Como VIVÍ Mi Cuarentena COCO

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Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Facultad de Psicología

Competencia Comunicativa en Ingles

Como viví mi cuarentena

Docente: Olga Azalea Aguilar Arriozola

Héctor Alejandro Santoy Brandy 1934397

6° Semestre Grupo: 003

Monterrey, N.L a 14 de Octubre del 2022

Como viví mi cuarentena
First like everyone, at first it would
be a maximum of 2 weeks but little
by little it became longer, at most we
thought it would be 2 months and
we were even making plans for
groups of friends to get together
after the quarantine, which did not
happen because the quarantine
lasted much longer, it was a total of
3 and a half semesters in quarantine
and at first it was fine because it was
something new for us, we did not leave the house and we had more time to do our
activities, around The academics were fine the first 2 semesters but due to the
extended time little by little it was being very repetitive and annoying to be in a
class session, in addition to that it was like because it was not necessary to leave
the house to go to the university, you also only focused on doing teamwork and
activities, it was not necessary for you to know all the members of the room and it
was more relaxed because you did not feel the presence of everything s your
classmates, and as I mentioned it was very productive not to leave home because
you finished the class sessions and you could do them very quickly, and thanks to
that we had a lot of free time in which I focused on watching movie marathons that
I had not seen before like Harry
Potter, Fast and Furious and some
Marvel movies that I had not seen at
the time, also thanks to the fact that
we attended only 3 months at the
beginning, with that short time I was
able to make a good circle of friends,
and with them I was in all the first
semesters and also at that time I met
who today is my girlfriend, also adding
in my free time, certainly my schedule was somewhat out of control because on
most occasions I slept very late and from time to time I had to getting up early, and
in those periods what took up the most time was video games, it was what I
dominated for a good period of time in quarantine, something that doesn't happen
today, certainly also a hundred that it affected a lot to be locked up with your family
for a long time, I feel that a point of tiredness can come because you could only
relate to them and maybe you could not go out with one of your friends, for me I
feel that the quarantine was good due to the extensive free time that could be had
such as reading books, watching series/movies, playing games, making calls with
friends or physical activity at home, but if unfortunate for that reason, it extended
too much and most people wanted to go back to how They were before, and what I
am most glad about was when they mentioned the return to face-to-face classes,
first they were every two weeks and
later it was already face-to-face, it
was already necessary to see
friends and classmates and
socialize more with people.

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