03 PresentationTechniquesWorksheet 01-01-07 2015 Interactive

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Presentation Techniques
Through the module on “Presentation Techniques” you learn the techniques you need to present
new vocabulary and grammar to your students, so that they understand and can use the new
language immediately. You became familiar with several techniques already, when you focused
on teaching beginners. Now we focus on how to use these techniques at higher levels.
This worksheet will help you internalize the key ideas and techniques. It is your ‘take-away’ from
the session. FOR BLENDED: Fill in this worksheet as you study the online module. Take the
worksheet to the Live Activation Session with your program facilitator. You will use and complete
the worksheet during the session. FOR FULL F2F: Use this worksheet during the sessions.

How does the lesson goal influence the language we decide to present during a lesson?

What is the goal of presentation phases in lessons?

What does it mean to present new language in context? Why do we do this?

Why do we use special interactive techniques to PRESENT language rather than explaining it?

Why is it important that students repeat new language in a full sentence?

What is the structure of the presentation techniques we use? Match the stages up?
Lead In Questions A - Students use new language for first time.
Statements for Repetition B - Checkpoint – students say new language on their
Confirmation / Control C - Build logically to the new language.

IQP Worksheet – Presentation Techniques 01_01_07_2015

Complete the missing information for our Presentation Techniques. Note how we use this
technique, complete the example given, and list example language items.
Naming is used to introduce: concrete nouns – things that we can point at and ‘name’
Example of Naming: Give examples of words & phrases we use
(Instructor shows picture of car) Naming to introduce:

Instructor: This is a car. nouns (i.e. a building, a dress, a newspaper, etc.)

verbs (….standing, ….opening…., looking for, etc.)
(Instructor gestures or asks for repetition)
adverbs (slowly, quietly, happily, etc.)
Student: This is a car. adjectives (long, fast, narrow, etc.)
Instructor: This is … prepositions (on, next to, between, etc.)
Student: This is a car.
Contrast is used to introduce:
Example of Contrast: Examples of words & phrases we use
(Instructor shows a map) Contrast to introduce:

Instructor: Monaco is a small country.

(Instructor use gestures to show “small” or
asks for repetition)
Student: Monaco is a small country.
Instructor: Is ____________ a small country?
Student: No, it’s not.
Instructor: Great! ____________ is a big
Student: ____________ is a big country.
Instructor: Monaco……

Substitution is used to introduce:

Example of Substitution: Examples of words & phrases we use
Instructor: Can you speak Greek? Substitution to introduce:

Student; Yes, I can.

Instructor: So, you can speak Greek or you are
able to speak Greek.
Student: I ___________ speak Greek.
Instructor: You ……
Student: I am able to speak Greek.
Elimination is used to introduce:
Example of Elimination: Examples of words & phrases we use
Instructor: Do you speak Greek? Elimination to introduce:

Student: No, I don’t.

Instructor: Do you speak Japanese?
Student: No, I don’t.
Instructor: What language do you speak?
Student: I speak English.
Instructor: What language does…….?

IQP Worksheet – Presentation Techniques 01_01_07_2015

Student: He speaks German. Etc.

Build Up is used to introduce:

Example of Build Up: Examples of words & phrases we use Build
Instructor: Is Mercedes a fast car? Up to introduce:

Student: Yes, it is.

Instructor: Is Ferrari a very fast car?
Student: Yes, it is.
Instructor: So Ferrari is faster than
Student: Ferrari is faster than Mercedes.
Instructor: Is France a big country?

Dictionary is used to introduce:

Example of Dictionary: Examples of words & phrases we use
Instructor: When you start a new job, do you Dictionary to introduce:
usually sign a piece of paper?
Student: Yes, I do.
Instructor: Does this paper explain the
conditions of the job?
Student: Yes, it does.
Instructor: What does it say – give me some
Student: (student explains)
Instructor: Good. So, when you start a new
job, you sign a contract.
Student: Yes, I sign a contract when I start a
new job.
Instructor: And when you __________?
Student: Yes, I sign a contract when I

IQP Worksheet – Presentation Techniques 01_01_07_2015

Which technique would be best to introduce the following new language? Note down HOW
you would present this language, as in the example.
“This is an UMBRELLA.” Instructor shows picture: This is an umbrella.
Recommended Technique = NAMING (gesture for repetition)
Student: This is an umbrella.
Instructor: This is …
Student: This is an umbrella.
“You can’t see BECAUSE your eyes are
Recommended Technique =

“Brazil is a big country. Brazil is a LARGE

Recommended Technique =

“It’s hot in the summer. In the winter

it’s COLD.”
Recommended Technique =

In these examples, the instructor is presenting a new grammatical structure. Add an example!
Grammar Structure =Unreal conditional Grammar Structure =Simple Past
Example Statement = “If I had a lot of Example Statement = I called my customer
money, I would invest in the stock market.” yesterday.
Example Presentation: Example Presentation:
Instructor: Do you have a lot of money?
Student: No, I don’t.
Instructor: Do you invest in the stock market?
Student; No, I don’t.
Instructor: But if you had a lot of money you
would invest in the stock market. Repeat please.
Student: If I had a lot of money I would invest
in the stock market.
Instructor: Do you speak Japanese?
Student: No, I don’t
Instructor: Do you work at Japanese company?
Student: No, I don’t.
Instructor: But…
Student: If I spoke Japanese I would work for
Japanese company. Etc.

IQP Worksheet – Presentation Techniques 01_01_07_2015

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