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Isabela State University-Cauayan Campus

Prepared by: Kevin L. Dela Calzada

Critique popular, folk linguistic
concerns about ‘netlingo’ and
Establish the relative status of English
and other languages on the internet.
Examine the ways language and
discourse are changing on the
Consider how internet jargon and
styles are spreading into mainstream
Weblish, netlingo, e-talk, tech-
speak, wired-style, geek-speak
and netspeak
Internet language is so different
from other kinds of language that
it warrants a new, special label.
It destroys ‘proper’ language.
Language is a symbolic system for
creating meaning and is made up of
sounds, letters, and words.
Even if you know the correct rules of
grammar, there’s no guarantee that
you’ll be understood.
Meaning is negotiated between
Language is actually multifunctional.
Language-in-use- what
people actually do with
language in their
everyday encounters,
Social interaction
History, politics and power
French- the language of
German- the language of
science and technology
English- the ideal global
Different people have
different ways of speaking
Speech communities
Languages don’t have
perfect boundaries and are
never ‘pure’.
Most Common Languages Used
on the Internet
15 19.4
5 7.9
English Chinese Spanish Arabic
Netspeak is a
development of millennial
Internet language is a
‘fourth medium’
Language is changing all the
Standard English is the agreed
norm for writing a college essay
or a business letter.
No one really speaks like they
Most English spoken these days is
a kind of ‘fusion English’.
The emphasis in netlingo is almost
always on speed and informality.
Language relies on creative
typology and many of the
traditional rules of grammar and
style are sometimes broken.
word compounds and
blends (e.g. weblish,
abbreviations and
acronyms (e.g. THX ‘thanks’,
IRL ‘in real life’)
minimal use of capitalization,
punctuation and hyphenation – or
none at all (e.g. email);
generally less regard for accurate
spelling and/or typing errors;
less or no use of traditional
openings and closures (e.g. use Hi
or Hello instead of Dear . . .).
letter homophones (e.g. RU ‘are you’, acronyms (e.g.
LOL ‘laugh out loud’) and a mixture of both (e.g.
CYL8R ‘see you all later’);
creative use of punctuation (e.g. multiple periods . . .
exclamation marks !!!!);
capitalization or other symbols for EMPHASIS
and *stress*;
onomatopoeic and/or stylized spelling (e.g.
coooool, hahahaha, vewy intewestin ‘very
keyboard-generated emoticons or smileys (e.g. : -)
‘smiling face’ ,-)
direct requests (e.g. ASL ‘age, sex, location?)
interactional indicators (e.g. BBL ‘be back later’,
WDYm ‘what do you mean?’)
with more elaborate programming, colored text,
emotes (e.g. *{Sender} eyes you up and down*,
*{Sender} cries on your shoulder*) and other
graphic symbols (e.g. images of gifts and
accessories in Virtual Worlds).
Type of channel being used (e.g.
email or instant message)
The participants (e.g. teen
chatters or business colleagues)
The topic and purpose (e.g. love
letter or customer complaint)
Young people are losing the
ability to spell and write
Linguistic diffusion – when one
way of speaking starts to seep
into another.
Young people are losing the ability to
spell and write ‘correctly’
Linguistic diffusion – when one way of
speaking starts to seep into another.
New ways of communicating and using
language are emerging all the time as a
result of technological and social
Linguistic puritans’ – people
who are very strict, have very
rigid principles and who
disapprove of anything they
regard as frivolous and
Baron, N. (1998). Letters by phone or speech by
other means: the linguistics of email.
Language and Communication, 18, 133–70.
Herring, S. (2001). Computer-mediated discourse.
In D. Schiffrin, D. Tannen and H.E. Hamilton
(eds), The handbook of discourse analysis
(pp. 612–34). Oxford: Blackwell.
Thurlow, C. and Brown, A. (2003). Generation Txt?
The sociolinguistics of young people’s text
messaging. Discourse Analysis Online.
Warschauer, M., El Said, G. R. and Zohry, A. (2002).
Language choice online: Globalization and
identity in Egypt. Journal of Computer-
Mediated Communication, 7 (4).
Hanover and Tyke High School

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