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Principles of Business Management (BUS


Written Assignment Unit 2

Factors That Have the Strongest Influence over Work Behaviors

Case in Point: SAS Institute Invests in Employees. The study generally discusses the approach

Of a major software company to its employees. However, there are several factors that influenced

Employee s work behaviors at SAS to stand at its current level, some of the factors with strongest

Influence over work behaviors include: job performance, organizational citizenship, absenteeism

And Turnover.

Job performance refers to the level to which an employee successfully fulfills the factors

Included in the Job description. Carpenter. Et. Al., (2010). In every company or organization this

Is a factor that includes quality and quantity of the work that an employee performs in regards to overall
effectiveness of the job. This factor also used to determine whether an employee can

Receive company favors which can be payment raise, receive a promotion which may come with

Extra responsibilities or else its poor performance the employee may be fired or demoted if need

Be. SAS institute conduct employee satisfaction surveys and that rewards and benefits are only

offered in response to production results

Organization citizenship is a second factor that influence work behaviors in the sense that most

Workers sometimes performs some tasks/behaviors voluntarily that fellow workers and company

Benefits from. Organization citizenship behavior (OCB) comes when the workers in a company

Have a feeling owning and caring the company since it provides for them and they render

Themselves to the company by also having good relationships with managers, fellow workers and

People around them. At SAS institute this is managed by giving employees both interesting Challenging
projects. Continuous production of a company brings more productivity of which involves workers to be
Present all the time of working period, however some workers may have unscheduled absence from
work due to uncertain or unpredictable reasons affecting their input to production line

Absenteeism behavior causes struggles as this puts much pressure to fellow worker to cover the

Space causing slow or poor production. This behavior affects the company heavily in the sense

That for the company to maintain the flow of its daily output some workers can be hired to work

Overtime, or hire short time workers to replace those absent though long-time sickness of which
Some short time hired workers does not have necessary knowledge, skills or experience affecting

Production quality. The finally factor is employee turnover, this is describing some employees who at

Sometimes decide to quit their job/position due to personal reasons. This factor has its own

Unwanted consequences which Puts the company in high debts following that a lot of Companies when

employees are hired, they are sent on multiple trainings which are organized and paid by the company.
If employee lives, the company the company must organize Interviews and training the recruit again.

All above factors are well managed by SAS institute by treating its employees well in both bad

And good times. It also eliminates stressors and anything that dissatisfies employees to avoid

Unnecessary absenteeism of employees. SAS provide necessary healthy and medical facility that

Helps prevent short and long sickness to employees and keep the employees physically fit. SASs

Encourages workers to have reasonable working hours and have time with their families.


Crowley, M. C. (2013). How SAS became the world’s best place to work. Fast Company.

Carpenter, M., Bauer, T., & Erdogan, B. (2010). Management principles, v. 1.l.


Business Dictionary. (2019). What is organizational citizenship? Definition and meaning. Retrieved from

Carpenter, M., Bauer, T., & Erdogan, B. (2010). Management Principles 1.1. Retrieved from

https://my. Uopeople.edupluginfile.php/546065/mod _resource’content’1/management-principles-


Crowley, M. C. (2013, January 22). How SAS became the world’s best place to work. Retrieved from

Mayhew, R. (2019, February). Employee turnover definitions & calculations. Retrieved from


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