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How does Reading Song-Ming Records on the Pre-colonial History of the

Philippines by Wang Zhenping written? Explain

- The author handled the history in a well-structured manner for the purpose of better
understanding. Took us to the roots of the Philippines' cultural diversity and in an
orderly way underlined the major subtexts which might have led to revolution or
change of livelihood. Trading business conducted in those days brought about
significant changes from regional political transitions and structure of governance to
relationships among the Philippines.

2. What kind of sources the author used in writing  Reading Song-Ming Records on
the Pre-colonial History of the Philippines by Wang Zhenping and identify if it's
primary sources or secondary sources and explain.

2.Primary sources 
- Letters; The three sulu delegations dispatched to seek clarity and division of power
presented a letter to the Ming Court.
- Oral  Interviews; The author must have done oral interviews as we are told in the
introductory part that Chinese records had a wealth of information compiled from
traders during those early times. It's my assumption that this information must be
through direct conversations while interacting. Yuan and Ming were considered
eyewitnesses who traveled on Southeast voyages
Secondary sources
- political commentary; The author has transverse from trade to politics on various
occasions. It explained that although the Philippines were much into trading some
were just hiding for the plotting of power capture. It goes further to explain the
governance structures and ruling patterns of the Philippine  Chiefdoms and Boni
- Journals or research conducted in the past;  Wang zhenping in his writing consulted
some of the pre-existing records from earlier researchers. Information from the
Bearue  MaritimeTrade officials,  Yuan and Ming dynasty works are just but
examples of the preferred materials used by the author on consultations.
3. 3. How these sources reflect in writing history? Explain.

 letters are written and it's always-on direct speech. It always provides more accurate
reliable and traceable information from the past.
 Recorded oral interviews are easy to understand and much convincing that the
history really happened. One big challenge of oral interviews is only limited to those
who understand the language. Any translations might distort information.
 Political commentary is much pretty attractive to those who are passionate about
politics. It gives a clear understanding and a sequential flow of political scenes.
 Journals that are well-articulated helps keeps the history then time.  Modern authors
might be faced with conflicts of cultural convictions and dynamics of politics hence
distorted information.
4. 4. How does the author analyzed the wrote the history based on sources? Explain.

- The author from my point of view analyzed various sources and was not limited to
the oral interview recordings, letters, political commentary, and journals. In fact, he
gave himself room for understanding as he was able to identify some of the
weaknesses earlier writers might have passed through. While reflecting on the
history of China he noted that some of the samples that were used to give
information were much conflicted with the cultural value of outsiders and not the
domestic value hence giving the wrong impression. The author has reiterated that
modern scholars are trying to do more research on the Chinese records which my
have obfuscated the reality of the history and corrected some terminologies. 
5. What is the  Reading Song-Ming Records on the Pre-colonial History of the
Philippines by Wang Zhenping? Explain.
- The pre-colonial commerce in goods between China and the Philippines is discussed
in the reading resource Song-Ming Records. This reading not only addressed
trading, but also regional politics, Chinese-Philippine relations, and the history of the
Philippines. Chinese archives also offer a wealth of knowledge about Southeast Asia
prior to colonialism. Since no other writings have been discovered, these records are

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