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J. A. & B. D.

1. Uranus (J) semi-sextile Jupiter (B) 0º01

Jupiter’s positive and all-embracing expansion mix with Uranus’ innovative and unusual character. No matter if you met
as a couple or as business partners, you have a great connection that is new and fresh, and it brings lots of new ideas. You
both have lots of frenzy and energy together. Friendly emotions are solid and you like going places and have fun when
together and enjoy meeting unique people and being in odd situations. If a couple, you may pick an open relationship or a
joining where you have the same friends and the same social lifestyle. Jupiter has wide intellectual knowledge, while
Uranus has intuitive traits. Together you can sort out unique issues. You welcome changes in your life. You share a
humanitarian and idealistic view of society and humanity, and you are willing to put your energies into bringing justice
and equality to the world.1
The energy here is felt as a more natural flow and contributes to a sense of feeling you support one another’s
personal philosophies or ideals, as well as needs for freedom and independence. You seem to encourage each other’s
unconventional or unique sides, and you seem to come up with highly interesting and novel ideas. You don’t expect the
relationship to follow the traditional norms or expectations. 2

2. MC (J) quincunx Mars (B) 0º10

There’s much energy directed to your individual careers or even toward a common goal, but competition and ego trips
turn off Mars’ energy and impair the Midheaven’s steadfastness. Mars, while giving energy to the Midheaven’s path
toward success, might threaten it by being too impatient and forceful. The Midheaven resents the efforts done for Mars.
At other times, Mars gives lots of energy to the Midheaven, which they take for granted. The Midheaven considers Mars’
rushed initiatives as a threat to their career. Mars doesn’t accept the Midheaven’s criticisms and reacts in a belligerent
way. When together, you are both too identified with being recognised and admired in your accomplishments, instead of
valuing what you can provide to each other.3

3. Uranus (J) opposite Eros (B) 0º12

The connection is felt with a spark. Uranus is attracted to Eros and sees them as the person that they have desired for. This
is a consuming aspect for both since they will be fascinated by one another and every moment they get to spend together
serves as a new life-changing experience. Eros carves their presence in the mind of Uranus, making them lust for them as
time goes on.4
This connection is electric and exciting. Uranus opens Eros’ mind to a variety of sexual possibilities. At the same
time, Eros may feel disappointed when Uranus seems distant and hard to reach, as Eros desires complete intimacy and
erotic merging with Uranus.5

4. Neptune (J) conjunct Uranus (B) 0º12

Creativity, aspirations, and spirituality play an important role in their relationship. The radical side of Uranus and escapist
traits of Neptune can make practicality and realism hard to come by. This is a good pair to explore imagination, ideas,
visions, but it might not be the best match for comfort or stability. 6

5. Eros (J) conjunct Mars (B) 0º14

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Eros will more than likely have a big crush on Mars. Mars is seen as very sexy by Eros. Mars’ own sexuality is stimulated
by Eros. Eros flirts with Mars by making physical contact. This aspect adds extra subtle, erotic spice to the interaction.
Eros is the more turned on of the pair, while Mars is on the receiving end and simply enjoys the sexual tension. Mars
embodies what Eros finds attractive.7
This is a very good indication of sexual compatibility. The two of you may be sexually obsessed with one another.
The sex is very satisfying for the both of you. The difference between them is that Mars may see sex as less of an erotic
‘merging’ than Eros does, but the attraction is nevertheless strong. 8
Lust and passion. Mars pushes Eros to express what they want and need on a physical level. The relationship feels
ignited when these two come together. Feelings of chaos and desire are pushed to the surface. This is tumultuous and
exciting but when it ends it crumbles hard.9

6. Sun (J) trine Chiron (B) 0º16

Creativity is enhanced by unique perspective that stems from deeper inner wounds. Healing through art, leadership
through overcoming insecurities and success from following a unique path are possible. You help each other through
times of strife and nurture each other’s growth and strengths in spite of old wounds. You shine light on the aspects of each
other’s lives where healing is essential for growth and help each other live up to your best potential. Chiron looks at the
Sun as a natural leader and helps the Sun unlock their potential. The Sun gives energy and direction to Chiron’s wisdom
and intuition.10
The Sun learns much from Chiron, and perhaps discovers their life purpose in the process. Harmonious aspects
indicate mutual trust, respect, compassion, and love. Chiron supplies understanding and compassion that can heal the
painful issues related to the Sun’s identity or childhood. In the process, Chiron is able to heal their own wounds. 11

7. MC (J) quincunx Mercury (B) 0º29

You have a good potential to achieve career outcomes through your intellectual affinity, but this doesn’t always happen
smoothly. The Midheaven sees Mercury’s ideas and opinions as impairing their professional goals, while Mercury feels
there’s little mental stimulation coming from the Midheaven, who concentrates mainly on their career. Mercury considers
the Midheaven as too serious, ignoring Mercury’s points of view. The Midheaven may regard Mercury as immature and
with substance-lacking ideas. The Midheaven needs to acknowledge that not only accurate planning brings practical
outcomes. Curiosity and playfulness can also turn into business opportunities. Mercury needs to value wisdom and
experience more.12

8. Moon (J) trine Saturn (B) 0º34

Saturn is viewed as a stern, mature individual, while the Moon plays out the eternal youngster. Yours is not a shallow
relationship. Your relationship has a firm basis of joint esteem and dedication. Saturn is accountable to the Moon, who
values devotion and security. The Moon is sensitive and warm to Saturn. Saturn’s tendency to provide a lasting
commitment appeals to the Moon’s requirement for safety and dedication. Saturn is determined to provide everyday help
but isn’t an expert in providing emotional care. While the Moon looks for an emotional haven first, Saturn values
economic and professional security first, in order to achieve emotional safety. Long-term goals and common projects can

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be fulfilled by combining tenderness and reliability. You can reach common goals both in a romantic and in a business
setting, in a gradual but continuous way.13
This is a heavy union. These two are strong, emotionally serious, and full of depth. Saturn can be serious about
the Moon’s feelings and often seeks to react and manage them in a mature and genuine way. The Moon often sees Saturn
as a safe place and a home. These two tend to be quick to each other’s call and often read into one another’s language
easily. The Moon tends to understand Saturn’s serious nature and is often in awe of it, seeking to rise to the occasion.
Saturn enjoys the Moon’s vulnerability and more compassionate side. These two often share intimacies and closeness
easily but prefer to do so in private rather than publicly. The Moon is patient and understanding with Saturn’s emotional
There’s a lot of investment into each other, as well as practical investment, whether that means financially, living
together, commitment, etc. Saturn takes the relationship seriously, and the Moon takes Saturn’s feelings seriously. There
is good longevity here.15

9. Saturn (J) quintile MC (B) 0º40

You are very interested in your public image. When you work as one, you connect your accountability, matured outlook,
endurance, dedication, and handle your capabilities effectively. Financial matters are dealt with precise preparation. You
respect each other and value the other’s prestige and recognition. Saturn acts with a strong sense of responsibility while
the Midheaven shows Saturn the road for success. By joining forces, you feel secure in your social status. 16
This can be a highly influential relationship. Saturn can affect the Midheaven as an authority figure and could
shape the future professional direction of the Midheaven. Here again, if the Midheaven is much older than Saturn, the role
could be reversed and the Midheaven’s social status can aid Saturn’s professional development. 17

10. Venus (J) semi-square Sun (B) 0º42

The Sun is confident in their goals and identity, and strides toward their purpose, letting no one get in their way. Enter
Venus, whose core values may clash with important parts of the Sun’s worldview. Venus may focus on trying to smooth
out conflicts while the Sun is focused instead on acquiring status and proving their point. The Sun is motivated by their
ego drives and ambition and may overstep Venus’ boundaries or hurt their feelings without realising it. The Sun may also
have no problem receiving praise and support from Venus while being too focused on their own path to give support and
recognition back to Venus. You may have some common ground, yet it takes effort to harmonise your energies and build
your connection.18
Venus loves the Sun, and so does the Sun love Venus, but at times, in order to impress Venus, the Sun tries to
show off their assertive and more combative side, which can be seen as egotistic, arrogant, rude, and cocky. At times
Venus might feel threatened by the Sun, which pushes them away a little, and in order to get closer, the Sun shows off
even more to attract Venus, which turns off Venus even more. There is some lack of coordination and a gap in the
delivery of emotions. The passiveness of this aspect can make it hard for the two to communicate. They should be open
and honest here to avoid misunderstandings. 19

11. Chiron (J) semi-square North Node (0º47)

There is a fundamental energy clash between what is seen as destiny and reality in this relationship. The attraction may be
intense but the timing may be off. You also feel drawn together for an important reason only to repeatedly clash with each
other over the details. With some effort, this relationship can elicit deeper healing that leads to growth and advancement.
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Until obstacles are dealt with, however, Chiron may see the North Node as perpetually distracted from what is most
important. The North Node may feel Chiron is being a hypocrite for trying to show them a path toward healing while not
fully rectifying their own wounds and pursuing their own higher destiny. 20

12. Saturn (J) inconjunct Moon (B) 0º49

When looking at Moon-Saturn aspects know that sometimes it can reflect a mothering and fathering dynamic in a
relationship. Some point to this aspect as one or both people working out issues with their parents in the relationship
somehow. One may have a desire to start a family and the other may not. The Moon wants to care and be cared for, and
Saturn wants structure and stability. They can give each other this at times, but Saturn might not be reassuring enough for
the Moon and the Moon may not be steady enough for Saturn. 21
Difficulty understanding the practicalities involved in a long-term relationship together. This aspect requires
intuitive understanding of the needs for stability and open expression within the relationship. 22

13. Uranus (J) trine North Node (B) 0º49

The North Node admires Uranus’ brilliance and innovative ways. They also recognise Uranus’ humanitarian nature and
cutting-edge thinking. The North Node will have to keep in mind the traits that compel them to connect with Uranus
because over time they will grow to find that they are aligned with someone who is unpredictable and refuses to be bound
to any categorisation or commitment. Fortunately, the North Node has their eye on the horizon and is equally excitable
and eager to evolve and make progress, so they can fall into step with Uranus rather than feeling abandoned by them.
Uranus enjoys having the ability to help liberate the North Node from their limitations and feels they are accomplishing
their mission by helping the North Node see and experience life in a different way. Their common goals provide enough
of a bond to keep each from getting bored with the relationship. As long as the North Node can keep up with Uranus’
need to constantly be one step ahead of the game, both can accomplish a great deal and attain wisdom through
breakthroughs and surprising twists of fate.23
Uranus will have the North Node confused and intrigued as they arrive to make changes in their lives. The North
Node is receptive, and they both work together to bring new things into the dynamic of the relationship. Uranus can have
the North Node change their ideology, their looks, or inspire the North Node to move away. One way or another, Uranus
leaves a lasting impression on the North Node. This aspect is not for the faint of heart. 24

14. Pluto (J) sextile Moon (B) 0º50

Your meeting is not a vanilla one. You are willing to dig into each other’s depth and feel intense feelings. Together you
can go through extreme turmoil, both in your individual life and in your meeting. You tend to regenerate after such
disruption with a renewed view of life. Your connection challenges what you think are and you must be prepared to let go
of fake personalities. The Moon is more sensitive and becomes scared of such intensity, while Pluto tries to control
feelings through intellectual analysis. Together you can also disrupt the external environment, bringing truth and the
needed changes in social or political areas. 25
Tattoo on each other’s heart. Not afraid to go into each other’s deep waters. With all this emotional sharing and
intensity, watch out for possessiveness, unreasonable restraints, and control issues. There is bravery and transformation in
the emotional sphere. Feelings and pain can easily get heavy. 26

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The intimacy can be instantaneous with this aspect, and is part of the reason for the plethora of fast bonding that
takes place in relationships. The more untucked and hidden-away sides of one feels more comfortable being visible in the
eyes of the other. The Moon is very nurturing to Pluto, often preferring to ensure that Pluto is in high spirits or even going
as far as soaking up Pluto’s sadness. Pluto is deeply protective of the Moon, often going out of their way to create safe
spaces for the Moon or taking on the Moon’s more wounded self in stride and maturely.
The two naturally compliment one another and in a romantic relationship the depth of the bonding and connections
can make these two fast to learn one another on a personal and almost familial level. There is a powerful emotional
resilience as a couple that this aspect brings which softens the harsher aspects quite a bit. These two are understanding and
deeply compassionate toward one another, very easily placing themselves in one another’s shoes, which further deepens
their intimacy. These two usually spend much time at home with one another or prefer the company of a comfortable and
quiet space, as opposed to loud, outside gatherings. A very strong marriage indicator. 27
This is a powerful connection in which both people will develop a strong emotional attachment to one another. There
will be powerful emotions and possibly a psychic and intuitive connection to each other’s feelings and needs. You will
both intuit how one another is feeling and will be able to provide one another with the emotional security each other
needs. You will share many secrets with each other and enjoy talking about deeper subjects and willing to share more
intimate details with one another. Shared mutual interest in the occult is likely. Very passionate relationship. 28

15. Sun (J) conjunct Sun (B) 0º52

You easily identify with each other and feel as though you are cut from the same cloth. Your identities and energies are
similar, and you have a strong connection and understanding of each other’s preferences and motivations. You may share
common goals and aspirations as well. Though this relationship is likely to be filled with optimism and playfulness, you
will have to be mindful to not lose your identity in the relationship or take boundaries for granted. You share much of the
same interests and preferences yet are still two different individuals. You may take it personally if, for example, your
partner wants to pursue hobbies or interests that don’t appeal to you. You both help each other by uplifting each other and
shining light on each other’s strengths. You are both likely to bring charisma and vital energy into each other’s lives. 29

16. Eros (J) conjunct Mercury (B) 0º52

When these two forces unite, they will feel a strong connection through communicating. Words take on a new meaning
with this aspect. The imagination expands and creative inspiration comes naturally. This aspect can allow for both parties
to share without holding back. Words heal, empower and intrigue. 30

17. Venus (J) biquintile MC (B) 0º55

The Midheaven conveys the worldlier aspects of your relationship and demonstrates Venus a way to succeed. Venus in
turn provides the tenderness, loveliness, and appeal to support their shared objectives. Together they bring passion and
attractiveness to their financial dealings. There’s a demonstrative feature to your coupling. Your public image and status is
improved due to the relationship. You are best looking together than as individuals. Your forces join to extract the most
attractive and practically useful parts. 31

18. Mercury (J) sesquiquadrate Neptune (B) 0º59

While you are fascinated by each other’s minds, delusions are always lurking. Neptune’s communication might become
manipulative and deceptive, while Mercury becomes overtly rational. Mercury’s detached rational attitude may hurt
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Neptune’s need for empathy. On the other side, Mercury considers Neptune’s spiritual and caring attitude unrealistic or
Manipulation, confusion, denial, and delusion can exist in the relationship somehow. Mostly this aspect indicates
important factors or feelings that are rather hazy than focused intentional manipulation or deceit. Details or important
information may be forgotten about, exaggeration can happen, broken promises, disillusionment, and a disconnection
between actions and words. This aspect may point to a need for clear communication and transparency about feelings and

19. Jupiter (J) biquintile Pluto (B) 0º59

Knowledge and deep thoughts are enhanced. You both love the truth. Travelling, seeking out adventure and all kinds of
journeys are what you both like. Jupiter provides hopefulness and a wide way of seeing how the world works, and Pluto
provides depth and strength. As a couple you have the potential to dig into primal psychological subjects and comprehend
their origins and resolve them together via understanding and consciousness. Your quest for spiritual understanding
enriches and deepens your souls. You are willing to get involved in difficult tasks with confidence and powerful actions,
even on social or political levels.34

20. Neptune (J) sextile Saturn (B) 1º02

They are helpful to each other in their own way. There is patience and understanding in this union. They open up and
really learn about themselves and perhaps their place in the world with this relationship. Neptune teaches Saturn to have
faith, while Saturn teaches Neptune realism and encourages ambition. Without mutual trust this aspect gets harder. 35
Saturn can help ground Neptune’s wild or lofty dreams and help make them into form. Neptune can help Saturn
open up to all things spiritual or intangible and even overcome any insecurities or repression that they may hold. They can
both open up to a new reality together that is hopeful and realistic. 36

21. Saturn (J) semi-square Venus (B) 1º08

While you have the potentiality for a long-term relationship, criticism from Saturn’s side and vanity from Venus’ side
makes the meeting difficult. Venus sees Saturn as controlling and cold, a turn-off for the sensual feelings, while Saturn
sees Venus as vain and a spendthrift. Saturn can easily become critical toward Venus. 37

22. Lilith (J) square MC (B) 1º08

This couple can face off and get into epic battles as each tries to assert their power or ambition on the other. Lilith needs
to be independent and uncensored, but the Midheaven may be concerned that Lilith is not polished enough for success in
business and public relations. The Midheaven may find Lilith’s unrestrained emotion to be troubling and chaotic. Each
can try to challenge the other beyond their comfort zone, but this will test the limits that both will be willing to tolerate.
The Midheaven doesn’t want to sacrifice their reputation and Lilith doesn’t want to compromise in order to appease the

23. Pluto (J) sextile Chiron (B) 1º12

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This relationship benefits both Pluto and Chiron by providing the impetus for deeper healing and personal transformation.
Pluto enters Chiron’s life during a time of needed change, release, or healing of grief. Pluto helps Chiron let go and re-
envision who they are and the path they are on, redefining their mission through deeper healing. Chiron helps Pluto
surrender power struggles and deal with power and authority as a productive leader and inspiring healer. Both recognise
each other’s power and potential.39

24. Neptune (J) biquintile Venus (B) 1º16

There’s a compassionate, forgiving, soft, caring, and sensitive mindset between you. You may share interests in spiritual
subjects or be buddies supporting each other in a common spiritual path. This aspect signifies possibly the top mystical,
charmed, and imaginative coupling. If this is an amorous bonding, it’s influenced by illusions and dreamy expectations. 40

25. MC (J) quincunx AC (B) 1º17

26. Mercury (J) semi-square Lilith (B) 1º23

Mercury could be disgusted by Lilith’s crude remarks. They could really rub each other the wrong way when it comes to
talking about anything sexual or taboo. There could be a spark within the tension or arguing that is somewhat hot, like
Lilith somehow charming Mercury through their vulgar talk. 41
Mind games. Mercury may be intrigued by Lilith and will try very hard to understand why they are the way they
are. Manipulation may be hard to achieve here because Mercury is rational, focused, and realistic. They don’t have
expectations from Lilith, they want explanations.42
This combination produces intensity and flare-ups between emotion and intellect. Mercury can seem too
intellectual or detached for Lilith to really believe they are being taken seriously. On the other hand, Lilith appreciates that
Mercury doesn’t try to confine and stifle them, however Lilith is also likely to see Mercury as being dismissive of their
deeper emotions and instincts. Mercury will make a big mistake when they try to get Lilith to calm down and be rational.
Lilith will take Mercury’s intellectual and logical approach as a complete dismissal of their true nature and intuition.
Lilith can overwhelm Mercury with their unpredictable moods. Though Mercury can be intrigued by Lilith’s unique and
edgy personality and respect their need for space, Mercury will also seem condescending or patronising when what Lilith
is really looking for is someone to recognise the importance of their unique understanding. 43

27. Moon (J) sextile Uranus (B) 1º25

Yours is definitely not a boring relationship. Excitement, openness to new experiences, and a common net of eccentric
friends are part of your meeting. You like to talk about social and political issues and about how the world might become
a better place for the less fortunate. Mutual friends may play a vital part in your coupling and provide a shared view of the
world when it comes to both societal and philanthropical issues. Together you may practice an amazing way of life. The
Moon provides Uranus somewhere to feel loved, believed in, and where they may rest from the turmoil of life, while
Uranus conveys exhilaration to the Moon’s more passive life. 44
The Moon intuitively feels the issues of Uranus and understands why they erect protective barriers. This aspect
helps Uranus relax easier and open up in their own time. Both understand each other on an intuitive and sometimes
telepathic level. This aspect also denotes an expression of feeling comfortable and open in each other’s company. There is
an ability to say how you really feel with this aspect without being judged, which is a sign of security based on trust. 45
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The Moon can share feelings and Uranus ideas with some harmony. There is an unstable feel but it brings
exhilaration and fascination to the relationship. They can feel accepted by each other and admire one another’s
individuality. A person who isn’t comfortable with instability and unpredictability can find these easier aspects to be
These two are very connected. The volatility and unpredictability here is felt to be rather pleasant. These two are
drawn to each other like to nuclear fission molecules. Uranus is normally the dominant force and can often be intense,
radiant, and even perplexed and vexed by the Moon. The Moon is often subtle, unnerved, and rather observant of Uranus.
These two have a freight-like connection and usually have intense encounters that leave both speechless. They can often
have a very hard time being normal around each other and usually have a tense and almost heavy atmosphere. It can feel
sexual, while other times it can feel platonic, as often the feelings fly back and forth. Regardless, these two take one
another seriously and have a strong sexual attraction based on how deeply they click on in an emotional level. Sex on a
first date is commonplace but isn’t out of lust, it’s more so because you both find a home or rather a place without
judgment in one another.47

28. Chiron (J) conjunct Pluto (B) 1º25

This relationship provides deep, profound, and personal transformation that also involves facing past fears and healing
deeper wounds. Chiron is drawn to Pluto because they exude power and authority. Pluto may be a catalyst for Chiron to
examine their hidden insecurities, jealousies, obsessions, and fears, which help Chiron heal and clear these patterns.
Chiron helps Pluto put their fears, neuroses, and need for power into a healing perspective. Chiron may soften the
intensity and obsessiveness of Pluto and help them channel their energy into creating deeper and more meaningful
The couple feels healing energy from each other. They heal from each other’s touch and have a deep, passionate
link. The sex feels like all-consuming, loving, healing energy. This aspect can also indicate there is an unbreakable
psychic link. Pluto may be controlling with Chiron, wanting to constantly know where they are and who they’re with, not
trusting them with a certain sex, being withholding. Chiron doesn’t like this and feels trapped. This can cause emotional
abuse and trust issues in the future.49

29. Eros (J) semi-square Saturn (B) 1º28

This connection can sometimes indicate a love-hate scenario. Eros may feel that Saturn refuses to accept the attraction
they have for Eros. Eros is nevertheless attracted to Saturn’s stability and maturity. Perhaps Eros finds Saturn erotic in a
‘father figure’ or authoritarian sort of way. 50
Saturn teaches Eros about restriction. Eros sees Saturn as a mentor or guardian. Both natives learn to evolve from
simple-minded desires and seek new ways to grow and love. This connection involves patience and respect. 51

30. AC (J) semi-sextile MC (B) 1º29

31. North Node (J) quincunx Jupiter (B) 1º30
32. Moon (J) opposite Sun (B) 1º32

This is a binding aspect to be found between lovers. A mutual attraction is present. However, the Moon may find the Sun
insensitive and overbearing, while the Sun may find the Moon overly dependent and overly sensitive. The Moon may feel

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the Sun stomps all over their feelings, and the Sun may not even be aware of this. Regardless, oppositions in synastry are
At times the magnetism and fascination could be strong, but there are differences between the Sun’s identity and
the Moon’s emotions and inner self. Hurt feelings may be common. Problems feel like they pile on one another. It takes
good communication skills and emotional maturity for this type of opposition to work or be helpful. With positivity and
other compatible aspects, this opposition presents an area to learn about acceptance and tolerance. 53
This aspect can create a colourful affair, to say the least. Nothing is really ever just left to be between the two and
what should’ve been a fling, or a one-night stand can quite literally turn into walking down the aisle and sharing ‘I-do’s.’
In most cases this aspect can feel like polar opposites coming together, yet they somehow blend very easily. The Sun is
likely to be the more dominant force in the relationship, no matter how watery or passive their natal Sun may be. They
tend to place the Moon’s feelings above theirs and are readily sacrificial, but can still occasionally exhibit brashness,
selfishness, and stubborn resistance to the Moon. The Moon will often be nurturing, supportive, understanding, and
patient with the Sun. These two people will be deeply close and highly protective of one another, whether it’s platonic or
romantic, the bond runs deep because the two of you complete each other in a way. They can seem very intimate and
close in public, but they are just as close behind closed doors. 54

33. Chiron (J) semi-square Jupiter (B) 1º37

Friction in this relationship can help elevate both Jupiter and Chiron and can lead to broader understanding and new
philosophies. Jupiter can become irritated by Chiron’s unresolved wounds and sensitivity to criticism and past traumas but
can also become more empathic and aware of opportunities to lead and inspire others by paying attention to Chiron’s
healing process. Chiron may feel Jupiter is insensitive and may become frustrated with Jupiter’s optimism and pleasure-
seeking. Both need to work together to expand each other’s understanding and empathy. 55

34. Eros (J) conjunct AC (B) 1º40

Eros takes immediate notice of the Ascendant. They find them extremely sexy and physically attractive. The Ascendant’s
physical appearance triggers Eros’ most intense sexual feelings. 56
Eros represents everything the Ascendant desires. This can make them infatuated and lose themselves in the other
person. Eros here needs to find a way to rediscover their own identity while appreciating the excellent qualities of the
Ascendant. The Ascendant could find the admiration either intoxicating or overwhelming at times. But if the Ascendant’s
or Eros’ self-esteem has had suffered before meeting their partner, this could prove to be beneficial for either or both,
since they will see a positive side to themselves. 57

35. Lilith (J) sextile Neptune (B) 1º45

Both Neptune and Lilith help each other delve into the deeper and unconscious realms in order to make sense of hidden
emotions. This pairing can bring out creativity based on raw emotion, passions, and expressions of sexuality. Neptune has
a deep desire to connect both emotionally and spiritually. While Lilith normally needs a great deal of independence,
however here they appreciate Neptune’s understanding and validation of their independence and emotional highs and
lows. Neptune brings comforting and submissive energy so that Lilith need not feel dominated or constrained by

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Neptune’s intense emotional desire to be close and intimate. Both love to push boundaries, though Lilith has no restraint
on their desires and passions, and Neptune prefers peaceful and spiritual ways to transcend limitations. 58

36. Sun (J) trine Moon (B) 1º46

Light and darkness, unconsciousness and conscious will, animus and anima in Jungian terms, meet in a complementary
way. You definitely feel at ease with each other. This kind of affinity is suitable for friendship or a romantic relationship.
You complement each other in many ways. The Moon looks at the Sun as a natural leader and supports the Sun’s plans
and accomplishments. The Sun gives energy and direction to the Moon’s feelings and caring. 59
This couple is likely aesthetically pleasing to look at. They fit like peanut butter and jelly and can waltz around
each other like a smooth jazz overlay. Most times these two are caught up in one another, barely paying mind to the
people or the environment around them. They tend to be constantly stuck in a honeymoon glaze that never seems to end.
The Sun tends to idolise the Moon, often barring a strong curiosity and desire for closeness with the Moon. The Moon,
who often shines quite independently in this union, loves to hear the thoughts and feelings of the Sun, to take in the Sun’s
history and being. The Moon is very close to the Sun and often finds them to be perfect and homey. They are often
addicted to each other in romantic pairings, while in platonic bonds they are genuinely always hanging out and enjoying
one another’s companies even while doing the most mundane things. The Sun can often seek out the Moon just to feel at
home, and vice versa. This connection is often very easy and flows with little effort. The thing is that things can
sometimes flow a little too well, but this can be aided through other aspects. This is great to have between two lovers, as it
promotes good energy and vibes, so there’s a lovely equilibrium between the ego and the heart. 60
Strong emotional bond. A natural understanding. The attraction is easy. The Sun looks to the Moon for comfort,
encouragement, and maybe guidance. The Moon looks to the Sun for inspiration, reassurance, or recognition and warmth.
Because of the strong emotional bond hurting each other hurts.61

37. Pluto (J) opposite Sun (B) 1º48

The two of you have a profound, transformative effect on each other. You experience emotions you never even knew you
had as a result of this relationship. This is an indicator of a love-hate relationship. This relationship is characterised by
power struggles, as the two of you wish to dominate the other. You are compelled to find out every detail about each
other’s lives, and this desire often leads to unhealthy obsession and possessiveness. If you two break up, it will be very
difficult to remain friends.62
You have a strong and magnetic connection, reaching to your inner-most core and triggering your deepest issues.
Sometimes it seems you feed each other’s worst qualities, but this is a side-effect of your willingness to become aware of
your issues by digging to the bottom of them. If you focus more on your ego by feeding the power issues, then you’ll feed
only the worse in you. But if you value awareness more, then you can use your depth to improve your self-knowledge and
thus melt the issues through awareness and truth. 63

38. AC (J) sextile Pluto (B) 1º57

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There’s a strong joining between you involving an irresistible connection. If you are lovers, the physical aspect is
substantial. You seek any action concerning power and deep thinking. Being physical is not the only way you show how
you are connected. You also understand each other’s psychological issues and instinctual desires. Pluto can help the
Ascendant express persistence and to get back to the game after a failure. The meeting of your personalities brings a better
understanding of your depth and unconscious issues. Through intense meeting, love of truth and even confrontation, you
have a chance to heal your past issues and release your full inner power. 64

39. Chiron (J) square MC (B) 2º01

Both Chiron and the Midheaven frustrate each other by serving as mirrors of unhealed past wounds and traumas. The
Midheaven has the opportunity to change their understanding of and find empowerment through healing past traumas
thanks to Chiron, yet they may resist the healing opportunities out of concern about their reputation. Chiron may have the
opportunity to find confidence and reinvent their career and sense of purpose through their relationship with the
Midheaven, but they may resist this at first. Chiron may find the Midheaven’s style to be too abrasive or may feel publicly
called out by the Midheaven.65

40. Eros (J) trine Jupiter (B) 2º01

Eros’ feelings of love and passion are expanded by Jupiter’s jovial and optimistic nature. Jupiter shows Eros new ways of
sexual expression, while Eros stimulates Jupiter’s desire for intimacy and passion. Eros is happy to have such an open-
minded and generous lover.66
Jupiter understands the needs of Eros and provides a haven for them. Eros sees Jupiter as their confidant and trusts
them. This is a union that motivates Eros to express themselves and show their desires. Passions might need to be
controlled with this placement, since Jupiter can act like a drug for Eros. 67
You both can find it easy to expand your ideals and explore your desires together. You can also both become
positive influences on each other, as you share a desire to enjoy sensuality. Jupiter can expand Eros’ sense of confidence
and help Eros open up to exploring new fetishes and desires. Both Jupiter and Eros have a strong sense of idealism and
can have deep erotic fantasies. Both are also eager to please their partner. Jupiter can help Eros overcome insecurities and
Eros can help Jupiter find ways to explore their deepest fantasies. Eros may be attracted to Jupiter’s sense of optimism and
charisma, and Jupiter can be attracted to Eros because of their hedonistic nature. Both Jupiter and Eros can share a strong
desire for sexual connection and find each other deeply arousing and attractive. 68

41. AC (J) conjunct Neptune (B) 2º06

Your meeting is suffused with intuitions and spiritual values. Neptune’s imagination, psychology and spiritual concepts
influence the Ascendant greatly. The Ascendant either develops higher spiritual knowledge or becomes confused by
Neptune’s nebulous style of conveying spiritual information. The Ascendant can support Neptune to bring more reality to
their intuition and in turning to action instead of sticking to an imaginary world. Also, the Ascendant can help Neptune
express their intuition clearly and bring them to a social setting. 69
Neptune can see a wonderful dream in the Ascendant, and at first this can be true for the Ascendant as well.
Idealisation plays a huge role here, as the Ascendant can represent everything Neptune dreams of, and the Ascendant most
likely welcomes the devoting and empathetic nature of Neptune. They can inspire each other to create new dreams and
follow them. The Ascendant probably feels lifted by Neptune’s spirit, but the question is how real can this be until it
crosses the line of mere dreaming. At worst, the Ascendant can become an object of delusion for Neptune, and Neptune
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gets the Ascendant off course by leading them to no real end goal. There is simply not enough realism that can actualise
any of these dreams and desires between the two. Neptune confuses and frustrates the Ascendant. Neptune could also be
turned off by the Ascendant’s cruel nature or feel scared to open up their deepest desires and feelings in front of them. It
can also cause an awkward feeling of simply assuming what the other feels, without ever addressing it, because both are

42. Moon (J) sextile Chiron (B) 2º08

This is a deeply nurturing and healing relationship. It may seem as if you instinctively know what the other needs in order
to feel secure. The Moon knows how to soothe Chiron’s past wounds and even when Chiron is oblivious to their own
patterns and issues, the Moon can anticipate and nurture Chiron through their wounds and into deeper healing. Chiron is
able to share advanced wisdom and understanding with the Moon, helping them see the world in a new way or helping to
enhance their already powerful intuition. This relationship may help resolve issues and wounds from childhood and may
provide the nurturing and love that might have been missing in earlier life. This can be a very loving and spiritual bond.
This relationship helps inspire each other to create security and find emotional validation. 71

43. MC (J) sextile Eros (B) 2º13

You may both easily accentuate each other’s lives by bringing sexual energy and attraction into your public connection to
each other. The Midheaven may be passionate about their endeavours and Eros can help them channel their energy into
their personal and sexual connection as well. Eros can help to energise and inspire the Midheaven. The Midheaven can be
instrumental in helping Eros advance their career. You share a transparent attraction to each other and your shared career
paths may involve enticing, passionate energy.72

44. Jupiter (J) semi-square Sun (B) 2º14

Together you reach for positive vibes and for a lively and amusing life. As much as your meeting is positive, there are
some drawbacks as well. Sometimes Jupiter sees the Sun as self-centred, while the Sun considers Jupiter’s idealistic ideas
unrealistic. Also, together you tend to push for pleasure and fun with no limits, bringing each other to overindulgence. 73
While this aspect indicates mutual generosity and trust, you may tend to overindulge the other. You have a strong
desire to make each other happy but may tend to expect a bit too much from the partnership, which can lead to
disappointment. Jupiter has the natural ability to lift up the Sun’s spirits. 74
Your relationship is dynamic and mostly positive, although you have a tendency to take things to the extreme
when you are together and can seem over the top as a couple because of this. There is, however, a lot of positive energy in
this relationship. Just make sure you both resist the urge to go on a moral crusade, as none of us are perfect. 75

45. Mars (J) sesquiquadrate Sun (B) 2º16

Even though there’s a physical and, in case of a couple, sexual attraction between both people, frequent quarrelling wastes
your energies to the point of considering each other irritating. You have high potential to join your forces for the common
good, but this can be often wasted away by fights. Mars may see the Sun as egotistic, and the Sun doesn’t tolerate Mars’
antagonistic attitude. You are both too concerned about your own goals. You need to learn how to listen more to each

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46. Uranus (J) square Mars (B) 2º16

There’s an electric quality in your meeting. Things happen suddenly and you often become amazed and even shocked.
Such insecurity creates difficulties in your connection. Mars sees Uranus’ actions as provocations, with the result of
becoming irritated. The outcome can be frequent quarrels, which can sabotage your connection. Uranus becomes easily
bored and needs continuous and varied stimulation. Uranus should be aware when their actions are just for the sake of
shocking people. Mars needs to refrain from reacting with anger as a defence mechanism and needs to not take things
personally all the time.77
Uranus will open Mars up to new ways of doing things. Both planets are pretty adventurous or courageous, so this
relationship will be very stimulating. Uranus will enjoy pushing Mars to new levels of excitement, helping Mars become
less reserved and much more expansive. This is a highly stimulating position but it has its pitfalls. Uranus can push Mars
too far out of their comfort level, or the two of you might not know where your limits are. However, Mars is not about to
be pushed around, so it can also be that Mars may try to hold Uranus back or boss them around, which is a very bad idea.
The two of you will want your way, but if you both are open to the other’s ideas you will find that you both invigorate
each other and can experience new and exciting things. Uranus might get so wrapped up in the thrill of things that Mars
finds it difficult to maintain. Or if Mars is in an earth or water sign they might not appreciate Uranus’ instability. This
interaction will be highly stimulating nonetheless. 78
This contact can have two varying dynamics. The first is Uranus may cope better with an aspect to Mars because
it’s primarily a physical rather than emotional connection, and Uranus has fewer difficulties with physical expression
where emotional expression might encourage Uranus to run away on impulse. Mars might activate their wild,
unconventional side, in which case the sex will never be boring or predictable here. The second scenario is that Uranus,
being a primarily intellectual planet, interested in ideas, whereas instinctual Mars may become frustrated by Uranus’ lack
of instinctual sexual response and passion, while Uranus may become frustrated by Mars’ lack of original and creative
thought. Usually, the relationship swings between the two but there is a strong sexual attraction at play regardless. 79
Mars lashes out and Uranus may detach. Fights are left without resolution and endings without closure.
Reopening wounds can happen in this relationship. Explosive and erratic behaviour is the biggest threat. Having
sensitivity and emotional understanding is important here. 80

47. Lilith (J) conjunct Pluto (B) 2º18

This aspect is like seeing your dark side in the other person. This dynamic can be quite transformative, or uncomfortable,
depending on how much shadow work has been done. Regardless, it can be very complicated. When Pluto meets Lilith,
there is an inexplicable magnetic pull, followed by a desire for control. Pluto will likely try to get under Lilith’s skin, but
they may already be under their spell. If you think this all sounds a little sexual, you are not wrong. This aspect can get
extremely passionate and kinky. A mature Pluto can truly transform Lilith by teaching them the power of self-control.
Lilith in return can support Pluto when they need to rise up and take back their personal power. Problems often arise here
in the similarities. They may have similar dark traits, traumas, or repressed emotions, which can be quite triggering and
painful. If there is no mutual compassion and trust this aspect might lead to manipulation, obsession, power struggles, and
even perhaps abuse.81
This is a powerful combination in which each party is on the same level and understands each other’s intensity.
Pluto appreciates Lilith’s tendency toward self-determinism and independence. Pluto’s sense of power and intensity is
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mirrored in Lilith’s personal style. Neither sees the other as too negative, as even the edgy and obsessive side of each is
perceived as completely normal to the other. There is a familiar feeling each has in the other’s intensity and dramatic
emotional ups and downs. Lilith sees Pluto as a wise authority who is self-possessed but will not consider Pluto to be a
challenge to their own sense of authority and freedom. 82
This aspect is extremely intense and karmic. It can be wonderfully transformative or terribly dangerous. There is
always a strong attraction between these two. Both Lilith and Pluto show their dark sides here. This chemistry is both in
and out of bed. If they are able to learn from each other and understand this mutual energy then the relationship can be
transformative for the better. It’s a difficult process and won’t just come naturally. Sometimes power and destruction can
overtake the relationship and cause major problems. This relationship can easily turn angry or violent. They may find
themselves plagued by arguments and the need to release pent up rage. One or both partners can become manipulative,
erratic, or possessive. This can be the makings of a really nasty breakup. If this happens, it’s likely that Pluto will hold a
grudge for a long time. Sometimes this contact can indicate affairs. It is often Lilith who would have them, although not
always. This is only the case if other aspects in the chart support it.
Lilith can learn about truth and honesty from Pluto, and Pluto can learn about equality and respect from Lilith.
While Lilith tends to flake out when things get hard, Pluto becomes obsessive or hurt. They can learn from each other and
find a middle ground to heal, but each partner needs to make a clear effort to acknowledge the needs of the other. 83
This aspect feels like meeting the dark version of yourself in another person. The other person is going to have
those parts you’re ashamed of yourself. There’s going to be a magnetic attraction at first, and these two may share similar
traumas and kinky preferences, because sex is very important here as well. This can make the dynamic a little bit
awkward because the intensity is overwhelming. Both parties recognise each other and see themselves through one
Two factors of separation become one. Lilith finds her home in the dark and passionate heart of Pluto, joining
their intense forces and their suffering, transcending their isolation, and transforming their pain together. Very dangerous,
extremely karmic, and transformative. Sexual attraction is irresistibly strong. They can touch each other’s darkest sides,
see, and activate even the most hidden evil sides. It can have devastating effects. 85
This is a Bonnie and Clyde type of contact. These two recognise the darkness in each other, which is extremely
similar to their own. They tend to like this a lot and feed off each other. They can experience intense, transformative sex.
More likely than not it’s a romantic connection. They deeply excite each other’s shadow selves, because there is very little
they won’t want to do together. This couple likes to experiment or have very aggressive or kinky sex. They probably will
be into bondage and mix pleasure with pain. This contact shows a dangerous lust for each other that can go way too far.
They will entertain themselves by doing things they wouldn’t ever do in a million years. They push each other to their
limits. They want to see the darkest and ugliest parts of each other. They are so sexually aroused by the fact that they can’t
scare each other off. It’s basically like ‘Oh, yeah. You think you’re so bad? Watch what I can do.’ It’s an erotic game.
They can also be a power duo. They have heavy energies by themselves, so when together not a lot can stand in their way.
That being said, there are going to be power struggles. They are so similar that they will fight over who is more dominant
in the relationship, not in a physical sense, but rather using more psychological, manipulative tactics to stand on top. The
funny thing is it’s more difficult for them to manipulate each other because they both already have mastered manipulation
themselves. They have met their match. It’s difficult to say who has the upper hand here. It goes back and forth between
them. When there is conflict outsiders better watch out, because it will probably be a terrifying sight. They can also
experience some kind of trauma together. Make up or hate sex is common too. Generally, though, they understand each
other deeply. Lilith finds a home in Pluto’s underworld, and he welcomes her with open arms. 86
When both points come together, a deep subconscious sexual trigger is ignited. There will be themes of deep
sexual transformation, obsession, sexual possessiveness, and profound spiritual and tantric realisations. They will have a
potent sexual attraction to each other. It can even be addictive. The sexual expression is extremely hard to conceal. They
will both trigger each other’s darker, scarier, obsessive sides. However, it’s often Pluto who is spellbound by Lilith. There
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will be power struggles because Pluto is about control but alas, Lilith refuses to submit. Pluto feels a strong attraction to
her but there is something scary about this woman. He wants to subdue and tame Lilith but will struggle to do so. He fears
her power and confidence. He wants to own it, break it. But some things just refuse to be broken.
This aspect can keep both people hooked to each other for a very long time, even if the bond borders on the
unhealthier traits. There is just too much investment in each other. Pluto can see into Lilith’s depths and Lilith is snug and
comfortable with Pluto’s shadow. I mean, she’s a demon. His darkness is like drinking her favourite full-bodied glass of
wine. The sex here can make the two downright drunk off each other. They will have an almost psychic link that allows
them to know the other’s deepest and most depraved thoughts without fear or inhibition. They have to physically be near
each other. They have to be touching each other. If they aren’t able to merge (fuck), they can even feel as though they’re
experiencing withdrawal symptoms. In a water sign, there are more emotional displays; things can get a bit hysterical. 87
Unlike Mars, who wants to chase and sees the relationship as a challenge which they want to win over and move
on, Pluto involves their emotions, obsessive feelings, and need for control. They want to possess Lilith, to have power
over her, but will hardly be able to. Lilith is a great challenge, she brings out the spark, the deep passion and emotion
inside them. They may be excited by the thought of obtaining someone who is so uncontrollable, so wild and
individualistic. They are attracted to her darkness, to her own unwillingness to change. 88

48. Mars (J) trine Venus (B) 2º20

49. Jupiter (J) sextile Venus (B) 2º22
50. MC (J) square Jupiter (B) 2º24
51. Mercury (J) trine North Node (B) 2º26
52. Mars (J) square Lilith (B) 2º30
53. AC (J) opposite Lilith (B) 2º30
54. Jupiter (J) square Lilith (B) 2º32
55. Venus (J) sextile AC (B) 2º36
56. MC (J) semi-square Pluto (B) 2º36
57. Chiron (J) sextile Neptune (B) 2º38
58. Neptune (J) sextile Pluto (B) 2º39
59. AC (J) quincunx Venus (B) 2º40
60. Saturn (J) quincunx Chiron (B) 2º51
61. Mars (J) square Neptune (B) 2º54
62. Uranus (J) square Mercury (B) 2º54
63. Jupiter (J) square Neptune (B) 2º56
64. Sun (J) sextile Saturn (B) 2º57

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