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Fill in the blanks.

1. Hubble space telescope provides information about _____.

2. Least count of digital venire calipers is _____.
3. Measuring caliper has different capacities from ______ to _______.
4. A _____________ is a graduated glass cylinder marked in milliliters.
5. A measuring cylinder is used to measure _______.
6. Distance of the moon from the earth is also expressed as ______.
7. In ______ we study matter, energy, and their interaction.
8. Each centimeter is divided into ___ small divisions called millimeters.
9. A ______ balance cannot measure large masses.
10. Non-zero digits are always ______.


Fill in the blanks.

1. A car moving in a straight line has _____ motion.

2. Velocity of a body is ________ quantity.
3. Negative acceleration is also called _______.
4. In _____ motion body rotates around its axis.
5. Distance covered by a body is equal to area under _____ graph.
6. The acceleration of freely falling bodies is called _____________.
7. A paratrooper attains a uniform velocity called _________.
8. A LIDAR gun is _____ detection and ______ speed gun.
9. A vector quantity can be described by ______ and _______.
10. An ______ is a line around which body rotates.


Fill in the blanks.

1. A ______ machine is an arrangement of two objects of unequal masses.

2. A ___________ system is a group of interacting bodies on which no external force is acting.
3. When a horse pulls a cart action on the _______.
4. The unit of momentum is __________.
5. When bus takes a sharp turn the passenger falls in ________ direction.
6. Weight is a ______ quantity.
7. Negative centripetal force is called _________.
8. The tension in the string must be ________ and _______ to the weight of block.
9. The contact point between two surfaces forms a sort of _________.
10. The coefficient of friction is represented by _____.


Fill in the blanks.

1. A couple is formed by two ________ parallel forces.

2. The center of gravity of uniform square is the point of intersection of its _______.
3. All forces are applied in the same direction parallel to each other is known as _________ forces.
4. The vector representing resultant force gives the _______ and _______ of the resultant force.
5. The ______ of two or more forces is known as resultant force.
6. Racing cars are made stable by _________ their center of gravity.
7. Two equal but unlike parallel forces having different line of action produces a __________.
8. A ball is an example of ________ equilibrium.
9. A paratrooper coming down with ________ velocity is in _______.
10. The door is opened and close due to _______ of the force acting on it.


Fill in the blanks.

1. The Isaac Newton discovered gravity in ________ year.

2. Value of g on the surface of celestial object depends on _______ and _______.
3. Value of g on Venus is _______.
4. Value of g on sun is ________.
5. GPS satellites revolve around the earth _______ a day with a speed of ______
6. Moon is nearly ________ km away from earth.
7. At a distance of two earth radius above earth surface the value of g becomes ________ of its
value on earth.
8. Weight of a body _______ as its height increases from surface of earth.
9. A satellite requires ______ force that keeps it to move around the earth.
10. Earth gravitational force of attraction vanishes at _________.


Fill in the blanks.

1. Water running down a stream possesses ________ energy.

2. Heavy atoms such as uranium spit up into smaller parts during _______ reaction.
3. A pole vaulter uses a ___________ pole made of special material.
4. Fossil fuel took ______ year for their formation.
5. Speed of light is ________.
6. Electric lamp produces _______ and ______ energy.
7. Electric motor has _____ percent efficiency.
8. The work done will be zero when the angle between the force and distance is _________.
9. The energy stored in dam is _______.
10. The rise of hammer is having _______ energy.


Fill in the blanks.

1. Density of petrol is _________.

2. Mercury is _____ times denser then water.
3. Acid meter is used to measure the _________ of acid in battery.
4. Atmospheric pressure acts in ______ direction.
5. _______ is the deforming force acting on per unit area.
6. When air is sucked through a straw with its other end dipped in the liquid the air pressure in the
straw _________.
7. At sea level atmospheric pressure is about ________Pa.
8. The ionic state of matter is called ______.
9. The air becomes ________ as we go up.
10. A gradual large increase in the atmospheric pressure indicates along spell of ______ weather.


Fill in the blanks.

1. Mercury freezes at ______ degree co.

2. 1o C is equal to _____ kelvin.
3. Water on cooling below 4oC begins to _____ until it reaches 0oC
4. Ice in freezer has a temperature of _______ oC.
5. Crocus flower opens when temperature is _______.
6. Specific heat of ice is _______.
7. Specific heat of dry soil is ________.
8. ____ Gas cause ozone depletion in the upper atmosphere.
9. Latent heat fusion of ice is ______.
10. _____ has large specific heat capacity.

Fill in the blanks.

1. Crystals of potassium permanganate are used to show the moment of _______ on heating.
2. Ultraviolet radiations are of ____ wavelengths.
3. Eagle, hawks and vultures are expert _______ climbers.
4. In gasses heat is mainly transfer by _____.
5. There are ____ ways of heat transfer.
6. Shining silver surfaces are _____ absorber.
7. Water is ______ conductor of heat.
8. The air becomes ______ on heating.
9. Land breeze flows from land to sea during ______.
10. Thermal radiations are of ________ wave length.

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