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Mineral Homeostasis
(Section Editor: Ego Seeman)

21. Regulation of Calcium and Magnesium .......................................................................................... 104

Murray J. Favus and David Goltznian
22. Fetal Calcium Metabolism ......................... 108
Christopher S. Kovacs
23. Fibroblast Growth Factor-23 112

24. Gonadal Steroids . .................................................................................................................... 117

Kutrien Venken, Steven Boonen, Roger Bouillon, rind Dirk Vander~schueren
25. Parathyroid Hormone ........................................................................................................................................................................ 123
Robert A. Nissenson and Harald Jiippner
26. Parathyroid Hormone-Related Protein .......................................................................................................................................... 127
John J. Wysolmerski
27. Ca*+-SensingReceptor ...................................................................................................................................................................... 134
Edward M. Brown
28. Vitamin D: Production, Metabolism, Mechanism of Action, and Clinical Requirements .................................................... 141
Daniel Bikle, John A d a m , and Sylvia Christakos

0 2008 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research 103

Chapter 21. Regulation of Calcium and Magnesium
Murray J. Favusl and David Goltzman’
‘Department of Medicine, University of Chicugo, Chicugo, Illinois; ”Center for Advanced Bone and Periodontul Research,
McCill University, Montreul, Quebec, Chnrirlu

CALCIUM hancing it. Consequently major shifts in serum protein or pH

requires direct measurement of the ionized Ca level to deter-
Distribution mine the physiologic serum calcium level.
Total Body Distribution. In adults, the body contains -1000 g
of Ca, of which 99% is located in the mineral phase of bone as Mineral Homeostasis
the hydroxyapatite crystal [Ca,,,(PO,),(OH),]. The crystal The ECF concentration of calcium is tightly maintained
plays a key role in the mechanical weight-bearing properties o f
within a rather narrow range because of the importance of the
bone and serves as a ready source of Ca to support a number Ca ion to numerous cellular functions including cell division,
of Ca-dependent biological systems and to maintain blood ion- cell adhesion and plasma membrane integrity, protein secre-
ized Ca within the normal range. The remaining 1% of total tion. muscle contraction, neuronal excitability, glycogen me-
body Ca is located in the blood, extracellular fluid, and soft tabolism, and coagulation.
tissues. In serum, total Ca is lo-’ M and is the most frequent The skeleton, the gut, and the kidney each plays a major role
measurement of serum Ca levels. Of the total Ca, the ionized in assuring Ca homeostasis. Overall, in a typical individual, if
fraction (50%) is the biologically functional portion of total Ca 1000 mg of Ca is ingested in the diet per day, -200 mg will be
and can be measured clinically; 40% of the total is bound to
absorbed. Approximately 10 g of Ca will be filtered daily
albumin in a pH-dependent manner; and the remaining 10% through the kidney, and most will be reabsorbed, with -200 mg
exists as a complex of either citrate or PO, ions.
being excreted in the urine. The normal 24-h excretion of Ca
Cell Levels. Cytosol Ca is -10-‘ M, which creates a 1000-fold may, however, vary between 100 and 300 mg/d (2.5-7.5 mmol/
gradient across the plasma membrane (extracellular fluid d). The skeleton, a storage site of -1 kg of Ca, is the major Ca
[ECF] Ca is lo-’ M) that favors Ca entry into the cell. There reservoir in the body. Ordinarily, as a result of normal bone
is also an electrical charge across the plasma membrane of -50 turnover, -500 mg of Ca is released from bone per day, and the
mV with the cell interior negative. Thus, the chemical and equivalent amount is accreted per day (Fig. 1).
electrical gradients across the plasma membrane favor Ca en- Tight regulation of the ECF calcium concentration is main-
try, which the cell must defend against to preserve cell viability. tained through the action of Ca-sensitive cells that modulate
Ca-induced cell death is largely prevented by several mecha- the production of These hormones act on spe-
nisms including extrusion of C a from the cell by ATP- cific cells in bone, gut, and kidney, which can respond by al-
dependent energy driven Ca pumps and Ca channels; Na-Ca tering fluxes of Ca to maintain E C F Ca. Thus, a reduction in
exchangers; and binding of intracellular Ca by proteins located E C F Ca stimulates release of PTH from the parathyroid glands
in the cytosol, endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and mitochondria. in the neck. This hormone can act to enhance bone resorption
Ca binding to E R and mitochondria1 sites buffer intracellular and liberate both Ca and phosphate from the skeleton. FTH
Ca and can be mobilized to maintain cytosol Ca levels and to can also enhance Ca reabsorption in the kidney while at the
create pulsatile peaks of Ca to mediate membrane receptor same time inhibit phosphate reabsorption producing phospha-
signaling that regulate a variety of biological systems. turia. Hypocalcemia and PTH itself can both stimulate the
conversion of t h e inert metabolite of vitamin D, 25-
Blood Levels. Ca in the blood is normally transported partly hydroxyvitamin D, [25(OH)D,] to the active moiety 1,25-
bound to plasma proteins (-45%), notably albumin, partly dihydroxyvitamin D, [1,25(OH),D,],‘”’ which in turn will en-
bound to small anions such as phosphate and citrate (-10Y0), hance intestinal Ca absorption, and to a lesser extent, renal
and partly in the free or ionized state (-45%).“’ Although only phosphate reabsorption. The net effect of the mobilization of
the ionized Ca is available to move into cells and activate Ca from bone, the increased absorption of Ca from the gut,
cellular processes, most clinical laboratories report total serum and the increased reabsorption of filtered Ca along the neph-
Ca concentrations. Concentrations of total Ca in normal serum ron is to restore the E C F Ca to normal and to inhibit further
generally range between 8.5 and 10.5 mg/dl (2.12-2.62 mM), production of PTH and 1,25(OH),D,. The opposite sequence
and levels above this are considered to be hypercalcemic. The of events [i.e., diminished PTH and 1,25(OH),D, secretion],
normal range of ionized Ca is 4.65-5.25 mgidl (1.16-1.31 mM). along with Stimulation of renal Ca sensing receptor (CaSR),
When protein concentrations, and especially albumin concen- occurs when the ECF Ca is raised above the normal range. The
trations, fluctuate, total Ca levels may vary, whereas the ion- effect of suppressing the release of PTH and 1,25(OH),D, and
ized Ca may remain relatively stable. Dehydration or hemo- stimulating CaSR diminishes skeletal Ca release, decreases in-
concentration during venipuncture may elevate serum albumin testinal Ca absorption and renal Ca reabsorption, and restores
and falsely elevate total serum Ca. Such elevations in total Ca, the elevated ECF Ca to normal.
when albumin levels are increased, can be “corrected” by sub-
tracting 0.8 mg/dl from the total Ca for every 1.0 gidl by which PTH and 1,25(OH),D, Actions on Target Tissues
the serum albumin concentration is >4 g/dl. Conversely, when
Intestinal Ca Transport. Net intestinal Ca absorption can be
albumin levels are low, total Ca can be corrected by adding 0.8
determined by the external balance technique in which a diet
mg/dl for every 1.0 g/dl by which the albumin is <4 g/dl. Even
of known composition with a known amount of Ca is ingested,
in the presence of a normal serum albumin, changes in blood
and urine Ca excretion and fecal Ca loss are measured. Nega-
pH can alter the equilibrium constant of the albumin-Ca2’
tive absorption occurs when net absorption declines to -200
complex, with acidosis reducing the binding and alkalosis en-
mg Ca/d (5.0 mmol). The portion of dietary Ca absorbed varies
with age and amount of Ca ingested and may vary from 20%
The authors state that they have no conflicts of interest to 60%. Rates of net Ca absorption are high in growing chil-

104 0 2008 A m e r i c a n Society f o r Bone and Mineral Research

/ 105

FIG. 1. Calcium balance. On average, in a typical

adult, -1 g of elemental calcium (Ca+') is ingested per
day. Of this, -200 mg/d will be absorbed and 800 mgid
excreted. Approximately 1 kg of Ca is stored in bone
and -SO0 mgid is released by resorption or deposited
during bone formation. Of the 10 g of Ca filtered
through the kidney per day, only -200 mg or less ap-
pears in the urine, the remainder being reabsorbed.

dren; during grow spurts in adolescence; and during pregnancy Renal C a Handling. The kidney plays a central role in ensur-
and lactation. The efficiency of Ca absorption increases during ing Ca balance, and PTH has a major role in fine-tuning this
prolonged dietary Ca restriction to absorb the greatest portion renal function("'-l2) by stimulating both renal Ca reabsorption
of that ingested. Net absorption declines with age in men and (proximal tubule) and excretion (distal nephron). Multiple in-
women, and so increased Ca intake is required to compensate fluences of Ca handling are listed in Table 2. Descriptions of
for the lower absorption rate. Fecal Ca losses vary between 100 the molecular actions of PTH on the kidney are found else-
and 200 mg/d (2.5-5.0 mmol). Fecal Ca is composed of unab- where in the Primer. PTH has little effect on modulating Ca
sorbed dietary Ca and Ca contained in intestinal, pancreatic, fluxes in the proximal tubule where 65% of the filtered Ca is
and biliary secretions. Secreted Ca is not regulated by hor- reabsorbed, coupled to the bulk transport of solutes such as
mones or serum Ca. sodium and water.'") In this nephron region, PTH can also
Because of the large surface area of the duodenum and
jejunum, 90% of absorbed Ca occurs in these regions. In- I
stimulate the 25(OH)D,-la hydroxylase la(OH)ase], leading
to increased synthesis of 1,25(OH),D,.(13 A reduction in ECF
creased Ca requirements stimulate expression of the epithelial Ca can itself stimulate 1,25(OH),D, production but whether
cellular Ca active transport system in duodenum, ileum, and this occurs through the CaSR is presently unknown. Finally
throughout the colon sufficient to increase fractional Ca ab- PTH can also inhibit Na and HC0,- reabsorption in the proxi-
sorption from 2 0 4 5 % in older men and women to 55-70% in mal tubule by inhibiting the apical type 3 Na'lH' e ~ c h a n g e r " ~ )
children and young adults.l,25(OH),D3 increases the effi- and the basolateral Na'/K'-ATPase'lS' by inhibiting apical
ciency of the small intestine and colon to absorb dietary Ca. Na'/Pi cotransport.

Active Ca absorption accounts for absorption of 1Ok15% of a About 20% of filtered Ca is reabsorbed in the cortical thick
dietary load.(') Active transcellular intestinal absorption in- ascending limb of the loop of Henle (CTAL) and 15% is re-
volves three sequential cellular steps: a rate-limiting step in- absorbed in the distal convoluted tubule (DCT). At both sites,
volving transfer of luminal Ca into the intestinal cell through PTH binds to the PTH receptor (PTHR)'".") and enhances
the epithelial Ca channel, expression of TRPV6, a channel- Ca reabsorption. In the CTAL, at least, this seems to occur by
associated protein, annexin2, and calbindin-D9K, and to a
lesser extent, the basolateral extrusion system PMCAl
Reductions in dietary Ca intake can increase PTH secretion TAI3L.E 1. CONDITIONS THATINCREASE O K DEC-RFASE
and 1,25(OH),D, production, which can enhance fractional Ca CA ABSOKPTION
absorption and compensates for the dietary reduction.
Intestinal epithelial Ca transport includes both an energy- Iiicreami Cu UhWr[JtlOn Decreused Cu absorption
dependent, cell-mediated saturable active process that is Increased renal 1,2S(OH),D, Decreased renal 1,2S(OH),D,
largely regulated by 1,25(OH),D,, and a passive, diffusional production production
paracellular path of absorption that is driven by transepithelial Growth Vitamin D deficiency
electrochemical gradients. The cell-mediated pathway involv- Pregnancy Chronic renal insufficiency
ing the TRPV6 Ca channel is saturable with a Kt (1/2 maximal Lactation Hypoparathyroidism
transport) of 1.0 mM. Passive diffusion increases linearly with Primary hyper1,arathyroidism Vitamin D-dependent rickets
luminal Ca concentration and is not regulated by 1,25(OH),D,. Idiopathic hypercalciuria type 1
In adults fed a diet low in Ca, enhanced 1,25(OH),D, produc- Increased extrarenal 1,2S(OH)2D3 Aging
tion increases the efficiency of absorption through an increase production Normal 1,2S(OH),D,
in saturable Ca transport. During high dietary Ca intake ab- Sarcoid and other granulomatous production
sorption, 1,25(OH),D, is suppressed and passive paracellular diseases Glucocorticoid excess
transport accounts for most all absorption. Causes of increased B-cell lymphoma Hyperthyroidism
and decreased intestinal Ca absorption are listed in Table 1.

0 2008 A m e r i c a n Society for Bone and Mineral Research

URINE C A AND Mediators of Bone Remodeling. Calcitropic hormones PTH,
MG EXCRETION PTH-related peptide (PTHrP), and 1,25(OH),D, initiate os-
teoclastic bone resorption and increase the activation fre-
Hormonedconditions Calcium Magnesium quency of bone remodeling. Physiologic control of bone turn-
Hypercalcemia 1 D over can be disrupted by an excess of each of these calcitropic
H ypocalcemia D I hormones, resulting in altered E C F Ca homeostasis and hy-
Hypermagnesemia - I percalcemia. The molecular basis for physiologic and patho-
Hypomagnesemia D D logic states of bone turnover is detailed elsewhere in the
Renal insufficiency D D Primer.
Tubular reabsorption
Increased Regulation of Hormone Production and Actions on Ca
ECF volume contraction I Homeostasis
H ypocalcemia I
Thiazide diuretics - PTH Production. A major regulator of parathyroid gland se-
Phosphate administration I cretion of PTH is ECF Ca. The relationship between E C F Ca
Metabolic alkalosis I and PTH secretion is governed by a steep inverse sigmoidal
Parathyroid hormone I curve which is characterized by a maximal secretory rate at low
Parathyroid hormone related peptide I ECF Ca, a midpoint or “set point,” which is the level of ECF
Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia - Ca, which half-maximally suppresses PTH, and a minimal se-
Decreased cretory rate at high E C F Ca.(21-22)
The parathyroid glands de-
ECF volume expansion D tect E C F Ca through a CaSR.(23)Sustained hypocalcemia can
Hypercalcemia D eventually lead to parathyroid cell p r ~ l i f e r a t i o n ‘ and
~ ~ ’ an in-
Phosphate deprivation D creased total secretory capacity of the parathyroid gland.
Metabolic acidosis - 1,25(OH) D, reduces PTH synthesis and parathyroid cell pro-
Loop diuretics D liferatior~?’~)Molecular events in PTH secretion and CaSR
Cyclosporin A D function are found elsewhere in the Primer.
Autosomal dominant hypocalcemia -

Dent’s disease Vitamin D Production and Actions. The renal production of

Bartter’s syndrome - 1,25(OH),D, is stimulated by hypocalcemia, hypophosphate-
Gittelman’s syndrome D mia and elevated PTH levels. The renal l a ( 0 H ) a s e is also
potently inhibited by 1,25(OH),D, as part of a negative feed-
D, decreased GFR or tubule reabsorption; 1, increased GFR or tubule reab- back loop. The molecular details of the vitamin D metabolic
sorption; -, either modest effects are present or that no specific information is
pathway are described elsewhere in the Primer.
Vitamin D is essential for normal mineralization of bone
that may be caused by an indirect effect by enhancing intesti-
nal calcium and phosphate absorption and maintaining these
increasing the activity of the Na/K/2 C1 co-transporter that ions within a range that facilitates hydroxyapatite deposition in
drives NaCl reabsorption and stimulates paracellular Ca and bone matrix. A major indirect function of 1,25(OH),D, on
Mg reabsorption.(’8) T h e CaSR is also resident in the bone seems to be to enhance mobilization of Ca stores when
CTAL,(l9) where increased E C F Ca activates phospholipase dietary Ca is insufficient to maintain a normal ECF Ca.(”) As
A2, thereby reducing the activity of the NalKI2CI co- with PTH,‘”) 1.25(OH),D3 enhances osteoclastic bone resorp-
transporter and of an apical K channel and diminishing para- tion by binding to receptors in the pre-osteoblastic stromal cell
cellular Ca reabsorption. Consequently, a raised E C F Ca an- and stimulating the RANK/RANK system to enhance the pro-
tagonizes the effect of PTH in this nephron segment and E C F liferation, differentiation, and activation of the osteoclastic sys-
Ca can in fact participate in this way in the regulation of its tem from its monocytic precursors.(28)Endogenous and exog-
own homeostasis. Inhibition of NaCl reabsorption and loss of enous 1,25(OH),D3 have also been reported to have an
NaCl in the urine may contribute to the volume depletion anabolic role in ~ i v o . ( ~ ’ ~1,25(OH),D,
~”) has a direct effect on
observed in severe hypercalcemia. E C F Ca may therefore act renal Ca handling through stimulation of CaSR. It remains
in a manner analogous to “loop” diuretics such as furosemide. controversial whether 1,25(OH),D, plays a direct role in en-
In the DCT, PTH can also influence(’) luminal Ca transfer hancing tubular Ca reabsorption.
into the renal tubule cell through the transient receptor poten-
tial channel (TRPVS), translocation of Ca across the cell from
apical to basolateral surface involving proteins such as calbin- MAGNESIUM
din-D28K, and finally active extrusion of Ca from the cell into
Total Body Distribution
the blood through an Na’iCa exchanger, designated NCX1.
PTH markedly stimulates Ca reabsorption in the DCT primar- There is -1.04 mol (25 g) of Mg in the adult, of which -66%
ily by augmenting N C X l activity through a cyclic AMP- is within the skeleton, 33% is intracellular, and 1 % is in the
mediated mechanism. E C F including blood.(’.2’ Mg content of the hydroxyapatite
crystal in bone varies widely and is mainly on the surface of
Bone Resorption and Ca Release. In bone, the PTHR is lo- bone where a portion is in equilibrium with E C F Mg. Mg is the
calized on cells of the osteoblast phenotype that are of mes- most abundant divalent cation within cells, where it is found at
enchymal origin‘2”’ but not on osteoclasts that are of hema- a concentration of -5 x M in the cytosol. In the cells, it
togenous origin. The major physiologic role of PTH seems to serves as a co-factor and regulates a number of essential bio-
be to maintain normal Ca homeostasis by enhancing osteoclas- logical systems.‘” The concentration of Mg in the ECF ap-
tic bone resorption and liberating Ca into the ECF. Bone for- proaches that of the intracellular environment. Both intracel-
mation and resorption are discussed in detail elsewhere in the lular and ECF are tightly regulated by factors that are poorly
Primer. understood.

0 2008 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research


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Chapter 22. Fetal Calcium Metabolism

Christopher S. Kovacs
Faculty of Medicine-Endocrinology, Health Sciences Centre, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada

INTRODUCTION serum magnesium is minimally elevated above the maternal

concentraGon. The physiological importance of these elevated
Much of normal mineral and bone homeostasis in the adult can
levels is not known; complete mineralization of the skeleton
be explained by the interactions of PTH. 1,25-dihydroxy-
vitamin D or calcitriol (1,25-D), calcitonin. and the sex ste- and survival to term have been noted in genetically manipu-
roids. In contrast, comparatively little is known about how lated mice in which the fetal blood calcium is not raised above
mineral and bone homeostasis is regulated in the fetus. Be- the maternal level. The normal increase in the fetal calcium
cause of obvious limitations in studying human fetuses, human level is robustly maintained despite maternal hypocalcemia
regulation of fetal mineral homeostasis must be largely in- from a variety of causes. For example, adult humans and mice
ferred from studies in animals, and some observations in ani- with nonfunctional vitamin D receptors (VDRs) are hypocal-
mals may not apply to humans. This chapter briefly reviews cemic, but Vdr-null fetuses have normal serum calcium con-
existing human and animal data; for more information and centrations.(3'
references, the reader is referred to two comprehensive re- Calcitropic hormone levels are also maintained at levels that
views on the subject.".2' differ from the adult. These differences seem to reflect the
Fetal mineral metabolism has been adaptcd to maintain an relatively different roles that these hormones play in the fetus
extracellular level of calcium (and other minerals) that is and are not a n artifact of altered metabolism or clearance of
physiologically appropriate for fetal tissues and to provide suf- these hormones. Intact PTH levels are much lower than ma-
ficient calcium (and other minerals) to fully mineralize the ternal PTH levels near the end of gestation, but it is unknown
skeleton before birth. Mineralization occurs rapidly in late ges- whether fetal PTH levels are low throughout gestation after
tation, such that a human accretes 80% of the required 30 g of the formation of the parathyroids or only in late gestation.
calcium in the third trimester, whereas a rat accretes 95% of Despite its low level, PTH is important for fetal development
the required 12.5 mg of calcium in the last 5 days of its 3-wk because fetal mice lacking parathyroids o r PTH are hypocal-
gestation. cemic and have undermineralized skeletons.(4-"' Circulating
1.25-D levels are also lower than the maternal level in late
gestation and seem to he largely if not completely derived from
MINERALS IONS AND CALCIOTROPIC fetal sources. The low circulating levels of 1,25-D in the fetus
HORMONES may be a response to high serum phosphate and low PTH.
1,25-D may also be relatively unimportant for fetal mineral
A consistent finding among human and other mammalian
fetuses is a total and ionized calcium concentration that is
significantly higher than the maternal level during late gesta- Key words: tetus, pregnancy, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus,
tion. Similarly, serum phosphate is significantly elevated, and PTH, PTH-related protein, calcitonin, vitamin D, calcitriol, estradiol,
hyperparathyroidisni, hypoparathyroidism, familial hypocalciuric hy-
percalcemia, vitamin D deficiencyiinsufficiency, placenta, placental
The author states that he has no conflicts of interest. calcium transport, calcium receptor, rickets

02008 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research

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