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FUJIFILM Mammography Workstation

Operation Manual
3rd Edition August 2009

ii FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B
This Operation Manual describes how to operate a suite of optional software provided with the
FDR-1000AWS (hereinafter referred to as “AWS”). (Some of the optional software may be
provided as standard.)
For the other functions/operations, see “FDR-1000AWS Operation Manual”.
Before using these optional functions, installation and setting of the respective software need
to be performed by our official dealer.

1 No part or all of this manual may be reproduced in any form without prior permission.
2 The information contained in this manual may be subject to change without prior notice.
3 FUJIFILM Corporation shall not be liable for malfunctions and damages resulting from installation,
relocation, remodeling, maintenance, and repair performed by dealers other than those specified by
FUJIFILM Corporation.
4 FUJIFILM Corporation shall not be liable for malfunctions and damages of FUJIFILM Corporation
products due to products of other manufacturers not supplied by FUJIFILM Corporation.
5 FUJIFILM Corporation shall not be liable for malfunctions and damages resulting from remodeling,
maintenance, and repair using repair parts other than those specified by FUJIFILM Corporation.
6 FUJIFILM Corporation shall not be liable for malfunctions and damages resulting from negligence of the
precautions and operating methods contained in this manual.
7 FUJIFILM Corporation shall not be liable for malfunctions and damages resulting from use under
environment conditions outside the range specified for this product, such as the power supply, installation
environment, etc., as described in this manual.
8 FUJIFILM Corporation shall not be liable for malfunctions and damages resulting from natural disasters,
such as fires, earthquakes, floods, lightning, etc.

Windows is the registered trademark of US Microsoft Corporation in the U. S. A. and other countries.
All other company names and product names described in this manual are the trademarks or registered trademarks
of their respective holders.

Copyright © 2008-2009 FUJIFILM Corporation. All rights reserved.

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

List of Operation Manuals for Optional Software
The following operation manuals for optional software are available for the FDR-1000AWS.

<Optional software for connecting external devices>

• DICOM Modality Worklist Management Software (Specifications for the Network WL)
• DICOM Modality Worklist Management Software (Specifications for Patient Information)
• Performed Procedure Step (PPS) Description Software
• Media Storage Software
• Portable Data for Imaging (PDI) Software
• Network Image Search Software
• Image Browse Software

<Optional software for detailed image processing and image analysis as well as
image processing parameters>
• Detailed QA Software
• Blackening Processing Software
• Retake Analysis Software
• Precise Enlargement Function Software
• Region of Interest (ROI) Measurement Software
• Standard Image Processing Parameters
• MFP Parameters (Multi-Objective Frequency Processing)

Available optional functions and their operation manuals vary depending on the software
installed at the time of setting up the FDR-1000AWS.

iv FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

DICOM Modality Worklist
Management Software
(Specifications for the Network WL)
This chapter describes how to use the DICOM Modality Worklist
Management Software (Specifications for the Network WL) for the

Contents Page
1. Overview················································································· MWM-2
2. Operations·············································································· MWM-2
2.1 Performing Retrieval························································· MWM-2
2.2 Setting Study List···························································· MWM-4

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

1. Overview
The DICOM Modality Worklist Management Software (Specifications for the Network WL)
enables the user to query and retrieve study information with the AWS that is connected online
(DICOM specification interface) to the host units.
Study information can be queried and retrieved only in the “Network WL list” by using the day
accession number and relevant AE title as a matching key automatically. The condition set by
the user (accession number, patient ID, patient name, requested procedure ID, study date,
modality name, or AE title) can also be used as a matching key. (Multiple matching keys can
be used to execute AND query for study information.)

2. Operations
2.1 Performing Retrieval
Display the “Network WL list”. In this list, study information that corresponds to the day
accession number and relevant AE title (the name of the main unit) is retrieved after automatic
query is executed for the host units (RIS terminal unit and others).
Automatic query for the host units is executed periodically under the latest condition
(including those explained below) with the “Network WL list” kept displayed. For details, see
“2.2 Setting Study List”.

MWM-2 FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

: Clears all filtering conditions.
: Queries and retrieves study information by using the matching key set by the user.
: Queries (selects) the specific study information in the list.*1
: Sets the sort order of the list.*2
: Queries and retrieves study information at the timing specified by the user.
: C
 ancels query and retrieval of study information. The time required for a period from
the start of query to the retrieval of information varies depending on the number of target
information to be queried. Select this icon as necessary when query and retrieval take time

DICOM Modality Worklist Management Software (Specifications for the Network WL)
much or for other reason. (During the query and retrieval, only this icon is selectable, while
others are not.)
: Executes the selected study.*3

For *1 through *3, the required operation after selecting the icons is the same as operation
normally performed on the AWS. For this reason, the explanation is omitted in this manual.
For details, see “FDR-1000AWS Operation Manual”.

Select to query and retrieve study information according to the conditions specified by
the user.

The dialog box below is displayed.

Select after inputting a matching key in the “Patient base query folder” or “General
query folder”.

After query (AND query for entry with multiple matching keys) is executed for the host units,
the study information corresponding to that matching key will be retrieved.

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

The wild card “ *” can be used when inputting “Patient’s Name”.
Example : Input “FUJI*” to retrieve the study information for all patients whose family
name is “FUJI”.

• The study information not complying with the specifications of this system cannot be
retrieved even if the information may correspond to its matching key.
• The contents in the “Network WL list” will be updated each time query is executed. For this
reason, it must be noted that remaining study information could be deleted if query is
executed under a new condition while the study information retrieved under a condition set
by the user remains displayed in the “Network WL list”.
• If all the study information cannot be displayed in the “Network WL list” at a time, a scroll bar
is displayed on the right-hand side of the window. You can use this scroll bar to scroll the
information in the list.

2.2 Setting Study List

The “Network WL list” can be customized, as well as other lists. Settings specific to the
“Network WL list” are also available.
Select to display menus, and then select “Study List Setting”.

The dialog box below is displayed.

Select after setting each item.

The “ result” and “Refresh interval” settings in the “Study List folder” can be
To make settings for the display order and for whether or not to display information items,
follow the same procedure as that is applied to the settings for other lists. For details on these
operations, see “FDR-1000AWS Operation Manual”.

MWM-4 FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

The dialog box contains the particular information items for the “Network WL list”, which are
the simplified DICOM standard tag names. The DICOM tag names corresponding to the
displayed items are shown below.

• “Study List folder”

Item DICOM Standard Tag Name
RP ID Requested Procedure ID (0040, 1001)

DICOM Modality Worklist Management Software (Specifications for the Network WL)
RP Description Requested Procedure Description (0032, 1060)
RP Code Requested Procedure Code Sequence (0032, 1064)
RP Scheme Coding Scheme Designator (0008, 0102)
RP Meaning Code Meaning (0008, 0104)
SPS Description Scheduled Procedure Step Description (0040, 0007)
SPS ID Scheduled Procedure Step ID (0040, 0009)

• “Image List folder”

Item DICOM Standard Tag Name
SAI Code Scheduled Action Item Code Sequence (0040, 0008)
SAI Meaning Comments on the Scheduled Procedure Step (0040, 0400)

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

MWM-6 FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B
DICOM Modality Worklist
Management Software
(Specifications for Patient Information)
This chapter describes how to use the DICOM Modality Worklist
Management Software (Specifications for Patient Information) for the

Contents Page
1. Overview················································································· MWMPI-2
2. Operations·············································································· MWMPI-2
2.1 Querying in the “Patient Information Input Window”········· MWMPI-2
2.2 Querying in the “Study Window” and
“Exposure Menu Selection Window”································ MWMPI-4
2.3 Setting for Connection of External Device························ MWMPI-5

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

1. Overview
The DICOM Modality Worklist Management Software (Specifications for Patient Information)
permits query and retrieve of patient information with the AWS that is connected online
(DICOM specification interface) to the host units (RIS terminal unit and others).
To query and retrieve patient information, use a user-defined patient ID or accession number as
a matching key in the “Patient Information Input window”, “Exposure Menu Selection
window”, and “Study window”.

2. Operations
2.1 Querying in the “Patient Information Input Window”
How to query patient information in the “Patient Information Input window” is described

(1) Confirming online mode

When the AWS is in online mode (being connected to the host units), is displayed at the
upper right corner of the “Patient Information Input window”. ( is displayed for offline
The patient information query icon changes to ( for offline mode.). appears on
the right-hand side of the field set as a matching key (“Patient ID” in the following window)
for querying patient information.

To switch between online mode and offline mode alternately or change the matching key type
to be used for query, see “2.3 Setting for Connection of External Device”.

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

(2) Querying and retrieving patient information
Input a patient ID to be used as a matching key.
You can also use a barcode reader (optional) to input a matching key for query.
Select or press the Enter key on the keyboard.
Patient information will be queried for the host units.

DICOM Modality Worklist Management Software (Specifications for Patient Information)

At the completion of query processing, the AWS receives patient information that matches the
input patient ID and displays each item for the corresponding field.

For details on operations (such as selection of exposure menus, study reserve/start) necessary
after patient information has been received, see “FDR-1000AWS Operation Manual”.

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

2.2 Querying in the “Study Window” and “Exposure Menu
Selection Window”
How to query patient information in the “Study window” is described below.
You can also perform the same operation in the “Exposure Menu Selection window”.

(1) Confirming online mode

When the AWS is in online mode (being connected to the host units), the indicator at the upper
left corner of the “Study window” turns green and is displayed at the upper right corner of
the window. ( is displayed for offline mode.)

To switch between online mode and offline mode alternately or change the matching key type
used for query, see “2.3 Setting for Connection of External Device”.

(2) Querying and retrieving patient information

Select to display menus, and then select “Patient's Information”.

The “Patient Information Input box” is displayed.

appears on the right-hand side of the “Patient ID field”. Input a patient ID to be used as a
matching key.
You can also use a barcode reader (optional) to input a matching key for query.

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

Select or press the Enter key on the keyboard.
Patient information will be queried for the host units.
At the completion of query processing, the AWS receives patient information that matches the
input patient ID and displays each item in the corresponding field.

DICOM Modality Worklist Management Software (Specifications for Patient Information)

For details on operations (such as selection of exposure menus, study reserve/start) necessary
after patient information has been received, see “FDR-1000AWS Operation Manual”.

2.3 Setting for Connection of External Device

How to switch between online mode and offline mode alternately and change the matching key
type used for query is described below. Perform operations according to the currently displayed
window to display the “External Device Connection Setting box”.

(1) “Patient Information Input window”

Select to display menus, and then select “External device connection settings”.

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

(2) “Exposure Menu Selection window” and “Study window”
Select to display menus, and then select “External device connection settings”.

The “External Device Connection Setting box” is displayed.

Specify the settings below, and then select .

• Alternately switching between online mode and offline mode

“ON” : Connects the AWS and host units (online mode).
“OFF” : Disconnects the AWS and host units (offline mode).

When the online mode is not available, use the offline mode (standard function) to input
patient's information.

• Changing the matching key type

“Patient ID #” : Sets the matching key type used for query to patient ID.
“Study #” : Sets the matching key type used for query to study number.

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

Performed Procedure
Step (PPS) Description
This chapter describes how to use the Performed Procedure Step
Description (PPS) Software for the AWS.

Contents Page
1. Overview················································································· PPS-2
2. Operations·············································································· PPS-2
2.1 Setting the Common Information about a Study·············· PPS-2
2.2 Setting the Incidental Information about an Image············ PPS-5

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

1. Overview
The PPS Description Software offers the following functions.

1 Sends the technologist information to the RIS as PPS result information.

2 Accurately sends the information about film output count and size to the RIS.

3 Accurately sends the name of an employed contrast medium and the amount of its use to the

2. Operations
How to use the PPS Description function is described below.

2.1 Setting the Common Information about a Study

When you select at the end of a study, a confirmation box is displayed.

To display this confirmation box, setting is required at the time of installation.

Select .
“Cancel” : Cancels operation.

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

For setting the common For setting the incidental
information about a study information about an image

Performed Procedure Step (PPS) Description Software

The “Exposure Result Editing box” above is displayed. Select or enter necessary items in the
box, and then select . The changes are saved and then sent to the RIS.

“Cancel” : C
 ancels operation and closes the box. Information entries will not be sent to the

Use the procedure below to set the common information about a study.

Performed procedure step description

Protocol name

List of requested supplies

Delete button

Add button Change button

Performed procedure : Directly enter a string of up to 64 characters (except “\”) from the
step description keyboard.
Protocol name : D
 irectly enter a string of up to 64 characters (except “\”) from the
List of requested : L
 ists the names and quantities of requested supplies and other
supplies articles. Each article can be selected or deselected by clicking on it.
You cannot directly enter characters from the keyboard. A maximum
of 5 articles can be registered in the list.

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

“Add button” : When you select this button, the “Requested Supplies Setting box”
is displayed.
The articles specified in the box will be registered and displayed at
the end of the list of requested supplies. If the list contains the
maximum number of 5 articles, this button is inoperative.
“Change button” : When you select this button, the “Requested Supplies Setting box”
is displayed.
You can change the articles or their quantities registered in the list of
requested supplies. If the list contains no registered articles, this
button is inoperative.
“Delete button” : Use this button to delete the articles or their quantities that are
selected in the list of requested supplies. If no article is selected in
the list, this button is inoperative.

(1) “Requested Supplies Setting box”

Supply type name

Left button : Displays the previous supply type.

Right button : Sets the next supply type.

Displays the previous or next page of

the list of supplies.

List of supplies

Quantity Setting button

Applies the setting and

closes the box.

Cancels the setting and

closes the box.

Supply type name : Displays the type of supplies.

List of supplies : Displays the supplies belonging to the type displayed in the
“Requested supplies field”. You can select one of the supplies.
If the “Change button” has been selected in the “Exposure Result
Editing box”, the article selected in the list of requested supplies is
“Quantity Setting : Use this button to set the quantity of the selected supplies. You can
button” set an integer value between 0 and 99 by directly entering it from the
keyboard or by using the and buttons.
If the “Change button” has been selected in the “Exposure Result
Editing box”, the quantity of the article selected in the list of
requested supplies is displayed in the “Quantity field”.

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

2.2 Setting the Incidental Information about an Image
Use the procedure below to set the incidental information about an image in the “Exposure
Result Editing box”.

Performed Procedure Step (PPS) Description Software

Information for each: D  isplays the name that was displayed in the “Exposure Menu list” of
image the “Study window”.
With the or button, you can switch to the next or previous menu
within the study.
When you change the menu, all the settings for an image switch to those
for the currently selected menu.
When you conduct the same study for two or more times, you can edit
the image-specific information for the currently executed menu only.
The previously used menus are grayed out so that their image-specific
information cannot be edited.
Distance between : Enter an integer value between 0 and 9999 directly from the keyboard.
X-ray source You can leave this field blank.
Film size : When you select this field, the “Film Size Selection box” is displayed.
You cannot make this entry directly from the keyboard. For details, see
“(3) “Film Size Selection box””. You can leave this field blank.
copies : Y
 ou can set an integer value between 0 and 9 by using the and
buttons. You cannot make this entry directly from the keyboard.
X-ray shot number/ : Indicates the total number of X-ray shots for the currently selected
Total number of menu and the currently selected X-ray shot number.
X-ray shots Example: 2/4: Second X-ray shot out of a total of 4.
With the or button, you can switch to the next or previous X-ray
shot. However, if the total number of X-ray shots is 1, these buttons are
When you change the X-ray shot, all the settings for an X-ray shot
switch to those for the currently selected X-ray shot.
Tube voltage : Enter an integer value from the keyboard. You cannot leave this field blank.
Tube current : Enter an integer value from the keyboard. You cannot leave this field blank.
X-ray exposure time: Enter an integer value from the keyboard. You cannot leave this field blank.

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

X-ray exposure : When you select this field, the “Radiation Mode Selection box” is
mode displayed. You cannot make this entry directly from the keyboard. For
details, see “(1) “Radiation Mode Selection box””. You can leave this
field blank.
Filter type : Directly enter a string of up to 64 characters (except “\”) from the
Filter material : W
 hen you select this field, the “Filter Material Selection box” is
displayed. You cannot make this entry directly from the keyboard. For
details, see “(2) “Filter Material Selection box””. You can leave this
field blank.

(1) “Radiation Mode Selection box”

The setting selected from the “Exposure Result Editing box” is displayed in this box. If no
setting is selected in the “Exposure Result Editing box” , nothing is selected in this box.
When you select either of the two modes, the box closes and your selection takes effect.

“Clear” : Clears the setting and closes the box.

“Cancel” : Cancels operation and closes the box. The setting selected before the change
remains in effect.

(2) “Filter Material Selection box”

The setting selected from the “Exposure Result Editing box” is displayed in this box. If no
setting is selected in the “Exposure Result Editing box”, nothing is selected in this box.
When you select any filter material, the box closes and your selection takes effect.

“Clear” : Clears the setting and closes the box.

“Cancel” : Cancels operation and closes the box. The setting selected before the change
remains in effect.

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

(3) “Film Size Selection box”
When you select any film size, the box closes and your selection takes effect.
Selectable film sizes vary depending on the settings at the time of installation.

Performed Procedure Step (PPS) Description Software

“Cancel” : Cancels operation and closes the box. The setting selected before the change
remains in effect.

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B
Media Storage Software
This chapter describes how to use the Media Storage Software for the

Media storage function and PDI writing function cannot be used simultaneously.

Contents Page
1. Overview··············································································· Media-2
2. Operations············································································ Media-2
2.1 Inserting/Removing a Medium······································· Media-2
2.2 Formatting a Medium····················································· Media-4
2.3 About the “Media List”··················································· Media-8
2.4 List Operation································································ Media-9
2.5 Media Reconstruction···················································· Media-15

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

1. Overview
The Media Storage Software enables the user to store images in DICOM format on removable
media (DVD-RW or USB memory) and to retrieve/deliver the stored images on the AWS.
When a media drive or a USB memory is connected, images are stored on a medium in the
drive at the end of each exposure/QA on a study basis.
The study information stored on the media can be retrieved from the “Media list”. In addition,
images of a study selected in the list can be delivered.

2. Operations
2.1 Inserting/Removing a Medium
<When using a DVD>
Inserting a DVD:
Insert a DVD into the connected DVD drive as directed below.
Press the Eject button of the DVD drive to open it. Then, insert a DVD. Re-press the Eject
button to close the drive.

Eject button

Open the drive to insert

a DVD.

Removing a DVD:
Remove a DVD from the connected DVD drive as directed below.
Before removing the DVD, you must end accessing/handling the media. Select in the
“Media list” and then “Handling end”.
Press the Eject button of the DVD drive to open the drive. Remove then the DVD. Re-press the
Eject button to close the drive.

It may take some time until you can remove the DVD after selecting “Handling end”. When
removing the DVD, do not press the Eject button until the DVD is automatically ejected after the
writing process or until a process completion message is displayed indicating that you can
remove the DVD.
Whether the writing in the media is completed or not can be checked on the “Queue list”.

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

<When using a USB memory>
Inserting a USB memory:
Insert a USB memory into the USB port of the personal computer.
Removing a USB memory:
Remove a USB memory from the USB port as directed below.
Before removing the USB memory, you must end accessing/handling the media. Select
in the “Media list” and then “Handling end”.

Media Storage Software

Click “Safely Remove Hardware” on the taskbar on the Windows screen, and then click the
displayed message. In the displayed dialog box, be sure to select the correct USB memory that
you wish to stop, and then click “Stop”.
When the message “This device can now be safely removed from the computer” appears, click
“OK” and then remove the USB memory.

• When using the USB memory, be careful not to lose it by mistake.
• The USB memory to be used for the Media Storage Software should not be used for other
• It may take some time until you can remove the USB memory after selecting “Handling end”.
Before removing the USB memory, make sure that the writing in the USB memory is
completed, that a process completion message is displayed, and that the USB memory
access lamp is not flashing.
Whether the writing in the USB memory is completed or not can be checked on the “Queue

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

2.2 Formatting a Medium
Use the procedure below to start format software and format removable media (DVD-RW or
USB memory).

<When using a DVD>

• Only DVD-RW discs can be used.
• Unformatted DVD-RW discs cannot be used.
• Format a new DVD-RW disc before using it.
• Information contained in the DVD will be fully deleted when it is formatted.
Information once deleted can never be restored after formatting the DVD.
Prior to formatting, make sure that there will be no problem even if the information in the disc
is deleted.

(1) Press the Windows key on the keyboard, and select “Computer” from the
displayed “Start menu”.

The “Computer window” is displayed.

(2) Right-click “DVD RW Drive”, and select “Format” from the displayed menu.

The “Format box” is displayed.

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

(3) Make settings in “Volume label” and ”Format options”, and then select “Start”.

Media Storage Software

Volume label : Enter a desired volume name.
Format options : Select “Quick Format” to format the DVD-RW disc.

The following warning is displayed.

(4) To continue formatting, select “OK”.

If “Cancel” is selected, the DVD-RW disc will not be formatted.

The following message is displayed.

(5) To continue formatting, select “Yes”.

(6) The “Format box” is displayed again. Select “Start”.

The formatting starts.

Depending on the media type, the formatting time varies.

(7) When the formatting is completed, “DVD RW Drive” is displayed. Select

“Cancel” to close the dialog box.

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

<When using a USB memory>
• Before formatting the USB memory, make sure that it is not write-protected.
• Information contained in the USB memory will be fully deleted when it is formatted.
Information once deleted can never be restored after formatting the USB memory.
Prior to formatting, make sure that there will be no problem even if the information in the USB
memory is deleted.

(1) Press the Windows key on the keyboard, and select “Computer” from the
displayed “Start menu”.

The “Computer window” is displayed.

(2) Right-click “USB Drive”, and select “Format” from the displayed menu.

The “Format box” is displayed.

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

(3) Make settings in “Volume label” and ”Format options”, and then select “Start”.

Media Storage Software

Volume label : Enter a desired volume name.
Format options : Select “Quick Format” to format the USB memory.

The following warning is displayed.

(4) To continue formatting, select “OK”.

The formatting starts.

• If “Cancel” is selected, the USB memory will not be formatted.
• Depending on the USB memory type, the formatting time varies.

(5) When the formatting is completed, the following message is displayed. Select

(6) The “Format box” is displayed. Select “Close” to close the box.

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

2.3 About the “Media List”
The “Media list” shows a listing of study information stored on a medium.
Immediately after a medium has been inserted, no information on the medium is displayed.
Select and then “Handling start” .
The study information stored on the medium will then be listed in the window.

: Updates the displayed list.

: Performs media access control.
: Selects all study information.
: Specifies a delivery code.
: Performs image delivery.
: Retrieves information of a study from the medium and displays the “Image Edit

The “Study List Setting” option allows you to customize the list (that is, to make settings
concerning the display of items of information). To customize the list, select to
display the menu and then “Study List Setting”

If all the study information cannot be displayed in the “Network WL list” at a time, a scroll bar is
displayed on the right-hand side of the window. You can use this scroll bar to scroll the
information in the list.

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

2.4 List Operation
(1) Media control
In the “Media List window”, this feature allows you to start/end a media access session.
Selecting displays three different icons.
Select one of the icons as necessary.

Media Storage Software

Handling start : Initiates a session to access the media on the media drive. Select this button
every time a medium is inserted into the media drive. When access to the
media has started, study information stored on the media is displayed in a
Select as the dialog box below is displayed. When a formatted
medium is accessed for the first time, edit the “Volume label name” as
required and then select .

: Cancels the operation.

If a message saying “Failed in media mounting process” appears, the media cannot be
accessed. Reconstruct a medium using the User Utility, and select “Handling start” again.

Do not press the Eject button of the DVD drive when a DVD is in use or during the media
mounting process. Also, do not remove the USB memory when in use.

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

Handling end : Ends a session of accessing the media. Until access is started again, no
access can be made to the media and no information is therefore displayed
in the list. Other than when this button is used, access to the media is
terminated also at the time of the shutdown of the AWS.
After a media access session has ended with this operation, the media can be
Cancel : Cancels the operation.

(2) Delivery from the “QA” list

This feature allows you to deliver images of the studies displayed in the “Media list”.
For details on the delivery destination, see the next page.
After selecting a study in the list, press . (In the list, selecting a study while holding the
Shift key down allows you to specify a range of multiple contiguous studies.
Selecting studies of interest one by one while holding the Ctrl key down allows you to specify
any combination of multiple studies.)
You can also select and then to deliver the images of all studies in the list at a

When delivering images of two or more studies, a dialog box appears to show the user the
progress of the delivery underway.

: Cancels the image delivery. However, if a study image delivery has already started,
the delivery processing cannot be canceled. Any studies for which image deliveries are
not yet performed will remain selected.

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

<About image delivery destination>
Output to printing and filing devices is done for the destination device being selected in the
User Utility. For details on how to select a destination device, see “FDR-1000AWS Operation
In addition, you can specify a selective delivery code (a code number for specifying a particular
destination) when performing delivery. Selecting displays a setting dialog box (with the
delivery code specified last time already being selected).
Specify a delivery code, and then select .

Media Storage Software

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

(3) Study result retrieval
You can retrieve study information stored on media and edit its image(s). After making
modification to image information, if you want to reflect the modification to the study
information stored on a medium, deliver the image again from the “Image Edit window” to the
Select a study (studies) in the “Media list” and then .
(In the list, selecting a study while holding the Shift key down allows you to specify a range of
multiple contiguous studies. Selecting studies of interest one by one while holding the Ctrl key
down allows you to specify any combination of multiple studies.)

When a single study is selected:

When a study is retrieved, the “Image Edit window” for the study appears.

When multiple studies are selected:

A dialog box appears indicating the progress of study retrieval. The studies which have already
been retrieved are displayed in the “QA list”.

: Cancels the study retrieval. However, those studies which have already been retrieved
are displayed in the “QA list”. Any studies not retrieved yet will remain selected in the
“Media list”.

The study information stored by using this Media Storage Software can only be read on the

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

To perform image editing, select a study in the “QA list” and then . The “Image Edit
window” for the selected study appears.
(In the list, selecting a study while holding the Shift key down allows you to specify a range of
multiple contiguous studies. Selecting studies of interest one by one while holding the Ctrl key
down allows you to specify any combination of multiple studies.)

Media Storage Software

The operation required to be performed in the “Image Edit window” remains the same as before.
However, replacing images in the “List folder” is no longer possible. In addition, trimming
adjustments can be made only to those images that have been stored at high-density resolution.
For details on how to operate in the “Image Edit window”, see “FDR-1000AWS Operation
Note that images of a study retrieved from a medium cannot be transferred to another study/series.

When outputting image information to a medium, set the delivery destination to the medium in the
“Image Edit window”, and then execute delivery.

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

(4) Media state check
This feature enables you to check the state of and remaining space available on a medium.
Display the “Queue list”.
Selecting displays five different icons ( / / / / ).
Select among them.

The state of and remaining space available on a medium will be displayed in the window

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

2.5 Media Reconstruction
This feature reconstructs a medium.
Perform a media reconstruction if a message saying “Failed in media mounting process”
appears when you are attempting to start access to a medium.
After starting the User Utility, select “Media storage”.

Media Storage Software

The “Media storage dialog box” is displayed.
Select “Media reconstruction”.

If media reconstruction is possible, the confirmation box below is displayed.

Select .

: Cancels the operation.

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

When a reconstruction process has started, a dialog box appears indicating the progress.

: Cancels the reconstruction process.

• Depending on the number of images stored on the medium, the reconstruction process may
take several tens of minutes.
• For an unformatted blank medium, a message saying “The file cannot be handled because
itis unformatted or illegally formatted.” appears.
In such an instance, check the medium and format it accordingly.

The “Media storage dialog box” is displayed.

Select .

If the following error message is displayed during USB memory reconstruction, the USB
memory may be write-protected. After confirming that the USB memory is not write-protected,
perform reconstruction again. If the same message appears even after retry, contact our official

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

Portable Data for
Imaging (PDI) Software
This chapter describes how to use the PDI (Portable Data for Imaging)
Software for the AWS.

PDI writing function and media storage function cannot be used simultaneously.

Contents Page
Precautions················································································· PDI-2
1. Overview················································································· PDI-3
2. Operations·············································································· PDI-3
2.1 Selecting Image-Related Information to be Written
in PDI Format··································································· PDI-3
2.2 Executing the PDI Wizard················································ PDI-4

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

When using the PDI Writing Software, make sure of the following conditions to operate the
software correctly.

About PDI writing

PDI writing can be operated by using the following hardware:

• Internal CD-R writable drive

Supported media

Image-related information can be written in PDI format on the media satisfying the following
• Writable CD-R
• Unformatted CD-R or unused and formatted CD-R
• CD-R with data capacity of 640MB or 700MB

Cautions in using the PDI Viewer

Images written to a CD-R by the PDI processing can be displayed on the PDI Viewer.
Maximum numbers of images that can be displayed on the PDI Viewer are as follows:
• 18cm × 24cm-size SH (20 lines/mm) film: Maximum of 4 images per study

• Only one PDI can be created at one operation.
• If the image data to be written exceed the capacity of a single medium, the PDI processing
cannot be performed. In such a case, the AWS displays a message prompting to reduce the
amount of data and retry writing.

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

1. Overview
PDI Writing Software is designed to write image-related information of the AWS in PDI
format conforming to the Portable Data for Imaging (PDI) Integration Profile of IHE.
After this software is installed, is added in the “Delivered List window” and the selected
image-related information can be written on CD-R in PDI format.

Portable Data for Imaging (PDI) Software

2. Operations
2.1 Selecting Image-Related Information to be Written in PDI Format
Select the “Delivered tab” to display the “Delivered List window”.

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

After selecting the image-related information to be written on CD-R, select to display
the “PDI Wizard”.

By selecting , you can cancel your selection.

Image-related information not only on a particular patient but also on multiple patients can be
selected. By holding down the Shift or Ctrl key during the selection, you can select multiple
image-related information.

2.2 Executing the PDI Wizard

In the “PDI Wizard”, you can perform writing of the image-related information in PDI format
on CD-R.

When the “PDI Wizard” is displayed, the “Delivered List window” cannot be operated.

(1) Confirming the patient information

Select to display the “Patient List window”.

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

The following items are displayed in the “Patient List window”:
Patient’s Name : If a patient name has been input when inputting the patient
information, the name is displayed here. If not, this field is
Study Date/Study Time : Date and time set for the study.
Modality : Type of modality set for the study.
Confirm the patient information in the “Patient List window” and select .
([Cancel] → Cancels operation.)

Portable Data for Imaging (PDI) Software

A confirmation message is displayed. Select to close the “PDI Wizard” and return to the
“Delivered List window”.

• It is not possible to write rejected images. If the image-related information including rejected
images only is selected on the “Delivered List window”, such information will not be displayed
in the “Patient List window”.
• When selecting the multiple patients’ image-related information, “Multiple patients are being
selected.” appears. There will be no problem in writing the information, however, confirm the
patient’s name in the “Patient List window”.

(2) Confirming the preparation status for writing

The “Preparation for Writing window” is displayed to confirm the preparation status for
writing of the image-related information.

([Cancel] → Cancels operation.)

A confirmation message is displayed. Select to close the “PDI Wizard” and return to the
“Delivered List window”.

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

(3) Starting the writing process
Upon completion of preparation of writing, the “Writing Start window” is displayed and the
writing of image-related information is enabled. Insert a CD-R for writing the image-related
information into the personal computer drive, and then select .

([Cancel] → Cancels operation.)

A confirmation message is displayed. Select to close the “PDI Wizard” and return to the
“Delivered List window”.

Use the media satisfying all the conditions below:
• Writable CD-R
• Unformatted CD-R or unused and formatted CD-R
• CD-R with data capacity of 640MB or 700MB
• CD-R set into the personal computer drive correctly
If the above conditions are not satisfied, a message dialog box is displayed.
Select to return to the “Writing Start window”. Use media satisfying the above
conditions to start the writing procedure over.

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

(4) Confirming the writing process
Upon the start of writing, the “Processing Writing window” is displayed and you can confirm
the writing status of the image-related information.

Portable Data for Imaging (PDI) Software

• Do not press the Eject button of the personal computer drive or operate other programs
during writing. These operations may prevent correct writing.
• The cancellation of writing is not possible in the “Processing Writing window”.
• If an error occurs and writing cannot be continued, a message dialog box is displayed. Select
to close the “PDI Wizard” and return to the “Delivered List window”, and then start the
writing procedure over.

(5) Completing the writing process

Upon the completion of writing of image-related information, a message dialog box is
displayed. After removing the CD-R from the personal computer drive, select . The “PDI
Wizard” closes and PDI writing process is completed.

Do not display the written image-related information on the AWS.

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B
Network Image Search
This chapter describes how to use the Network Image Search Software
for the AWS.

Contents Page
1. Overview················································································· Q/R-2
2. Operations·············································································· Q/R-3
2.1 Starting and Exiting the Network Image Search Software····· Q/R-3
2.2 Using the Network Image Search Software······················ Q/R-4
2.3 Outputting the Searched Images····································· Q/R-8

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

1. Overview
The Network Image Search Software enables the user to search and display images from
storage devices or workstations connected to the AWS using any item as a key element and
then to print out those images on film.

A storage device to be selected immediately after startup of this software can be determined in
the User Utility.
Select “Property Setting” in User Utility and then “Other setting”. After the Network Image
Search Software has been started, use “Setting the Target Destination for Query of Study
Information” to select a storage device and then select “OK”.

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

2. Operations
How to search and display images and then to print them on film is described below.

2.1 Starting and Exiting the Network Image Search Software

(1) Starting the Network Image Search Software

Network Image Search Software

Select “All” and then .

The “Search window” is displayed.

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

(2) Exiting the Network Image Search Software
Select in the “Search window”.
Close the “Search window” to return to the window for the AWS.

2.2 Using the Network Image Search Software

When using this software, input search conditions in the “Search window” to find studies that
match them. The hit results will then be listed accordingly.

(1) Selecting a storage device targeted for searching

Select .

A window is displayed where you select a storage device to be searched.

When “Setting the Target Destination for Query of Study Information” has been determined in
the User Utility, the search target determined in the User Utility will be displayed as a storage
device to be selected immediately after startup of this software.

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

Network Image Search Software
Select a device to be searched for from the pull-down menu and then select .
To cancel the selection to return to the “Search window”, select .

(2) Inputting search conditions

Based on the following items used as key elements, you can search for and list study
information and images stored in a storage device.
Patient ID : Input any patient ID. Study information items hit as a result of searching
will then be displayed in a list.
Note that “@” and “ ‘ ” (single quotation mark) are not allowed to use.
Patient Name : Input any patient name. Study information items hit as a result of searching
will then be displayed in a list.
Note that “@” and “ ‘ ” (single quotation mark) are not allowed to use.
To facilitate searching of necessary study information, spaces can be used
to divide a patient name into surname, given name and middle name.
For example, when a study is stored in a storage device, with “Fuji” and
“Tarou” for the surname and given name, respectively, you can search for
necessary study information easily by inputting “Fuji[]Tarou”([] represents
a space).
Study Date : Input any date before and after “/”. Input start date of a specified period in
the input box before “/” and last date of the same period in the input box
after “/”. Study information items for the specified period, hit as a result of
searching, will then be displayed in a list form.
The start or last date of the specified period can be omitted as necessary.
For example, when no date was input after “/” though “2008.10.01” was
input before “/”, you can search for all studies from October 1, 2008 to the
date on which the study is actually performed.
Accession No. : Input any study number. Study information items hit as a result of
searching will then be displayed in a list.
Note that “@” and “ ‘ ” (single quotation mark) are not allowed to use.
Modality Name : Select “MG” for the modality name. You can then display study
information items hit as a result of searching in a list.

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

• Fuzzy search (wildcard search)
Fuzzy search (wildcard search) is possible by specifying “*” and “?” for conditions used to
search patient IDs, patient names and study numbers. “*” searches for any character string of
more than 0 digit and “?” for any one character.
For example, if you wish to perform overall search of study information that includes patient
IDs whose first five characters starting with “2008f” (such as “2008f101”, “2008fabc”,
“2008f7”, and others), input “2008f*” for the patient ID.
Moreover, when you are searching for study information that includes patient IDs consisting,
for instance, of six characters and whose first five characters starting with “2008f” (such as
“2008f7”, “2008Fa”), input “2008f?” for the patient ID.

Useful tip for quick search

When the key character string for study information to be searched for is not clearly
determined or for a search with a patient name used for the key element, fuzzy search will
facilitate you to find desired studies easily.
Desired studies can be queried efficiently if fuzzy search is used to locate much more
information so that such target studies are found based on the search result list.

• Search using combined search conditions

Multiple items can be used as search conditions.
For example, if you wish to search for the information on all the studies performed on October 1,
2008, input “2008.10.01” before and after “/” of the Study Date.
In addition, if you wish to search for study information on a patient with the patient ID of
“2008f11001” from among studies performed between October 1 and October 4, 2008, input
“2008f11001” in the input box of the “Study ID” and “2008.10.01” in the input box before “/”
of the Study Date and “2008.10.04” in the input box after it.

It is not allowed to use the information input from a BCR (barcode reader) or MCR (magnetic
card reader), instead of using information input on the keyboard.

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

(3) Deleting search conditions
Selecting will delete all search conditions, enabling you to re-input new search

(4) Starting search processing

Input search conditions and then select .

Network Image Search Software

A message saying that “Study Information Search is in Process. Wait for a While.” will appear.
A list of search results will be displayed.

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

2.3 Outputting the Searched Images
You can select any studies from the list of search results to verify images.
Moreover, it is possible to distribute images to specified devices to output them on film.

(1) Selecting any studies from search results to verifying the images
From the list of search results, select studies you wish to verify the images and select .
If all search results cannot be displayed in the window at a time, select or to scroll up/
down the list.

When the message window below is displayed, select .

A study image selected from the list of search results will be displayed in the window where
images are to be verified.

Using a selected item name as a key element, it is possible to relocate listed items of search
results in ascending or descending order. Note, however, that searching or narrowing or
relocating by the following methods, which can be performed in other lists, are not possible.

• Sorting using a dialog box that determines the sort order.

• Searching by narrowing down the listed information items.
• Alternately changing between showing and hiding the displayed items, as well as changing
the display order.

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

• When a standard image, converted from a high-density image and filed (stored) in a storage
device or the like, is printed after it has been read on the AWS, there are cases where the
margins of the image appear white (or black).
• When a stitched life-size image, resulting from a long-view exposure, is printed from an
image storage (filing) device after it has been read on the AWS density of the areas where
images are stitched with each other can be different from that of the original image (before
• If search results include images output via other companies’ terminals, those images cannot
be acquired or displayed. This is because such image sizes are not supported. In such cases,

Network Image Search Software

the following message is displayed:
“The study you wish to acquire does not include information necessary for you to verify
images. Processing to acquire the study cannot be continued.”
• Search results may include images that cannot be acquired or displayed, as such images are
unavailable because their predetermined specifications are not supported.
An attempt to acquire or display such image will cause the following message to appear:
“Study acquisition processing has failed. Images that are unable to be displayed may exist
within the study.”

In this window, you can specify destination for image output, film format and the number of
output films. You can also reserve/cancel image distribution and specify urgent image output

• Do not delete the exposure menu, whose image has already transmitted (delivered) for
storage, on a terminal where you are now acquiring images.
• If the acquired study images do not include exposure menu information, the default exposure
menu determined by the system will be used. In such a case, “UNKNOWN” will be displayed
as the menu name, as different image processing conditions apply from when it is stored on
the server.

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

(2) Selecting destination for image output
Select a destination for image distribution (output) from the pull-down menu below that
displays a thumbnail image.

To change the number of output films, use and buttons on the right side of the
destination for image distribution.
As the default, it has been set to one.

(3) Setting the film format

Select .

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

A window where a film format is to be set up is displayed.
Specify images consecutively following a format to be selected and then select the film format.
Make sure that a desired film format has been set up accordingly and select .

Network Image Search Software

(4) Reserving distribution of images
Select .
appears in the list of thumbnail images, indicating that image distribution is reserved. For
example, if one of the two images specified for “2on1” film format is reserved for image
distribution, the other image specified for the same film format will also be reserved for image
distribution automatically.

Selecting , cancels reserved image distribution. If reserved image distribution is canceled

for one image, the other image that has been reserved for the same film format will also be
canceled automatically.

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

(5) Distributing images
You can distribute images to the specified destination for distribution (output).
Select .
If you wish to apply urgent image output processing, select .

The following message is displayed.

Select .

To cancel specified image distribution (output), select .

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

(6) Returning to the “Search window”
Close the window where images are verified to return to the “Search window”.
Select .

Network Image Search Software

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B
Image Browse Software
This chapter describes how to use the Image Browse Software for the

Contents Page
1. Overview················································································· Browse-2
2. Operations·············································································· Browse-2
2.1 Displaying Browse Images··············································· Browse-2
2.2 Operating Browse Images··············································· Browse-3

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

1. Overview
When the SYNAPSE is connected on the network, the Image Browse Software allows images
stored in the SYNAPSE to be displayed or operated on the AWS.
To use the Image Browse Software, you are required to have a SYNAPSE Viewer license.

2. Operations
2.1 Displaying Browse Images
Select .
is the exposure parameter shortcut button. The exposure parameter shortcut button display
configuration can be set up using User Utility functions.
See “FDR-1000AWS Operation Manual”.

The “Enter Network Password dialog box” appears.

Enter “User Name” and “Password” and then select “OK”.

Depending on the configuration, the “Enter Network Password dialog box” does not appear.
In such cases, you can go straight to the next operation step.

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

The “Image browse box” is displayed. The hit results obtained by searching through the
SYNAPSE with the use of the patient ID of the current study as a keyword will be listed
Select an image you want to browse from the list.
The selected image is displayed.

Image Browse Software

To close the “Image browse box”, select .

2.2 Operating Browse Images

Use the mouse to right-click a position on the image. A pull-down menu will be displayed.
Perform necessary operations accordingly. For details of the operation, See “SYNAPSE
Medical Image Workstation Model FS-V673 Operation Manual”.

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B
Detailed QA Software
This chapter describes how to use the Detailed QA Software for the

Contents Page
1. Overview················································································· QA-2
2. Operations·············································································· QA-2
2.1 Image Processing Method··············································· QA-2
2.2 Characteristics of Image Processing Parameters············· QA-4

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

1. Overview
The Detailed QA Software enables the user to perform processing such as GP (Gradation
Processing), RP (Spatial Frequency Processing), DRC (Dynamic Range Control Processing),
and MFP (Multi-objective Frequency Processing) for the images read on the AWS.
Each processing is performed in the “Image Edit window” of the AWS.

2. Operations
How to perform image processing for images read on the AWS is described below.

2.1 Image Processing Method

(1) Switching image processing mode

Display the “Image Edit window” (for each image/study), and then select in the palette.

The processing mode will then change to display the “Detailed Image Processing Parameter Change

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

(2) Selecting image processing type
Select the desired image processing folder.
When performing “DRC”, select “DRC button” on the “GP/RP/DRC folder”.
For details on precautions to be observed when performing simultaneous processing, see “2.2
Characteristics of Image Processing Parameters”.

Detailed QA Software
(3) Performing image processing
Select / to change values, and then select . The result of the image processing
performed will be reflected on the displayed image.

For details on image processing parameters, see “2.2 Characteristics of Image Processing

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

(4) Completing image processing
Select to determine the image processing, or select to cancel it. Note, however,

that if has already been selected, image processing items performed before the selection
cannot be canceled.

The image processing mode will return to the previous mode.

2.2 Characteristics of Image Processing Parameters

The tables on the next page explain the characteristics of the image processing parameters for
GP (Gradation Processing), RP (Spatial Frequency Processing), DRC (Dynamic Range Control
Processing), and MFP (Multi-objective Frequency Processing).

Image processing is performed as shown in the figure below. Accordingly, simultaneous

processing cannot be performed depending on the combination of image processing types.
When performing simultaneous processing, select the types of image processing taking this
processing flow into account.



:Exclusive control

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

(1) GP (Gradation Processing) parameter

Parameter Characteristic Input Range

GA Inclination of the gradation curve. –4.0 to –0.1
This parameter adjusts the contrast of images. 0.1 to 4.0 (the first decimal place
excluding 0.0)
GT Shape of the gradation curve. A to Z (26 types)
The same effect as changing γ curve of various
X-ray films can be attained.

Detailed QA Software
GC Central density of inclination of the gradation curve. 0.30 to 2.64 (the second decimal
“GA” changes centering on the density determined place)
GS Amount of parallel translation of the gradation curve. –1.44 to 1.44 (the second decimal
The display density of the entire image can be place)

(2) RP (Spatial Frequency Processing) parameter

Parameter Characteristic Input Range

RN Enhanced frequency band in frequency processing. 0 to 9 (10 types)
The frequency band determined here becomes
subject to enhancement processing.
RT Shape of enhancement curve according to the density F, P to Z (12 types)
of images.
By changing this parameter, the level of enhancement
in the specific density area can be adjusted.
RE Level of enhancement of frequency processing. 0.0 to 9.9 (the first decimal place)
The strength of processing changes according to the 10 to 16 (no decimal place)

(3) DRC (Dynamic Range Control Processing) parameter

Parameter Characteristic Input Range

DRN Mask size of dynamic range control. 0 to 9 (10 sizes)
This parameter sets the area subject to processing
along with “DRT”.
DRT Type of dynamic range control filter. A to T (20 types)
This parameter sets the density area subject to
DRE Level of enhancement of dynamic range control 0.0 to 2.0 (the first decimal place)
filter processing.
The strength of processing changes according to the
* Invalid for subtraction images.

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

(4) MFP (Multi-objective Frequency Processing) parameter

Parameter Characteristic Input Range

MRB Enhanced frequency band in frequency processing. A to Z (26 types)
The frequency band determined here becomes subject
to enhancement processing.
MRT Shape of enhancement curve according to the density A to Z (26 types)
of images.
By changing this parameter, the level of enhancement
in the specific density area can be adjusted.
MRE Level of enhancement of frequency processing. 0.0 to 9.9 (the first decimal place)
The strength of processing changes according to the 10 to 16 (no decimal place)
MDB Frequency type of dynamic range control. A to Z (26 types)
This parameter sets the area subject to processing along
with “MDT”.
MDT Type of dynamic range control filter. A to Z (26 types)
This parameter sets the density area subject to
MDE Level of enhancement of dynamic range control filter 0.0 to 2.0 (the first decimal place)
The strength of processing changes according to the

* GP-related parameters (GA, GT, GC, and GS) in GP/MFP are gradation processing parameters for MFP.
For details on these parameters, see “(1) GP (Gradation Processing) parameter”.

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

Blackening Processing
This chapter describes how to use the Blackening Processing Software
for the AWS.

Contents Page
1. Overview················································································· Black-2
2. Operations·············································································· Black-2
2.1 Automatic Blackening Processing···································· Black-2
2.2 Manual Blackening Processing········································ Black-9

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

1. Overview
Blackening Processing Software is used to blacken the region out of irradiated field
(unnecessary white region) on an image with arbitrary density. There are two processing
methods: “Automatic Blackening Processing” and “Manual Blackening Processing”.
Automatic Blackening Processing automatically detects and blackens regions outside the
irradiated field on exposed images, requiring no user operations for this purpose. Parameters
necessary for performing Automatic Blackening Processing can be updated as required in the
User Utility.
When images are subjected to verification in the “QA window”, Manual Blackening
Processing detects/blackens regions outside the irradiated field by user operations for any
image you wish.
Manual Blackening Processing can be applied to an image displayed for verification purposes.
In addition, it is possible with this processing method to reprocess (correct/redo) an image that
has been subjected to Automatic Blackening Processing.
Automatic Blackening Processing and Manual Blackening Processing can be used either
individually or simultaneously. Select a proper processing method according to what the target
image requires.

2. Operations
How to operate Automatic Blackening Processing and Manual Blackening Processing is
described below.

2.1 Automatic Blackening Processing

This processing method automatically detects and blackens the region out of irradiated field of
exposed images.
The parameters for the Automatic Blackening Processing can be updated using the User
Utility. Perform the following operation if necessary.
For notes on performing exposures, see “(5) Notes for performing exposures” in “2.1.1
Updating the Parameters by Exposure Menu”.
Caution to be observed when using Automatic Blackening Processing :
Since this processing method uses the pattern recognition technology, it is possible
that an effective image is painted out, depending on whether it is recognized
successfully or not.
For this reason, make sure when you use this processing that an effective image area
is not painted out on the AWS. Use Manual Blackening Processing as necessary to
correct or redo the image.
• When an effective image area has been painted out
Clear the blackened area, and then re-input an area to be painted.
• When an effective image area has not been painted out completely with a certain
area remaining unpainted
Clear the blackened area, and then re-input an area to be painted or re-input an
area to be painted black additionally without clearing it off once.

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

2.1.1 Updating the Parameters by Exposure Menu
Explained below is how to update the Automatic Blackening Processing parameters for each
exposure menu.
Automatically Blackening Processing is set to be performed by default for many exposure
menus. Check the setting for each exposure menu in the User Utility. For the menus for which
Automatically Blackening Processing is not set by default, change the setting if necessary.

Blackening Processing Software

(1) Starting up “Menu Setting” in the User Utility
Start up the User Utility, and then select “Menu Setting”.

(2) Selecting a processing method by selecting an exposure menu

The “Menu Setting window” is displayed.
Select the desired exposure menu from the list, and then select “Edit”.

This section explains how to update the parameters for the existing exposure menus. When
creating a new exposure menu (by selecting “New”), the following operation can be performed
as well as for the existing exposure menus.

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

(3) Setting the parameters
The “Exposure Menu Setting window” is displayed. Set the parameters in the “Blackening
(Shadow Masking) Processing field” of the “Exposure parameter 3 folder”.

No/Yes : S
 elect “No” if you do not perform Automatic Blackening Processing. Select “Yes” to
perform it.
Paint Density : S
 et the paint density for Automatic Blackening Processing. The density can be set in the
range of 0% (lightest) to 100% (darkest). The density set here will be reflected to Manual
Blackening Processing.
Margin to be : Select an object paint width for the Automatic Blackening Processing recognition result.
painted Default value : 0 mm.
Setting range : -20 mm to +20 mm (variable in 1 mm increments).

After setting the above parameters, select “OK”.

(“Cancel” Cancels operation.)

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

(4) Completing the update
The “Menu Setting window” is redisplayed.
To update the parameters for another exposure menu, repeat the operation from “(2) Selecting
a processing method by selecting an exposure menu”.
To complete the update of the parameters, select “OK” and then end the User Utility.

Blackening Processing Software

(5) Notes for performing exposures
Be cautious for the following points when performing exposures for the target images subject
to Automatic Blackening Processing:

General notes
• When performing exposures, refer to the notes described in this section.

Notes on the irradiated field

• Collimation applies only to rectangles. For this reason, do not set collimation to irradiated
field other than rectangles, such as circle, ellipse, semi-circle, and polygon.

(Good) (Not good) (Not good)

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

• A lead character or marker should be located within the irradiated field. If a lead character or
marker is outside the irradiated field, it will be painted out by this processing or will not be
recognized properly or will be recognized incorrectly.

R Automatic Blackening

R Automatic Blackening R

Other notes
In the cases below, an image area may not be painted out as it is not recognized correctly or is
recognized incorrectly by Automatic Blackening Processing. If this happens, devise a proper
exposure method as necessary, or correct or redo the image using Manual Blackening

• Do not set the side of the irradiated field too short, otherwise it is highly probable that the
excessively short side may not be recognized properly and remain unpainted.
White portions marked with arrows in the illustration below represent those that were
recognized erroneously or those that might not be recognized properly and remain unpainted.

Automatic Blackening

Automatic Blackening

• Position the side of the irradiated field so that it does not overlap with an artificial object,
such as a protector, or any thick subject. It is highly possible that the side of the irradiated
field that appears unclear, as it overlaps with an artificial object, such as a protector, or any
thick subject, will not be recognized and remain unpainted.
The white portion marked with an arrow in the illustration below represents a portion that
might not be recognized and remain unpainted.

Automatic Blackening

Automatic Blackening

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

Depending on whether Blackening Processing was applied or not, image processing, such as
DR compression, performed around the irradiated field will result in different outputs. Use
Manual Blackening Processing as necessary to change the frame to be painted out slightly
larger than the irradiated field.

• When no Blackening Processing was applied

Blackening Processing Software

Image Processing

• When Blackening Processing was applied

Image Processing

2.1.2 Updating the Parameters for All Exposure Menus

Explained below is how to update the Automatic Blackening Processing parameters for all
exposure menus at once. This function is only for super users, and general users cannot operate it.

After performing this operation, the “Paint Density” and “Margin to be painted” settings are
changed for all exposure menus. Be cautious when using this function, as Blackening
Processing may consequently become disabled. Contact our official dealer beforehand.

(1) Selecting “Parameter Batch Updating” in the User Utility

Start up the User Utility for super users, and then select “Parameter Batch Updating”.

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

(2) Selecting the parameter
The “Parameter Batch Updating window” is displayed.
Select the checkbox of the “Blackening (Shadow Masking) Processing field”.

(3) Executing the update

Set the parameters.
For details on parameters, see “(3) Setting the parameters” in “2.1.1 Updating the Parameters
by Exposure Menu”.
After setting the parameters, select “Execute”.

(“Cancel” Cancels operation.)

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

2.2 Manual Blackening Processing
This processing method differentiates and blackens the region out of irradiated field on a
specific image through operation by users. It is also possible to reprocess (correct or redo) the
image to which Automatic Blackening Processing has been performed.

2.2.1 Displaying Window and Switching Processing Mode

Select the target image to be processed. The “Image Edit window” (for each image/study) is

Blackening Processing Software


897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

Select . The processing mode is switched, and the objects for Blackening Processing are

Status display field

: Sets a polygon region. (See “(2) Polygon region” in “2.2.2 Setting a Region”.)

: Sets a rectangle region. (See “(3) Rectangle region” in “2.2.2 Setting a Region”.)
: D
 eletes an input point of a polygon or rectangle region. (See “(2) Polygon region” or “(3)
Rectangle region” in “2.2.2 Setting a Region”.)
: D
 eletes all input points of a polygon or rectangle region. (See “(2) Polygon region” or “(3)
Rectangle region” in “2.2.2 Setting a Region”.)
: C
 lears the blackened region. (See “- Clearing the blackened region -” in “2.2.3 Displaying the
Preview of Blackening Processing”.)
: Inverts the blackened region. (See “2.2.3 Displaying the Preview of Blackening Processing”.)
: D
 isplays the preview of blackening processing. (See “2.2.3 Displaying the Preview of Blackening
: Reduces the image region. (See “(1) Reducing an image” in “2.2.2 Setting a Region”.)
: U
 ndoes the last operation of changing a polygon or rectangle region. (See “- Changing the
polygon region -” or “- Changing the rectangle region -” in “2.2.2 Setting a Region”.)

Status display field :

When selecting as a target the image to which Automatic Blackening Processing has been
performed, “ON” is displayed in this field. (When no Automatic Blackening Processing has
been performed, “OFF” is displayed.)

When performing Manual Blackening Processing with the result of Automatic Blackening
Processing displayed, move to the next operation.

When performing Manual Blackening Processing after clearing the result of Automatic
Blackening Processing, clear the blackened region first, and then move to the next operation.

For details on how to clear the blackened region, see “- Clearing the blackened region -” in
“2.2.3 Displaying Preview of Blackening Processing”.

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

2.2.2 Setting a Region
To differentiate the blackening region from other regions, input a polygon or rectangle region.
The number of regions that can be input for one image is maximum eight totaling polygon
regions and rectangle regions.

(1) Reducing an image

Select when you wish to reduce the image region so that one end of an image is easily

Blackening Processing Software

specified. Selecting with an image reduced accordingly will restore the original size.

(2) Polygon region

Select and then the vertexes of the polygon (maximum 64 points) in order on the image.

Select undoes the last operation of changing the polygon region.

Selecting during this operation deletes the prior input point, and selecting the starting point
at last determines the polygon region.
To input more than one polygon, select again and repeat the operation.
To delete all input points of this operation, select . (The region that has been blackened is
not deleted.)

- Changing the polygon region -

Select the polygon region you wish to change. Select any of the input points and then move it
so that the selected polygon region is changed to form a desired shape.

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

(3) Rectangle region
Select and then the starting and ending points of the rectangle diagonal on the image.

Select to undo the last operation of changing the rectangle region.

After the starting point selection is made, selecting deletes the starting point, and selecting
the ending point determines the rectangle region.
To set more than one rectangle, select again and repeat the operation.

To delete all input points of this operation, select . (The region that has been blackened is
not deleted.)

- Changing the rectangle region -

Select the rectangle region you wish to change. Select any of the input points and then move it
so that the selected rectangle region is changed to form a desired shape.

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

2.2.3 Displaying the Preview of Blackening Processing
Select . The outside of the set polygon or rectangle region is blackened by default. To invert
the region to be blackened (outside/inside of the set region), select .
To redo the region setting, select again to cancel the preview of blackening processing and
then repeat the operation from “2.2.2 Setting a Region”.

Blackening Processing Software

When polygons overlap with each other, the processing result will become as shown in the
example below :
Outside of region Inside of region
is blackened. is blackened.

The paint density is the same as the density setting of when making an exposure. Even though
the paint density setting is changed, this new setting does not affect exposed images before
the change. For this reason, the paint density for the same exposure menu may differ
depending on the timing of the exposure. For details on the paint density setting, see “(3)
Setting the parameters” in “2.1.1 Updating the Parameters by Exposure Menu”.

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

- Clearing the blackened region -
When reprocessing images to which Blackening Processing has been performed, select .
The blackened region is cleared and restored to the original image.

2.2.4 Completing Blackening Processing

Select . The result of the processing is saved, and the blackening processing mode is
returned to the previous mode.

: Cancels operation.

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

Retake Analysis
This chapter describes how to use the Retake Analysis Software for
the AWS.

Contents Page
1. Overview················································································· Retake-2
2. Operations·············································································· Retake-3
2.1 Starting and Ending the Retake Analysis Software··········· Retake-3
2.2 Operating the List of Mis-exposure Image Information····· Retake-5
2.3 Settings for Acquisition and Storage of Mis-exposure
Image Information···························································· Retake-10
2.4 Listing Calculation Result of Mis-exposure
Image Information···························································· Retake-12

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

1. Overview
The Retake Analysis Software is incorporated as the Retake Analysis function in the User
Utility and analyzes the cause of mis-exposure by referring to the exposure result log, mis-
exposure log, and mis-exposure images saved in the AWS.

Retake Analysis function enables acquisition of mis-exposure image information for a certain
period so that it is displayed properly in a list. Mis-exposure image information acquired can
be listed for all technologists or individually for each technologist. It is also possible to display
images included in such mis-exposure information selected from the list.

Furthermore, you can use the Retake Analysis function to set up a time period for acquiring
mis-exposure image information, information to be acquired, as well as information used for
output of such mis-exposure image information to files.

Mis-exposure image information acquired via the Retake Analysis function and displayed in a
list can be calculated individually for each exposure region. The calculation result will be listed
for each exposure region.

It is also possible to store mis-exposure image information, acquired via the Retake Analysis
function and displayed in a list, as well as the calculated result, as a “.csv” format file. The file
can be saved at any location specified in the “Setup window”.
"Mis-exposure Image Browse window" "Calculation Result Browse window"
(Mis-exposure image information items are listed.) (Calculation result of mis-exposure image information is listed.)


Output to a file Output to a file

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

2. Operations
How to acquire mis-exposure image information via the Retake Analysis Software and the
calculating results as well as to save all those results to files is described below.

The Retake Analysis Software is available only for the user who has logged in the AWS as an

Retake Analysis Software

2.1 Starting and Ending the Retake Analysis Software

(1) Starting the Retake Analysis Software from the Main Menu
Start the User Utility and then select “Retake Analysis”.

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

The “Mis-exposure Image Browse window” is displayed.
In this window, you can display mis-exposure image information in a list for all technologists
or individually for each technologist. You can also change a period for acquiring such
information. Moreover, it is possible to verify mis-exposure images selected in the list.

(2) Ending the Retake Analysis Software

Select “End” in the “Mis-exposure Image Browse window”.
When mis-exposure image information is calculated and then the Retake Analysis Software
ends, the following message is displayed.

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

Selecting “OK” will delete mis-exposure image information to exclude it from the target for
calculation. If “Cancel” is selected, mis-exposure image information is not deleted and will
consequently not be excluded from the target for calculation. Note, however, that misexposure
image information that has expired will be deleted.
Ever if an attempt is made to end the Retake Analysis Software without calculating mis-
exposure image information, the “Calculated logs will be deleted.” message appears.
In such a case, select “Cancel” and store the list of obtained mis-exposure image information,
as well as the list of the calculation result, and end the software.

Retake Analysis Software

Close the “Mis-exposure Image Browse window” to end the Retake Analysis Software.

2.2 Operating the List of Mis-exposure Image Information

In the “Mis-exposure Image Browse window”, it is possible for you to display such
information in a list for all technologists or individually for each technologist. It is also
possible to display mis-exposure images selected from the list.
Moreover, you can also specify a certain period to display mis-exposure image information
that corresponds.

(1) Sorting mis-exposure image information list items

To select mis-exposure image information displayed in the “Mis-exposure Image Browse
window”, select a name of each information item.
With a selected information item using as a key element, you can sort the mis-exposure image
information items either in ascending or descending order.
For example, if you wish to sort the listed information items according to order of study start
dates, they will be sorted in ascending order and descending order alternately every time when
“Study Date” is selected.

(2) Listing mis-exposure image information for all technologists or individually for
each technologist
From the “Technologist Code” (or “Technologist Name”) pull-down menu, select
technologist(s) whose mis-exposure image information you wish to list.
If you select “All Technologists”, mis-exposure image information will be displayed for all

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

Technologist information is displayed according to “Technologist Code” or “Technologist
Name”, depending on what is determined in the window.

(3) Changing the period for acquiring mis-exposure image information

Taking the date when the Retake Analysis was performed as “Data Acquisition End Date”, a
period determined in the “Setup window” will be displayed so that images for such period are
acquired accordingly. The mis-exposure image information list shows items for the period
displayed here.
If you change the displayed “Data Acquisition Start Date” and/or “Data Acquisition End Date”,
mis-exposure image information can be listed for the pre-determined period.
Change “Data Acquisition Start Date” and/or “Data Acquisition End Date” to specify a new
period you wish.
Mis-exposure image information for the changed period will be displayed in a list.

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

(4) Checking images selected from the mis-exposure image information list
From the mis-exposure image information list, select an item whose image you wish to check.
The selected image will be displayed in the image display area to the left of the list.

Retake Analysis Software

Image display area

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

(5) Displaying magnified or reduced images
To check an image displayed in the image display area, magnify or reduce it by displaying the
“Mis-exposure Image Browse window”.
Select an image displayed in the image display area.

The “Mis-exposure Image Browse window” will appear with the selected image displayed.

Image display area

The target image is magnified and then displayed every time “Magnification” is selected.
The target image is reduced and then displayed every time “Reduction” is selected.
If you select “Window Fit Function”, the magnified or reduced image is displayed in a size
fitted properly to the image display area.
If you select “Return”, the image is closed, and the “Mis-exposure Image Browse window”
will be redisplayed.

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B



Retake Analysis Software

"Window Fit Function" "Window Fit Function"

(6) Storing mis-exposure image information

You can store mis-exposure image information, acquired using the Retake Analysis function
and listed in the window, as a “.csv” format file. The file is stored in a location specified in the
“Setup window”.
Select “List Storage”.

A message appears prompting you to confirm the storage destination.

If you select “OK”, mis-exposure image information will be stored in the storage destination
specified in the “Setup window”.
If you select “Cancel”, a window is displayed to specify a storage destination.

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

Specify a destination and store mis-exposure image information.

2.3 Settings for Acquisition and Storage of Mis-exposure Image


(1) Displaying “Settings” in the “Mis-exposure Image Browse window”

Select “Settings” in the “Mis-exposure Image Browse window”.

The “Setup window” is displayed.

In this window, you can change settings related to data collection, such as the display of the list
window and the storage destination of mis-exposure image information.

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

Destination for Image Storage :
Specify a location where mis-exposure image information, displayed in the “Mis-
exposure Image Browse window”, is to be stored.
Displaying Technologist Name :
Select the technologist code or technologist name to be displayed as technologist
Threshold of Re-exposure Ratio Warning :
Select a threshold value of re-exposure ratio to be emphasized as a warning in the “Mis-

Retake Analysis Software

exposure Image Information Calculation window”, when mis-exposure image
information is calculated. Regardless of causes of re-exposures or body parts, a
calculated value is emphasized if the re-exposure ratio exceeds the threshold value (%)
determined here. You can select a threshold value in an increment of 1% between 1%
and 10%.
Acquired Information :
Select “Only Mammography Images” only to acquire mammography mis-exposure
image information.
Period of Data Collection :
Specify one of the following periods for which the mis-exposure image information is to
be acquired.
When specifying a period on a weekly basis: 1 to 13 (weeks)
When specifying a period on a monthly basis: 1 to 12 (months)
When specifying a period on a yearly basis: 1 to 3 (years)
Auto Log Deletion Time :
Specify a period for which an already acquired mis-exposure image information is to be
deleted on a monthly basis from 1 to 36. Mis-exposure image information for a period
earlier than that specified here will be deleted at the end of Retake Analysis.

(2) Reflecting the settings related to acquisition and storage of mis-exposure

image information
If you select “OK”, the settings will be reflected on the result accordingly, returning to the
“Mis-exposure Image Browse window”.
If you select “Cancel”, the “Mis-exposure Image Browse window” will be redisplayed without
reflecting the setting specified in the “Setup window”.

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

2.4 Listing Calculation Result of Mis-exposure Image Information

(1) Calculating mis-exposure image information in the “Mis-exposure Image

Browse window” and displaying the calculation result in a list
Select “Calculation” in the “Mis-exposure Image Browse window”.

The calculation result of mis-exposure image information, displayed in the “Mis-exposure

Image Browse window”, will be displayed in the “Calculation Result Browse window”.

Technologist information, causes of mammography mis-exposure images and the calculation

result will be displayed in the “Calculation Result Browse window”.
Technologist Information :
Displays technologist name selected in the “Mis-exposure Image Browse window” and
the technologist’s “Total Count of Exposures”, as well as “Total Count of Re-
exposures”, performed during the specified “Period of Data Collection”.
Causes of Mis-exposure Images :
Displays causes of mis-exposure images of the technologist selected in the “Mis-
exposure Image Browse window” individually for each exposure menu, calculating them
into patient-derived, operation-derived and equipment-derived causes, together with
other causes, if any.
Total Count of Re-exposures :
Displays “Total Count of Exposures” and “Total Count of Re-exposures”, as well as the
re-exposure ratio calculation result of the technologist selected in the “Mis-exposure
Image Browse window”, individually for each exposure menu.

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

If a value exceeding a threshold value in “Threshold of Re-exposure Ratio Warning” of the
“Setup window” is displayed in the “Re-exposure Ratio field”, the value is emphasized in red

Emphasized in red boldface.

Retake Analysis Software

(2) Displaying the reduced calculation result or restoring it to the full display
If you select “Reducing the Tree Structure”, the calculation result, such as detailed exposure
regions and causes of mis-exposures, is displayed being folded.
If you select “Relocating the Tree Structure”, the calculation result displayed being folded will
be restored to the full display as below.

Reduction Restoration

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

(3) Storing the calculation result
You can store the calculation result of Retake Analysis as a “.csv” format file, which can be
placed at any location specified in the “Setup window”.
Select “Data Storage”.

A message appears prompting you to confirm a storage destination.

The following message is displayed if preparations have not been made properly for the storage

When “All Technologists” has been selected

Make preparations necessary for the storage destination, as determined in the “Setup window”,
and then select “Retry”. The calculation result will then be stored in the destination specified in
the “Setup window”.
If you select “Cancel”, a window is displayed, prompting you to select a storage destination.
Select a desired location and store the calculation result in the location.

Specify a storage destination and then select “OK”. Mis-exposure image information will be
stored in the specified location.
If you select “Cancel”, storage of the calculation result will be cancelled, and the “Calculation
Result Browse window” will be redisplayed.

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

When “Each Technologist” has been selected

If you select “Cancel”, a window is displayed, prompting you to specify a location where

Retake Analysis Software

misexposure image information is to be stored.

(4) Returning to the “Mis-exposure Image Browse window”

Select “Return” in the “Calculation Result Browse window”.
The “Mis-exposure Image Browse window” will be redisplayed.

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B
Standard Image
Processing Parameters
This chapter describes how to use the Standard Image Processing
Parameters for the FDR-1000AWS workstation.

Contents Page
How to Read This Chapter··················································· STDParam-2
EDR Mode Table······························································ STDParam-3
• Breast··········································································· STDParam-6
• QC · TEST··································································· STDParam-10
• QC · TEST (non-display)·············································· STDParam-12

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

How to Read This Chapter
How to read descriptions included in this chapter is described below.
1 3 4 5
Study Menu

MPM Code

Menu Description
2 Exposure Menu

1 Study Menu
The Study Menu is an aggregate of menus to be used for exposure of a series of study.
The Exposure Menu included in a Study Menu, as well as order of performing studies is determined by the
default, which, however, can be changed in the User Utility.
(For details, see the descriptions related to the User Utility in the Operation Manual for the system.)
• 2on1 format settings selected for a Study Menu
When exposures are performed with a selected Study Menu, images obtained by the two exposures are
displayed on a 26×36cm film. Images displayed in such a layout are named a 2on1 format. This image display
format is used for Study Menus, such as Right- and Left-Breasts Spot, Right- and Left-Breasts 2R and Right-
and Left-Breasts MLO. If a single exposure menu, but not marked with “(2on1 format)”, is selected, 2on1
format images will not be displayed. The Study Menu field is grayed out, if there is only one exposure menu.
2 Exposure Menu
The Exposure Menu is the name of a single study such as “L MAMMOGRAPHY, CC”.
* Default settings for each exposure menu can be changed using the User Utility.

3 MPM Code
The MPM Code is a four-digit code number assigned for the purpose of management of exposure menus. The
MPM Code determines EDR (a function that corrects image density and contrast automatically) and image
processing conditions to be applied. If the assigned MPM Code is the same, images will be output according to
the same conditions even though the Exposure Menu used is not the same.
 ote that when an exposure menu (for example, L MAMMOGRAPHY, CC: MPM Code 0329) was subject to
change of image processing conditions, the change will affect all the menus concerned if there is an exposure
menu of the same MPM code (such as R MAMMOGRAPHY, CC). Should you wish to change the image
processing condition only for the specified menu, change the 3rd-digit figure to make a different MPM code so
that specific conditions are set up appropriately.
1st digit : Represents an exposure technique to be used. (ex. 0: General exposure, 1: Contrast exposure, etc.)
2nd digit : Represents an anatomical part to be exposed. (ex. 3: Breast)
3rd digit : Any alphanumeric selected from 0 to 9 and A to F. Even if a figure in this digit is changed, EDR will
not be affected.
4th digit : Any alphanumeric that determines EDR.
4 AP/PA - Flipping setting for images to be output -
AP : Outputs an image as is without processing it.
PA : Outputs an image flipped horizontally.
: Outputs an image rotated by 180 degrees.
: Outputs an image flipped vertically.
* Default settings can be changed using the User Utility. It is also possible to change default settings by the currently used

5 Menu Description
The Menu Description describes anatomical parts and exposure techniques suited to a specific exposure menu.
Brief precautions to be observed when performing exposures are also included. For details on those precautions
to be observed, see the Operation Manual for the system.
• When creating a new menu
A new menu can be created using the User Utility. (For how to create a new menu, see the descriptions
related to the User Utility in the Operation Manual for the system.)
For a special exposure that cannot be handled by default exposure menus, the menu can be added as
necessary. When doing so, select an exposure menu that involves similar images. See the descriptions related
to the User Utility in the Operation Manual for the system to make sure that the MPM code to be used for the
new menu is not used, and then determine proper image processing conditions. Also confirm that AP or PA is
selected correctly.

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

EDR Mode Table
EDR mode (auto sensitivity adjustment system) applied to exposure menus pre-registered in the system
are described below.
EDR mode Auto Semi Fix S value : When recording a digital image, the X-ray dose that reaches the exposure unit is
converted to a digital value. S value is the center X-ray dose of the histogram of

S Value
L Value
the digital image.
L value : A logarithmic value showing the range of X-ray dose when making an exposure.

1 EDR Mode
EDR mode consists of AUTO mode, SEMI AUTO mode, and FIX mode.
A (AUTO mode) : A mode which adjusts density and contrast automatically.

Standard Image Processing Parameters

(S and L values are dependent on this mode.)
S (SEMI AUTO mode) : A mode where the dynamic range (L value) of X-ray dose to be recorded as an
image has been determined, and the center point (S value) used for the purpose of
image recording is decided based on the average X-ray dose that enters the
preset photometric area so that the density is adjusted automatically.
F (FIX mode) : A mode where the range of X-ray dose to be recorded as an image has been
* Default settings for this mode can be changed using the User Utility. It is also possible to change the mode type currently
being used.

2 Auto - Parameters used in AUTO mode -

PRIEF (Pattern Recognizer for Iris of Exposure Field) .....
This is a generic denomination of processing that recognizes split exposures and irradiated field
automatically. PRIEF includes the following technique types:
- : Does not recognize split exposures and irradiated field. (SEMI AUTO mode and type IV described below.)
1 : Does not recognize split exposures and judges a rectangular area as an irradiated field.
1S : Recognizes split exposures and judges individually recognized areas as rectangular irradiated fields.
2 : Recognizes irradiated field of a breast.
4 : Does not recognize split exposures and judges a protrusive area as an irradiated field.
4S : Recognizes split exposures and judges individually recognized areas as protrusive irradiated field. (normal
4* : Judges a protrusive area as an irradiated field by split areas determined.
AN : Auto neck algorithm
SP : Activates AUTO mode based on a specially determined area, irrespective of the image size specified by DR
TYPE ..... A type of technique for histogram or neuro analysis subjected after PRIEF processing.
I : A mode that captures regions covering from the skin to the bone in an image (Note that direct X-rays are
needed to activate this mode.)
II : A mode that is activated in a stable manner even if there are no direct X-rays.
III : A mode applied to contrast exposure.
IV : A mode that attaches importance to improved representation of soft tissue.
V : A mode that attaches importance to improved representation of areas where X-rays are difficult to be
VI : Neuro analysis mode applied when variations become large on the shape of a histogram.
VII : Neuro analysis mode applied when the position of a region of interest changes on a histogram.

3 Semi Fix - Parameters used in SEMI AUTO mode and FIX mode -
TYPE ..... Determines layout and size of a photometric area preset in SEMI AUTO mode.
I : A 10cm square located at the center of an image exposed by DR equipment.
II : A 7cm square located at the center of an image exposed by DR equipment.
III : A 5cm square located at the center of an image exposed by DR equipment
III' : A 5cm square located at a position other than the center of an image when it is divided into nine
portions up-and-down and right-and-left.
IV : A special area determined for the chest.
L value........ A logarithmic value (L value) representing the width of an X-ray dose to be recorded as an image in
SEMI AUTO and FIX modes.
S value....... A center point (S value) pre-determined in FIX mode for recording as an Image.
* Default settings for this mode can be changed using the User Utility. It is also possible to change default settings by the
currently used mode.

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

Image Processing Parameters


1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 4 R 0.5 8 F 0.3

1 Image Processing Parameters - Standard image processing parameters -

Gradation processing ..... Processing that controls image gradation.
GA : Adjusts contrast appropriately. As the numeric value increases, the contrast becomes enhanced.
GT : A non-linear gradation curve. (Fig.1)
GC : Center of a density when the GA value is changed.
GS : Adjusts density appropriately. As the numeric value increases, the density appears enhanced.
Frequency processing ..... Processing that controls the image sharpness.
RN : A factor that determines the range of frequency bands when applying image enhancement. As the
numeric value decreases, the range of frequency bands is widened toward lower-frequency bands.
RT : A non-linear curve that changes the degree of enhancement according to the image density. This
parameter enhances specific density areas.
Example : F : Applies enhancement uniformly in all density areas.
R : Applies stronger enhancement as density rises. (Fig.2)
RE : This factor adjusts the degree of enhancement.
DR compression processing .... Processing to make image density areas that appear white or blackened easily
visible, without affecting the visibility in the region of interest on an image.
DRN : A factor that determines the smoothing mask for DR compression processing.
DRT : A factor that determines density areas where DR compression processing is to be applied.
DRE : A factor that determines the degree of DR compression processing to be applied.

ORN, ORD and ORE are not used in this system.

O 1.2

G 1
Degrees of enhancement

2 T


1 F
0 0
0 256 512 768 1024 0 256 512 768 1024
input(QL) Digital value

Fig.1 Main GT factors Fig.2 Main RT factors

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

• Image processing parameters for mammography use
The tables below describe the parameters when an image is output to film with Dmax set to 4.0 and at standard
Recently, mammography images are read on a high-luminance view box, and in consideration of the luminance
of the view box and the image pixel sampling rate, parameters are made available accordingly following an
appropriate combination of those two factors.
The following are the parameters for outputting an image to film with Dmax set to 4.0 when a high- or standard-
luminance view box is used.

Applicable menus

Standard Image Processing Parameters


1 When a high-luminance view box is used

0349 1.2 T 1.40 0.09 4 R 0.5 8 F 0.4
0359 1.2 T 1.40 0.09 4 R 0.5 8 F 0.4
0331 1.2 T 1.40 0.09 4 R 0.5 8 F 0.4
0332 1.2 T 1.40 -0.23 4 R 0.5 8 F 0.4
1330 1.1 T 1.40 0.09 4 R 0.7 8 F 0.4

2 When a standard-luminance view box is used

0349 1.2 T 1.40 -0.04 4 R 0.5 8 F 0.4
0359 1.2 T 1.40 -0.04 4 R 0.5 8 F 0.4
0331 1.2 T 1.40 -0.04 4 R 0.5 8 F 0.4
0332 1.2 T 1.40 -0.35 4 R 0.5 8 F 0.4
1330 1.1 T 1.40 -0.04 4 R 0.7 8 F 0.4

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

• Breast
Study Menu Auto Semi Fix

MPM Code

EDR mode

S Value
L Value
Menu Description

Exposure Menu


R MAMMOGRAPHY,CC O bse rva t i on o f C C ( c r a n io c a u d a l) v ie w o f t h e r ig h t b r e a s t . A 2 I I 2 80

L MAMMOGRAPHY,CC 0329 AP O bse rva t i on o f C C ( c r a n io c a u d a l) v ie w o f t h e le f t b r e a s t . A 2 I I 2 80

O bse rva t i on o f M L O ( m e d io la t e r a l o b liq u e ) v ie w o f t h e le f t

L MAMMOGRAPHY,MLO 0339 AP bre a st . A 2 I I 2 80

Observation of MLO (mediolateral oblique) view of the

ri gh t bre a st .

L MAMMOGRAPHY,CC 0329 AP O bse rva t i on o f C C ( c r a n io c a u d a l) v ie w o f t h e le f t b r e a s t . A 2 I I 2 80

R MAMMOGRAPHY,CC O bse rva t i on o f C C ( c r a n io c a u d a l) v ie w o f t h e r ig h t b r e a s t . A 2 I I 2 80

O bse rva t i on o f M L O ( m e d io la t e r a l o b liq u e ) v ie w o f t h e le f t

L MAMMOGRAPHY,MLO 0339 AP bre a st . A 2 I I 2 80

Observation of MLO (mediolateral oblique)view of the right

bre a st .


O bse rva t i on o f M L O ( m e d io la t e r a l o b liq u e ) v ie w o f t h e le f t

L MAMMOGRAPHY,MLO 0339 AP bre a st . A 2 I I 2 80

Observation of MLO(mediolateral oblique) view of the right

bre a st .


R MAMMOGRAPHY,SPOT S pot m a m m og r a p h y e x p o s u r e . A 2 I I 2 80

L MAMMOGRAPHY,SPOT 0321 AP S pot m a m m og r a p h y e x p o s u r e . A 2 I I 2 80

L MAMMOGRAPHY,SPOT 0321 AP S pot m a m m og r a p h y e x p o s u r e . A 2 I I 2 80

R MAMMOGRAPHY,SPOT S pot m a m m og r a p h y e x p o s u r e . A 2 I I 2 80

MAMMOGRAPHY- Post-operative follow-up and observation of the small

0322 AP (male) breast. A - IV I 2.7 80

LACTIFEROUS DUCT:C 1320 AP E xposu re of l a c t if e r o u s d u c t w it h a c o n t r a s t m e d iu m . A 2 I III 1.8 80


L MAMMOGRAPHY,CC 0329 AP O bse rva t i on o f C C ( c r a n io c a u d a l) v ie w o f t h e le f t b r e a s t . A 2 I I 2 80

O bse rva t i on o f M L O ( m e d io la t e r a l o b liq u e ) v ie w o f t h e le f t

L MAMMOGRAPHY,MLO 0339 AP bre a st . A 2 I I 2 80

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

GA : Rotation Amount RN : Frequency Rank DRN : Dynamic Range Control Rank
GT : Gradation Type RT : Enhancing Type DRT : Dynamic Range Control Type
GC : Rotation Center RE : Frequency DRE : Dynamic Range Control
GS : Gradation Shifting Amount Enhancement Enhancement Level

Image Processing Parameters


1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 4 R 0.5 8 F 0.3

1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 4 R 0.5 8 F 0.3

Standard Image Processing Parameters

1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 4 R 0.5 8 F 0.3

1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 4 R 0.5 8 F 0.3

1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 4 R 0.5 8 F 0.3

1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 4 R 0.5 8 F 0.3

1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 4 R 0.5 8 F 0.3

1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 4 R 0.5 8 F 0.3

1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 4 R 0.5 8 F 0.3

1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 4 R 0.5 8 F 0.3

1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 4 R 0.5 8 F 0.3

1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 4 R 0.5 8 F 0.3

1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 4 R 0.5 8 F 0.3

1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 4 R 0.5 8 F 0.3

1.3 T 1.40 -0.35 4 R 0.5 8 F 0.3

1.1 T 1.40 -0.04 4 R 0.7 8 F 0.4

1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 4 R 0.5 8 F 0.3

1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 4 R 0.5 8 F 0.3

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

Study Menu Auto Semi Fix

MPM Code

EDR mode

S Value
L Value
Menu Description

Exposure Menu


R MAMMOGRAPHY,CC Observation of CC (craniocaudal) view of the right breast. A 2 I I 2 80

R MAMMOGRAPHY,MLO Observation of MLO (mediolateral oblique) view of the right breast. A 2 I I 2 80

RMI156 7319 AP For exposure of mammography phantom RMI156. S SP IV I 2 80

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

GA : Rotation Amount RN : Frequency Rank DRN : Dynamic Range Control Rank
GT : Gradation Type RT : Enhancing Type DRT : Dynamic Range Control Type
GC : Rotation Center RE : Frequency DRE : Dynamic Range Control
GS : Gradation Shifting Amount Enhancement Enhancement Level

Image Processing Parameters


1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 4 R 0.5 8 F 0.3

1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 4 R 0.5 8 F 0.3

Standard Image Processing Parameters

1.3 T 1.40 -0.17 4 R 0.5 8 F 0.3

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

Auto Semi Fix

MPM Code

EDR mode

S Value
L Value
Exposure Menu Menu Description

ACR Phantom 7325 AP For check of the ACR phantom. S - V III’ 2 200

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

GA : Rotation Amount RN : Frequency Rank DRN : Dynamic Range Control Rank
GT : Gradation Type RT : Enhancing Type DRT : Dynamic Range Control Type
GC : Rotation Center RE : Frequency DRE : Dynamic Range Control
GS : Gradation Shifting Amount Enhancement Enhancement Level

Image Processing Parameters


1.2 T 1.40 -0.04

Standard Image Processing Parameters

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

• QC · TEST (non-display)
Auto Semi Fix

MPM Code

EDR mode

S Value
L Value
Exposure Menu Menu Description

A mammography menu to record a 4.0-digit range from
MAX4.0 MAMMOGRAPHY 030F AP the maximum X-ray dose A - IV I 4 200

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

GA : Rotation Amount RN : Frequency Rank DRN : Dynamic Range Control Rank
GT : Gradation Type RT : Enhancing Type DRT : Dynamic Range Control Type
GC : Rotation Center RE : Frequency DRE : Dynamic Range Control
GS : Gradation Shifting Amount Enhancement Enhancement Level

Image Processing Parameters


1.0 A 1.20 0.00

Standard Image Processing Parameters

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B
MFP Parameters
(Multi-Objective Frequency Processing)
This chapter describes how to use the Multi-Objective Frequency
Processing (MFP) Parameters for the FDR-1000AWS workstation.

Contents Page
How to Read This Chapter·················································· MFPParam-2
EDR Mode Table····························································· MFPParam-3
• Breast·········································································· MFPParam-6
• QC · TEST·································································· MFPParam-10
• QC · TEST (non-display)············································· MFPParam-12

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

How to Read This Chapter
How to read descriptions included in this chapter is described below.
1 3 4 5
Study Menu

MPM Code

Menu Description
2 Exposure Menu

1 Study Menu
The Study Menu is an aggregate of menus to be used for exposure of a series of study.
The Exposure Menu included in a Study Menu, as well as order of performing studies is determined by the
default, which, however, can be changed in the User Utility.
(For details, see the descriptions related to the User Utility in the Operation Manual for the system.)
• 2on1 format settings selected for a Study Menu
When exposures are performed with a selected Study Menu, images obtained by the two exposures are
displayed on a 26×36cm film. Images displayed in such a layout are named a 2on1 format. This image display
format is used for Study Menus, such as Right- and Left-Breasts Spot, Right- and Left-Breasts 2R and Right-
and Left-Breasts MLO. If a single exposure menu, but not marked with “(2on1 format)”, is selected, 2on1
format images will not be displayed. The Study Menu field is grayed out, if there is only one exposure menu.
2 Exposure Menu
The Exposure Menu is the name of a single study such as “L MAMMOGRAPHY, CC”.
* Default settings for each exposure menu can be changed using the User Utility.

3 MPM Code
The MPM Code is a four-digit code number assigned for the purpose of management of exposure menus. The
MPM Code determines EDR (a function that corrects image density and contrast automatically) and image
processing conditions to be applied. If the assigned MPM Code is the same, images will be output according to
the same conditions even though the Exposure Menu used is not the same.
 ote that when an exposure menu (for example, L MAMMOGRAPHY, CC: MPM Code 0329) was subject to
change of image processing conditions, the change will affect all the menus concerned if there is an exposure
menu of the same MPM code (such as R MAMMOGRAPHY, CC). Should you wish to change the image
processing condition only for the specified menu, change the 3rd-digit figure to make a different MPM code so
that specific conditions are set up appropriately.
1st digit : Represents an exposure technique to be used. (ex. 0: General exposure, 1: Contrast exposure, etc.)
2nd digit : Represents an anatomical part to be exposed. (ex. 3: Breast)
3rd digit : Any alphanumeric selected from 0 to 9 and A to F. Even if a figure in this digit is changed, EDR will
not be affected.
4th digit : Any alphanumeric that determines EDR.
4 AP/PA - Flipping setting for images to be output -
AP : Outputs an image as is without processing it.
PA : Outputs an image flipped horizontally.
: Outputs an image rotated by 180 degrees.
: Outputs an image flipped vertically.
* Default settings can be changed using the User Utility. It is also possible to change default settings by the currently used

5 Menu Description
The Menu Description describes anatomical parts and exposure techniques suited to a specific exposure menu.
Brief precautions to be observed when performing exposures are also included. For details on those precautions
to be observed, see the Operation Manual for the system.
• When creating a new menu
A new menu can be created using the User Utility. (For how to create a new menu, see the descriptions
related to the User Utility in the Operation Manual for the system.)
For a special exposure that cannot be handled by default exposure menus, the menu can be added as
necessary. When doing so, select an exposure menu that involves similar images. See the descriptions related
to the User Utility in the Operation Manual for the system to make sure that the MPM code to be used for the
new menu is not used, and then determine proper image processing conditions. Also confirm that AP or PA is
selected correctly.

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

EDR Mode Table
EDR mode (auto sensitivity adjustment system) applied to exposure menus pre-registered in the system
are described below.
EDR mode Auto Semi Fix S value : When recording a digital image, the X-ray dose that reaches the exposure unit is
converted to a digital value. S value is the center X-ray dose of the histogram of

S Value
L Value
the digital image.
L value : A logarithmic value showing the range of X-ray dose when making an exposure.

1 EDR Mode
EDR mode consists of AUTO mode, SEMI AUTO mode, and FIX mode.
A (AUTO mode) : A mode which adjusts density and contrast automatically.

MFP Parameters (Multi-Objective Frequency Processing)

(S and L values are dependent on this mode.)
S (SEMI AUTO mode) : A mode where the dynamic range (L value) of X-ray dose to be recorded as an
image has been determined, and the center point (S value) used for the purpose of
image recording is decided based on the average X-ray dose that enters the
preset photometric area so that the density is adjusted automatically.
F (FIX mode) : A mode where the range of X-ray dose to be recorded as an image has been
* Default settings for this mode can be changed using the User Utility. It is also possible to change the mode type currently
being used.

2 Auto - Parameters used in AUTO mode -

PRIEF (Pattern Recognizer for Iris of Exposure Field) .....
This is a generic denomination of processing that recognizes split exposures and irradiated field
automatically. PRIEF includes the following technique types:
- : Does not recognize split exposures and irradiated field. (SEMI AUTO mode and type IV described below.)
1 : Does not recognize split exposures and judges a rectangular area as an irradiated field.
1S : Recognizes split exposures and judges individually recognized areas as rectangular irradiated fields.
2 : Recognizes irradiated field of a breast.
4 : Does not recognize split exposures and judges a protrusive area as an irradiated field.
4S : Recognizes split exposures and judges individually recognized areas as protrusive irradiated field. (normal
4* : Judges a protrusive area as an irradiated field by split areas determined.
AN : Auto neck algorithm
SP : Activates AUTO mode based on a specially determined area, irrespective of the image size specified by DR
TYPE ..... A type of technique for histogram or neuro analysis subjected after PRIEF processing.
I : A mode that captures regions covering from the skin to the bone in an image (Note that direct X-rays are
needed to activate this mode.)
II : A mode that is activated in a stable manner even if there are no direct X-rays.
III : A mode applied to contrast exposure.
IV : A mode that attaches importance to improved representation of soft tissue.
V : A mode that attaches importance to improved representation of areas where X-rays are difficult to be
VI : Neuro analysis mode applied when variations become large on the shape of a histogram.
VII : Neuro analysis mode applied when the position of a region of interest changes on a histogram.

3 Semi Fix - Parameters used in SEMI AUTO mode and FIX mode -
TYPE ..... Determines layout and size of a photometric area preset in SEMI AUTO mode.
I : A 10cm square located at the center of an image exposed by DR equipment.
II : A 7cm square located at the center of an image exposed by DR equipment.
III : A 5cm square located at the center of an image exposed by DR equipment
III' : A 5cm square located at a position other than the center of an image when it is divided into nine
portions up-and-down and right-and-left.
IV : A special area determined for the chest.
L value........ A logarithmic value (L value) representing the width of an X-ray dose to be recorded as an image in
SEMI AUTO and FIX modes.
S value....... A
 center point (S value) pre-determined in FIX mode for recording as an Image.
* Default settings for this mode can be changed using the User Utility. It is also possible to change default settings by the
currently used mode.

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

Image Processing Parameters


1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 G R 0.5 E F 0.3

1 Image Processing Parameters - MFP image processing parameters -

Gradation processing ..... Processing that controls image gradation.
GA : Adjusts contrast appropriately. As the numeric value increases, the contrast becomes enhanced.
GT : A non-linear gradation curve.
GC : Center of a density when the GA value is changed.
GS : Adjusts density appropriately. As the numeric value increases, the density appears enhanced.
Frequency processing ..... Processing that controls the image sharpness.
MRB : A factor that determines the range of frequency bands when applying image enhancement. As the
numeric value decreases, the range of frequency bands is widened toward lower-frequency bands.
(See the figure below.)
MRT : A non-linear curve that changes the degree of enhancement according to the image density. This
parameter enhances specific density areas.
Example : F : Applies enhancement uniformly in all density areas.
R : Applies stronger enhancement as density rises.
MRE : This factor adjusts the degree of enhancement.
DR compression processing .... Processing to make image density areas that appear white or blackened easily
visible, without affecting the density in the region of interest on an image.
MDB : A factor that determines the smoothing mask for DR compression processing.
MDT : A factor that determines density areas where DR compression processing is to be applied.
MDE : A factor that determines the degree of DR compression processing to be applied.



0.6 A B C D

0.4 E F G


0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Frequency (cy/mm)

Figure : MRB types and enhancement curves

A stronger enhancement is applied in high-frequency bands as going from A to F.

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

• Image processing parameters for mammography use
The tables below describe the parameters when an image is output to film with Dmax set to 4.0 and at standard
Recently, mammography images are read on a high-luminance view box, and in consideration of the luminance
of the view box and the image pixel sampling rate, parameters are made available accordingly following an
appropriate combination of those two factors.
The following are the parameters for outputting an image to film with Dmax set to 4.0 when a high- or standard-
luminance view box is used.

Applicable menus

MFP Parameters (Multi-Objective Frequency Processing)


1 When a high-luminance view box is used

0349 1.2 T 1.40 0.09 G R 1.5 E F 0.4
0359 1.2 T 1.40 0.09 G R 1.5 E F 0.4
0331 1.2 T 1.40 0.09 G R 1.5 E F 0.4
0332 1.2 T 1.40 -0.23 G R 1.5 E F 0.4
1330 1.1 T 1.40 0.09 G R 2.0 E F 0.4

2 When a standard-luminance view box is used

0349 1.2 T 1.40 -0.04 G R 1.5 E F 0.4
0359 1.2 T 1.40 -0.04 G R 1.5 E F 0.4
0331 1.2 T 1.40 -0.04 G R 1.5 E F 0.4
0332 1.2 T 1.40 -0.35 G R 1.5 E F 0.4
1330 1.1 T 1.40 -0.04 G R 2.0 E F 0.4

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

• Breast
Study Menu Auto Semi Fix

MPM Code

EDR mode

S Value
L Value
Menu Description

Exposure Menu


R MAMMOGRAPHY,CC O bse rva t i on o f C C ( c r a n io c a u d a l) v ie w o f t h e r ig h t b r e a s t . A 2 I I 2 80

L MAMMOGRAPHY,CC 0329 AP O bse rva t i on o f C C ( c r a n io c a u d a l) v ie w o f t h e le f t b r e a s t . A 2 I I 2 80

O bse rva t i on o f M L O ( m e d io la t e r a l o b liq u e ) v ie w o f t h e le f t

L MAMMOGRAPHY,MLO 0339 AP bre a st . A 2 I I 2 80

Observation of MLO (mediolateral oblique) view of the

ri gh t bre a st .

L MAMMOGRAPHY,CC 0329 AP O bse rva t i on o f C C ( c r a n io c a u d a l) v ie w o f t h e le f t b r e a s t . A 2 I I 2 80

R MAMMOGRAPHY,CC O bse rva t i on o f C C ( c r a n io c a u d a l) v ie w o f t h e r ig h t b r e a s t . A 2 I I 2 80

O bse rva t i on o f M L O ( m e d io la t e r a l o b liq u e ) v ie w o f t h e le f t

L MAMMOGRAPHY,MLO 0339 AP bre a st . A 2 I I 2 80

Observation of MLO (mediolateral oblique)view of the right

bre a st .


O bse rva t i on o f M L O ( m e d io la t e r a l o b liq u e ) v ie w o f t h e le f t

L MAMMOGRAPHY,MLO 0339 AP bre a st . A 2 I I 2 80

Observation of MLO(mediolateral oblique) view of the right

bre a st .


R MAMMOGRAPHY,SPOT S pot m a m m og r a p h y e x p o s u r e . A 2 I I 2 80

L MAMMOGRAPHY,SPOT 0321 AP S pot m a m m og r a p h y e x p o s u r e . A 2 I I 2 80

L MAMMOGRAPHY,SPOT 0321 AP S pot m a m m og r a p h y e x p o s u r e . A 2 I I 2 80

R MAMMOGRAPHY,SPOT S pot m a m m og r a p h y e x p o s u r e . A 2 I I 2 80

MAMMOGRAPHY- Post-operative follow-up and observation of the small (male)

0322 AP breast. A - IV I 2.7 80

LACTIFEROUS DUCT:C 1320 AP E xposu re of l a c t if e r o u s d u c t w it h a c o n t r a s t m e d iu m . A 2 I III 1.8 80


L MAMMOGRAPHY,CC 0329 AP O bse rva t i on o f C C ( c r a n io c a u d a l) v ie w o f t h e le f t b r e a s t . A 2 I I 2 80

O bse rva t i on o f M L O ( m e d io la t e r a l o b liq u e ) v ie w o f t h e le f t

L MAMMOGRAPHY,MLO 0339 AP bre a st . A 2 I I 2 80

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

GA : Rotation Amount Multi-Objective Frequency Processing Multi-Objective DRC Processing
GT : Gradation Type MRB : Balance Type MDB : Balance Type
GC : Rotation Center MRT : Frequency Type MDT : Frequency Type
GS : Gradation Shifting Amount MRE : Enhancement MDE : Enhancement

Image Processing Parameters


1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 G R 1.5 E F 0.3

1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 G R 1.5 E F 0.3

MFP Parameters (Multi-Objective Frequency Processing)

1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 G R 1.5 E F 0.3

1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 G R 1.5 E F 0.3

1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 G R 1.5 E F 0.3

1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 G R 1.5 E F 0.3

1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 G R 1.5 E F 0.3

1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 G R 1.5 E F 0.3

1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 G R 1.5 E F 0.3

1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 G R 1.5 E F 0.3

1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 G R 1.5 E F 0.3

1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 G R 1.5 E F 0.3

1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 G R 1.5 E F 0.3

1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 G R 1.5 E F 0.3

1.3 T 1.40 -0.35 G R 1.5 E F 0.3

1.1 T 1.40 -0.04 G R 2.0 E F 0.4

1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 G R 1.5 E F 0.3

1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 G R 1.5 E F 0.3

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

Study Menu Auto Semi Fix

MPM Code

EDR mode

S Value
L Value
Menu Description

Exposure Menu


R MAMMOGRAPHY,CC Observation of CC (craniocaudal) view of the right breast. A 2 I I 2 80

R MAMMOGRAPHY,MLO Observation of MLO (mediolateral oblique) view of the right breast. A 2 I I 2 80

RMI156 7319 AP For exposure of mammography phantom RMI156. S SP IV I 2 80

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

GA : Rotation Amount Multi-Objective Frequency Processing Multi-Objective DRC Processing
GT : Gradation Type MRB : Balance Type MDB : Balance Type
GC : Rotation Center MRT : Frequency Type MDT : Frequency Type
GS : Gradation Shifting Amount MRE : Enhancement MDE : Enhancement

Image Processing Parameters


1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 G R 1.5 E F 0.3

1.3 T 1.40 -0.04 G R 1.5 E F 0.3

MFP Parameters (Multi-Objective Frequency Processing)

1.3 T 1.40 -0.17 G R 1.5 E F 0.3

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

Auto Semi Fix

MPM Code

EDR mode

S Value
L Value
Exposure Menu Menu Description

ACR Phantom 7325 AP For check of the ACR phantom. S - V III’ 2 200

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

GA : Rotation Amount Multi-Objective Frequency Processing Multi-Objective DRC Processing
GT : Gradation Type MRB : Balance Type MDB : Balance Type
GC : Rotation Center MRT : Frequency Type MDT : Frequency Type
GS : Gradation Shifting Amount MRE : Enhancement MDE : Enhancement

Image Processing Parameters


1.2 T 1.40 -0.04 G R 1.5 E F 0.4

MFP Parameters (Multi-Objective Frequency Processing)

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

• QC · TEST (non-display)
Auto Semi Fix

MPM Code

EDR mode

S Value
L Value
Exposure Menu Menu Description

A mammography menu to record a 4.0-digit range from
MAX4.0 MAMMOGRAPHY 030F AP the maximum X-ray dose A - IV I 4 200

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

GA : Rotation Amount Multi-Objective Frequency Processing Multi-Objective DRC Processing
GT : Gradation Type MRB : Balance Type MDB : Balance Type
GC : Rotation Center MRT : Frequency Type MDT : Frequency Type
GS : Gradation Shifting Amount MRE : Enhancement MDE : Enhancement

Image Processing Parameters


1.0 A 1.20 0.00 B F 0.0 A A 0.0

MFP Parameters (Multi-Objective Frequency Processing)

897N100994B FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual

FDR-1000AWS Options Operation Manual 897N100994B

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