Improving The Collection and Use of Administrative Data On Violence Against Women

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Global Technical Guidance
Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women:
global technical guidance

ISBN 978-92-4-005875-0 (electronic version)

ISBN 978-92-4-005876-7 (print version)

Copyright © 2022 UN Women and World Health Organization. All rights reserved.

Suggested citation. Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence
against women: global technical guidance. New York: United Nations Entity for Gender
Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) and World Health Organization
(WHO); 2022.

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Know the Appropriate

Uses of VAW 1
Administrative Data
and Identify Priorities


2 Create a National
or Subnational VAW
Administrative Data
Coordination Mechanism

Analyse and Align

with the VAW Legislative, 3
Policy and Data


4 Convene a VAW Administrative

Data User-Producer Dialogue


Agree What VAW

Administrative Data 5
Will Be Collected, Analysed
and Reported


6 Create an Implementation
Plan to Collect and Use VAW
Administrative Data


Implement and Monitor

the Regular Reporting 7
of VAW Administrative Data


8 Engage in Data
This global technical guidance has been developed by the United Nations Entity for
Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), in partnership with
the World Health Organization (WHO) through the Joint Programme on Violence
Against Women Data and with invaluable advice from an advisory group of experts
from UN agencies as well as independent experts.

In particular, UN Women would like to thank the Technical Advisory Board members:
Claudia García-Moreno, Avni Amin and LynnMarie Sardinha from WHO; Alexandra
Robinson from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA); Roberto Murguía
Huerta from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC); Claudia
Cappa from the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF); Kate Rougvie and
Kathryn McCallister from the Gender-Based Violence Information Management
System (GBVIMS) Global Technical Team; Cristina Fabre from the European Institute
for Gender Equality (EIGE); and Carol Hagemann-White from the University
of Osnabrueck. In addition, UN Women thanks Kristin Diemer (University of
Melbourne), Melissa Petrangelo Scaia (Global Rights for Women) and Carol Watson
Williams (reThink Social Development) for their input.

UN Women colleagues at headquarters, regional and country offices also

contributed to the development of the guidance: Melissa Alvarado, Grace Bulenzi
Gulere, Maria Teresa Banut Guerra Favela, Khamsavath Chanthavysouk, Zineb
Chebihi, Jessamyn Encarnacion, Abigail Erikson, Isiuwa Iyahen, Zamire Kelmendi,
Ana Laura Molina Armenta, Beatrice Mulindwa, Vlora Nushi, Karla Ramirez Ducoing,
Sonia Rastogi, Leila Rhiwi, Linda Sanaja-Ukmata, Aymane Saidi, Nayeli Sanchez,
Evelyn Selle Letiyo, Rea Jean Tabaco and Kanae Tanaka.

Juncal Plazaola Castaño, Raphaëlle Rafin and Yeliz Osman of the Ending Violence
Against Women Section of UN Women coordinated and managed the production of
the document with support from Kalliopi Mingeirou.

UN Women also thanks Tamil Kendall, the lead author of the document.

The paper was copyedited by Tina Johnson. Graphic design by Blossom.

This initiative would not have been possible without financial support from the
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office of the United Kingdom through
the UN Women–WHO Joint Programme on Strengthening Methodologies and
Measurement and Building National Capacities for Violence against Women Data
(Joint Programme on Violence Against Women Data).
Step 1
Know the Appropriate Uses of VAW
Administrative Data and Identify Priorities 14
1 Acronyms and abbreviations
List of figures and boxes


administrative data to improve policy Step 2
and programmatic responses Create a National or Subnational VAW
during COVID-1917 Administrative Data Coordination
Mechanism 18

COUNTRY EXAMPLE Morocco’s National
Step 3 Commission for the Care of Women Victims
Analyse and Align with the of Violence19
VAW Legislative, Policy and Data
Environment24 2.1 Select the leadership and membership
of the coordination mechanism 20
3.1 Analyse laws and policies relevant 2.2 Establish terms of reference
to VAW and administrative data 25 for the coordination mechanism 21
3.2 Analyse the data environment
and existing information systems 27 REGIONAL EXAMPLE One size
doesn’t fit all: Leadership of multisectoral
VAW administrative data environment and
harmonizing data collection in Uganda 28
3 VAW administrative data in Latin America23

Step 4
Step 5 Convene a VAW Administrative
Agree What VAW Administrative Data User-Producer Dialogue31
Data Will Be Collected, Analysed
and Reported34 COUNTRY EXAMPLE Implementing

VAW administrative data user-
5.1 Agree on a minimum data set 34 producer dialogues in Jamaica32
5.2 Establish operational definitions
and data management processes 38

COUNTRY EXAMPLE Counting VAW services Step 6

(case reports) and VAW survivors in Argentina41 Create an Implementation Plan to Collect
and Use VAW Administrative Data46
5.3 Manage the data: From collection
to reporting of multisectoral data flows 42 6.1 Provide training on VAW and
5.4 Establish or strengthen VAW administrative data collection 46
information-sharing protocols and standard
operating procedures to protect privacy and
health-care workers to respond
to VAW and collect administrative
COUNTRY EXAMPLE Promoting data in India48
VAW administrative data privacy
and security using role-based access 6.2 Plan for the required human,
in Kosovo45 infrastructure and financial resources 50

Step 7
Implement and Monitor the Regular Step 8
Reporting of VAW Administrative Data51 Engage in Data Communication55

7.1 Identify the institutions that are responsible 8.1 Improve data literacy 55
for reporting 51 8.2 Advance data communication to bridge
7.2 Ensure that quality administrative the data production-use gap 56
data are collected, aggregated and reported 52
COUNTRY EXAMPLE Improving and data to improve the VAW response
disseminating standard operating procedures in Zacatecas, Mexico  58
for VAW administrative data collection, entry
and validation in Moldova52 7 Concluding Summary 59
7.3 Establish and make public standards for References60
periodicity, transparency and data availability 53 Annexes65
7.4 Ensure that processes for analysis ANNEX I: Guiding Principles
and reporting respect confidentiality 53 ANNEX II: Country and Regional Examples
of Priority Uses of VAW Administrative Data
COUNTRY EXAMPLE Spain’s Gender Violence (Programme Monitoring and Service Mapping)
Portal: A multisectoral public-facing VAW ANNEX III: Proposed Response Options and

administrative data platform 54 Recommended Definitions for a Minimum
Data Set
ANNEX IV: Example of a Checklist for Privacy
and Confidentiality in Documentation
Global technical guidance
Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 6|

Acronyms and abbreviations

BANEVIM Banco Estatal de Datos sobre Violencia contra las Mujeres del Estado de Zacatecas

CSO civil society organization

EC emergency contraception

EU European Union

GBVIMS Gender-Based Violence Information Management System

INE National Statistics Institute (Spain)

ISP information-sharing protocol

MoU memorandum of understanding

NSO national statistics office

PEP post-exposure prophylaxis

RUCVM Unified Registry of Cases of Violence Against Women (Argentina)

SDG Sustainable Development Goal

SOP standard operating procedure

TOR terms of reference

UN CEDAW United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Violence against Women

UN Women United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women

UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

VAW violence against women

WHO World Health Organization

Acronyms and abbreviations

Global technical guidance
Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 7|

List of figures and boxes


Figure 1: Priority uses of VAW administrative data 15

Figure 2: Plan a data user-producer dialogue 33

Figure 3: Recommended minimum VAW administrative data set  36

Figure 4: Multisectoral VAW data flows: Collection to reporting 42

Figure 5: Attention to data users’ needs can improve VAW

administrative data use  56


Box 1: Definitions: Physical, psychological and sexual violence  10

Box 2: Do no harm: Survivor-centred design of VAW administrative

data systems  12

Box 3: VAW administrative data cannot represent prevalence 14

Box 4: VAW administrative data’s contribution to equity analysis 16

Box 5: Using VAW administrative data for monitoring and for quality
improvement: Separate functions? 20

Box 6: Sustainable Development Goal Indicator 5.1.1 Questionnaire:

Are VAW legal frameworks in place to promote, enforce and monitor
equality and non-discrimination on the basis of sex? 25

Box 7: Collecting VAW administrative data from general services

or from specialized VAW services 30

Box 8: Data producers and data users 31

Box 9: Should survivor’s perceptions of service quality

be collected in routine administrative data? 37

Box 10: Aligning VAW behavioural definitions with human rights

standards: The case of marital rape 40

Box 11: Meeting data users needs in data communication products  57

List of figures and boxes

Global technical guidance
Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 8|

Administrative data are collected by governments guidance was developed to identify key steps and
and other organizations primarily for administrative recommendations for intersectoral (e.g., national VAW
purposes, usually during the delivery of a service commissions, statistical bodies) or sectoral (e.g., justice,
or as part of internal processes such as budgeting1. police, health, social services) coordinating bodies to
Administrative data on violence against women consider when working to improve the collection and
(VAW) are (or could be) gathered as part of the use of VAW administrative data for statistical purposesi
provision of services and support to a survivor or the at the subnational or national level.
response to an alleged or convicted perpetrator by
authorities and different types of service providers, The technical guidance is organized in eight steps.
such as the police, prosecutors, courts, social welfare Reading it in its entirety is recommended, as
agencies, social services providers, women’s shelters, many of the steps are interdependent. Moreover,
violence hotlines and the health sector. These depending on the maturity of intersectoral or
data can also be derived from the administrative sectoral coordination bodies overseeing the
management of such services (e.g., information about collection and management of VAW administrative
employees and budgets). This technical guidance data and of existing information management and
uses the term ‘services’ to refer a broad range of statistical systems, the steps may not be linear. It
interventions and interactions with survivors and is also important to stress that these steps are not
perpetrators in the health, justice, police and social prescriptive but are intended to serve as guidance to
services sectors.2 countries in developing their capacity to collect and
use VAW administrative data.
The United Nations Secretary-General’s report Ending
Violence against Women: From Words to Action Eight steps for improving the collection and use of
emphasizes that VAW administrative data provide VAW administrative data
valuable information, often not obtainable through 1. Know the appropriate uses of VAW administrative
surveys, that can: data and identify priorities
2. Create a national or subnational VAW
→ provide insight into the number of women administrative data coordination mechanism
utilizing particular services because of VAW; 3. Analyse and align with the VAW legislative, policy
→ help to estimate the need for such services and and data environment
their costs; 4. Convene a VAW administrative data user-
→ contribute to understanding sector responses to producer dialogue
violence and unmet needs; 5. Agree what VAW administrative data will be
→ quantify the need for training among service collected, analysed and reported
providers; and 6. Create an implementation plan to collect and use
→ provide information to evaluate programmes and VAW administrative data
policies and to inform the generation of new or 7. Implement and monitor regular reporting of VAW
improved legislation, policies and procedures to administrative data
prevent and respond to VAW3. 8. Engage in data communication

Countries are increasingly interested in using The technical guidance builds on and complements
VAW administrative data to understand, prevent the international evidence and expert opinion
and respond to VAW and are seeking direction published in UN Women’s 2020 Background Paper:
and support about how to collect and use such “A Synthesis of Evidence on the Collection and
data effectively and ethically. This global technical Use of Administrative Data on Violence against

i VAW administrative data may be used for case-management purposes; however, this purpose is beyond the remit of this technical guidance, which focuses
on the production of VAW administrative data for statistical purposes. Unlike many surveys or the census, administrative data were originally collected for
administrative rather than statistical purposes.

Global technical guidance
Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 9|

Women”.4 Recommendations are made based on administrative data for service monitoring and as an
existing evidence, guidance and country and regional input for evaluation, service mapping and capacity
experience from multiple sectors and expert opinionii. assessment with the end goal of improving VAW
prevention and response (see Step 1 and Figure 1). Data
Many decisions about the collection and use of VAW users who are not data producers, such as advocates for
administrative data are highly context-dependent. In ending VAW, civil society organizations (CSOs), including
some cases, rather than making recommendations, the women’s organizations, and data users from academia
guidance identifies the advantages and disadvantages and research centres may find this technical guidance of
of different options to support the VAW administrative interest but are not the primary audience.
data coordination mechanism (described in Step 2)
to make informed decisions. The technical guidance Sectors
is envisioned as a living document that should be The technical guidance was informed by review and
periodically updated as countries use and adapt it to consultation with experts from the health, justice,
their country-specific contexts and needs. policing, social services and humanitarian sectors
about country and regional experiences with the
Scope of the global technical guidance: Audience, collection and use of VAW administrative data. It
sectors and types of VAW focuses on lessons learned that are applicable across
multiple sectors and proposes a small number of
Audience variables that should be collected by all sectors
Improving the collection and use of VAW (minimum data set).
administrative data requires expertise in VAW and
in the production and use of statistics, as well as in- Recognizing that national and subnational sectoral
depth context-specific knowledge of and responsibility data needs and information systems vary, the
for VAW service delivery and related administrative technical guidance aligns with and incorporates
data collection and information management recommendations from existing sector-specific
systems. This technical guidance recommends the guidance for health,5 police and justice6 and the
inclusion of individuals with these different fields of internationally agreed service standards specified
knowledge and respective responsibilities in the VAW in the Essential Services Package for Women and
administrative data coordination mechanism (Step Girls Subject to Violence7. This technical guidance
2) to provide policy and operational leadership. Once envisions that the development and improvement
created, the coordination mechanism can use the of the subnational or national VAW administrative
guidance as a reference. data system will involve governmental and non-
governmental service providers from multiple sectors,
More broadly, the audience for this technical guidance depending on the national or subnational ecosystem
is national and subnational producers of VAW of VAW service providers. In practice, the involvement
administrative data. Government and civil society of both governmental and non-governmental service
programme managers responsible for providing services providers, multiple sectors and geographic areas may
to survivors of VAW and interacting with perpetrators, be phased, with work to improve the collection and
national statistics offices (NSOs) and national and use of VAW administrative data initially concentrated
subnational policymakers will find it useful for among service providers, sectors or geographical
designing, planning and implementing the collection, areas where there is strong leadership, willingness to
management, analysis, reporting and communication collaborate and existing capacities for data collection.
of administrative data on VAW. These data producers
are also frequently data users who will use VAW

ii From 2019 to 2021, UN Women solicited information about country experiences collecting and using VAW administrative data from 62 stakeholders from
20 countries through in-depth interviews about the process of developing sectoral and multisectoral VAW administrative data systems, follow-up email
communication and an expert group meeting that presented country and regional experiences. Stakeholders came from health, justice and social services
ministries, civil society organizations, women’s machineries, national statistical offices (NSOs), academia and the United Nations. The regions and countries
represented were: Africa (Malawi, Uganda, Zimbabwe); Latin America and the Caribbean (Argentina, Belize, Colombia, Jamaica, Mexico); Arab States/
North Africa (Morocco); Asia and the Pacific (Fiji, Indonesia, Kiribati, Philippines, Tonga); and Europe and Central Asia (Georgia, Italy, Kosovo, Moldova, Spain,
Tajikistan). The guidance has also been informed by learnings from the Gender-Based Violence Information Management System (GBVIMS) experience
operating in humanitarian and emergency settings for more than a decade.

Global technical guidance
Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 10|

Types of VAW violence, if they are deemed priorities by countries.

The minimum data set proposed in this technical Given parallel work to develop a comprehensive
guidance includes physical, psychological and sexual statistical framework for gender-based killings of
violence experienced by women in multiple locations women (femicide/feminicide), led by the United
and by different perpetratorsiii. It focuses primarily Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and UN
on using administrative data to prevent and respond Women, this technical guidance does not include
to violence experienced by adult womeniv. It does femicide but rather aligns with this statistical
not at this juncture include other forms of violence framework8. Improving collection and availability of
such as trafficking, economic violence or other the variables recommended in the minimum data
harmful practices such as child, early and forced set will contribute to understanding, preventing and
marriages and female genital mutilation. However, responding to gender-based killings of women9 by
it is recognized that the principles, steps and providing critical information on their gender-related
recommended variables described in the guidance motives by, for example, identifying intimate partner
could be applied to improve the collection and use or non-partner physical, psychological or sexual
of administrative data for these and other forms of violence prior to the homicide.

Box 1 emotional distress. It includes sexual contact, forced sexual

Definitions: Physical, a range of behaviours that acts, attempted or completed
psychological and sexual encompass acts of emotional sexual acts (intercourse)
violence10 abuse (e.g., being frequently without consent (rape or
humiliated in public, attempted rape), non-contact
Physical violence consists of acts intimidated or having things acts (e.g., being forced to
aimed at physically hurting the you care about destroyed) watch or participate in
survivor and include, but are not and controlling behaviours pornography) and/or being
limited to, acts like pushing, (e.g., being kept from seeing forced to so something sexual
grabbing, twisting the arm, family or friends or from that the woman considers
pulling hair, slapping, kicking, seeking health care without humiliating or degrading.
biting or hitting with a fist or permission). Sexual violence includes sexual
object, trying to strangle or harassment, verbal abuse
suffocate, burning or scalding Sexual violence is defined and threats. Rape is defined
on purpose, or threatening or as any sort of harmful or as engaging in the non-
attacking with some sort of unwanted sexual behaviour consensual vaginal, anal or oral
weapon, gun or knife. that is imposed on someone, penetration of a sexual nature
whether by use of physical of the body of another person
Psychological violence consists force, intimidation or coercion. with any bodily part or object.
of any act that induces fear or It includes acts of abusive

iii In designing administrative data, it is important to allow for recording violence experienced by women in multiple locations (e.g., homes, public spaces,
work places) and by multiple perpetrators (e.g., intimate partners, family members who are cohabiting or not, neighbours, employers or strangers) (see
Annex III). However, it is important to also note that the forms of violence that are most commonly experienced by women worldwide are physical, psy-
chological and sexual intimate partner violence (IPV) and non-partner sexual violence (NPSV). These were selected as the scope for the literature review
that informed this technical guidance as these are also the forms about which knowledge and practice—including legislative and policy frameworks
(encompassing criminalization) as well as measurement and standards for data collection (mainly for prevalence surveys)—are most developed and robust
(Kendall 2020, pp. 10-11). Depending on the context, violence by other perpetrators, be it other family members or in the work place, may also be reported
and are useful to record. Although measurement tools and standardized definitions are less developed, recording these can help improve the learning
on them.
iv Whilst gender-based violence against children and adolescents is a critical issue, this document does not provide specific technical guidance relevant to
the legal and policy considerations for the collection and use of VAW administrative data from minors. Strengthening VAW administrative data collection
that includes girls and adolescents (minors) is important, and efforts in this regard can be undertaken simultaneously as many of the service providers are
the same for adult women and children. However, the data collection and information management systems require additional ethical, safety and consent
considerations that need to be followed (see UNICEF 2020).

Global technical guidance
Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 11|

Principles to guide the collection and use of VAW of VAW, including lethal violence. Breaches of
administrative data confidentiality also pose the threat of harm to
The following overlapping guiding principles, adapted those who support VAW survivors, including
for the collection and use of VAW administrative service providers. To seek services and disclose
data from the Essential Services Package for Women experiences of violence without fear of retaliation
and Girls Subject to Violence,11 must underpin the from perpetrators or being stigmatized by others,
collection, analysis, sharing and reporting of such women need to be confident that information
data: a human rights-based approach; advancement about them and their experiences will be kept safe
of gender equality and women’s empowerment; and remain confidential. Ensuring confidentiality is
cultural sensitivity and age appropriateness; a fundamental principle of statistics12 as well as a
survivor-centred approach; safety; and perpetrator core characteristic for provision of quality essential
accountability (see Annex I). services to survivors of VAW.13

The main objectives of collecting and promoting There is an important distinction to be made
the use of VAW administrative data are to improve between potential sharing of personal information
policies and programmes to prevent VAW, to support for care and management (‘case management’)
survivors and to hold perpetrators accountable. with the few duty bearers who are responsible
There is a clear ethical obligation to ensure that for provision of services and the confidentiality
collection and use of VAW administrative data maintained when using VAW administrative
benefits survivors and does no harm. Survivor- data for statistical purposes. Survivors often fear
centred approaches place the rights, needs and that disclosure of VAW to service providers and
safety of women at the centre of both service institutions, and then further sharing of personal
delivery and administrative data collection and identifying information without their consent,
use. Recommendations to prevent potential harms may result in undesired interventions in their lives
and to make the design and implementation of or the lives of their children and stigmatize them
administrative data systems survivor-centred are in the community. For care and management
summarized in Box 2. purposes, survivors should always be asked for
their consent before their personal information is
Confidentiality shared with a limited set of duty bearers who need
Confidentiality is a core characteristic of quality to know in order to provide quality care.14 If limits to
service delivery and ethical collection and use of confidentiality exist because of mandatory reporting
VAW administrative data. Potential harm associated requirements (i.e., the requirement of health or
with violations of confidentiality was a key concern social service providers to report actual or suspected
raised by experts during the development of this cases of VAW to police or other authorities),v
technical guidance. Confidentiality of personally survivors should be informed about this prior to
identifiable information is a central pillar of a being asked to disclose violence so that they can
human rights-based approach that ensures survivor make informed decisions about what
safety. Breaches of confidentiality—for example, they divulge.15
disclosure to a perpetrator or family members
that a woman has sought help because of VAW or For statistical purposes, information about specific
information leaks that that allow a perpetrator to individuals is always kept confidential,16 and specific
identify the location of a survivor after leaving a individuals should never be identifiable.17 Different
violent relationship—can result in negative social from research, written informed consent is not
consequences for survivors and risks the escalation commonly part of the creation of an administrative

v Mandatory reporting refers to legislation passed by some States that requires designated individuals such as health-care providers to report (usually to
the police or legal system) any case of actual or suspected domestic violence or intimate partner violence. In many countries, mandatory reporting applies
primarily to child abuse and maltreatment of minors, but in others it has been extended to the reporting of some types of VAW. The World Health Organi-
zation (WHO) guidelines recommend against mandatory reporting of violence against adult women to relevant authorities such as the police or protection
officers. Exceptions to this may be in the case where the law requires mandatory reporting of minors subjected to abuse or where the life of the woman
subjected to violence is in immediate danger (WHO 2013.) The Essential Services Package builds on these recommendations to state that mandatory report-
ing of individual cases between coordinating agencies should be prohibited except in cases of immediate danger, child victims or special vulnerability (UN
Women et al. 2015, Module 2, p. 16 and Module 5, p. 15).

Global technical guidance
Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 12|

record. VAW administrative data collection and care and management, and that they are informed
management must conform with national and sectoral that aggregate data that does not identify them
privacy regulations and with international standards will be used to inform and improve VAW policies
that include informing how personally identifiable and programmes. If they do not consent to their
information will be used and with whom and under information being recorded, their wishes should
what circumstances information will be shared with be respected without any denial of care or services.
third parties.18 If secondary use of personal data, such Improving VAW administrative data collection is
as use of administrative data for statistical purposes, an opportunity to improve confidentiality and data
is not explicitly consented to at the time of data protection in the service delivery site and in data
collection, international guidance is that as well management (see Step 5.4). Policies and procedures
as being legal and ensuring individual privacy, must be implemented to protect the confidentiality
the use must be aligned with institutional and personal data of individual survivors and (alleged)
mandates and “protect the vital or best interest perpetrators at every step, from collection to data
of an individual(s) or group(s) of individuals” whose storage, processing, analysis and data communication.
personal information is used. 19 All staff who have a role in documenting and
managing VAW administrative data must be
The recommendation of this technical guidance trained in these policies and procedures, commit to
is that during collection of VAW administrative implementation and be made aware of the sanctions
data, individuals are informed about and explicitly for failure to comply.
consent to the sharing of their information for

Box 2 survivors regarding VAW provision and administrative

Do no harm: Survivor-centred administrative data data collection.
design of VAW administrative • Consult with survivor experts • Design data collection
data systems where possible to provide forms and information
inputs into data collection management systems to
The audience for these forms and information facilitate survivor non-
questions and recommendations management systems. response. Include ‘declined to
is the VAW administrative data answer’ as a response option
coordination mechanism What VAW administrative data to distinguish
(Step 2) that will oversee the will be collected? it from missing data.
design and implementation High quality service provision
of the system for the data is always the priority— Reduce the response burden
collection and use. More details documentation/data collection on survivors.
about how to implement these must never represent a • Limit the number of
summary recommendations barrier to receiving service, questions asked and collect
are included throughout this and survivors must be able to the minimum data set.
technical guidance. decline their information • Avoid framing questions
being recorded without to imply blame or
Who governs and coordinates fear of losing services. stigmatize survivors.
effort to improve VAW • Prioritize provision of services • Ask questions that might
administrative data? and care both in sequence be perceived as invasive
• Include representatives of and timing over data or traumatize survivors
specialized VAW CSOs in the collection and emphasize with empathy and only if
coordination mechanism to survivor autonomy to needed. The purpose should
provide expert knowledge decline to answer or have be explained and survivors
and increase awareness of information collected in should be given the option of
concerns and priorities of training for VAW service not answering.

Global technical guidance
Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 13|

>> • Do not document issues that • The minimum data set service should not be
are unnecessary for service recommends collection of a able to identify survivors
provision or could result in survivor’s sex, age of VAW. Supervisors and
prejudice or discrimination and relationship with the decision-makers, including
against the survivor during perpetrator and where those responsible for VAW
service provision or in violence occurred (see Step programmes and policies,
subsequent legal processes. 5). Additional important should only be able to access
The police or justice sector variables could include: aggregate (anonymized) data
may be obliged to collect ethnicity, disability status, (statistics as opposed to
information on criminal citizenship/migration status, individual records).
acts by survivors, but these gender identity and sexual • Data management (data
variables do not have to be orientation. Additional entry, data sharing and data
collected by other sectors or variables should be safe to analysis) must follow best
extracted as part of a VAW collect and relevant to practices for data protection
administrative data set. Seek care provision. and security. If records are
to protect survivors and avoid associated with unique
revictimization associated Who has access to VAW identifiers, data management
with data collection during administrative data? including sharing and any
service provision. • Limit access to individual linkage should be performed
• Document drug and alcohol records of VAW survivors to in a secure data
use and mental health status those who need to know
only as relevant to provide because they are involved in What VAW administrative data
services. Survivors should not care provision or responsible are made public?
be questioned about their for aggregating and Anonymize any information
sexual history. reporting data, and ensure made publicly available (no
• The legal framework and confidentiality. names, ensure numbers reported
social context will • In the service delivery site, are sufficiently largevii to prevent
determine what socio- individuals who are not identification of individuals
demographic variables are responsible for providing based on location or place of
safe to collect. direct VAW-related care/ residence, age etc.).

vi Assuring statistical confidentiality and data security is a principle for the production of statistics. This requires that appropriate standards, guidelines,
practices and procedures are in place to ensure statistical confidentiality, that strict protocols to safeguard data confidentiality apply to users with access to
microdata, and that microdata is managed in a secure environment (UN DESA, Statistical Division 2019, pp. 23-24, 115).
vii Suppressing any cell with less than five observations is a frequent convention. Rules for cell sizes (what is considered sufficiently large) can be based on the
specific data set and expert opinion. Specific rules for data suppression will be established as part of protocols for data management and processing (see
Step 5) (Klein et al. 2002).

Global technical guidance
Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 14|

Step 1
Know the Appropriate Uses of VAW
Administrative Data and Identify

Countries can use VAW administrative data to better and costing for system planning, which also requires
understand the types of help sought by survivors, additional information beyond the minimum data
assess the current response to VAW and improve set. See Figure 1 for a summary of the different priority
related policies and programmes. In this technical uses of VAW administrative data and the questions
guidance, we identify three priority uses for these each can answer. Understanding the different uses of
data: (1) monitoring VAW service use (based on the VAW administrative data and the different information
minimum data set recommended to be collected by all needed to fulfil these (whether the minimum data set

sectors); (2) monitoring programmes to assess policy
implementation and service coverage and quality, which
or the minimum data set plus additional information)
can help guide decisions about priority uses for these
requires additional sector-specific information and data in the national/subnational context. Equally
analysis beyond the minimum data set; and (3) service important for identifying priorities is understanding
mapping to assess service capacity, resource allocation what VAW administrative data cannot tell us (see Box 3).

Box 3: Administrative data
VAW administrative data cannot
represent prevalence Act
• VAW administrative data va
cannot be substituted
ce o

for population surveys to

VAW (Unk

estimate the prevalence of

VAW, i.e., the proportion
of women and girls in the

population who experience


violence. For example, VAW

administrative data cannot
Survey Data
be used to report on Graph courtesy of Dr. Henrica A.F.M. Jansen

Sustainable Development
Goal indicators 5.2.1 • Service-use data tell us • For further discussion of
and 5.2.2.viii how much demand there the different units of count
• Less than 40 per cent of is for services. It can tell us (services delivered or persons
survivors of VAW seek help of how many times a service who received services),
any kind. Those who do mostly was used and, if the service see Step 5.2.
seek help from family and
friends rather than institutional 7 keeps track of use by new
and repeat users, how many
• Increasing knowledge among
policymakers, managers
supports, such as the police or survivors sought and received and service providers about
health services. Less than 10 per services from an institution in what VAW administrative
cent of survivors seeking help a given time period. data can and cannot tell us is
go to the police.20 important (see Step 8).

viii SDG Indicator 5.2.1: Proportion of ever-partnered women and girls aged 15 years and older subjected to physical, sexual or psychological violence by a
current or former intimate partners in the previous 12 months, by form of violence and by age. SDG Indicator 5.2.2: Proportion of women and girls aged
15 years and older subjected to sexual violence by persons other than an intimate partner in the previous 12 months, by age and place of occurrence (UN
DESA, Statistics Division 2015b).

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Global technical guidance
Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 15|

Figure 1: Priority uses of VAW administrative data

Monitoring service use Programme monitoring to assess Service mapping and system planning
policy implementation, service
coverage and quality

Based on the recommended Requires additional sector-specific Requires additional sources of

minimum data set (Step 5): information such as variables to information for assessing
Number of cases of VAW reported, measure whether services were service capacity, resource allocation
types of VAW reported, survivor- provided to VAW survivors and the and costing
perpetrator relationship in cases extent of perpetrator such as number and profiles of staff
of VAW reported, sex and age of accountability. deployed in different services, budgets.
survivors and perpetrators, whether
services were provided/referrals made.

Questions answered by each priority use of VAW administrative data

What VAW services are delivered to Are VAW policies and services What is the national/subnational
survivors and what are the critical implemented to standards? capacity to prevent and respond to
characteristics of the survivors, → Does service provision adhere to VAW?
perpetrators and types of VAW
national/subnational protocols → What is the coverage of service
and guidelines? delivery? For example, how
→ Which women are seeking what (e.g., how many survivors many clinics and hospitals
services because of VAW? received care/response that met are providing VAW services or
→ What types of VAW are they established minimum quality
standards? Did investigation,
how many police stations and
prosecutors units have trained
experiencing (physical, sexual,
sentencing and treatment of personnel/specialized units and
(alleged) perpetrators conform to the necessary material resources
→ Who is perpetrating this established guidelines?) to respond
→ Was service provision timely? to VAW?
→ Where and when are these acts → Do VAW services conform to → What infrastructure, human and
of violence occurring? financial resources are currently
→ How many reports of VAW have good practice?
deployed? E.g., number of shelter
beds, number of persons trained,
been made in a given time
→ What was the outcome? For number of persons employed,
health/social services provided, functions of persons employed,
→ What services and referrals were referrals, possible medical/ expenditures on wages and
provided? social outcomes;21 for police/ salaries, operating costs.
justice complaints, investigation,
charges, convictions, sentencing.22


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Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 16|

>> Monitoring service use Programme monitoring to assess policy Service mapping and system planning
implementation, service coverage and quality

Purpose: Uses for different types of VAW administrative data

→ Summarizes reports of VAW → Can identify where effort/action → Can identify service gaps and be
recorded by services/authorities. is needed to meet service used to allocate resources.
→ Describes survivors and perpetrators standards/areas for → Service capacity data are key for
who are interacting with services. improvement. evaluating the progress of duty
→ Information about incidents of → Monitoring programme delivery bearers, system planning and
violence (case reports) can inform using administrative data and mobilizing resources.
prevention initiatives and service providing the results to service For an example of this use, see
delivery. providers has been shown to Example 3 in Annex II.
→ Information from case reports can result in greater provision of care
to standards.23
be compared to population
estimates to potentially identify → Sector-specific administrative
gaps in service seeking or service data are an important input for
delivery e.g., 15 per cent of the evaluating programmes and
country’s population is ethnic policies.
minority but only 1 per cent of VAW
For examples of these uses, see
reported to police is reported by
Examples 1 and 2 in Annex II.
ethnic minority women.
→ If VAW prevalence data are available,
more refined comparisons on the
types of VAW and socio-
demographic characteristics of
survivors reporting VAW in surveys
and seeking VAW services can be
See Box 4.

Box 4 services and provide information progress towards SDG targets 5.2,
VAW administrative data’s for monitoring the delivery of 11.7, 16.1, 16.2, 16.3 and 16.6ix and
contribution to equity analysis26 and outcomes of those services. whether this progress is equitable.
A core principle of the Information on who is accessing The recommended minimum
Sustainable Development VAW services can provide insights data set includes age and sex of
Goals (SDGs) is to “Leave No into who is not accessing services survivors and survivor-perpetrator
One Behind”; the goals of the by triangulating this information relationship (see Figure 3 in Step 5).
2030 Agenda for Sustainable with VAW prevalence data, if The additional socio-demographic
Development should be met available, or census data about information that is most important
for all nations, people and for the structure of the population. for an equity analysis of service
all segments of society, with use, service delivery and outcomes
priority placed on reaching first VAW administrative data cannot be using administrative data will
those who are furthest behind.27 used to report on SDG indicators, be specific to the national and
Equity analysis using VAW which require prevalence data subnational context. The main
administrative data is a direct that can only be generated by principles to guide decision-
and important contribution surveys, but administrative data making about the variables to
to SDG monitoring. The data on service use, service delivery and include in VAW administrative
can describe who is accessing resource allocation can be used to data collection are to be survivor-
VAW prevention and response further inform understanding of centred and to do no harm.

ix SDG target 5.2: Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other types of
exploitation (survivor age, survivor-perpetrator relationship, type of VAW, location of VAW); target 11.7: By 2030, provide universal access to safe, inclusive and
accessible, green and public spaces, in particular for women and children, older persons and persons with disabilities (location of VAW, survivor age); target 16.1:
Significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere (VAW reported to services); target 16.2 End abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all
forms of violence against and torture of children (VAW reported, age of survivor); target 16.3: Promote the rule of law at the national and international levels and
ensure equal access to justice for all (VAW reported, process of investigation and procuration of justice: complaints, investigation, charges, convictions, sentenc-
ing, see also Annex II); target 16.6 Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels (UN DESA, Statistics Division 2022). Reporting and data
communication (Steps 7 and 8) contribute to improved accountability and transparency of the VAW response at all levels.

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Global technical guidance
Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 17|


“We are constantly increasing our Countries that increased or

Using VAW use of the data to improve public prioritized budgets for government
administrative data policy and services. We can’t do or CSO actions to prevent or
it all, but it contributes, and an respond to VAW during the
to improve policy example is the catalogue of urgent pandemic include Armenia,
and programmatic measures [to prevent VAW during Australia, Canada, Côte d’Ivoire,
the COVID-19 state of emergency].” Ireland, Latvia, Nepal, New
responses during Zealand, Tonga and Ukraine.
COVID-19 Government official, Most countries with hotlines
women’s machinery strengthened coverage, and
Angola, Cambodia, Ghana and
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Sudan introduced new, toll-free
VAW administrative data gained hotlines. Many countries, including
relevance and prominence Albania, Brazil and Mexico,
around the world as women’s ensured VAW cases were a priority
machineries, other government for the courts despite reduced
ministries, CSOs and development functioning, and that protection
partners sought ‘real time’ orders were automatically
information to guide policy and extended. Some countries,
programmatic responses to including Chile, Colombia, Malta
VAW. Administrative data about and Romania, introduced targeted
VAW service use and demand, social protection and economic
particularly service use data support for survivors.24 VAW
from hotlines and shelters, were administrative data frequently
foundational for shaping and contributed to the justification or
monitoring national, regional rationale for these gender-sensitive
and local emergency responses investments and were also used to
to VAW during the pandemic and monitor implementation.
for the allocation of additional The “Decision tree: Data collection
resources to support prevention on violence against women and
and response. COVID-19” is a tool to support
decision-making about data

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Global technical guidance
Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 18|

Step 2 Create a National or Subnational

VAW Administrative Data
Coordination Mechanism

“Without inter-institutional cooperation and

coordination between different branches and levels
of the government, ministries and regions, it isn’t
possible to get the data. That is the basic foundation.”
Government official, women’s machinery

Making progress to begin or to improve the collection The first consideration when contemplating the
and use of VAW administrative data requires creation of a national or subnational coordination
leadership and coordination. Within and across sectors, mechanism is whether there is an existing national
the commitment of data producers, data users and body responsible for the overall VAW response and
decision-makers at the mid- and upper-management what responsibilities this body has related to VAW
level is necessary to advance the compilation, data, and specifically VAW administrative data. It
processing and reporting of VAW administrative will also be important to identify whether there
data as well as their use to improve policies and is a national or subnational body responsible for
programmatic responses. gender statistics and, if so, whether this body has an
already established working group on VAW statistics.
The creation of a coordination mechanism is an Depending on the context, governance for the overall
opportunity to define roles and responsibilities VAW response and VAW administrative data may
for the collection, analysis and reporting of VAW require two different bodies: the one responsible for
administrative data, to make institutional agreements the overall VAW response may be more policy-oriented
to improve the quality and use of such data and to while that responsible for VAW data governance and
catalyse political and operational support for these implementation may require a more technical and
activities. In the section on “Coordination, monitoring operationally oriented coordination mechanism or
and data collection”, the United Nations Committee working group.
on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
(UN CEDAW) General Recommendation No. 35 on
gender-based violence against women calls on States
to “Set up a mechanism or body, or mandate an
existing mechanism or body, to regularly coordinate,
monitor and assess the national, regional and local
implementation and effectiveness of the measures”.28

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Global technical guidance
Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 19|


Morocco’s Morocco passed a national law by the Ministry of Equality, the

to combat violence against national women’s machinery.
National women in 2018.29 Article 12 of the
Commission law establishes an independent During its first year of existence,
national commission responsible the National Commission
for the Care for: national coordination and undertook a programme of
of Women Victims facilitating communication multi-sectoral, interdisciplinary
between different sectors learning about VAW that
of Violence involved in the prevention and involved civil society and
response to VAW; advising, international development
monitoring and evaluating partners and analysed the legal,
national, regional and local policy and data environment.
VAW action plans; and annually This joint learning and diagnosis
reporting on outcomes. The led to the conclusion that for
National Commission for the VAW administrative data, the
Care of Women Victims of “lack of a unified dictionary to
Violence was convened in August describe criminal acts
2019 under the leadership committed against women,
of retired Judge Zhor El Horr, and the lack of a unified
who was the country’s first national information system
woman judge and has been at to reduce repetition among
the vanguard of codifying and stakeholders, make the need
contributing to the evolution of to create a unified national
family law nationally. database an urgent necessity”.31
The National Commission thus
During the first year of its recommended creating unified
existence, the National VAW indicators and definitions,
Commission established a Terms developing an intersectoral VAW
of Reference (Working Guide), administrative data information
which outlines its objectives and system, increasing the technical
tasks, leadership, membership and infrastructure capacity for
and responsibility for providing statistics in specialized units
secretariat support. The for VAW survivors (health
Commission has government and justice sectors), ensuring
representation from the alignment with national laws
sectors that are responsible for governing the protection of
preventing and responding to personal data and studying
VAW, including the police, Royal how information can be
Gendarmerie, justice and health. shared between different
Secretariat support for the sectors for follow-up and
National Commission is provided secondary prevention.32

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Global technical guidance
Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 20|

2.1 Select the leadership and membership

of the coordination mechanism

Leadership Membership
→ Clarity about the leadership of the coordination Improving the collection and use of VAW
mechanism, what institutions should be administrative data requires a coordination
represented and who is responsible for data mechanism that has knowledge and expertise
processing and reporting can support progress in in VAW, statistics, information systems and data
the field of VAW administrative data. Conflict over management (including data protection) and service
leadership or lack of ownership and consequent delivery in the participating sectors. The composition
neglect can be harmful. While there is no one- of the coordination mechanism will depend on roles,
size-fits-all approach, the following criteria could responsibilities and relevant expertise in the local
be considered when selecting the lead institution context, but at a minimum should include the NSO,
or institutions: women’s machinery and VAW CSOs.
→ Priority: Importance attributed to VAW
administrative data within the institution. → The NSO has responsibility for statistical
→ Mandate: Legal or policy attributions for coordination. At the national level, it develops
monitoring of the VAW response and for the standards for data collection, processing and
generation of statistics. reporting and provides technical support to
→ Independence: Actual and perceived credibility, increase statistical capacity and coordination
objectivity and autonomy from political among other actors. The NSO may also directly
interference. collect and manage VAW data, including
→ Current functions: Capitalize on existing administrative data, and disseminate statistics.
capacities, operational efficiencies and avoid → The women’s machinery may be the steward for
duplication of effort. the VAW response, contribute subject matter
expertise in VAW and gender statistics and be
A co-leadership model between the institution with directly responsible for ensuring delivery of
policy responsibility for VAW and the NSO may be specialized VAW services to survivors.
appropriate. → CSOs contribute valuable subject matter
expertise in VAW. Depending on the context,
they may also deliver a significant proportion of
specialized VAW services to survivors, making
them important data producers and users.

Box 5 that one body is responsible delivery sites and within sectors,
Using VAW administrative for coordination and it is important that managers
data for monitoring and for implementation of VAW polices and decision-makers with
quality improvement: Separate and measures and a separate, responsibility for service
functions? independent body is responsible delivery review VAW
At the national or subnational for monitoring these, including administrative data so that
level, it may be appropriate through the analysis of VAW they can implement quality
to divide responsibilities so administrative data.33 At service improvement measures.

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Global technical guidance
Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 21|

→ All the relevant sectors that are responsible → Ideally, the data decision-makers or data stewards
for service delivery should also be engaged from the different sectors who can either take
(e.g., health, police, justice and social services, decisions about or substantially influence data
including services managed by CSOs). Depending collection and the information management
on the local service ecosystem, others may system within or across the sector should be
include transport and the humanitarian and members of the coordination mechanism.
emergency sector to mention only two. The → Inclusion of independent VAW experts,
design and implementation of administrative including those from academia, can enrich the
data collection systems needs to be informed knowledge and experience available to the
by a deep understanding of service delivery: coordination mechanism.
workflows, existing documentation and
information systems and related opportunities
and constraints (see Step 3.2).

2.2 Establish terms of reference

for the coordination mechanism

The purpose, leadership, members and related roles efforts to establish and improve reporting and data
and responsibilities of the coordination mechanism communication required commitment over
should be defined in its terms of reference (TOR). This multiple years.
can assign specific tasks to institutions or it can be
more general. If the TOR is general, depending on the The TOR should include:
current state of the VAW administrative data system at
the subnational or national level, specific tasks for the Purpose: The coordination mechanism is expected to
preparatory work to analyse the VAW administrative be task oriented with the broad purpose of improving
data policy, legal and data environment and to build the collection and use of VAW administrative data.
consensus about the data to be collected (Steps 3 More specific objectives will derive from the priority
through 5 of the technical guidance) will need to be uses for these data and the priority tasks established
assigned in an operational work plan approved by the by the coordination mechanism.
coordination mechanism. Further actions to improve
the collection and use of VAW administrative data Structure, membership and leadership:
will be specified in the implementation plan (Step 6)
developed and approved by the → Accountability: the position or positions (e.g.,
coordination mechanism. minister, deputy minister, chair of a multisectoral
body) to which the coordination mechanism is
The term (duration of participation) for leadership accountable and reports
and membership in the coordination mechanism → Leadership: responsibility for convening and
should also be specified in the TOR. The country and chairing the coordination mechanism
regional experiences and expert opinion that informed → Members of the coordination mechanism
this guidance indicate that improvement of VAW → Institution that will provide secretariat support to
administrative data collection and use is at minimum a the coordination mechanism.
three- to five-year endeavour. Convening
a coordination mechanism (Step 2), analysing the legal, Decision-making: The TOR should specify how
policy and data environment (Step 3) and agreeing decisions will be made. This should include:
on what VAW administrative data will be collected,
analysed and reported (Steps 4 and 5) frequently → Establishing a quorum (how many members
took 18 to 24 months. Similarly, resource mobilization, must be present during a meeting to
training and infrastructure development (Step 6) and take decisions)

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Global technical guidance
Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 22|

→ Process for making decisions (e.g., by voting with → Responsibility for developing the implementation
a simple majority or by consensus) plan including resource mobilization (Step
→ If there are voting and non-voting members, this 6). Subsequently, the responsibilities of the
should be specified. collaborating institutions for providing resources
should be formalized in a memorandum of
Roles and responsibilities: The coordination understanding (MoU).
mechanism will have oversight for improving VAW → Responsibility for reporting (Step 7) and data
administrative data collection and use. Specific roles communication (Step 8).
and responsibilities for improving the collection and
use of the data can also be assigned to participating
institutions. These could include: Expected outputs: The TOR may specify the
expected outputs or these may be specified in the
→ Responsibility for undertaking an analysis of the implementation plan (Step 6).
legal, policy and data environment (Step 3)
→ Responsibility for establishing what data will be Meeting schedule and term (duration of participation):
collected and how they will be managed (Steps 4
and 5) → How frequently will the coordination
• What institution(s) are responsible for data mechanism meet?
contribution (collection and sharing)? → How long will the institutions be expected to
• What institution(s) are responsible for data participate?
management (aggregation, analysis)?

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Global technical guidance
Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 23|


One size doesn’t fit all: Leadership of

multisectoral VAW administrative data
mechanisms in Latin America


Ministry of Health + NSO Women’s Machinery + NSO NSO

Integrated Information System on National Information System on National Information System

Gender-Based Violence (SIVIGE) Gender-Based Violence (SINAVIG) on Violence Against Women

In 2020, Colombia formalized a In 2021, the Dominican In 2008, Guatemala passed a law
national coordination mechanism Republic formalized a Women’s, to combat femicide and other
for the response to sex- and gender- Adolescents’ and Girls’ Cabinet, forms of violence against women.
based violence, which includes an led by the Women’s Ministry, Article 20 specifies that the NSO is
Information Systems Committee to design, implement and responsible for creating a National
co-led by the Ministry of Health monitor VAW public policies. The Information System on Violence
and Social Protection and the multisectoral Cabinet includes the Against Women (SNIVCM).38
NSO (DANE).34 Co-leadership NSO and selected representatives
responds to legal mandates and of women’s organizations active The NSO collects administrative
operational efficiencies. in VAW.36 data on services provided to
women who experience VAW,
The Committee is responsible The Women’s Ministry has on investigatory and judicial
for setting priorities for the oversight for delivery of processes and on outcomes
progressive consolidation of VAW specialized services to VAW from the government institutions
administrative data in SIVIGE, the survivors. Since 2018, the that are obliged under the law
integrated VAW administrative data Women’s Ministry Department to provide them. These include
system. SIVIGE is managed by the of Research and Statistics has education, forensic medicine,
Ministry of Health, based on a legal published administrative data health, the judiciary, the police,
mandate and because the Health on VAW service use (from the prosecutors (including those
Information Management System crisis hotline, psychological specialized in human rights) and
provided an existing infrastructure and legal services), including legal aid.
and is a well-established source of the number of open cases and
administrative VAW data. results of cases of survivors who The NSO collects this
have been supported to take administrative data annually,
The NSO is responsible for working legal action. Additionally, the disaggregated by month of
with the different sectors to Attorney General’s office reports occurrence and geographic
establish technical standards for on violence reported to specialized districts. Data visualizations,
VAW administrative data and prosecution units (type of VAW Excel spreadsheets summarizing
information-sharing protocols that and number of cases). The NSO aggregate data and annual
protect confidentiality. The other administers a public-facing reports that analyse trends,
committee members must be data portal that integrates VAW outcomes of legal cases and the
technical specialists responsible for administrative and survey data.37 populations most affected by
managing quantitative data at the different types of VAW are made
national institutions responsible for public through the data portal. 39
providing services to survivors and
responding to perpetrators. 35

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Global technical guidance
Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 24|

Step 3 Analyse the VAW Legislative,

Policy and Data Environment

4 should be the main reason that

“Our national policies
we collect VAW data. [National counterparts say]:
‘We are doing it because we have to report to UNDP,
to the UN because someone asked for it.’ NO! You are
doing it because you5want to reduce rates of rape,
because we don’t want to see children being abused.”
Official, United Nations.

Both the national and subnational legislative and in other sectors as well. This needs to be considered
policy framework for VAW administrative data in the development of the operational definitions
and the current data environment should be of the minimum data set (see Step 5.2). Similarly,
analysed. First, legislative and policy framework the minimum data set recommends collecting the
commitments to ending VAW and those that govern exact age of the survivor at the time that they make

the collection and use of administrative data should the report of VAW (using date of birth) (Annex III),
be analysed to understand the broad legal, policy and but if existing data collection forms or information
programmatic context for the collection and use of management systems use age ranges (e.g. 20-24
VAW administrative data, the existing monitoring years of age, 25-29 years of age), then the VAW
commitments and the outstanding data needs. administrative data coordination mechanism will
Second, the data environment, which includes have to make a decision about the relative benefits,
identifying completed monitoring reports and data costs and feasibility of changing these or aligning the
sources and assessing current administrative data
collection and information management systems,
minimum data set with the existing system(s).

should be analysed to provide insights into what VAW Likewise, if policies within sectors mandate data
administrative data are currently collected, how they collection by specific cadres of service providers,
are collected and what resources are dedicated to training implementation will need to take this into
collection and use. account (Step 6). Implementation plans will also need
to consider the existing information management
Understanding the existing legal, policy and data system infrastructure and staffing and related roles
environment is necessary to prepare for the data user- and responsibilities. Finally, plans to implement
producer dialogue (Step 4) and will be foundational reporting of VAW administrative data (Step 7) will
for Steps 5 through 7: establishing the minimum data depend on the reporting frequencies that exist within
set (Step 5), creating the implementation plan (Step sectors. For example, if participating sectors only
6) and implementing regular reporting (Step 7). For aggregate and report on administrative data every
example, the legal definitions of different types of six months, this would need to be taken into account
violence will dictate data collection by the police and when establishing the reporting frequency for VAW
justice sector and is likely to influence documentation administrative data.

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Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 25|

3.1 Analyse laws and policies relevant

to VAW and administrative data

VAW legislation and policy framework penetration (anal, oral, vaginal) inflicted by any
It is important to identify international and regional body part or object? 40
conventions/commitments on VAW to which the State is The VAW legal framework will affect the recording of
partyx and analyse national/subnational VAW legislation types of VAW by the police and justice sector and may
and policy. The latter may have already been completed also influence documentation by other sectors (see
in response to the UN Women’s questionnaire on Step 5.2 for further discussion).
SDG target 5.1 “End all forms of discrimination against
women and girls everywhere” (see Box 6). Analysis of the legal framework should also identify
whether there are laws that are barriers to survivors
Questions include: seeking services or could result in harms to survivors
if documented. Examples of legal barriers include
→ Does a national action plan to address VAW exist? failure to criminalize sexual violence within marriage/
Who is responsible for monitoring and reviewing unions, not providing services to or criminalization
implementation of the plan? Does the national of individuals with certain identities (e.g., migrants/
action plan or policy define indicators and displaced people) or who engage in behaviours that are
establish how frequently they are to be reported? criminalized (e.g., women in the sex industry, women
(see also Step 3.2). who have sex with other women, women who use
→ What is the national or subnational legal drugs). This analysis is relevant both at the national level
framework for VAW? Analysis should include and within each participating sector.41 As discussed in
legal definitions of different forms of VAW. For Box 2, these laws might impact decisions about what
example, are rape laws based on lack of consent is documented from what population groups and
or do they require proof of physical force or will inform training for service providers on VAW and
penetration? Does the rape law consider all collection of VAW administrative data.

Box 6 against women and girls violence that includes physical

Sustainable Development Goal everywhere”. SDG indicator violence?
Indicator 5.1.1 Questionnaire: Are 5.1.1 assesses “Whether or not 2. Is there legislation on domestic
VAW legal frameworks in place legal frameworks are in place to violence that includes sexual
to promote, enforce and monitor promote, enforce and monitor violence?
equality and non-discrimination equality and non-discrimination 3. Is there legislation on
on the basis of sex? on the basis of sex” through a domestic violence that includes
Sustainable Development Goal UN Women questionnaire that psychological/emotional violence?
(SDG) 5 is to “Achieve gender includes a specific section on 4. Is there legislation on domestic
equality and empower all women VAW asking the violence that includes financial/
and girls.” Target 5.1 is to “End following questions42: economic violence?
all forms of discrimination 1. Is there legislation on domestic 5. Have provisions exempting

x At the international level, the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) has called on Member States to “improve the collection, harmonization and use
of administrative data [….] improving the effectiveness of the services and programmes provided and protecting the safety and security of the victim” (UN
ECOSOC 2013). UN CEDAW’s General Recommendation no. 35 also calls on Member States to “Establish a system to regularly collect, analyses and publish
statistical data on the number of complaints about all forms of gender-based violence against women…” (2017, article 49). Regional conventions and
declarations that require VAW administrative data to monitor and evaluate include: the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment, and
Eradication of Violence against Women (Convention of Belém do Pará); Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Wom-
en and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention); Protocol to the African Charter of Human and People’s Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa (Maputo
Protocol); and Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Children in ASEAN by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

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>> perpetrators from facing charges a complaint for rape against her provided for by government
for rape if the perpetrator marries husband or partner? entities for the implementation
the victim after the crime been 9. Is there legislation that of legislation addressing violence
removed from or never existed in specifically addresses sexual against women by allocating a
legislation? harassment? specific budget, funding and/
6. Have provisions reducing 10. Are budgetary commitments or incentives to support non-
penalties in cases of so-called provided for by government governmental organizations for
honour crimes been removed from entities for the implementation activities to address violence
or never existed in legislation? of legislation addressing violence against women?
7. Are laws on rape based on lack against women by creating an 12. Is there is a national action
of consent, without requiring obligation on government to plan or policy to address violence
proof of physical force or provide budget or allocation of against women that is overseen
penetration? funding for the implementation of by a national mechanism with the
8. Does legislation explicitly relevant programmes mandate to monitor and
criminalize marital rape or does or activities? review implementation?
legislation entitle a woman to file 11. Are budgetary commitments

Administrative data legislative and policy framework quality control, programme evaluation, management,
National and sectoral legislation and regulations that system planning and research. The conditions under
govern administrative data collection and use will which administrative data can and cannot be shared
influence the roles and responsibilities of different beyond the sector (including with other institutions
institutions in the VAW administrative data system. such as the NSO) may also be specified. To illustrate,
National privacy legislation will determine how the national statistics act and sectoral regulations may
personally identifiable information is used and shared, permit sharing of personally identifiable information
including that contained in administrative data. In with the NSO for statistical purposes but not, for
many countries, the law governing statistics (National example, allow the health sector to share personally
Statistic Acts) includes provisions that allow the NSO identifiable information with the justice sector.
to compile, analyse and publish administrative data.43 Regulations or legislation governing the collection
and sharing of administrative data for statistical
Within government sectors such as health, justice, purposes from the non-profit and private sector may
social services and others, legislation and regulations be less developed than for public sector institutions,
should specify the authority that is responsible for but the use of administrative data collected by these
the administrative data collected within sectors and sectors must conform with international standards for
the purposes for which it can be used. The primary legitimate and fair use.xi
purpose of administrative data collection in the Knowledge of the laws and regulations governing
context of service provision is to inform services the collection and use of administrative data in
provided to the individual and record what has been different sectors will inform decisions about roles
provided. Legislation or policy also frequently specifies and responsibilities for VAW administrative data
additional purposes, including service monitoring, management and reporting.44

xi Use of personal data should be based on one or more of the following legitimate or fair bases, subject to national legislation and organizational policies
including data privacy and data protection: adequate consent from the individual; aligned with the law; furthering organizational mandates; or other
legitimate needs to protect the best interest of individuals or groups of individuals (UNDG 2017, p. 4).

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3.2 Analyse the data environment

and existing information systems

“The first thing that you need to do is to analyse

what you have, and what you can get. Because
it is beautiful to have a lot of data, but you can’t
always get everything you want. It depends
on the capacity of the country where you are
implementing, what data are available. […] Not
all countries have the same statistical capacity,
but you can start, and then do more.”
Statistical lead, women’s machinery

Preliminary mapping of VAW indicators reported play an important role in VAW service delivery. The goal
nationally, regionally and internationally should be of the assessment of the administrative data collection
conducted. This will include reports made to treaty system(s) is to understand:
bodies, voluntary national reviews and the national
gender statistical framework as well as reporting or → What administrative data about VAW are
monitoring of the VAW national action plan, if one currently collected as part of routine
exists. Reports from the health and justice sectors may service provision?
also include VAW statistics drawn from → How is VAW information collected and stored at
administrative data. the local level (paper, digital)?
→ What information is extracted, possibly
→ What regular reports, if any, are currently aggregated and stored in sectoral or cross-
produced that include VAW administrative data? sectoral information systems?
→ What statistics are included in these reports and → How does this extraction and aggregation occur?
from what sectors/ data sources? Identify both the process and the related
→ Which definitions/classifications/indicators/ human resources.
variables are used to produce these existing • Is there a national electronic database within
statistics? What disaggregating variables are the sector (e.g., the health management
reported and/or available (e.g., sex, gender information system or the crime statistics
identity, age)? How are data aggregated (e.g., age system) or a cross-sectoral database dedicated
categories, geographic locations)? to VAW? If electronic databases do not exist
This background information will be fundamental for at the national level, do they exist at the
assessing and then working to increase institutional subnational level or within local institutions/
capacity to collect the recommended variables in the agencies/service providers?
minimum VAW administrative data set (Step 5.2). • At what point does transformation of
microdata (individual level records) into
Current VAW administrative data collection systems macrodata (aggregated records) occur?
should be assessed within each participating sector45: Where are microdata collected and stored?
health,46 justice 47 and social services, which could Is microdata included in institutional/
include civil society and private organizations if they subnational/national databases?

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• How frequently does data extraction and Making changes to the existing administrative
aggregation occur and what is the reporting data systems requires significant commitment and
chain (e.g., from local to district to regional investment over time (see Step 6). Assessment of
to national)? the existing data environment can include an initial
→ Are there written protocols or SOPs in place to assessment on the feasibility of making changes to the
ensure confidentiality and data protection during current data systems and establishing what is required.
collection, storage, analysis and reporting (see An important element of feasibility is the willingness
Step 5.3)? and commitment of data producers to improve the
→ What processes, if any, are currently used to collection and use of VAW administrative data.
ensure administrative data quality?48
Are these procedures documented in SOPs?


In 2020, with the support of UN Prosecutors: The prosecutorial

Mapping the Women, the Uganda Bureau service has a well-established
VAW administrative of Statistics undertook an in- electronic case management
depth analysis of the legal, system that, however, has
data environment policy and data environments limited coverage. Clerks are
and harmonizing for VAW administrative data in responsible for electronic data
the justice, law and order sector. capture, and there is a senior
data collection Analysis included review of data system administrator who has
collection instruments (registers) responsibility for data quality
in Uganda and assessment of current and validation, analysis and
information management dissemination. Written procedures
systems and processes (including are established for every stage
existing information system of information management.
infrastructure and human However, as of November 2020,
resources) of data capture and the electronic case management
processing by the data-producing system was operational in
institutions. The maturity of data approximately 40 per cent of
collection processes, aggregation, prosecutors’ offices, with the
analysis and level of digitization majority depending on manual
varies widely between the information systems to record,
Uganda police, prosecutor’s store and manage information.49
service and judiciary.
Judiciary: At the time the
Police: The 1,552 police stations information system analysis was
across the country complete undertaken in November 2020, the
paper-based registries of judiciary was using two different
crimes, including VAW. Monthly electronic case management
manual (paper-based) tallies systems. Only 18 per cent of the
of crimes are completed by courts’ record management was
individual police stations, then fully computerized. Individual
summarized at the district courts that do not have operational
level and again at the regional electronic systems extract
level. At the national level, the aggregates of key variables and
information is captured digitally submit them to the Judiciary
by information management Statistics Team, which then
officers, who are responsible for validates and analyses data that
data quality checks, analysis and was extracted manually alongside
report writing. information generated by the >>

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Mapping the VAW administrative data environment and harmonizing data collection in Uganda
electronic case management Implementation of new VAW
system. In 2021, the Ugandan data collection tools developed
judiciary was in the process of by the police was supported by
implementing a new Electronic training 64 data clerks and others
Court Case Management responsible for data management
Information System.50 on gender statistics concepts and
definitions, data collection and
Analysis of the data environment management using the revised
identified the need to streamline tools, as well as analysis, reporting
and harmonize VAW data and data communication.
collection in the justice, law
and order sector. In response, As of October 2021, the extent
modified administrative registers of implementation of the
for data collection with the capture and processing of the
recommended VAW minimum minimum data set using the
data set were drafted and new registers corresponds
reviewed by focal points from to the maturity and level of
each institution. The registers for digitization of the institutional
data collection were then field data management systems of the
tested (by police officers, judicial police, prosecutorial service and
clerks etc.). The field-tested the judiciary.
registers were then revised
again based on service providers’ Uganda’s experience underlines
feedback. The revised registers the importance of thorough
were approved by the highest- assessment of the VAW data
level responsible authorities environment (Step 3) to inform
in each institution before user-producer dialogues (Step
implementation. 4) and to establish a VAW
administrative minimum data
Implementation of the revised set and processes for data
VAW data collection registers by collection and management
the judiciary and police began (Step 5). Understanding the VAW
in 2021. After adapting the VAW data environment, including
data collection tool for gender- the existing information
based violence criminal and civil management infrastructure and
cases, the judiciary conducted a human and financial resources, is
census of VAW cases in four High also foundational for developing
Court Circuits and corresponding an implementation plan (Step 6),
Chief Magistrate Courts. In total, which includes training and
the data collection tool was resource allocation.
applied to 2,890 VAW criminal
case files and 328 civil case files.

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Box 7 In practice, these specialized further shrinks the already

Collecting VAW administrative units have limited coverage and partial group of survivors
data from general services and will only interact with a small who are represented in VAW
from specialized VAW services portion of VAW survivors, with administrative data. While it
Analysis of the VAW many other survivors reporting may be daunting in terms of
administrative data environment VAW to members of the general the scope of service providers to
and the willingness of the police force and their cases being be reached, training to improve
relevant data producers to evaluated and brought forward understanding of and response
participate will indicate whether (or not) by prosecutors who are to VAW in general services,
it is immediately feasible for a not part of specialized VAW units. including the collection of VAW
VAW administrative data system administrative data, represents
to collect data from all relevant Similarly, in many settings, an important opportunity
service providers within a sector health systems have specialized to contribute to improving
and/or across sectors, or whether sexual assault services; however, services for VAW survivors. Even
the administrative data system collecting VAW administrative if general services record few
will initially only collect and data only from these services cases at the outset, initiating
report on data from specialized would overlook survivors who data collection can make VAW
VAW service providers. seek health care from non- visible within general services
Advantages of focusing on specialized services. These and, over time, this will support
specialized VAW services include survivors could seek health care the improvement of both data
that the personnel working in as a consequence of VAW or collection and the quality of
these services have received be identified as experiencing services.
VAW training and have a clear VAW when they come into
VAW mandate that can motivate contact with in-patient or out- Ideally, VAW administrative
collection and use of VAW patient departments such as data would be collected from
administrative data. Specialized obstetrics and gynaecology or both general services that serve
services also represent a much the emergency department. In VAW survivors and specialized
smaller group of potential general services, the potential VAW services. Whether such an
data producers, simplifying exists to collect data from a approach is immediately feasible
implementation of the VAW larger number of survivors or a phased approach—which
administrative data system. accessing services through potentially begins only with
At the same time, this smaller different entry points, but quality VAW specialized services with
scope represents a huge loss in may be compromised if there the ambition of expanding to
describing service use and service are not adequate or dedicated general services in a sector or
needs because it overlooks the and trained human resources to across sectors in future—is more
survivors who do not come into enter the data. Fewer data may appropriate will be an important
contact with specialized VAW be able to be collected in general decision for the coordination
services. For example, many services, given the large volume mechanism to make after review
countries have established of other information that is of the VAW administrative
specialized family and domestic required to be collected, and data legal, policy and data
violence units within their therefore parsimony is key. environment.
police and/or justice systems. Focusing on specialized services

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Step 4 Convene a VAW Administrative

Data User-Producer Dialogue

“It is important to develop and reinforce a deep

relationship between 5 [VAW] data users and data
producers to plan and implement data collection
and to interpret results.”
Statistician, national statistics office

Institutionalized dialogue that engages key data educate potential users about where and how to
users and producers can strengthen trust and find data. 51 As such, data user-producer dialogues
understanding among stakeholders, improve the can contribute to increasing the use of statistics to
production process of statistics, improve data quality, improve programmes and policies and also lay the
promote a better alignment between what statistics foundation for improved data communication
are needed or wanted and what is available and (see Step 8).
Box 8 sector organizations), the can include policymakers,
Data producers and data users ministries and departments managers of governmental and
Producers of VAW administrative responsible for these services non-governmental services,
data include organizations or and for VAW policy academics and researchers,
institutions that document the
services that they provide to
8 implementation, as well as
national statistics offices and
the media, civil society
organizations, international
prevent and address VAW in international organizations. organizations and the private
the health, justice and social sector. For VAW administrative
services sector (public, non- Data users come from a wide data, many institutions are both
governmental or private variety of institutions. They data producers and data users.

In the context of developing or improving the users. Reporting back and regularly convening data
national or subnational VAW administrative data user-producer dialogues after the minimum data
system, a broad consultation between current and set is agreed upon to share results and discuss
potential data users and data producers can inform areas for improvement is important and will further
the minimum data set and support planning to data communication (Step 8). Participation in the
promote VAW administrative data use and data user-producer dialogue of data system decision-
communication. Holding a data user-producer makers, who may or may not be part of the VAW
dialogue does not mean that the minimum data set administrative data coordination mechanism (Step
will include all of the desired information or that the 2), is an opportunity to build support for changes
VAW administrative data information system will be to improve the availability and quality of VAW
able to respond to all of the expressed needs, even administrative data.
in the long term. The purpose is to gather insights
into the desires and needs of different current and Inputs from Steps 3 and 4 will be used by the VAW
potential users, identify priorities and strategies administrative data coordination mechanism to
for meeting them and begin to build relationships determine the minimum data set, as well as to plan
between current and potential data producers and future reporting and data communication activities.

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“Every one of us is in our own For example, intake and initial

Implementing corner offering our services to interview processes in specialized
VAW administrative victims and survivors of gender- VAW social services by the police
based violence. But how do we and in hospitals revealed valuable
data user-producer come together to collect, analyse information about the different
dialogues and share data to guide us in time points at which a survivor
what we are doing?” might come into contact with the
in Jamaica service (immediately after being
Civil society VAW expert subject to VAW or a later time)
and what information is currently
In 2021, data user-producer
collected. Understanding context
dialogues on VAW administrative
is important to design data
data were convened in Jamaica as
collection methodologies and a
part of a collaboration between
minimum data set that aligns
the Planning Institute of Jamaica
with workflow and procedures
and UN Women to strengthen
in the service-delivery site. User-
VAW administrative data
producer dialogues also identified
production and use. This initiative
the extent to which VAW
is one of several supported by
administrative data were being
the European Union (EU)-UN
collected, resource and capacity
Spotlight Initiative to eliminate
development needs for local data
violence against women and
producers and the need for clear
girls in the country. In total, 11
information on sharing protocols
user-producer dialogues were
and ethical guidelines for
convened to cover all 14 parishes
data collection.
(geographic divisions), and one
special interest dialogue was The findings from the user-
held with the churches. These producer dialogues, alongside
were virtual due to the on-going an analysis of data collection
COVID-19 pandemic and related and statistical capacities of core
restrictions on gatherings. The governmental data producers
parish dialogues were multi- from the in-depth analysis of the
sectoral, bringing together local legal, policy and data environment
representatives from the health, (Step 3), informed the
justice, education and social development of a proposed VAW
services sectors, government and administrative data minimum
non-governmental community data set that includes the number,
development bodies, faith- age and gender of survivors and
based organizations and perpetrators, survivor-perpetrator
civil society to discuss their relationship, types of VAW
experiences providing services experienced (physical, sexual,
for VAW survivors, what VAW psychological, financial), services
administrative data were needed provided to survivors and the
as well as what data are produced outcomes of applications for
by the organizations. protection orders and of VAW
reports to the police (proportion
The user-producer dialogues
of perpetrators investigated,
provided insights into the on-
prosecuted and convicted), among
the-ground conditions of service
other priority indicators.
delivery and data collection.

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Figure 2:
Plan a data user-producer dialogue52

The coordinating mechanism calls The Coordinating mechanism and,
a meeting with relevant ministries depending on the context, relevant
that produce or use VAW development partners meet again.
administrative data, civil society Identify immediate next steps
organizations, relevant based on the dialogue, including
development partners, the media responsible parties and resource
and academics interested in the needs.
topic to identify the needs of each
of these stakeholders. Discuss strategies towards
institutionalizing systematic
Consider the use of a survey to dialogue between users and
identify data produced (using a producers.
model minimum data set) and data
needs prior to the meeting.
Discuss pressing issues/outputs
needed for VAW administrative
data (e.g., priority indicators, Produce a report capturing the
internal and external reporting). main conclusions from the
Feature next steps prominently,
2 REVIEW which must include reporting
processes for each of the
Compare the information needs responsible parties. This report
identified by data users with the complements the ToR of the
results of the review of the coordinating mechanism and can
legislative, policy and data include actions for stakeholders
environment conducted in Step 3 who do not form part of the
to identify information gaps to mechanism.
deliver on existing reporting
Share the report with all actors
commitments and on related users'
involved for comments and uptake.
requests and to better align
This report informs Step 5.
indicators and data collection with
laws, policies and data systems.

3 MEET AGAIN Ensure the two-way
communication between data
Document the results of the review users and producers continues
process. periodically in the future.
Discuss the results from the review Future meetings could include
and identify potential solutions. time for reporting on progress to
Hold two-way communication on assess whether objectives are
how to address the gaps, what is being met.
most useful and what is possible. Re-evaluate in case of changing

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Agree What VAW Administrative
5 Data Will Be Collected, Analysed
and Reported

5.1 Agree on a minimum data set 6

“All data should be disaggregated by type
of violence, relationship between the
victim/survivor and 7the perpetrator,
and in relation to intersecting forms of
discrimination against women and other
relevant socio-demographic characteristics,
including the age of8 the victim/survivor.”
United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against
Women 2017, article 49

Institutional capacity development for data recording the offence that is considered to be the
collection and information management should be most serious (principal offence).55 Creating the
oriented towards implementation of the minimum most complete picture possible of the types of VAW
VAW administrative data set agreed to by the experienced by survivors is critical for the design and
coordination mechanism. delivery of comprehensive policies and programmes
for prevention and response as well as the provision
The minimum data set in Figure 3 is the set of of comprehensive care. A large proportion of survivors
variables and disaggregation recommended for all (a third to a half) experience multiple types of VAW
sectors to collect: sex and age of the survivorxii and (physical, sexual, psychological) inflicted by the
the perpetrator, the survivor-perpetrator relationship same perpetrator.56
and types of VAW experienced/perpetrated.53 Sectors
documenting VAW only from the perspective of Collecting a minimum data set that includes the sex
survivors will record information about the perpetrator and age of the survivor and the perpetrator as well as
(age, sex) based on the survivor’s report. the survivor-perpetrator relationship and the type of
violence experienced allows each sector to monitor
The recommendation is to document all types of service demand and to describe key characteristics of
VAW reported by the survivor in survivor-facing data survivors and perpetrators interacting with services,
collection systems (such as health and social services).54 as well as to understand types of VAW for which
services are sought. Collecting the survivor-perpetrator
For crime data (police and justice), the relationship, sex and age provides some insight into
recommendation is to document all of the power dynamics between survivors and perpetrators.
chargeable offences (each type of VAW perpetrated Collection of these foundational VAW administrative
or alleged to be perpetrated) rather than only variables by all sectors allows for analysis of similarities

xii To ensure capacity to identify female survivors of violence, administrative data collection and information systems need to identify the sex of survivors.

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and differences in the types of VAW, survivors and Depending on national and subnational priorities,
perpetrators, and related power dynamics and additional variables such as gender identityxiii
potential responses, for which services are being and sexual orientation, disability status, ethnicity and
sought and responded to by different sectors. This citizenship/displacement status could be collected
knowledge can identify strengths and gaps in sectoral for survivors and perpetrators. Being subjected to
and cross-sectoral responses, contributing to more VAW previously (survivor) and repeat perpetration
comprehensive prevention and response to VAW at the of VAW (recidivism by perpetrator) may also be high
subnational or national level. priority variables. Detailed local knowledge of the
context is important to assess whether collection of
The expanded minimum data set can contribute these additional variables could represent a barrier
to further describing service use and service needs. to seeking services and to ensure that data collection
Two of the three additional variables capture does not result in harm.
information about where the violence occurred. Both
the geography and type of location are important for
prioritizing areas and institutions for intervention and
planning prevention initiatives and service responses.
The third data point, services/referrals, is the most
basic way to monitor whether or not reports of VAW
received a response; sectors may choose to collect
additional information (which may also be taken from
administrative data) to monitor the components of
that response and whether it meets standards.

xiii Most administrative data record systems do not record biological sex and gender identity as separate variables but have only one variable that asks for
sex or gender. Therefore, the variable ‘female’ or ‘woman’ is assumed to refer to women whose sex assigned at birth (female) corresponds to their gender
identity (woman), also known as cisgender women. However, some countries are making progress to identify transgender and non-binary individuals in
survey and administrative data collection and international standards for capturing gender identity are evolving (see UNECE 2019; UNODC and UN Women
2022). High rates of gender-based violence experienced by gender minorities underlines the importance of considering how administrative data collection
instruments and information systems can be designed to better capture the needs of these survivors and the supports they receive (Blondeel et al. 2016;
Wirtz et al. 2020). If safe and legal to do so, documenting gender identity as a separate variable is important; for cisgender, transgender and non-binary
response options, see UNODC and UN Women 2022. Also see Country Example: Counting VAW services (case reports) and VAW survivors in Argentina.

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Figure 3: Recommended VAW

minimum administrative data set 57

Minimum data set minimum dataset
to be collected by all sectors to be collected by all sectors


Administrative information Physical, psychological, Document all types of VAW Administrative
Date of registry of incident sexual VAW (Additional types reported/all charges identification of where
of VAW based on national priority) Use behavioural VAW definitions VAW occurred (e.g.,
Identification of person recording city/village, sub-national if
Sector/agency of person recording relevant, e.g., state, province)
Age (date of birth) Sex (female, male)
Type of location where
Current intimate partner Friend/colleague/peer/ public space, school, work,
Former intimate partner acquaintance online, other
Family member Other (known to survivor)
Authority figure/care provider Other (unknown to survivor)
(ALLEGED) PERPETRATOR(S) Yes, no, survivor
Age (as reported by survivor or date of Sex (female, male) declined, N/A
birth if direct contact with perpetrator)

See Annex III:

Proposed Response Options and Recommended Definitions for a Minimum Data Set

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Box 9 themselves or representatives Conducting research on

Should survivor’s perceptions of of the service-providing survivor’s experiences
service quality be collected in organization.58 To preserve of services to complement
routine administrative data? confidentiality and avoid administrative data
An important principle guiding potentially prejudicing survivors’ This requires trained and skilled
the collection and use of relationships with service researchers following a research
VAW administrative data is providers, instead of seeking to protocol that has been approved
to be survivor-centred. This routinely incorporate survivor by an institutional review board
technical guidance promotes feedback through administrative and that specifies informed
the inclusion of CSOs who data this technical guidance consent and privacy guidelines.59
work closely with survivors and recommends: • Observational research
survivors themselves in the conducted by independent
design and governance of VAW Informing all service users researchers in the service
administrative data systems. (not just survivors of VAW) delivery site to assess
about complaints mechanisms technical and interpersonal
On the issue of regularly asking and opportunities to provide quality of service delivery
individual survivors to assess anonymous feedback through: • Qualitative research, such
service quality or whether • Ombudspersons or as individual and group
the services met their needs, professional oversight interviews, implemented with
the laudable goal of including bodies that exist within the survivors by independent
survivors’ voices must be institution/sector researchers outside of the
balanced with ensuring their • An anonymous complaints service-delivery site
safety and access to services. and compliments box in • Engaging CSOs as
VAW survivors frequently the service delivery setting, collaborators and co-learners
experience a power imbalance or through an anonymous in multi-method rapid
with service providers, and online website or phone app assessments or participatory
services are essential for their to identify problems (though action research on VAW
well-being. Reports on the a limitation is that very few service delivery
quality of and satisfaction with service users are likely to • Involving ending VAW
services using standardized exit provide feedback) advocates, women-
surveys may not be meaningful serving organizations and
for quality improvement survivors’ organizations in
because responses tend to be VAW administrative data
overly positive when asked (a) coordination mechanisms
in the service delivery context and in the interpretation of
and/or (b) by service providers the data.

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5.2 Establish operational definitions

and data management processes

To produce statistics using VAW administrative of crimes reported and the types of charges that
data, it is critical to understand the context of initial are recorded: at initial report, when investigation
production of the data and to establish written begins, when investigation is completed.
procedures about how to collect, process (including
data quality checks60), analyse, disseminate and Tools are available to guide the production of
evaluate the outputs.61 The technical expertise of the metadata for administrative sources.62 The metadata
NSO can be an important resource for establishing should provide sufficient information to allow an
and documenting standards for data collection and assessment of the quality of incoming data (raw or
management, including the creation of metadata for aggregate data provided to the body responsible for
all variables. data management), the quality of data processing
and the quality of statistical outputs (see also Step
Creating metadata 7.2).63 For the recommended variables in the minimum
Standardized operational definitions for each variable VAW administrative data set, this guidance identifies
will include the data source, the frequency of reporting response options and discusses the advantages and
(minimum recommendation is annual reporting of disadvantages of establishing the case report or the
service-based data), the response categories and the individual as the unit of count.
limitations or caveats of the data. For the indicators
prioritized by the coordination mechanism (e.g., Response options
number of reports of VAW in a calendar year), the Sectors generate sector-specific administrative data
metadata will specify the computational method and and have sector-specific needs. For example, the justice
the unit of count. sector often collects data on investigation of cases,
charges made and conviction of perpetrators that the
For VAW administrative data, considerations and health or social sectors do not collect. The health sector
caveats in the metadata should include information will also collect data from survivors on presenting
about the context of data production by different health conditions or symptoms, some of which may be
institutions and service providers (collection and important for the police and justice sectors as medico-
recording). Understanding the context of data legal evidence (e.g., injuries, genito-anal symptoms).
production allows better data interpretation For the minimum data set, which this guidance
and communication. recommends be collected by all sectors, agreement
on operational definitions and harmonization of
Some key issues include: response/coding options for the types of VAW and the
recommended socio-demographic and contextual
→ The time period of the instance(s) of VAW that variables will ensure that when the same variable is
the survivor is reporting and the documentation used the information generated responds to the same
by service providers will differ by institution. For broad phenomenon.
example, police data are likely to be collected
about a specific incident of VAW that occurred on Standardizing response options across sectors requires
a particular date. Specialized services providing analysing existing data and agreeing on classification/
advocacy and support services to survivors may coding options or, if new data collection instruments
be collecting information about VAW that has are to be introduced, agreeing on response options.
just occurred or is occurring over a longer period Response options will be based on the data currently
of time or about an incident or incidents that collected (alignment with existing classifications and
happened in the past. response options) or the willingness of data producers
→ For the police, it is important to note the stage in to introduce new categories into existing data
the process of the investigation that the (alleged) collection systems.
crime is recorded to understand both the number

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Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 39|

→ Given that administrative data are collected for → If data from multiple data sources are
operational rather than for statistical purposes, aggregated, it is also important to establish a
and that the classification systems or categories hierarchy of sources to determine which will take
of the administrative data collected are different precedence if more than one provides the same
from the statistical classification, the common information (e.g., age).
solution is to construct conversion matrices or
correspondence tables to map the categories This technical guidance recommends the following
in the administrative classification to those in minimum response options for variable disaggregation
the statistical classification.64 It is particularly (see Annex III for definitions and details of proposed
relevant to match or align the broad behavioural response options for the minimum and expanded
definitions of types of VAW with legal and health minimum data set):
system classifications but this can also be used to
harmonize other variables such as age and sex.

Response options Type of VAW Age Sex Survivor-perpetrator

Recommended Physical, psychological and Date of birth Female Intimate partner
sexual violence (including (calculate specific (current, former)
sexual assault, rape, sexual age, not age range)
Family member
Other known
Other unknown

Definition of the types of VAW: Use behavioural → If recording tools and information systems
definitions capture the type of violence (based on a
Operational definitions for physical, sexual and behavioural definition) and the survivor-
psychological VAW should be established that are perpetrator relationship according to the
based on acts committed by the perpetrator against minimum data set (minimum disaggregated
the survivor (behavioural)66 (see Annex III). data), data can be produced even if dedicated
laws that criminalize the specific type of VAW
→ Behavioural definitions allow for standardized do not exist.67 Marital rape provides an example
data categories across settings. of how recording the ‘survivor-perpetrator
→ While behavioural definitions of VAW used to relationship’ can make this form of VAW visible
collect data across sectors can be broad and not even if it is not criminalized and in this way
limited to acts defined in criminal or civil legal contribute to the realization of international
codes, this may not be the case for data collected human rights standards (see Box 10).
by the police and justice sectors.

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→ Recording all types of VAW and using behavioural will influence what types of VAW will be reported
definitions has the goal of contributing to by survivors and recorded by services providers,
continuous improvement by making more forms and thus those types that are not well-recognized
of VAW visible and recognized by survivors and or criminalized are very likely to be even more
service providers and, eventually, improving laws, under-reported than types of VAW that are
policies and programmes. An important caveat is culturally and legally recognized.
that current cultural norms and legal definitions

Box 10 do not criminalize marital rape.35 possible for other sectors such as
Aligning VAW behavioural By capturing sexual VAW and the health and social services to do
definitions with human survivor-perpetrator relationship, so. Country experience indicates
rights standards: The case the minimum data set can identify that, in the absence of prevalence
of marital rape sexual violence perpetrated by surveys, identification of VAW
Behavioural definitions should spouses. Although some sectors through administrative data is
be aligned with normative such as the police and justice an effective measure to make
frameworks and globally agreed are unlikely to record types of policymakers aware of VAW and
international human rights VAW that are not criminalized, to spur improved policy and
standards. Currently, 68 countries the minimum data set makes it programmatic responses.

Unit of count service delivery site or it may be used to link data

→ The most basic unit of count, or unit of on the same individual across services and sectors.
measurement, for the VAW administrative data → Identifying the number of VAW case reports
set is the case report. The case report records an (incidents of VAW reported), the number of
interaction with institutions because of VAW and survivors and the number of perpetrators by all
is the denominator for describing service seeking institutions at each stage in their institutional
by survivors and interaction with authorities by processes has been described as the minimum
perpetrators during a specified time period (e.g., necessary to “build a comprehensive
one calendar year). framework that facilitates co-operation between
→ Concerns are frequently expressed about ‘double relevant agencies”.70
counting’ survivors of VAW when using the case → Databases used by multiple sectors and service
report as the unit of count in administrative providers may use unique identifiers to track and
data. If the unit of measurement used is the case collate information about referrals made and
report rather than the survivor or the perpetrator, services provided. Similarly, sectoral, subnational
administrative data reflect the number of reports or national information systems may also find it
made and which services women seek, how often useful to use these.
and for what purpose. Survivors are expected to → Unique identifiers offer the possibility of linking
make multiple visits to different services and, as data sets, offering an opportunity to develop
such, these visits do not constitute a deeper understanding of VAW interventions
‘double counting’. Allaying concerns about double and outcomes. For example, a linked data set
counting among policymakers and other data between health and police allows analysis of
users is an important aspect of increasing VAW how many women got referrals in both directions
data literacy (see also Step 8). and whether those referred to police from health
→ Ideally, the site delivering services should be able received medico-legal or forensic services or
to identify new and repeat service-users in their how many women who went through a forensic
information management system in order to examination had cases that progressed to courts
report the number of survivors and perpetrators and how many convictions were obtained. Linked
who interacted with services in a specified time data sets with the capacity to follow perpetrators
period. This requires a unique identifier. This and survivors over time, and collect information
unique identifier may only be used within the about perpetrators (protection orders, charges,

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Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 41|

convictions, sentencing, custody), have been used individuals, suitable administrative registers in
to develop and modify risk assessments and to formats (e.g., electronic) that are easily accessible
inform policing policy and practices to prevent to statisticians and a high-level of public
subsequent VAW71. acceptance of data linking and sharing.72
For linked data sets to be feasible, the country
must have common unique identifiers of


Argentina’s VAW law states that also recorded. The only two
Counting VAW the Government will “design and obligatory variables for the case
services (case implement inter-jurisdictional to be entered into the database
and inter-institutional registries are the age and the gender
reports) and of violence against women, in identity of the survivor.
VAW survivors which basic indicators approved
by all of the relevant Ministries are Initially, the registry used the
in Argentina established”. 73 In September 2012, incident of violence (case report) as
the National Women’s Institute the unit of count, and it continues
(INAM), which is responsible for to analyse and report on these
leading the implementation of the data. The reporting form and
law, signed an agreement with database also provide the option
the NSO (National Institute of of collecting a unique identifier
Statistics and Surveys—INDEC) to for each survivor, which means
collect VAW administrative data survivors can be used as the unit
from different organizations at the of count in those records where
national, provincial and municipal this information is collected. In
level and to develop statistics. This 2018, of the 576,360 registered
agreement resulted in the Unified cases of VAW (2013-2018), 57 per
Registry of Cases of Violence cent include a survivor unique
Against Women (RUCVM). identifier. The unique identifier
allows for additional analysis. For
The RUCVM collects a minimum example, of survivors for whom
data set. For survivors, it collects a unique identifier was recorded
age, sex, gender identity (which in the database, the vast majority
is collected using two variables: (81 per cent) have only come into
biological sex and whether the contact with a service-provider
person self-identifies as trans), once because of VAW.74
unique identifier (from an official
document such as a passport), The RCUVM demonstrates the
education level, employment, value of using the case report as
relationship with the perpetrator the unit of count, as well as the
and whether residing with the value of providing the option to
perpetrator. The minimum data collect a unique identifier to be
set includes the type of violence, able to count survivors of VAW for
when and where it occurred, some analyses. It is an example of
mode or form of violence, a database that brings together
frequency and time period. information from multiple sectors
About the perpetrator, it collects for statistical purposes without
age, sex, gender, education level being a case-management system
and employment. The service(s) or requiring an inter-operational
provided to the survivor are information management system.

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5.3 Manage the data: From collection

to reporting of multisectoral data flows

“When an [information] system begins, it is a

huge opportunity. When the systems exist, it is
harder to try to patch them or ask that they add
a new variable. It is much harder. It is important
to make key variables visible from the beginning.
Because, afterwards it is hard work.”
Government official, women’s machinery

Reporting of multisectoral VAW administrative data from → Option 3: Multisectoral and multi-institutional
different sectors can be achieved in a variety of ways: care, management and referral (‘case
management’) that is documented in a
→ Option 1: Sectoral collection, management and unified database.
analysis of data that are then shared with a
central reporting institution Figure 4 describes the processes for each of the
→ Option 2: Multisectoral data collection on a three models for collection and reporting of VAW
single, unique VAW administrative data reporting administrative data from different sectors.
form that is compiled, analysed and reported on
by a central reporting institution

Figure 4: Multisectoral VAW data flows: Collection to reporting



Sectors manage data and analyse Central institution manages VAW Multiple service providers from
VAW-relevant indicators that are -specific data from multiple providers in different sectors contribute to a unique
published centrally different sectors VAW database that can also be used for
Data aggregated at site level OR Service providers from different sectors care, management and referral
form/record with unique identifiers sent complete a unique VAW form (paper or
to sectoral information management digital)

Sectoral information management Unique VAW form submitted to Institution responsible for database
system/statistical unit conducts quality institution responsible for analysis and conducts data quality checks
checks, aggregates information from reporting, which conducts data quality
multiple sites checks

Sectoral information management Central Institution aggregates Institution responsible for database
systems/statistical units analyse data information, conducts analysis conducts analysis
and share aggregate information
periodically with Institution responsible
for reporting VAW administrative data

Reporting institution makes available Central institution makes aggregate Central institution makes data
aggregate VAW administrative data from data from multiple service delivery sites available in reports/data portal
multiple sectors in a single report/data available in reports/data portal e.g., Kosovo, Mexico
portal e.g., Dominican Republic, e.g., Argentina, Uganda All references to Kosovo in this report should be understood to
be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution
Guatemala, Spain 1244 (1999).

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The advantages and disadvantages of each model VAW administrative data reporting form (see
for bringing together and reporting on VAW Step 2 for considerations on leadership, roles and
administrative data that comes from multiple sectors responsibilities).
are considered below.
Advantages include: VAW specific register that only
Option 1: Sectoral collection, management and analysis collects variables of interest (agreed minimum data
of data that are then shared with a central reporting set); easily incorporates any relevant and authorized
institution. This guidance identified instances in which VAW service provider, including CSOs; does not depend
women’s machineries, NSOs and ministries of health on information management system and statistical
have each taken the role of reporting on multisectoral departments of multiple institutions and thus may
national VAW administrative data (see Step 2 for be well-suited to settings where these sectoral
considerations on leadership, roles and responsibilities). institutions are not well-developed.

Advantages include: Leverages routine processes of Disadvantages include: Filling out a separate, unique
documentation and existing information management VAW register, in addition to regular documentation,
systems (e.g., health information management represents an additional workload or ‘double entry’ of
system, crime statistics); management of unique data for service providers and institutions, contributing
identifiers follows sectoral procedures and standards; to further under-reporting of the cases of VAW that
it is possible to count survivors and perpetrators are reported to services/authorities; cannot identify
without sharing unique identifiers beyond the regular interactions of survivors and perpetrators with
chain of information sharing to support operations in multiple services unless unique identifiers are shared
interactions with survivors and perpetrators. with the centralized reporting agency.

Disadvantages include: Sectoral information Option 3: Multisectoral and multi-institutional care,

management systems need to be updated to management and referral (‘case management’)
include relevant VAW variables (sex, age, survivor- documented in a unified VAW database. This guidance
perpetrator relationship) and coding must conform identified the existence of national multisectoral
with recommendations on capturing VAW based on VAW databases stewarded by ministries of justice and
behavioural definitions; data quality and analysis ministries of the interior.xiv
depend on the statistical maturity and strength Advantages include: VAW specific register; can
of sectoral information systems; dependence on mitigate the burden on survivors to ‘tell their story’
existing sectoral information systems may present multiple times; allows analysis of referrals, service
barriers for integration of some sectors, such as civil provision and outcomes of cases linked to the socio-
society VAW service providers; stand-alone data sets demographic and case history information of survivors
by sector prevent analysis of interaction of survivors and perpetrators (e.g., convictions, sentencing); if it is
and perpetrators with multiple services (this could be the only record-keeping and case management system,
mitigated through data linking using unique identifiers, does not represent the burden of ‘double entry’ for
but such analysis would go beyond the scope of service providers and institutions.
information sharing for regular sectoral operations).
Disadvantages include: If it duplicates other
Option 2: Multisectoral data collection on a single, sectoral record-keeping practices and information
unique VAW administrative data reporting form management systems, it represents a burden of double
that is compiled, analysed and reported on by a entry for service providers and many sectors, notably
central reporting institution. This guidance identified justice, police and the health sector, are unlikely
instances in which women’s machineries, NSOs to participate; inclusion of personally identifiable
and ministries of health have taken the role of information for case management demands stringent
analysing and reporting the results from a national data security protocols and practices to ensure survivor

xiv The Gender-Based Violence Information Management System (GBVIMS) has been used by multiple service providers for VAW care and management in humani-
tarian and emergency settings. Humanitarian and emergency settings are unique in that they involve a specialized set of actors with dedicated funding for service
delivery and monitoring, potentially including resources for the creation of needed information management systems. In most other contexts, the majority of
sectors have pre-existing information management systems that are supported by general budgets. For more information on GBVIMS, see

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Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 44|

privacy, confidentiality and safety, including designing autonomy over what information is shared with other
the information system so that survivors can exercise service providers for care and management purposes.  

5.4 Establish or strengthen information-sharing protocols

and standard operating procedures to protect privacy
and confidentiality

“Programme people need to know about data

protection, not only IT people—this is a new proficiency
that needs to become a common competency.”
International NGO, humanitarian sector

When information is transferred between institutions → Responsibilities and processes for reporting
for analysis and reporting, or the information data breaches
management system involves multiple sectors, → Consequences and sanctions for individuals
information-sharing protocols (ISPs) are a necessary and institutions if privacy and confidentiality
tool to advance the legal and ethical obligation to protocols are not followed
maintain privacy and confidentiality by establishing an → Conditions for data use/sharing with institutions
agreed set of principles about how data are collected, or entities not party to the ISP.
what data are shared, how data are managed and Within institutions and sectors, standard operating
how data are reported. An ISP will typically include the procedures (SOPs) for data collection and data
following elements:75 management to ensure privacy and confidentiality
are needed. The SOPs will include direction on all the
→ Purpose of information sharing: in the technical issues that are part of an ISP, but instead of identifying
guidance, this is for statistical purposes not care data to be shared it will identify data to be collected
and management and reported. Detailed discussion of implementation
→ Names of all collaborating institutions of confidentiality and data security measures,
→ Position/role responsible for ensuring alongside good practice examples from around
implementation of the ISP in each agency the world, can be found in the 2015 United Nations
(promotes continuity and accountability when Fundamental Principles of Statistics: Implementation
personnel change) Guidelines.76 See also Step 6 for a further discussion
→ Roles and responsibilities of participating of training for service providers and Annex IV for a
institutions (which will include the data site-level privacy and confidentiality checklist from the
management processes discussed in Step 5.1), World Health Organization (WHO).77
specifying roles in data aggregation, analysis The United Nations Statistics Division and the Global
and reporting Partnership for Sustainable Development Data
→ Data to be shared (variables, level of aggregation) Collaborative on the Use of Administrative Data for
→ Analysis and reporting plan (including frequency) Statistical Purposes have also developed guidance
→ Required training for those collecting and and a draft template memorandum of understanding
managing data (MoU) to clarify roles and responsibilities, promote
→ Data security including conditions of data access data quality and ensure the confidentiality and
(recommend role-based access within and security of administrative data sharing and reporting
across institutions)xv for statistical purposes.78

xv Role-based data access deals with the need to know or need to access. There are three steps: (1) role assignment (only users with assigned roles can access
data/interact with the system); (2) role authentication (to access the system, the user must be authenticated); and (3) action authorization (users can take
certain actions after they are authenticated).

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In 2018, with the support of UN was consulted during its

Promoting VAW Women and the EU, Kosovo79 development.
administrative established and began to operate
Survivors and perpetrators are
an integrated, unified database
data privacy and that collects information about identified in the database by their
national identification or passport
security using VAW and institutional responses.
number. The first step in opening
The creation of the database
role-based access was part of Kosovo’s National a case file is for the user to search
Strategy for Protection Against for this identification number.
in Kosovo Domestic Violence (2016-2020). Importantly for confidentiality,
The database is housed in the only the database manager is
Ministry of Justice (MoJ) under able to search for a survivor or
the stewardship of the National perpetrator by name while the
Coordinator for Protection from system users cannot do this. The
Domestic Violence. In March 2019, authorization of the database
under the leadership manager to search the database
of the MoJ, the ministers by name is used to ensure
responsible for policing, data quality.
prosecution, courts and social
Each local service provider (police
work centres signed an MoU
station, prosecutor’s office or
to provide data to the unified
court, shelter) has one or more
database.80 Shelters run by CSOs
assigned data entry person who
are also able to input data into the
has been trained in SOPs for data
integrated database.
entry. As of December 2020, 120
The database is a multi-user service providers had received the
care and management (‘case required training. Users must be
management’) system that validated to access the system,
uses the individual (survivor or and their system use is logged.
perpetrator) as the unit of count. With the exceptions of data entry
It is possible to follow the survivor people from shelters, validated
and her case through the system, system users can see the history
make referrals and view what of the case (referrals, services
services have been provided. The received, outcomes). Each local
database permits analysis of service provider has a coordinator
the timeliness of investigation, who can view workflow (how
prosecution and decision and many cases entered and by which
records interim measures (e.g., assigned data entry person) but
protection orders), judges’ rulings cannot view individual cases.
on criminal or civil charges The coordinator can make a
and sentences. written request to the database
manager to have case information
The database promotes data corrected but cannot make such
security and privacy of personal corrections at the site level. On
information through role-based behalf of the National Coordinator
data access and registration for Protection from Domestic
of a limited number of system Violence, the database manager
users. The Kosovo Agency for the can conduct analysis to generate
Protection of Personal Data aggregate statistics.

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Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 46|

Create an Implementation Plan to
6 Collect and Use VAW Administrative
Data (Training and Resource Needs)

The implementation plan should consider both

training and resource planning (human, infrastructure
and financial).

6.1 Provide training on VAW and VAW

administrative data collection
“Training led to a breaking of the power hierarchies
between the doctors and the nurses, andthen
increased ownership that this is a shared responsibility
and everyone needs to respond to VAW.”
CSO, VAW expert

Institutions and personnel require support and Training led by a multidisciplinary team is a promising
training to gain a shared understanding of VAW and approach. The training team should include:
evidence about effective responses.81
→ VAW experts
As discussed in Step 5, training on data management → Experts in data collection and management
SOPs will be necessary for those responsible for the (including information technology experts if
processing and management of VAW administrative the VAW data will be directly entered into an
data. Frontline personnel who are providing direct electronic system)
services to survivors or interacting with perpetrators → CSOs or survivors (or ensure that the viewpoints
and will be collecting VAW administrative data as and perspectives of survivors are represented
part of their work require training on VAW and data in training)
collection. Training on the institutional standards for → When training within sectors, staff members/
responding to VAW, and the roles and responsibilities professionals who are responsible for responding
of those interacting with survivors and perpetrators, to VAW, documenting and managing VAW
is also an opportunity to train on VAW administrative administrative data.
data collection. This training can improve the capacity
of those providing services in government, not-for- It is recommended that the training emphasize how
profit and private sectors who interact with survivors, VAW data collection will contribute to achieving the
including nurses, physicians, police officers, judges, social national and sectoral priorities related to VAW as well
workers and others to treat survivors in a non-blaming, as the priorities of the personnel who are providing
non-discriminatory manner when providing services and services. It should:
when collecting VAW administrative data.82 See Box 6 for
a discussion of the relative merits of data collection from → Understand and explicitly address the service
specialized or general services, which has significant delivery context and multiple demands on service
implications for the scope of training efforts. providers

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→ Demonstrate how data collection can contribute → Offer opportunities to practice data collection
to monitoring and result in service improvements and data entry as relevant. In particular, provide
→ Emphasize why particular variables (e.g., sex, and a script and opportunities for role play on the
survivor-perpetrator relationship) are important collection of VAW administrative data that
to understand VAW and the service needs, with addresses how the information provided will
the objective of motivating personnel to collect be recorded, stored and under what conditions
administrative data information will be shared (emphasizing survivor
→ Provide job aids and examples of forms and consent for information sharing for care and
templates and describe how they have been management and protection of confidentiality
applied using case studies. when data are used for statistical purposes) to
increase the confidence of providers and promote
Training of personnel in the SOPs and ISPs for empathetic, respectful interactions with survivors
managing VAW administrative data (confidentiality that engender trust in the processes in place to
and data protection, roles and policies for collection, ensure privacy and confidentiality.
recording, storage) should:
Implementation plans for training should be developed
→ Discuss what privacy and confidentiality mean with the understanding that capacity building to
in practice and how to operationalize privacy improve VAW services and data collection cannot be
and confidentiality in the particular settings effectively achieved in a single training session.
where women attend services or care (e.g., not
discussing violence with them in front of other → Building relationships between VAW experts
staff, or leaving records lying around or labelling and data experts, such as the NSO, can facilitate
the file or the top sheet in the file with ‘violence’) ongoing capacity development and sustained
→ Emphasize how service managers can create support for improving data collection and use.
settings and policies to support privacy and → Ongoing mentoring and support to resolve
confidentiality for survivor safety and prevent problems with data collection, storage and
stigma and discrimination processing and to guide adaptations is important
→ Ensure trainers understand and are prepared for making and institutionalizing change
to discuss the potential barriers to privacy and (see Step 7.2)
confidentiality in the local context

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options for documenting type

Training health- “I just tell relatives that I was
of violence, relationship to the
counselling a patient about her
care workers health and diet. I don’t tell them perpetrator, age of the survivor
as well as other data relevant for
to respond to about actual conversations.
managing and monitoring the
Otherwise, they can harm the
VAW and collect patient. So, I try my best to
health-care response.86

administrative maintain confidentiality. This is An SOP was developed for

important; otherwise, the woman
data in India will never share her problems
documenting case reports in the
registers in privacy, maintaining
with anyone.” registers in locked cabinets and
defining who had access to the
Physician83 individual data.87

In 2018-2019, WHO undertook an Nurses were assigned the

implementation study to roll out responsibility of maintaining
WHO guidelines and tools for the the registers under lock and key.
health sector response to VAW Departmental supervisors reviewed
in India.84 In three tertiary-level a VAW register, followed up on
hospitals in Maharashtra, training missing entries and conducted
of health-care providers was quality checks to ensure that
undertaken to identify domestic the entries were completed and
or intimate partner violence, offer accurate. During the training of the
first-line support and referrals to providers, the importance of privacy
other sector services and provide and confidentiality was emphasized
other medical care required by multiple times. Specifically, it
survivors. The study assessed the addressed the need to store VAW
knowledge, attitudes and skills of records securely so that survivors
health-care providers before and could not be identified, to obtain
after the training. This found that women’s consent before sharing
post-training and at a six months any information and to ensure
follow-up, they had significantly that medical records that were
improved their knowledge of taken home did not mention
how to ask about VAW and VAW.88
provide clinical care and were
significantly more likely to report
identifying survivors of violence Observation of providers’ practice
and providing VAW support services found that they internalized
(information, discussing options, the importance of keeping
helping to develop safety plans and confidential the records that
referring to support services) than documented VAW. For example,
pre-intervention.85 while antenatal care registers
or other health registers were
frequently left out on the
The study trained health-care
examination table, the VAW
providers to document cases of
documentation register was kept
domestic or partner violence and
under lock and key.89
non-partner sexual violence in
one-page facility registers adapted
from the WHO manual for health This study identified some
managers on strengthening health challenges for improving VAW
systems response to VAW, which documentation in very busy
included definitions, response health-care delivery settings. >>

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Training health-care workers to respond to VAW and collect administrative data in India
One was that, because the were identified through the
standard institutional policy documentation over a period of
was for doctors to fill out all 9 months, of whom 74 per cent
documentation, nurses hesitated reported emotional/psychological
to step into this role even though violence, 64 per cent reported
the VAW training taught that physical violence and 12 per cent
both doctors and nurses were reported sexual violence.90
able to document. When nurses
deferred to the physician to This case study illustrates the
document at a later time rather importance of high-quality
than documenting immediately, training of those documenting
survivors’ cases often went cases and understanding the need
unrecorded. Similarly, while a for adapting to sector, service and
social worker was assigned to site-specific workflow processes
provide more in-depth safety when designing information
planning and referrals for systems for documentation of
survivors, these records were VAW. Ideally, such systems can
kept separate from nurse/ ensure better standardization
physician documentation in through digital records as one
the survivors’ medical file and of the challenges observed in
sometimes lost. These challenges the paper-based system was
were resolved after the first the difficulty of deciphering
month through discussions with handwritten information by
the administrators in the three providers as well has having to
hospitals. A total of 531 women double-check missing values.

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6.2 Plan for the required human,

infrastructure and financial resources

“[VAW administrative data] requires a type of

corporate social responsibility: resources, awareness
and cooperation. Either there are material
and economic resources—or there is nothing.”
Government official, women’s machinery

“Above all, a statistical area needs to be technical,

and you need to work as part of a multidisciplinary
team with the appropriate profiles. The idea that a
computing science technician can do this work has
changed—you need to have statistical expertise and
thematic expertise.”
Government official, justice sector

The investments in infrastructure and human have administrative data systems that are at
resources needed to establish an administrative data different stages of maturity in terms of overall
system, particularly the initial costs for establishing information management systems and with
the system, cannot be overlooked. These initial respect to the production and reporting of VAW
investments are needed to reap the ongoing cost- administrative data. Teams varied in size from
savings associated with using administrative data 7 to 19 professionals. These team sizes did not
for statistical purposes.91 Needed resources for include professionals dedicated to data collection
training, data management, analysis, reporting and (which is simultaneous with service provision) or
data communication should be identified during data entry.
implementation planning. → Identified roles for teams dedicated to managing
the integration of VAW administrative data,
→ As part of the analysis of the data environment maintenance of databases, data quality checks
(see Step 3.2), an initial description of the human and analysis and reporting included leadership
and infrastructure resources dedicated to data and administration of the VAW or VAW-related
management within the relevant institutions and administrative data team, which involved
sectors will have been completed. establishing ISPs and other agreements to
→ When developing this guidance, we explored acquire data from different sectors and data
the sizes, roles and responsibilities of teams quality assurance, analysis and reporting.
that were compiling, analysing and publicly → Ensuring that human, financial and infrastructure
reporting VAW administrative data in very needs are adequately planned for within
different country contexts in Africa, the budgets and mobilized is a task for the VAW
Americas and the Caribbean and Europe that administrative data coordination mechanism.

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Step 7 Implement Regular Reporting

of VAW Administrative Data

“From the [national VAW] law until the first bulletins

8 years passed. It is a process
were published, eight
of building capacity, having the resources and the
people and developing specialization.”
Government official, women’s machinery

Regular reporting incentivizes data production action to increase the use of VAW administrative data
and encourages data use, creating a virtuous cycle. and thereby contribute to improved policy and practice.
Reporting is a necessary, though not sufficient,

7.1 Identify the institutions that are

responsible for reporting

Similar to the process for identifying the leaders The focus of this technical guidance is building a
and members of the VAW administrative data VAW administrative data system for centralized
coordination mechanism, identifying the institutions data reporting that includes information from
best positioned to take responsibility for centralized multiple sectors. This focus does not diminish the
national or subnational reporting of VAW importance of sectoral analysis and reporting or the
administrative data requires consideration of existing role of administrative data in supporting programme
legislation, mandates and operational efficiencies. managers and decision-makers in local or regional
The NSO or the national women’s machinery, or other service delivery sites to design policy and make
body with policy responsibility for VAW prevention and programme improvements.
response, may be well positioned to take responsibility
for reporting. This technical guidance recommends the inclusion of
CSOs with expertise on addressing VAW in the VAW
After defining which institution is responsible for administrative data coordination mechanism and as
reporting, the information-sharing protocols and data producers, especially in contexts where CSOs
processes to determine how different sector—such provide a large proportion of VAW services to survivors.
as health, justice, police and governmental and CSOs should have the opportunity to opt-in or opt-out
non-governmental social services—contribute to of providing VAW administrative data for centralized
centralized reporting must be formalized (see Steps reporting, unless this is a funding requirement
5.3 and 5.4). These agreements will specify which between CSOs and government. For CSOs, as for all
data will be shared, how they will be shared and how service providers, efforts must be made to ensure that
reporting will occur, including the frequency and providing VAW administrative data does not represent
format of reports and the process for contributing data a significant additional burden in terms of workload.92
producers to review and approve data before public
release. The VAW administrative data coordination
mechanism will have a key function for oversight of
implementation of these agreements.

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7.2 Ensure that quality administrative

data are collected, aggregated
and reported

The metadata and standard operating procedures → Identify missing or incomplete information on a
(SOPs) established in Step 5 will guide the collection regular basis, including through spot checks
and aggregation of VAW administrative data and → Discuss with data administrators/ managers
contribute to data quality. Monitoring, support and any systemic problems that need to be resolved
ongoing training will be required to build capacity through training, improvements in definitions,
and ensure data quality and continuous improvement mentoring and supervision and updating systems
as reporting is implemented. Important actions to → Ensure that electronic data systems are backed
monitor and promote quality collection, aggregation up regularly on secure central servers.
and reporting of VAW administrative data include:
The staff and managers responsible for data
→ Establishing regular oversight of data collected processing and reporting (either within the sector
to ensure that all forms, variables and response or the centralized body depending on the model
categories are correctly completed and missing for multisectoral data collection, management and
information is obtained reporting adopted, see Step 5.3) can provide technical
→ If paper-based systems are used, ensure that support for these processes, conduct quality
information is legible checks of incoming data93 as well as implement SOPs
→ Ensure that all data cells for aggregated to monitor the quality of data processing and
information are completed and reported statistical outputs.94


In 2017-2018, UN Women These consultations resulted

Improving supported the Moldovan in an improved data sheet
and disseminating Ministry of Health, Labour and that includes calculation
Social Protection, National formulas that allow the
standard operating Bureau of Statistics, National person completing the sheet
procedures for VAW Employment Agency and to identify data entry errors
35 subnational agencies and correct them before
administrative data providing social assistance submission. Detailed written
collection, entry to VAW survivors to identify methodological guidance
and address VAW data gaps for collecting, entering and
and validation and improve data quality by validating data was developed,
developing methodological and a one-day training on
in Moldova guidance and rolling out the guidance and data entry
training. The process brought sheet was rolled-out for 69
together government employees responsible for data
officials, community social entry and management from
assistants and managers of the involved subnational service
specialized public sector VAW providers and participating
services to make proposals ministries.
for overcoming challenges
to improve data collection,
flow and completeness.

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7.3 Establish and make public standards

for periodicity, transparency and data

Periodicity planning and delivering VAW services, legislators,

→ Compilation and reporting of VAW administrative policymakers, gender specialists and others who
data should be completed on a set schedule are responsible for the VAW response, as well as
and in a timely fashion, in line with the United to the general public, media, CSOs, development
Nations Fundamental Principles of Official partners and researchers.
Statistics.95 → Data availability is critical for ensuring the
accountability of duty-bearers.
→ At minimum, official reports analysing VAW → Where the data come from (metadata) must
administrative data should be made public be clear.
annually. → Some VAW administrative data portals only
publish reports. Others support custom analyses
by allowing users to select variables to generate
Transparency and data availability custom reports of aggregate anonymized data
→ Anonymized data must be made available to (for example, number of calls to a VAW hotline
interested parties within government such as and types of VAW reported during a specified
service providers and managers responsible for time period).

7.4 Ensure that processes for analysis

and reporting respect confidentiality

“If data are anonymized, they are easier to share.”

Statistician, NSO

→ Data shared within the VAW administrative anonymized, suppression of small number
data coordination mechanism, as well as any count that could lead to easy identification of
data that are publicly reported or made publicly respondents and limited access to potentially
available for analysis, should be anonymized and identifying variables such as those based on
aggregated to ensure confidentiality. geography or type of location).
→ Rules should be created and applied to ensure → Only aggregated data (macrodata) are made
that confidentiality is respected (e.g., all data publicly available.xvi

xvi Macrodata are aggregated data that group together individual-level records (microdata). Microdata are data made up of individual-level records—for
instance, in survey data sets, there are individual records for each of the survey’s respondents. Access to microdata should only be allowed with strict
oversight to, for example, qualified researchers whose research protocols have been through ethics review or data analysts within government who have
undergone ethics training and signed confidentiality agreements.

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In 2004, the Government of other data sources from

Spain’s Gender Spain passed the Organic Law multiple sectors (justice,
Violence Portal: on Comprehensive Protection social services, NSO)
Measures against Gender- and different levels of
A multisectoral based Violence. The law created government and Spain’s
autonomous regions.
public-facing VAW the Government Delegation
against Gender-Based Violence, • Manages Spain’s Gender
administrative with two Sub-directorates Violence Portal. The portal
implements good practices
data platform General. One of them, the Sub-
for periodicity, transparency
directorate General for Awareness,
Prevention and Studies of Gender- and data availability
Based Violence, made robust and confidentiality
provisions for multisectoral in reporting. It publishes
coordination, reporting and an annual calendar of data
releases and an inventory of
knowledge mobilization to
statistical operations with
improve VAW prevention and
metadata for each variable
response, including by using developed with the NSO. All
VAW administrative data to data made available through
monitor programmes and the portal are anonymous
outcomes. This Sub-directorate and statistics are produced
General acts as the national following written standards
coordination mechanism for VAW that guarantee confidentiality
administrative data, among other and protection of personal
functions.96The Subdirectorate: data, in alignment with the
national statistics law and
• Provides secretariat functions related confidentiality policy.
for the State Observatory
on Violence, an inter- The Gender Violence Portal
ministerial body that includes website includes:
representatives from the
relevant sectors (health, • Regularly updated statistics
education, justice, police, that allow the generation of
social services) as well as tables and data visualizations
independent VAW experts from pre-set indicators from
from academia and CSOs. different sectors (police, vital
The State Observatory has an statistics, social services,
advisory and oversight role in specialized VAW services)
the standardization of VAW • Monthly and annual reports
administrative data, preparing on VAW
studies and reports and • Reports and
making proposals for action to recommendations f
prevent and respond to VAW. rom the State Observatory
• Collects, analyses and on Violence.
reports administrative and • As of October 2021, the Sub-
other data from specialized directorate had a team of 12
VAW services funded by the professionals dedicated to
national women’s machinery data analysis, reporting and
(including shelters, hotlines other data communication
and provision of functions. This included four
economic support). with administrative functions
• Coordinates the receipt and (leadership, finance and
publication of statistics based human resources) and
on VAW administrative and eight statisticians.

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Step 8 Engage in Data Communication

“Previously, when we lobbied [the government]

on legislation and other issues, they didn’t find
it [VAW] a serious issue. Having the numbers
[of VAW cases] and being able to say here are
the numbers from the Ministry of Justice is
helpful because we no longer have to argue
about the importance.”
Official, United Nations

Data communication goes beyond regular reporting of also needed to improve knowledge of VAW and data
statistical data to develop and use a range of products literacy among data users. Improving literacy about
designed for different data users.97 To successfully plan VAW data and data communication will advance the
for and execute data communication and increase use of VAW administrative data and contribute to the
data use, dialogue between data producers and users end goal: to improve VAW prevention and response
is needed before and after data production. Efforts are and ultimately end VAW.

8.1 Improve data literacy

Further efforts are needed to build the capacity of the increased programmatic efforts to address VAW
media, legislators (politicians) and other data users and better VAW administrative data collection
to understand and appropriately communicate VAW can result in increased reporting of cases. It is
statistics. Fortunately, these efforts can be supported important to increase understanding that this
by existing materials that have been developed to corresponds to improvements that lead women
increase VAW data literacy.98 For VAW administrative to seek services that they need or improvements
data, improving capacity to interpret and ‘speak to’ in recording and is not necessarily a sign
(present) and contextualize the data is a priority. Key that the number of VAW cases or numbers of
points to improve data interpretation are: survivors of VAW are increasing.
→ Contextual factors can also change the demand
→ The number of cases of VAW reported in for services and patterns of service use.
administrative data can be expected to increase
if service delivery or recording improves. To illustrate:
The media and government colleagues need • Increased public awareness and
preparation to understand and explain why consciousness about VAW after incidents

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that are highly visible in the media and to the aggregated by time periods, cases of VAW
public can influence the number of individuals reported after that time period has already been
seeking services and increase reported analysed and reported will change the numbers
numbers. in subsequent reports.
• During the COVID-19 pandemic, in some → The confidentiality of the identity of individual
settings and sectors, reported cases of VAW survivors or perpetrators in statistics, including
increased (e.g., calls to hotlines or women statistics created using administrative data,
seeking services from shelters) whereas cases may need to be explained to members of
reported to health services decreased because government, human rights actors and media
of lockdowns and general avoidance of health outlets. Spokespeople responsible for interpreting
facilities. VAW administrative data should be prepared to
→ As previously noted, administrative data cannot speak about their ethical and legal obligations to
be used to estimate prevalence. Training on maintain privacy and confidentiality.
how to present data from multiple sources → It is important to remind data users that behind
(e.g., survey data and administrative data) and the numbers are stories of human suffering and
explain discrepancies is needed. When presenting resilience of women subjected to violence. Where
administrative data, care must always be taken possible—and without offering identifying
to explain that these only capture the number of information about individuals—stories of
cases reported and cannot be equated to trends survivors can serve as a powerful message to
in the actual number of cases or survivors. societies about the burden of violence against
→ Variations in reported data must be explained women and could be used after seeking the
when communicating data to different consent of survivors and ensuring anonymity is
audiences. For example, when data are safeguarded.

8.2 Advance data communication

to bridge the data production-use gap

For all data communication products, it is important data communication is laid during the user-producer
to consider the data user’s level of knowledge about dialogue (Step 4), which provides information about
VAW and data needs to determine what information what potential data users need.
is provided and how it is presented. The foundation for

Figure 5: Attention to data users’ needs can improve VAW administrative data use99

User-producer Data are User’s needs VAW prevention

dialogue to produced taking are met and data and response
identify user’s user’s expertise use increases efforts are
needs and needs better informed
into account

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As described in Box 11, it is good practice to include the issues’ importance, foster support for related
both quantitative information (numbers) and policies or programmes and spur greater action than
qualitative information (anonymized short stories) communication products that present numbers or
in data communication products. Stories can facts alone.100
effectively increase the audience’s perception of

Box 11: Meeting data users needs in data communication products 101

Data user Type of information and presentation

General public Key figures, trends, data visualizations, short stories
Summary tables, charts, trends, data visualizations, short
Summary tables, charts, trends, data visualizations, short
Development practitioners/CSOs/gender Summary and disaggregated data, analysis of results over
specialists time, metadata
Data analyst, researcher Complete, raw, row-level data (without names)

Implementing data communication takes effort and systems to create preformed reports using
expertise. The following actions can increase capacity automated analysis at the press of a button.
for data communication and help to bridge the data Easy availability of reports can increase use by
production-use gap: programme managers and by decision-makers
at all levels (at the individual site level, within
Dedicating human resources to data communication sectors and for the overarching subnational or
during resource planning national VAW response).

→ Creating alliances for data communication

with champions among policymakers, service Data-driven dialogue, which includes both quantitative
providers, academics, journalists and influencers and qualitative data, is a promising practice to advance
(building on relationship begun through the data government responses to VAW.102 In preparing for
user-producer dialogue) such dialogues, administrative data are not the whole
→ Ensuring data flow and communication are story. Placing administrative data in a comprehensive
multidirectional, going from service providers context and seeking to triangulate with additional
to policymakers but also flowing back to service data sources (from academics and from qualitative
providers who can improve services in real time inquiry with service providers and survivors) prior to
→ Taking advantage of the possibilities provided by identifying and communicating policy options is
technology. An example is designing information good practice.

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In 2007, Mexico’s federal In addition, it has implemented

Communicating Government decreed the General other actions to improve the
data to improve Law on Women’s Access to a Life accessibility of information
Free of Violence that mandates available on the web platform,
the VAW response the creation of a National such as creating specialized VAW
in Zacatecas, Data and Information Bank on modules on, for example,
Violence Against Women to sexual violence.
Mexico “evaluate the efficiency of the
measures developed to prevent, BANEVIM undertakes additional
treat, punish and eradicate all analysis and related data
types of violence”. 103 communication activities.
Examples of data communication
Mexico is a federation with 32 include providing a statistical
states, so each state subsequently summary four times a year to
passed or amended a VAW law mayors of municipalities where
that included the creation of there has been an observed
a state VAW databank. While increase in reported cases of
the legal framework in each VAW, incorporating additional
state is distinct, 29 of them use data from the NSO and the Office
the information technology for Social Crime Prevention to
infrastructure provided by the conduct spatial analyses to
National Databank. One of these identify geographic ‘hotspots’
is Zacatecas’ BANEVIM (Banco and analysing data about
Estatal de Datos sobre Violencia survivors’ reported needs and
contra las Mujeres). barriers to seeking services. The
latter analysis identified that
The BANEVIM public portal is transportation was a barrier
updated on a monthly basis. for survivors to continue to
The publication and data- seek support services and to
updating schedule is published pursue legal cases through
on the webpage, contributing to the court system. In response,
transparency. The portal includes the Women’s Justice Centre of
12 standard indicators that include the Attorney General’s Office
type of VAW, information about created a state-wide programme
survivors and perpetrators (age, sex, to provide pre-paid tickets for
survivor-perpetrator relationship) public transportation to support
and where and when the violence survivors to access
occurred, among others. BANEVIM specialized VAW services and
also publishes quarterly and semi- pursue legal remedies.105
annual reports and infographics in
the online portal.104

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Concluding Summary

VAW administrative data are collected in the context to make progress. Civil society experts and survivors
of day-to-day service delivery and operations. When themselves have important contributions to make and
analysed, reported and communicated to service should be consulted and included in the governance
providers, programme managers and decision- systems established to lead the development
makers, administrative data provide timely and and implementation of VAW administrative data
relevant information for monitoring service use and information systems. The corollary of this level of
for planning to improve VAW policies, programmes mobilization, coordination and commitment is
and services. They can also, through equity analyses, that taking the steps described in the guidance to
provide critical insights into who is being excluded strengthen VAW administrative data collection and
from service delivery and thereby support national use has benefits that go beyond the generation of
and subnational efforts to achieve one of the central information alone.
promises of the Sustainable Development Goals: to
leave no one behind. Improving VAW administrative data collection is
intertwined with improving the understanding
The value of VAW administrative data was further of VAW and responses among service providers.
highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic. In many Training on data collection in the context of VAW
settings, administrative data from telephone helplines, service provision is crucial. This training can increase
shelters and reports to police recorded increased non-discriminatory, empathetic communication
demand for these VAW services. This information was and respect for confidentiality. The process of data
crucial for global and local advocacy and provided collection, including the forms that are used, can also
intelligence that guided countries to include actions promote improvement of quality by providing a means
to prevent and respond to VAW in their COVID-19 for monitoring implementation
response and recovery plans. While the visibility of over time.
administrative data was heightened during COVID-19,
the characteristics and potential priority uses of these Analysis, reporting and communication of
data for monitoring service use, identifying gaps, administrative data enable its use to improve
evaluating service quality, tracking outcomes and VAW prevention and response. Reporting and data
giving direction to service planning are always relevant. communication can create the conditions for informed
Administrative data provide invaluable information for dialogue and be used to hold duty bearers to account.
developing, monitoring and strengthening policies and Strengthening VAW administrative data strengthens
programmes to prevent and respond to VAW. the foundation for dialogue within governments and
between government representatives and other actors,
The country and regional experiences that informed such as CSOs, researchers, the United Nations system
the development of this technical guidance show and others, to catalyse improvements. Regional and
that improving VAW administrative data collection country experiences show that inter-institutional
and use requires a multi-year commitment and coordination and prioritization of capacity building
dedicated resources. Leadership and the contribution to support improvements in VAW administrative
of expertise from the institutions with policy data collection, reporting and communication have
responsibility for VAW and for statistics, as well as mobilized political will and resources not only for
commitment from the sectors that provide services to improving VAW administrative data systems but also
survivors and interact with perpetrators, are needed for prevention of and responses to VAW.

Concluding Summary
Global technical guidance
Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 60|


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Global technical guidance
Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 65|

Guiding Principles

Human rights-based approach of analysis should be understanding the service use

Rights-based approaches to the delivery of quality (or lack of use) by groups of women who are most at
essential services recognize that States have a primary risk. Administrative data can contribute to illuminating
responsibility to respect, protect and fulfil the rights the service experiences and needs of women who face
of women and girls. Violence against women is a multiple forms of discrimination not only because they
fundamental breach of women’s rights, particularly are women but also because of their race, ethnicity,
their right to a life free from fear and violence. A human caste, sexual orientation, religion, disability, marital
rights approach means that the collection and use of status, occupation or other characteristics or because
administrative data will prioritize the safety and well- they have been subjected to violence.
being of women and treat them with dignity, respect
and sensitivity. It also calls for the highest attainable Survivor-centred approaches
standards of health, social, justice and policing Survivor-centred approaches place the rights, needs
services––services of good quality, available, accessible and desires of women at the centre of both service
and acceptable to women. The achievement of quality, delivery and VAW administrative data collection and
availability, accessibility and acceptability of services for use. This requires consideration of the multiple needs
survivors must be at the heart of of survivors, their various risks and vulnerabilities and
this approach. the impact of decisions and actions taken, which are
critical to ethical data collection, analysis, sharing
Advancement of gender equality and women’s and reporting. Administrative data collection should
empowerment respect survivors’ wishes, and the analysis, sharing and
The centrality of gender inequality and discrimination, reporting should involve survivors as appropriate and
as both a root cause and a consequence of violence possible and always make their safety and well-being
against women, requires that services ensure gender- the central concern.
sensitive and gender-responsive policies and practices
are in place. Service-based data collection and use of Safety
VAW administrative data must promote women’s The safety of women and girls is paramount when
agency, where women are entitled to make their own collecting, analysing and reporting administrative VAW
decisions—including to refuse that their report be data. Data collection and use must prioritize the safety
recorded in the data systems or to refuse referrals— and security of survivors and avoid causing further
without this affecting their ability to receive c harm. One aspect of this is that data on women’s
are or services. experiences of violence must not be solicited by service
providers (health, police, justice, social services) unless
Cultural sensitivity and age appropriateness services are available to support them. Women who
Survivors of violence have a multiplicity of individual disclose violence should immediately receive WHO-
circumstances and life experiences, are of diverse recommended first-line support, using the LIVES
ages, identities, cultures, sexual orientations, gender approach: ‘Listen, Inquire about needs and concerns,
identities and ethnicities and speak different languages. Validate, Enhance Safety, Support’. Those providers who
Considerations about VAW administrative data to be offer services to survivors should be trained on how to
collected should take this into account, and one aspect deliver first-line support.107

Global technical guidance
Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 66|

Perpetrator accountability accountability, the Essential Services Package states

that the goal is to “support and facilitate the survivor’s
Perpetrator accountability requires that VAW participation with the justice process, promote her
administrative data collection can effectively analyse capacity of acting or exerting her agency, while ensuring
whether perpetrators are being held accountable that the burden or onus of seeking justice is not
and whether justice (or other relevant) responses are placed on her but on the State”.108 In the collection of
proportional to the acts committed. In collecting and administrative data, it is critical that survivors are made
using administrative data, the data-related rights of aware before they disclose if disclosure may result in
alleged and convicted perpetrators must be respected them being involved with the police, justice or other
and SOP and ISPs aligned with national and subnational institutions so that they can make informed choices
privacy legislation as well as international standards. about the information that they divulge.
With respect to survivors’ participation in perpetrator

Country and Regional Examples of Priority
Uses of VAW Administrative Data (Programme
Monitoring and Service Mapping)

This technical guidance identifies three priority programme monitoring that may be included as
uses for VAW administrative data: (1) monitoring part of the agreed upon VAW administrative data
service use, (2) programme monitoring: policy to be collected at the subnational or national level
implementation, service coverage and quality and in the health sector (example 1) and justice sector
(3) service mapping and system planning. The (example 2). Example 3 illustrates service mapping
discussion of the recommended minimum data to assess the capacity of VAW services in comparison
set refers primarily to variables for monitoring to regional standards, which is critical information
service use that are relevant across all sectors. for planning, resource allocation and costing.
Below are examples of additional sector-specific

Global technical guidance
Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 67|


Sector-specific programme monitoring

Health-care provision in accordance
with national standards: Care for rape
survivors in Zimbabwe


international standards
for the provision of
medical care after HIV Prevention Pregnancy Prevention
(HIV post exposure (Emergency Contraception)
rape into its national
Prophylaxis – PEP)
standards for service
provision. This example
demonstrates how
n= 2,152 n= 1,680
rape survivors who are HIV women and girls 12-45 years
administrative data negative or of unknown HIV status (of reproductive age)
were used to monitor
the implementation of
medical care for rape 40% 40%
at a single specialized
health clinic in Mbare. Present in 72 hours, Present within 120
The standards monitored eligible for treatment hours, eligible for
(n = 861, 40%) treatment
were provision (n = 677, 40%)
of post-exposure
prophylaxis (PEP) for
HIV prevention within
72 hours and emergency 35% 36%
contraception (EC) within
Start PEP Take emergency
120 hours. This analysis contraceptive
using administrative (n = 751, 35% of total,
87% of eligible) (n = 598, 36% of total,
data shows that in more 88% of eligible)
than 80 per cent of cases,
rape care is completed to
these standards for those
who are eligible. It also
shows that the majority 33%
of rape survivors were
not eligible for PEP and Complete PEP
EC because they did not (n=702, 33% of total,
82% of eligible)
present at the clinic in
time for treatment to be


Global technical guidance
Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 68|


Sector specific programme monitoring

Assessing the justice sector response to
rape survivors in South Africa110


of monitoring the IN GUATENG, SOUTH AFRICA
effectiveness of the
response of the police
and justice sector to VAW
using administrative
data is to be able to
trace the process of a
VAW complaint made
rape case files
opened by police 2,064 100%

by a survivor through to
resolution of the legal

In every region of the

world, analysis of

administrative data perpetrators
has demonstrated arrested/ordered 50%
that a large proportion to appear in court
of sexual violence
complaints are
investigated, and that

of the small number of
perpetrators charged 43%
sexual violence cases
in court
that are prosecuted,
even fewer result
in convictions of
perpetrators.112 113 114 115
This South African
example from a trials commenced 358 17%
randomly selected
sample of registers
from police stations
in Gauteng province perpetrators convicted
identified that a very of assault/sexual crime 127 6%
small proportion of
rape complaints made
to police resulted in
convictions of alleged
perpetrators convicted of rape 85 4%

Global technical guidance
Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 69|


The Council of Europe establishes that there should be

Service mapping recommends standards for the one rape crisis or sexual violence
Assessing the coverage of specialized VAW referral centre, with trained
services to meet the obligations staff that can provide medical
capacity of social acquired through ratification of care, forensic examinations,
services to meet the Istanbul Convention,116 based trauma support, information and
on population size. The Women guidance in possible legal cases,
the needs of sexual Against Violence Europe (WAVE) for every 200,000 inhabitants.
assault survivors in Network conducts a questionnaire This mapping of existing services
of civil society focal points across from 2018 identifies the dramatic
Europe (2018) Europe to estimate the coverage gap between the recommended
and capacity of the VAW response service standards and actual
in the region. The Convention service delivery.117

Total Needed number Actual number Number

population of rape crises of rape crises of missing
centres/sexual centres/sexual services
violence referral violence referral
centres to meet centres

Europe (46) 840,919,693 4,205 357 3,848


European 512,379,225 2,562 338 2,224

Union (EU) (87%)
States and
Kingdom (28)

European 328,540,468 1,643 19 1,624

countries (99%)
that have
never been
members of
the EU (18)

Global technical guidance
Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 70|

Proposed Response Options and Recommended
Definitions for Minimum Data Setxvii

Minimum data set

Variable Response options Definitions
All categories must include a Definitions should be agreed by the coordination mechanism
non-response option. based on national/subnational context and specificities.

Case # All cases must be given a number

Administrative information such as
date of record, individual recording
and sector can be noted.
Survivor sex Female/male Sex is based on biological attributes (female/male) rather than
the social gender identity. Response options are female/male.

Survivor age Date of birth Recommendation: Date of birth

Alternatively: Year of birth
Exact response is preferred to a categorical variable; categories
can be created during analysis
Survivor- Current intimate partner Current intimate partner: Intimate partner includes spouse
perpetrator Former intimate partner or cohabitating partner, non-cohabitating partner (boyfriend/
relationship girlfriend/dating partner but not married).xviii
Family member
(complete for each Former intimate partner
Friend/colleague/peer or
perpetrator) Family member
Authority figure/care provider → Blood relative: child, parent, sibling, other blood relative;
blood relatives are further categorized as cohabitating or
Other—known to survivor
Other—unknown to survivor → Other household member or relative by marriage
or adoption (parent-in-law, child-in-law, stepson/
stepdaughter, adopted child, other relative by marriage)
Friend/colleague/peer or acquaintance
Authority figure/care provider: health-care provider, caregiver,
education authority, safety and security provider, public official/
clergy (non-health, education or security-related), employer/
supervisor, other authority/care relationship worker, police,
teacher, employer etc.
Other perpetrator known to survivor
Perpetrator unknown to the survivor
Perpetrator sex Male/female As reported by survivor
If identity of perpetrator is confirmed by police/justice system,
these records take precedence.

xvii Minimum data to be collected, according to UN CEDAW’s General Comment 35 (2017), include type of violence and survivor/victim relationship, with the
perpetrator relationship and other socio-demographic characteristics as relevant including the age of the victim/survivor (article 49).
xviii Aligned with variables proposed for intimate partners and family members in UNODC and UN Women 2022.

Global technical guidance
Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 71|

Perpetrator age Date of birth (preferred) As reported by survivor if service does not interact with the
If identity of perpetrator is confirmed by police/justice system,
these records take precedence.
Recommended: Date of birth
Alternatively: Year of birth or year of birth based on estimate of
age by survivor
Exact response preferred to a categorical variable; categories
created during analysis
Type of VAW Physical VAW Physical violence consists of acts aimed at physically hurting
In survey research, the survivor and include, but are not limited to, acts like
it is most effective pushing, grabbing, twisting the arm, pulling hair, slapping,
to ask about kicking, biting or hitting with a fist or object, trying to strangle
specific acts or suffocate, burning or scalding on purpose, or threatening or
committed by attacking with some sort of weapon, gun or knife.118
the perpetrator In criminal codes: assault
against survivor. Sexual VAW Sexual violence is defined as any sort of harmful or unwanted
Service providers sexual behaviour that is imposed on someone, whether by
should be use of physical force, intimidation or coercion. It includes acts
trained to ask of abusive sexual contact, forced sexual acts, attempted or
non-judgmental completed sexual acts (intercourse) without consent (rape
questions to or attempted rape), non-contact acts such as being forced to
identify VAW. watch or participate in pornography, etc. In intimate partner
relationships, sexual violence is commonly operationally
defined in surveys as: being physically forced to have sexual
intercourse, having sexual intercourse out of fear for what the
partner might do or through coercion and/or being forced to
so something sexual that the woman considers humiliating or
degrading.119 Sexual violence includes sexual harassment, verbal
abuse, threats and exposure.120
Rape is defined as engaging in the non-consensual vaginal, anal
or oral penetration of a sexual nature of the body of another
person with any bodily part or object, including through the
use of physical violence and by putting the victim in a situation
where she cannot say no or complies because of fear.121
In criminal codes: sexual assault, rape, sexual harassment
Psychological VAW Psychological violence consists of any act that induces fear
or emotional distress. It includes a range of behaviours that
encompass acts of emotional abuse (e.g., being frequently
humiliated in public, intimidated or having things you care for
destroyed) and controlling behaviours (e.g., being kept from
seeing family or friends or from seeking health care without
permission).122 Psychological violence frequently coexists with
acts of physical and sexual violence by intimate partners but is
an act of violence in itself.123
In criminal codes: harassment, threats, defamation

Global technical guidance
Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 72|

Expanded minimum data set

Geography Administrative description of where City/village
violence occurred Subnational if relevant, e.g., state, province
Location 124
Home Home: private residential premises; consider identifying home
of survivor vs. home of perpetrator).
Public Public (street, open area, public transport, public toilets, forest/
jungle, park, beach, other)
School School (or other educational setting)
Institution (prison, penal, correctional) Prisons, penal institutions or correctional institutions
Institutional care setting Institutional care setting: hospitals, psychiatric facilities,
residential care, etc.
Work Work/employment
Online Online125
Other Other (open text box or specific to context)
Service/referrals Response/services or referrals Services provided (yes/no/not applicable/survivor declined/
provided survivor decided to come
back later)
If services provided are documented, the recommendation is to
provide defined response options (check boxes or drop-down
menu). For service provision purposes, data collection form can
include an open text box for additional comments/details.
Referral (yes/no/not applicable/survivor declined)
Consider also documenting the services referred to; if services
referred to are documented, the recommendation is to have
pre-determined response options (check boxes,
drop-down menu).

Global technical guidance
Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 73|

Example of a Checklist for Privacy and
Confidentiality in Documentation126

Privacy and confidentiality in documentation → Staff members use a code, such as an

Confidential documentation and recordkeeping are abbreviation or symbol, to indicate cases of
vital to the safety of patients experiencing intimate intimate partner violence or sexual violence on
partner or sexual violence. Records may take the form charts (recommended option). They do not write
of paper, external computer hard drives or CDs, or they ‘DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SUSPECTED’ or ‘RAPE’ or
may be network-based. Regardless of format, all types other explicit wording in large print across the
of files must be secured. chart. Some countries (such as Malaysia) use a
colour coding system on medical records that is
This checklist will help you make sure that records known only to the relevant health staff.
are secure. → Any sensitive information that needs to be
destroyed is shredded by an authorized
How can we create secure records in practice? staff member.

→ All staff members understand the importance How can we create secure records in storage?
of confidentiality and secure recordkeeping, and
staff members who routinely care for women → There is a secure site to store files.
subjected to violence have been trained to keep → Documents are locked up at all times.
records secure. → Only a limited number of designated staff
→ Identifying information about a woman, members have access to patient records.
including her name and contact information, is → Staff members who need access to records have
not visible or accessible to those not caring for received training on record confidentiality and
this patient. storage practices.
→ Staff members do not leave documents where a → Staff members authorized to access stored files
patient (unless requested), those accompanying have a means of access that is not available to
the patient or anyone else might see them. Staff others. (As the setting allows, this may be a key to
members do not carry charts open or lay them on a room, an electronic password or a security code
shared desks or counters. to enter a room, or another method of obtaining
→ When documenting information from women access to a restricted area.)
about their experience of violence, staff members
avoid asking for or writing this information on
records in a public place.
→ Staff members do not write a notation indicating
intimate partner violence or sexual violence on
the first page of a record, which is more likely to
be seen if flipped open.

Global technical guidance
Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 74|


1. UNECE 2021. Civil Society, Immigration, High Court, National

Security, Prosecutor’s Office and Royal Gendarmerie.
2. UN Women et al. 2015.
31. National Commission for the Care of Women Victims
3. United Nations 2006.
of Violence 2020, p. 63.
4. Kendall 2020.
32. Ibid., pp. 79-80.
5. WHO 2017a.
33. Brankovic 2021, p. 9.
6. UNODC 2015. See also for VAW
34. Government of Colombia 2020, article 21.
administrative data.
35. Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Justice, Ministry
7. UN Women et al. 2015.
of Labour, Ministry of Education and Ministry of
8. UNODC and UN Women 2022. Information Technology and Communication, National
Planning Department, Prosecutor General (Fiscalía
9. UN General Assembly 2021.
General de la Nación), Presidential Council of Women’s
10. See Annex III for full definitions. Definitions are from Equality, Presidential Council on Human Rights,
UN DESA, Statistics Division 2014, p. 16, and 2021. Colombian Institute for Family Wellbeing (ICBF), the
National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic
11. UN Women et al. 2015. Sciences, National Health Institute, High Council of the
12. UN General Assembly 2014. Judiciary, Migration Colombia, National Police, Agency
for Normalization and Reincorporation, the People’s
13. UN Women et al. 2015, Module 1, p. 16. Ombudsperson (Defensoría del Pueblo). The delegated
14. Ibid. representative of the Attorney General (Procurador
General de la Nación) is an ex-officio member
15. Kendall 2020, p. 19. (permanent guest).
16. UN DESA, Statistics Division 2015a, pp. 51-59. 36. President of the Dominican Republic 2021.
17. CEB (Undated). 37. National Office of Statistics, Dominican Republic
18. UNHCR 2015. undated.

19. UNDG 2017. 38. Government of Guatemala 2008.

20. UN DESA, Statistics Division 2015b. 39. National Institute of Statistics, Guatemala 2019.

21. WHO 2017a, pp. 105-106. 40. EIGE 2021.

22. UN CEDAW 2017, article 49; UNODC (Undated); EIGE 41. For the health sector, see WHO 2017a, pp. 61-62.
2021. 42. Data collection began in 2018 and will be compiled
23. Banerjee 2018. every two years. The first data release was in the
first quarter of 2019. Assessment of this indicator is
24. UN Women and UNDP 2021. conducted by national counterparts including NSOs
25. KnowVAWdata et al. 2020. and/or national women’s machineries and legal
practitioners/researchers on gender equality, using a
26. UN Women and UN SIAP 2020, Module 7, pp. 10- questionnaire comprising 45 yes/no questions under
12. four areas of law: (i) overarching legal frameworks
27. UN DESA, Statistics Division 2016. and public life; (ii) violence against women; (iii)
employment and economic benefits; and (iv) marriage
28. UN CEDAW 2017, article 52. and family. The areas of law and questions are drawn
29. Government of the Kingdom of Morocco 2018. from the international legal and policy framework on
gender equality, in particular the Convention on the
30. In total, there are 19 high-level ministerial Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against
representatives on the National Commission from: Women (CEDAW), which has 189 States parties, and
Human Rights, Interior, Foreign Affairs, Justice, Islamic the Beijing Platform for Action. The data compilers are
Affairs, Finance, Education, Higher Education, Health, the World Bank Group, the Organisation for Economic
Youth, Culture and Communication, Women, Labour, Co-operation and Development (OECD) Development

Global technical guidance
Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 75|

Centre and UN Women. For additional details, see 68. UNFPA 2021, p. 48.
69. ASEAN 2018.
43. UNECE 2011, p. 10.
70. Waldby 2016, p. 10.
44. UN DESA, Statistics Division 2022b.
71. Gonzalez Alvarez et al. 2018.
45. An overview of tools—including the Eurostat ‘Snapshot’,
72. UNECE 2011, pp. 75-76.
which has been used by several countries to analyse
gender statistics capacity and VAW administrative data 73. Government of Argentina 2009, article 9 (k, l).
capacity—is available in PARIS21 2018.
74. INDEC 2019.
46. WHO 2017a.
75. Adapted from GBVIMS undated.
47. NODC undated.
76. UN DESA, Statistics Division 2015a, pp. 51-67.
48. UN DESA, Statistics Division 2019. This manual
77. WHO 2017a.
includes guidance and tools for assessing the quality
of administrative data. See also UNECE 2011, pp. 37-42. 78. UN DESA, Statistics Division and the Global
Partnership for Sustainable Development Data 2022.
49. Uganda Bureau of Statistics 2020.
79. All references to Kosovo in this report should be
50. The Independent 2021.
understood to be in the context of United Nations
51. UN Women and SIAP 2020, Module 4, pp. 4-6. Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).
52. Figure adapted from UN Women and UN SIAP 2020, 80. UN Women Eastern and Central Asia 2019.
Module 4.
81. UN Women et al. 2015, Module 5, Chapter 3.
53. These variables were agreed on by an Expert Group
82. Ibid., Module 1; WHO 2021, Module 11.
Meeting on VAW Administrative Data, convened by UN
Women on 24-26 September 2019 in New York. See UN 83. WHO India et al. 2021, p. 14.
Women 2019.
84. WHO 2017a, 2017b.
54. WHO 2017a, p. 150.
85. Arora et al. 2021.
55. EIGE 2020, p. 8.
86. WHO 2017a.
56. WHO 2006, pp. 32-38; Carney and Barner 2012.
87. Gadappa et al. 2022.
57. UN Women 2019.
88. WHO 2017a. See Annex III as an example
58. Simmons and Elias 1994.
89. Amin 2019.
59. WHO 2001.
90. Ibid, p. 54.
60. Daas et al. 2009.
91. Experience from using administrative data for official
61. UN DESA, Statistics Division 2015a, pp. 86-88. statistics in Europe reveals that set-up costs for using
administrative sources to produce statistical outputs
62. Statistics New Zealand 2020.
can be as high as the set-up costs for a statistical survey
63. UNECE 2011, pp. 37-42. or a census, but the running (or ongoing) costs are
usually significantly lower. For example, the cost-per
64. Ibid., pp. 23-26. The mapping of administrative data
head of the 2000-2001 population census in Austria
classifications/codes to statistical classifications
using a traditional paper questionnaire was 6.9 euros
may be one to one (one administrative data code
per person, as compared with Finland where the census
corresponds to one statistical classification, 1 to
is based completely on administrative sources and cost
1 correlation), many administrative data codes
0.2 euros per person (UNECE 2011, pp. 7-8).
correspond to a single statistical classification or
vice versa (many to one or one to many), or many 92. Kendall 2020, p. 30.
administrative codes correspond to many statistical
93. Daas et al. 2009.
classifications (many to many). See also EIGE 2021;
UNODC undated. 94. For a discussion of criteria and process of
administrative data quality management that includes
65. UNODC and UN Women 2022.
quality of incoming data, quality of data processing
66. The recommendation to use behavioural definitions and quality of statistical inputs, see UNECE 2011, pp.
is aligned with the guidance from WHO and UNODC. 37-42.
See, for example, UNODC 2015, 2017.
95. UN General Assembly 2014.
67. EIGE 2020, p. 9.
96. Government of Spain 2004, undated; INE 2014.

Global technical guidance
Improving the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women 76|

97. For detailed guidance, see UN Women and UN SIAP 2020. 108. UN Women et al. 2015.
98. Key resources, among others, include UN Women’s 109. Harrison et al. 2017.
Women Count Programme; the UN Women Virtual
110. Vetten et al. 2008, pp. 8, 52.
Knowledge Centre to End Violence Against Women
and Girls, especially those resources focused on 111. UN CEDAW 2017.
data collection and monitoring and evaluation
112. Skinnider et al. 2017.
(; UNFPA Asia Pacific’s kNOw
VAW data initiative (; 113. Brankovic 2021, pp. 13-14.
EIGE’s work on VAW administrative data in Europe
( 114. MESECVI 2021.
data-collection); and the guidance and templates 115. Daly and Bouhours 2010.
made available through GBVIMS (
Sector-specific resources include those produced by 116. Council of Europe 2011.
WHO (health) and UNODC (police and justice) to 117. WAVE 2019.
guide administrative data collection, aggregation and
analysis. 118. UN DESA, Statistics Division 2021. See also UN DESA,
Statistics Division 2014, pp. 15-16.
99. Adapted from UN Women and UN SIAP 2020, Module
10, p. 7. 119. UN DESA, Statistics Division 2021. See also UN DESA,
Statistics Division 2014, p. 17.
100. Oschatz et al. 2021.
120. UN DESA, Statistics Division 2014, p. 16.
101. Adapted from UN Women and UN SIAP. 2020, Module
10, p. 9 121. Ibid.

102. Englehart and Miller 2014; Hagemann-White 2008. 122. UN DESA, Statistics Division 2021.

103. Government of Mexico 2007, article 1 and article 38, 123. UN DESA, Statistics Division 2014, p. 16.
items IX, X. 124. See also UNODC 2015, p. 99.
104. See 125. Ibid. The ICCS includes a ‘tag’ for cybercrime-related
105. Dena Herrera 2021. (Cy) with the following response options: cybercrime-
related, non-cybercrime related, not applicable, not
106. Adapted from UN Women et al. 2015, Module 1, known.
Chapter 2.
126. From WHO 2017a, p. 155.
107. WHO 2021.


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