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the temple to where a chapel opento out of Ut, whith was full of the statues of

deao kings, for

here wos the entrance to they burial vault. we reaches Uand hid behind the base of
one of these

that sooo upow a pedestal. then ore tame, oro tame and of necessity alone. yet
there wor that i his

ain oy he advances into-the temple, which suggested a monarch surrounded by the

powp and panoply of a great
court. he marched, hiy head hell high, ay though heraloly and purswivomty went Uw
front of hiw, ax though nobley
surrounded him ond guords or regiments followed after hin. Let it be aclmitted that
he wos a greet figure iw

hiy gorgeous robey, with hix long white bearn, hix hawk-like feature, hiy tall
shape and hix glittering eyes, which even
at that distance vi could see. indeed once or twice v thought thet he glonced owt
of the cornery of

them towards the chapel where we were hid. but this v think wae fancy. for as yva
said, hix thoughts

were set elsewhere. he reached the viatue of fate anol yoo for a while
contemplating Ut and the sappliont figures
ow ether sole, ay though he were wacting for hiv myurble court to arrange Uiself.
thew he doffed hix jewelled
cap to the effigy, amd knelt before ut: yes, ove the anttent, the super—-man, the
goo, as the early peoples

of the earth fancied such a being, namely, one full of wreth, revenge, jealousy,
caprice ane power, knelt iw sapplicotion
to this Unoge of vione whic he believed to be the home of a spirit, thereby showing
himself to be
after all not so for remoyto from the soyages whose colot bastin had destroyed.
more, uv a clear and resonant
voice which reached uy even atrosy thet great ypace, he put ue hix prayer. i ran
something ay follows, for
although v diel not underviond the language iv whith he spoke yyw transloted Ut to
me uw w whisper: "gol

of the sony of wisdom, gow of the whole earth, only god to whow must bow every
other power and

dominiow, to thee l, ovo the great king, make prayer ano offer sacrifice. twenty
times ten thousand years and more
have gone by since U, ore, visited thes, thy temple and knelt before thin, thy
Living effigy, yet thow, ruler

of the worl, doyt remember the prayer U mace and the sacrifice v offeres. the
prayer way for truunph over

my enemies ana the sacrifice a promise of the Lives of half of those whe in that
day dwelt upow

the ecorth. thew heardest the prayer, thow didst bow thy head and accept the
sacrifice. yea, the prayer was gronted
and the sacrifice wor mare, anol uv Ub were counted the number of my foes. "thew tv
Lept. through countlesy
generations v Lept ow amd at my sole war the one thilal of my booly that was Left
fo me.

whet chanced to my spirit and to hers during that Leep, thou knowest alone, but
doubtless they went forth to-
work thy ends, "at the appoirted time which thow diost decree, v awoke again and
found in my house vrangery
frown amother land. uv the company of one of those whose spurt v drew forth, &
yuscteol the peoples of

the new earth, and found them even baser and more evil than those whom t had known.
therefore, since they
cannot be bettered, - purpose fo destroy them also, and ow ther wreck to rebuilel w
glorious empire, such ay

wes that of the sons of window at uly prime. "a Kani o fate, ruler of the world,
give me

a sign that my desire shall be fulfilled.” he paused, stretching out his army and
yvioring upwards. while he waited
v felt the solid rock ow whith v Yoo quiver and swoy beneath my feet so thet yye
and v

clung to cath other Lest we shoulda foll. thin chanced also: the srock of the earth
tremor, for sc without
doubt i wos, threw down the figures of the ancient man ana the lovely women whith
knelt as though making
proyers to fote, and shook the merble sword fFrow off Uy kneesx. ay Ut fell ore
cought Ut by the

hilt, and, rising, waved Uf in ivtumph. "t thank thee, goo of my people from the
beginning," he eried. "thow

hast given to me, thy Last servant, thine oww sword and t will use UF well. for
these worshippers of

thine whe heve follen, thow shelt hove others, yes, lh those who dwell in the new
world that & to-

be. my daughter and the maw whow she hoy chosen to be ihe fother of the kings of
the earth,

and with him his companions, Hall be the furst of the hundreds of millions thet are
to follow, for they

shall kiss thy feet or perish. thow shalt set thy foot upon the necks of att other
gods; thow shalt

rule and throw olone, and, ay of olol, oro be thy mniufter.” ful holding the swore,
he flung himself doww

ay though Uw an ecstasy, and war silent: "U read the omen otherwise," whispered
yyw. "He worshippers of fate are
overthrown. his sword of power iv fallen, but not into the hands thet clasped Ut,
and he totters ow his

throne. a greeter goo asserty dominion of the worlel and thin fate w but hiy
instrument.” ovo rose again, "one
proyer more," he cried. "give me Life, Long Life, that - may execute thy decreey.
by word or gesture srow

me a ign that ’ wall be satisfied with Life, a year for every year that Uv have
lived, or

twotind" he waited, staring about him, but no-token came; the idlot did not speak
or bow Uy heasl, ay

yve had tole me Ub war wont to do Uw sign of accepted prayer, how, she knew not.

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