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ln Vivo Carcinogenesis Assay of m-Methadone. HCI in Rodents’


Department of Biochemical Pharmacology, EG&G Mason Research Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts 01608

Received December I, 1987; accepted June 20, I988

In Vivo Carcinogenesis Assay of or.-Methadone.HCl in Rodents. ROSENKRANTZ, H., AND

FLEISCHMAN, R. W. (I 988). Fundam. Appl ToxicoL 11,640-65 1. The extensive clinical use of
methadone encouraged the performance of a carcinogenesis bioassay to support risk assessment
in man. An oral LDSO of 178 mg/kg was obtained in B6C3Fr mice. Physiologic changes induced
by mean oral doses of 15, 30, and 60 mp/kg for 90 days included dose-related central nervous
system (CNS) stimulation, fighting, tolerance development, sex-related alteration of food con-
sumption, and no drug-related pathology. In the chronic study dosages were 15 and 60 mg/kg
for mice, 16 and 28 mg/kg for male rats, and 46 and 88 mg/kg for female rats. Survival incidences
for treated and control rodents were 72-86% for mice and 80-90% for rats. Deaths related to
morphologic changes of aging occurred in all groups. CNS stimulation and fighting were more
common to male rodents. Growth rates were unchanged for mice but a dose-related inhibition
occurred for rats. Higher doses stimulated food intake in both species. Neither the type nor
incidence of neoplasia was drug related but a few nonneoplastic lesions may have been. Prelimi-
nary plasma methadone levels at necropsy were dose related in the rat. o I988 society ofToxicology.

Many of the narcotic agonists and antago- plastic nodules and possibly in the incidence
nists in clinical use have not undergone in of liver carcinoma in Fischer 344 rats but not
vivo carcinogenic assessment. In particular in B6C3F1 mice (Rosenkrantz and Fleisch-
methadone,* which has been used for more man, 1988). These adverse findings provided
than two decades, was untested (Senay, an additional reason for conducting a carci-
1983). Genetic screening assays revealed little nogenic assay on methadone.
action in the Escherichia coli DNA repair test The protocol used to evaluate methadone
and in the mouse lymphoma forward-muta- was identical to that applied to LAAM except
tion assay (Brusick et al., 198 1). Questionable for dosages. Gross toxic signs and morpho-
effects on germ cells have been reported logical anomalies permitted differentiation
(Zimmering, 1979; Badr et al., 1979). between the effects of methadone and
Recently the pure antagonist naltrexone LAAM.
was found to be noncarcinogenic (Rosen-
krantz, 1984). On the other hand, the con-
gener of methadone, L-cr-acetylmethadol METHODS
(LAAM), induced an increase in liver neo-
The carcinogenic evaluation of methadone was per-
formed under identical circumstances to that of LAAM
’ The major portion ofthese studies was funded under using the earlier protocols of the National Cancer Insti-
Contract 271-78-3502 from the National Institute on tute (NCI, 1976; Rosenkrantz and Fleischman, 1988).
Drug Abuse (NIDA). Three phases of investigation were mandated: (1) an
’ Methadone is 6-dimethylamino-4,4diphenyl-3-hep- acute oral toxicity in B6C3Fi mice, (2) a 90day oral
tanone, racemate form. study in the same murine strain using three doses, and

0272-0590188 $3.00 640

Copytight 0 1988 by the society of Toxiwlogy.
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.

(3) a 24-month oral bioassay in B6C3F1 mice’ and Fi- thality, behavior, body weight, and appetite were ob-
scher 344 rats3 using two doses of drug (NCI, 1976; Na- served for 7 days and gross pathology was performed on
tional Toxicology Program, 198 1). There exists an exten- approximately 50% of survivors.
sive data base on both rodent strains (Cameron et al., Oral 90-day study in mice. Male mice weighing 19
1985). + 1 g and females weighing 16 f 1 g were arranged as lO/
Quarantined and randomized rodents were ear sex/group housed S/cage and were given a drug/feed mix
punched for individual identification and segregated by containing methadone dosages of 15,30, or 60 mg/kg or
species and sex in a static environmental arrangement feed without methadone. Physiological parameters in-
in one room of a biohazard facility as described for the cluded twice daily observations of behavior and mortal-
LAAM studies (Rosenkrantz and Fleischman, 1988). ity counts; initial, weekly, and final body weights; and
The room was regulated for a 12-hr light/dark circadian weekly food consumption. Body weight and food intake
cycle, an ambient temperature of 23 ? 2”C, a relative hu- permitted measurement of methadone consumption.
midity of 50 + 15%, and 12-15 filtered air changes per Gross pathology findings on all major organs were re-
hour. corded and tissues were preserved for histopathology, if
Rodents in the acute study were housed in 18 X 24 needed.
X 1S-cm wire-mesh suspension cages and received com- Oral 24-month studies in mice and rats. Rodents were
mercial food pellets4 and water from bottles ad libitum. procured as 4-week weanlings and after 3 weeks quaran-
Those in the prolonged studies were in 32 X 24 X 15cm tine male mice weighed 23 f 1 g and females 19 f 1 g
(90 day) or 56 X 32 X 20-cm (24 month) polycarbonate whereas male rats weighed 12 1 rt 2 g and females 101
cages containing wood chips and fitted with filter bon- -t 2 g. Groups of 50 animals/sex/species were fed a low
nets. Feed meal4 was used in order to introduce drug to or high dose of methadone or served as diet controls. The
the diet and an automatic system provided water. Hous- doses for mice were 15 and 60 mg/kg, which were ap-
ing, feeding, and cleaning procedures were the same as proximately 8 and 33% ofthe oral LD50. For the rats the
detailed previously (Rosenkrantz and Fleischman, doses were 20 and 60 mg/kg, which were approximately
1988). 13-20 and 40-60% of known oral LD50s (Finnegan et
The stability and purity of bulk methadone. HCl’ at al., 1948; NIDA, personal communication). Because of
the beginning and termination of studies were deter- the desire to use large nonlethal doses of methadone and
mined by ultraviolet and infrared spectroscopy and thin- in the absence of subchronic data on the rat, the precau-
layer and gas chromatography. The homogeneity and tion was taken to increase rat doses by 10 mg/kg every
concentrations of methadone. HCl in monthly drug/feed other week until the low and high dosages were attained
admixtures prepared for rodent consumption were mon- (Week 3 for the low dose and Week 1 I for the high dose).
itored by gas chromatography using a nitrogen-phospho- The concentration of methadone in feed was determined
rus detector and lidocaine . HCl as an internal standard. as dose was increased to confirm the changes in dose.
Drug/feed admixtures were prepared by initial homog- Thereafter, each monthly drug/feed admixture was ana-
enization of sufficient drug for a dosage group with 50 g lyzed before use and the average intake of each sex was
of feed and then transferred to a steel V-blender to make calculated on the basis of food consumption and body
6 kg of mix. The percentage concentration of metha- weight. For both species treatment was prolonged 2-4
done. HCl in each drug/feed preparation was determined weeks beyond the 24-month assayperiod in order to pre-
by gas chromatography, and in combination with quan- clude possible withdrawal signs before necropsy.
tity of food consumption and body weight permitted cal- Mortality, viability, and gross manifestations of cen-
culation of free base dosage as milligrams per kilogram tral nervous system (CNS) and autonomic anomalies
or parts per million. were monitored twice daily. Body weights and food in-
Oral LD50 trial in mice. Mice weighing 18-22 g were take were recorded monthly. The size and appearance of
grouped 6/sex/cage and were gavaged with 12.5-1600 developing lumps and gross lesions were followed
mg/kg using stock solution concentrations of 2.2-141.2 weekly. Blood specimens were collected under anesthesia
mg/ml and gavage volumes of 0.1 O-O.27 ml per mouse. from external jugular vein before necropsy and while ro-
Control mice received the largest volume of vehicle. Le- dents were still under treatment. Plasma samples were
analyzed elsewhere by GC/MS using deuterium-labeled
analogs as internal standards and ammonia positive ion
3 Procured from Charles River Breeding Laboratories, chemical ionization.6 Gross and histopathology were
Wilmington, MA. performed on approximately 46 tissues and masses from
4 Wayne Lab Blox meal and pellets, Allied Mills, Inc., both deceased and killed animals.
Chicago, IL. The significance of neoplastic and nonneoplastic le-
5 r&-Methadone. HCl was primarily obtained from
the Penick Corp., New York, NY, and smaller batches
identified as BL-1635 and QCD-82179 came from a 6 Courtesy of Dr. Rodger L. Foltz, Center of Human
NIDA repository at the Research Triangle Institute, Re- Toxicology, University of Utah and Dr. Richard Hawks
search Triangle Park, NC. of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA).

sions was evaluated elsewhere using a computerized sta- prostration at doses above 50 mg/kg. Hyper-
tistical program developed for carcinogenesis bioassays activity was associated with lower doses. The
(NCI, 1976).’ Statistical methods applied to neoplasm
data included fatal: life trend test and probability ofdeath effects were dose related and were dissipated
with tumor (one-sided pvalues); incidental: Peto trend by the end of the first or second day. Among
test, Cochran-Armitage test to assess dose-response survivors a second phase of hypoactivity was
trends, and Fisher exact test. The latter was used for as- evident. Deaths occurred within lo-20 min.
sessing significance of rate changes of nonneoplastic le- The LD50 was 178 mg/kg for both sexes. No
sions. The Student t test was used for other biological
data. gross anatomical changes were found at nec-
Prolonged treatment with methadone for
RESULTS 90 days elicited a slowly developing hyperac-
tivity in the first 4 weeks which was accompa-
For the sake of comparison, the predomi- nied by noise sensitivity in both sexes. The
nant responses evoked by methadone are pre- behavioral derangements were dose related in
sented in the format used for LAAM (Rosen- females and occurred only in high-dosed
krantz and Fleischman, 1988). males along with episodic fighting. Tolerance
The purity of methadone. HCl was estab- developed to hyperactivity and hypersensitiv-
lished by melting point (233-236”(Z), a major ity between Weeks 7 and 10. Although body
absorption band at 292 nm, a bifurcated weights were not significantly altered, female
band near 262 nm, a single zone (20- to 40- mice consumed more food at all doses
pg samples) on thin-layer chromatograms, throughout the study while there was a de-
and an infrared spectrum in conformity with crease in food intake for high-dosed males in
chemical structure and superimposable with the last month of treatment. The actual daily
that of an analytical sample. Similar results mean consumption of methadone was 12,23,
were obtained on methadone. HCl recovered and 53 mg/kg for males and 15, 29, and 62
from drug/feed admixtures (various locations mg/kg for female mice. Mortality did not oc-
of the mix) monitored at 5 and 23°C for 3 cur in any group. Except for a mass in the
weeks and on bulk drug at the cessation of spleen of one low-dose male, gross pathology
studies. Gas chromatographic analysis also findings were not remarkable. Fighting
confirmed purity and stability of bulk drug among high-dose males was confirmed by
throughout the studies as well as methadone bite lesions in 20-25% of mice. No drug-re-
concentrations in drug/feed preparations. A lated histopathology was evident.
linear dose (5-40 pg/ml extract)-response
plot was obtained. The mean peak area ratio
(methadone. HCl:lidocaine . HCl) was 1.145 24-Month Carcinogenesis Findings
+ 0.014 (SD) for 10 pg/ml with a coefficient
of variation of 1.2%. Linear regression data I. Behavioral changes. The actual mean
included a slope of 0.1122, a Y intercept of f SD doses consumed by mice were 15.4
+0.0276 and a correlation coefficient of + 0.3 and 60.3 f 0.7 mg/kg for both sexes.
0.9999. Within 2-4 weeks dose-related hyperactivity
and fighting appeared in treated groups,
mainly among males. Tolerance to CNS
Short- Term Findings stimulation developed rapidly but sporadic
fighting occurred in 20% of low-dose males
Acute oral treatment of mice evoked cir- throughout treatment. Controls behaved nor-
cling behavior, Straub tail, convulsions, and mally.
Mean f SD doses consumed by rats were
’ Dynamac Corp., Rockville, MD. 16.1 f 0.4 and 28.1 4 0.9 mg/kg for males

Percentage change ofgrowth rate for treated versus control groupsb

B6C3F, mice Fischer 344 rats

Month Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

in study 15 mg/kg 15 w/k 60w/kg 60mg/kg 16w/kg 28mg/k 46 w/kg 88 mg/kg

1 0 0 +5 -4 -1 +7 -2 +-I
3 0 +3 +4 0 -2 +4 -6 +6
6 -2 f10 +2 +3 -3 +3 -4 +1
9 -4 +8 -1 +6 -5 +2 -8 0
12 0 +8 +5 0 -4 +2 -9 -3
15 -3 +8 +2 0 -5 +4 -9 -4
18 -3 +8 +2 -2 -9 -2 -11 -11
21 -4 +6 -3 -2 -7 -2 -12 -10
24 -3 +2 -3 -4 -10 -2 -14 -14

a Growth rates (monthly body weight:initial body weight) of treated groups were divided by those of corresponding
control groups and converted to percentage changes. To savespace values for 3-month periods are given.
b In general, values exceeding +8% were significant (p < O.Ol-<0.05) by the Student t test.

and 45.8 f 0.5 and 88.1 + 1.5 mg/kg for fe- radically exhibited by high-dose females dur-
males. High-dose males displayed hypersen- ing the second year. Control rats behaved
sitivity or hyperactivity to which tolerance normally.
developed rapidly. Similar behavior was spo- 2. Growth rates and food consumption.


Percentage change of food consumption for treated versus control groupsb

B6C3F, mice Fischer 344 rats

Month Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

in study 15 mg/kg 15 w/kg 60 mg/kg 60 mg/kg 16 mg/kg 28w/kg 46 w/kg 88w/kg
1 0 0 +3 0 -23 -14 +6 +21
3 -2 -2 -13 -10 -5 +14 -1 +25
6 +13 +22 +22 +20 -6 +22 -5 +23
9 +16 +10 +11 +21 -3 +35 -2 +17
12 +6 +20 +3 +30 -5 +40 -6 +27
15 +6 +5 -3 +5 -5 +41 -4 +38
18 +13 +I -8 +6 -20 +31 +11 +34
21 +7 +10 -5 +19 -12 +31 -15 +28
24 +2 +17 +9 +17 -19 +18 -10 +48

a Food intakes of treated groups divided by those of corresponding control groups and converted to percentage
changes. Values of 3-month periods instead of monthly measurements are given to save space.
b In general, values exceeding f 10% were significant (p < O.Ol-40.05) by the Student t test.

Spontaneous (unscheduled) deaths plus moribund deaths

B6C3F, mice (dose in mg/kg) Fischer 344 rats (dose in mg/kg)

Diet Diet
control control
Months 15 15 60 60 16 28 46 88
in study M F M F M F M F M F M F

1-3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I
4-6 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
l-9 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
10-12 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13-15 0 0 3 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
16-18 4 0 3 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 0 3
19-21 4 4 2 1 5 2 1 1 1 4 0 1
22-24 2 4 4 4 2 2 5 1 6 2 4 1
256 I 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0
Total 11 9 14 7 10 9 10 7 9 9 5 7

’ There were 50 animals per group. Exact days of death are known as are which animals died naturally and which
were killed due to morbidity. The data have been telescoped to save space.
‘This month reflects deaths in the final observation period until necropsy could be performed.

That actual dosages consumed affected masses (two to four mice) was similar in
growth rates of each species is revealed by treated and control groups. Neither neo-
data in Table 1. Growth rates of both sexes plasms or nonneoplastic lesions could be as-
of mice were generally unchanged although signed as the major cause of death of mice.
there was a trend toward increased rates Deaths among rats occurred predomi-
among low-dose females. In contrast male nantly in the second year (Table 3). Survival
and female rats progressively had reduced rates were 80-90% for males and 82-86% for
rates which were dose related. females in all groups. About 30% of dying
More revealing was food intake (Table 2). males in each group were killed because of
A similar increase occurred for female mice morbidity while palpable masses were found
at both doses whereas food increments only in female groups. The exact causes of
among males were more common at the low death were not established.
dose. The response was more definitive 4. Neoplastic findings. The number of
among rats. Males at both doses consumed mice with specific neoplasms in control and
less food than controls whereas female rats treated groups is given in Table 4. Common
consumed more. Spillage of food was not a tumors of low frequency occurred in the pitu-
factor. itary (males), thyroid, ovary, uterus, hemato-
3. Mortality patterns. Except for an occa- poietic organs, subcutaneous tissue (females),
sional demise in each group in the first year, Harderian gland, and tumors of multiple or-
most deaths appeared related to the aging gans. At higher frequencies, common neo-
process (Table 3). Survival rates were 72-80% plasms were liver hepatocellular carcinoma
for male mice and 82-86% for female mice. and adenoma, lung alveolar/bronchiolar ade-
The number of deceased mice with palpable noma, lymphoma of multiple organs, and


50 Males per group 50 Females per group

Diet 15 60 Diet 15 60
Organ system, type neoplasm control w/kg w/k control mg/kg w/k

Pituitary, (anterior), adenoma 2 0 1 5 15O 4
Thyroid, follicular cell adenoma/
carcinoma 2 I 2 1 0 3
Ovary, fibroma/cystadenoma 0 0 0 2 0 1
Uterus, endometrial stromal polyp 0 0 0 0 2 0
Uterus, angiosarcoma 0 0 0 1 1 0
Liver, hepatocellular carcinoma 12 11 17 5 6 5
Liver, hepatocellular adenoma 9 2 8 3 6 8
Multiple organs, Iymphoma 1 2 5 10 14 9
Spleen. lymphoma 0 1 0 1 1 0
Thymus, Iymphoma 1 1 0 I 1 0
Lymph nodes, lymphoma/hemangioma 3 0 0 0 0 1
Peyer’s patch, lymphoma 1 0 1 0 0 1
Lungs, alveolar/bronchiolar adenoma 8 5 3 1 5 6
Lungs, alveoIar/bronchioIar carcinoma 5 0 1 1 0 0
Other organ systems
Subcutaneous, sarcoma/tibrosarcoma/
fibroma 5 6 4 0 0 1
Multiple organs, sarcoma/mesothelioma 1 1 I 0 1 0
Harderian gland, adenoma 0 2 2 2 2 3

n Significant change at p < 0.05 (fatal: life trend test; incidental: peto trend test, and Fisher’s exact test) for treated
versus control rates.

subcutaneous tumors of male mice. There pheochromocytoma. A uterine stromal sar-

was a significant increase in pituitary adeno- coma and a liver angiosarcoma were ob-
mas in low-dose females. served in low-dose females. Individual high-
Not shown in Table 4 were single occur- dose females had a pancreatic islet cell
rences of neoplasms in mice. A testicular ade- adenoma, a spleen hemangioma, or an hem-
noma, a preputial gland adenoma, a liver angioma of the urinary bladder. The occur-
cholangiocarcinoma, a basal cell adenoma rence of isolated cases of tumors precludes as-
and carcinoma of the stomach, or an adeno- sessment of significance.
carcinoma of the kidney were found among The number of rats with various tumors in
control males. Control females exhibited in- control and treated groups is outlined in Ta-
dividual cases of cervical sarcoma, uterine ble 5. Common neoplasms of high incidence
hemangioma, liver angiosarcoma, mediasti- included pituitary adenoma, adrenal pheo-
nal lymphoma, and brain lymphoma. One chromocytoma, testicular adenoma, mam-
low-dose male had an adrenal cortical ade- mary gland adenocarcinoma/fibroadenoma,
noma and one high-dose male exhibited uterine polyp, liver neoplastic nodules, and a


50 Males per group 50 Females per group

Diet 16 46 Diet 28 88
Organ system, type neoplasm control m/kg as/kg control m&3 w/kg

Pituitary, adenoma 16 10 11 22 18 18
Thyroid, follicular cell adenoma/carcinoma 0 0 0 2
Thyroid, C-cell adenoma/carcinoma 4 4 0 3
Adrenal, cortical adenoma 2 0 0 0
Adrenal, pheochromocytoma 10 4 6 3
Testis, interstitial cell adenoma 46 47 47 0 0 0
Mammary gland, adenocarcinoma/fibroma 2 20 9
Uterus, endometrial stromal polyp 0 0 0 16 18 14
Uterus, endometrial stromal sarcoma 0 0 0 0
Clitoral gland, adenoma/carcinoma 0 0 0 3 3 0
Liver, hepatocellular carcinoma 0 1 0 0 0
Liver, neoplastic nodules 10 9 8 3 1
Pancreas, islet cell adenoma 4 2 0 0 0
Brain, astrocytoma/oligodendrolioma 3 2 0 0 0
Multiple organs, leukemia 4 3 3 5 4 3
Multiple organs, lymphoma 2 0 2 1 0
Lungs, alveolar/bronchiolar adenoma 2 0
Other organ systems
Subcutaneous, sarcoma/lipoma/fibroma 6 6 3
Skin, papilloma

mix of various subcutaneous tumors. Of bronchiolar carcinoma (male and female), an

lesser frequency were neoplasms of the thy- ileual leiomyosarcoma (male), or a mesothe-
roid, adrenal cortex (males), clitorial gland, lioma of multiple organs.
pancreas (males), brain (males), lungs, and Single low-dose males had a mesothelioma
skin. Leukemia and lymphoma were also of the tunica albuginea or an adenocarci-
common. There were no significant changes noma of the jejunum. A parathyroid ade-
related to dose or drug treatment. The nega- noma, a trichoepithelioma of skin, and a
tive trend of frequency for mammary tumors squamous cell papilloma of the skin were
in female rats was significant. However, it found among high-dose males. In the low-
cannot be concluded that methadone was an dose female group, a sebaceous gland ade-
anti-cancer agent since the design of the pro- noma, a basal cell carcinoma of the skin, a
tocol was only pertinent to increments in vaginal sarcoma, and an adenocarcinoma of
neoplasia. the kidney were identified. Single high-dose
Not given in Table 5 were isolated inci- females exhibited a pituitary carcinoma, an
dences of tumors in either control or treated adrenal cortica1 carcinoma, a stomach sar-
rats. Individual control rats had a subcutane- coma, a leiomyosarcoma of the jejunum, a
ous fibrosarcoma (female), a lung alveolar/ mediastinal mesothelioma, or a transitional

cell papilloma of the urinary bladder. A pre- the control or treated animals or both, which
putial gland adenoma was discerned in one did not permit interpretation.
male each in control and treated groups. 6. Plasma drug levels. The plasmas of only
5. Nonneoplastic findings. A myriad of four animals/sex/group/species were ana-
nonneoplastic lesions were found in control lyzed and therefore the results are considered
and treated mice. The number of mice with to be preliminary. The levels of plasma meth-
the more predominant anomalies is listed for adone for both sexes of mice were 17 + 5 (SD)
each group in Table 6. Common lesions of rig/ml at 15 mg/kg and 18 +- 3 rig/ml at 60
similar frequency in control and treated mice mg/kg. Corresponding values for male rats
were found in heart (males), kidneys, lungs, were 26 +- 5 rig/ml at 16 mg/kg and 45 +- 8
hematopoietic tissues, and some reproduc- rig/ml at 46 mg/kg. Female rats values were
tive organs. None of the incidences of mor- 47 f 4 rig/ml at 28 mg/kg and 62 * 8 rig/ml
phologic change were significant. Also insig- at 88 mg/kg.
nificant were sex-related lesions: for male
mice, cardiomyopathy, nephropathy, blad-
der degeneration, adrenal angiectasis/hyper-
plasia, angiectasis of lymph nodes, and min-
eralization of brain; for female mice, degener- The racemic form of methadone is used
ative lesions of the liver and omentum and clinically in order to sustain efficacy and re-
myelofibrosis of bone marrow. duce toxicity (Chen, 1948; Kreek et al., 1979;
Leander and McCleary, 1982). Human oral
Although not dose related, a significant in-
dosages have been in the range of 1-3 mg/
crease in thyroid follicular cell hyperplasia
kg and the rodent doses in the present studies
was discerned in both mice sexes, Aberra-
provide a suitable excess to enhance possible
tions tending to be dose related, but of bor-
expression of carcinogenesis (Thomas et al.,
derline significance, included pituitary hyper-
1979; Senay, 1983). That rodents are suitable
plasia (females), testicular degeneration, and
animal models is suggested by similar drug
uterine hydrometra. binding to opiate receptors and methadone
The number of rats with a variety of non- metabolism as found in man (Pohland et al.,
neoplastic lesions is presented in Table 7. 197 1; Horng et al., 1976).
Predominant but common morphologic al- The current findings have revealed the sim-
terations included cardiomyopathy, mineral- ilar behavioral effects of methadone and
ization of the pulmonary artery, arterial LAAM and the lesser toxicity of the former
vasculitis (males), nephropathy, degenerative (Rosenkrantz and Fleischman, 1988). Toler-
and/or hyperplastic changes in lungs, and ance developed to signs of CNS stimulation
anomalies in endocrine glands, reproductive but was not always complete. Others have
tissues, and digestive organs. Of significance distinguished opioid from nonopioid behav-
were the dose-related increases in frequencies ioral responses (Leander and McCleary,
of pituitary hyperplasia in males and angiec- 1982; Middaugh et al., 1983). Methadone
tasis in the adrenal of males. Also significant evoked an oral LD50 significantly larger than
but not dose related were greater incidences that for LAAM and did not induce deaths at
of C-cell hyperplasia of the thyroid and uter- larger doses given for 90 days. There was also
ine hyperplasia in female rats. Eosinophilia an absence of drug-related deaths in the
cytoplasmic cell changes in liver were evi- chronic study on methadone, unlike LAAM.
dent. Survival rates of all groups were in confor-
Isolated morphological changes of a di- mity with general experience (Cameron et al.,
verse nature occurred in various organs of 1985).
one or two rodents of each species in either Except for male rats, methadone, like



50 Males per group 50 Females per group

Diet 15 60 Diet 15 60
Types of Morphologic lesions control mtikg w/kg control w/kg w/k

Cardiomyopathy 5 4 I I 1
Arteries, vasculitis 2 I 2 1 4
Arteries, hyperplasia (pulmonary) 0 1 4 0 2
Nephropathy, inflammation, degeneration 10 14 13 6 5 3
Nephropathy, hyperplasia/regeneration 9 13 I1 I 4 1
Bladder, intlammation/necrosis 6 4 2 1 0 0
Congestion/histiocytosis 11 7 12 8 8 6
Inflammation/hemorrhage/fibrosis 8 9 II 4 9 6
Hyperplasia 5 3 3 2 6 1
Endocrine glands
Pituitary, hyperplasia 4 6 6 5 I 11
Adrenal, hyperplasia 2 1 4 0 0 0
Thyroid, hyperplasia (follicular cell) 4 1 17” I 10’ 5”
Thymus, lymphoid depletion 4 2 3 4 0 2
Thymus, cyst 2 7 6 0 3 2
Spleen, lymphoid depletion 2 0 2 2 1 2
Spleen, extramedullary hematopoiesis 6 6 5 4 5 2
Spleen, hyperplasia 19 3 3 12 12 8
Lymph nodes, lymphoid depletion 1 7 I 0 1 1
Lymph nodes, hemonhage/angiectasis 20 22 24 4 5 4
Lymph nodes, hyperplasia 4 3 4 3 3 4
Testis. hyperplasia 12 0 1 0 0 0
Testis. degeneration 14 22 21 0 0 0
Preputial gland, intlammation 5 0 3 0 0 0
Prostate. inflammation 2 3 I 0 0 0
Uterus, hyperplasia 0 0 0 39 40 38
Uterus, hydrometra 0 0 0 0 3 5
Uterus, inffammation 0 0 0 4 3 8
Ovary, intlammation/cyst 0 0 0 7 15 12
Forestomach, metaplasia/hyperplasia 4 2 3 2 2
Forestomach, acanthosis/kemtosis 1 1 2 2 3
Liver, fatty metamorphosis/necrosis/
inflammation 12 4 12 20 27 17
Pancreas, atrophy I 2 1 1 6 1
Pancreas, hyperplasia 7 4 2 0 I 2
Integument and miscellaneous
Omentum, inflammation/necrosis 8 6 1 6 19 10
Subcutaneous, fibrosis 4 2 1 1 0 3
Skin, inflammation/necrosis/keratosis 2 7 0 0 0 1
Peritoneum, inIlammation/
hemoperitoneum 1 0 0 4 2 1
Bone marrow, hyperplasia 1 3 0 3 I 0
Bone marrow, myelohbrosis 0 0 0 33 41 39
Multiple organs, inflammation 41 34 31 39 36 40
Brain, hemorrhage 1 I 1 1 1 3
Brain, mineralization 26 21 26 13 15 19

’ Significant change at p < 0.05 (Fisher’s exact test) for treated versus control rate.


50 Males per group 50 Females per group

Diet 16 46 Diet 28 88
Types of morphologic lesions control Wkg w/k control m/k m&k

Heart, cardiomyopathy 40 46 44 45 40 39
Pulmonary artery, mineralization 21 31 27 22 17 17
Arteries, inflammation (aorta/others) 11 4 19 3 2 2
Nephropathy, inflammation, degeneration 49 48 49 39 44 45
Nephropathy, mineralization 8 3 8 16 14 16
Nephropathy, hyperplasia 26 20 25 16 15 19
Congestionfhistiocytosis 14 18 14 15 17 22
Inflammation/hemorrhage/fibrosis 9 5 4 39 16 39
Hyperplasia I 4 6 1 3 4
Endocrine glands
Pituitary. hyperplasia 3 5 9a 5 1 7
Pituitary, angiectasis/hemo. cyst 8 4 3 26 19 14
Adrenal, angiectasis 17 26" 32" 27 34 28
Adrenal, fatty metamorphosis 4 1 2 12 9 5
Adrenal, hyperplasia 5 4 8 7 8 1
Thyroid, hyperplasia (C-cell) 3 4 4 8 21" 17”
Thymus, lymphoid depletion 36 39 42 37 40 37
Spleen, lymphoid depletion 5 3 2 5 8 2
Lymph nodes, lymphoid depletion 3 0 2 0 3 0
Lymph nodes, pigmentation/hemorrhage 2 4 5 4 2 2
Lymph nodes. hyperplasia 2 2 2 1 0 0
Testis, hyperplasia 2 I 3 0 0 0
Testis, degeneration 14 11 6 0 0 0
Testis, tubule degeneration 36 39 41 0 0 0
Prostate, inflammation 19 20 15 0 0 0
Prostate, hyperplasia 12 7 10 0 0 0
Uterus, hyperplasia 0 0 0 IO 22" 17
Uterus, inflammation 0 0 0 3 7 3
Uterus, hydrometra 0 0 0 9 4 6
Ovary, inflammation/cyst 0 0 0 9 6 7
Mammary, galactocoele 0 0 0 13 9 3
Mammary, hyperplasia 3 0 0 13 7 14
Forestomach, hyperplasia 17 15 18 14 4 5
Forestomach, inflammation/necrosis 3 3 0 9 1 2
Bile duct, hyperplasia 45 42 43 25 38 32
Liver, fatty metamorphosis 29 29 47 6 5 9
Liver, inflammation/necrosis 5 6 1 18 5 3
Liver, eosinophilic cyto. change 8 14 22" 0 8" 9"
Liver, basophilic cyto. change 26 24 33 39 43 34
Pancreas, atrophy/inflammation 17 13 28 15 17 15
Brain, hemorrhage 11 8 11 8 6 7

a Significant change at p i 0.05 (Fisher’s exact test) for treated versus control rate.

LAAM, tended to inhibit growth and stimu- ters, to Mark Lammi and Susan Roberts for drug formu-
lations, and to Dr. M. Hagopian and Richard Norlin for
late food consumption in rodents (Smith et
drug/feed analyses. The support of John J. Metterville
al., 1977; Middaugh et al.. 1983). It is not es- and the carcinogenesis necropsy technicians as well as
tablished whether energy production from the histology staff are also appreciated. The authors also
excess food intake was utilized for develop- express sincere gratitude to Janet Kasputis for typing lo-
ment and growth of tumors and/or was di- gistics of reports and manuscripts. A special thanks is ex-
rected into detoxication processes. In con- tended to Dr. Heinz Sorer of the National Institute on
Drug Abuse for encouragement and support.
trast to the findings with LAAM, methadone-
treated rodents did not exhibit an increase in
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