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Compiled To Fulfill Maternity Nursing Stage Duties


Esme Anggreyane., Ns. M. kep

Lili Sua'ida., A.Md.Keb

Arranged by:

Muhammad Zainuddin
NIM. 2114201310151
Place: Midwifery Polyclinic/Sultan Suriansyah Hospital






A. Definition

Pregnancy is the period from ovulation to parturition of approximately 280

days (40 weeks) and not more than 300 days (43 weeks). Pregnancy 40 weeks is
called a mature pregnancy (full month), and if it is more than 43 weeks it is called
a post-mature pregnancy. Pregnancy between 28 to 36 weeks is called a
premature pregnancy.

A normal pregnancy is one in which a healthy mother has no bad obstetric history and the
size of the uterus is the same/according to gestational age. First trimester (before 14 weeks),
second trimester (between 14-28 weeks), and third trimester (between 28-36 weeks and after
36 weeks). (Riyadi, Sujono, 2012).

Pregnancy is a continuous chain and consists of ovulation, migration of

spermatozoa and ovum, conception and growth of the zygote, nidation (implantation)
in the uterus, formation of the placenta and growth and development of the products
of conception until term (Manuaba. 2010; p. 75).

Pregnancy is divided into 3 semesters each: 1. First

trimester of pregnancy (between 0 to 12 weeks);
2. Second trimester of pregnancy (between 12 to 28 weeks);
3. Third trimester of pregnancy (between 28 to 40 weeks).
A fetus born in the third trimester is viable (can live). (Riyadi, Sujono, 2012
B. Pathway
Definition: Normal pregnancy is where
the healthy mother has no bad
obstetric history and the size of the
uterus is the same / according to
gestational age. First trimester (before
14 weeks), second trimester (between Nursing diagnoses:
Estrogen The uterus is enlarged
14-28 weeks), and third trimester
(between 28-36 weeks and after 36 1. Imbalanced nutrition less
weeks). (Riyadi, Sujono, 2012 than body requirements
Muscle Tone Enlarged uterus
2. Lack of fluid volume
3. Activity intolerance
Etiology:A pregnancy will occur if
there are 5 of the following aspects,
HCL VU capacity
1. Ovum
Peristalsis ↑
2. Spermatozoa Change
3. Conception Elimination Pattern

4. Nidasi
Nauseous vomit Not Looking
maternity information
Complications fetus/child
• Excessive nausea and vomiting
n Malnutrition
• Vaginal bleeding
From Necessity
• Molar pregnancy Focus attention on
• Ectopic pregnancy fetal safety
• Gravidal hyperemesis
• Gingivitis
• Gestational Diabetes
• High blood pressure
• Placenta Previa
• Severe Headache
• Swollen Limb Signs and symptoms of pregnancy(Hanifa Wiknjosastro, 2009)
1. A sure sign of pregnancy
• Ruptured membranes
-Palpable parts of the fetus and can recognize the parts of the fetus
-Fetal heart sounds are audible and can be recorded
-You can feel the movement of the fetus
-On X-ray examination, the fetal skeleton appears. Not done anymore because
Pregnancy is divided into 3 semesters of the impact of radiation on the fetus.
each: -With an ultrasound device, it can be seen the fetal sac, the length of the fetus, and the
1. First trimester of pregnancy (between 0 to 12 gestational age can be estimated and can assess the growth of the fetus
weeks); 2. Uncertain sign of pregnancy
2. Second trimester of pregnancy (between 12 to 28 -Skin pigmentation, approx 12 weeks or so
weeks); -Leukorrhea, increased cervical secretions due to the influence of increased levels of the hormone
3. Third trimester of pregnancy (between 28 to 40 progesterone

weeks). -Epulis (gingival papillae hypertrophy), often occurs in TM I of pregnancy

A fetus born in the third trimester is viable -Breast changes, the breasts become tense and enlarge due to the influence of the
hormones estrogen and progesterone which stimulate the breast ductuli and alveoli.
(can live). (Riyadi, Sujono, 2012
The areola area becomes darker due to excessive pigment deposition. There is
colostrum if the pregnancy is more than 12 weeks.
-Abdominal enlargement, clearly visible after 14 weeks of gestation.
-Basal temperature increased steadily between 37.2 – 37.8 0C
C. Supporting examination Supporting

examinations, namely: 1. Laboratory

examination (blood, urine,)

2. MCH Handbook

D. Physical examination: Focus data

1. Main complaint
Knowing the state of the mother when it comes. Complaints that often occur during

pregnancy are frequent urination (TM I and III), hemorrhoids (TM I and III), vaginal

discharge, constipation, leg cramps, shortness of breath (TM II and III), nausea, vomiting

(TM I).

a) History of present illness

During pregnancy, the mother and fetus are affected by medical conditions and vice versa.

Medical conditions can be affected by pregnancy. If left untreated, it can have serious

consequences for the mother

b) Past medical history

Assess for problems/disorders during past pregnancies such as
hyperemesis, vaginal bleeding, severe dizziness, and blurred vision
c) Physical Examination: Inspection, Palpation, Percussion, Auscultation

E. Nursing diagnoses that may arise

1. Diagnosis 1: Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements bd
biological factors
Definition: Intake of nutrients is insufficient to meet metabolic needs
Limiting characteristics: Lack of interest in food, Weight loss with
adequate food intake, Mucous membranes pale, Decreased muscle
Related factors:
-Biological factors

-Inability to absorb nutrients

-Inability to swallow food
-Psychological factors

2. Diagnosis 2:Changes in urinary elimination related to bladder

pressure due to enlarged uterus.
Definition: Dysfunction of urinary elimination

Defining characteristics: Dysuria, urinary frequency, voiding, nocturia,

urinary incontinence, urinary retention, urinary urge.
Related factors:
-Multiple causes
3. Diagnosis 3: Lack of knowledge about pregnancy care related to lack
of information.
Definition: absence or lack of cognitive information relating to a
particular topic.
Characteristics: New clinical conditions faced by the patient, acute
and chronic diseases.
Related factors:
-Less exposure to information

-Lack of interest in studying

-Less able to remember

F. Management
1. Discomfort related to changes in body mechanics effects of hormonal
NOCs:Discomfort is reduced/disappeared

NICs:Assess the trigger factors for the client's uncomfortable feeling, examine the

client's TTV, Set the client's position as comfortable as possible during the assessment/
examination, Teach the client / mother to minimize discomfort while
at home by adjusting body position, eating small but frequent
portions and activities, Provide a comfortable environment for clients
during assessment / examination, Collaborate with obstetricians in
treatment if necessary
2. Changes in urinary elimination associated with bladder pressure due
to enlarged uterus.
NOCs:Urinary elimination problems can be resolved

NICs:assess weight gain, Give an explanation of changes in the

urinary system during pregnancy, Advise the mother to do a side
position during sleep, Advise clients to avoid upright or supine
positions for a long time.
3. Lack of knowledge: Pregnancy care is associated with a lack of
NOCs:Gain insight into pregnancy care
NICs:Assess the mother's education level, provide an explanation of the
normal biological and psychological changes in pregnant women, give
TT immunization 0.5 ml IM, conduct discussions about diseases that can
affect pregnancy, the risk of pregnancy complications, and things that
can harm the fetus.
G. Bibliography

Herdman, TH & Kamitsuru, S. 2018.NANDA-I Nursing Diagnosis: Definition

and Classification 2018-2020. Jakarta: EGC.

Nurarif, A.H. 2015.Nursing Care Application Based on Medical Diagnosis &

NANDA NIC-NOC. Yogyakarta: MediaAction.

Riyadi, Sujono. 2012.Reproductive Biology. (Yogyakarta: STIKES Yogyakarta, 2012),

p. 111-116

Wiknjosastro G. 2008.Normal Childbirth Nursing Care Clinic Training.

Jakarta : ISBN.

Banjarmasin, 25 January 2023

Academic Preceptor, Clinical Preceptor,

Esme Anggreyane., Ns. M. kep Lili Sua'ida., A. Md.Keb

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