-maintained restrooms
for male and female. Bathrooms shall also be provided, if applicable.
c) Garbage Cans - There shall be garbage cans in all activity areas.
d) Garbage Disposal/Waste Management - Garbage/waste disposal shall adhere
to sustainable methods and techniques geared towards
environmental protection.

3.4 Documentation.

a) Filing of Application-
Any person, partnership, corporation or other entity desiring to secure an
accreditation to operate an agri-tourism/farm site from the Department shall
accomplish in duplicate and file with the Department, the application form
prescribed for such purpose.

b) Documents Required to Support Application for Accreditation of Agri-

Tourism/Farm Site
Unless otherwise indicated in the form, the application shall be
accompanied by two copies of the following documents:

 Appropriate permit from the local government unit;

 List of officers/owners and farm guides indicating therein their nationality,
home address and position, certified correct under oath by the owner/general
 In the case of single proprietorship, a Business Name Certificate and all
amendments thereto duly registered with the Bureau of Trade Regulation and
Consumer Protection, Department of Trade and Industry;
 In the case of a corporation/partnership, a certified copy of the Articles
of Incorporation/Partnership and its By-Laws and amendments thereto, if applicable,
duly registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (for farm resorts only);
 Such other documents that the Department may require from time to time.

3.5 Inspection

a) Creation of an Inspection Team

The Department shall create an inspection team composed of two (2) members
to conduct inspection of the facilities of the applicant farm to determine whether it
meets the standards set by the Department.
b) Inspection Checklist to be Accompanied During Ocular Inspection of Agri-
Tourism/Farm Site
The team shall provide itself with a set of inspection checklist of requirements for the
Agri-Tourism/Farm Site.
c) All Observations of the Applicant to be Entered in the Inspection

Any observation of the applicant or its duly authorized representative present at the
time of the inspection on any adverse findings of the team shall be entered in the
inspection checklist. The applicant shall then be furnished with a copy of the
accomplished inspection checklist.
d) Report of the Team
Within five (5) days from the date of the inspection of the agri-tourism/fam
site, the team shall render a report of its findings and recommendations.
e) Defects and Deficiencies Found During the Inspection
Where certain defects and deficiencies have been found in the course of the
inspection, the Department shall serve notice and give direction to the proprietor,
manager or operator to rectify the defects or deficiencies within a reasonable
period of time.

f) Periodic Inspection
When necessary or when the public interest and safety dictates, the Department may
send an inspection team hereof, for the purpose of finding out whether the accredited
agri-tourism/farm site is being kept and/or managed in a manner conforming to the
standards set by the Department. The inspection shall be conducted at a
reasonable time of the day with due regard and respect accorded to the right of
privacy of parties concerned.
g) Failure to Remedy the Defects and Deficiencies
Failure of the management to remedy the defects or deficiencies shall be a
ground for the revocation of the agri-tourism/farm site’s Certificate of Accreditation.
3.6 Issuance of Certificate of Accreditation and Sticker

a) Issuance of Certificate of Accreditation and Sticker

If the applicant has satisfactorily complied with the minimum standards and
the prescribed documentary requirements, the Department shall then issue the
Certificate of Accreditation and Sticker in favor of the applicant.
b) Validity of Certificate of Accreditation and Sticker
The validity of Certificate of Accreditation and Sticker shall be for a period of two
(2) years from the date of issue, unless sooner revoked by the Department; provided
however, that the agri-tourism farm site shall be subject to an annual inspection to
monitor and ensure compliance with the minimum standard requirements.
c) Accreditation Fees
An accreditation fee of One Thousand Pesos (P1,000.00) and additional One
Hundred Pesos (P100.00) for sticker shall be collected from the applicant that
have complied with the requirements for accreditation.

3.7 Supervision of Accredited Agri-Tourism/Farm Sites

a) Request for the Department Identification Cards

The Department Identification Cards shall be issued to bonafide employees of

the operator of agri-tourism/farm site upon request subject to payment of a nominal
fee; provided, that said employees are included in the list of personnel submitted by
the operator.
b) Surrender of ID Cards

The operator shall within seven (7) days notify the Department regarding officers and
employees who have ceased to be employed from their firm and shall surrender said
officers’/employees’ ID cards.

c) Display of DOT Certificate of Accreditation and Sticker

The valid Certificate of Accreditation and Sticker shall be displayed in a
conspicuous place of the farm.
d) Non-Transferability of Certificate of Accreditation and Sticker The
Certificate of Accreditation and sticker shall be exclusive to the firm or
establishment named therein and shall not be transferable.
3.8 Grounds for the Cancellation of Accreditation
Any of the following acts or omissions shall be sufficient ground for the cancellation
of accreditation.

a) Making any false declaration or statement or making use of any such

declaration or statement or any document containing the same or committing
fraud or any act of misrepresentation for the purpose of obtaining the grant
of accreditation provided that the cancellation of accreditation as herein stated
shall be without prejudice to any action which may be initiated by the Department
pursuant to law against the violator;
b) Failure to maintain the standards and requirements for accreditation as
provided in these Rules;
c) Violation of or non-compliance with any of the provisions of these Rules,
promulgated orders, decisions and circulars issued by the Department and other
concerned government agencies;
d) Promoting, facilitating or conducting activities constituting prostitution or
other illegal undertakings such as but not necessarily limited to those involving
children and the disadvantaged as part of a tour for both foreign and domestic
e) Gross and evident bad faith in dealing with clients or fraudulent solicitation of
business; and
f) Any other act or omission inimical to the interest of the tourism industry.

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