Meeting Minutes

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Imie’s Soap Upbeat Business

Meeting minutes
December 29, 2022

The regular meeting of the Imie’s Soap Upbeat Business was called to order at 9:00
AM on December 29, 2022 in The Cuazoda Center by Ashley Rodriguez.

Ashley Rodriguez, Facilitator
Rica Moesquez, Secretary
Maria Cutino, Board Member
Daphne Cruz, Board Member
Harlen Brisca, Board Member
Windel Conar, Executive Director

Elliasar Deprusza, Marketing Manager

Approval of Agenda
The agenda was unanimously approved as distributed.

Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.

Business from the Previous Meeting

Budget Committee Report:
The budget for 2022 has been finalized , and was distributed at this meeting by Maria
Cutino, who led the committee. She ran through an itemized list of the line items, with
board members asking questions periodically. The main change from 2020’s budget
was an increased marketing spend. The motion to accept the revised budget was
seconded and passed.

New Soap Research:

Daphne Cruz explained the result of the research she had been doing into the new
brand of soap that members and faculty have been purchasing. She found that to buy
them in the malls would be too expensive, and recommended against it. Her motion to
dismiss this proposal was seconded and passed.
New Business
Marketing Plan for Holistic
Deferred for next meeting as Elliasar Deprusza was not in attendance.

Additions to the Agenda

Daphne Cruz made a motion that a soap sale at the international market be discussed.
Windel Conar dismissed the motiom, and proposed adding it to next month’s meeting
instead. Harlene Brisca seconded that motion, and it was added to the agenda for the
next meeting.

Agenda for the Next Meeting

Marketing Plan for Holistic
Holistic Agenda
International Market Soap Sale

Meeting was adjourned at 11:50 AM by Ashley Rodriguez. The next general meeting
will be at 8:00 PM on February 15, 2023, in The Cuazoda Center.

Minutes submitted by: Rica Moesquez

Approved by: Windel C0onar

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