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Understanding Political Theory

Paper-I(1.1)Core Course-Credit6

BA Hons. Political Science Sem-I


Critical Perspectives in Political Theory:


Provided by Dr.Amanpreet Gill on Class Whatsapp Group

Feminism in Political Theory

Feminist had profound and lasting impact on the way we study and
interpret works of political theory.

Feminist perspective puts issues concerning ‘Gender’ at forefront

.From this point ,one views political theory in a new manner and
makes interesting discoveries.

Feminist Political theory views political classics with suspicion.

According to Susan M. Okin, the great tradition of political philosophy
consists of writing by men, for men and about men.

Civic and legal status of women was not given due consideration in
political theory for very longtime. Political classics say very little about
gender question. These classics have been read and interpreted from
feminist point by various scholars recently.
A feminist approach to the tradition of political theory began in 1960s
when women were looking at ‘usable past’ means a history of

Feminist historian of political theory sought heroes and heroines who

had championed the cause of women’s rights. These writings tried to
find women’s question in writings by male philosophers. Melissa
Butler found the liberal roots of feminism in Locke’s attack on
paternalism. Jeremy Bentham was honoured as the father of
feminism and JS Mill as its patron saint.

Very soon, this approach was dismissed by scholar like Susan Okin and
Carol Pateman . According to them, male theorists marginalized
women by placing them outside the public or civic sphere in which
men move and act politically. They have accorded women less than
the rights and obligations of full fledged citizens. The works of
political classics are a big example.

Feminist Perspective on Misogyny (Hating women) in Political

Theory/philosophy :

-feminist scholars found that Plato, Aristotle ,Machiavelli, Hobbes,

Locke have some kind of anti-women position in their writings.

Feminist approach rejected the concept of public private dichotomy in

political theory and declared that personal is political.

They declared that social contract is not social contract , but in reality
a contract among men.

They also criticized modern welfare state as patriarchal institution.

According to Ruddick , next came Maternal thinking. In this view ,
women are caring and concerned mothers speaking in a different
voice. But Susan Okin criticized this position as Biology- is- destiny
essentialism. Instead, Mary Dietz held out the prospect of an active
and engaged civic feminism or ‘citizenship with a feminist face.

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