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Minutes of Proposal Defense

Title of the Study: “The Implementation of Barangay Violence against Women Desk Among
Barangay in Butuan City: Challenges and Effectiveness”
Time of Defense: 7:30 pm- 8:30 pm
Proponents: Andrew Burdeos, Donmaclyn Lagapa, Andresa Lasduce and Ruel Vertido


1. On the introduction, Sir Felias suggested to add some related study

and sir kenjay also added that we should site some National and
Local study that relevant to the study.
2. On the research Gap, sir felias suggested that we should highlight
some reason why we need to study our topic.
3. On the statement of the problem, sir kenjay and sir fellias suggested
that we should add the victims or the recipient of the perceived level
of the effectiveness of the VAW desk.
4. In regards to the scope of the study , sir kenjay suggested that we
should include victim in our scope and sir felias also suggested that
we should add year 2020 and sir Jan Rey clarify that year 2015-2020.
Five years gap so that we can see the effectiveness and examine the
VAW desk law.
5. In our conceptual framework, sir kenjay suggested that we use the
logical model.
6. In our RRL, sir Felias and sir kenjay states that we should always anchor our RRL
to our statement of the problem and add some related study.
7. In ethical consideration suggested that we should add the four elements of
thrust-worthineness. .

Jan Rey Flores, RSW,MTSW
Panel Members
Kenjay N. Salvaleon,RSW
Jan Ralde Felias, RSW

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