Minimizing Startup Process Variation To Improve Yield: Making The Case For Quality

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Making the Case for Quality

November 2017

Minimizing Startup Process

Variation to Improve Yield
by Matthew Mateos

At a Glance . . .
This case study details a Six Sigma project that occurred at a polypropylene extrusion facility. The
• A polypropylene extrusion facility had a strong emphasis on maximizing overall plant yield; however, the largest extrusion line
facility had 13 extrusion generated an unacceptable quantity of scrap. The project aimed to streamline operations and reduce the
lines, each with varying
scrap ratio from an average of 1.19% to .60%.
output levels. The largest
line accounted for almost
30% of the plant’s total Case Study
production output. It
was also the biggest Matthew Mateos worked at a polypropylene extrusion facility that placed a strong emphasis on maxi-
contributor of scrap
mizing the overall plant yield. During his tenure, there were 13 extrusion lines in the plant, each with
material, accounting for
almost 740,000 pounds varying output levels.
of scrap material—close
to 30% of the total scrap Each of the extrusion lines generated scrap material every time the extruder was deactivated and
material produced by the restarted due to a product changeover or a process disturbance. Twelve out of the 13 extruders could
facility—in one year.
be activated at the required operating output or a rate that was slightly below the operating output.
• A Six Sigma project These 12 extruders were less than 50% the output of the largest machine. They had significantly lower
team was assembled to
implement a solution that horsepower and torque levels. As a result, they could be activated at the desired rate without ramping
would reduce the scrap up. The 13th extruder, which had to be ramped up in stages, was the plant’s largest unit and a critical
ratio from an average component of daily operations.
of 1.19% to 0.60%.
• The team reduced the total During Mateos’ tenure, this line accounted for almost 30% of the plant’s total production output.
scrap produced on the It was also the biggest contributor of scrap material. In one fiscal year, it accounted for almost
main extrusion line by 55%,
resulting in an annual cost
740,000 pounds of scrap material; close to 30% of the total scrap material produced by the facility.
savings of over $300,000.
Due to the high output levels, its original startup process consisted of several stages that required the
production operators to manually increase the extruder screw speed and output. The length of time
spent at each stage affected the amount of scrap material produced during startup.

The plant’s engineering department specified how much time was to be spent at each stage of the
startup process for the largest extruder; however, under the manual startup process the operators were
required to manually type in the extruder speed, output, and formulation percentages. While doing this
they also had to monitor the feeder deviations, feeder motor speeds, extruder screw speed, and extruder
torque levels.

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The raw materials are fed into the extruder through an automatic their downfall if exposed to special cause variations. The power
feeding system. Inside the extruder barrel the polymers are and displacement of the largest extrusion line was nothing short
heated, smashed, mixed, and conveyed. At the end of the barrel of awesome. When this machine was activated, you not only
the material goes through a die face, which separates it into thin heard it, but you felt it.
strands. Almost immediately after going through the die face,
the strands are sliced into tiny pellets by the pelletizer. Despite all the risks, allowing the plant’s largest extrusion line
to continue to generate such a large quantity of scrap was unac-
Prior to closing the pelletizer, operators were required to purge ceptable. As a result, a Six Sigma project team, led by Mateos,
through the die face of the extruder with the actual material that was assembled to implement a solution that would reduce the
was being processed. This was done to ensure that the material scrap ratio from an average of 1.19% to 0.60%. The scrap ratio
was properly mixed, visually confirm uniform color, and ensure was defined as:
no burnt residue from the barrel or die face was present. After
 Scrap material produced (lbs.) 
the die face was purged, the material would be briefly diverted Scrap ratio (%) = ___________________________
Finished goods produced (lbs.)
to the purge chute and the die face would then be quickly
cleaned with a scrapper to prevent plugging. After the scrapper Mateos was assigned as the project leader. Working with him
cleaning, the pelletizer would be closed and the material would was a controls engineer from the organization’s software ven-
be redirected to flow through the die face. dor, production crew leaders from each of the plant’s four shifts,
and a quality technician. The organization’s senior manager of
Due to the various activities involved, activating the largest maintenance and engineering was the project champion and the
extruder required three operators, and despite this it is was still production manager was the process owner.
practically impossible for the operators to increase the extruder
speed and output as quickly as directed by the engineering Fortunately for Mateos and the Six Sigma team, the plant
department. As a result, on average 572 pounds of scrap per had excellent systems in place for data collection. To start
startup over a period of 8.48 minutes was produced. In addition, the project, the team pulled startup data on all the grades that
there was also a risk of user error, such as operators accidentally were being extruded through that line at the time and exam-
programming the material formulation set points incorrectly. ined the information.
This would cause out-of-specification material to be produced
or specifying the wrong extruder screw speed, which could As most know, there are two types of variation: common cause
over-torque the machine. and special cause. Manually starting the process resulted in sig-
nificant variation in the extruder load. On average, the load was
The excessive amount of scrap being produced during the man- 88.80% with a standard deviation of 5.57%. Looking at indi-
ual startup process was frequently a major topic of discussion vidual data points, there were many instances in which the load
for management and engineering staff. Some points of concern would reach as high as 99%.
were the length of time the process took and the variation in
procedure between each of the operators. Despite the growing In reviewing the data, the team saw that there was no visible
desire to find a way to standardize and shorten the startup time, mathematical trend and consistency was all but non-existent.
there appeared to be some reluctance to implement changes. Every production campaign produced its own unique erratic
Mateos surmised this hesitation to experiment with shortening load pattern. Even when comparing production runs with other
the startup times was caused by fear of inadvertently causing campaigns that were run by the same crew and produced the
damage to the line. (Based on observations he had made during same product, the extruder load (when graphed) would dem-
his tenure, it appeared that the larger extrusion lines seemed to onstrate unique, erratic patterns. An example from one of the
be more sensitive and vulnerable to damage if subjected to low material grades is shown on p. 3.
temperatures and excessive extruder loads.)
Mateos and the Six Sigma team determined if the startup pro-
From a mechanical engineering perspective, it is not advisable cess were to be improved, it would have to be done in a manner
to start a high output and high torque extruder at top speed that practically eliminated special cause variations in extruder
immediately. It’s best to gradually ramp them up in multiple loads. Failure to do so could result in severe damage to the
stages from a low output to the desired production output level. extruder screws and motor.
While the production operators understood this, they were not
provided with an efficient, standardized procedure on how to In order to eliminate human error and operator-to-operator vari-
activate the extruder quickly enough to minimize the startup ation, the team decided that the startup process would have to be
scrap, yet safe enough that it will not damage the unit. The sheer automated via the extrusion line’s programmable logic control-
power and torque of the larger extrusion lines were ironically ler (PLC), which would continuously monitor the state of input

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Manual start torque level (percentage) Startup data from each material grade
110 that was being processed at the extru-
100 sion line was evaluated. Once each
95 stage was determined, they were
85 implemented into the auto start pro-
80 cess in a manner that was consistent
Torque level (percentage)

70 with a natural logarithmic pattern.
65 Mathematically, the rate of change of
55 natural logarithmic functions will rise
50 and then stabilize with respect to the
40 y-axis over time. As the logarithmic
35 function stabilizes, the rate of change
25 will decrease. This can be observed by
calculating the derivative of the equa-
10 tion. The derivative of the equation
can then be used to predict the rate of
change with respect to time.

devices and control the state of output devices, The derivative of a natural logarithmic equation can be derived through the fol-
based on custom programming. lowing method:

Several grades of product were compounded I df(x) f(x + h) − f(x) aLn(x + h) + b − aLn(x) − b
f (x) = = Limith➝0 = Limith➝0
through the largest extrusion line. Each prod- dx h h
uct had a distinct temperature profile that must
be adhered to in order to avoid inadvertently I a[Ln(x + h) − 1n(x)] a[Ln((x + h) / (x)]
f (x) = Limith➝0 = Limith➝0
h h
degrading the product. Since the startup and
operating temperature profiles must be treated
I aLn(1 + (h / x))
as a monument with respect to the auto start f (x) = Limith➝0 = Limith➝0 aLn(1 + (h/x))1/h
project, the extruder load would have to be gov-
erned by the ratio of the mass flow rate (m) and At this point the following substitution should be made: u = h/x. Through this
extruder screw speed (ώ). identity, the following relationship can be derived: h = ux. By applying the pre-
ceding identities, the following equation can be derived:
m/ ώ
I a 1 a
A sequence of multiple stages, with each stage f (x) = aLimitu➝0 Ln(1 + u)1/ux = Ln[Limitu➝0 ] = *Ln(e)
x (1 + u)u x
being a specified ratio of mass flow rate to
extruder screw speed, would be used to ramp After simplification, the final equation for the derivative is generated:
up the extrusion line in a safe, efficient, and
I d a
controlled manner. Taking advantage of the f (x) = =
dx x
excellent data collection system that was already
in place, Mateos and the team were able to iden- This type of a mathematical system is illustrated below:
tify mass flow rate (m) to extruder screw speed
(ώ) ratios that appeared to be acceptable.

To ensure that each stage in the startup process

Extruder load (percentage)

adhered to the upper specification limit of 95%

extruder load, an upper capability analysis was
conducted at each step. The upper process per-
formance capability (PPU) is calculated through
the following equation:

PPU = –––––––

USL = Upper specification limit = 95%

X = Average
σ = Standard deviation
Mass flow rate (lbs./hr.)

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With the concept designed, the team’s determined that the die face is clean and An example of an actual production
next step was to modify the system soft- the color of the material is acceptable, startup through the auto start program is
ware. On the “Production Startup” screen they close the pelletizer. When activating shown below:
of the human machine interface (HMI), the extruder due to a process disruption,
operators would have access to both a they are not required to purge through The average scrap per startup was
“Manual Start” button and an “Auto the die face. In these situations, they are down to 92 pounds over the course of
Start” button. (Some may argue that the permitted to close the pelletizer as soon as 2.93 minutes. Most of the remaining
operators should only have access to the the green light starts flashing. Pelletizing scrap generated was due to purging the
“Auto Start” button and that the “Manual will not begin until the pelletizer is closed. extrusion line when switching colors
Start” should be disabled to eliminate the Once the pelletizer is closed, clamped, between production campaigns. Overall,
chances of user error. However, in many and its speed reaches the desired set point, Mateos’ Six Sigma project reduced the
industrial settings it is not at all uncom- the auto start process will continue until total scrap produced on the main extru-
mon to experience server difficulties that the operating conditions are reached. The sion line by 55%, resulting in an annual
can interfere with PLC functionality. For system will then automatically input the cost savings of over $300,000.
this reason, the “Manual Start” function material grade formulation.
was left as a backup.) About the Author
While the auto start program was being
The production operators were required implemented, standard operating pro- Matthew Mateos has held engineer-
to use the auto start program unless cedures (SOPs) and work instructions ing positions in quality, production, and
otherwise directed by management and/ were being drafted. Once the test runs continuous improvement/Six Sigma for
or the engineering department. If the were deemed successful, the new SOPs various organizations. He is an ASQ
manual start button were to be pressed, a and work instructions were routed for Certified Quality Improvement Associate
pop-up box asking the operator to verify approval. All operators and production (CQIA), Quality Inspector (CQI), Quality
the desire to utilize the manual start supervisors were formally trained by the Technician (CQT), Calibration Technician
would appear on the HMI screen as a project leader on how to properly utilize (CCT), Quality Process Analyst (CQPA),
double-check measure. the auto start program. HACCP Auditor (CHA), Biomedical
Auditor (CBA), Six Sigma Green Belt
To successfully activate the extruder, After the auto start program was imple- (CSSGB), and Six Sigma Black Belt
it was necessary to initiate startup at mented, the results were very positive. (CSSBB). He has a bachelor of science
extruder barrel temperatures that are There were significant improvements in degree in chemical engineering and a
higher than the actual operating tempera- regard to extruder loads during the startup master of business administration degree
tures. After the extruder had successfully process (as shown in the table below): from The University of Toledo.
reached the desired output and extruder
screw speed, the startup temperatures
would then be lowered to the operat- Manual start Auto start

ing temperatures. The “Production Average 88.80% 79.10%

Startup” screen was equipped with a Standard deviation  5.57%  4.18%

“Set Operating Conditions” button that Minimum 83.00% 73.00%

would automatically specify the desired Maximum 99.00% 86.00%
startup temperatures once it was pressed. Range 16.00% 13.00%
These temperature settings would
be used throughout the entire startup
Auto start torque level (percentage)
sequence. The auto start program will 90
then automatically implement the desired 80 y = 34.319 ln(x) − 254.947
operating temperatures once the final R2 = 0.923
operating conditions were reached.
Torque (percentage)

On the new auto start screen, operators 50
specify the material grade that is about 40
to be produced. When initially activating 30
the extruder after a product changeover,
the production operators are required to
purge through the die face prior to pellet- 10

izing. Once the production operators have 0

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