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tavaliexvt were & bit heptitead that the Lotetion had been so easily obtainable,

but they were going along with it

for the moment. seve war checking everything. flipr drive at maninnum effitienty.
hull viable. deceleretion routines ready for use. george
and taylor piloting. eva andl naygo punning weapons. jane ay enginetry. nathaniel,
hem, adaiw, and jow ag the boarding porty.
the entire ship seemed fo be iw pristine sharpe, but veve ill wanted io make wre.
he wandered off to

check the fuel consumption retey, determined to- find something to- fir. anyone
else would have thought eve was going crazy,
but nathantel knew he war just neryous. everyone way, after looking at the
xhematicy aidan had found, everybody way uv
agreement that the only wey to win against a sotion of Uy size was to meak in,
somehow sabotage ut,

and sneok out. nine cavalieri and a soloier hardly stood a chance against Ut Uv oa
strorght out bottle. they

plow wes for the boarding team to split into two groups, jon and nathentel would
sabotage the generator, and kem,

adeainv, and steve would go to the Level marked prison ow the schematics to rescue
any prisoners there. vieve just

hoped they would succeed. aivlan, you haye fo use more will power, ot y not that
simple on your first

try. ge... ang .. ty... d, ativan managed to mumble. yu... mw... ow: please
practice uv

between Lessons, but U wl move ow nonetheless through reviews of your post

assignments U have delermined several aspects of
our great gift thet you have not experienced yet: two of these b will explain right
now: firvt & something
nitknemed a mimod-storm. Uy a powerful application, amd expends much energy. first,
you must force ihe ain fo spuw

oy fost ox a tornado, then old quick jolly of wl power uw the form of electriccty,
and you get

ao powerfull yet mincaturized cyclone, aidan tried thy, but only gota light breeze
before accidentatly mind—blasting Uf awny. these
new skilly were extremely useful and very powerful, but also hard to manage. dow t
worry, you caw practice that

leter. joseph assured huw. now let » get ow to teleportation. you might think thet
teleportation would obsolete flue drive
technology, but there s a Lot more to it thew that: flip drive technology works ow
the principle that if

you capture certain vibrations in the time-space continuum, you caw Lift your ships
for a short pertow of time into-

the seytnth dimension, allowing you to go foster than the speed of light: it works
very nearly every time, and

caw transport very nearly anything if U tan gather enough vibration energy.
caveliert teleporiation disassembles something into information and reassembley
U Uw ow different Locetion using the same base principle as our mind—comnunitetion.
Uy highly unreliable and hard to
control, so only the very best of the cavalieri use it regularly. aidan thought
about this for a moment before

focusing on a fuel canister nearby, envisioning it turning into ew dain stream. wre
enough, it disappeared. Ut didn t
however, come back where aiden wanted it to: aidan tried agein ow anohure fuel
canister, and the same thing happened.
aiden sighed and turned back to joseph. - U give the final part of the basic
instruction tomorrow: after thot,

you tan spend the rest of the tri practicing and asking me questions, please use
this break period to better

your mental communicetions. they re rather sorrowful. aiden smiled embarrassedly.

oblong space station. the sation wos surrounded by a fleet
of enemy craft including eight "head for the vation!" steve ordered. "then whet?"
jane asked as the cayeliert pilots combunred
their skilly with the skipper + speed and manenyerebilily to approach derk mindy,
"run for it, but yliay within a
light-mimute or two," steve answered. the cayaliert skipper docked ow one of the
many airlocks of dark minds and forced

ut open. the boarding team entered and closed the airlock behine them just iw time
for the cavalieri skipper to

fly ower, dodging severol volleys of stor gun comnow sholy frow the fleet: ihe
ripper flew off, and the fleet

dion t follow U too for. the boording teaw split up into they predetermined groupy
ano raw off iw seporate

floor. "thix way!" he called-to hiv companions. they followed him for a short way
before he ducked into a

utility closet. ot first, they werent sure why he had done so, but then they heard
w potrot approwching

and entered it a4 well. as the potrot marched past, vieve Showed the ohare two
covodieri the rowley he had

located, whith involved going down aw vinirease atrosy the hall frow the utility
closet before traveling right ten meters ow
the Lower Level. when the patrol had passen, the three cavalier jumped acrosy the
hallway to the vaircase ana yorted-
descending, after a fear steps, vieve jumped up ow tothe handrail ana Nid past kew
and adaim. laughing a

Little but, hem ano adlarw jumped: onto the handract as well, ame the three
cavolierc slic down the starrcease together.

when they reached the prison level, they jumpeal off the handrail ana walked right
ax steve had indicated previously until
reaching the large metal door tothe furvt pruow corridor. sieve opened the door and
the caveliert fought off the

few nicoy sanding guard inside, they were about to art slicing open cell doors when
every cell door sprung open

at oncel severed atry and ow elite quord stepped out of each! the covaliert started
to bock awey from the

considerable force of enemies when the large metal doors behind them started to
close very fost. pop o- fuel canister

popped unto existence ww between the doors, holing them open while the three
cayalierc escaped. the elite guards anol atry
vorted fo fure, but anchure fuel canister popped into existence tw front of them.
the firvt sear guy bolt

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