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Dear brothers and sisters: Welcome to the celebration of the Holy

Eucharist. On this occasion, we shall witness the installation of
Rev. Fr. N. as our new parish priest. The Parish Priest plays an
indispensable and irreplaceable role in the building up of the local
Church. Without a pastor, we, the parishioners, will be like sheep
without a shepherd. Therefore, let us raise to God our prayers of
thanksgiving. We thank God for having sustained our parish
throughout the years. We thank Him for all the former parish
priests we had. We mark a special moment in the life of this parish
and a new stage on our journey of discipleship, which brings a new
shepherd, to work alongside the many who are called to serve in the
mission and ministry of the Church in this locality. We gather
around Jesus and entrust ourselves to him. We gather around our
new parish priest and entrust our community to him. May he care
for us and may we learn from him to care for one another.

Joined together as Christ’s people, we open our celebration and

raise our voices in praise of God who is present among us. Let us
all stand and all together sing the entrance hymn.


While the Presider and the concelebrants proceed to the altar, Entrance Hymn is sung.

When the Presider comes to the altar, he makes the customary reverence with the ministers and
kisses it.

Bishop Mylo:

I n the name of the Father,

and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.


Bishop Mylo:

Peace be with you.


And with your spirit.

Presider moves to the seat provided for the Rite of Installation.


Kindly be seated.
Let us now listen to the Reading of Letter of Appointment.

Rev. Fr. Bebot Catuiran, Chancellor, reads the Letter of Appointment.

After the reading of the Letter, the Parish Priest kneels before the Presider and recites the
Profession of Faith.

Presider addresses the Parish Priest who kneel before him:

Bishop Mylo:

R emember, my brother to be a loving

father always, a gentle shepherd,
and a wise teacher of your community,
so that you may lead them to Christ
who will strengthen you in all that you do.

I ask you now to make your profession of faith

before the people of God.


I, Reverend Father N. , with firm faith believe and profess each

and everything that is contained in the symbol of faith namely:
I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven
and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one
Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the
Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true
God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with
the Father; through him all things were made. For us men
and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the
Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became
man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he
suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third
day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into
heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will
come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his
kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the
Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the
Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified,
who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy,
catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the
forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of
the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.

With firm faith, I also believe everything contained in God’s

word, written or handed down in tradition and proposed by
the Church, whether by way of solemn judgment or through
the ordinary and universal Magisterium, as divinely revealed
and calling for faith.

I also firmly accept and hold each and everything that is
proposed definitively by the Church regarding matters on
faith and morals.

Moreover, I adhere with religious submission of the will

and intellect to the teachings which either the Roman Pontiff
or the College of Bishops enunciate when they exercise the
authentic Magisterium, even if they proclaim those teachings
by an act that is not definitive.



After reciting the Profession of Faith, the new Parish Priest and the Presider sign the Profession
of Faith.

Bishop Mylo:

My dear son, in the presence of the people confided to

your care, renew your promises made at your ordination.
Are you resolved with the help of the Holy Spirit, to
discharge without fail your office as a trusted partner,
cooperating with the Bishop in caring for the Lord’s flock?

Parish Priest:

l am.
Bishop Mylo:

Are you resolved to celebrate the mysteries of Christ

faithfully and religiously as the Church has handed them
down for the glory of God and the sanctification of

Parish Priest:

l am.

Bishop Mylo:

Are you resolved to exercise the ministry of the Word

worthily and with wisdom, preaching the Gospel and
explaining the Catholic faith?

Parish Priest:

I am.
Bishop Mylo:

Are you resolved to unite yourself more closely everyday

to Christ the High Priest who offered Himself for us to the
Father as a perfect sacrifice, and to consecrate your life to
God for the salvation of men?

Parish Priest:

I am.

Bishop Mylo:

Do you promise respect and obedience to me and my


Parish Priest:

I do.
Bishop Mylo:

May God who has begun the good work in you bring it to


Bishop Mylo entrusts to the new Parish Priest the Key of the tabernacle.

Fr. N., I entrust to you this parish church,

dedicated to St. N.,
This church is above all a house of prayer,
a temple of worship, a home in which the faithful
are nourished by the Word of God
and the Sacraments of the Church.

It is the dwelling place of God on earth,

a temple built of living stones,
founded on the Apostles
with Jesus Christ as its corner stone.

Fr. N., may you always

serve the faithful of this Parish
with zeal, fidelity and sincere devotion
so that all people may come to know Jesus Christ
our only true High Priest and Shepherd.


Then the Bishop will invite the new Parish Priest to go around the church that he entrusted to
the new Parish Priest and show him the presidential chair, Baptistery, Confessional.

Then the new Parish Priest will be led by the Bishop where the Tabernacle is located and the new
Parish Priest will incense the Blessed Sacrament.

Then the Bishop will continue to celebration after the Universal Prayer or Prayers of the Faithful
until communion.

The Parish will seat at the right side of the Bishop during the Liturgy of the Word and he also
proclaims the Gospel.

The Parish Priest will preside the Liturgy of the Eucharist until Communion Rite.

Then the Bishop will transfer to the chair prepared at the sanctuary with a kneeler prepared on
the side.

The Bishop will say the Prayer After Communion until Dismissal on the chair he is seated.

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