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1. The Earth.

Planet 24
2705. The Earth. A street in a shattered town. The town was demolished because of the war in 2685. After the war, the
land became worthless because the air became very toxic because of missiles and the land became inhabitable. In that
war, there are two camps: one was the assailants, and the other was the defenders. The assailants conquered in that
war, they made an agreement to recoup the loss. During that war, fifty per cent of the world's population fell. The
great scientist Lean scadwark suggested getting away from the planet. They decided to leave people behind because if
there were problems, then the human race would be destroyed. They brought in 80% of the people. The rest people
have nothing to do.Rest of the people continued to live their lives as before.In the beginning they started a new
civilisation, but after using biomissiles, the air was so toxic that human advancement was impossible.Most of the
Children born to this civilisation are disabled. People suffer from cancer.

Mineland.A city near the uranium mine. SUN MINING LIMITED was
operating in the area. Street lights lined the street. It was about 8 p.m. Silence fell over the city like a cemetery. Luke
jhonson, a boy of 20 years old, was returning to his home. The boy wore an overcoat, a beret on his head, and an air
filter on his face to protect himself from the toxic air. There were two holes in the filter, and inside were two motors
powered by batteries. This device not only helped Luke breathe, but also closed the opening between Luke's face and
the air. It was winter season, and the air was very cold. Luke had one hand in his pocket and another hand holding a
suitcase belonging to his father. His father had died of cancer one month ago, and he still had not gotten over this loss.
It was also a reason that his father was a good friend to him, since he had no friends in college .Luke's father worked
there as a senior scientist in the mineral analysis department. He was disappointed at the behavior of the officer who
refused to give him a job because he was too young and had no experience. Luke asked the officer if he could take his
father's things. But they denied it. After several requests, they agreed to give Luke a few things. Which were in that

After going some way. Luke thought to go through the narrow street
because he wanted to go home earlier. So after some way he turned left and move there. When Luke was passing
through a narrow street, suddenly a knife coming from a forward direction hit his shoulder. Luke screamed in a low
voice Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Then he heard a voice “Hay bitch! Give us the money you have otherwise this will be the
last night of your life.”Luke did not reply their word. In the darkness of the night though luke could not see
anything,but he could feel the presence of three boys there. Luke did not want to fight with them but he also did not
want to loose his father’s last property.Though he was very young but he had the skills to handle at least 4 boys at
once because his father was an old military officer. He taught Luke to defend himself in every worst condition. Then
he saw a boy about his age came out behind the wall with a knife in his hand. another boy suddenly came from his
backside and going to stab Luke but suddenly he warned about the danger and pick the boy to shake on the ground.
Then suddenly another boy ran to kill him but he make a sudden movement and grabbed the knife from his holder and
stabbed it into his stomach the boy fall down after that. He turned to see the other boy. When he uncovered the air
filter of the boy, he was astonished. His eyes became, big as if he had seen a ghost. A single word was heard from his
mouth, “Thomas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.” Then he release the person and went back some step. Seeing this the boy got
up suddenly and ran forward. After some time he vanished in the fog. Luke took a heavy breath and pressing his
wound he continued his walking.
2. A Friend
When he reached at home he knocked the door. His mother opened it. “what
happened to you”seeing the condition of luke his mother asked.”Nothing,Mom.let me go inside I’ll explain you later
”luke replied casually.She also did not ask anything more. She took the suitcase from his hand. Then took him
inside.The house has two door. First door took them to a chamber after locking the main door the automatic clean
system of the house cleaned them then opened the door to enter the house. Inside the house his mom uncovered his
face then took him to bandage the wound.

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