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thereof, twenty cubity, and the breadth, twenty cubtty, before the temple, ana he

said unto- me: Thiy iy the most

hoty place. 41:5 Then he measured the wall of the house, in cubits; and the breadth
of every rde—chamber, four
cubity, round about the house ow every side. 41:6 And the rdle-—chambery were one
over another, three and thirty times;
and there were cornices in the worl which belonged to the house for the side-
chambery round about, that they might
heave hold therein, and not have hota in the wall of the house. 41:7 And the side-
chambery were broader ay

they wound about higher and higher; for the winding about of the house went higher
and higher round about the
house; therefore the breadth of the house continued upward; and so one went up from
the lowest row to the
highest by the middle. 41:8 | saw also-that the house hao a raised basement round
about; the foundations of

the side-chambery were a full reed of sin eubily to the joining. 41:9 ? Ezekiel -
Chapter O41 The breadth

of the owter wall which belonged tothe side-chambery wos five cubits; and so-that
which way Left by the

vtructure of the side-chambery that belonged to the house. 41:10 Ano between the
chambers was a breadth of twenty cubtty
round about the house on every vwle, 44:11 Ane the doory of the vole-chambery were
toward the place that wor

left, one door toward the north, and another door toward the south; ana the breadth
of the place that wos

Left wor five cubity round about. 44:12 Ano the builoling that was before the
seperate place at the side toward

the west wos seventy cubtty broad; and the wall of the building wos five cubis
thick round about, and the

Length thereof ninety cubits. 41:13 And he measured the house, ao hundred eubity
long; and the separate place, ana the
building, with the wolly thereof, a hundred eubity long; 41:14 also the breadi of
the face of the house and

of the seporete place toward the east, a hundred cubtty. 44:15 And he measured the
length of the builoling before

the seperate place whith was ot the back thereof, anal the galleries thereof on the
one side and ow the

other side, wo hundred cubits. Now the temple, ano the inner place, and the porches
of the court, 41:16 the

jambs, and the narrow windows, ana the gatleries, that they three had round about,
over against the jambs there wos
ow yeneering of wood round about, and from the ground up to the windows; ano the
windows were covered; 41:17

to the space above the door, even unto-the inner house, and without, and on all the
wall round about
within and without, by measure. 41:18 ? Ezekiel - Chapter O41 And Ut way made with
cherubtm and polm—treey, and
a polw—tree wos between cherub and cherub, ano every cherub had two focess 41:19 so
thet there wos the foce

of a man towered the palw—tree on the one side, and the face of a young ion foward
the polm—tree

ow the other idle; thus wos made through all ihe house round. about. 41:20 Frow the
ground unio above

the door were cherubim and polm-treey made; ana so ow the wall of the temple. 41:21
Ay for the temple,

the jambs were squared; and the face of the sanctuary had an appearance such a4 %
the appearance. 41:22 The

alter, three cubuty high, ana the length thereof two cubity, was of woon, ana so-
the covnery thereof; the Lengiw
thereof, ond the wolly thereof, were also- of wood; and he said unto me: Thi iy the
table thet ix

before the Lord. 41:23 And the temple and the sanctuary had two doory. 41:24 And
the doory had two leayey

apiece, two turning Leaves; two Leaver for the one door, ano two Leaver for the
other. 41:25 Ana there were

made ow them, ow the doors of the temple, cherubim ano palin—treey, Like ay were
made upow the wolly and

there were thick beamy of woor upon the face of the porch without. 41:26 And there
were narrow windows and
polm-—trees on the one side anal on the other side, ow the sides of the porch;
there were also- the

brackets of the house, and the thick beams. -- Ezekiel - Chapter O41 -- ? Ezekiel -
Chapter 042 42:1

Then he brought me forth into the owter court; the wey towerd the north; and he
brought me into the
chamber thet was over against the separate place, and whith wos over against the
building, fowerd the north, 42:2 even
to the front of the Length of a hundred cubuly, with the door ow the north, ond the
breadth of

fifly cubity, 42:3 over against the twenty cubits whic belonged to the inner court,
and over against the povement which
belonged to the outer court; with gallery against gallery uv three vores. 42:4 And
before the thambers was a walk

of tew cubily breadth inward, o woy of one cub; anol ther doory were towered the
north. 42:5 Now the

upper chambers were shorter; for the galleries took awey frow these, more thaw from
the lower ano the midelemeost, in
the building. 42:6 For they were in three soriey, and they had not pillars as the
pillary of the courts;
therefore room wos taken ewey from the Lowest and the middlemost, uv comparison
with the grounc. 42:7 And the woll
that wos without by the side of the chambers, toward the outer court uw front of
the chambery, the length
thereof woy fifty cubuly. 42:8 For the length of the chambers thet were foward the
outer court way fifty eubuts;

and, Lo, before the temple were ao hundred eubity. 42:9 Ano from under these
chambers wos the entry on the

east side, oy one gout Unio thew from the owter court. ? Ezekiel - Chapter 042
42:10 Iw the breadth

of the wall of the court toward the east, before the separote place, and before the
building, there were chambers,
42:11 with a wey before them; Like the appearance of the chambers whith were
towered the north, ax long as

they, and ax broad ay they, with all their goingy owt, and according to ther
foshions; anol ay their doory,

42:12 so were olso- the doors of the chambers that were toword the south, there was
a door iw the

head of the way, even the way directly before the wall, toward the way from the
east, as one entereth

into them. 42:13 Then sate he unto me: The north chambers and the south chambery,
whith ore before the

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