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Practice Test NAME:

Student Test

Part 1 - Short Answer Questions Total Marks: 12

1. Match the sentences to the correct parts of a speaker's introduction.  4

Her book has sold over fifty thousand copies
name and
in less than a year.
Formal Welcome guests, and thank you for being
greeting here.
Topic of Ms. Granger is here today to talk to us about
speaker's her experience of writing for children who
speech are special in their own way.
I am here to introduce Ms. Ruth Granger, the
author of the best-selling children's book,
It's Good to be Different!

2. Choose the correct option.  4

A. Which of these is an informal introduction?  2

A.It brings me great joy to introduce Ms. Nora Jones.
B.Our first speaker for the day is Ms. Nora Jones.

C.This is Ms. Nora Jones, a renowned musician.

D.Hello all, this is my friend Nora, the famous singer.

B. For which of these situations can you use an informal introduction?  2

A.To introduce the Chief Guest at your school's annual day.
B.To introduce your grandfather to your friends.

C.To introduce a celebrity or famous person.

D.To announce the winner of a competition at school.

3. Write 1 sentence each, using the following idioms.  4

A. burn the midnight oil  2

B. bend over backwards  2

Practice Test
Student Test

Part 2 - Long Answer Questions Total Marks: 8

1. Imagine that your mother's name is Sally Johnson and she is a music teacher and a violin  8
player. Write 2 introductions of 2–3 sentences each for her as follows:
A. Introduce her to your class where she is a guest.
B. Introduce her to your friends who have come home.
Which of these introductions will be formal and which will be informal? Why?


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