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Basic Reminders

1 Please do not encode in gray-colored cells.

You can add more activities as needed and as deemed appropriate and relevant to the accomplishment of the set
output for the project
3 You can add strategies deemed relevant and aligned to the Office KRA and Objective.
4 Start plotting in the AIP which will capture all activities with VARIED funding sources.
5 Forward in the AIP all activities with MOOE fund allotment.
For the column of implementation date in the WFP, please indicate a specific date, not just the month. It could also
be stated like 1st week of the month for recurring activities.
7 In putting the indicator for activities, it must be the number of programmed conduct of the said specific activity.
8 In putting the indicator for output, refer to the output or deliverables.
Aside from putting your own project name, please indicate first the general name. Example: Drop-Out Reduction
Program (Project
In the AIP, SAGIP).
time frame should be marked with X if the activity is scheduled for particular month or months. In the
WFP, time frame is filled up by the financial cost of the activity for the applicable months.
BEDP (Basic Ed Devt Plan)

Pillars Strategies
1- Access S1 Improving access to universal kindergarten education
All school-age children, out-of-school youth, S2 Improve learners’ access to quality and learner friendly environment
and adults have access to relevant basic
learning opportunities S3 Improve capacity to retain learners in schools
S4 Improve strategies to ensure learners’ continuity to next stage
S5 Strengthen mechanisms for providing access to relevant basic opportunities for OSC, OSY and OSA

2- Equity S1 Improve program

Provide an management
inclusive, and service
effective, culturally delivery gender-sensitive, and safe learning environment to respond to the situations of
Disadvantaged school-age children and S2 disadvantage
youth, and adults benefited from appropriate
equity initiatives S3 Improve contextualized curriculum and learning delivery
S4 Enhance DepEd platforms for learning resources
S5 Promote partnerships to benefit education for learners in situations of disadvantage

3- Quality S1 Align curriculum and instruction methods in all subjects

Learners complete K-12 basic education S2 Build capacity for assessment through professional development
having attained all learning standards that
equip them with the necessary skills and S3 Assess learning outcomes at each key stage transition and for learners in situation of disadvantage
attributes to pursue their chosen paths S4 Align resource provision (including digital devices) with key stage learning standards
S5 Strengthening consultations on curriculum, instruction, assessment

4- Resiliency S1 Integrate
Ensure thatchildren’s
learnersrights in the and
are aware design
all DepEd programs
their rights andinprojects
to and education from DepEd and fully understand their responsibilities in
Learners are resilient and aware of their S2 relation to these rights
rights, and have the life skills to protect
themselves and their rights S3 Protect learners and personnel from death, injury, and harm brought by natural and human-induced hazards
S4 Provide learners with access to learning continuity interventions in the aftermath of a disaster or emergency
S5 Ensure that education facilities are safe and protected from the impacts of natural and human-induced hazards
S6 Providing learners with basic health and nutritional services
S7 Nurture and protecting learners’ mental and psychosocial health
S8 Promoting learners' physical and emotional development

Enabling Mechanism of Governance

Efficient, agile and resilient governance and EM1 Education leaders and managers practice participative, ethical and inclusive management processes
management processes
EM2 All personnel are resilient, competent and continuously improving
EM3 Ideal Learning environment and adequate learning resources for learners ensured
EM4 Internal systems and processes are efficient, responsive, modern and continuously improving
EM5 Key stakeholders actively collaborate to serve learners better
EM6 Public and private education systems work more collaboratively under a dynamic and responsive complementarity framework



Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved:

School M & E Focal Person School Planning Team School Head



Category of CIGPs
Program/ Implementation Level of Control Frequency of the CIGP
Activity Proposed Resolution/s
Project CIGPs (Technical, Institutional, Financial, Political, Within the Unit's Control or Needs Attention of Is it new or recurring CIGPs? If recurring, how
Infrastructure, Social, Gender) Higher Mngt many quarters has it recurred?

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved:

School M & E Focal Person School Planning Team School Head


Target Actual Variance Target Actual Variance the Variance Intervention/ Timeline Amount

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved:

School M & E Focal Person School Planning Team School Head

FY 2022
Leg. District: 1


Performance Source of
Indicator (PI) Physical Financial Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Human Physical Financial Fund

KRA 1: LEADING 1. Crafted school plans Education leaders and

STRATEGICALLY or SIP aligned with managers practice 100% updated
School Strategic and school strategic
(20%) national, local goals participative, ethical and 12
Operational Planning and operational
and policies and inclusive management
DepEd vision, mission processes plans
and core values in (Governance EM#1) Printers, Bond
collaboration with Project SIKAP (School papers, Laptop,
internal and external Improvements Keeping for Updating SIP No. of SIP Crafted 1 2,500.00 √ √ SPT Internet 2,500.000
stakeholders. Adjustments of Plans) Connectivity, Donations
AIP crafted / adjusted Printers, Bond
No. of BE-LCP √ Teachers and papers, Laptop,
Updating of Annual BE-LCP
1 1,000.00
Internet 1,000.000
Connectivity, Donations

Printers, Bond
papers, Laptop,
Drafting of operational Plans (AIP and No.of teachers √
WFP) involved
12 1,000.00 SPT Internet 1,000.000
Connectivity, Donations

2. Led the conduct of Public and private

policy implementation education systems work PPAs Implementation No. of PIR Activties
and review and more collaboratively Monitoring conducted
adjustment or under a dynamic and Project SAME (School
refinement and responsive Conduct of program implementation No of activities Teachers and Bondpapers,
Activities on Monitoring and
review - SMEA conducted
4 2,000.00 √ √ √ √
SH printers, laptop 2,000.000 Donations
enhancement of complementary Evaluation )
policies, Programs, framework
Projects and Activities (Governance EM#6) Conducted M and E of PTA, SH and Internet
(PPAs) in consistency PPAs Analysis and review of client feedbacks ( No of activities √ √ √ √ connectivity,
internal and external) conducted
4 600.00 Other laptop, multi 600.000 Donations
and relevance of Stakeholders media
school operations
Printers, Bond
PTA, SH and papers, Laptop,
SBM progress monitoring and validation No of activities √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
activities conducted
12 1,200.00 Other Internet 1,200.000
Stakeholders Connectivity, Donations
3. Conducted and Internal systems and
completed researches/ processes are efficient,
Research and Development No. of CIs prposed 3
Continuous responsive, modern nd
Improvement projects continous improving 0.00
Printers, Bond
and utilized results to (Governance EM#4) SH and papers, Laptop,
improve school Project ICT ( I Commit Conduct of Action/ Applied research, No of trainings √ √ √
Teachers) innovations / IGPs training conducted
1 3,000.00 Teachers, Internet 3,000.000 Donations
performance DQAT Connectivity,
Research, Innovations, No of
Income Generating Drafting of Action/ Applied research, Research 1
√ Teachers and Laptop, Internet
Projects completed innovations / IGPs proposals 1 1,500.00
connectivity, 1,500.000
Innovations and 1 Cellphone
IGPs proposed

Printers, Bond
PTA, SH and papers, Laptop,
Implementation of Innovations and CI No of CI activities √ √ √
projects conducted
3 1,500.00 Other Internet 1,500.000
Stakeholders Connectivity, Donations

KRA 2: MANAGING 1. Managed and Improve program School Statistics and Data
SCHOOL maintained updated management and Management Updated school basic
Total No. of teachers in
OPERATIONS AND school data and service delivery education satistics and participation
RESOURCES information using (Pillar2Equity data management
(15%) technology, including Strat#1) 0.00
ICT for effective school Project DATA ( Data
operation Acoountability on Tapping Updating of school Information System No of activities √ √ √ √ Teachers and Laptop, Internet
Activities) 8 4,000.00 connectivity, 4,000.000
(eBEIS,LIS,BEIS,NSBI) conducted SH Cellphone Donations

Printers, Bond
Preparation,publication and
No of activities √ Teachers and papers, Laptop,
communication of School Report Card
4 4,000.00
Internet 4,000.000
(SRC) Connectivity, Donations

Creation of system / mechanism for No of activities √ √ √ √ Teachers and Laptop, Internet

records management conducted
4 4,000.00
connectivity, 4,000.000 Donations
2. Planned and Education leaders nd
managed the utilization managers practice
of school budget and participative, ethical and AIP,WFP,APP and
other financial inclusive management School Financial submission of
Total No. of activities
Management conducted
resources of the school processes liquidation reports
adhering consistently (Governance EM#1)
to policies, guidelines 0.00
and issuances in Project CASH (Checking of Laptop, Internet
allocation, Preparation of school budget plans No of activities √
Accounts Settlement with
( AIP,WFP, and APP) conducted
1 500.00 SPT connectivity, 500.000 Donations
procurement, Honesty ) Cellphone
disbursement and
liquidation Submission of liquidation reports - SH and School Printers, Bond
No of activities √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
20 2,000.00 Finance papers, Laptop, 2,000.000
and other finance-related reports Designate fastener, folders Donations
disbursement and

PTA, SH and Laptop, Internet

No of activities √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Monitoring of budget utilization
12 600.00 Other connectivity, 600.000 Donations
Stakeholders Cellphone
3. Demonstrated, Internal systems and
established and processes are efficient, Customized school
systematized responsive, modern nd plan management
Accurate and updated
processes in managing continous improving system for school
Infrastructure Management inventory of all school 12
the school facilities and P1-2 Improve learners" facilities, equipment, properties
equipment including access to quality and plant inventories ,
acquisition, utilization, learner friendly storage and disposal
construction, repair environment
and maintenance. (Governance EM#4) Project BUILD ( Build in PTA, SH, POW,PR & PO,
No of activities √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Computer,
Unity, Initiatives and Legacy Maintenance and minor repairs 12 18,000.00 Teachers and 18,000.000
for Dev't)
Laptop, MOOE
Bondpaper, Ink 18,000.00


Maintenance of euipments and other No of activities √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Computer,
technology infrastructure conducted
12 18,000.00 Teachers and Laptop, 18,000.000
Stakeholders MOOE
Bondpaper, Ink
PTA, SH and Laptop, Internet
Creation of maintenance monitoring No of activities √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
system conducted
4 2,000.00 Other connectivity, 2,000.000 Donations
Stakeholders Cellphone
4. Organized and All personnel are
Competent and Attendance of teachers
managed an effective resilient, competent and Human Resource Staffing
empowered school in seminars/ trainings 12
staffing or school continously improving and Management for professional dev't
organizational (Governance EM#2) 0.00
structure of both
Project SLAC (Strengthening Laptop, Internet
teaching and non- No. of teachers Teachers and connectivity,
teaching staff to Level of Ability and Organization and conduct of SLAC 12 6,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 6,000.000
participated SH Cellphone, Bond Donations
engage and empower Competency of Teachers) papers
them in adherence to
policies and issuances
Attendance to trainings on updating No. of teachers √ Teachers and Laptop, Internet
electronic HRIS participated
12 1,200.00
connectivity, 1,200.000 Donations

Attendance to other seminars /

No. of teachers √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Teachers and Laptop, Internet
trainings / workshops for preofessional
12 1,200.00
connectivity, 1,200.000 Donations
dev't Cellphone

5. Created and Ensure that education

established a facilities are safe and Disaster Risk Reduction Safe and friendly No. of teachers in
functional school protected from the and Management learning environment participation
safety and disaster risk impacts of natural and 0.00
management to ensure human-induced hazards Teachers, Laptop, Internet
No of activities √ √ √ √
safe, orderly and Conduct of NSED
4 800.00 Learners, PTA connectivity, 800.000 Donations
healthy school (Pillar4Resiliency and SH Cellphone
environment Strat#5)
Project WORTH (Work On PR & PO,
Provision of emergency, health and No. of teachers √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Teachers and Computer,
Reinforcement Through
disaster - related supplies involved
12 12,800.00
SH Laptop, 12,800.000
Health and wellness) MOOE
Bondpaper, Ink
Project FACE (Facilities for Teachers , POW,PR & PO,
School ground maintenance and No of activities √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Computer,
Accessible Child-Friendly
Construction of WASH area conducted
12 46,000.00 Brgy officials Laptop, 46,000.000 MOOE and
Environment) and Bondpaper, Ink SEF
Stakeholders 6,000.00
KRA 3: FOCUSING 1. Conducted and Align curriculum and
ON TEACHING managed school- instruction methods in all Curriculum / Leraning LASs,SLMs,contextuali Total No. of teachers in
AND LEARNING based review, subject (Pillar3Quality Delivery Implementation zed Ims participation
(35%) contextualization and Strat#1) 0.00
implementation of
learning standards to Project CONTEQS
assist teachers in (Contextualized Outputs thru PR & PO,
Reproduction and distribution of LASs No of teachers √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Teachers and Computer,
making the curriculum Network of Teachers to
and SLMs involved
12 36,000.00
SH Laptop, 36,000.000
relevant to learners Quality assure Self-paced Bondpaper, Ink MOOE
learning materials)
PR & PO,
Provision of teaching supplies for No of teachers √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Teachers and Computer,
12 48,000.00 48,000.000
teachers involved SH Laptop, MOOE
Bondpaper, Ink 48,000.00
Conduct of contextualization activities SQAT, DQAT, Laptop,
No of activities √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
( trainings, LR dev't,QA, pilot test,
12 12,000.00 Teachers and Bonpaper, 12,000.000 Donations
finalization ) SH printer, Ink
2. Supervised the Strengthening
application of teaching consultations on Provided TA and
Instructional Supervision No. of teachers in
standards and curriculum, instruction, feedbackto teaching participation
and Management
pedagogies and assessment personnel
engaged individuals (Pillar3Quality Strat#5) 0.00
and teams in providing
Project EAST ( Enhancing
feedback and technical No of activities √ √ Teachers and Laptop,
assistance to teachers Academic Supervision for Conduct of Class observation 2 2,000.00 Bonpaper, 2,000.000
conducted SH printer, Ink Donations
to improve practices
across learning areas
No of activities TWG,SH and Computer,
Monitoring of LAC Sessions
5 2,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Proponent Internet/Load
2,000.000 Donations

No. of teachers √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Teachers and Laptop,

Mentoring and coaching
12 2,000.00
Bonpaper, 2,000.000 Donations
printer, Ink

3. Developed and Assess learning

implemented plan for outcomes at each key Conducted initiatives to
School Learning No. of teachers in
learners’ assessment stage transition and for improve learning participation
Assessment Operation
including improving learners in situation of outcomes
learners’ achievement disadvantage
and other performance (Pillar3Quality Strat#3)
indicators to address
3. Developed and Assess learning
implemented plan for outcomes at each key
learners’ assessment stage transition and for
including improving learners in situation of
learners’ achievement disadvantage
and other performance (Pillar3Quality Strat#3) Learners,Teac
indicators to address Project SPARK ( Supervise hers, PTA, Laptop,
gaps Conduct of quarterly assessment of No. of activities √ √ √ √
Pupil Achievement,
learners conducted
4 4,000.00 Brgy. Officials Bonpaper, 4,000.000
Readiness and Knowledge) Stakeholders printer, Ink
and SH
Learners,Teac Laptop,
Project SOLVE
hers, PTA, Bonpaper,
(Strengthening the Outcomes Conduct of reading and numeracy No. of teachers √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
on Literacy and numeracy program/intervention activities involved
12 12,000.00 Brgy. Officials printer, Ink, 12,000.000
Stakeholders Internet/load, Donations
thru Varied Exercises) cellphone
and SH

Learners,Teac Laptop,
hers, PTA, Bonpaper,
Conduct of recognition, moving up and No. of activities √
graduation programs conducted
1 5,000.00 Brgy. Officials printer, Ink, 5,000.000
Stakeholders Internet/load,
cellphone MOOE
and SH
4. Managed learner P4-2 Ensure that
discipline through learners are aware and
conducted CPP related Total no. of participants
established school can assert their rights to
Child-Protection Program activites, Student to include the CPP 20
rules and policies andin education from members
collaboratively DepEd and fully
developed with understand their 0.00
stakeholders responsibilities in relation
to these rights Learners,Teac Laptop,
(PillarResiliency Strat#2) Project EASE (Engage All hers, PTA, Bonpaper,
Conduct of Child-protection policy(CPP) √ √ √ √
Students Effectively in CPP) related activities
No. of paticipants 20 10,000.00 Brgy. Officials printer, Ink, 10,000.000
Stakeholders Internet/load,
cellphone Donations
and SH

Learners,Teac Laptop,
hers, PTA, Bonpaper,
Conduct of orientation / symposium on No. of teachers √
CPP involved
12 5,000.00 Brgy. Officials printer, Ink, 5,000.000
Stakeholders Internet/load, Donations
and SH cellphone

hers, PTA,
No. of teachers √ Laptop,Internet/
Trainings on Child-protection
12 5,000.00 Brgy. Officials load, cellphone 5,000.000
Stakeholders Donations
and SH
KRA 4: Developing 1. Upgraded personal P3-2 Build capacity for
Self and Others and professional assessment through Professional Development / L and D, Certificates, Total No. of teachers in
(15%) development based on professional Learning and Development pictures participation
the conducted self- development 0.00
assessment and (Pillar3Quality Strat#2)
Project GRADE ( Gender Laptop,
development planning
and serve as learning Responsiveness with Conduct of gender and development No. of activities √ √ √ √ Teachers and Bonpaper,
Accountability Develop thru related activities conducted
4 4,000.00
printer, Ink, 4,000.000
resource to teachers Internet/load,
and peers. Education ) cellphone SEF

No. of teachers √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Teachers and Bonpaper,
Trainings on Personal development
12 24,000.00
printer, Ink, 24,000.000

2. Led in organizing P3-5 Strengthening
professional networks consultations on Professional Development / L and D, Certificates, Total No. of teachers in
and learning curriculum, instruction, participation
Learning and Development pictures
community among assessment
teachers and (Pillar3Quality Strat#5) 0.00
colleagues to advance Laptop,
and maximize KSAs Project SLAC (Strengthening
and practice. Conduct of School Learning Action Cell No. of teachers √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Teachers and Bonpaper,
Level of Ability and
Sessions involved
12 12,000.00
printer, Ink, 12,000.000
Competency of Teachers) Internet/load, Donations

Project on teachers' participation to
No. of teachers √ √ Teachers and Bonpaper,
trainings or any professional dev't
12 12,000.00
printer, Ink, 12,000.000
activities including scholarships Internet/load, MOOE
cellphone 12,000.00
Conduct In-Service Trainings for No. of activities √ √ Teachers and Bonpaper,
Teachers conducted
2 4,000.00
printer, Ink, 4,000.000
Internet/load, Donations
3. Implemented, Internal systems and
evaluated and processes are efficient, Personnel Performance Total No. of teachers in
practiced the responsive, modern and Management IPCRF Monitoring tool, participation
performance continously improving duties and 0.00
Project PRIME responsibilities of
management system (Governance EM#4)
( Performance Review for teachers, pictures No of activities √ √ √ √ Teachers and Laptop,
to ensure career
Individual Means of
Conduct of Performance reviews
4 4,000.00
boondpaper, ink, 4,000.000 Donations
advancement of printer
Evaluation )
personnel and school
performance Creation of mechanism/system for No. of teachers √ √ √ √ Teachers and Laptop,
performance reviews involved
12 1,200.00
boondpaper, ink, 1,200.000 Donations

Review of duties and responsibilities of No. of teachers √ √ √ √ Teachers and Laptop,

teachers involved
12 1,200.00
boondpaper, ink, 1,200.000 Donations

4. Provided All personnel are

opportunities, resilient, competent and Leadership Development in Total no. of partcipants 12
capacitated and continously improving Individuals and Teams
empowered individuals (Governance EM#2) Organized working 0.00
and teams in committees ,
enhancing strengths certificates on
and gaps as means of designations
development and
4. Provided All personnel are
opportunities, resilient, competent and
capacitated and continously improving
empowered individuals (Governance EM#2) Organized working
and teams in committees ,
certificates on Laptop,
enhancing strengths Project TEAMS (Teachers' Bonpaper,
and gaps as means of designations Attendance to trainings pertaining to No. of teachers √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Empowerment, Advocates of
personnel designation involved
12 12,000.00 Teachers printer, Ink, 12,000.000
professional Mastery thru Seminars ) Internet/load, Donations
development and cellphone
development Laptop,
Organization of School Planning Teams,
No. of teachers √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Teachers and Bonpaper,
Technical Working Goups, Working
12 12,000.00
printer, Ink, 12,000.000
Committees, etc. Internet/load, Donations

5. Promoted and All personnel are
advocated general resilient, competent and Human Resource General L and D, Certificates, Total No. of teachers in
welfare and benefits of continously improving Welfare pictures participation
personnel in (Governance EM#2) 0.00
adherence to local and Project PROTECT Laptop,
national policies (Promoting Resiliency for
Activities on mental health advocacies No. of teachers √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Teachers and Bonpaper,
Opportunities on Teachers'
for school personnel involved
12 12,000.00
printer, Ink, 12,000.000
Excellence, Competence and Internet/load,
True grit)

No. of teachers √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Teachers and Bonpaper,
Forums on financial literacy
12 1,200.00
printer, Ink, 1,200.000
Internet/load, Donations

Orientation on Career and professional No. of teachers √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Teachers and Bonpaper,
growth involved
12 1,200.00
printer, Ink, 1,200.000
Internet/load, Donations
6. Institutionalized a Internal systems and Organized rewards and
school-based Rewards processes are efficient, Employee Rewards and recognition activities for
Total No. of teachers in
and Recognition responsive, modern and Recognition participation
teachers 0.00
system or mechanism continously improving
for sustained (Governance EM#4) Teachers, Laptop,
exemplary Project CROWN (Celebrate PTA, Brgy. Bonpaper,
performance No of activities √
and Recognize Outstanding Conduct of teachers' day celebration
1 3,000.00 Officials printer, Ink, 3,000.000
Works are Noteworthy) Stakeholders Internet/load,
and SH

Teachers, Laptop,
Conduct of rewards and recognition No of activities √ PTA,
activities for personnel conducted
1 3,000.00 printer, Ink,
Stakeholders Internet/load,
and SH cellphone

KRA 5: BUILDING 1. Supported and Public and private Established strong Output
CONNECTIONS strengthened diverse education systems work Partnership Development partnership and Output Indicator Here Indicator
(15%) relationships to sustain more collaboratively and Management Target Here
linkages 0.00
an enabling and under a dynamic and
supportive responsive
environment for complementarity Project COLLAB Teachers,
learners. framework (Collaborate for Opportunities No of activities √ PTA,
thru Linkages with Laudable
Organization of PTA, Alumni, etc.
2 3,000.00 Computer/Cellph
Stakeholders one, Internet
(Governance EM#6)
Accomplishments Beaming) and SH Donations

PTA, Multimedia,
Conduct of stakeholder coordination No of activities √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
activties conducted
4 4,000.00 Stakeholders, Computer/Cellph 4,000.000
Brgy. Officials one, Internet Donations
and SH

Attendance to LGU meetings and No. of teachers √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Teachers, LGU Multimedia,

participation to different LGU activities involved
12 12,000.00
and SH
Computer/Cellph 12,000.000 Donations
one, Internet
2. Managed and Education leaders and
evaluated school managers practice Organized learner 100% participation of all
Learner Support Programs teachers
organizations, faculty participative, ethical and support programs
clubs to support the inclusive management 0.00
attainment of processes (Governance Project SUPPORT
institutional goals. EM#1) (Strengthening and Unifying
Participation in memorandized student No. of teachers √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Teachers, SH Multimedia,
Pupils' Programs thru
contest involved
12 6,000.00 Computer/Cellph
and Learners one, Internet
Organizing Responsible Donations

Organization of student organization No of activities √ √ Teachers, SH Multimedia,

(SPG and YES-O) conducted
2 3,000.00 Computer/Cellph
and Learners one, Internet
3,000.000 Donations

Monitoring and evaluation of school No of activities √ √ Teachers and
organization accomplishments conducted
4 2,000.00
Computer/Cellph 2,000.000 Donations
one, Internet

3. Demonstrated skills Key stakeholders

in communicating actively collaborate to 100% participation of all
Public Affairs Management teachers
effectively in speaking serve learners better 0.00
and writing and ensure (Governance EM#5) Organized system/
positive platforms mechanism of open Teachers,
within the school and Project SPACE (Spread communication to PTA, Multimedia,
stakeholders Conduct of State of the School Address No of activities √
community. Programs and Advocacies in
( SOSA) conducted
1 1,000.00 Stakeholders, Computer/Cellph 1,000.000
the Community Effectively) Brgy. Officials one, Internet, Donations
and SH

PTA, Multimedia,
Conduct of school meetings related to No of activities √ √ √ √
building partnerships conducted
4 6,000.00 Stakeholders, Computer/Cellph 6,000.000
Brgy. Officials one, Internet, Donations
and SH
Communication of School Advocacies PTA, Multimedia,
No of teachers √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
and Programs ( tarpaulins, social media
12 3,600.00 Stakeholders, Computer/Cellph 3,600.000
ads, announcement on school website) Brgy. Officials one, Internet, MOOE
and SH
4. Involved, initiated Public and private Community Relations,
and led in school and education systems work Development and 100% participation of all
community more collaboratively Engagement
Engaged community
collaborative programs under a dynamic and
Project SOURCE participation and
and actions in solving responsive Teachers,
(Sustainable Operations is collaboration to sustain Multimedia,
issues and promoting complementarity No of activities PTA,
Unstoppable thru school PAPs Brigada Eskwela Activties 12 6,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Computer/Cellph 6,000.000
development in the framework conducted Stakeholders, one, Internet,
school and community (Governance EM#6) Responsibility and Donations
LGU and SH
as well Commitment in Education)

Sponsorship of forums in collaboration Multimedia,
No of teachers √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ PTA,
with community to address social and
12 1,000.00 Computer/Cellph
Stakeholders, one, Internet,
community issues and comm. dev't Donations
LGU and SH

A. Payment of Salaries of Job Orders

Overhead Administrative Cost and Others
a.1. Salaries of Job Order 36,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 36,000.000 MOOE
1 36,000.000
a.2 Security Services
B. Operational Expenses
12 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
b.1 Other office supplies 12,000.00 12,000.000 MOOE 12,000.000
12 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
b.2 Water Expenses 6,000.00 6,000.000 MOOE 6,000.000
12 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
b.3 Electricity Expenses 12,000.00 12,000.000 MOOE 12,000.000
12 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
b.4 Internet Subscription Expenses 22,000.00 22,000.000 MOOE 22,000.000
b.5 Meals for Meetings 12
6,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 6,000.000 Donations
12 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
b.6 Communication Expenses 12,000.00 12,000.000 MOOE 12,000.000
b.7 Vehicles /Building Repair and
b.8 Equipment Repair and Maintenance 12,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 12,000.000
MOOE 12,000.000
b.9 Miscellaneous Expenses 6,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 6,000.000 MOOE 6,000.000
b.10 Gasoline Expenses

b.11 Fidelity Bond Premium √ - SEF

b. 12 Taxes, Duties, Expenses

b.13 Postage and Courier Expenses

Others, itemize below




C. Travel/Other Supplies Expenses

(Local Travel by Air and by Land)

c.1 Traveling Expenses - Local 18,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 18,000.000
MOOE 18,000.000
D. Common use supplies for Office

c.1 Supplies and Materials Expenses 12,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 12,000.000

MOOE 12,000.000
d. Supplies and Materials for

d.1 Supplies and Materials Expenses 12,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 12,000.000

MOOE 600

TOTAL 869 598800 598800

312000 0

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved:


Principal II Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Date: For LDs 1,3 and 5 Officer In-Charge, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent
Date: Date:
FY 2022
Leg. District: 1


Performance Implementation
Indicator (PI) Physical Financial Date Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Human Physical Financial

KRA 1: 1. Crafted school plans Education leaders and 100% updated school
LEADING or SIP aligned with managers practice School Strategic and SIP, BE-LCP,WFP and
strategic and 12
STRATEGICALLY national, local goals participative, ethical and Operational Planning AIP crafted / adjusted operational plans
(20%) and policies and inclusive management
DepEd vision, mission processes Project SIKAP (School Printers, Bond papers,
and core values in (Governance EM#1) Improvements Keeping for Updating SIP No. of SIP Crafted 1 2,500.00 √ √ SPT Laptop, Internet 2,500.000 Donations
collaboration with Adjustments of Plans) Connectivity, Multimedia
internal and external Printers, Bond papers,
stakeholders. Updating of Annual BE-LCP No. of BE-LCP crafted 1 1,000.00 √ Teachers and SH Laptop, Internet 1,000.000 Donations
Connectivity, Multimedia
Printers, Bond papers,
Drafting of operational Plans (AIP and
No.of teachers involved 12 1,000.00 √ SPT Laptop, Internet 1,000.000 Donations
Connectivity, Multimedia
2. Led the conduct of Public and private
policy implementation education systems work
and review and more collaboratively PPAs Implementation Conducted M and E of No. of PIR Activties
Monitoring PPAs conducted
adjustment or under a dynamic and
refinement and responsive
enhancement of complementary
Project SAME (School
policies, Programs, framework Conduct of program implementation No of activities Bondpapers, printers,
Activities on Monitoring and
review - SMEA conducted
4 2,000.00 √ √ √ √ Teachers and SH
2,000.000 Donations
Projects and Activities (Governance EM#6) Evaluation )
(PPAs) in consistency
and relevance of
Analysis and review of client feedbacks ( No of activities PTA, SH and Other Internet connectivity,
school operations
internal and external) conducted
4 600.00 √ √ √ √
Stakeholders laptop, multi media
600.000 Donations

Printers, Bond papers,

SBM progress monitoring and validation No of activities PTA, SH and Other
activities conducted
12 1,200.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Laptop, Internet 1,200.000 Donations
Connectivity, Multimedia
3. Conducted and Internal systems and Research, Innovations,
completed researches/ processes are efficient, Research and Development
Income Generating Output Indicator Here 3
Continuous responsive, modern nd Projects completed
Improvement projects continous improving
and utilized results to (Governance EM#4) Printers, Bond papers,
improve school Project ICT ( I Commit Conduct of Action/ Applied research, No of activities
Teachers) innovations / IGPs training conducted
1 3,000.00 √ √ √ SH and Teachers, DQAT Laptop, Internet 3,000.000 Donations
performance Connectivity, Multimedia

Drafting of Action/ Applied research, No of activities Laptop, Internet
innovations / IGPs proposals conducted
1 1,500.00 √ Teachers and SH
connectivity, Cellphone
1,500.000 Donations

Printers, Bond papers,

Implementation of Innovations and CI No of activities PTA, SH and Other
projects conducted
3 1,500.00 √ √ √
Laptop, Internet 1,500.000 Donations
Connectivity, Multimedia
KRA 2: MANAGING 1. Managed and Improve program
SCHOOL maintained updated management and Updated school basic
School Statistics and Data
OPERATIONS AND school data and service delivery education satistics and Output Indicator Here 12
RESOURCES information using (Pillar2Equity data management
(15%) technology, including Strat#1)
ICT for effective school
operation Project DATA ( Data
Updating of school Information System No of activities Laptop, Internet
Acoountability on Tapping 8 4,000.00 √ √ √ √ Teachers and SH 4,000.000
(eBEIS,LIS,BEIS,NSBI) conducted connectivity, Cellphone Donations

Preparation,publication and Printers, Bond papers,

No of activities
communication of School Report Card
4 4,000.00 √ Teachers and SH Laptop, Internet 4,000.000
(SRC) Connectivity, Multimedia Donations

Creation of system / mechanism for No of activities Laptop, Internet

4 4,000.00 √ √ √ √ Teachers and SH 4,000.000
records management conducted connectivity, Cellphone Donations

2. Planned and Education leaders nd

managed the utilization managers practice
of school budget and participative, ethical and AIP,WFP,APP and
School Financial
other financial inclusive management submission of Output Indicator Here 29
resources of the school processes Management
liquidation reports
adhering consistently (Governance EM#1)
to policies, guidelines
and issuances in
allocation, Project CASH (Checking of
Preparation of school budget plans No of activities Laptop, Internet
procurement, Accounts Settlement with
( AIP,WFP, and APP) conducted
1 500.00 √ SPT
connectivity, Cellphone
500.000 Donations
disbursement and Honesty )
Submission of liquidation reports -
No of activities SH and School Finance Printers, Bond papers,
20 2,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Designate Laptop, fastener, folders
2,000.000 Donations
and other finance-related reports

No of activities PTA, SH and Other Laptop, Internet

Monitoring of budget utilization
12 600.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Stakeholders connectivity, Cellphone
600.000 Donations

3. Demonstrated, Internal systems and

established and processes are efficient, Customized school
systematized responsive, modern nd plan management
processes in managing continous improving system for school
Infrastructure Management Output Indicator Here 12
the school facilities and P1-2 Improve learners" facilities, equipment,
equipment including access to quality and plant inventories ,
acquisition, utilization, learner friendly storage and disposal
construction, repair environment
and maintenance. (Governance EM#4) Project BUILD ( Build in Unity, POW,PR & PO,
No of activities PTA, SH, Teachers and
Initiatives and Legacy for Maintenance and minor repairs
12 18,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Computer, Laptop, 18,000.000 MOOE
Dev't) Bondpaper, Ink


Maintenance of euipments and other No of activities PTA, SH, Teachers and
technology infrastructure conducted
12 18,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Computer, Laptop, 18,000.000 MOOE
Bondpaper, Ink

Creation of maintenance monitoring No of activities PTA, SH and Other Laptop, Internet

system conducted
4 2,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Stakeholders connectivity, Cellphone
2,000.000 Donations

4. Organized and All personnel are

Competent and
managed an effective resilient, competent and Human Resource Staffing
empowered school Output Indicator Here 12
staffing or school continously improving and Management
organizational (Governance EM#2)
structure of both
teaching and non- Project SLAC (Strengthening Laptop, Internet
teaching staff to No of activities
Level of Ability and Organization and conduct of SLAC
12 6,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Teachers and SH connectivity, Cellphone, 6,000.000
engage and empower Competency of Teachers) Bond papers Donations
them in adherence to
policies and issuances
Attendance to trainings on updating No of activities Laptop, Internet
electronic HRIS conducted
12 1,200.00 √ Teachers and SH
connectivity, Cellphone
1,200.000 Donations
Attendance to other seminars /
No of activities Laptop, Internet
trainings / workshops for preofessional
12 1,200.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Teachers and SH
connectivity, Cellphone
1,200.000 Donations
5. Created and Ensure that education
established a facilities are safe and Disaster Risk Reduction Safe and friendly
Output Indicator Here 12
functional school protected from the and Management learning environment
safety and disaster risk impacts of natural and
management to ensure human-induced hazards No of activities Teachers, Learners, PTA Laptop, Internet
safe, orderly and Conduct of NSED
4 800.00 √ √ √ √
and SH connectivity, Cellphone
800.000 Donations
healthy school (Pillar4Resiliency
environment Strat#5) Project WORTH (Work On
Provision of emergency, health and No of activities PR & PO, Computer,
Reinforcement Through 12 12,800.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Teachers and SH 12,800.000
Health and wellness)
disaster - related supplies conducted Laptop, Bondpaper, Ink MOOE

Project FACE (Facilities for PTA, SH, Teachers , Brgy POW,PR & PO,
School ground maintenance and No of activities
Accessible Child-Friendly
Construction of WASH area conducted
12 46,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ officials and Computer, Laptop, 46,000.000 MOOE and SEF
Environment) Stakeholders Bondpaper, Ink
KRA 3: FOCUSING 1. Conducted and Align curriculum and
ON TEACHING managed school- instruction methods in all Curriculum / Leraning LASs,SLMs,contextuali
Output Indicator Here 12
AND LEARNING based review, subject (Pillar3Quality Delivery Implementation zed Ims
(35%) contextualization and Strat#1)
implementation of
learning standards to Project CONTEQS
assist teachers in (Contextualized Outputs thru
Reproduction and distribution of LASs No of activities PR & PO, Computer,
making the curriculum Network of Teachers to
and SLMs conducted
12 36,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Teachers and SH
Laptop, Bondpaper, Ink
relevant to learners Quality assure Self-paced
learning materials)

Provision of teaching supplies for No of activities PR & PO, Computer,

teachers conducted
12 48,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Teachers and SH
Laptop, Bondpaper, Ink
48,000.000 MOOE

Conduct of contextualization activities

No of activities SQAT, DQAT, Teachers Laptop, Bonpaper, printer,
( trainings, LR dev't,QA, pilot test,
12 12,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
and SH Ink
12,000.000 Donations
finalization )
2. Supervised the Strengthening
application of teaching consultations on Provided TA and
Instructional Supervision
standards and curriculum, instruction, feedbackto teaching Output Indicator Here 12
and Management
pedagogies and assessment personnel
engaged individuals (Pillar3Quality Strat#5)
and teams in providing
feedback and technical Project EAST ( Enhancing
No of activities Laptop, Bonpaper, printer,
assistance to teachers Academic Supervision for Conduct of Class observation
2 2,000.00 √ √ Teachers and SH
Teachers) Donations
to improve practices
across learning areas
No of activities
Monitoring of LAC Sessions
5 2,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ TWG,SH and Proponent Computer, Internet/Load 2,000.000 Donations

No of activities Laptop, Bonpaper, printer,

Mentoring and coaching
12 2,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Teachers and SH
2,000.000 Donations

3. Developed and Assess learning

implemented plan for outcomes at each key Conducted initiatives to
School Learning
learners’ assessment stage transition and for improve learning Output Indicator Here 12
Assessment Operation
including improving learners in situation of outcomes
learners’ achievement disadvantage
and other performance (Pillar3Quality Strat#3) Project SPARK ( Supervise Learners,Teachers, PTA,
indicators to address Conduct of quarterly assessment of No of activities Laptop, Bonpaper, printer,
Pupil Achievement,
learners conducted
4 4,000.00 √ √ √ √ Brgy. Officials
gaps Readiness and Knowledge) Stakeholders and SH MOOE

Project SOLVE
Learners,Teachers, PTA, Laptop, Bonpaper, printer,
(Strengthening the Outcomes Conduct of reading and numeracy No of activities 12 12,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Brgy. Officials Ink, Internet/load, 12,000.000
on Literacy and numeracy program/intervention activities conducted
Stakeholders and SH cellphone Donations
thru Varied Exercises)
Learners,Teachers, PTA, Laptop, Bonpaper, printer,
Conduct of recognition, moving up and No of activities
graduation programs conducted
1 5,000.00 √ Brgy. Officials Ink, Internet/load, 5,000.000 MOOE
Stakeholders and SH cellphone
4. Managed learner P4-2 Ensure that
discipline through learners are aware and conducted CPP related
established school can assert their rights to Child-Protection Program activites, Student Output Indicator Here 20
rules and policies andin education from handbooks,
collaboratively DepEd and fully
developed with understand their Learners,Teachers, PTA, Laptop, Bonpaper, printer,
stakeholders responsibilities in relation Project EASE (Engage All Conduct of Child-protection policy(CPP) No of activities
Students Effectively in CPP) related activities conducted
20 10,000.00 √ √ √ √ Brgy. Officials Ink, Internet/load, 10,000.000 Donations
to these rights Stakeholders and SH cellphone
(PillarResiliency Strat#2)
Learners,Teachers, PTA, Laptop, Bonpaper, printer,
Conduct of orientation / symposium on No of activities
CPP conducted
12 5,000.00 √ Brgy. Officials Ink, Internet/load, 5,000.000 Donations
Stakeholders and SH cellphone
Learners,Teachers, PTA,
No of activities Laptop,Internet/load,
Trainings on Child-protection
12 5,000.00 √ Brgy. Officials
5,000.000 Donations
Stakeholders and SH
KRA 4: Developing 1. Upgraded personal P3-2 Build capacity for
Self and Others and professional assessment through Professional Development / L and D, Certificates,
Output Indicator Here 12
(15%) development based on professional Learning and Development pictures
the conducted self- development
assessment and (Pillar3Quality Strat#2)
Project GRADE ( Gender
development planning Laptop, Bonpaper, printer,
Responsiveness with Conduct of gender and development No of activities
and serve as learning
Accountability Develop thru related activities conducted
4 4,000.00 √ √ √ √ Teachers and SH Ink, Internet/load, 4,000.000
resource to teachers cellphone SEF
Education )
and peers.
Laptop, Bonpaper, printer,
No of activities
Trainings on Personal development
12 24,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Teachers and SH Ink, Internet/load, 24,000.000 SEF

No of activities
0 0.00 0 0 -
2. Led in organizing P3-5 Strengthening
professional networks consultations on Professional Development / L and D, Certificates,
Output Indicator Here 12
and learning curriculum, instruction, Learning and Development pictures
community among assessment
teachers and (Pillar3Quality Strat#5) Project SLAC (Strengthening Laptop, Bonpaper, printer,
colleagues to advance Conduct of School Learning Action Cell No of activities
Level of Ability and
Sessions conducted
12 12,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Teachers and SH Ink, Internet/load, 12,000.000 Donations
and maximize KSAs Competency of Teachers) cellphone
and practice.
Project on teachers' participation to Laptop, Bonpaper, printer,
No of activities
trainings or any professional dev't
12 12,000.00 √ √ Teachers and SH Ink, Internet/load, 12,000.000 MOOE
activities including scholarships cellphone
Laptop, Bonpaper, printer,
Conduct In-Service Trainings for No of activities
Teachers conducted
2 4,000.00 √ √ Teachers and SH Ink, Internet/load, 4,000.000 Donations
3. Implemented, Internal systems and
evaluated and processes are efficient, IPCRF Monitoring tool,
practiced the responsive, modern and Personnel Performance duties and
Output Indicator Here 12
performance continously improving Management responsibilities of
management system (Governance EM#4) teachers, pictures
to ensure career
advancement of Project PRIME ( Performance
personnel and school No of activities Laptop, boondpaper, ink,
Review for Individual Means Conduct of Performance reviews
4 4,000.00 √ √ √ √ Teachers and SH
4,000.000 Donations
performance of Evaluation )

Creation of mechanism/system for No of activities Laptop, boondpaper, ink,

performance reviews conducted
12 1,200.00 √ √ √ √ Teachers and SH
1,200.000 Donations

Review of duties and responsibilities of No of activities Laptop, boondpaper, ink,

teachers conducted
12 1,200.00 √ √ √ √ Teachers and SH
1,200.000 Donations
4. Provided All personnel are
opportunities, resilient, competent and Organized working
capacitated and continously improving Leadership Development in committees ,
Output Indicator Here 12
empowered individuals (Governance EM#2) Individuals and Teams certificates on
and teams in designations
enhancing strengths
and gaps as means of Project TEAMS (Teachers' Laptop, Bonpaper, printer,
professional Attendance to trainings pertaining to No of activities
Empowerment, Advocates of
personnel designation conducted
12 12,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Teachers Ink, Internet/load, 12,000.000 Donations
development and Mastery thru Seminars ) cellphone
development Organization of School Planning Teams, Laptop, Bonpaper, printer,
No of activities
Technical Working Goups, Working
12 12,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Teachers and SH Ink, Internet/load, 12,000.000 Donations
Committees, etc. cellphone

No of activities
0 0 0 -
5. Promoted and All personnel are
advocated general resilient, competent and Human Resource General L and D, Certificates, Output Indicator Here 12
welfare and benefits of continously improving Welfare pictures
personnel in (Governance EM#2)
adherence to local and Project PROTECT
national policies (Promoting Resiliency for Laptop, Bonpaper, printer,
Activities on mental health advocacies No of activities
Opportunities on Teachers'
for school personnel conducted
12 12,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Teachers and SH Ink, Internet/load, 12,000.000
Excellence, Competence and cellphone Donations
True grit)

Laptop, Bonpaper, printer,

No of activities
Forums on financial literacy
12 1,200.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Teachers and SH Ink, Internet/load, 1,200.000 Donations

Laptop, Bonpaper, printer,

Orientation on Career and professional No of activities
growth conducted
12 1,200.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Teachers and SH Ink, Internet/load, 1,200.000 Donations
6. Institutionalized a Internal systems and Organized rewards and
school-based Rewards processes are efficient, Employee Rewards and recognition activities for Output Indicator Here 12
and Recognition responsive, modern and Recognition teachers
system or mechanism continously improving
for sustained (Governance EM#4) Project CROWN (Celebrate Teachers, PTA, Brgy. Laptop, Bonpaper, printer,
No of activities
exemplary and Recognize Outstanding Conduct of teachers' day celebration
1 3,000.00 √ Officials Stakeholders Ink, Internet/load, 3,000.000 Donations
performance Works are Noteworthy) and SH cellphone
Laptop, Bonpaper, printer,
Conduct of rewards and recognition No of activities Teachers, PTA,
activities for personnel conducted
1 3,000.00 √
Stakeholders and SH
Ink, Internet/load, 3,000.000 Donations

No of activities
0 0.00 0 0 -
KRA 5: BUILDING 1. Supported and Public and private Established strong Output
CONNECTIONS strengthened diverse education systems work Partnership Development partnership and Output Indicator Here Indicator
(15%) relationships to sustain more collaboratively and Management Target Here
an enabling and under a dynamic and
supportive responsive Project COLLAB (Collaborate
environment for complementarity for Opportunities thru No of activities Teachers, PTA,
Linkages with Laudable
Organization of PTA, Alumni, etc.
2 3,000.00 √
Stakeholders and SH
Computer/Cellphone, 3,000.000
learners. framework Internet Donations
(Governance EM#6) Accomplishments Beaming)

Teachers, PTA, Multimedia,

Conduct of stakeholder coordination No of activities
activties conducted
4 4,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Stakeholders, Brgy. Computer/Cellphone, 4,000.000 Donations
Officials and SH Internet
Attendance to LGU meetings and No of activities
participation to different LGU activities conducted
12 12,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Teachers, LGU and SH Computer/Cellphone, 12,000.000 Donations
2. Managed and Education leaders and
evaluated school managers practice Organized learner
Learner Support Programs Output Indicator Here 12
organizations, faculty participative, ethical and support programs
clubs to support the inclusive management
attainment of processes (Governance Project SUPPORT
institutional goals. EM#1) (Strengthening and Unifying Multimedia,
Participation in memorandized student No of activities Teachers, SH and
Pupils' Programs thru
contest conducted
12 6,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Computer/Cellphone, 6,000.000
Organizing Responsible Internet Donations

Organization of student organization No of activities Teachers, SH and
(SPG and YES-O) conducted
2 3,000.00 √ √
Computer/Cellphone, 3,000.000 Donations

Monitoring and evaluation of school No of activities
organization accomplishments conducted
4 2,000.00 √ √ Teachers and SH Computer/Cellphone, 2,000.000 Donations
3. Demonstrated skills Key stakeholders Organized system/
in communicating actively collaborate to mechanism of open
effectively in speaking serve learners better Public Affairs Management Output Indicator Here 12
communication to
and writing and ensure (Governance EM#5) stakeholders
positive platforms
within the school and Project SPACE (Spread Teachers, PTA, Multimedia,
Conduct of State of the School Address No of activities
community. Programs and Advocacies in
( SOSA) conducted
1 1,000.00 √ Stakeholders, Brgy. Computer/Cellphone, 1,000.000 Donations
the Community Effectively) Officials and SH Internet,
Teachers, PTA, Multimedia,
Conduct of school meetings related to No of activities
building partnerships conducted
4 6,000.00 √ √ √ √ Stakeholders, Brgy. Computer/Cellphone, 6,000.000 Donations
Officials and SH Internet,
Teachers, PTA, Multimedia,
No of activities
12 3,600.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Stakeholders, Brgy. Computer/Cellphone, 3,600.000 MOOE
Officials and SH Internet,
4. Involved, initiated Public and private
and led in school and education systems work Community Relations, Engaged community
community more collaboratively participation and
Development and Output Indicator Here 12
collaborative programs under a dynamic and collaboration to sustain
and actions in solving responsive school PAPs
issues and promoting complementarity
development in the framework No of activities
school and community (Governance EM#6) Brigada Eskwela Activties
12 6,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 6,000.000 Donations
as well
Sponsorship of forums in collaboration
No of activities
with community to address social and
12 1,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 1,000.000 Donations
community issues and comm. dev't

No of activities
0 0.00 -
A. Payment of Salaries of Job Orders
Overhead Administrative Cost and Others -
a.1. Salaries of Job Order 36,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 36,000.000 MOOE
a.2 Security Services - 0
B. Operational Expenses - 0
b.1 Other office supplies 12,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 12,000.000 MOOE
b.2 Water Expenses 6,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 6,000.000 MOOE
b.3 Electricity Expenses 12,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 12,000.000 MOOE
b.4 Internet Subscription Expenses 22,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 22,000.000 MOOE
b.5 Meals for Meetings 6,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 6,000.000
b.6 Communication Expenses 12,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 12,000.000 MOOE
b.7 Vehicles /Building Repair and
b.8 Equipment Repair and Maintenance 12,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 12,000.000
b.9 Miscellaneous Expenses 6,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 6,000.000 MOOE
b.10 Gasoline Expenses - 0
b.11 Fidelity Bond Premium 0.00 √ - SEF
b. 12 Taxes, Duties, Expenses - 0
b.13 Postage and Courier Expenses - 0
Others, itemize below - 0
b.14 - 0
b.15 - 0
b.16 - 0
C. Travel/Other Supplies Expenses
(Local Travel by Air and by Land)
c.1 Traveling Expenses - Local 18,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 18,000.000 MOOE
D. Common use supplies for Office
c.1 Supplies and Materials Expenses 12,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 12,000.000
d. Supplies and Materials for
d.1 Supplies and Materials Expenses 12,000.00 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 12,000.000

TOTAL 746 594300 0 594,300.000

FY 2022
Leg. District: 1


Performance Implementation
Indicator (PI) Physical Financial Date Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Human Physical Financial

KRA 1: 1. Crafted school plans Education leaders and Output

LEADING or SIP aligned with managers practice Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
STRATEGICALLY national, local goals participative, ethical and Output or Deliverable Target Here
(20%) and policies and inclusive management
DepEd vision, mission processes No of activities Activity PI
and core values in (Governance EM#1) Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
collaboration with
internal and external No of activities Activity PI
stakeholders. Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

Another Program or Output

Project Output or Output Indicator Here Indicator
Deliverable Target Here

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

Another Strategy Aligned

to the Objective Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
Output or Deliverable Target Here

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

2. Led the conduct of Public and private

policy implementation education systems work Output
and review and more collaboratively Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
adjustment or under a dynamic and Output or Deliverable Target Here
refinement and responsive
enhancement of complementary
policies, Programs, framework No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
Projects and Activities (Governance EM#6)
(PPAs) in consistency
and relevance of
No of activities Activity PI
school operations Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Conducted and Internal systems and

completed researches/ processes are efficient, Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
Continuous responsive, modern nd Output or Deliverable Target Here
Improvement projects continous improving
and utilized results to (Governance EM#4)
improve school No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

KRA 2: MANAGING 1. Managed and Improve program Program or Project

SCHOOL maintained updated management and Output
Program or Project
OPERATIONS AND school data and service delivery Output Indicator Here Indicator
Output or Deliverable Target Here
RESOURCES information using (Pillar2Equity
(15%) technology, including Strat#1)
ICT for effective school
operation No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1 0.00 -
conducted Target here Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 -
Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3 0.00 -
conducted Target here Fund Source

2. Planned and Education leaders nd

managed the utilization managers practice
of school budget and participative, ethical and Output
Program or Project
other financial inclusive management Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
resources of the school processes Output or Deliverable Target Here
adhering consistently (Governance EM#1)
to policies, guidelines
and issuances in
allocation, No of activities Activity PI
procurement, Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
disbursement and
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Demonstrated, Internal systems and

established and processes are efficient,
systematized responsive, modern nd Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
processes in managing continous improving Output or Deliverable Target Here
the school facilities and P1-2 Improve learners"
equipment including access to quality and
acquisition, utilization, learner friendly
construction, repair environment
and maintenance. (Governance EM#4)
3. Demonstrated, Internal systems and
established and processes are efficient,
systematized responsive, modern nd
processes in managing continous improving
the school facilities and P1-2 Improve learners"
equipment including access to quality and
acquisition, utilization, learner friendly
construction, repair environment No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
and maintenance. (Governance EM#4)

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

4. Organized and All personnel are

managed an effective resilient, competent and Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
staffing or school continously improving Output or Deliverable Target Here
organizational (Governance EM#2)
structure of both
No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
teaching and non- Activity 1 Target here 0.00
teaching staff to
engage and empower
No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
them in adherence to Activity 2 Target here 0.00
policies and issuances
No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
Activity 3 Target here 0.00
5. Created and Ensure that education
established a facilities are safe and Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
functional school protected from the Output or Deliverable Target Here
safety and disaster risk impacts of natural and
management to ensure human-induced hazards No of activities
safe, orderly and Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
healthy school (Pillar4Resiliency
environment Strat#5) No of activities
Activity 2
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities
Activity 3
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

KRA 3: FOCUSING 1. Conducted and Align curriculum and

ON TEACHING managed school- instruction methods in all Program or Project Output
AND LEARNING based review, subject (Pillar3Quality Program or Project Output or Deliverable
Output Indicator Here Indicator
Target Here
(35%) contextualization and Strat#1)
implementation of
No of activities
learning standards to Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
assist teachers in
making the curriculum
No of activities
relevant to learners Activity 2
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities
Activity 3
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

2. Supervised the Strengthening

application of teaching consultations on Program or Project Output
standards and curriculum, instruction, Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
Output or Deliverable Target Here
pedagogies and assessment
engaged individuals (Pillar3Quality Strat#5)
and teams in providing No of activities
feedback and technical Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
assistance to teachers
to improve practices No of activities
across learning areas Activity 2
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities
Activity 3
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Developed and Assess learning

implemented plan for outcomes at each key Program or Project Output
learners’ assessment stage transition and for Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
Output or Deliverable Target Here
including improving learners in situation of
learners’ achievement disadvantage
and other performance (Pillar3Quality Strat#3) No of activities
indicators to address
Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
Activity 2 Target here 0.00

No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
Activity 3 Target here 0.00
4. Managed learner P4-2 Ensure that
discipline through learners are aware and Program or Project Output
established school can assert their rights to Program or Project Output or Deliverable
Output Indicator Here Indicator
Target Here
rules and policies andin education from
collaboratively DepEd and fully
developed with understand their No of activities
stakeholders responsibilities in relation Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
to these rights
(PillarResiliency Strat#2) No of activities
Activity 2
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities
Activity 3
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

KRA 4: Developing 1. Upgraded personal P3-2 Build capacity for

Self and Others and professional assessment through Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
(15%) development based on professional Output or Deliverable Target Here
the conducted self- development
assessment and (Pillar3Quality Strat#2)
development planning No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
and serve as learning
resource to teachers
and peers. No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

2. Led in organizing P3-5 Strengthening

professional networks consultations on Program or Project Output
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
and learning curriculum, instruction, Output or Deliverable Target Here
community among assessment
teachers and (Pillar3Quality Strat#5)
colleagues to advance No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
and maximize KSAs
and practice.
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Implemented, Internal systems and

evaluated and processes are efficient, Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
practiced the responsive, modern and Output or Deliverable Target Here
performance continously improving
management system (Governance EM#4)
to ensure career No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
advancement of
personnel and school
evaluated and processes are efficient,
practiced the responsive, modern and
performance continously improving
management system (Governance EM#4)
to ensure career
advancement of
personnel and school
performance No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

4. Provided All personnel are

opportunities, resilient, competent and Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
capacitated and continously improving Output or Deliverable Target Here
empowered individuals (Governance EM#2)
and teams in
enhancing strengths No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
and gaps as means of
development and No of activities Activity PI
leadership Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

5. Promoted and All personnel are

advocated general resilient, competent and Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
welfare and benefits of continously improving Output or Deliverable Target Here
personnel in (Governance EM#2)
adherence to local and
national policies No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

6. Institutionalized a Internal systems and

school-based Rewards processes are efficient, Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
and Recognition responsive, modern and Output or Deliverable Target Here
system or mechanism continously improving
for sustained (Governance EM#4)
No of activities Activity PI
exemplary Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

KRA 5: BUILDING 1. Supported and Public and private Output

CONNECTIONS strengthened diverse education systems work Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
(15%) relationships to sustain more collaboratively Output or Deliverable Target Here
an enabling and under a dynamic and
supportive responsive No of activities Activity PI
environment for complementarity Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
learners. framework
(Governance EM#6)
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

2. Managed and Education leaders and

evaluated school managers practice Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
organizations, faculty participative, ethical and Output or Deliverable Target Here
clubs to support the inclusive management
attainment of processes (Governance
institutional goals. EM#1) No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Demonstrated skills Key stakeholders Output

in communicating actively collaborate to Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
effectively in speaking serve learners better Output or Deliverable Target Here
and writing and ensure (Governance EM#5)
positive platforms No of activities Activity PI
within the school and Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

4. Involved, initiated Public and private Output

and led in school and education systems work Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
community more collaboratively Output or Deliverable Target Here
collaborative programs under a dynamic and
and actions in solving responsive No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
issues and promoting complementarity
development in the framework
school and community (Governance EM#6) No of activities Activity PI
as well Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
Overhead Administrative Cost a. Operational Expenses

a.1 Other office supplies

a.2 Water Expenses

a.3 Electricity Bill

a.4 Meals for Meetings

a. 5 Communication Expenses
a.6 Vehicles /Building Repair and

a.7 Utility/Labor and wages

a. 8 Internet

a.9 Others

b. Travel/Other Supplies Expenses

(Local Travel by Air and by Land)

b.1 Traveling Expenses

c. Common use supplies for Office


c.1 Supplies and Materials Expenses

d. Supplies and Materials for


d.1 Supplies and Materials Expenses

TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved:

Position Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Date: For LDs 1,3 and 5 Officer In-Charge, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent
Date: Date:


Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
For LDs 2,4 and 6
FY 2022
Leg. District: 1


Performance Implementation
Indicator (PI) Physical Financial Date Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Human Physical Financial

KRA 1: 1. Crafted school plans Education leaders and Output

LEADING or SIP aligned with managers practice Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
STRATEGICALLY national, local goals participative, ethical and Output or Deliverable Target Here
(20%) and policies and inclusive management
DepEd vision, mission processes No of activities Activity PI
and core values in (Governance EM#1) Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
collaboration with
internal and external No of activities Activity PI
stakeholders. Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

Another Program or Output

Project Output or Output Indicator Here Indicator
Deliverable Target Here

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

Another Strategy Aligned

to the Objective Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
Output or Deliverable Target Here

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

2. Led the conduct of Public and private

policy implementation education systems work Output
and review and more collaboratively Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
adjustment or under a dynamic and Output or Deliverable Target Here
refinement and responsive
enhancement of complementary
policies, Programs, framework No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
Projects and Activities (Governance EM#6)
(PPAs) in consistency
and relevance of
No of activities Activity PI
school operations Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Conducted and Internal systems and

completed researches/ processes are efficient, Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
Continuous responsive, modern nd Output or Deliverable Target Here
Improvement projects continous improving
and utilized results to (Governance EM#4)
improve school No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

KRA 2: MANAGING 1. Managed and Improve program Program or Project

SCHOOL maintained updated management and Output
Program or Project
OPERATIONS AND school data and service delivery Output Indicator Here Indicator
Output or Deliverable Target Here
RESOURCES information using (Pillar2Equity
(15%) technology, including Strat#1)
ICT for effective school
operation No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1 0.00 -
conducted Target here Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 -
Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3 0.00 -
conducted Target here Fund Source

2. Planned and Education leaders nd

managed the utilization managers practice
of school budget and participative, ethical and Output
Program or Project
other financial inclusive management Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
resources of the school processes Output or Deliverable Target Here
adhering consistently (Governance EM#1)
to policies, guidelines
and issuances in
allocation, No of activities Activity PI
procurement, Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
disbursement and
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Demonstrated, Internal systems and

established and processes are efficient,
systematized responsive, modern nd Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
processes in managing continous improving Output or Deliverable Target Here
the school facilities and P1-2 Improve learners"
equipment including access to quality and
acquisition, utilization, learner friendly
construction, repair environment
and maintenance. (Governance EM#4)
3. Demonstrated, Internal systems and
established and processes are efficient,
systematized responsive, modern nd
processes in managing continous improving
the school facilities and P1-2 Improve learners"
equipment including access to quality and
acquisition, utilization, learner friendly
construction, repair environment No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
and maintenance. (Governance EM#4)

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

4. Organized and All personnel are

managed an effective resilient, competent and Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
staffing or school continously improving Output or Deliverable Target Here
organizational (Governance EM#2)
structure of both
No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
teaching and non- Activity 1 Target here 0.00
teaching staff to
engage and empower
No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
them in adherence to Activity 2 Target here 0.00
policies and issuances
No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
Activity 3 Target here 0.00
5. Created and Ensure that education
established a facilities are safe and Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
functional school protected from the Output or Deliverable Target Here
safety and disaster risk impacts of natural and
management to ensure human-induced hazards No of activities
safe, orderly and Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
healthy school (Pillar4Resiliency
environment Strat#5) No of activities
Activity 2
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities
Activity 3
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

KRA 3: FOCUSING 1. Conducted and Align curriculum and

ON TEACHING managed school- instruction methods in all Program or Project Output
AND LEARNING based review, subject (Pillar3Quality Program or Project Output or Deliverable
Output Indicator Here Indicator
Target Here
(35%) contextualization and Strat#1)
implementation of
No of activities
learning standards to Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
assist teachers in
making the curriculum
No of activities
relevant to learners Activity 2
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities
Activity 3
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

2. Supervised the Strengthening

application of teaching consultations on Program or Project Output
standards and curriculum, instruction, Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
Output or Deliverable Target Here
pedagogies and assessment
engaged individuals (Pillar3Quality Strat#5)
and teams in providing No of activities
feedback and technical Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
assistance to teachers
to improve practices No of activities
across learning areas Activity 2
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities
Activity 3
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Developed and Assess learning

implemented plan for outcomes at each key Program or Project Output
learners’ assessment stage transition and for Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
Output or Deliverable Target Here
including improving learners in situation of
learners’ achievement disadvantage
and other performance (Pillar3Quality Strat#3) No of activities
indicators to address
Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
Activity 2 Target here 0.00

No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
Activity 3 Target here 0.00
4. Managed learner P4-2 Ensure that
discipline through learners are aware and Program or Project Output
established school can assert their rights to Program or Project Output or Deliverable
Output Indicator Here Indicator
Target Here
rules and policies andin education from
collaboratively DepEd and fully
developed with understand their No of activities
stakeholders responsibilities in relation Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
to these rights
(PillarResiliency Strat#2) No of activities
Activity 2
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities
Activity 3
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

KRA 4: Developing 1. Upgraded personal P3-2 Build capacity for

Self and Others and professional assessment through Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
(15%) development based on professional Output or Deliverable Target Here
the conducted self- development
assessment and (Pillar3Quality Strat#2)
development planning No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
and serve as learning
resource to teachers
and peers. No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

2. Led in organizing P3-5 Strengthening

professional networks consultations on Program or Project Output
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
and learning curriculum, instruction, Output or Deliverable Target Here
community among assessment
teachers and (Pillar3Quality Strat#5)
colleagues to advance No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
and maximize KSAs
and practice.
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Implemented, Internal systems and

evaluated and processes are efficient, Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
practiced the responsive, modern and Output or Deliverable Target Here
performance continously improving
management system (Governance EM#4)
to ensure career No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
advancement of
personnel and school
evaluated and processes are efficient,
practiced the responsive, modern and
performance continously improving
management system (Governance EM#4)
to ensure career
advancement of
personnel and school
performance No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

4. Provided All personnel are

opportunities, resilient, competent and Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
capacitated and continously improving Output or Deliverable Target Here
empowered individuals (Governance EM#2)
and teams in
enhancing strengths No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
and gaps as means of
development and No of activities Activity PI
leadership Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

5. Promoted and All personnel are

advocated general resilient, competent and Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
welfare and benefits of continously improving Output or Deliverable Target Here
personnel in (Governance EM#2)
adherence to local and
national policies No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

6. Institutionalized a Internal systems and

school-based Rewards processes are efficient, Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
and Recognition responsive, modern and Output or Deliverable Target Here
system or mechanism continously improving
for sustained (Governance EM#4)
No of activities Activity PI
exemplary Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

KRA 5: BUILDING 1. Supported and Public and private Output

CONNECTIONS strengthened diverse education systems work Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
(15%) relationships to sustain more collaboratively Output or Deliverable Target Here
an enabling and under a dynamic and
supportive responsive No of activities Activity PI
environment for complementarity Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
learners. framework
(Governance EM#6)
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

2. Managed and Education leaders and

evaluated school managers practice Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
organizations, faculty participative, ethical and Output or Deliverable Target Here
clubs to support the inclusive management
attainment of processes (Governance
institutional goals. EM#1) No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Demonstrated skills Key stakeholders Output

in communicating actively collaborate to Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
effectively in speaking serve learners better Output or Deliverable Target Here
and writing and ensure (Governance EM#5)
positive platforms No of activities Activity PI
within the school and Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

4. Involved, initiated Public and private Output

and led in school and education systems work Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
community more collaboratively Output or Deliverable Target Here
collaborative programs under a dynamic and
and actions in solving responsive No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
issues and promoting complementarity
development in the framework
school and community (Governance EM#6) No of activities Activity PI
as well Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
Overhead Administrative Cost a. Operational Expenses

a.1 Other office supplies

a.2 Water Expenses

a.3 Electricity Bill

a.4 Meals for Meetings

a. 5 Communication Expenses
a.6 Vehicles /Building Repair and

a.7 Utility/Labor and wages

a. 8 Internet

a.9 Others

b. Travel/Other Supplies Expenses

(Local Travel by Air and by Land)

b.1 Traveling Expenses

c. Common use supplies for Office


c.1 Supplies and Materials Expenses

d. Supplies and Materials for


d.1 Supplies and Materials Expenses

TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved:

Position Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Date: For LDs 1,3 and 5 Officer In-Charge, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent
Date: Date:


Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
For LDs 2,4 and 6
FY 2022
Leg. District: 1


Performance Implementation
Indicator (PI) Physical Financial Date Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Human Physical Financial

KRA 1: 1. Crafted school plans Education leaders and Output

LEADING or SIP aligned with managers practice Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
STRATEGICALLY national, local goals participative, ethical and Output or Deliverable Target Here
(20%) and policies and inclusive management
DepEd vision, mission processes No of activities Activity PI
and core values in (Governance EM#1) Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
collaboration with
internal and external No of activities Activity PI
stakeholders. Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

Another Program or Output

Project Output or Output Indicator Here Indicator
Deliverable Target Here

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

Another Strategy Aligned

to the Objective Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
Output or Deliverable Target Here

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

2. Led the conduct of Public and private

policy implementation education systems work Output
and review and more collaboratively Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
adjustment or under a dynamic and Output or Deliverable Target Here
refinement and responsive
enhancement of complementary
policies, Programs, framework No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
Projects and Activities (Governance EM#6)
(PPAs) in consistency
and relevance of
No of activities Activity PI
school operations Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Conducted and Internal systems and

completed researches/ processes are efficient, Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
Continuous responsive, modern nd Output or Deliverable Target Here
Improvement projects continous improving
and utilized results to (Governance EM#4)
improve school No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

KRA 2: MANAGING 1. Managed and Improve program Program or Project

SCHOOL maintained updated management and Output
Program or Project
OPERATIONS AND school data and service delivery Output Indicator Here Indicator
Output or Deliverable Target Here
RESOURCES information using (Pillar2Equity
(15%) technology, including Strat#1)
ICT for effective school
operation No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1 0.00 -
conducted Target here Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 -
Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3 0.00 -
conducted Target here Fund Source

2. Planned and Education leaders nd

managed the utilization managers practice
of school budget and participative, ethical and Output
Program or Project
other financial inclusive management Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
resources of the school processes Output or Deliverable Target Here
adhering consistently (Governance EM#1)
to policies, guidelines
and issuances in
allocation, No of activities Activity PI
procurement, Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
disbursement and
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Demonstrated, Internal systems and

established and processes are efficient,
systematized responsive, modern nd Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
processes in managing continous improving Output or Deliverable Target Here
the school facilities and P1-2 Improve learners"
equipment including access to quality and
acquisition, utilization, learner friendly
construction, repair environment
and maintenance. (Governance EM#4)
3. Demonstrated, Internal systems and
established and processes are efficient,
systematized responsive, modern nd
processes in managing continous improving
the school facilities and P1-2 Improve learners"
equipment including access to quality and
acquisition, utilization, learner friendly
construction, repair environment No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
and maintenance. (Governance EM#4)

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

4. Organized and All personnel are

managed an effective resilient, competent and Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
staffing or school continously improving Output or Deliverable Target Here
organizational (Governance EM#2)
structure of both
No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
teaching and non- Activity 1 Target here 0.00
teaching staff to
engage and empower
No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
them in adherence to Activity 2 Target here 0.00
policies and issuances
No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
Activity 3 Target here 0.00
5. Created and Ensure that education
established a facilities are safe and Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
functional school protected from the Output or Deliverable Target Here
safety and disaster risk impacts of natural and
management to ensure human-induced hazards No of activities
safe, orderly and Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
healthy school (Pillar4Resiliency
environment Strat#5) No of activities
Activity 2
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities
Activity 3
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

KRA 3: FOCUSING 1. Conducted and Align curriculum and

ON TEACHING managed school- instruction methods in all Program or Project Output
AND LEARNING based review, subject (Pillar3Quality Program or Project Output or Deliverable
Output Indicator Here Indicator
Target Here
(35%) contextualization and Strat#1)
implementation of
No of activities
learning standards to Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
assist teachers in
making the curriculum
No of activities
relevant to learners Activity 2
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities
Activity 3
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

2. Supervised the Strengthening

application of teaching consultations on Program or Project Output
standards and curriculum, instruction, Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
Output or Deliverable Target Here
pedagogies and assessment
engaged individuals (Pillar3Quality Strat#5)
and teams in providing No of activities
feedback and technical Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
assistance to teachers
to improve practices No of activities
across learning areas Activity 2
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities
Activity 3
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Developed and Assess learning

implemented plan for outcomes at each key Program or Project Output
learners’ assessment stage transition and for Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
Output or Deliverable Target Here
including improving learners in situation of
learners’ achievement disadvantage
and other performance (Pillar3Quality Strat#3) No of activities
indicators to address
Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
Activity 2 Target here 0.00

No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
Activity 3 Target here 0.00
4. Managed learner P4-2 Ensure that
discipline through learners are aware and Program or Project Output
established school can assert their rights to Program or Project Output or Deliverable
Output Indicator Here Indicator
Target Here
rules and policies andin education from
collaboratively DepEd and fully
developed with understand their No of activities
stakeholders responsibilities in relation Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
to these rights
(PillarResiliency Strat#2) No of activities
Activity 2
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities
Activity 3
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

KRA 4: Developing 1. Upgraded personal P3-2 Build capacity for

Self and Others and professional assessment through Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
(15%) development based on professional Output or Deliverable Target Here
the conducted self- development
assessment and (Pillar3Quality Strat#2)
development planning No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
and serve as learning
resource to teachers
and peers. No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

2. Led in organizing P3-5 Strengthening

professional networks consultations on Program or Project Output
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
and learning curriculum, instruction, Output or Deliverable Target Here
community among assessment
teachers and (Pillar3Quality Strat#5)
colleagues to advance No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
and maximize KSAs
and practice.
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Implemented, Internal systems and

evaluated and processes are efficient, Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
practiced the responsive, modern and Output or Deliverable Target Here
performance continously improving
management system (Governance EM#4)
to ensure career No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
advancement of
personnel and school
evaluated and processes are efficient,
practiced the responsive, modern and
performance continously improving
management system (Governance EM#4)
to ensure career
advancement of
personnel and school
performance No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

4. Provided All personnel are

opportunities, resilient, competent and Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
capacitated and continously improving Output or Deliverable Target Here
empowered individuals (Governance EM#2)
and teams in
enhancing strengths No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
and gaps as means of
development and No of activities Activity PI
leadership Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

5. Promoted and All personnel are

advocated general resilient, competent and Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
welfare and benefits of continously improving Output or Deliverable Target Here
personnel in (Governance EM#2)
adherence to local and
national policies No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

6. Institutionalized a Internal systems and

school-based Rewards processes are efficient, Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
and Recognition responsive, modern and Output or Deliverable Target Here
system or mechanism continously improving
for sustained (Governance EM#4)
No of activities Activity PI
exemplary Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

KRA 5: BUILDING 1. Supported and Public and private Output

CONNECTIONS strengthened diverse education systems work Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
(15%) relationships to sustain more collaboratively Output or Deliverable Target Here
an enabling and under a dynamic and
supportive responsive No of activities Activity PI
environment for complementarity Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
learners. framework
(Governance EM#6)
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

2. Managed and Education leaders and

evaluated school managers practice Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
organizations, faculty participative, ethical and Output or Deliverable Target Here
clubs to support the inclusive management
attainment of processes (Governance
institutional goals. EM#1) No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Demonstrated skills Key stakeholders Output

in communicating actively collaborate to Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
effectively in speaking serve learners better Output or Deliverable Target Here
and writing and ensure (Governance EM#5)
positive platforms No of activities Activity PI
within the school and Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

4. Involved, initiated Public and private Output

and led in school and education systems work Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
community more collaboratively Output or Deliverable Target Here
collaborative programs under a dynamic and
and actions in solving responsive No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
issues and promoting complementarity
development in the framework
school and community (Governance EM#6) No of activities Activity PI
as well Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
Overhead Administrative Cost a. Operational Expenses

a.1 Other office supplies

a.2 Water Expenses

a.3 Electricity Bill

a.4 Meals for Meetings

a. 5 Communication Expenses
a.6 Vehicles /Building Repair and

a.7 Utility/Labor and wages

a. 8 Internet

a.9 Others

b. Travel/Other Supplies Expenses

(Local Travel by Air and by Land)

b.1 Traveling Expenses

c. Common use supplies for Office


c.1 Supplies and Materials Expenses

d. Supplies and Materials for


d.1 Supplies and Materials Expenses

TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved:

Position Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Date: For LDs 1,3 and 5 Officer In-Charge, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent
Date: Date:


Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
For LDs 2,4 and 6
FY 2022
Leg. District: 1


Performance Implementation
Indicator (PI) Physical Financial Date Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Human Physical Financial

KRA 1: 1. Crafted school plans Education leaders and Output

LEADING or SIP aligned with managers practice Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
STRATEGICALLY national, local goals participative, ethical and Output or Deliverable Target Here
(20%) and policies and inclusive management
DepEd vision, mission processes No of activities Activity PI
and core values in (Governance EM#1) Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
collaboration with
internal and external No of activities Activity PI
stakeholders. Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

Another Program or Output

Project Output or Output Indicator Here Indicator
Deliverable Target Here

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

Another Strategy Aligned

to the Objective Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
Output or Deliverable Target Here

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

2. Led the conduct of Public and private

policy implementation education systems work Output
and review and more collaboratively Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
adjustment or under a dynamic and Output or Deliverable Target Here
refinement and responsive
enhancement of complementary
policies, Programs, framework No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
Projects and Activities (Governance EM#6)
(PPAs) in consistency
and relevance of
No of activities Activity PI
school operations Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Conducted and Internal systems and

completed researches/ processes are efficient, Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
Continuous responsive, modern nd Output or Deliverable Target Here
Improvement projects continous improving
and utilized results to (Governance EM#4)
improve school No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

KRA 2: MANAGING 1. Managed and Improve program Program or Project

SCHOOL maintained updated management and Output
Program or Project
OPERATIONS AND school data and service delivery Output Indicator Here Indicator
Output or Deliverable Target Here
RESOURCES information using (Pillar2Equity
(15%) technology, including Strat#1)
ICT for effective school
operation No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1 0.00 -
conducted Target here Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 -
Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3 0.00 -
conducted Target here Fund Source

2. Planned and Education leaders nd

managed the utilization managers practice
of school budget and participative, ethical and Output
Program or Project
other financial inclusive management Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
resources of the school processes Output or Deliverable Target Here
adhering consistently (Governance EM#1)
to policies, guidelines
and issuances in
allocation, No of activities Activity PI
procurement, Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
disbursement and
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Demonstrated, Internal systems and

established and processes are efficient,
systematized responsive, modern nd Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
processes in managing continous improving Output or Deliverable Target Here
the school facilities and P1-2 Improve learners"
equipment including access to quality and
acquisition, utilization, learner friendly
construction, repair environment
and maintenance. (Governance EM#4)
3. Demonstrated, Internal systems and
established and processes are efficient,
systematized responsive, modern nd
processes in managing continous improving
the school facilities and P1-2 Improve learners"
equipment including access to quality and
acquisition, utilization, learner friendly
construction, repair environment No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
and maintenance. (Governance EM#4)

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

4. Organized and All personnel are

managed an effective resilient, competent and Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
staffing or school continously improving Output or Deliverable Target Here
organizational (Governance EM#2)
structure of both
No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
teaching and non- Activity 1 Target here 0.00
teaching staff to
engage and empower
No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
them in adherence to Activity 2 Target here 0.00
policies and issuances
No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
Activity 3 Target here 0.00
5. Created and Ensure that education
established a facilities are safe and Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
functional school protected from the Output or Deliverable Target Here
safety and disaster risk impacts of natural and
management to ensure human-induced hazards No of activities
safe, orderly and Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
healthy school (Pillar4Resiliency
environment Strat#5) No of activities
Activity 2
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities
Activity 3
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

KRA 3: FOCUSING 1. Conducted and Align curriculum and

ON TEACHING managed school- instruction methods in all Program or Project Output
AND LEARNING based review, subject (Pillar3Quality Program or Project Output or Deliverable
Output Indicator Here Indicator
Target Here
(35%) contextualization and Strat#1)
implementation of
No of activities
learning standards to Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
assist teachers in
making the curriculum
No of activities
relevant to learners Activity 2
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities
Activity 3
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

2. Supervised the Strengthening

application of teaching consultations on Program or Project Output
standards and curriculum, instruction, Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
Output or Deliverable Target Here
pedagogies and assessment
engaged individuals (Pillar3Quality Strat#5)
and teams in providing No of activities
feedback and technical Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
assistance to teachers
to improve practices No of activities
across learning areas Activity 2
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities
Activity 3
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Developed and Assess learning

implemented plan for outcomes at each key Program or Project Output
learners’ assessment stage transition and for Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
Output or Deliverable Target Here
including improving learners in situation of
learners’ achievement disadvantage
and other performance (Pillar3Quality Strat#3) No of activities
indicators to address
Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
Activity 2 Target here 0.00

No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
Activity 3 Target here 0.00
4. Managed learner P4-2 Ensure that
discipline through learners are aware and Program or Project Output
established school can assert their rights to Program or Project Output or Deliverable
Output Indicator Here Indicator
Target Here
rules and policies andin education from
collaboratively DepEd and fully
developed with understand their No of activities
stakeholders responsibilities in relation Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
to these rights
(PillarResiliency Strat#2) No of activities
Activity 2
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities
Activity 3
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

KRA 4: Developing 1. Upgraded personal P3-2 Build capacity for

Self and Others and professional assessment through Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
(15%) development based on professional Output or Deliverable Target Here
the conducted self- development
assessment and (Pillar3Quality Strat#2)
development planning No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
and serve as learning
resource to teachers
and peers. No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

2. Led in organizing P3-5 Strengthening

professional networks consultations on Program or Project Output
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
and learning curriculum, instruction, Output or Deliverable Target Here
community among assessment
teachers and (Pillar3Quality Strat#5)
colleagues to advance No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
and maximize KSAs
and practice.
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Implemented, Internal systems and

evaluated and processes are efficient, Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
practiced the responsive, modern and Output or Deliverable Target Here
performance continously improving
management system (Governance EM#4)
to ensure career No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
advancement of
personnel and school
evaluated and processes are efficient,
practiced the responsive, modern and
performance continously improving
management system (Governance EM#4)
to ensure career
advancement of
personnel and school
performance No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

4. Provided All personnel are

opportunities, resilient, competent and Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
capacitated and continously improving Output or Deliverable Target Here
empowered individuals (Governance EM#2)
and teams in
enhancing strengths No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
and gaps as means of
development and No of activities Activity PI
leadership Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

5. Promoted and All personnel are

advocated general resilient, competent and Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
welfare and benefits of continously improving Output or Deliverable Target Here
personnel in (Governance EM#2)
adherence to local and
national policies No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

6. Institutionalized a Internal systems and

school-based Rewards processes are efficient, Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
and Recognition responsive, modern and Output or Deliverable Target Here
system or mechanism continously improving
for sustained (Governance EM#4)
No of activities Activity PI
exemplary Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

KRA 5: BUILDING 1. Supported and Public and private Output

CONNECTIONS strengthened diverse education systems work Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
(15%) relationships to sustain more collaboratively Output or Deliverable Target Here
an enabling and under a dynamic and
supportive responsive No of activities Activity PI
environment for complementarity Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
learners. framework
(Governance EM#6)
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

2. Managed and Education leaders and

evaluated school managers practice Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
organizations, faculty participative, ethical and Output or Deliverable Target Here
clubs to support the inclusive management
attainment of processes (Governance
institutional goals. EM#1) No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Demonstrated skills Key stakeholders Output

in communicating actively collaborate to Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
effectively in speaking serve learners better Output or Deliverable Target Here
and writing and ensure (Governance EM#5)
positive platforms No of activities Activity PI
within the school and Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

4. Involved, initiated Public and private Output

and led in school and education systems work Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
community more collaboratively Output or Deliverable Target Here
collaborative programs under a dynamic and
and actions in solving responsive No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
issues and promoting complementarity
development in the framework
school and community (Governance EM#6) No of activities Activity PI
as well Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
Overhead Administrative Cost a. Operational Expenses

a.1 Other office supplies

a.2 Water Expenses

a.3 Electricity Bill

a.4 Meals for Meetings

a. 5 Communication Expenses
a.6 Vehicles /Building Repair and

a.7 Utility/Labor and wages

a. 8 Internet

a.9 Others

b. Travel/Other Supplies Expenses

(Local Travel by Air and by Land)

b.1 Traveling Expenses

c. Common use supplies for Office


c.1 Supplies and Materials Expenses

d. Supplies and Materials for


d.1 Supplies and Materials Expenses

TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved:

Position Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Date: For LDs 1,3 and 5 Officer In-Charge, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent
Date: Date:


Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
For LDs 2,4 and 6
FY 2022
Leg. District:


Performance Implementation
Indicator (PI) Physical Financial Date Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Human Physical Financial

KRA 1: 1. Crafted school plans Education leaders and Output

LEADING or SIP aligned with managers practice Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
STRATEGICALLY national, local goals participative, ethical and Output or Deliverable Target Here
(20%) and policies and inclusive management
DepEd vision, mission processes No of activities Activity PI
and core values in (Governance EM#1) Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
collaboration with
internal and external No of activities Activity PI
stakeholders. Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

Another Program or Output

Project Output or Output Indicator Here Indicator
Deliverable Target Here

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

Another Strategy Aligned

to the Objective Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
Output or Deliverable Target Here

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

2. Led the conduct of Public and private

policy implementation education systems work Output
and review and more collaboratively Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
adjustment or under a dynamic and Output or Deliverable Target Here
refinement and responsive
enhancement of complementary
policies, Programs, framework No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
Projects and Activities (Governance EM#6)
(PPAs) in consistency
and relevance of
No of activities Activity PI
school operations Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Conducted and Internal systems and

completed researches/ processes are efficient, Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
Continuous responsive, modern nd Output or Deliverable Target Here
Improvement projects continous improving
and utilized results to (Governance EM#4)
improve school No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

KRA 2: MANAGING 1. Managed and Improve program Program or Project

SCHOOL maintained updated management and Output
Program or Project
OPERATIONS AND school data and service delivery Output Indicator Here Indicator
Output or Deliverable Target Here
RESOURCES information using (Pillar2Equity
(15%) technology, including Strat#1)
ICT for effective school
operation No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1 0.00 -
conducted Target here Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 -
Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3 0.00 -
conducted Target here Fund Source

2. Planned and Education leaders nd

managed the utilization managers practice
of school budget and participative, ethical and Output
Program or Project
other financial inclusive management Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
resources of the school processes Output or Deliverable Target Here
adhering consistently (Governance EM#1)
to policies, guidelines
and issuances in
allocation, No of activities Activity PI
procurement, Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
disbursement and
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Demonstrated, Internal systems and

established and processes are efficient,
systematized responsive, modern nd Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
processes in managing continous improving Output or Deliverable Target Here
the school facilities and P1-2 Improve learners"
equipment including access to quality and
acquisition, utilization, learner friendly
construction, repair environment
and maintenance. (Governance EM#4)
3. Demonstrated, Internal systems and
established and processes are efficient,
systematized responsive, modern nd
processes in managing continous improving
the school facilities and P1-2 Improve learners"
equipment including access to quality and
acquisition, utilization, learner friendly
construction, repair environment No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
and maintenance. (Governance EM#4)

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

4. Organized and All personnel are

managed an effective resilient, competent and Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
staffing or school continously improving Output or Deliverable Target Here
organizational (Governance EM#2)
structure of both
No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
teaching and non- Activity 1 Target here 0.00
teaching staff to
engage and empower
No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
them in adherence to Activity 2 Target here 0.00
policies and issuances
No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
Activity 3 Target here 0.00
5. Created and Ensure that education
established a facilities are safe and Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
functional school protected from the Output or Deliverable Target Here
safety and disaster risk impacts of natural and
management to ensure human-induced hazards No of activities
safe, orderly and Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
healthy school (Pillar4Resiliency
environment Strat#5) No of activities
Activity 2
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities
Activity 3
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

KRA 3: FOCUSING 1. Conducted and Align curriculum and

ON TEACHING managed school- instruction methods in all Program or Project Output
AND LEARNING based review, subject (Pillar3Quality Program or Project Output or Deliverable
Output Indicator Here Indicator
Target Here
(35%) contextualization and Strat#1)
implementation of
No of activities
learning standards to Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
assist teachers in
making the curriculum
No of activities
relevant to learners Activity 2
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities
Activity 3
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

2. Supervised the Strengthening

application of teaching consultations on Program or Project Output
standards and curriculum, instruction, Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
Output or Deliverable Target Here
pedagogies and assessment
engaged individuals (Pillar3Quality Strat#5)
and teams in providing No of activities
feedback and technical Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
assistance to teachers
to improve practices No of activities
across learning areas Activity 2
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities
Activity 3
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Developed and Assess learning

implemented plan for outcomes at each key Program or Project Output
learners’ assessment stage transition and for Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
Output or Deliverable Target Here
including improving learners in situation of
learners’ achievement disadvantage
and other performance (Pillar3Quality Strat#3) No of activities
indicators to address
Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
Activity 2 Target here 0.00

No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
Activity 3 Target here 0.00
4. Managed learner P4-2 Ensure that
discipline through learners are aware and Program or Project Output
established school can assert their rights to Program or Project Output or Deliverable
Output Indicator Here Indicator
Target Here
rules and policies andin education from
collaboratively DepEd and fully
developed with understand their No of activities
stakeholders responsibilities in relation Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
to these rights
(PillarResiliency Strat#2) No of activities
Activity 2
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities
Activity 3
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

KRA 4: Developing 1. Upgraded personal P3-2 Build capacity for

Self and Others and professional assessment through Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
(15%) development based on professional Output or Deliverable Target Here
the conducted self- development
assessment and (Pillar3Quality Strat#2)
development planning No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
and serve as learning
resource to teachers
and peers. No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

2. Led in organizing P3-5 Strengthening

professional networks consultations on Program or Project Output
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
and learning curriculum, instruction, Output or Deliverable Target Here
community among assessment
teachers and (Pillar3Quality Strat#5)
colleagues to advance No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
and maximize KSAs
and practice.
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Implemented, Internal systems and

evaluated and processes are efficient, Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
practiced the responsive, modern and Output or Deliverable Target Here
performance continously improving
management system (Governance EM#4)
to ensure career No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
advancement of
personnel and school
evaluated and processes are efficient,
practiced the responsive, modern and
performance continously improving
management system (Governance EM#4)
to ensure career
advancement of
personnel and school
performance No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

4. Provided All personnel are

opportunities, resilient, competent and Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
capacitated and continously improving Output or Deliverable Target Here
empowered individuals (Governance EM#2)
and teams in
enhancing strengths No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
and gaps as means of
development and No of activities Activity PI
leadership Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

5. Promoted and All personnel are

advocated general resilient, competent and Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
welfare and benefits of continously improving Output or Deliverable Target Here
personnel in (Governance EM#2)
adherence to local and
national policies No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

6. Institutionalized a Internal systems and

school-based Rewards processes are efficient, Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
and Recognition responsive, modern and Output or Deliverable Target Here
system or mechanism continously improving
for sustained (Governance EM#4)
No of activities Activity PI
exemplary Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

KRA 5: BUILDING 1. Supported and Public and private Output

CONNECTIONS strengthened diverse education systems work Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
(15%) relationships to sustain more collaboratively Output or Deliverable Target Here
an enabling and under a dynamic and
supportive responsive No of activities Activity PI
environment for complementarity Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
learners. framework
(Governance EM#6)
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

2. Managed and Education leaders and

evaluated school managers practice Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
organizations, faculty participative, ethical and Output or Deliverable Target Here
clubs to support the inclusive management
attainment of processes (Governance
institutional goals. EM#1) No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Demonstrated skills Key stakeholders Output

in communicating actively collaborate to Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
effectively in speaking serve learners better Output or Deliverable Target Here
and writing and ensure (Governance EM#5)
positive platforms No of activities Activity PI
within the school and Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

4. Involved, initiated Public and private Output

and led in school and education systems work Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
community more collaboratively Output or Deliverable Target Here
collaborative programs under a dynamic and
and actions in solving responsive No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
issues and promoting complementarity
development in the framework
school and community (Governance EM#6) No of activities Activity PI
as well Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
Overhead Administrative Cost a. Operational Expenses

a.1 Other office supplies

a.2 Water Expenses

a.3 Electricity Bill

a.4 Meals for Meetings

a. 5 Communication Expenses
a.6 Vehicles /Building Repair and

a.7 Utility/Labor and wages

a. 8 Internet

a.9 Others

b. Travel/Other Supplies Expenses

(Local Travel by Air and by Land)

b.1 Traveling Expenses

c. Common use supplies for Office


c.1 Supplies and Materials Expenses

d. Supplies and Materials for


d.1 Supplies and Materials Expenses

TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved:

Position Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Date: For LDs 1,3 and 5 Officer In-Charge, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent
Date: Date:


Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
For LDs 2,4 and 6
FY 2022
Leg. District:


Performance Implementation
Indicator (PI) Physical Financial Date Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Human Physical Financial

KRA 1: 1. Crafted school plans Education leaders and Output

LEADING or SIP aligned with managers practice Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
STRATEGICALLY national, local goals participative, ethical and Output or Deliverable Target Here
(20%) and policies and inclusive management
DepEd vision, mission processes No of activities Activity PI
and core values in (Governance EM#1) Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
collaboration with
internal and external No of activities Activity PI
stakeholders. Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

Another Program or Output

Project Output or Output Indicator Here Indicator
Deliverable Target Here

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

Another Strategy Aligned

to the Objective Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
Output or Deliverable Target Here

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

2. Led the conduct of Public and private

policy implementation education systems work Output
and review and more collaboratively Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
adjustment or under a dynamic and Output or Deliverable Target Here
refinement and responsive
enhancement of complementary
policies, Programs, framework No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
Projects and Activities (Governance EM#6)
(PPAs) in consistency
and relevance of
No of activities Activity PI
school operations Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Conducted and Internal systems and

completed researches/ processes are efficient, Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
Continuous responsive, modern nd Output or Deliverable Target Here
Improvement projects continous improving
and utilized results to (Governance EM#4)
improve school No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

KRA 2: MANAGING 1. Managed and Improve program Program or Project

SCHOOL maintained updated management and Output
Program or Project
OPERATIONS AND school data and service delivery Output Indicator Here Indicator
Output or Deliverable Target Here
RESOURCES information using (Pillar2Equity
(15%) technology, including Strat#1)
ICT for effective school
operation No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1 0.00 -
conducted Target here Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 -
Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3 0.00 -
conducted Target here Fund Source

2. Planned and Education leaders nd

managed the utilization managers practice
of school budget and participative, ethical and Output
Program or Project
other financial inclusive management Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
resources of the school processes Output or Deliverable Target Here
adhering consistently (Governance EM#1)
to policies, guidelines
and issuances in
allocation, No of activities Activity PI
procurement, Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
disbursement and
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Demonstrated, Internal systems and

established and processes are efficient,
systematized responsive, modern nd Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
processes in managing continous improving Output or Deliverable Target Here
the school facilities and P1-2 Improve learners"
equipment including access to quality and
acquisition, utilization, learner friendly
construction, repair environment
and maintenance. (Governance EM#4)
3. Demonstrated, Internal systems and
established and processes are efficient,
systematized responsive, modern nd
processes in managing continous improving
the school facilities and P1-2 Improve learners"
equipment including access to quality and
acquisition, utilization, learner friendly
construction, repair environment No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
and maintenance. (Governance EM#4)

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

4. Organized and All personnel are

managed an effective resilient, competent and Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
staffing or school continously improving Output or Deliverable Target Here
organizational (Governance EM#2)
structure of both
No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
teaching and non- Activity 1 Target here 0.00
teaching staff to
engage and empower
No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
them in adherence to Activity 2 Target here 0.00
policies and issuances
No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
Activity 3 Target here 0.00
5. Created and Ensure that education
established a facilities are safe and Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
functional school protected from the Output or Deliverable Target Here
safety and disaster risk impacts of natural and
management to ensure human-induced hazards No of activities
safe, orderly and Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
healthy school (Pillar4Resiliency
environment Strat#5) No of activities
Activity 2
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities
Activity 3
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

KRA 3: FOCUSING 1. Conducted and Align curriculum and

ON TEACHING managed school- instruction methods in all Program or Project Output
AND LEARNING based review, subject (Pillar3Quality Program or Project Output or Deliverable
Output Indicator Here Indicator
Target Here
(35%) contextualization and Strat#1)
implementation of
No of activities
learning standards to Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
assist teachers in
making the curriculum
No of activities
relevant to learners Activity 2
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities
Activity 3
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

2. Supervised the Strengthening

application of teaching consultations on Program or Project Output
standards and curriculum, instruction, Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
Output or Deliverable Target Here
pedagogies and assessment
engaged individuals (Pillar3Quality Strat#5)
and teams in providing No of activities
feedback and technical Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
assistance to teachers
to improve practices No of activities
across learning areas Activity 2
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities
Activity 3
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Developed and Assess learning

implemented plan for outcomes at each key Program or Project Output
learners’ assessment stage transition and for Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
Output or Deliverable Target Here
including improving learners in situation of
learners’ achievement disadvantage
and other performance (Pillar3Quality Strat#3) No of activities
indicators to address
Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
Activity 2 Target here 0.00

No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
Activity 3 Target here 0.00
4. Managed learner P4-2 Ensure that
discipline through learners are aware and Program or Project Output
established school can assert their rights to Program or Project Output or Deliverable
Output Indicator Here Indicator
Target Here
rules and policies andin education from
collaboratively DepEd and fully
developed with understand their No of activities
stakeholders responsibilities in relation Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
to these rights
(PillarResiliency Strat#2) No of activities
Activity 2
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities
Activity 3
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

KRA 4: Developing 1. Upgraded personal P3-2 Build capacity for

Self and Others and professional assessment through Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
(15%) development based on professional Output or Deliverable Target Here
the conducted self- development
assessment and (Pillar3Quality Strat#2)
development planning No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
and serve as learning
resource to teachers
and peers. No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

2. Led in organizing P3-5 Strengthening

professional networks consultations on Program or Project Output
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
and learning curriculum, instruction, Output or Deliverable Target Here
community among assessment
teachers and (Pillar3Quality Strat#5)
colleagues to advance No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
and maximize KSAs
and practice.
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Implemented, Internal systems and

evaluated and processes are efficient, Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
practiced the responsive, modern and Output or Deliverable Target Here
performance continously improving
management system (Governance EM#4)
to ensure career No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
advancement of
personnel and school
evaluated and processes are efficient,
practiced the responsive, modern and
performance continously improving
management system (Governance EM#4)
to ensure career
advancement of
personnel and school
performance No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

4. Provided All personnel are

opportunities, resilient, competent and Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
capacitated and continously improving Output or Deliverable Target Here
empowered individuals (Governance EM#2)
and teams in
enhancing strengths No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
and gaps as means of
development and No of activities Activity PI
leadership Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

5. Promoted and All personnel are

advocated general resilient, competent and Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
welfare and benefits of continously improving Output or Deliverable Target Here
personnel in (Governance EM#2)
adherence to local and
national policies No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

6. Institutionalized a Internal systems and

school-based Rewards processes are efficient, Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
and Recognition responsive, modern and Output or Deliverable Target Here
system or mechanism continously improving
for sustained (Governance EM#4)
No of activities Activity PI
exemplary Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

KRA 5: BUILDING 1. Supported and Public and private Output

CONNECTIONS strengthened diverse education systems work Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
(15%) relationships to sustain more collaboratively Output or Deliverable Target Here
an enabling and under a dynamic and
supportive responsive No of activities Activity PI
environment for complementarity Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
learners. framework
(Governance EM#6)
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

2. Managed and Education leaders and

evaluated school managers practice Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
organizations, faculty participative, ethical and Output or Deliverable Target Here
clubs to support the inclusive management
attainment of processes (Governance
institutional goals. EM#1) No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Demonstrated skills Key stakeholders Output

in communicating actively collaborate to Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
effectively in speaking serve learners better Output or Deliverable Target Here
and writing and ensure (Governance EM#5)
positive platforms No of activities Activity PI
within the school and Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

4. Involved, initiated Public and private Output

and led in school and education systems work Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
community more collaboratively Output or Deliverable Target Here
collaborative programs under a dynamic and
and actions in solving responsive No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
issues and promoting complementarity
development in the framework
school and community (Governance EM#6) No of activities Activity PI
as well Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
Overhead Administrative Cost a. Operational Expenses

a.1 Other office supplies

a.2 Water Expenses

a.3 Electricity Bill

a.4 Meals for Meetings

a. 5 Communication Expenses
a.6 Vehicles /Building Repair and

a.7 Utility/Labor and wages

a. 8 Internet

a.9 Others

b. Travel/Other Supplies Expenses

(Local Travel by Air and by Land)

b.1 Traveling Expenses

c. Common use supplies for Office


c.1 Supplies and Materials Expenses

d. Supplies and Materials for


d.1 Supplies and Materials Expenses

TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved:

Position Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Date: For LDs 1,3 and 5 Officer In-Charge, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent
Date: Date:


Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
For LDs 2,4 and 6
FY 2022
Leg. District:


Performance Implementation
Indicator (PI) Physical Financial Date Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Human Physical Financial

KRA 1: 1. Crafted school plans Education leaders and Output

LEADING or SIP aligned with managers practice Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
STRATEGICALLY national, local goals participative, ethical and Output or Deliverable Target Here
(20%) and policies and inclusive management
DepEd vision, mission processes No of activities Activity PI
and core values in (Governance EM#1) Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
collaboration with
internal and external No of activities Activity PI
stakeholders. Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

Another Program or Output

Project Output or Output Indicator Here Indicator
Deliverable Target Here

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

Another Strategy Aligned

to the Objective Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
Output or Deliverable Target Here

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

2. Led the conduct of Public and private

policy implementation education systems work Output
and review and more collaboratively Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
adjustment or under a dynamic and Output or Deliverable Target Here
refinement and responsive
enhancement of complementary
policies, Programs, framework No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
Projects and Activities (Governance EM#6)
(PPAs) in consistency
and relevance of
No of activities Activity PI
school operations Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Conducted and Internal systems and

completed researches/ processes are efficient, Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
Continuous responsive, modern nd Output or Deliverable Target Here
Improvement projects continous improving
and utilized results to (Governance EM#4)
improve school No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

KRA 2: MANAGING 1. Managed and Improve program Program or Project

SCHOOL maintained updated management and Output
Program or Project
OPERATIONS AND school data and service delivery Output Indicator Here Indicator
Output or Deliverable Target Here
RESOURCES information using (Pillar2Equity
(15%) technology, including Strat#1)
ICT for effective school
operation No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1 0.00 -
conducted Target here Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 -
Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3 0.00 -
conducted Target here Fund Source

2. Planned and Education leaders nd

managed the utilization managers practice
of school budget and participative, ethical and Output
Program or Project
other financial inclusive management Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
resources of the school processes Output or Deliverable Target Here
adhering consistently (Governance EM#1)
to policies, guidelines
and issuances in
allocation, No of activities Activity PI
procurement, Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
disbursement and
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Demonstrated, Internal systems and

established and processes are efficient,
systematized responsive, modern nd Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
processes in managing continous improving Output or Deliverable Target Here
the school facilities and P1-2 Improve learners"
equipment including access to quality and
acquisition, utilization, learner friendly
construction, repair environment
and maintenance. (Governance EM#4)
3. Demonstrated, Internal systems and
established and processes are efficient,
systematized responsive, modern nd
processes in managing continous improving
the school facilities and P1-2 Improve learners"
equipment including access to quality and
acquisition, utilization, learner friendly
construction, repair environment No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
and maintenance. (Governance EM#4)

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

4. Organized and All personnel are

managed an effective resilient, competent and Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
staffing or school continously improving Output or Deliverable Target Here
organizational (Governance EM#2)
structure of both
No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
teaching and non- Activity 1 Target here 0.00
teaching staff to
engage and empower
No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
them in adherence to Activity 2 Target here 0.00
policies and issuances
No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
Activity 3 Target here 0.00
5. Created and Ensure that education
established a facilities are safe and Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
functional school protected from the Output or Deliverable Target Here
safety and disaster risk impacts of natural and
management to ensure human-induced hazards No of activities
safe, orderly and Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
healthy school (Pillar4Resiliency
environment Strat#5) No of activities
Activity 2
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities
Activity 3
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

KRA 3: FOCUSING 1. Conducted and Align curriculum and

ON TEACHING managed school- instruction methods in all Program or Project Output
AND LEARNING based review, subject (Pillar3Quality Program or Project Output or Deliverable
Output Indicator Here Indicator
Target Here
(35%) contextualization and Strat#1)
implementation of
No of activities
learning standards to Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
assist teachers in
making the curriculum
No of activities
relevant to learners Activity 2
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities
Activity 3
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

2. Supervised the Strengthening

application of teaching consultations on Program or Project Output
standards and curriculum, instruction, Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
Output or Deliverable Target Here
pedagogies and assessment
engaged individuals (Pillar3Quality Strat#5)
and teams in providing No of activities
feedback and technical Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
assistance to teachers
to improve practices No of activities
across learning areas Activity 2
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities
Activity 3
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Developed and Assess learning

implemented plan for outcomes at each key Program or Project Output
learners’ assessment stage transition and for Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
Output or Deliverable Target Here
including improving learners in situation of
learners’ achievement disadvantage
and other performance (Pillar3Quality Strat#3) No of activities
indicators to address
Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
Activity 2 Target here 0.00

No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
Activity 3 Target here 0.00
4. Managed learner P4-2 Ensure that
discipline through learners are aware and Program or Project Output
established school can assert their rights to Program or Project Output or Deliverable
Output Indicator Here Indicator
Target Here
rules and policies andin education from
collaboratively DepEd and fully
developed with understand their No of activities
stakeholders responsibilities in relation Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
to these rights
(PillarResiliency Strat#2) No of activities
Activity 2
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities
Activity 3
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

KRA 4: Developing 1. Upgraded personal P3-2 Build capacity for

Self and Others and professional assessment through Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
(15%) development based on professional Output or Deliverable Target Here
the conducted self- development
assessment and (Pillar3Quality Strat#2)
development planning No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
and serve as learning
resource to teachers
and peers. No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

2. Led in organizing P3-5 Strengthening

professional networks consultations on Program or Project Output
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
and learning curriculum, instruction, Output or Deliverable Target Here
community among assessment
teachers and (Pillar3Quality Strat#5)
colleagues to advance No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
and maximize KSAs
and practice.
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Implemented, Internal systems and

evaluated and processes are efficient, Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
practiced the responsive, modern and Output or Deliverable Target Here
performance continously improving
management system (Governance EM#4)
to ensure career No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
advancement of
personnel and school
evaluated and processes are efficient,
practiced the responsive, modern and
performance continously improving
management system (Governance EM#4)
to ensure career
advancement of
personnel and school
performance No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

4. Provided All personnel are

opportunities, resilient, competent and Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
capacitated and continously improving Output or Deliverable Target Here
empowered individuals (Governance EM#2)
and teams in
enhancing strengths No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
and gaps as means of
development and No of activities Activity PI
leadership Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

5. Promoted and All personnel are

advocated general resilient, competent and Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
welfare and benefits of continously improving Output or Deliverable Target Here
personnel in (Governance EM#2)
adherence to local and
national policies No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

6. Institutionalized a Internal systems and

school-based Rewards processes are efficient, Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
and Recognition responsive, modern and Output or Deliverable Target Here
system or mechanism continously improving
for sustained (Governance EM#4)
No of activities Activity PI
exemplary Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

KRA 5: BUILDING 1. Supported and Public and private Output

CONNECTIONS strengthened diverse education systems work Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
(15%) relationships to sustain more collaboratively Output or Deliverable Target Here
an enabling and under a dynamic and
supportive responsive No of activities Activity PI
environment for complementarity Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
learners. framework
(Governance EM#6)
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

2. Managed and Education leaders and

evaluated school managers practice Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
organizations, faculty participative, ethical and Output or Deliverable Target Here
clubs to support the inclusive management
attainment of processes (Governance
institutional goals. EM#1) No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Demonstrated skills Key stakeholders Output

in communicating actively collaborate to Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
effectively in speaking serve learners better Output or Deliverable Target Here
and writing and ensure (Governance EM#5)
positive platforms No of activities Activity PI
within the school and Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

4. Involved, initiated Public and private Output

and led in school and education systems work Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
community more collaboratively Output or Deliverable Target Here
collaborative programs under a dynamic and
and actions in solving responsive No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
issues and promoting complementarity
development in the framework
school and community (Governance EM#6) No of activities Activity PI
as well Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
Overhead Administrative Cost a. Operational Expenses

a.1 Other office supplies

a.2 Water Expenses

a.3 Electricity Bill

a.4 Meals for Meetings

a. 5 Communication Expenses
a.6 Vehicles /Building Repair and

a.7 Utility/Labor and wages

a. 8 Internet

a.9 Others

b. Travel/Other Supplies Expenses

(Local Travel by Air and by Land)

b.1 Traveling Expenses

c. Common use supplies for Office


c.1 Supplies and Materials Expenses

d. Supplies and Materials for


d.1 Supplies and Materials Expenses

TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved:

Position Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Date: For LDs 1,3 and 5 Officer In-Charge, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent
Date: Date:


Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
For LDs 2,4 and 6
FY 2022
Leg. District:


Performance Implementation
Indicator (PI) Physical Financial Date Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Human Physical Financial

KRA 1: 1. Crafted school plans Education leaders and Output

LEADING or SIP aligned with managers practice Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
STRATEGICALLY national, local goals participative, ethical and Output or Deliverable Target Here
(20%) and policies and inclusive management
DepEd vision, mission processes No of activities Activity PI
and core values in (Governance EM#1) Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
collaboration with
internal and external No of activities Activity PI
stakeholders. Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

Another Program or Output

Project Output or Output Indicator Here Indicator
Deliverable Target Here

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

Another Strategy Aligned

to the Objective Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
Output or Deliverable Target Here

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

2. Led the conduct of Public and private

policy implementation education systems work Output
and review and more collaboratively Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
adjustment or under a dynamic and Output or Deliverable Target Here
refinement and responsive
enhancement of complementary
policies, Programs, framework No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
Projects and Activities (Governance EM#6)
(PPAs) in consistency
and relevance of
No of activities Activity PI
school operations Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Conducted and Internal systems and

completed researches/ processes are efficient, Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
Continuous responsive, modern nd Output or Deliverable Target Here
Improvement projects continous improving
and utilized results to (Governance EM#4)
improve school No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

KRA 2: MANAGING 1. Managed and Improve program Program or Project

SCHOOL maintained updated management and Output
Program or Project
OPERATIONS AND school data and service delivery Output Indicator Here Indicator
Output or Deliverable Target Here
RESOURCES information using (Pillar2Equity
(15%) technology, including Strat#1)
ICT for effective school
operation No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1 0.00 -
conducted Target here Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 -
Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3 0.00 -
conducted Target here Fund Source

2. Planned and Education leaders nd

managed the utilization managers practice
of school budget and participative, ethical and Output
Program or Project
other financial inclusive management Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
resources of the school processes Output or Deliverable Target Here
adhering consistently (Governance EM#1)
to policies, guidelines
and issuances in
allocation, No of activities Activity PI
procurement, Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
disbursement and
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Demonstrated, Internal systems and

established and processes are efficient,
systematized responsive, modern nd Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
processes in managing continous improving Output or Deliverable Target Here
the school facilities and P1-2 Improve learners"
equipment including access to quality and
acquisition, utilization, learner friendly
construction, repair environment
and maintenance. (Governance EM#4)
3. Demonstrated, Internal systems and
established and processes are efficient,
systematized responsive, modern nd
processes in managing continous improving
the school facilities and P1-2 Improve learners"
equipment including access to quality and
acquisition, utilization, learner friendly
construction, repair environment No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
and maintenance. (Governance EM#4)

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

4. Organized and All personnel are

managed an effective resilient, competent and Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
staffing or school continously improving Output or Deliverable Target Here
organizational (Governance EM#2)
structure of both
No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
teaching and non- Activity 1 Target here 0.00
teaching staff to
engage and empower
No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
them in adherence to Activity 2 Target here 0.00
policies and issuances
No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
Activity 3 Target here 0.00
5. Created and Ensure that education
established a facilities are safe and Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
functional school protected from the Output or Deliverable Target Here
safety and disaster risk impacts of natural and
management to ensure human-induced hazards No of activities
safe, orderly and Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
healthy school (Pillar4Resiliency
environment Strat#5) No of activities
Activity 2
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities
Activity 3
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

KRA 3: FOCUSING 1. Conducted and Align curriculum and

ON TEACHING managed school- instruction methods in all Program or Project Output
AND LEARNING based review, subject (Pillar3Quality Program or Project Output or Deliverable
Output Indicator Here Indicator
Target Here
(35%) contextualization and Strat#1)
implementation of
No of activities
learning standards to Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
assist teachers in
making the curriculum
No of activities
relevant to learners Activity 2
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities
Activity 3
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

2. Supervised the Strengthening

application of teaching consultations on Program or Project Output
standards and curriculum, instruction, Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
Output or Deliverable Target Here
pedagogies and assessment
engaged individuals (Pillar3Quality Strat#5)
and teams in providing No of activities
feedback and technical Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
assistance to teachers
to improve practices No of activities
across learning areas Activity 2
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities
Activity 3
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Developed and Assess learning

implemented plan for outcomes at each key Program or Project Output
learners’ assessment stage transition and for Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
Output or Deliverable Target Here
including improving learners in situation of
learners’ achievement disadvantage
and other performance (Pillar3Quality Strat#3) No of activities
indicators to address
Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
Activity 2 Target here 0.00

No of activities
- Fund Source
Activity PI
Activity 3 Target here 0.00
4. Managed learner P4-2 Ensure that
discipline through learners are aware and Program or Project Output
established school can assert their rights to Program or Project Output or Deliverable
Output Indicator Here Indicator
Target Here
rules and policies andin education from
collaboratively DepEd and fully
developed with understand their No of activities
stakeholders responsibilities in relation Activity 1
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
to these rights
(PillarResiliency Strat#2) No of activities
Activity 2
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities
Activity 3
Activity PI
Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

KRA 4: Developing 1. Upgraded personal P3-2 Build capacity for

Self and Others and professional assessment through Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
(15%) development based on professional Output or Deliverable Target Here
the conducted self- development
assessment and (Pillar3Quality Strat#2)
development planning No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
and serve as learning
resource to teachers
and peers. No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

2. Led in organizing P3-5 Strengthening

professional networks consultations on Program or Project Output
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
and learning curriculum, instruction, Output or Deliverable Target Here
community among assessment
teachers and (Pillar3Quality Strat#5)
colleagues to advance No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
and maximize KSAs
and practice.
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Implemented, Internal systems and

evaluated and processes are efficient, Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
practiced the responsive, modern and Output or Deliverable Target Here
performance continously improving
management system (Governance EM#4)
to ensure career No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
advancement of
personnel and school
evaluated and processes are efficient,
practiced the responsive, modern and
performance continously improving
management system (Governance EM#4)
to ensure career
advancement of
personnel and school
performance No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

4. Provided All personnel are

opportunities, resilient, competent and Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
capacitated and continously improving Output or Deliverable Target Here
empowered individuals (Governance EM#2)
and teams in
enhancing strengths No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
and gaps as means of
development and No of activities Activity PI
leadership Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

5. Promoted and All personnel are

advocated general resilient, competent and Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
welfare and benefits of continously improving Output or Deliverable Target Here
personnel in (Governance EM#2)
adherence to local and
national policies No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

6. Institutionalized a Internal systems and

school-based Rewards processes are efficient, Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
and Recognition responsive, modern and Output or Deliverable Target Here
system or mechanism continously improving
for sustained (Governance EM#4)
No of activities Activity PI
exemplary Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

KRA 5: BUILDING 1. Supported and Public and private Output

CONNECTIONS strengthened diverse education systems work Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
(15%) relationships to sustain more collaboratively Output or Deliverable Target Here
an enabling and under a dynamic and
supportive responsive No of activities Activity PI
environment for complementarity Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
learners. framework
(Governance EM#6)
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

2. Managed and Education leaders and

evaluated school managers practice Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
organizations, faculty participative, ethical and Output or Deliverable Target Here
clubs to support the inclusive management
attainment of processes (Governance
institutional goals. EM#1) No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

3. Demonstrated skills Key stakeholders Output

in communicating actively collaborate to Program or Project
Program or Project Output Indicator Here Indicator
effectively in speaking serve learners better Output or Deliverable Target Here
and writing and ensure (Governance EM#5)
positive platforms No of activities Activity PI
within the school and Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
No of activities Activity PI
Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

4. Involved, initiated Public and private Output

and led in school and education systems work Program or Project Program or Project
Output Indicator Here Indicator
community more collaboratively Output or Deliverable Target Here
collaborative programs under a dynamic and
and actions in solving responsive No of activities Activity PI
Activity 1
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
issues and promoting complementarity
development in the framework
school and community (Governance EM#6) No of activities Activity PI
as well Activity 2
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source

No of activities Activity PI
Activity 3
conducted Target here 0.00 - Fund Source
Overhead Administrative Cost a. Operational Expenses

a.1 Other office supplies

a.2 Water Expenses

a.3 Electricity Bill

a.4 Meals for Meetings

a. 5 Communication Expenses
a.6 Vehicles /Building Repair and

a.7 Utility/Labor and wages

a. 8 Internet

a.9 Others

b. Travel/Other Supplies Expenses

(Local Travel by Air and by Land)

b.1 Traveling Expenses

c. Common use supplies for Office


c.1 Supplies and Materials Expenses

d. Supplies and Materials for


d.1 Supplies and Materials Expenses

TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved:

Position Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Date: For LDs 1,3 and 5 Officer In-Charge, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent
Date: Date:


Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
For LDs 2,4 and 6

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