Module 4 CLE G7

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Aemilianum College Inc.
Rizal St. Piot, Sorsogon City

In lesson 3, you learned about how to make a prayer that is addressed to the Father in
heaven. We are agreed that Father in heaven becomes our total trust. He cares for us, leading
us always in our work at home, our study, and so on so forth. In a short word, we can believe
that God as our Father to whom our prayer must be focused upon. You might start already to
pray to the Father, do you pray?......(only God knows).
But it is not enough that you pray without knowing the reason why do we call God as our
Father especially on our prayer. In this lesson 4, you will learn something deeper about the
reasons why do we as Catholic people called God as our Father. We will first understand about
the sacrament of Baptism as our main key to have access to our Faith.

a. Sacrament of Baptism makes us as God’s People.

May be some of you are not a Catholic, and some of you are coming from different sects.
But let us not focus more on our differences but on the mystery of the love of God through our
faith, let us deepen and learn about the essence of the Catholic belief. You are called as the
sons and daughters of God. For us as a Catholic, there are many names that will become part of
our journey of faith. We are called the “people of God”, the “Followers of Christ”, the
“Christian Catholic people”, and the “Church of God here on earth”.
In the Sacrament of Baptism, God received us and include us as His sons and daughters.
The water as the symbol of our purification from our original sins and the candle as the
symbol of the light of Jesus which becomes our light. By virtue of this sacrament of baptism we
become part of God the Father, and Jesus becomes our Lord and also a brother to us. We
therefore believe in the Holy Trinity, that is the Father as our creator, the Son, Jesus Christ as
our Redeemer, and the Holy Spirit as our advocate.

b. The reasons we called God the “Father”

In the Catechism of the Catholic Church No. 582 until 585, it explains the reason why do we
called God the Father. There are two important reasons:
1). We call God as our Father because Jesus, our Redeemer, brings us into the presence of the
Father and at the same time the Holy Spirit makes us as the children of God. We are totally
believing that the Father will always love us even before we ask Him because God is good and
Merciful all the time.
2). We can call the “Father” because Jesus our Lord as the Son of God made man has revealed
the Father to us all. In a simple word, it means Jesus show us about “the Father”, Jesus tells us
about the “salvation plan” of God the Father in heaven. Therefore, we believe in Jesus as the
Son of the Father, then Jesus teach us on how to call “Father” in the “Prayer” Jesus has taught

c. The Expressions of Prayer

Let us remember that we are “the Church of God” because we become the people of God
who praise God always through our “prayer”. Prayer is our access to reach God. In our Catholic


Faith, we have at least three expressions of prayer according to our tradition as the Church or
the people of God.
a) Vocal prayer
Vocal prayer is to pray as what Jesus has taught us in the “our father”. We
spontaneously call out to God through our prayer. Example of vocal prayer is, our
Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Holy Rosary.
b) Mental prayer or Meditation
Mental prayer is using our mental capacity, our imaginations, emotions, desires and
our thought. Example of mental prayer is, reading the Holy Bible, meditating on the
Word of God in Holy Bible.
c) Contemplative Prayer
Contemplative prayer is an act of gazing at God in prayer or it is fixing our attentions
on the word of God. Example of contemplative prayer is repeating the words or
phrase many times, “Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me a

d. Persistence in Prayer
One of the most important aspect in the life of every follower of Jesus is persistence in
prayer. what is the meaning of persistence? Persistence is a word that explains about the
unlimited desires of every faithful people to come to God through way of prayer. In a simple
way persistence understood as never get tired of doing something which is so precious for our
soul. The attitude of prayer requires patience and enduring trust to Father who is always there
to shower blessings and graces upon us.

e. Jesus is the Example of our prayer

Jesus as the greatest Intercessor to the Father really devoted to the Father during His
service in this world. Jesus always find time to communicate with Father even in the middle of
all his activities. Jesus constantly seeking His Father in solitary places that is away from the
crowd to talk and have a deep conversation with His Father. The action of Jesus in the Gospel
must be the example for us to follow. Jesus showed us the way to gain eternal salvation
through our constant dialogue with the Father through prayer. Let us look at Jesus as our
model in prayer, so that at the last judgment, we all be saved because we follow the words of
Jesus in our journey of life.

f. Total Commitment to Follow the Will of God

The meaning of our lives can be found only in God. Because we are God’s creatures created
according to the image and likeness of Him. We believe that God created us with a purpose
and that each one of us has the same mission entrusted by God. Because of this reality of our
faith as catholic, we have to base our life on the Will of God as the source of every good things.
Let us always renew our faith by doing good, you are as a best son and daughters to your
parents and a best student to your teachers.


Name: Date:
Section: CLE/G7
Home Activity:
Angel of god:
3. Open your Holy Bible, (Matthew 10:1-4), write down the name of the 12 Apostles of


*Only pass this page for checking, no need to pass the whole module, I repeat only pass this
page (page 3). Do not forget to put your name, section and date on the space provided.

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