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Question 1 :


b) Elastic deformation is when bonds are stretched but not broken

Plastic deformation is when interatomic bonds are stretched and momentarily broken
where atoms move relative to each other and new bonds form.

i) if the stress was released when only elastic deformation is occurring the deformation will
be recovered because the interatomic bonds are only stretched but not broken. When stress
is released, atomic bonds are relaxed back to their equilibrium length and atoms are back
into their original positions. You will see no change.
ii)When stress is released during plastic deformation, atoms cannot move back to their
original positions but stretched interatomic bonds relax back to their equilibrium length. This
means the elastic part of the strain will be recovered however the plastic part of the strain
will not. You will see the material being stretched.
d) Aluminium copper alloy curve is higher than pure aluminium because the addition of
copper alloy into aluminium increases the yield strength and hence creates a higher
elastic modulus.

e) The elastic modulus of polyethene (approx max value of 2GPA) is lower than pure
aluminium (approx 62GPA), it is because the bond stiffness is lower than metals,
where thermoplastic becomes increasingly viscous. This is also because polymers
have a lower yield strength and are generally more ductile and able to easily undergo
plastic deformation easily compared to metal which has a higher yield strength and
tends to be more brittle.

Question 4:
a) If the 0.5wt% carbon steel is cooled under equilibrium conditions from 1200 degrees
Celsius to room temperature, it would initially be in the gamma phase (austenite) and
at approx 750 degrees celsius it would enter the alpha and gamma phase (α + γ). At
approx 727 degrees celsius it would enter the apha and cementite phase (α + 𝐹𝑒3𝐶)
b) Using the lever rule, 60wt% of pearlite (cemetile + fereite]
c) The heat treatment to obtain the maximum hardness for this steel composition is
quenching. This is because when steel is quenched, which means it is cooled very
quickly but submerging it in water or oil, it limits the time during cooling for diffusion
to occur and hence ferrite and cemetile will not form, where instead martensite forms.
Matensite has very high strength and hardness and brittle due to its limited
dislocation moment. As a result,
d) A further heat treatment is temperating which is usually heating the quenched steel at
a temperature for a couple hours where austenite cannot form, this causes the
hardness and strength to gradually decrease. However, this depends on the
temperature in order to achieve the desired mechanical properties and physical

Question 3:
a) Magnesium alloys as it has a lower density compared to steel, lower elastic modulus,
non-toxic and corrosion-resistant. Magnesium alloys are lighter than steel so it is not
as strong and durable as steel, however, they have a higher strength- to weight ratio
allowing it to be suitable for engineering components such as the automotive industry
found in car components.
b) -

Question 5:
Steel because they have high durability due to its high tensile strength and high ductility. It
has a high yield strength and non-corrosive elements and wears resistance. Steel is very
brittle, therefore the more brittle it is it less it will elongate.

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