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Common Swimming Strokes

9. There should be a breath out into the water

as the arm pulls through and the head rolls to
Front Crawl (or Freestyle Stroke) the side ready to take a breath in.
The front crawl (often referred to as freestyle 10. Breathe inwards quickly as the arm recovers
stroke or simply freestyle) is the fastest over the water surface, and the face rolls back
swimming stroke used in competition. into the water as the hand enters.
11. Each part of the stroke should complement
each other whilst maintaining a balanced and
streamlined body position.
12. All actions must be smooth and continuous.

1. The body must be kept horizontal, stretched

and streamlined, with the face in the water and
the eyes looking downwards and slightly
Front crawl body position showing a
streamlined shape through the water
2. The head leads the movement and only turns
when a breath is taken
3. The leg kick is a continuous movement
originating at the hips and should be constant
and alternating.
4. Toes must be pointed, ankles relaxed, and
the knees bend slightly.
5. The feet make a small splash as they kick near
the water surface.
6. The fingertips lead the hand entry, entering
the water at a point in front of the head,
between the shoulder and centre line.
7. The hand catches the water, palm down, and
then accelerates through the hip's creating an S
shape pathway.
8. The arm is taken back over the water in a
pathway close to the body, with the head and
near the water surface.

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