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CLE Gr.8 Rev.

Nino Perido, CRS

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Aemilianum College Inc.
Rizal St. Piot, Sorsogon City

The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) has explained in a very
simple way that human has always the desire toward God. The
desire for God is written in the human heart, because man is
created by God and for God; and God never ceases to draw man to
himself. Only in God will he find the truth and happiness he never
stops searching for:


- The dignity of man rests above all on
INTRODUCTIONS: the fact that he is called to
A. We should not lose our focus communion with God. This invitation
on God. Without Him we to converse with God is addressed to
can do nothing. No matter man as soon as he comes into being.
what we are going through - For if man exists it is because God has created him
as our earthly journey through love, and through love continues to hold him
requires, God always with in existence. He cannot live fully according to truth
us. Thus, constant unless he freely acknowledges that love and entrusts
communication with Him himself to his creator (God).
through prayers is extremely - Humanity desire for God is truly urgent mostly when
important to deepen our humanity encounter many challenges and difficulties
faith. in lives. It is a fact that humanity can’t do everything
just by his own power but they are in need of God’s
- The dignity that God has given to men are equally
reserved to everyone and because of that there will be
no discriminations and violations.
Prayer makes the heart alive
B. God is the Prime Mover of all each moment of our earthly life.
that we are and we have. The memory of the heart

CLE Gr.8 Rev. Nino Perido, CRS

This is to indicate that we are awakens in us thoughts of God at

not of our own but we are specific times to pray willingly
God’s. In a simple way we with perseverance.
could understand that we are We offer prayers at specific times of
coming from God and to God the day, on certain season, in the
we shall return. Eucharistic celebration, and through
the Liturgy of the hours. Prayers are
expressions according to each
person’s experiences and state of
being. It comes from one’s heart.

Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC), has explained some points

C. regarding prayer. There are three characteristics of prayer, prayer
as a gift from God, prayer as a covenant, and prayer as a
Human as we are, we tend to
search many things in this
world just to satisfy our a. Prayer as God's gift
needs and longing. This is
naturally understood CCC no.2559 "Prayer is the raising of
because of our being human one's mind and heart to God or the
will never satisfy with what requesting of good things from
we have. Rather always God." But when we pray, do we speak
craving for something out from the height of our pride and will, or
side us. "out of the depths" of a humble and
D. This lesson will help us to contrite heart? 
searching for something
more valuable than anything He who humbles himself will be exalted; HUMILITY  is the
else. We want to search for foundation of prayer, only when we humbly acknowledge that "we
something beyond our own do not know how to pray as we ought," are we ready to receive
imagination. We will reach freely the gift of prayer. "Man is a beggar before God."
out for God. God is the
object of our act of reaching- CCC no.2560 "If you knew the gift of
out. It is through a media God!"7 The wonder of prayer is
called prayer where we can revealed beside the well where we
reach God. come seeking water: there, CHRIST
E. We can find God only in a comes to meet every human being. It
situation wherein our whole is HE who first seeks us and asks us
being patterned with what for a drink. Jesus thirsts; his asking
the Word of God is asking to arises from the depths of God's desire
do and to avoid anything for us. Whether we realize it or not,
contradict with what he prayer is the encounter of God's
taught us. God is with us in thirst with ours. God thirsts that we
our journey of longing for may thirst for him.
Him. No other way that can
help us than to turn to God CCC no.2561 "You would have asked
himself. him, and he would have given you

CLE Gr.8 Rev. Nino Perido, CRS


Paradoxically our prayer of petition is a response to the plea of the

living God: "They have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters,
and hewn out cisterns for themselves, broken cisterns that can hold
no water!" Prayer is the response of faith to the free promise of
salvation and also a response of love to the thirst of the only Son of
Three expressions of
b. Prayer as covenant
A. VOCAL PRAYER: CCC no.2562 Where does prayer
“Our Father” was taught by come from? Whether prayer is
Jesus to His Apostles and expressed in words or gestures, it is
disciples vocally. Vocal prayer the whole man who prays. But in
is necessary for Christian life naming the source of prayer,
specially to express to God in Scripture speaks sometimes of the
words intentions from the soul or the spirit, but most often of
heart. In the Gospel, Jesus the heart (more than a thousand
raises His voice and heart to times).
the Father in His personal
prayer particularly in His According to Scripture, it is the heart  that prays. If our heart is far
petition to God at from God, the words of prayer are in vain.
Gethsemane and on the

CCC no.2563 The heart is the dwelling-

place where I am, where I live;
according to the Semitic or Biblical
expression, the heart is the place "to
which I withdraw."

THE HEART is our hidden center, beyond the grasp of our reason
and of others; only the Spirit of God can fathom the human heart
and know it fully. The heart is the place of decision, deeper than
Meditation involves the
our psychic drives. It is the place of truth, where we choose life or
human faculties like the
death. It is the place of encounter, because as image of God we live
emotions, thoughts, desires,
in relation: it is the place of covenant.
or imaginations, to deepen
one’s faith for a change of
CCC no.2564 Christian prayer is a
heart, a change of
covenant relationship between God
perspectives, and the firm
and man in Christ. It is the action of
conviction to follow God’s
God and of man, springing forth from
will. In meditation we are
both the Holy Spirit and ourselves,

CLE Gr.8 Rev. Nino Perido, CRS

being helped by Sacred

Scriptures especially wholly directed to the FATHER, in union
dwellings on the Gospels, with the human will of the Son of God
documents written by the made man.
Church fathers, God’s
handwriting in creation, C. Prayer as communion
among others.
CCC no.2565 In the New Covenant,
prayer is the living relationship of the
children of God with their Father who is
good beyond measure, with his Son
Jesus Christ and with the Holy Spirit.
The grace of the Kingdom is "the union
of the entire holy and royal Trinity . . .
with the whole human spirit." 

Contemplative prayer, means
the likened to a dialogue Thus, the life of prayer is the habit of being in the presence of the
with a close friend which is a thrice-holy God and in communion with him.
frequent, minute by minute
encounter, deep and alone This communion of life is always
with God, a gaze of love possible because, through BAPTISM,
fixed on Jesus, the heart’s we have already been united with
beloved. Christ. Prayer is Christian  insofar as it is
communion with Christ and extends
throughout the Church, which is his
Body. Its dimensions are those of
Christ's love.

CLE Gr.8 Rev. Nino Perido, CRS

Subject: CLE 8
Jesus’ Teaching on
1. What is the title of the prayer Jesus teaching His Disciples?
11 One day Jesus was praying in a _____________________________________________________
certain place. When he finished, one 2. How do you pray at home?
of his disciples said to him, ___________________________________________________________
“Lord, teach us to pray, just as John _________________________________________
taught his disciples.”
3. To whom do you usually pray?

He said to them, “When you pray, ___________________________________________________________
“‘Father,[a] 4. Do you ask the Lord to teach you to prayer? How?
hallowed be your name, ___________________________________________________________
your kingdom come.[b] ___________________________________________________________

Give us each day our daily bread. _________________________________________

Forgive us our sins, 5. What do you experience during prayer?
    for we also forgive everyone who ___________________________________________________________
sins against us.[c] ___________________________________________________________
And lead us not into temptation. ___________________________________________
6. Make your own simple vocal prayer!
7. Why do you need to pray? What is the reason?

(For questions or clarifications, send me message in this number

09214305862, or through messenger @ Nino Perido)

CLE Gr.8 Rev. Nino Perido, CRS

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