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CLE/G7: REV. Nino Perido, CRS

Lesson 6
One God as Trinity
Objective plan of this lesson:
- The students will learn about the meaning of the making the sign of the Cross
- The student will understand faith as a mystery
- The student will deepen their faith in God by way of proclaiming the Gospels values.
Short review on previous lesson
The previous lesson helped us to understand about the role of the Holy Spirit in our life. We have
understood that the Holy Spirit is one with us because it is given to us by God. We are not alone
in our journey of life. Why? The reason is that in fact the Holy Spirit becomes our guide and
protector, the Holy Spirit also becomes our defender against evil and our inspiration that leads us
to do a better decision in our daily activities. To understand the presence of the Holy Spirit is
something that is uneasy because it is an abstract thing. We cannot even see it in bodily form.
This reality we can call it as a mystery. A mystery means something that is not fully revealed to
us about the truth then tangible. When we face with a mystery, our mind cannot grasp or
understand things fully. It remains unsure to us. On our last lesson, we have agreed that we don’t
have to ask the plan of God but rather to be in full communion with Him through way of prayer
and doing charitable work. Our mind is very limited to understand the whole plan of God in our
lives and because of that we don’t have the capacity to surpass the divine nature of God. We
have the obligation to spread the love of God to our brothers and sisters around us. Only through
love that we could fell that God is with us and never let us alone in this journey of life.
The meaning of the sign of the cross
In our Catholic Faith, we are reminded of our identity as the sons and daughters of God. God
created us according to His image and likeness. It means that we are very much sure of our
purpose in this world that is no other than to praise God. We have the same right to call God as
our father in heaven, to call Lord Jesus as our redeemer and to call the Holy Spirit as our guide.
One small example for us is every time we enter the church on Sunday masses, we need to make
the sign of the Cross. We say it in our hearts silently “In the Name of the Father, and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”. The question is, what does the meaning of the sign of the
Cross? In our catechism, it says that when we say the word “Father”, at the same time our right
hand must be placed on our brow or forehead. It means that we have to keep in our head and
mind the identity of God as our father who created us all. The word “Son” at that moment we
place our hand supposedly near our stomach. Why? Because we remember Jesus as our Lord
who is conceived by the Blessed Virgin Mother Mary on her womb. And we say the word “Holy
Spirit” while place our hand our two shoulders, it means that we recognize the role of the Holy
Spirit as our strength. In a simple way, we can understand that the sign of the cross becoming our
profession of faith. Our identity as Christian Catholic must be proven by our gestures to respect
and confess to the world by making the sign of the cross.
We believe in ONE GOD and NOT THREE GOD
Our faith in God may confuse other people who don’t believe in God. They will ask us about our
faith, because we have God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, does it mean we
have three Gods? Absolutely IT IS WRONG to say that we are Catholic have THREE GODS.
Because the TRUTH is, we have ONLY ONE GOD IN THREE PERSONS, the Father, the Son
and the Holy Spirit. We called them as the “TRINITY”. Trinity means One-in-Three. It is ONE
GOD in THREE PERSONS. They are equal to each other, and love each other. We can
understand this by open our Holy Bible on the Readings,
- Deuteronomy 6:4-5, it says “I, the Lord, am your God”
- 1 Corinthians 8:4, it says “There is no God, but One”
- 1 timothy 2:5, it says “There is one God”

CLE/G7: REV. Nino Perido, CRS

The readings tell us that we have only one God who always in our side to help us, to protect us,
and to guide us. The sign that we believe God is with us every day is to make the sign of the
cross before and after doing our activity. We invite the Holy Spirit to strengthen us doing our
jobs at home, at school and wherever we happened to be.
The Most Holy Trinity is a Central Mystery
We cannot understand fully the mind of God. In fact, our mind is too small to understand the
plan of God to each and everyone of us. Only God knows what is the meaning of His plan to us
until now. It is true with our faith; it is served as a mysterious plan and hidden purpose form
God. The word “mystery” means that something is not yet revealed or open-up to us all specially
the meaning and purpose. We don’t have an idea or clue to know the plan of God. We have the
reading from the Gospel of Matthew 16:24-25, Jesus promises us eternal life, gospel of John
6:37, it says that Jesus will accept us who believe in Him.
The Communion of the Trinity Brings Us Unity
The mystery of the Trinity has given us one important aspect that is Communion. The word
communion signifies that the person in the Trinity has always a closer relation between them.
The Father has loved the Son, the Son has loved the Spirit, and the Holy Spirit has loved the
Father and the Son. We can feel that the effect of the communion between them is no other than
Love. Love becomes the fruit of the closer relationship between the Holy Trinity. Our God has
commanded us in the same way to return love with love and to defend our faith by loving our
brothers and sisters who need our help.

Answer the following questions on the spaces provided.
1. What is the common title of God the Father? _____________________
2. What is the common title of God the Son? ____________________
3. What is the common title of God the Holy Spirit? _____________________
4. What is the best description for the Trinity? _____________________
5. What is the event in Genesis that shows the Trinity? _____________________
6. What sign best differentiate Catholics from other religions? _____________________
7. What is the bond that let the unity be infinitely united? _____________________
8. Why do we touch our forehead when we say in the name of the Father?

9. Why do we touch our stomach when we say and of the Son?

10. Why do we touch our shoulders when we say and of the Holy Spirit?

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