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CSC408 UiTM Sarawak MS-Excel Manual 2

MS Excel
Manual 2(Part 1)
Tutorial 5

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CSC408 UiTM Sarawak MS-Excel Manual 2

CSC408: MS-Excel Manual 2 (Part 1)

Prepared by: Dr Azlina Bujang
Compiled & verified by: Dr Azlina Bujang
This manual will cover the following topics:

1. Creating Basic Charts

2. Creating Advance Charts

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CSC408 UiTM Sarawak MS-Excel Manual 2

1. Excel Basic Chart

Excel includes 15 chart types from which you can choose, including column, line, pie, bar,
area, X Y (scatter), stock, surface, radar, treemap, sunburst, histogram, box & whisker,
waterfall, and combo. The type of chart you choose depends on the type and quantity of
data you have and the message or analysis you want to convey.

How to create a column chart?

Step 1: Enter Data into a Worksheet

Step 2: Select Range to Create Chart or Graph from Workbook Data

Step 3: Select Chart Type

i. Click Insert tab.
ii. From the Insert tab, click the column chart icon and select Clustered Column in the 2-D
Column category.
iii. Excel will automatically create a clustered chart column from your selected data. The
chart will appear in the center of your workbook.

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CSC408 UiTM Sarawak MS-Excel Manual 2

iv. To name your chart, double click the Chart Title text in the chart and type a title.

Step 4: Formatting Chart

i. Click Design Tab, you may choose Chart Styles to change the chart’s theme.
ii. Click Quick Layout to change the layout of Chart Elements

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CSC408 UiTM Sarawak MS-Excel Manual 2

iii. Click Chart Element, to add the chart elements

iv. Click Change Chart Type to change your chart type to any of the chart categories that
Excel offers. But you have to make sure that your data is appropriate for the chart type you

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CSC408 UiTM Sarawak MS-Excel Manual 2

Step 5 : Move Chart

i. Click the Move Chart icon on the far right of the toolbar.
ii. A dialogue box appears where you can choose where to place your chart. You can either
create a new sheet with this chart (New sheet) or place this chart as an object in another
sheet (Object in). Click the blue OK button.

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CSC408 UiTM Sarawak MS-Excel Manual 2

2. Excel Advance Chart

Let's assume we have the data for the company's net business income in 5 years:

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Go to the «INSERT» tab, which suggests several chart types.

We don't need the straight horizontal (blue) line. Just select and delete it. As we have only
one curve, delete the legend (to the right of the graph) as well. To make the information clearer,
give titles to the markers. Click on the graph to activate the auxiliary panel. Go to the tab
«CHART TOOLS»-«DESIGN»-«Add Chart Element»-«Data Labels» and choose the position
of numbers. In the sample, it is on the right.

Improve the image by giving titles to the axes. Go to «Add Chart Element»-«Axis Titles»-
«Primary Vertical»:

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CSC408 UiTM Sarawak MS-Excel Manual 2

Instead of the sequence number of the reporting year, we need the year itself. Select the
horizontal axis value. Go to «Axis Titles»-«Primary Horizontal».

The heading can be deleted, moved into the graph area or placed above it. You can change
the style, apply a fill color, etc. All the actions are available on the «Chart Title» tab. It's
demonstrated in the image below:

Instead of the sequence number of the reporting year, we need the year itself:

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This can be the graph's final form. Or you can select a fill color, choose a different font,
move the chart to a different sheet («CHART TOOLS»-«DESIGN»-«Move Chart Location»).


1. In sheet 1, create chart for:

I. Customize your charts.

ii. Save the file as CSC408_ Tutorial 4a_StudentID.xls

2. In Sheet 2, create chart for Book Sales:

I. Customize the charts. It must have a title, legend and figures.

II. Save the workbook file as CSC408_ Tutorial 4_StudentID.xls

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