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your going need 2 large bowls, 2 small bowls, sift, basting brush, measuring cup,

piping bag, whisk, tablespoon and a teaspoon.

Get your large bowl pour about 200 ml milk into the bowl. Add 100ml boiling water
and about a tablespoon soften butter. Lastly, sprinkle a tablespoon of active dry
yeast. What this does is reactivates the dry yeast. Stir and set aside for about 10
While waiting for the yeast to reactivate, in your other bowl sift 450 grams bread
flour or all-purpose flour as an alternative, add 2 tbsp brown sugar, ½ tsp cinnamon,
½ tsp mixed spice, ½ tsp vanilla extract, 1 tsp salt, zest of half an orange and 1 cup
dried fruits of your choice.
Once the yeast mixture has had its 10 minutes combine the ingredients from both
bowls to create a very sticky dough. If your using an electric mixture use a dough
hook to knead for 7 minutes. If mixing by hand, mix in the bowl to start with then
take it out onto a floured bench and knead for 10 to 15 minutes. After you have
finished kneading the dough, it shouldn’t be very sticky when touched. Return the
kneaded dough to your cleaned mixing bowl and grease it with a bit of oil or butter.
Cover the bowl with a damp tea towel or some cling wrap and allow to rise for 1-2
hours or doubled in size.
Once the dough has risen, form it into a sausage and cut evenly into 12 pieces. Form
each into a bowl and place in a baking tray. Put in a warm, moist place and leave till
doubled in size, or at least has risen by 75%.
While allowing our dough to rise we can begin the crosses. Whisk in a small bowl ¼
cup of flour, 2 ¾ tbsp of Icing sugar and 25-30 ml of milk. Once the dough has risen,
preheat your oven to 220 degrees. With a piping bag or a piece of baking paper
(Instructions for using baking paper), pipe the crosses on to your buns. Then place
tray into the oven and bake buns for 5 minutes at 220 degrees. Then reduce heat to
180 degrees for a further 10 minutes or until golden.
Once there is about 5 minutes left to go on the oven, create a glaze by mixing
together in a small bowl 75ml boiling water and ¼ cup sugar. Mix till sugar dissolves.
While the buns are still hot out of the oven, glaze buns using the basting brush with
the sugar water and allow to sit for 5 minutes.

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