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Week 1

Light part 1
1- Light is a form of energy.
2- Light travels in straight lines called (Rays).
3- Light travels much faster than sound.
4- Light spread in all directions.
5- Light is electromagnetic radiation.
6- Luminous objects: Are objects that emits light.
7- Non-luminous objects: are objects that reflects light.
8- Non-luminous objects: a- Transparent
b- Translucent
c- Opaque
9- Light travels VERY FAST – about 300,000 kilometres per
10- Shadows are places where light is “blocked”:
11- If an object is moved closer to the light source, the
shadow gets bigger

12- If an object is moved further away from the light
source, the shadow gets smaller.
13- Shadows are sharp edges when light source is small
14- Shadows are dark in center when light source is large

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