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Let's save our

-Sasank Grandhi
Everything in the nature is balanced. Now it is
time that we balance pollution with nature’s
-Sasank Grandhi

This book is dedicated to all the Environmentalists out

there fighting to save nature.

The book mainly emphasizes on the pollution and
increase in Carbon Footprint that is being created due to
the lifestyle of an average adult. The book suggests some
changes in lifestyle in such a way the Earth’s Carbon
Footprint will be reduced drastically. This would happen
only if all the humans do this as a Team.
This book is written mainly to make people aware
of the pollution that is created by some unnoticed actions
in our daily life. There are various cheats and hacks which
are very simple and can be easily followed by an
individual. These cheats and hacks would contribute to
the effort of reducing the climatic change.
The book is made from recycled paper as well. I as
an author do not pollute nature for writing this book. Read
the book and start following the instructions right away.

Who is this book for?

The book is for every Human being. Every human
being is responsible for saving the Nature. It is the sole
responsibility of Human to make sure the planet sustains.

Abstract: .......................................................................... 2
Who is this book for? .................................................... 2
Introduction to Carbon Footprint ................................. 6
How to reduce Carbon Footprint by changing in usage
of Technology .................................................................. 9
I) Kill the idle electronics: ............................................ 9
II) Low Brightness Usage: .......................................... 10
III) Battery Conservative mode: ................................. 11
IV) Buying refurbished electronics:........................... 12
V) High Energy Efficient devices: .............................. 13
VI) Renting electronics when required: ...................... 14
VII) Proper Battery Disposal: ..................................... 15
VIII) Using Wired devices: ......................................... 16
How to reduce the CF by changing your food habits:17
I) Stop consuming meat and seafood: ......................... 17
II) Composting ............................................................ 18
III) Using organic products: ........................................ 19
IV) Using less-packed foods: ...................................... 20
V) Stop using one-time plastics: ................................. 21
VI) Carrying own sac to shopping: ............................. 21
VII) Buy durable foods in large qty ............................ 23
VIII) Reuse glass vessels than recycle ........................ 23
IX) Zero waste cooking: ............................................. 24
X) Stop eating chewing gums: .................................... 25
XI) Feeding the stray with leftover foods: .................. 26

How to reduce CF by changing the way passengers
travel: ............................................................................. 27
I) Start vehicle pooling: ........................................... 27
II) Start walking to nearby places ......................... 28
III) Use public transport when travelling single ..... 29
IV) Do your household chores on a single day when
outside ......................................................................... 30
V) Use electric vehicles ......................................... 31
VI) Use a single car instead of multiple cars .......... 32
VII) Stop using supercars ......................................... 33
VIII) Reduce using Air travel for shorter distances
How to reduce CF by changing the shopping habits: 36
I) Buying carbon neutral goods ............................... 36
II) Buying sustainable toothbrushes ...................... 37
III) Buying refilling detergents, shampoos, soaps
than to buy new bottles ............................................... 38
IV) Stop buying unnecessary goods ....................... 39
V) Stop buying one time plastics .......................... 40
VI) Buying from thrift shops .................................. 41
VII) Buying sustainable sanitary pads ..................... 42
How to reduce CF by changing the daily lifestyle: .... 43
I) Change the way we cut sachets:........................... 43
II) Using Egg shells for gardening ........................ 45
III) Hydrophobic & Rooftop farming ..................... 45
IV) Stop using toilet papers for nature calls ........... 46
V) Use cloth instead of tissue papers for cleaning
and wiping ................................................................... 47

VI) Using an ink pen rather than ball/gel pens ....... 48
VII) Using brooms made out of dried coconut leaves
VIII) Using organic mosquito killers ..................... 50
IX) Minimize using rubber bands ........................... 51
X) Stop using artificial hair colors ........................ 52
XI) Play YouTube videos in low definition whenever
possible ....................................................................... 52
XII) Clean your email inbox frequently ................... 53

Introduction to Carbon
Well, let’s assume that you are not aware of the word
"Carbon Footprint".

Carbon Footprint a measure of weight of Carbon

dioxide released during the entire
life cycle of a product. To explain
it, when a product is being
manufactured or a service being
provided, a lot of types of gases
are released into the atmosphere
during the manufacturing or the
service. A lot of gases like carbon dioxide (CO2), Sulphur
dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), water vapor
(H2O), and nitrous oxide (NO) will be released into the
atmosphere. Remember, every gas that is released is a
green house gas. Every footprint cannot be explained for
each and every product, so we express its equivalent
amount in terms of carbon dioxide released. For example,
the amount of Sulphur dioxide released is converted to
equivalent of carbon dioxide and will be added to its total
carbon footprint. This is done to every gas released into
the atmosphere.

The main motive behind to start measuring the

carbon footprint is to measure how much pollution, green
house effect is being caused and also to measure the
sustainable techniques.

For example, let's take an example from the automotive
sector. The carbon footprint of a bike in its life time is
approximately 1 Megaton. The company has implemented
a new engine model which would increase the fuel
efficiency to 20% thereby reducing the fuel consumption
by 20%. This means the carbon footprint for the bike will
somewhere be reduced by 10% due to its relations. By
this, we can say that the company's model is working for
sustainable environment. Through this approach we can
measure our effort on saving our Mother Earth.

Let us talk in detail about the carbon footprint.

Assume a tissue paper that we use every day for various
activities in our daily life like sanitary, cleaning, and
wiping and many more. The tissue paper we use last
hardly for 10 seconds a maximum but the tissue paper
undergoes through a lot of process to come to your home.
First, it can be assumed that the tree has to be sown as a
seed and raised as a tree. Second, once it is meeting
proper standards, it is cut and sent to the factory for
manufacturing. Third, the finished product after
packaging is shipped to the distribution centers and then
we buy it. The measure of carbon footprint is assumed to
start from fuel used for sowing the seeds, fertilizers and
pesticides used, cutting the tree and transportation fuel to
the factory, fuel and electricity used by the factory's
machinery, plastic used for packaging, transportation fuel
used again for distribution and many more processes.
Summing up all the carbon footprints involved in the
process to manufacture the specific quantity of tissue
paper would give the tissue paper carbon footprint
equivalent per kg.

There are multiple factors that affect an individual's

carbon footprint in their daily life. They are

-Geography of an individual
-Food habits
-Usage of technology
-Ecological Intelligence
-Daily habits
Many more. The average carbon footprint varies for an
individual with changing countries.

One important point everyone has to remember is

not doing anything is far better than doing something bad
to the Earth.

Any individual can track their own carbon

footprint approximately by entering their habits and
lifestyle into so many mobile applications. These highly
accurate mobile applications would give a rough estimate
on how much exactly an individual’s carbon footprint is.
They also suggest an individual to change in habits to
ensure lower carbon footprint release.

How to reduce Carbon
Footprint by changing in
usage of Technology
By doing the following things, one individual can reduce
their carbon footprint.

I) Kill the idle electronics:

First, let me explain what idle electronics means:
Idle electronics are the electronics which we use very
rarely but the gadget will be plugged into the power
source. To explain this with an example, you can
consider Charging adapters, wireless charging pads, smart
speakers, CCTVs, as an example.

Let me explain how to reduce the CF with killing

charging adapters. This
task is so simple, almost
anyone can do it. The
task is simply
unplugging the adapters
when you are not
charging your devices.
Instead of keeping it plugged in all the time, one can
simply unplug the device when the device is not in use.
The user can plug it back again when they use the product
again for charging. The plugging and unplugging of the
adapter may seem to be like a hassle but it is not worth the
price of Mother Earth. Think once about Mother Earth

before leaving an adapter into the socket when the device
is not intact.

Anyone may think that the power consumption of

an idle electronic is very low. Think of the event in this
perspective: Assume you are using a 30Watt adapter with
an idle power consumption of 1%. This leaves us at 0.3
Watts when idle, the value is corresponding to an
individual, but in terms of country perspective (assume
population would be 20 Million) the value would be 2000
Watts. Now, 2000 Watts is not a small number, the least
that one individual can do is to unplug your adapter and
make your contribution for saving our Mother Earth.

II) Low Brightness Usage:

In the digital era, every electronic device almost
has an interface through a digital screen. One can reduce
the CF by changing the way they configure the display

We can consider our mobile

screens/laptop screens as an example. Based on
the different light ambiences around the user,
the display brightness has to be adjusted. When
the user is in a bright background then the display should
be used in a high background. When the user is in a dark
background then the display should be adjusted to low

Apart from the background ambiences, we can

also set the display brightness based on the application
that we are using the display screen for. For example, if
the user is listening to music playlist, the display is of
minimum usage, so the user can turn down the display

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brightness. Another example we can talk is that, when we
are watching a movie/TV series, the user needs a bright
screen to enjoy the experience. But, before turning up the
full brightness, consider checking the just-below levels of
full-brightness for watching the movie. This in return can
save at least some energy.

One smart solution that the electronics

manufacturers are giving is Auto-Brightness mode. This
feature makes sure that the brightness is automatically
adjusted based on ambience environment. Try using this
feature when the user is travelling especially.

Many think how it might work to reduce the CF of

an individual: When you put at a higher brightness, the
display consumes more electric current, thereby draining
more power from the battery. To recharge the battery
again, we consume more power. The objective here is to
reduce the power consumption.

III) Battery Conservative mode:

For the people who do not know what Battery
conservative mode is, Battery conservative mode is a
behavior of an electronic device where battery life is
prioritized at the cost of performance.

Now, for people who do not always play

games/tasks which require very high graphics, the user
can run their electronic devices in battery saving mode.
This feature gives a good battery life.

People who play games or do tasks which

require high graphics also can try to save
some energy. Assuming that they would

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not do all the time the performance mode, they can switch
back to battery mode when they are not using. When they
are using tasks which require graphics they can switch to
the performance mode.

This task can be done through a smart way. All the

devices have this feature of Auto-battery mode. This
feature allows users to swiftly switch between both the

Coming on how this works is that, when devices

are running on performance mode, the device consumes
more power thereby taking in more electrical current.
More the current is being taken by the device, more is the
fuel consumed for producing the electrical current.

IV) Buying refurbished electronics:

In the modern world, the e-waste is the most
persistent problem and till date there was no solution
found. The only way to prevent e-waste is to reduce using

Buying refurbished goods will help reducing CF in

two ways. Primarily, the user prevented the production of
another new e-device. Another device would have been
produced for the user if the user would have not bought
the refurbished goods.

Secondarily, the reduction in the e-waste is

another savings that we can do. The device which is
supposed to be disposed of thereby causing pollution to
Mother Earth is now in use thereby increasing its lifetime
and reducing the CF.

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This is like hitting 2 targets with a single arrow. A
user should prefer buying refurbished electronics always
because they can impact on the Earth’s CF a lot through
this method. One more suggestion that I as an individual
would suggest is that choose a refurbished product which
has greater power efficiency and greener company
product. If an individual chooses an older refurbished
product which has higher CF releasing, then the CF would
rather increase than to decrease. So, always choose wisely
while buying refurbished electronic gadgets.

V) High Energy Efficient devices:

For all, who does not know what high energy
efficient devices are? Every electrical consumer home
appliances will have an energy efficiency rating which
differs from country to country. Energy Efficiency Rating
can be called as EER as well. Though each country has
different notations, it represents the only one thing. The
rating represents that the better the rating, the better is the

I will consider my own country as example. In

India, every consumer home appliances is rated with an
EER as star rating which a scale is starting from 1 to 5. If
the star rating is 1, means the EER is less for an appliance
and if the scale rating is 5 star then the appliances is
having very good EER.

For people who want to know how this will impact

the CF reduction, let’s take a deeper look inside this. If
the Energy efficiency is low, more heat will be generated.
This heat is a result of the input electrical energy supplied
to the device meaning the device is consuming more
energy to do the task; more energy implies more current

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which further implies that more energy is required to be
generated. This is a chain causing the increase in CF if not
well taken care of properly.

VI) Renting electronics when

In our daily life, we require few electronic devices
a very few times in a period. During these periods, if the
user would have rented the product instead of buying a
product, the user will create a very great impact on the
CF. Renting is only applicable to products that are used
only few times in a period. For products which we use
regularly in the period, it is always recommended to buy
the product to ensure low CF and also economical.

Let’s talk about this point with an example.

Assume in the daily household chores, we might need an
electrical drill machine but we only require the product
only once in a while for some few tasks. Now, instead of
buying this product, the user can actually rent out the
product as and when required. This would be economical
and ecological as well.

Upon renting the product, the user will only have

added a CF of collecting the product and usage CF. The
CF when a user buys is comparatively high because the
CF of manufacturing also would sum up thereby
increasing the CF. If the user would simple rented, the
user can ensure that at least the user can reduce the CF of
manufacturing & logistics of the product.

Explaining the part how it actually reduces CF in

short is that, when a user don’t buy the product the user is

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saving literally a whole CF that will be released if the user
buys it. Instead by renting, the CF will be only for the
renting part. So, rent wisely always for frequent products.

VII) Proper Battery Disposal:

Energy devices disposal after usage has been an
issue from long time. Now, it is time to change that to
save our Earth. The primary suggestion that will affect is
that using rechargeable batteries. The amount of CF
reduced will be of greater impact because the CF reduced
for each non-rechargeable battery is drastically reduced.

To make it clearly understanding, consider an

example of a Beard trimmer. Beard trimmer which men
use today, some of them still make use of normal non-
rechargeable batteries. Beard trimmer is something which
people use almost once in every 3 to 4 days. People
should buy only rechargeable beard trimmers. The regular
non-rechargeable battery in a beard trimmer usually lasts
a month which means that the user is responsible of that
CF. I really suggest Men who use an electronic beard
trimmer, please replace your beard trimmers which are
either a rechargeable function or a direct plug in beard

To add more explanation of the logic behind this:

The CF that is produced through the manufacturing and
distribution of non-rechargeable is saved. Apart from
saving the CF, one more pain point to talk about is
disposal of batteries is very hard. If the batteries are not
disposed of properly, it causes dangerous damage to
Earth. In few countries, a new practice has come up. The
practice insists users to put up battery bins everywhere
and users can throw their dead batteries exclusively in

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these bins for recycling. This is a very good initiative, if
this is available in your country, one can really follow it.

VIII) Using Wired devices:

This logic may seem very difficult to
follow because I was asking people to come
out of their comfort zone. But, this has some
serious impact on the reduction of CF. Devices
which are having wireless communications are
always more power consuming. Devices which
have wires are always less power consuming and efficient
as well.

For example: Earphones. Earlier, everyone used

to use wired earphones but now because of the discovery
of wireless earphones, people use it more often. Many
might think that they charge their earphones case only
once in a week, why it might take more power. If wireless
earphones are consuming that much power, wired
earphones takes even less power.

As an individual this process might not seem

effective but as a world-wide implementation, these
processes can actually bring a very great impact. Nobody
is suggesting not to use the wireless earphones at all, but
use the wireless earphones only when necessary only. For
starting this habit, people can try using their wired
earphones when they are at home and use wireless
earphones when they are doing exercises. By this practice
at least the user can reduce the CF caused by wireless
earphones. Besides we are always being surrounded by
wireless networks, how much do you think it is good for
your brain? It’s quite obvious that they are
electromagnetic waves and will affect your brain.

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How to reduce the CF by
changing your food habits:
By doing the following things, one individual can reduce
their carbon footprint.

I) Stop consuming meat and

Apart from reducing the CF of an individual, this book
also talks about sustainability. Co-living with species also
defines sustainability. Besides, the meat which everyone
buys at the supermarkets undergo a whole full of process.
The meat will have added preservatives which directly fed
to the animals.

Unlike plant based foods, meat based foods will have to

undergo a lot of processes and requires a lot of energy and
materials to do the preservation as well. Researchers have
found out that the CF of a vegetarian person is having a
drastic difference when compared with a person who
consumes meat and seafood.

In addition to above points, meat also requires a

lot of packaging. If a person is not consuming thereby the
person is saving CF on meat, seafood and their packaging
as well. For starters to implement this, people can slowly
start going vegetarian and slowing stop consuming meat
and seafood.

For example, if a person eats

meat three times a day, the
person can reduce the number to

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two times a day for the first two weeks and then reduce to
one time a day. After few months later, the person can
now completely stop eating meat and seafood. Later, to
completely lower the CF, the person can then turn to

Another important information is that a vegan and

a vegetarian are two different habits. Vegans consume
only plant based products and vegetarian use animals
based products like milk, butter, cheese. It is very hard
and expensive to go to vegan all at once; it has to be done
in stages or milestone based.

II) Composting
To all the people who do not know composting:
Composting means artificial degradation of bio-
degradable substances with some natural methods.
Composting is different from decomposing. Composting
also produces an output product called “compost” which
can be used as a fertilizer for plants.

Composting is very
simple and very useful for
soil as well. All one has to
do is dig a small pit a
dustbin size in your garden.
Every plant waste like onion peels, banana skins, egg
shells and leftover foods can be thrown in the pit in your
garden. Make sure the compost pit is properly covered to
ensure it would not cause bad smell.

Performing this action, would reduce the CF

which will be released for the disposal. Now that a user is

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following the procedure, the dustbin space can be only
used for other products thereby optimum utilization.

The main benefactor for this processes are

Earthworms. Also, remember, Earthworms are small
creatures which are very important for mankind survival.
This is because; Earthworms always keeps the soil
moisturized which will make sure the soil would not get
dried up and become like a desert. Due to the use of
pesticides, fertilizers: Earthworms are dying and reducing
in number as well. Also, these earthworms eat all the
decaying matter thereby cleaning all the edible garbage
that humans put in. We should not kill the janitors after

III) Using organic products:

Everybody know that the foods we buy at the
super markets, the vegetables and fruits that we buy at
super markets are processed and also preservated. The
chemicals which are used for all the processes and the
preservatives will be adding up a person’s CF.

Using Bio or organic products, one

can actually reduce a lot of CF. The
main problem here being
converting into complete Bio
consumer would be very difficult.
Hence, a consumer has to convert in terms of stages.
During the initial stages, the consumer can stop
consuming preservated milk and use organic milk and
then change to organic breads and so on.

Now, for the explanation of logic: An individual

consumer can save the CF equivalent to the preservatives

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used, fertilizers & pesticides used. This is also an impact
parameter that counts a lot when followed in a country

IV) Using less-packed foods:

Plastic is the main culprit in Earth’s pollution but
also it is a savior in Human Evolution. Nobody can speak
100% on either side. Our primary aim now is to reduce
the usage of plastics and no we reached a stage where we
cannot live without plastic.

It is always advisable to cook

food at home instead of buying instant
foods in a way. The packaging
contains a lot of plastic and if we stop
buying the instant foods more often,
consumer can save a lot of plastic.
Apart from plastic, there is even the usage of paper which
indicates cutting of trees again. Hence, it is always
preferable to cook food at home to make the corporate
companies to stop producing plastics.

The logic behind the methodology requires a little

more explanation than all the other. Many might think
how stoppage of buying of foods would affects pollution,
if a group of consumers are not buying specific products,
the companies will realize that. It would cause some loss
of money to corporate so they will reduce their production
levels thereby using fewer plastics. This is a chain of
process that will occur if consumers as a team stop buying
the heavy packed and instant foods, we can still save our

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V) Stop using one-time plastics:
As per the explanation above, we came to identify
that plastics are toxic to Earth. One more form of plastics
is single use plastics. The modern term for this one-time
plastics are called disposable plastics. These plastic types
are strictly to be avoided.

Some examples of single use

plastics are straws, spoons, glasses,
glass lids, trays and many more.
These items will be used only once
in their lifetime and will be
disposed off. This is such a waste
of materials; one consumer can
drink their hot chocolate without a straw. Not only a
straw, one can directly drink the hot drink without a cap,
it would not matter, right? Please stop accepting these
one-time plastics even when you are offered. That is when
change begins in this process.

The amount of plastics that is

being released into garbage dumps,
oceans and Earth are getting more and
more in weight. Also, the CF will be
also included even for the waste disposal
of an individual. So, by stopping the
usage, one can reduce the equivalent CF
that is released.

VI) Carrying own sac to shopping:

This is the most popular practice that will be
promoted always. Yes, this is the practice which haves the
best impact on plastic reduction and also in CF reduction.

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This practice suggests that consumers have to carry their
own bag for bringing home their groceries. How much
additional weight does a carry bag weigh? Consumers can
keep some 2 to 3 bags in their vehicles like bikes/cars. So,
whenever the consumers require a bag in emergency, they
can simply take from their vehicles.

Besides, keep a bag in their vehicles and forget it.

Use the bag whenever required, make this a habit, then
you are a great contribution to the climate change. It is our
responsibility to take initiative of carrying our own bag
since it makes an impact.

Now, explaining the logic behind

this. Each time you carry your own
bag; there is no requirement for you
to buy a bag or no giveaway of bag
for the supermarket owner. This
reduces the market’s monthly
consumption number. The market
will accordingly buy the bags from
the suppliers. The supplier will produce only as per the
requirement of the market’s consumption. Since, the
production has reduced; plastic will be produced less
thereby moving closer to our goal. This is the game
changer if every individual follow this simple practice
Earth’s global warming index will definitely go down.

Be responsible and start carrying your own

sac/bag and Say “No” when someone offers you a plastic

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VII) Buy durable foods in large qty
I bet this method you might not have ever had.
Buying long lasting foods in bulk quantity can actually
reduce the CF caused. The primary advantage that a
consumer will get if they buy in huge quantity is cheap
and economical. Apart from that, it is also reducing the
pollution so why don’t you give it a thought?

For example, if you take rice. Approximately 1

kilogram of rice will cost around 2 USD but if you buy a
10 kilogram rice bag, it will cost you 15 USD. A
consumer will save 0.5 USD/ kilogram. This number
might seem small but if it repeats on at a frequent interval,
it counts a lot. This is in the case of rice, but doing it for a
lot of other ingredients would save you a lot of cost along
with saving our Earth.

Now, for the explanation of the logic: If you buy

products in large, we can reduce a lot in packaging,
disposals and also in their transportation. Bigger the
container, shipment will be done in efficient ways thereby
reducing the pollution. Since, the goods stay for a longer
time, storage should not cause any trouble.

VIII) Reuse glass vessels than

Everyone has a common
miss conception that recycling
will actually remove plastic from
Earth. If anybody says that,
please contradict them because
recycling plastic also releases

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CF into the atmosphere mainly for the collection and
sorting of the plastics. Moreover, transportation of glass
will take a lot of fuel consumption due to the weight.
Reusing glass vessels for any other application would be
an appropriate one than to simply throw them, collect for

For example, you have a glass jar that you

received for some tomato puree. Once consumer use the
puree, instead of directly throwing the jar, the consumer
can use the jar for storing some simple substances like
salt, protein powders or like storing rubber bands, use it
like a pencil stand. Decorate it nicely to make it look good
and also use it as a fancy item.

Now, for the detailed explanation: If the consumer

simply throws out in the garbage the glass vessel, it would
go to the sorting center and then to recycling plant. In the
meanwhile, due to the weight of the jar, the truck
consumes more fuel due to which CF is released. To
reduce the CF, consumers can instead use the glass vessel
for another application purpose inside their home. If the
consumer reused it, the consumer has been doing a useful
thing that serves the reduction of CF. Remember, Always
reuse than to recycle.

IX) Zero waste cooking:

For the people who does not know what is a zero
wastage cooking. Zero waste cooking as the name
indicates instead of throwing the kitchen waste, one can
reuse them again in their cooking/garden/any other

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To make you understand better, let us talk with an
example. For example, the eggs we eat daily, we crack the
egg shells open and simply throw in the garbage bin.
Instead of throwing in the garbage bin, the consumer can
use those same egg shells as a natural fertilizer inside the
plant pots or garden. This would naturally add so much
fertility to the soil and earthworms can be healthy.

As we had expressed earlier in this book,

Earthworms are very critical in the survival of the
mankind. Doing this would save a lot of creatures and
fertilize soil and a lot of other applications. There are also
many methods in Zero wastage cooking and just give a try
searching in the Internet to know more about the methods
and latest updates. Do try following these slowly and
make your contribution to nature.

X) Stop eating chewing gums:

Many of us are not aware that a chewing gum can
actually kill birds. The problem comes only when there is
no proper disposal of chewing gums. People after
chewing the gums, they spit it out to the open grounds.
Many birds while they are searching for food think that
the gums were their food.

The birds eat the gums on the open

air. Gums get stuck in the bird’s
intestines because gums are non-
digestible. After few days, the bird
dies with an intestine cancer. If
people would have disposed off the
gum safely in a paper covering the entire gum in such a
way the bird would never find. People should wrap the
gum after spitting and then throw it in the garbage.

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By following the above procedure, birds would
not be able to eat them because of the wrap thereby saving
the life of a bird. Next time, you spit a gum in an open air,
think of the small bird that is about to die.

XI) Feeding the stray with leftover

Every animal in the whole Earth needs to be
feeded. The stray animals starve for a longer time. We
can set up a small place in our locality where people can
come and through the one/two day leftover foods. This
leftover food can be eaten by any stray dogs/cows/pigs
and many animals as well. Instead of letting the strays
starve to death we can actually make them eat our leftover
foods. This way we are fulfilling their hunger as well as
reducing the CF released when they are disposed off.

Assume that, we are not feeding the strays with

the leftovers. We throw some leftover food in the garbage
bin. This adds weight to the garbage bin; when it is picked
by the garbage trucks thereby the trucks consume more
fuel to carry the garbage. Now, if we can reduce the
weight of the food in the garbage bin, the truck consumes
less fuel thereby releasing less CF.

One can follow few steps like the below example.

One can collect all the weights from the restaurants and
fast food centers like leftover chicken bones, half eaten
foods etc and feed them to the strays. This helps a lot of
animals as well.

26 | P a g e
How to reduce CF by
changing the way
passengers travel:
I) Start vehicle pooling:
More than the term vehicle pooling, people often
hear about the term car pooling. Car pooling or vehicle
pooling basically means that sharing the travelling vehicle
when someone is on the way to your source to destination.
If someone is travelling to the same destination, either
you can give them a lift or they can give you a lift. A
traveler can be either an owner of the vehicle or the
passenger as well.

Let us explain with an example.

Assume a passenger is travelling
from Paris, France to Berlin,
Germany. If there is a car owner
travelling alone from Paris to
Berlin, then the car owner can
give a lift to the passenger in
exchange to small fare. Here, three persons are benefitted
through this. One, the car owner will get some fuel fare
where can spend on some other things. Two, the
passenger will travel at a lower fare than railways or bus
transports in Europe. Three, the nature pollution will be
reduced due to this

One smart way to go through all of this is by using

online platforms like blablacar and other similar vehicle
pooling mobile applications. It’s very helpful in reducing

27 | P a g e
the pollution so it’s preferable to have such apps in user’s
mobile phones.

The logic behind was that, when a person travels

through vehicle pooling there is a reduction in CF
released when the same persons hires a cab for the travel.
By travelling through the vehicle pooling, the corporate
companies estimate their demand and accordingly the
corporate companies will choose their vehicle capacities
and schedules. By following this process as a unity, we
can reduce the CF released a lot. It is really having an
impact, so start using the application now.

II) Start walking to nearby

This is a practice that is very
much suggested for both health and
pollution purposes. Everybody must
either been doing this or witnessed
that some people will use their
vehicles even when they want to go
to a place which is nearby. This is
highly not a suggestible practice. It’s
because a lot of CF will released into the atmosphere
when big vehicles are used for shorter distances.

For example, it is a good practice to walk to a

store/building/mall etc which is below 2 km. Humans are
very much fit and strong enough to walk 2 km with ease.
It is only until people are old or physical problem, they
cannot walk the distance. If other people seem not walk
the distance then the people are physically unfit or just
lazy. People should not be like that, people should be fit
and healthy. If you are one of the people who cannot

28 | P a g e
walk, I really suggest the people to start for a change

To explain why, when a rider travels in a vehicle,

the vehicle consumes some fuel and thereby releasing CF
into the atmosphere. If the place is in city, the vehicle will
release even more CF into the air. So, to reduce the CF,
one person can rather walk than to consume fuel in a
vehicle. From today, start walking to places which are
nearby your home and also be healthy by walking.

III) Use public transport when

travelling single
Most of our lives we always travel single
sometimes. Not all of use public transport when traveling
as a single person. People always prefer a private vehicle
when they are travelling single. This is a practice which is
wrong because a complete vehicle for a single person is
not worth it. The private vehicle releases so much of CF
into the atmosphere.

The same person when

they travel in a public
transport, the respective
CF released would be
almost half the weight.
People should start
realizing that, people who are travelling in a car when you
are single, please stop and start using a bus or a tram or a
metro. People can do a lot of impact on saving the CF
through their cars.

Let us explain with an example. If a person alone

wants to go from Berlin, Germany to Amsterdam,

29 | P a g e
Netherlands; the car owner is simply driving off the whole
journey themselves. Through his entire journey assume
some 50kg of CO2 is released, if the same person takes a
bus transport then the CO2 will reduce almost to 20 kg of
CO2. Through this example, we can clearly see that
public transport is always feasible when travelling in a

However, this is not supposed to be followed

when there is more than 1 person travelling. When there
are more than 1 persons travelling, travelling in public
transport would cost more CO2 because when compares
with each person, it would be more. Public transport is
only preferable when travelling single.

IV) Do your household chores on

a single day when outside
The modern day lifestyle insists that each day is
for a specific purpose. For example, Monday-Friday is
work days. Saturday is groceries, visiting friends. Sunday
is basically for any work. Now, instead of all that tasks, it
is always better if you dedicate all chores in a single day.

Let us put an explanation with an example. For

example, one day going to super market for groceries,
next day going to a movie and next day going to an
exhibition. Now, assume each trip costed some 50 Kg of
CO2. It would be a total of 150 Kg of CO2 is released. If
all these tasks are done in the same day, the CO2 released
will be somewhere around 80 Kg of CO2. By comparing
the values, you can clearly see that almost half the CO2 is

30 | P a g e
The logic behind is that: if we go daily to and fro
the carbon dioxide released would be more because some
distance we are travelling to and fro. If we do the same
day every task of household chores, we can save those
few distances CF. All people can follow a single trend
that is to plan all the household chores on a single day.

V) Use electric vehicles

The most known fact
that everybody know is that,
using electric vehicles over
fuel based engines. Electric
vehicles are more efficient
than mechanical vehicles because lot of fuel efficiency is
lost in the heat produced. Even, most of the fuel is wasted
because of the friction. This mechanical cars are very low
in efficiency yet people use because lack of alternatives
earlier. Now, cars have an alternative for fuel based

Let us explain with an example. For example, a

mechanical car which runs on fuel travels some 100 km.
approximately; a fuel based car will
release around 200 kg of CO2. But, for
the same distance travelled, the electric
car would release only 25 kg of CO2.
These are approximate numbers; the
electric car is almost double the
efficiency of fuel based car. Also,
Electric car’s maintenance is very easy
because no frequent change of
lubricants, coolants as well because
electric cars need not have all those. The
lifecycle of an electric car is very more

31 | P a g e
in time because they are more durable than fuel based

One question that comes to everyone’s mind is

that electric cars do not have range when they want to
travel far distances. Assume a user travels only once a
month to a longer distance travel. If on that single day
alone, the user can rent a car, this would reduce both the
CF of the user as well as the monthly money put on the
car as well. All users do is to think of a trip they go once a
month than commuting to office for the rest of the days on
that month. Now, the majority number of days is
commuting within city, so it is preferable to use electric
vehicles over a fuel based vehicles. Initially the capital for
the electric vehicles might be high but the annual
maintenance will be very low and users can save the
money over there.

This time, when you are buying vehicles, always

prefer an electric vehicle. Our Mother Earth is more
important than you small desires.

VI) Use a single car instead of

multiple cars
Everybody in the modern world who is rich
enough will buy multiple cars. This practice will lead to
high release of CF to the Earth than the average person.
People who are rich tend to be busier than normal people
that we agree but rich people play a very key role in
making the climate change possible. A rich family owns
multiple cars, one for father, one for mother, two for
children and another car for emergency situations etc. Is it
really necessary to buy and use that many cars?

32 | P a g e
Let us explain with an example, assume a rich
family is attending a marriage function. Father goes in a
car to his office, Mother goes to her office in her own car,
son would go to his college in his own car and driver will
take care of the daughter’s school. After their daily
activities, they all will come to the marriage function with
four cars. Now, if the father or the mother pick everyone
and go to the same marriage function in a single car, the
amount of CF reduced will be equivalent to CF released
by three cars.

Now, that you clearly understood the logic behind

the practice, to make a proper time and proper feasibility
for other families too, it is always suggestible to have a
car of number only 1. But, if the family feels like they
cannot live without another car, they can buy only one
more. The family should learn to how to manage from
two cars, and then the impact on the CF will be very much
critical. People should really understand the criticality of
these practices. Never self pleasure is more than our
Mother Earth.

VII) Stop using supercars

Another desire for
every human being is to
own a Super car. People
have their own desire but
it is not important than
Mother Earth. This desire
should be immediately eliminated from your mind if your
desire is going to kill Mother Earth.

Every human being should be very grateful to

Mother Earth for giving it gifts and life to us. As a token
of gratitude it is okay not to give something in return but

33 | P a g e
we should not spoil it. Supercars of the world consume a
lot of fuel and also have very less fuel efficiency. A super
car almost releases 10 times more CF than a normal car.
Supercars are the main culprit in the consumer sector.
They pollute our nature very much and it is very strange
people are encouraging it by buying them more and more.

Governments of each
country are keeping
restrictions on the
emission of gases but that
initiative is not sufficient to bring the climate change.
People are the real ones who can do the change with a
minimal change in their lifestyle. People can reduce the
travel in Supercars and can try to travel to in a fuel
efficient car during their commutes.

VIII) Reduce using Air travel

for shorter distances
One more important practices that majority of
people do which results in a large release of CF in the
atmosphere. Many people tend to do their air travel for
various purposes like Tourism, Business purpose, Studies
and many more reasons to travel. This is a very critical
practice because following this practice can impact the
atmosphere a lot.

The corporate
companies would not
listen if we ask them to
stop air travel for less
distances because it is
business for them. But,
we as a user can make the

34 | P a g e
companies listen to our actions by reducing the usage of
airlines for shorter commutes. Airlines release a lot of
CO2 into the atmosphere. The CO2 released into the
atmosphere per person travelled is almost equivalent to
the person’s 1 months of general activities without the air

Just imagine a person is polluting the nature in one

single air travel which is supposed to get polluted in a
month. Each time people are taking this trip, they are
contributing the faster spoiling of Mother Earth. This air
travel is now getting more frequent thereby accelerating
the number of climate change.

It is hard for people with a busy time to travel

faster but there is even faster modes of communication
now. People who just go on air travel just for board
meeting can now be done online with so many online
conferencing tools. Still, if the person feels that their
presence is very critical then they can make a decision to
travel via air. But, it is always important to know when
the air travel has to be chosen.

35 | P a g e
How to reduce CF by
changing the shopping
I) Buying carbon neutral goods
What does carbon neutral goods means? It means
that goods which are produced with almost negligible
carbon release. This can happen because it will happen
when all the processes used in the process are sustainable
ones. Not all goods can be produced with carbon neutral
but they will be minimized with sustainable processes.
Encouraging these types of processes will have a good
impact of the environment.

Let us explain with an example. In a super market

we find everyday our garbage bags. The older ones are
plastic ones but of very less thickness. There exist new
ones where the garbage bags are made of plant based
plastic. It means the plastic is easily decomposed in the
Earth. Now, this sustainable garbage bags can be called as
carbon neutral goods.

The logic behind this practice is very simple. We

as buyers are trying to produce nil carbon release when
we are using a product. If we can try to neutralize the
CO2 release that we produce within our daily life then we
can reduce the climate change.

To identify a product which is carbon neutral, the

manufacturers are now printing a label indicating that they
are carbon neutral. Always, prefer buying these products
which are carbon neutral.

36 | P a g e
II) Buying sustainable
Everyday articles which we use that causes a lot of
pollution to Earth. One of the main items of such is a
Toothbrush. The Toothbrush is an article with full plastic
in it. Moreover, toothbrushes are
one time use; we cannot recycle
a toothbrush that is thrown
away. Even when we recycle the
toothbrush, the cost and CF
released for recollection and sorting the thrown
toothbrushes is more.

The sustainable toothbrush has two parts. The two parts,

one is a handle we use to hold and the second part is the
tip of the brush which holds the brizzles of the toothbrush.
The first part has to be durable, so we are using plastic.
This part is used for a long time, so it is made from hard
plastic. Another part which is the tip, it is made out of
wood and biodegradable brizzles made from
decomposable plastic. Even the wood that is used is also
basically a saw dust which is produced when cutting a
furniture item.

The main difference between the sustainable

toothbrush and the normal one is the contribution in the
tip. Humans change their toothbrush for every 4 to 6
months. This will be a great impact, if they start using this
product a lot of plastic can be saved and a lot of CF can be
saved. Please buy a sustainable toothbrush and start using,
what you are waiting for?

37 | P a g e
III) Buying refilling detergents,
shampoos, soaps than to buy
new bottles
Another contribution of
pollution comes from domestic purpose
are the remaining bottles we throw after
using the detergents, food cans, sauces,
drinks etc. If we can reduce these
plastics, we almost cut down the plastic
that is coming from a house.

Recently few supermarkets have started to allow

consumers to bring back their bottles for refilling their old
ingredients. For example, if consumers have the
remaining bottles, consumers can go to the supermarket
and refill there. The consumer can save a part of the cost
than the complete price. Consumer can also save a lot of
plastic being produced for newer products as well as
being decomposed of old bottles. This practice is very
critical in making our nature green.

One more advantage of this process is for the

corporate companies. Companies can literally save the
money and other supply chain headaches on pet bottles
for packaging. The companies can directly transport the
goods in bulk quantities either in a keg or big containers
thereby saving a lot of cost in logistics and also saving the
CF released by the transportation as well.

Try searching for a store which offers refills near


38 | P a g e
IV) Stop buying unnecessary
This is habit which is a weakness to everyone.
This habit is mainly taken advantage by the supermarkets.
They keep all the goods which are in offers in front of the
store so that you would pick them up when you have an
empty cart. People would buy goods even when they do
not want them.

It is habit all should master it because other than

saving CF, you can control on your expenses as well. To
reduce expenses is better way to saving some money. To
explain the logic with an example, assume a person is
going to a supermarket, the person would buy all the
unnecessary food items and at the end, the person would
end up not eating them. The consumer would simply
through the food in the bin. This is not only costing some
money, but also the CF release to the atmosphere. If the
consumers have not bought it, the companies will estimate
the demand as less and produce less thereby causing less

The consumer buys unnecessary goods which they

do not want to buy, all the CF that is released into the
atmosphere is a simply an unnecessary pollution to the
atmosphere. It is not worth it, to do pollution to the
atmosphere without any purpose. Humans should begin
controlling their spending habits so that they can save the
Earth indirectly.

One important feature which is given by the

banking system on this, are spending trackers. One can
use these features for free. These features are used to track
their spending habits as per categories. Check the

39 | P a g e
shopping category every week and try maintaining it
constant and if possible reduce it. One can also keep a
track of items they are consuming per month and they can
improve by changing the regular goods to sustainable

V) Stop buying one time plastics

Plastics are toxic to Earth at the same time,
humans cannot live without plastics. But, in some
application plastics can be avoided while we cannot avoid
in some applications. For example, plastic used in helmets
cannot be avoided because it is concerned with safety of a
passenger. Plastics which we have been using like one-
time plastics can be avoided.

Plastics which are used only once and are thrown

away after single use are called one-time use plastics.
Plastics like straws, cups, spoons, forks, pens etc can be
considered as one time plastics. Plastics like these have to
be stopped using because a lot of plastic is being
produced by these items and also a lot of plastic is getting
harder to dispose of the existing plastics.

The logic is very simple. The CF for these

individual items is very less but since it is used in very
high volumes, the CF associated to all the processes is
very high and it is insanely high. The disposal of these
items is a current problem and till date there is no exact
solution for their disposal.

The best alternative solution available to follow is

to use durable goods. When someone offers you onetime
plastics, be bold enough to say no to them. Don’t forget to
educate them if possible because awareness has to be

40 | P a g e
raised. For example, a user can use a metal spoon instead
of using a spoon which is plastic. Similarly so many
alternatives can be followed. Say Boldly to NO to

VI) Buying from thrift shops

Thrift shops are none other than favorite
commercial places for some people already. Thrift shops
are a market place for clothes but only for used
clothing/accessories. Thrift shops reduce a lot of pollution
by making use of reusable clothing. Thrift shops can be
seen either as an online marketplace or an offline store
modes as well.

For example, if a consumer wants to buy a jacket

of a good long lasting jacket for an economical price. The
consumer can simply go to thrift shop and pick and buy.
This jacket would be sold by somebody who would not
want the jacket. It looks simple, right? Thrift shop without
their knowledge actually helps a lot for the nature. Thrift
shops make good money as well for all the entrepreneurs
out there.

The consumer alternatively buys a new one which

is having a higher CF, buying a used jacket which means
that the customer has prevented production of a new
jacket and also prevented disposal of the jacket. The
consumer unknowingly saved a lot of CF being released
into the nature.

What are you waiting for? Look for a thrift store if

you are fashion person. Save Earth and have fun at the
same time.

41 | P a g e
VII) Buying sustainable sanitary
As per a Telugu film Ala Vaikuntapuramlo’s
dialogue: “There are only two things that can create life.
One is Earth and the other one is women”. We all have to
agree to that without a doubt. Women actually can do
more than men in saving Earth. All the feminists, the
book requests you all to fight for saving Earth which also
has the same capability to create life like all the women.
One of the main sources of plastic and other chemicals
waste are sanitary pads.

Women can start using sustainable sanitary pads.

The sustainable sanitary pads are very much nature
friendly and can be easily disposed. The existing sanitary
pads in the market are very toxic to nature. Many of us are
unaware of this situation and continue to use the regular
ones. The chemicals and materials used in sanitary pads
are not good for health of both women and Earth. Please
do be aware of the pollution that sanitary pads are

This is a humble request for every woman out

there to stop regular ones and start using sustainable pads.

42 | P a g e
How to reduce CF by
changing the daily lifestyle:
The lifestyle section is the biggest section because there
are many numbers of ways where a human being can
actually change their lifestyle and support nature through
their lifestyle.

I) Change the way we cut

Have you ever thought the way we cut sachets or
any other plastic cover would actual save a fish’s life?
Yes, the way we cut decides the life of a fish in the ocean.
Once you cut open the sachet and throw that small cut
piece into the dustbin. You put the garbage bag in the
bigger one across the street.

The journey begins here, the garbage bin which

has cut piece of Sachet will reach the nearest waste
distribution center. From there, the center will sort for
recyclable things. Unfortunately, the cut piece is so small
it is not captured by any sorting techniques. Therefore, the
cut piece will end up in a big floating platform. All the
non-recyclable wastes are simply tied with a big net and
simply left into the ocean.

Being very small, the cut piece slips through the

gaps of the nets and fall down into the ocean. Aquatic
creatures like fishes, tortoise, whales, sharks and many
more creatures think the cut piece is food and eat it. The
cut piece is plastic hence it would not digest and gets

43 | P a g e
stuck in the animal’s intestine. The animal after few
months will die due to intestine cancer.

It is our responsibility to cut the sachet in such a

way that small cut piece would not detach itself from the
main packet. This practice makes the sorting machines to
pick even the small cut piece which is still attached to the
main sachet. By changing a small habit, you can actually
save aquatic creatures.

To follow correctly, follow the instructions in the

picture on how to cut the sachet.

• “Image:”. This cover has been designed using resources from

44 | P a g e
II) Using Egg shells for
This book encourages being vegan and stopping
harmful animal practices. Some people still cannot control
the urge. People have been using eggs for cooking.
Instead of throwing the egg shells in the garbage bins, we
can use the egg shells as natural manure to plants in the

Egg shells are one of the main sources of natural

minerals to soil. Home gardens would not have much
source because of their isolation. It is a must to regularly
provide fertilizer source to the garden. Instead of putting
artificial manure, we can use our home waste which we
get in abundance. Instead of simply throwing the egg
shells, one can put in garden thereby saving the CF that is
produced if we throw out in the garbage. We also save CF
that will be produced if user buys an artificial fertilizer.
This is an effective and proven practice so this book
suggests you to use egg shells in ground.

III) Hydrophobic & Rooftop

Hydrophobic and rooftop farming are techniques
which are used for farming near the premises of the
houses. Hydrophobic farming means all the plants are
grown inside a dedicated room inside user’s home with
special apparatus. Rooftop farming means all the plants
are grown on the rooftop or terraces with the help of coir
(coconut fiber).

45 | P a g e
CF can be reduced either by reducing the usage of
product or we can neutralize the CF by growing plants or
trees. One of the techniques which use this second
procedure to neutralize CF. Growing plants or tress would
reduce CF in the air because plants or trees absorb CO2 in
the air and release O2. Since, the CO2 is being reduced in
the atmosphere; we can consider that as a reduction
technique of CF.

Research is still going on how exact CF can be

saved with each plant but it counts as well. No matter how
much they contribute as well, it is important to maintain
nature balance. Other human beings are cutting down
trees so it is our responsibility to educate them and also to
grow some plants and trees. Start planting with a baby
sapling from today

IV) Stop using toilet papers for

nature calls
Tissue paper is
also a paper. Primary
source of paper is from
Trees. A tree has to be cut
down and then processed
with chemicals and
soaked in the rivers for
longer period of time. The wood will soaked and became
like a pulp. This pulp is then extracted for paper. These
woods are not only of a single tree, so many trees will be
cut down because of huge requirement of Tissue paper.

All the processes involved in production of CF

will require huge number of trees and also large quantity
of CF will be released into the atmosphere. This all can be

46 | P a g e
prevented if humans would use water as a replacement for
tissue papers in sanitary usage. This replacement will
greatly impact deforestation in trees. Deforestation is the
major culprit for increase in the CF beyond levels. If
forests are there, the absorption of CO2 would have taken
place thereby reducing the CF levels in the atmosphere.
Now, it is the responsibility to make sure deforestation is
being reduced. One of the ways that an individual can
make sure this happens is by reducing the usage of tissue
papers for sanitary purposes.

For people who feel that using tissue papers are

not good here is another point supporting. Using water as
an alternative for tissue papers is healthier because water
moisturizes the skin where as tissue paper makes the skin
rough. For more information on this, you can search in the
internet about the proven theories.

V) Use cloth instead of tissue

papers for cleaning and
One more practice that is being followed in
developed countries is using tissues for wiping hands,
cleaning tables etc. This practice will increase the
consumption of tissue papers. The goal is to reduce the
tissue paper by using an alternative for tissues. As
mentioned above the alternative for tissues in sanitary
applications is using water.

Similarly, another alternative instead

of using tissue papers for cleaning
hands, wiping tables etc is by using a
cloth sponge. Cloth sponges always
have a long life and they are very

47 | P a g e
effective in cleaning the tables surfaces rather than a
tissue paper. The long life will also save the users some
money in the long run as well. Using tissues papers will
only reduce the tree count but using a cloth which is made
out of cotton would actually save a lot of trees.

Important information, even the color of the cloth

sponge matters. When the users are buying a cloth
sponge, please remember to compare the specifications of
CF released for all the colors and choose the color which
is having the least CF. every choice that a human makes
in the modern day is associated with CF and saving the
Earth. Choose wisely!

VI) Using an ink pen rather than

ball/gel pens
People think that using an ink pens are a very old
tradition. Modern innovation insists to use Gel pens or
Ball pens. The recent innovations are just polluting the
environment by making products manufacturing simpler
at the cost of pollution. The products are made out of
plastic; therefore the problem with plastic always persists.

Ball pens/gel pens use some

replaceable items called refills. These
refills are made out of plastic. When
the refills run out of ink, the refills are
simply throwed into the garbage.
Depending on the country, the refills
are sorted out for recycling but some
countries would not recycle. In such
countries, all the refills would cause a
plastic waste dump which is difficult to dispose off.

48 | P a g e
To reduce all the plastic, it is always suggestible to
use an ink pen instead of a ball pen/gel pen. Ink pens are
very durable and last for so many years. Ink can be bought
separately and can be refilled as well. Ink pens are also
repairable, if any anything is not functioning then the pens
can be repaired and can be used again. Ink pens also
improve your handwriting and still people do not prefer to
buy ink pens.

The ultimate goal of the book is to encourage

people to use durable goods rather than disposable goods.
Be it anything, it always has to be durable for a longer
time. Then, the CF on the Earth would go down leading to
greener Earth. Next time you buy a pen, think about
buying an ink pen.

VII) Using brooms made out of

dried coconut leaves
Cleaning home and offices is an essential task that
everyone needs to carry out in their life. The countries
which are very developed use a plastic broom when our
earlier ancestors have used a broom which is made with
coconut leaves.

The plastic brooms though they are very durable

for a longer time, it does not decompose in the nature
once it is disposed after its usage. To avoid this, it is
always suggested to a user to use a coconut broom.

Coconut broom is an organic item and even the

coconut broom has a longer durability. Coconut brooms
after its uses, the users can simply throw off. The brooms
will add manure to the soil after it was thrown. If the user
wants to decompose it faster, the user can simply bury the

49 | P a g e
broom in their back yard or in the lawn. The coconut
broom will decompose very fast like in less than a month.

The explanation behind using a coconut broom is

to ensure the plastic is not be used in the brooms and if
plastic was never produced, it would be safe for Earth.
Thereby providing an alternative to plastic broom would
be a solution. The CF associated with the plastic broom is
also high so it is suggestible not to use plastic broom. This
does not mean to regularly dispose the coconut broom
because if the demand is more again humans would cut
the coconut trees. So, use the broom carefully without
cutting a more number of trees.

VIII) Using organic mosquito

Mosquitoes have been a problem in our society for
a long time. To avoid mosquitoes in our houses people
tend to use artificial chemicals to kill the mosquitoes. All
these mosquito repeller contain harmful chemicals which
either toxicate the mosquitoes or suffocate the mosquito.

Just give a thought that, if the chemicals are

killing mosquitoes, don’t you think that the chemicals
would harm the humans? At the least, it would harm at
minimalistic way. It would give the effect in a longer run.
Hence, it is either better to stop using the artificial
mosquito repeller or to use an organic mosquito repeller.

The alternative to the mosquito repeller is to use

Neem tree leaves. Neem tree is well known for its
medicinal properties. Take the Neem leaves in a bowl and
make it as a paste in a mixer grinder. Apply that paste to
the skin; this would act as a mosquito repeller. Daily, 5 to

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6 leaves would be enough organic mosquito repeller. The
Neem leaves paste acts a moisturizer for skin, mosquito
repeller, kills bad bacteria on skin.

The Neem leaves have various other applications.

Next time, think before you buy a mosquito repeller!

IX) Minimize using rubber

Rubber bands are known to everybody and even a
kid. One unknown fact about the rubber bands is though a
product of plant, rubber bands take a lot of time to
decompose in the soil. Rubber bands take less time than
plastics because it is a plant based product but more time
than an organic matter.

It is always suggestible to minimize the usage of

rubber as well. Few products which are made up of rubber
like tyres cannot be completely avoided. In such cases, as
a responsible human, we can avoid in areas where we can
avoid rubber products. One of the most rubber
applications are Rubber bands. If we can minimize rubber
bands, the CF released due to productions of the rubber
bands can be saved.

For example, if we buy a pack of coriander leaves

from a local market, the coriander is made sure to be in
place with the help of a rubber band. Now, the consumer
can refuse to take the rubber bands by carrying their own
rubber bands. Also, do not accept those items in a
polythene bag as well; rubber band is far better than a
polythene bag. Besides, what can we use a rubber band
for? Always remember, minimize the usage of
unnecessary products.

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X) Stop using artificial hair
Fashion industry is always a trend setter in the
world. Unfortunately, fashion industry is also the main
player in the global warming. Fashion industry does a lot
of not so environment friendly acts to get rid of their
wastes. Dying hair in different different shades is also a
fashion from long time.

The basic process of dying hair starts with

applying the dye to the hair and let it deliver the color to
the hair. After some time, wash off the hair. It seems there
is no pollution caused here but it is polluting. People
generally worry only the output that is getting a hair color.
The real pollution happens after the hair color has been

After washing the dye, it goes to the sewer,

agreed? But after the drain the water is released into the
drain system and then to the oceans. The dyes are being
breathed by all the aquatic creatures. It causes respiratory
problems for the aquatic creatures. We as humans should
learn how to co-exist with other creatures.

XI) Play YouTube videos in low

definition whenever possible
YouTube has been so famous in the modern days.
No other video streaming services reached the numbers
like YouTube did. As technology is passing by, the video
quality in the streaming platform has been rising. People
will be streaming in HD quality even when they are not
watching the videos.

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Watching a video in HD quality actually emits a
lot of CF than watching a video in lesser quality.
Everyone must be wondering how does video streaming
quality is related of saving Earth? It is really related. It is
a little complicated to understand how it is related but the
book tries to explain by simplifying it. Everybody knows
that, to play a HD video Wi-Fi speed should be more. If
the consumption on the Wi-Fi is more, YouTube server is
sending more data to your streaming device (since we are
watching YouTube). If the server is sending more data, it
consumes a lot more power because some load is being
kept on the server by asking the server to send more data.
If the YouTube server is consuming more power, it
requires electricity. Electricity is produced majorly
produced from all the fossil fuels. More fossil fuels will
be consumed because of the simple video that we are

One relation that every human should remember is

more the load on the internet, more consumption of fuel
by servers. More fossil fuels are consumed for producing
electricity. So, always try to reduce the load on the servers
by streaming in a lesser video quality when users are not

XII) Clean your email inbox

Modern day communicates officially through
emails. E-mails have become more popular during the
COVID-19 situation as well because of the remote work.
Well, maintaining too many emails would increase the
pollution a lot.

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Everyone is confused? Let me explain
how it works. If you have too many
emails, all the emails are saved in the
cloud server of the email inbox provider.
Each time, you open your inbox, the
devices fetches all the existing emails
present. If more emails are present, it takes a lot of
memory to store and a lot of time to fetch the information
as well. If it is taking time to fetch it means that the server
is having a load on to bring all your emails. As I have
explained in the above point, more the load on the server,
more fossil fuels it is consumed to produce the electricity.
Thereby, it will increase the release of CO2 into the

If you clean your email inbox every 15 days, this

practice would save a lot of fossil fuels. It would
drastically reduce the load on the servers and the servers
would be faster as well. Also, do not forget to clean your
recycle bin as well. What are you waiting for? Clean you
inbox now!

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One Home
1) Do you know Clearing your email inbox for
every 15 days would reduce the world

2) Do you by just unplugging your phone's

adapter when not charging would cut down
CO2 release into the atmosphere?

It seems like we are polluting our only home

without even knowing it. One Home gives 40+
simple steps that can be followed by people to
drastically reduce the world pollution. We can still
save our Earth but the question is How to do it?

Read the book to know more....


Now or Never

About the author:

Sasank Grandhi is true nature loving person and a fighter. He fights
for The Earth against the climatic change. Sasank wants to raise an
awareness to people on how Earth is important to humans and how
it can still be saved from getting further polluted.

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