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Hanifa P.

January 23, 2023

Public Administration

Public administration is a field in which leaders serve communities to advance the common good and
effect positive change. Public administration professionals are equipped with skills to manage at all
levels of government (local, state, and federal) as well as nonprofit organizations.

Author: UNC/School of Government

Own Understanding
Base on my own understanding public administration is one of the field under public service that given
to the community by our government and the term “public service” is used frequently in the field of
public administration, and it is this desire to serve the public good that calls people to become a public
administrator. Public administrators is most typically a deep commitment to serve their communities
and contribute to their overall improvement.

Political Economics

branch of social science that studies the relationships between individuals and society and between
markets and the state, using a diverse set of tools and methods drawn largely from economics, political
science, and sociology. The term political economy is derived from the Greek polis, meaning “city” or
“state,” and oikonomos, meaning “one who manages a household or estate.” Political economy thus can
be understood as the study of how a country—the public’s household—is managed or governed, taking
into account both political and economic factors.

Author: David N. Balaam

Own Understanding

Political economy is one of the branch of social science that is very important, because it deals with the
economy of a certain nation. With the help of political economy we able to understand how the
economy works and how a certain country or nation manage thier economical structure and problems.

Comparative Politics
This subfield of study within political science seeks to advance understanding of political structures from
around the world in an organized, methodological, and clear way.


Author: Bozonelos_et_al.


Own Understanding

Based on my own understanding about the meaning of comparative politics, it is a subfield of political
science which us focusing on understanding the political structure around the world and compare each
one another interms of their similarities and differences in a proper way.

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