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Presented to the Department of Commercial Law

De La Salle University - Manila

Term 1, A.Y. 2022-2023

In partial fulfillment
of the course

Mark n’ Park

Submitted by:
Arrastia, Andreana Dominique D.
Fernando, Piandre Angelo A.
Pineda, Joey Ptrisha
Pintor, Isabella Marie B.

Submitted to:
Atty. Rene B. Betita

October 14, 2022

I. Background of the Business
Mark n’ Park is a digital parking service that allows motorists to look, book, and pay for
a parking space prior to their arrival at their destination. The application and business is called
Mark n’ Park because of the application’s interface where users need to search and mark or book
a parking spot in our application. The focus of the business is to provide customers a platform
that displays all the available parking spaces and their corresponding fees, but only for a certain
period of time. The business plans to collaborate with parking spaces and parking management
businesses, particularly those near hospitals, schools, arenas, and government offices. As
mentioned, prior to their arrival at their destination, motorists can use the app to reserve parking
spots in available parking spaces and pay using a credit card or a third party payment provider.
The group plans to first develop and create the app in one of the members' houses or
condominiums to reduce costs and expensese. However, the group plans to upgrade and
hopefully get investors to fully expand the application and business. With that in mind, the group
wants to focus its location service in Makati and Manila for the time being. The group decided to
focus on these areas because it is two of the busiest areas in Metro Manila due to both areas
being the center of business and commerce in the country (Bulactical et al., 2013). Overall, Mark
n’ Park aims to provide motorists a guaranteed parking spot.

II. Significance of the Business

The group decided to start Mark n’ Park for two reasons: to provide a platform that eases
the stress of drivers in finding a parking space and to aid in the development of a potential

Every vehicular travel requires preparation and time on both ends for parking. Every
driving experience begins and ends with it; whether in a private garage, on the street, or in a
public parking space, it marks the beginning and end of all interactions between motorists and
their vehicles. Apart from traffic congestion, another rampant road/transportation issue in the
Philippines is the lack of spaces to park. In fact, due to the lack of off-street and legal on-street
parking areas, motorists resort to parking on-street in areas that are prohibited (Bulactical et al.,
2013). Finding a parking space wastes a significant amount of time, and in this fast-paced world,
time is of the essence for all individuals. In their research, the members found that technology
could aid in decreasing the stress of finding a parking spot by providing a platform to digitally
reserve spaces and to provide information on available parking spaces (e.g. Spot Hero, Best
Parking, Park Whiz, and many more). However, despite the discovery of such a solution in the
parking management, there is a lack of businesses that cater to this solution. The group decided
to take the challenge and introduce Mark n’ Park, an app designed to provide information on
available parking spaces and digitally reserve parking spots for a certain period.

Although the automotive industry is a flourishing sector in the Philippines, news or
information regarding the parking management solutions industry growth seems to either be
underdeveloped or a lack of activity in the market. However, there are businesses related to the
industry, such as The Professional Parking Manager, Gold Loop, Intelli Parking, and many more.
Hence, although there is a lack of information or activity in the said industry, many businesses
are catering to the parking solutions market. In contrast, the USA’s parking management
solutions industry was valued at 4.08 billion dollars in 2021 and will continue to grow
significantly in the next few years (Maximize Marketing Research, 2022). According to Future
Marketing Insight (FMI), the global market for this industry is expected to secure 768.2 billion
dollars by 2032. Hence, there is potential for this market, and the Philippines will hopefully
follow shortly. In fact, according to Mercurio (2021), MPTC is investing in the parking business
with Dibz, another digital parking service in the Metro. Overall, Although the Philippines’
parking management solutions industry has a slow growth, with the increased use of technology
brought by the pandemic and the influx of development of in-person activities, the group is
confident that Mark n’ Park could contribute to this industry and earn a profit in return.

III. Mission and Vision

Mark n’ Park commends those individuals, groups, agencies, or organizations who are
working tirelessly to ensure that the services being provided, in terms of parking management, is
optimal on the motorists’ end. However, given the diverse day-to-day concerns of motorists, we
recognize that change is constant and there is still room for further improvement and

With this, Mark n’ Park has formulated the following mission and vision statements:

To provide a quality and reliable digital service that is responsive to the needs of Filipino
motorists by making parking spaces accessible and convenient for them.

By 2030, Mark n’ Park will be the Philippines’ top digital parking service application and
will be accessible to all motorists nationwide.

IV. Feasibility of the Study

Industry Background
As technology becomes more prominent all around the globe, mobile applications and its
development have become more accessible (Fit Academic, n.d.). In fact, at the beginning of
2022, there were approximately 76.01 million internet users in the country, which is a 2.1 million
increase from the previous year (Kemp, 2022). By the year 2026, Insider Intelligence, a market

research company, projected that there will be approximately 4.88 billion internet users
worldwide; this will be more than half of the estimated general population of that year.

On the other hand, the automotive industry in the Philippines has always been a thriving
sector (Statistia Research Development, 2022). This is evident in the fact that, worldwide, the
country is the “eighth city with longest hours spent in traffic” (Philippine Star, 2022). As a result,
Directo (2017) stated that there is a need to provide solutions for commuters to drive around
without carrying the burden or not being able to find parking.

Integrating the two aforementioned industries, given technology’s significance and the
need for motorists to park conveniently, the team has conceptualized Mark N’ Park.

Target Market
Evidently, Mark n’ Park seeks to provide services to individuals that own and drive their
own vehicles. Despite the application reserving parking in only Makati and Manila, its use is not
limited to residences of these cities. Beyond the direct target audience, the benefits of the
application will trickle down to other individuals, such as passengers, businesses, and even other
vehicle owners, because it leads to less time spent looking for parking and instances of illegal

In order to actualize Mark n’ Park, application developers and designers will be procured.
Further market research will be conducted to ensure that the service will properly cater to the
needs and wants of the consumers. Delving into its impact, the group believes that the
application would be of use to consumers because there is a demand for services that make
parking more convenient and accessible, yet there is not a lot of supply. As aforementioned, there
is only one other business–Dibz–with a similar product idea. Given this, further research will
also be conducted on Dibz in order for Mark n’ Park to improve on the former’s weaknesses.
Lastly, while the budget of the application development and launch will be determined through
various meetings and brainstorming sessions with stakeholders, in order to garner funds, the
team will be reaching out to investors and venture capitalists.

V. Proposed Strategy (include business timeline)

SWOT analysis will be utilized as a basis in proposing a strategy for the business. This
would assist Mark n’ Park determine how the business would stand out in the market, where the
weaknesses are, and take a specific plan of action in terms of improving pertinent to the market
conditions. In other words, it provides a clear picture of the business’ competitive advantages
and areas of weakness wherein the group may either address them or downplay the competitor.
Through this analysis, the group will be able to assess the business’ viability, taking into
consideration a business competitor and the trend of demand for services for parking spaces.


● Demand for ● Customers/mo ● More room ● An existing

convenient torists who for service one (1)
services are not innovation competitor
● Availability of tech-savvy and business with the same
service (24/7 ● Capacity of development nature of
service) service could (For example, business
● Excludes the be limited or venturing ● Agreement
need of in small-scale unique with parking
human efforts ● Undeveloped features of the lot owners
for managing network services being (More on the
parking which could offered which context of
spaces result in little makes it partnership
● Innovative to no distinct from between Mark
customer/mot recognition of the others) n’ Park and
orist the services ● Advantage owners/manag
experience being from newly ement of
● Partner with provided emerging parking
local trends spaces.
authorities ● Constant
such as the change in
Makati modern
Parking technology
(MAPA) from
Makati City
and Manila
Traffic and
(MTPB) from
Manila City
for parking

According to the SWOT analysis, there is a great chance for the business to prosper since
most enterprises are adapting to the demand of the digital age. Consumers have integrated
technology in their daily lifestyle, particularly to seek convenience. However, certain challenges
are seen to affect the future operations and success of the business such as consumers who are
not tech-savvy and the gradual technological changes. From the information gathered, the
business plans to execute their services by utilizing the following strategies:
(1) Collaboration with Local Authorities
(2) Easy-to-understand interface
(3) Digital and Traditional Marketing
(4) Competition-Based Pricing
(5) Competitive Analysis

A. Implementation of Proposal

The aforementioned strategies will be integrated in the business operations and is seen
below in the initial business timeline:

Time/Period Activity

Week 1 Conducting of Surveys and Interviews

Week 2 Market and Competitive Analysis

Week 3 Meeting with Various Local Authorities

Week 4 Meeting with Software Developers

Week 5 Introduction of Marketing and Operational


Only the significant activities are listed down in the initial timeline and are subject to
change based on the result of the data analysis.

VI. Source of Data Collection

For the group to see whether the proposed business is feasible, the internal and external
environment will be assessed with the use of surveys. In analyzing the internal environment, a
single parking lot employee per location near universities, hospitals, arenas, and government
offices will be interviewed regarding the relationship between the demand of parking slots vs the
availability of the lot, as well as the time where most slots are filled by their customers. Apart
from this, representatives will be asked for their inputs on necessary improvements and
suggestions that could help the proposed business to address, not only the concerns of its
consumers, but also the issues observed by those who are part of the business operations. This

would allow the researchers to tailor-fit the app and the service based on the needed adjustments
on its operations.

In order to further identify the demand of parking reservation services, the group aims to
conduct a survey among the consumers. This is intended to see whether customers are willing to
avail the services with a fee in exchange for convenience. The results of the survey will allow the
researchers to check whether there is an ongoing demand for apps that could help ease the
burden of motorists and lessen the time consumed in finding a parking spot. Furthermore,
questions revolving around the location and pricing will be included in the questionnaire in order
for the business to provide convenient and affordable services in areas that are usually congested
and unavailable.


Bulactical, A.A., Garcia, M.W., Valdez, J.C., Dizon, F.T., & Gueta, G.P. (2013, August 9).
Comparison of On-Street Parking Management In Ermita-Malate Manila And Makati
Central Business District. [Paper Presentation]. 21st Annual Conference of
Transportation Science Society of the Philippines, Cebu City, Philippines.

DIBZTECH, INC. (April 30, 2018). App Preview: Dibz. Apple. Retrieved from

Directo III, Dino Ray V. (2017, December 14). The problem with parking. Retrieved from

Fit Academy. (n.d.). The Future of Mobile App Development in the Philippines. Retrieved from

Future Marketing Research. (May 2022). Parking Management Solutions Market Outlook
(2022-2032). Retrieved from

Kemp, Simon. (2022). DIGITAL 2022: THE PHILIPPINES. Retrieved from

Lebow, S. (2022, April 21). There will be 4.55 billion internet users worldwide this year, but
growth is slowing. Retrieved from

Maximize Marketing Research. (May 2022). Parking Management Solutions Market – Industry
Analysis and Forecast (2022-2027) by Type, Parking Site, Deployment Type and Regions.
Retrieved from

Mercurio, R. (October 18, 2021). MPTC bullish on parking venture. PhilStar. Retrieved from

Philippine Star. (2022, September 8). Manila is the world's 8th city with longest hours spent in
traffic — study. Retrieved from

Statistia Research Department. (2022, October 10). Automotive industry in the Philppines -
statistics & facts. Retrieved from


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