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H Mahazor Hokhmath Isra¨el - Rosh HaSha¨nna¨h I Yom Tov Qiddush & Simanim

F Rosh HaShannäh Qiddush yeciw dpyd y`x G

The Qiddush (Sanctification) is an ancient practice of Israel which comes from the Torah
commandment to keep the Shabbath & Festival Days Holy. ‘From where do we know it of the night?’... the
principal qiddush is recited at night, for when he sanctifies, he must sanctify [from] the beginning of the
day... Remember the Shabbath, day, to keep it holy’: remember it over the wine at its commencement.’ BT
Mas. Pesahim 106a. ‘A person is forbidden to eat or to drink wine from the commencement of the Shabbath
onward until he recites qiddush... It is a miswah that was instituted by our Sages to recite qiddush over [a
serving of] wine...’ RaMBaM MT Hilkhoth Shabbath 29,5&6. Subsequently, the Qiddush has been recited
after each Shabbath service l’il Shabbath, Shaharith and Minhah services .

This ritual originally, took place and still takes place in the home of Jews, however some have made
it a practice to recite the qiddush at the beth kennesseth for those who visited from out of town and stayed
over night for the Shabbath. As the HaZaL and RaMBaM explained, that qiddush usually is said over wine,
however it is our custom and preference to use uncooked wine for this purpose, ‘qiddush may be recited only
on wine that is suitable for a libation on the altar [at the Beth HaMikdash]... wine that was left uncovered, or
wine that was cooked, qiddush may not be recited on any of them.’ RaMBaM MT Hilkhoth Shabbath 29,14.

The practice of using wine in ancient times is found in the TaNaKh, ‘Use the money to buy whatever
you like: cattle, sheep, wine or other fermented drink, or anything you wish. Then you and your household
shall eat there in the presence of the L-rd your Power and rejoice.’ Devarim/Deut 14,26. ‘ that
gladdens the hearts of men, oil to make their faces shine, and bread that sustains their hearts.’
Tehillim/Psalm 104,15. If wine is not available or may be harmful to ones heath, fresh pressed grape juice is
an acceptable substitute. Furthermore, if wine or grape juice is not available, one may say the qiddush over
the l’hem (bread).

‘If one should find themselves without wine & grape juice or should prefer bread, one may recite
qiddush over bread.’ MT Hilkhoth Shabbath 29,21. It is on the Shabbath that we remember the creation and
as children of The Most High, we also rest from our melakha (certain activities) from which we occupy
ourselves on during the six we are commanded to work. So, we begin with the reading of Bereshith in
relationship to recalling the creation and the sanctification of the Shabbath day. One must raise the cup with
their right hand while the reciting of ‘Yom ha-shishi.

Recite the following when the Yom Tov falls on Erev Shabbath
Bereshith/Gen 1:31-2:3
© Ẍd©
Yom Ha-shishi.Wayekhulu Hashämaiyim mi¦n ENkª ie© :iX¦ X¦ d© mFi
w’hä-äres w’khol s’vä-äm. :m`¨ äv lke ux¤`¨ d̈e
wayekhal Elohim ba-yom ha-shevi-i iri
¦ a¦ Xd© mFIA© mid¦Ÿl¡` lk© ie©
m’läkhto asher awsäh, ,dÜr̈ xW£̀¤ FYk` § l© n
wa-yishboth ba-yom ha-shevi-i iri
¦ a¦ Xd© mFIA© zŸAW¦ § Ie©
mi-kol m’läkhto asher awsäh. :dÜr̈ xW£̀¤ FYk` § l© n lMn¦
wa-yevärekh Elohim eth yom mFi z ¤̀ mid¦Ÿl¡ ` Kx¤äie©
The Sixth day when all were completed, the heavens and the earth, and all of
their multitudes.
For The Power accomplished by the Seventh Day His creative work, which He
had done, and did no work on the Seventh day, of any work that was made.
The Power then blessed
H Mahazor Hokhmath Isra¨el - Rosh HaSha¨nna¨h I Yom Tov Qiddush & Simanim

ha-shevi-i waye-qadesh otho, ,FzŸ` WC¥w© ie© iri

¦ a¦ Xd©
ki vo Shävvath mikol m’lakhto, ,FYk` § l© n lMn¦ za© Ẅ Fa iM¦
asher bärä Elohim la-asoth. :zFU£rl© mid¦Ÿl¡ ` `x¨Ä xW£̀
the Seventh day and made it holy, because on it He ceased from all activities,
which He has created to be completed.

On all nights continue below:

H Bemidbar 31,16-17 I
Uv-yom simha-thekhem uv-mo’adekhem m¤kic£ ¥rFnaE § m¤kz§ g© n§ U¦ mFiaE§
uv-roshey hod-shekhem uth-qa’tem mY ¤ r§ w© zE
§ m¤kW¥ c§ g iW` ¥ xaE §
baha-sosroth al olo-thekhem m¤kizŸlŸ
¥ r l©r zŸxvŸ§ vg£ A©
w’al ziv-hey shal-mekhem w’häiyu Eid̈e m¤kin ¥ l§ W© ig¥ a¦
§ f l©re
läkhem l’zikäron lifney Elohekhem m¤kid ¥Ÿl¡` i¥pt§ l¦ oFxM̈¦fl m¤kl̈
Ani Adonäi Elohekhem. :m¤kid ¥Ÿl¡` dedi i¦p £̀
If the Yom Tov comes on Mose a Shabbath, skip the following & turn to page
On all days except Mose a Shabbath, lift a cup of wine in your right hand and the leader says:
,`V̈ ¤̀ zFrEWèi qFM
Kos y’shu-oth esä,
uv-shem Adonäi eqrä. .`x¨w§ ¤̀ æedi mW¥ aE
The leader then says:
Savrey mä-ränän. :op̈x¨n̈ ix¥a§ q©
Everyone present responds::
L’haiyim! !mi¦Ig© lè
On all nights, continue below:
Numbers 31:16-17
On the day of your celebration, festivals, and new moons, you shall sound out your
shofers. The sounds shall be as a remembrance upon your [Festival] burnt and peace
offerings in the presence of your Power, I Am YHWH (Adonai), your Power.
If the Festival day comes on a Saturday night, skip the following & turn to page
On all days except Saturday night, lift a cup of wine in your right hand and the leader says:
I shall lift up the cup of deliverance and proclaim the Name of YHWH (Adonai)!
The leader then says:

Listen to our instructors.

Everyone present responds:

To Life!
H Mahazor Hokhmath Isra¨el - Rosh HaSha¨nna¨h I Yom Tov Qiddush & Simanim

The Leader continues:

Bärukh Attäh Adonäi æedi dŸ`© KExÄ
Elohenu Melekh Ha-oläm, ,ml̈Frd̈ Kl ¤ n¤ EpidŸ¥ l`
Borey peri ha-gefen. :ot¤
¤ Bd© ix¦ Rè `xFA¥
Bärukh Attäh Adonäi æedi dŸ`© KExÄ
Elohenu Melekh Hä-oläm, ,ml̈Frd̈ Kl ¤ n¤ EpidŸ¥ l`
asher bähar bänu mikol-awm mr̈ÎlM n n¦ Ep«Ä xg« © Ä xW ¤ £̀
w’romemänu mikol läshon, ,oFWl̈ lM n n¦ Epn̈nFxè
è e
bähar bänu wa-yeja’delenu, ,Epl¥ C©è biè e© Ep«Ä xg«
© Ä
räsäh bänu wa-yefä-arenu, ,Epx¥ £̀ ẗèie© Ep«Ä dv̈x¨
w’qideshänu b’misothäiw eiz̈Ÿev§ n ¦ Aè EpẄCè wè ¦e
wa-titen länu, Adonäi Elohenu EpidŸ
¥ l` ¡ æedi ,Ep«l̈ÎoY¤ Y© «¦ e
On Erev Shabbath, say the following:
Shävvath qod-sho lim-nuhäh b’ahaväh, ,dä£d`
«© Aè dg̈Epn§ l¦ FWc§ wn za© Ẅ
On all days continue here:
mo-adim l’simhäh haggim miB¦ g© dg̈n§ U
¦ lè mic£
¦ rFn
uz-manim l’sässon, ,oFUÜlè miP¦ n§© fE
On Erev Shabbath, say the following:
eth yom ha-Shäbbath w’ eè zA© Ẅd© mFiÎz ¤̀
On all days continue:
eth ha-zikäron ha-zeh, ,d¤fd© oFxM̈¦fd© z ¤̀
The Leader continues:

Blessed are You YHWH (Adonai), our Power, King of the universe, Who creates
the fruit of the vine.
Blessed are You YHWH (Adonai), our Power, King of the universe, Who has
delegated and lifted us from among all people and tongues, to exalt us, and found favor
to glorify us and has sanctified us through His commandments.
YHWH (Adonai) our Power, You gave us
On Erev Shabbath, say the following:
Your holy Shabbath for rest, with love,
the holy days for celebration and feasting, the appointed times with joy, on which
On Erev Shabbath say:
the Shabbath this day of holy convocation and
this Day of Remembrance
H Mahazor Hokhmath Isra¨el - Rosh HaSha¨nna¨h I Yom Tov Qiddush & Simanim

eth yom tov miqrä qodesh ha-zeh, ,d¤fd© WcŸ¤w `x¨w§ n¦ aFh mFiÎz ¤̀
Only on Erev Shabbath say:
zikhäron Teru’ah dr̈ExYè oFxk̈¦f
Only on a weekday say:
Yom T’ru-ah dr̈ExYè mFi
On all days say the following:
b’ahaväh, zekher lisi-ath Misrä-yim. .mi¦ x¨v§ n
z`i © vi¦ l¦ xk¥ ¤ f ,dä£d`
«© Aè
Ki bänu vähartä w’othänu Epz̈
« F`èe Ÿx«§ g© ä Ep«ä iM¦
qidashtä mikol hä-amim, ,miO©¦ rd̈ lMn n¦ ŸW § C«©w¦
ud-värekhä emeth w’qaiyäm lä’ad. .c©rl̈ mÏwè
© e zn¡ ¤ ` LxèäcE§
Bärukh Attäh Adonäi, ,æedi dŸ` © KExÄ
Melekh al kol hä-äres m’qadesh WC¥w© nè ux¤`¨ d̈ lMn l©r Kl¤ n¤
On Erev Shabbath add:
ha-Shabbäth w’ eè zÄX
© d©
On all days, say the following:

Yisräel w’yom ha-zikäron. :oFxM̈¦fd© mFièe l ¤̀ x¨U

§ i¦
One may now drink their cup of wine and continue onto page 45

this day of holy convocation and

Only on Erev Shabbath say:
Being mindful of the sounding of the shofar,

Only on a Weekday say:

This day of festival and holy convocation,
On all days say the following:
with love the remembrance of the evacuation from Egypt.
For You have chosen us out of all the nations, made us holy, and gave us Your
Word, which is true forever and ever.
Blessed are you YHWH (Adonai) The King, Who made
Only on Erev Shabbath add:
the Shabbath, and
On all days say:
Israel and the Day of Recounting holy.
One may now drink their cup of wine and continue into page 45
H Mahazor Hokhmath Isra¨el - Rosh HaSha¨nna¨h I Yom Tov Qiddush & Simanim

Recite the following only when the Yom Tov falls on Mose a Shabbath:
The leader lifts his wine or grape juice and says:

,`V̈ ¤̀ zFrEWèi qFM

Kos y’shu-oth esä,
uv-shem Adonäi eqrä. .`x¨w§ ¤̀ æedi mW¥ aE
The Leader continues:

Bärukh Attäh Adonäi, ,æedi dŸ`© KExÄ

Elohenu Melekh hä-oläm, ,ml̈Frd̈ Kl« ¤ n¤ Epi«dŸ¥ l`
borey p’ri ha-gäfen. .ot«
¤ B̈d© ix¦ R§ `xFA ¥
Recite the following, and then smell the sweet spice:

,æedi dŸ`© KExÄ

Bärukh Attäh Adonäi,
Elohenu Melekh hä-oläm, ,ml̈Frd̈ Kl« ¤ n¤ Epi«dŸ¥ l`
borey miney v’sämim. .min¦ Üaè i¥pin¦ `xFA¥
Recite the following and then feel the warmth of the fire, cupping the hands to see both the light and darkness.

,æedi dŸ`© KExÄ

Bärukh Attäh Adonäi,
Elohenu Melekh hä-oläm, ,ml̈Frd̈ Kl« ¤ n¤ Epi«dŸ¥ l`
borey m’orey hä-esh. .W ¥̀ d̈ ixF`
¥ nè `xFA ¥
Recite the following:

Bärukh Attäh Adonäi, ,æedi dŸ`© KExÄ

Elohenu Melekh hä-oläm, ,ml̈Frd̈ Kl« ¤ n¤ Epi«dŸ¥ l`
ha’mav-dil ben qodesh l’hol, ,lFglè Wc¤Ÿw« oiA ¥ lic¦ a§ O© d©
ben or l’ho-shekh, ,KWŸ
¤ g« lè xF` oiA¥
Recite the following only when the Festival falls on Saturday Night
The leader lifts his wine or grape juice and says:
I shall lift up the cup of deliverance and proclaim the Name of YHWH (Adonai)!
The Leader continues:
Blessed are You YHWH (Adonai), our Power, King of the universe, Who creates
the fruit of the vine.
The leader puts the cup of wine or juice down and lifts the sweet spices and says:
Blessed are You YHWH (Adonai), our Power, King of the universe, Who creates
the variety of sweet smelling spices. The aromatic spice is passed around for smelling.
The leader turns his attention to the fire and says:
Blessed are You YHWH (Adonai), our Power, King of the universe, Who creates
the light of fire. Gaze and feel the warmth of the flame, then cup your hands to see the light and darkness
The leader continues by saying the following:
Blessed are You YHWH (Adonai), our Power, King of the universe, Who taught
us the difference between holy and mundane, light verses darkness,
H Mahazor Hokhmath Isra¨el - Rosh HaSha¨nna¨h I Yom Tov Qiddush & Simanim

ben Yisräel lä’amin, ,miO©

¦ rl̈ l ¥̀ x¨U § i¦ oiA¥
ben yom ha-shevi’i iri¦ a¦ X è d© mFi oiA¥
l’shesheth y’mey ha-ma’aseh. .dU£ ¤ rO© d© inè ¥ i zW« ¤W ¥ lè
Ben q’dushath Shabbäth liq-dushath zX © cªw§ l¦ zÄW © zX © cªwè oiA¥
yom tov hiv-daltä, ,Ÿl§ C«©a§ d¦ aFh mFi
w’eth yom ha-shevi’i mi-sheheth zW« ¤X ¥ n¦ iri ¦ a¦ X § d© mFi z ¤̀ eè
y’mey ha-ma’aseh qidash-tä, ,ŸW § C«©w¦ dU£ ¤ rO© d© inè ¥i
hiv-daltä w’qidash-tä eth z ¤̀ ŸW § C«©wè
¦ e Ÿl§ C«©a§ d¦
amekhä Yisräel biq’dushä-thekhä. .L«z ¤ Ẍcªw§ A¦ l ¥̀ x¨U § i¦ LO©
Bärukh Attäh Adonäi, ,æedi dŸ` © KExÄ
ha-mav-dil ben qodesh l’qodesh. .WcŸ¤w« lè WcŸ¤w« oiA ¥ liC¦ a§ O© d©
Israel verses the people of other nations, the Seventh day verses the six days of
personal business.
The difference between sanctification of Shabbath verses the sanctity of the
festival days, [similar to the] distinction made between the Seventh Day verses the six
days of personal business, [except] You sanctified [the festival days].
[Additionally,] You sanctified and separated Your people through Your
Holiness. Blessed are You YHWH (Adonai) Who taught us the difference between
holy, verses what is holy.One may now drink from the cup of wine.

Netilath Yadayim: is a ritualistic action of washing hands. This ritual should not be confused with
the hand washing of “ru’ah ra’ah” (washing of the ‘evil spirit’ form the hand). For according to HaZa”L
this action is not a ritualistic action, but a real physiological and sanitary action when disease is of concern.
“Netilath yadayim”, often translated as ‘the washing of hands’, really means the up lifting/raising of
hands. Therefore, it is extremely important to lift your hands above your shoulder while reciting the prayer.
Concerning the washing of our hands, it is our custom to lift the washing cup up with the right hand, and to
put the cup down with the left. We start by washing the right hand first, three times and then on to the left.
One should recite the blessing before washing the hands.
The issue of Hefseq (Interruption): It is the custom of some communities, that one must not talk
between saying the netilath and the eating the bread. However, this is not the halakha, for RaMBaM and the
sages teach, that one could respond to a request, regarding salting or other food matters, which would not
require one to leave the premise to fulfill a request, between saying the Netilath and the eating of bread.
gln e`iad 'it` xn` opgei 'xe jxal jixv oztl `ad gln `ad jxal jixv epi` jexa leh jexa leh ax xn`"
"jxal jixv ixezl liab ixezl liab jxal v"` inp oztl e`iad
“(Rab said: [If the host says to his guests,] Take [this], the benediction has been said, take, the
benediction [of netillah] has been said, he [the host] doesn’t need to say the benediction [again] If he said
[between the benediction and the eating], Bring salt, bring relish, he must say the benediction [of the
Netilath again]. R. Yohanan, however, said that even if he said, Bring salt, bring relish, the benediction
doesn’t need to be repeated)”, BT Mas. Berakhoth 40a. While it is our custom to keep silent, it isn’t
necessarily forbidden for one to speak, especially in matters pertaining to the miswah of Ha-mosi (blessing
of the bread).
H Mahazor Hokhmath Isra¨el - Rosh HaSha¨nna¨h I Yom Tov Qiddush & Simanim

On all nights of the Yom Tov s advent, continue here:

H Birkhath Netilath YädaiyimI

Bärukh Attäh Adonäi,,æedi dŸ`© KExÄ
Elohenu Melekh hä-oläm, ,ml̈Frd̈ Kl ¤ n¤ EpidŸ¥ l`¡
asher qi-deshänu b’miswothäw eiz̈Ÿev§ n ¦ Aè EpẄCè w¦ xW ¤ £̀
w’siwänu al netilath yädäiyim. :mi¦ c̈ï zli © hè
¦ p l©r Epëvè¦e
H Birkhath HaMosi I
If one decided to perform the Qiddush over bread instead of wine, they must still wash their hands first.
oi`y it lr s`e ;oileg zt `idy it lr s` ,seqe dligz miici zlihp jixv `ivend dilr oikxany ztd lke`d lk
.zeklkeln eici
“Anyone who eats bread over which the blessing hamosi is recited must wash his hands before and after
partaking of it. This applies even when the bread one eats is not sacred food.) MT Hilkhoth Berakhoth 6,1.
For more on the halakha of the Qiddush please see the notes on page 251.
T’hillim 145,15-16
Eney khol elekhä y’saberu, ,ExA¥ U
©i Lil¤ ¥̀ lŸk i¥pi¥r
w’Attäh nothen lähem md ¤ l̈ ozFp
¥ dŸ`© e
eth okhläm b’ito. :FYr¦ A ml̈k§ ` z ¤̀
pothe-ah eth yädekhä, ,Lcï ¤ z ¤̀ g© zFR
umasbi-a l’khol hai räson. :oFvx¨ ig© lkl r © iA¦ U§ nE
Uncover and lift theHallah and say the following:
Bärukh Attäh Adonäi, ,æedi dŸ`© KExÄ
Elohenu Melekh hä-oläm, ,ml̈Frd̈ Kl ¤ n¤ EpidŸ¥ l`¡
hamosi l’hem min hä-äres. :ux«
¤`¨ d̈ on¦ mg¤ lè `ivFO ¦ d©
On all nights of the Festival s advent, continue here:

Blessing for the Uplifting of Hands

Blessed are You YHWH (Adonai), our Power, King of the universe, Who has
sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us concerning the raising of our
Uncover and lift the bread and say the following:
Blessing for the Bread
Psalms 145:15-16
“The eyes of all look unto You, and You give them their food at the proper
season. You open Your hand and satisfy the desires of all the living.”
Blessed are You YHWH (Adonai), our Power, King of the universe, Who brings
forth bread from the earth.Now dip the bread in honey and eat.
H Mahazor Hokhmath Isra¨el - Rosh HaSha¨nna¨h I Yom Tov Qiddush & Simanim

H Seder Simanim I
Culturally, Rosh Hashanna Simanim, is certainly 'Soul Food' both literally and
symbolically. Throughout the history of mankind and across all cultures there have been the use of
symbols to express an awareness of the Creator and the creative forces that benefited mankind.
These expressions resulted in symbolic stories known as myths, legends or folklore, which
have been passed down to express abstract or moral ideas, such as truth, righteousness, honor, love,
wisdom, forgiveness and courage.
Our prophets and sages are not exempt from such innate human nature in expressing its
importance in spiritual refinement, victory over our foes and obtaining a closer relationship with
our Creator.
The prophet Yeshiyahu/Isaiah told his student named Barukh ben Neriya, ‘When you finish
reading this sefer, tie a stone onto it and cast it into the Euphrates and declare, ‘So shall Bavel sink
into oblivion!’ Isaiah 51:63
Another example of this is when Elisha ha-navi (the prophet), when he told the king to shoot
after touching his bow, and the king shot three times, immediately afterwards Elisha said, ‘this is an
arrow of salvation for The Power, an arrow of salvation against Aram’. 2 Kings 13:17
This is also repeated when we sit at a Pesah seder, Tu B'Shevat, Sukoth, etc… Our holy days
are replete with high spiritual symbolism.
We often call the acts of symbolism, rituals. Indeed a ritual can be passed down as a family
tradition, or as a community’s poseq’s “ruling” i.e. minhag.
Rosh HaShanna is no different than any other Yom Tov, it has its own ‘seder’ or order of
symbols, which are expressed through a selection of foods explained and taught by our sages.
“R. Abaye said, now that it has been told that omens are of significance, for a man should
make a regular habit of eating on Rosh HaShanna, qara = pumpkin or butternut squash, rubeya =
fenugreek (due to the scarcity of fenugreek, many communities today use black-eyed peas), karti =
leek, silka = spinach and tamri = dates.” Talmud Bavli, Mas. Horayoth 12a.
Additionally, in the Bavli Talmud, Masekhta Keritoth, says the same, but the only difference,
it speaks of gazing at these foods, instead of eating them. Our sages say that this teaches, even if
one couldn’t take part by eating, they’ve still fulfilled the miswah by gazing at them, however they
must say a blessing to seal the miswah.
Smoked black-eyed peas, spinach, savory leeks that are often found in stews and dishes, are
amongst the favorites in Afro-American/WAJD culture. This includes squash and pumpkin as
found in our famous butternut squash and pumpkin pies. Oh, lets not also forget the fried fish and
apple pies. All of which, are foods that make up the Rosh HaShannah seder or simanim. Last, but
not least, are the famous and delicious honey and pomegranates!
Dates, almonds and pecans are also among the sweet favorites found among the dishes of
U.S. Afram Jews. (Note, it is a custom of the Ashqenazim i.e. European Jews to refrain from eating
nuts during the Yomim Noraim/Days of Awe).
During this seder, it is customary to also have a dish made of an animal’s head, all except
for a goat’s head. The idea of such a dish is to remind us that we should remember, even in exile,
the promise and miswah to be the head and not the tail.
Now regarding the goat’s head, it was used during Yom Kippur to lay all of Israel’s sins
upon it. So, to eat it, would be like eating a dish made for the transgressions and sins of Israel.
Therefore, the goat’s head is not our custom, nor is it encouraged as a symbolic food.
So as we eat on this day, symbolically, we remember our sins, our purpose and our lot. Even
in this, The Power is with us, for we are not alone, "Do not fear, for I am with you. Don't be
discouraged, for I am your Power. I strengthen you, I helped you, I even now, I support you with
the right hand of My righteousness." Isaiah 41:10.
H Mahazor Hokhmath Isra¨el - Rosh HaSha¨nna¨h I Yom Tov Qiddush & Simanim

After eating the lehem, the seder should begin immediately.

Hold a new food item of the simanim and recite the following:
Bärukh Attäh Adonäi æedi dŸ`© KExÄ
Elohenu Melekh hä-oläm, ,ml̈Frd̈ Kl ¤ n¤ EpidŸ¥ l`
shehe’heyänu w’qi-yemänu Epn̈èIwè¦ e Epï¡gd¤ W
w’higi-awnu la’zeman ha-zeh. .d¤Gd
© onè© Gl© Epr̈iB¦ dè
Take a date and recite the following before eating:
Bärukh Attäh Adonäi æedi dŸ`© KExÄ
Elohenu Melekh Ha-oläm, ,ml̈Frd̈ Kl ¤ n¤ EpidŸ¥ l`
borey peri hä-es. :u¤rd̈ ix¦ R
è `xFA ¥
Take a date and recite the following before eating another:
,Li¤pẗNè n¦ oFvx¨ idè
Y’hiy räson mi-lefänekhä, ¦i
Adonäi Elohenu We’lohey idŸ ¥ l`¥e EpidŸ¥ l` ¡ æedi
avothenu, she-yitamu oy-venu Epi«a
¥ iF`
§ EOY¦ « © IW
¤ ,EpizFa
¥ £̀
w’sonenu w’khol m’vaq-shey rä’authenu. :Ep«zr̈
¥ x«¨ iW ¥ w§ a© nÎl
è kèn e Ep ¥̀ pFUè
« e
Take a leek and recite the following before eating:
Bärukh Attäh Adonäi æedi dŸ`© KExÄ
Elohenu Melekh Ha-oläm, ,ml̈Frd̈ Kl ¤ n¤ EpidŸ¥ l`
borey peri hä-adämäh. .dn̈c̈ £̀ d̈ ix¦ Rè `xFA
After eating bread, the seder should begin immediately.
Hold a new food item (fruit or vegetable) and recite the following:
Blessed are You YHWH (Adonai), our Power, King of the universe, Who has in
life preserved, sustained, and brought us into this wonderful season.
Take a date and recite the following before eating:
Blessed are You YHWH (Adonai), our Power, King of the universe, Who creates
the fruit of the trees.
Take a date and recite the following before eating another:
May it be Your desire, YHWH (Adonai) our Power, The Power of our forefathers,
that you obliterate our adversaries and enemies or anyone else who seek to harm us.
Take a leek and recite the following before eating:
Blessed are You YHWH (Adonai), our Power, King of the universe, Who creates
the fruit of the earth.
H Mahazor Hokhmath Isra¨el - Rosh HaSha¨nna¨h I Yom Tov Qiddush & Simanim

Take a leek and recite the following before eating another:

Y’hiy räson mi-lefänekhä, ,Li¤pẗNè n¦ oFvx¨ idè ¦i
Adonäi Elohenu We’lohey idŸ ¥ l`¥e EpidŸ¥ l` ¡ æedi
avothenu, she’yikar-thu oy-venu Epi«a
¥ iF`
§ Ezx«§ M̈I¦ W ¤ ,EpizFa
¥ £̀
w’khol m’vaq-shey rä’authenu. :Ep«zr̈
¥ x«¨ iW ¥ w§ a© nÎl
è kè ne
Take some spinach and recite the following before eating them:
,Li¤pẗNè n¦ oFvx¨ idè
Y’hiy räson mi-lefänekhä, ¦i
Adonäi Elohenu We’lohey idŸ ¥ l`¥e EpidŸ¥ l` ¡ æedi
avothenu, she’yis-talequ oy-venu Epi«a
¥ iF`
§ EwNè Y© q¦ § IW
¤ ,EpizFa ¥ £̀
w’sonenu w’khol m’vaq-shey rä’authenu. :Ep«zr̈
¥ x«¨ iW ¥ w§ a© nÎl
è kè n e Ep ¥̀ pFUè
« e
Take some fenugreek or black-eyed peas and recite the following before eating them:
Y’hiy räson mi-lefänekhä,,Li¤pẗNè n¦ oFvx¨ idè
Adonäi Elohenu We’lohey idŸ ¥ l`¥e EpidŸ¥ l`
¡ æedi
avothenu, she’yir-bu z’khuyo-thenu, ,EpzFI
¥ kèª f EAx¦§ IW
¤ ,EpizFa
¥ £̀
k’ruv-yä. :`ïaEx
§ Mè
Take some pumpkin or butternut squash and recite the following before eating them:
Y’hiy räson mi-lefänekhä, ,Li¤pẗNè n¦ oFvx¨ idè ¦i
Adonäi Elohenu We’lohey idŸ ¥ l`¥e EpidŸ¥ l` ¡ æedi
avothenu, she’yir-bu z’khuyo-thenu, , r© Fx
« rx©w§ Y¦ W ¤ ,EpizFa¥ £̀
g’zar di-nenu w’yiqäru E`x«§ T̈iè
¦ e ,Ep¥piC¦ x©fBè
l’fänekhä z’khu-yothenu. :EpzFI
¥ kè ª f Li¤pẗlè
Take a leek and recite the following before eating another:
May it be Your desire, YHWH (Adonai) our Power, The Power of our forefathers,
that you destroy our adversaries and enemies or anyone else who seek harm us.
Take a some spinach and recite the following before eating them:
May it be Your desire, YHWH (Adonai) our Power, The Power of our forefathers,
that you eliminate our adversaries, enemies and all evil forces that seek to harm us.
Take some fenugreek or black-eyed peas and recite the following before eating them:
May it be Your desire, YHWH (Adonai) our Power, The Power of our forefathers,
that our worthiness will be great, like the word “rabh” found in rubeya.
Take some pumpkin or butternut squash and recite the following before eating them:
May it be Your desire, YHWH (Adonai) our Power, The Power of our forefathers,
that Your heavenly court will overturn any evil decree made against us, and grant us merit
in Your presence.
H Mahazor Hokhmath Isra¨el - Rosh HaSha¨nna¨h I Yom Tov Qiddush & Simanim

Take some pomegranate and recite the following before eating them:
,Li¤pẗNè n¦ oFvx¨ idè
Y’hiy räson mi-lefänekhä, ¦i
Adonäi Elohenu We’lohey idŸ ¥ l`¥e EpidŸ¥ l`¡ æedi
avo-thenu, she’yir-bu z’khuyo-thenu, , EpzFI
¥ kè ª f EAx¦§ IW
¤ ,EpizFa
¥ £̀
käri-mon. :oFOx«¦ M̈
Take a piece from the head of an animal, dip it in honey, and say the following before eating:
Y’hiy räson mi-lefänekhä, ,Li¤pẗNè n¦ oFvx¨ idè
Adonäi Elohenu We’lohey idŸ ¥ l`¥e EpidŸ¥ l`¡ æedi
avothenu, she’nih-yeh l’rosh W`Ÿxlè d¤id§ P¦ W¤ ,EpizFa
¥ £̀
w’lo l’zänäv. .ap̈f̈lè `Ÿleè
If one is going to eat from the head of a lamb of sheep, continue the following before eating:
Epl̈ xŸMf§ zè
W’thiz-kor länu ¦e
elo shel Yis-häq ävinu Epia¦ `¨ wg̈v§ i¦ lW
¤ Fli ¥̀
aläiw ha-shaälom uve-räkhäh, ,dk̈x¨aE è mFlẄd© eil̈©r
ben Avrähäm ävinu Epa ¦ `¨ md̈x¨a§ `© oA¤
aläiw ha-shälom uve-räkhäh. :dk̈x¨aE è mFlẄd© eil̈©r
Take some pomegranate and recite the following before eating them:
May it be Your desire, YHWH (Adonai) our Power, The Power of our forefathers,
that our worthiness multiply like the seeds found in a pomegranate.
Take a piece from the head of an animal, dip it in honey, and say the following before eating:
May it be Your desire, YHWH (Adonai) our Power, The Power of our forefathers,
that we shall be the head and not the tail.
If one is going to eat from the head of a lamb of sheep, continue the following before eating:
Also this shall be in remembrance for us, when the ram was caught in the bush,
near Isaac and Abraham our forefathers, peace and blessing be upon them.

For the Birkhath HaMazon, please turn to page***

Shaharith zixgy
Shaharith, means dawn, it comes from the root word for blackness or darkness xgy(shahur).
Shaharith pertains to the time when darkness is leaving and sunlight is becoming more prominent. For more
information about prayer and how it serves as a temporary substitute for the Temple offerings please read the
introduction section of this siddur entitled ‘Prayer’.
It was taught that Avraham avinu (our father) instituted the morning (Shaharith) offerings,
Bereshith/Gen 19,27 & BT Mas. Berakhoth 26b. As oppose to the weekly offerings, where there are two
mandatory offerings commanded for the weekday, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, because of
our exile, the Sages reluctantly instituted the evening prayer (Arvith). The Shabbath and on Yom Tov (Festival
days) consist of three, due to the decree of Musaf (the additional offering). Therefore the Shaharith is the first
of the three offerings commanded by The Most High, according to Bamidbar/Numbers 28.

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