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Study program: music associate

Subject: history of music

Seminary work:

Monteverdi – Prima i seconda pratica

mentor: Vladimir Djurišić student : Nikolina Arapović

index number: 1261 /21

The content

Life ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
….. 3
Creativity ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4
Receives and second practice
……………………………………………………………………………………… ….. 6
Discussion with Artusius


He was a composer, who in music marked the end of the Renaissance and the beginning of the
Baroque; So his composing style encompasses both periods. Monteverdi brought an
unprecedented novelty to Italian music , like musically exhibitionist who is with with delight
accepted with his own colorful musical newspapers , which belong to the new one style
( seconda prattica), for the appearance of which he is responsible . He achieved particularly
significant results through the ingenious use of dissonance and the dramatic dynamics that
pervade them. He freely uses quatrains and fifths, skillfully using diminished sevenths and
excessive fifths. His modulations are often abrupt and full of unexpected effects.
He was a composer , organist , violinist , singer and the conductor . He composed madrigals ,
operas , and spirituals works ( psalms , motets , masses I others church compositions ); and
although never it's not wrote none deed clean instrumental music , he made a revolution in
orchestral music technique invention tremolo and pizzicata , i introduction operatic orchestra into
the sphere church music . On everything this he showed himself in the fields like a large
composer . His spiritual compositions are composed on the basis of wide polyphony and the
achievements of recent Venetian-instrumental music, the operas (to which he devoted 35 years of
his creativity) were composed on the principle of a new monodic conception and personal drama,
and his madrigals (in 9 books ) occupy intermediate position, because they reflect a gradual
transition from the polyphonic treatment of the text to a simpler, clearer melody, which in the
fifth book is underlined by the instrumental accompaniment, with an increasingly prominent use
of dissonance as a carrier of dramatic tension. Thanks to Monteverdi, the madrigal gradually
approached the cantata and reached the front door of the opera house.

Life Creativity

He was born in Cremont in 1576 . and he spent his life also in the famous environments of that
time of Italy ; in Mantua and in Venice from 1613 until his death (1643); where he was the

conductor in the Church ( basilica 1) of St brand ; so that his acting in music can share on three
stages , which are related to these cities .

Cremont - 1567-1589

He spent time in Cremont childhood and youth (1567-1589). He studied in his childhood the
code Brand Antonia An engineer who was a master chapel ( kapelnik 2) of the cathedral in
Cremont . Her own the first works ( some motets and sacred ( church ) madrigals ), Monteverdi
published already in childhood " Cantiunculae sacrae " from 1582 , " Madrigals spirituali " from
1583 and " Canzonette a 3 voci " from 1584. They show that Monteverdi is early mastered
traditional technique vocal polyphony ; and in 1587. he published his the first the book sacral
madrigal . Another one the book madrigal published in 1590 , and dedicated to Giacomo Ricardo
, influential personality in life Milan . It is not known whether this one the book to him
consecrated from wishes to get a job like string player in Milan , or from Thanks for the
recommendation the code of Mantova Duke .

Mantua ( voivodeship court ) - 1590-1612

1590. or 1591 _ like a vocalist is being hired on the the court of Mantova Duke Vincenza
Gonzaga, and in 1602 he became a conductor and for sure you years player strings instruments
(viola da gamba and (viola da bracho ) in that place . Monteverdi is almost twelve year under the
conductorship with a stick Giaches De Vert and Benedetto Pallavicino was a violist, cantor and
later auxiliary the conductor . His Patron Saint Day like composer progressive madrigal ( with
The basilica is an early form of Christianity place of worship . Most likely , it was built according to reputation on
the Roman of the same name buildings who is are served like the court or the market .

Kapelnik in the literal sense translation with German the master choir chapel . Means the leader ensemble
musicians . It was originally used to indicate someone in charge of music in the chapel . Today it is used to denote
leaders musical ensemble , often smaller ones used for TV, radio and theaters . In countries German spoken areas
during approximate period 1500-1800, the word Kapellmeister often denoted director music for the monarch or
nobleman . This one the expression is also mentioned in the biographical records of composers who _ operated in
the countries German spoken areas . During that period , in Italy , the position ( Italian : maestro di capella ) was
generally related on the director music in cathedrals and holy institutions .

dare harmonic solutions ) was established with the publication of books III, IV and V on the
madrigal (1592-1605) and next with the release of " Scherzi musicals " from 1607 . _ During this
one of the Monteverdi period together with Marencio and Jesualdom considered one from the
Italian virtuoso madrigalist . Theirs madrigals are significantly _ distinguished from the previous
composed madrigal , because are were composed in then new , differently style ( seconda
prattica) since then established (prima prattica). Chromatic are musically evoked text and mood .
There was a shift from the of the " equal " concept sounds of use voices " ( polyphonic style ) to
monody ( way composition in which he excels leading melody , doc she likes harmony
subordinate like escort ).

He started composing at the age of 15 , and the first his opera " L'Orfeo ”- “ La favola d'Orfeo

" ( Orpheus ) He composed in Venice for 16 years later ( 1607 ) on the occasion carnival in
Mantua . This opera is in many aspects product Greek humanism ; and the topic this opera is
ancient Greek the myth of Orpheus . Monteverdi is this one opera created musical drama 3,
completely new style in music . It connects characteristics experimental recitative opera ( which
she founded Florentine Kamerata ) , traditional orchestral shine of the Renaissance "
intermediate " and progressive characteristic that capo aria , orchestral ritornella and very much
dramatic choral comments in the operatic type of the unique significance . Orpheus is the oldest
opera that is in its entirety preserved until today . Monteverdi is for celebration weddings
prince Francesca IV Gonzaga ( son of Mantova voivode ) with Margaret Savoy In 1608 ,
Monteverdi 's opera " l'arianna " ( Arianna ) was performed , which was lost except famous
Lament .

That's where it came to his the first comprehensive publication liturgical composition - archaic
masses based on Gombert motifs motet "In illo tempore" and of the revolutionary " Vecernje ".
psalm " with Orpheus orchestral palette and with the solo motet "Nigra sum".

Venice ( St. Mark) - 1613-1643

Musical drama implies unity musical and dramatic actions . The plot is explained to all available musical means .

A year after death Duke Gonzaga, August 19 , 1613. Monteverdi is unanimous elected "maestro
di cappella" in Basilicas St. _ Mark in Venice . As soon as he arrived , he immediately brought
order to the choir and instrumentalists who are from financial reasons were in disbanded
condition . Leaders basilica are were - satisfied table have got like that excellent musicians
because it 's music there was in decline since 1609 when Giovanni _ Step by step passed away .

Having taken on the task of composing music for religious needs in the Church Saint Marka , he
produced a large one quantity church music during three decades his own mandate , which he
collected in huge collections , "Selva morale e spirituale " (1640) and " Messa a cuattro ". e salmi
" ( posthumously published in 1651). Monteverdi's big the work is " Vespro della Beata Vergine
" (for the blessed a virgin ) from 1610. which is to this day rest like one from the the biggest
example spiritual music . Vespro appeared _ as a hit, due to introduction the new one style
performances . Much continuo madrigal , cantata and monody ( inter to them and madrigal
version of " Lamento d' Arianna", lovely "Sestina" cycle , chamber duets and choral points ) is
contained in the 6th (1614), 7th (1619) and 8th Books madrigal ( from 1638), in the preface
exposed dramatic and affective style (style concitato )
Monteverdi claims to have invented it this " stirred " style ( Genere concitato , later called Stile
concitato ) in order to music made " complete / perfect " (" perfetto "). It 's musical the style it
expresses rage and anxiety . Monteverdi believed that there should be three musicals style to
display the three basic ones emotions : concitato angry style , molle _ style for softness and
sweetness and temperature style for modesty and humility . Stile concitato he introduced
effects like table are quickly repeated notes like symbols passions .
Whose creator is Monteverdi; and 9. Book madrigal is posthumous published in 1651 and
contains easier pieces or canzonet . He composed them almost his whole life.
Monteverdi hinted the appearance of a solo cantata in the work "Il combattimento di Tancredi
e Clorinda" ( Fight Tancred and Clorinda ) (1624 ), which is a miniature opera .
After productions of the opera "La Proserpina rapita " and "La Delia e l' Ulisse " (1630 ) , it
seemed as if Monteverdi more will not compose opera . Probably are two dislike events
influenced on the interruption creation new operas; and they are :

Robbery in Mantua (1630) by the Austrians troupe , on occasion which is Twelve Opera ,
composed mostly for courts Parma and of Mantua , among whom are deeds like opera "La finta
". pay attention Licori "(1627) and "Armida", I plague which ran rampant Venice .

When is the first operatic house (San Cassiano ) opened in Venice in 1637, code Monteverdia
again _ woke up interest in opera and for the rest six year of life he composed a number of

operas, among which are : " Adon " (which is lost ), and it is written the same years when is it
again set " L'Arianna " (1639); "Il ritorno d'Ulisse in patria" ( Return Odysseus in the
Fatherland , 1641) i historical opera " L'incoronazione di Popea " ( Coronation Popeye , 1642)
( which he wrote a year before death ; in the 76th year of life .) It is based on life Roman
emperor ( ruler ) Nero . It is considered the pinnacle Monteverdi's creativity , which he set
foundations Italian baroque opera , opening the way to " bel canto " opera Alessandra
Scarlatia . Contains tragic , romantic and comic scenes (news in the opera ), as table are
characters in the play first received clear characteristics . Although Monteverdi is the last year
life was often sick , that's not him prevented from publishing these two very much significant
operas ; who is are two in a row from the very much progressive bel canto opera. The last one
years of his life , Monteverdi dedicated this progressive operas from the which are preserved : "Il
ritorno d' Ulisse in patria" and "L' incoronazione di Poppea ". Monteverdi made in them huge
step forward in directions later Neapolitan operas , creating for singers new style bel canta , da
capo aria and recitativo secco ( dry recitative ).
Saved from the opera are " Orpheus ", "

" Lament d'Arianna "

( Arian cry ) from Ariane , which is expanded recitative , whose music is survived because
Monteverdi published it in different versions , independent of the opera , " Odysseus return to
the homeland , trio from "La Proserpina Rapita ". " and " Coronation sing ."
Influence Monteverdi's style extends through _ Venetian and wounds Neapolitan operatic
schools all the way to Handel , and it can be seen and the code Lilia , Persela and others .

First and second escort

Seconda prattica ( seconds pratika ), in translation with Italian language " other " practice " is
opposed to " prima prattica ". Monteverdi in a letter published in 1605 ( with Book 5 madrigal ),
made a difference between prime and seconde escorts . Under the first he meant by practice on
the style vocal polyphony that originates from the Dutch , represented in works Vilarta , codified
in theoretical writings Zarlina and perfected in music Palestrina ; and by the second he meant on
the style modern ones Italian , in which he is more free treat dissonance, and in which it appears
early baroque monody . This M style belong to Rore , Marencio and him. This letter has
appeared like the only one Monteverdi's public the answer on the occasion of the Criticism of
some Monteverdi's madrigal from the sides Giovanni Maria Artusia ( Italian theorists ). The

second companion appeared like the result aspirations to text dominates music , which is
received companions vice versa . That caused it these changes style composing , as well as the
appearance of " style concitato ". Monteverdi eliminates possibility common discourse these
practice : about one se not can discuss in terms others .

Discussion with Artusius

The debate was on eye styles in music; on one the stranger was Giovanni Maria Artusi ( Italian
theoretician and contemporary Monteverdi ), who advocated the application of prime pratice ,
and with others sides are were composers Claudio and Giulio Monteverdi (Monteverdi 's
younger brother ) , who championed the style second practices . The debate " Artusi -
Monteverdi" signifies the climax in a series of “ continuous musical polemics " that arose
changes in theory music late the sixteenth century . The most important of them were discussions
between Nicola Visentino and Vicente Lusitana in the 1550s, i Giuseppe Zarlina and Galileo
Galilei in the 1580s. And Artusi was the protagonist in many discussions , but it is on peak
discussion with Claudia Monteverdi . How much Artusi was against performances music the new
one style shows Lettera apologetics ( from 1588), in which Artus encourages musicians to avoid
imitation some modern ones composer ; and in his own the first big theoretical to the work ,
Seconda parte “Dell'arte del contraponto nella quale si tratta dell'utile et uso parts dissonanze ”
(1589), is partly for the imperfect performance ensemble , blamed a bad one construction some
composition .

Monteverdi -Artusi discussion

Artuzieva the sharpest criticism modern music appears in L'Artusi , “Overo delle imperfections
della modern musica " (1600). Here getting started controversy between Artuzia and
Monteverdi . In this one the book sets form dialogue , between It varies and Luke, i includes two
discourse ( reasonings ). The first one talks about the prerequisites for good performance
ensemble ; and 8 criteria are proposed for that; and the Other turns into criticism Monteverdi's

madrigal , without any calling on the composer . In this one dialog during visits To Varia , Luka
says that it was the previous one night attended concert on the which are performed some new
madrigals . He was taking notes passages from the score, although he omitted text , and search
Variovo opinion . Below , Vario _ criticizes permissions in treatment dissonances and mixing a
few mode . His comments are converted to general criticism modern music .

Monteverdi is just public on the Artusius accusations answered in the aforementioned letter ,

which he published "in 1605. Years with "Il quinto libro de madrigali a cinque voices " ( Book 5

madrigal ); but in 1603 , he published "Il quarto libro de madrigali a cinque voices " (4th book

madrigal ), which includes material that is Artusi attacked , which maybe _ Artusia coaster the

same years publish it the second part these books L'Artusi : “Della imperfectione della modern

musica , parte second ". Here Artuzi reveals your own correspondence , from 1599 , on _ there

topic with Monteverdi's supporter , who presents himself under the pseudonym " L'Ottuso

Academico ". The identity of ' L'Ottuso ' remains unclear .

Artuzi begins discussion answer to a letter from L'Otuz and defend own criticism Monteverdi .
Entering the controversy , L' Otuzo touched alone in hers the essence , that is necessity
disclosures new ones harmonious effects .

At L'Otuzo's they write for the first time in the debate shows up name second practice , but
without significance which later gets the code Monteverdi . L'Otuzo defend free use
dissonances , and quotes examples from Rorea , Verta and Marenzia.

Monteverdi 's letter provoked the answer someone Antonia Bračina da Todija ( most likely alone
Artusia ); so it's Giulio Cesare Monteverdi (Claudio 's brother), probably to take revenge ,
published the document " Dichiaratione " (" Declaration "), which was published along with
Claudius ' Scherzi musicali a tre voices " (1607). He here defend Monteverdi's the way
composing ; And. accuses Antonia that he is without any provocations attacked his brother , and
that he criticized his compositions only by fragments and no input of the text . In 1608 , Bracino
responded " with Discorso secondo musicale ", which closed the debates ; and Monteverdi
claimed that Artusi (who is usually considered Bračino " calmed " him later Dichiaratione -a. In

his to the preface of Il quinto libro (1605) , Monteverdi promised to expose theoretical basis
seconda prattica in the treatise entitled “ Seconda prattica, ovvero , Perfezioni della Moderna
Musica " ; however , this deed it's not never published . Certainly , Monteverdi himself claimed
that Artusi reconciled with contemporary flows , and of course it was established second escort.


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