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Morales, Kianna Jhade D.

BSA II – Saint John

1. How can we respond to God in our own lives, like Mary?
 We are living in a society where trust is the foundation of our relationship
with God. I believe that by giving him the assurance that we trust him is
enough to respond to God in our lives. We should let him realize and feel
that he is important in our lives by simply obeying all his commandments.
Also, we should let him decide the path that we will take, as he knows the
best, and He will never betray us. Hence, I believe that the most effective
way in order to respond to God in our lives is to first believe and trust his
ability, second let him help to achieve your life desires and lastly, make
him the most important person in your life.

2. Mary’s YES allows us to really look at our own lives and ask ourselves, if she
could do it, couldn’t I? What’s stopping me from giving Him everything?
 There are instances when God does not answer our prayer, sometimes
because we pray in a wrong way, but most of the time our efforts are not
enough for him to answer them. With that, we are doubting the ability that
God has, as well as testing our faith on him. However, Mary’s Yes let me
realize that it is okay to doubt, but you shouldn’t do it all time. It reminds
me that despite how hesitant we are in everything that we do, we should
still take every risk in our life. There is no wrong in taking risks, what is
wrong is that you are afraid of trying. We should always remember that
every risk that we have in our life is a blessing from above, as it will help
us to earn something or learn something from it.

3. Trusting God is an essential element of true and saving faith that looks to God
and finds peace, strength, contentment and much more in him. When was the
time you realized that putting trust to God is important?
 I was raised and born as a child who understands the importance of trust
in our life, especially with God. They always remind me that trusting God
is fundamental to surpass all the trials that I have in life. Recently, my
mom was diagnosed for having a cyst in her stomach. The day that I have
found it, it feels like nothing is happening. However, last Tuesday she had
her surgery. During that time, I never stop praying for a successful
operation. I put all my trust in God and ask him to guide and give my mom
strength to surpass the operation. Hence, I believe that every individual in
this world realize that they should put their trust on God every time that
they are in a difficult situation, since God is the only person, they can lean

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