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Cotabato State University

College of Engineering, Technology, and Computing

Department of Civil Engineering
Sinsuat Avenue, Cotabato City







A villa is a type of house that was originally an ancient Roman upper class country house. Since

its origins in the Roman villa, the idea and function of a villa have evolved considerably. After the fall of

the Roman Republic, villas became small farming compounds, which were increasingly fortified in Late

Antiquity, sometimes transferred to the Church for reuse as a monastery. Then they gradually re-evolved

through the Middle Ages into elegant upper-class country homes. In the Early Modern period, any

comfortable detached house with a garden near a city or town was likely to be described as a villa; most

survivals have now been engulfed by suburbia. In modern parlance, "villa" can refer to various types and

sizes of residences, ranging from the suburban semi-detached double villa to, in some countries,

especially around the Mediterranean, residences of above average size in the countryside.

In terms of design, there was often little difference in the main residence between these types at

any particular level of size, but the presence or absence of farm outbuildings reflected the size and

function of the estate.

Not included as villae were the domus, city houses for the élite and privileged classes, and

the insulae, blocks of apartment buildings for the rest of the population. In Satyricon (1st century

CE), Petronius described the wide range of Roman dwellings. Another type of villae is the "villa

maritima", a seaside villa, located on the coast.

A concentration of Imperial villas existed on the Gulf of Naples, on the Isle of Capri, at Monte

Circeo and at Antium. Examples include the Villa of the Papyri in Herculaneum; and the Villa of the

Mysteries and Villa of the Vettii in Pompeii.

There was an important villa maritima in Barcola near Trieste. This villa was located directly on

the coast and was divided into terraces in a representation area in which luxury and power was displayed,

a separate living area, a garden, some facilities open to the sea and a thermal bath. Not far from this noble

place, which was already popular with the Romans because of its favorable microclimate, one of the most

important Villa Maritima of its time, the Miramare Castle, was built in the 19th century.[1]

Wealthy Romans also escaped the summer heat in the hills round Rome, especially around Tibur

(Tivoli and Frascati), such as at Hadrian's Villa. Cicero allegedly possessed no fewer than seven villas,


the oldest of which was near Arpinum, which he inherited. Pliny the Younger had three or four, of which

the example near Laurentium is the best known from his descriptions.

Roman writers refer with satisfaction to the self-sufficiency of their latifundium villas, where

they drank their own wine and pressed their own oil. This was an affectation of urban aristocrats playing

at being old-fashioned virtuous Roman farmers, it has been said that the economic independence of later

rural villas was a symptom of the increasing economic fragmentation of the Roman Empire.

The proposed project is a two-storey residential building with a ground floor area of 515 sq.

meters. The design project is located at Purok Awal, MBRH, Cotabato City. The general objective of the

study is to design a modern residential building in accordance with the general standard and

specifications of NSCP 2015. The study also aims to determine the impact of the project on the

environment and determine the effective sizes of structural members for a safe and efficient Residential

Building to cater to the needs of different communities. Aside from that, the project aims to estimate the

materials, labor, and other costs to be incurred in the completion of the design project, and determine the

project schedule. The details of the analysis and design of the two-storey modern residential building will

be presented by the researchers through the detailed engineering design of the aforementioned proposed

project and computations of the loads will be based on the NSCP 2015.

The villa holds a central place in the history of Western architecture. On the Italian peninsula

in antiquity, and again during the Renaissance, the idea of a house built away from the city in a natural

setting captured the imagination of wealthy patrons and architects. While the form of these structures

changed over time, and their location moved to suburban or even urban houses in garden settings, the core

design tenet remained an architectural expression of an idyllic setting for learned pursuits and spiritual

withdrawal into a domestic retreat from the city. After the Renaissance, the villa appears beyond an

Italian context as an architectural form revived and re-imagined throughout western Europe and in other

parts of the world influenced by European culture.




This project seeks to design and develop a two storey residential building; specifically, it seeks to

answer the following questions:

1. What is the environmental impact of the proposed project?

2. What is the estimated material cost for completing the design project?

3. What is the timetable for the project?


The general objective of the study is to design a residential building in accordance with the

general standards and specifications of the NSCP 2015. The study also aims to determine

the environmental impact of the project and the effective sizes of structural members for a safe and

efficient residential building that can meet the needs of various communities. Aside from that, the project

intends to estimate the materials, labor, and other costs that will be incurred in the completion of the

design project, as well as to establish the project schedule.


It is critical to recognize the close relationship between design and construction when planning

facilities. These processes work best when viewed as a whole. In general, design is the process of creating

a description of a new facility, which is usually represented by detailed plans and specifications;

construction planning identifies the activities and resources needed to make the design a physical reality.

The implementation of a design envisioned by architects and engineers is then referred to as construction.

Building codes, on the other hand, specify the minimum standards for building construction. The

codes are not legally binding in and of themselves. They are used as models by legal jurisdictions when

developing laws and regulations. The primary goal of building codes is to protect public health, safety,

and general welfare in the construction and use of buildings and structures. The following codes are

considered in the design of the project:

 National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP 2015)

 PD 1096 or National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP)

 National Plumbing Code of the Philippines

 Philippine Electrical Code


 Fire Code of the Philippines


The study will primarily benefit future researchers, as it will provide the baseline data required to

complete their CE Project and studies related to this one. Furthermore, the ideas presented may be used as

a reference and a guide to further develop the study in relation to the methods used or to improve it with

different methods. Current and incoming Civil Engineering students can use this study as a resource for

future research projects.

Furthermore, Cotabato State University will benefit from this study because it will be an

additional reference to their library for future students to use. Finally, the study's supporters will find self-

fulfillment as well as new learnings and skills. This research will assist and inspire future researchers to

be more innovative and creative in their endeavors.


The scope of this thesis shall include the analysis and design of a two-story residential building in

accordance with the general standards and specifications of NSCP 2015. It aims to determine the effective

and safe sizes of structural members that will be used in the design. The project will also create a bill of

quantities for the estimated materials, labor, and other costs to be incurred in the completion of the design

project, as well as the project schedule.


Code books are extremely important in the analysis and design of any structure. A building must

fulfill a variety of functions. These functions include the building's utility for the intended use and

occupancy, structural safety, fire safety, and compliance with hygienic, sanitation, ventilation, and

daylight standards. The building's design is determined by the minimum requirements specified for each

of the aforementioned functions. Different codes cover the minimum requirements pertaining to the

structural safety of buildings. Codebooks are used to reduce the risks to life and property posed by unsafe

structures, as well as to eliminate waste caused by assuming unnecessarily heavy loads without proper

assessment. Furthermore, sustainable building practices are encouraged since they imply energy

conservation in construction. Standards such as Smart Building and Green Building Method are also

being used.



Sustainability is now recognized as a critical issue in the design, construction, and long-term

maintenance of civil engineering structures. Infrastructure sustainability is now recognized as a critical

issue in many parts of the world. It is critical that the construction industry recognizes its critical role and

responds positively to the associated challenges. Sustainability is defined as progress that improves

people's lives now and in the future. Designing a more sustainable residential building will help the

community achieve environmental, social, and economic benefits.





3.1.1 Project Rationale

A residential building is one that uses more than half of its floor area for residential purposes. In
other words, a residential building provides sleeping quarters with or without cooking, dining, or both
facilities. The proposed project is a two-storey building and has a dimension of 515 sq.meters. The
general objective of the study is to design a residential building in accordance with the general standard
and specifications of NSCP 2015. The study also aims to determine the effective sizes of structural
members for a safe and efficient residential building in order to cater to the needs of different industries
and communities. Aside from that, the project aims to estimate the materials, labor, and other costs to be
incurred completing the design project and determining the project schedule.

3.1.2 Project Location

The proposed two-storey residential building will be located at Purok Awal, MBRH, Cotabato
City. This project is estimated to have 515 sq.meters with different functional facilities and amenities to
cater to the needs and wants of a priest.

3.1.3 Project Information

The proposed two-storey residential building with different functional facilities has a total area of
515 sq.meters . Since the design of the proposed residential building is a villa home, this project c an offer
facilities and amenities that suitable to the wants and needs of a priest.

3.1.4 Description of Project Phases

To achieve the output of the design project, project phases must first be established. The
following project phase details are the generalized plan to be implemented.

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