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Food Microbiology, 1990,7, 113-l 20

Antimicrobial activity of sodium lactate

J. C. de Wit* and F. M. Rombouts
Department of Food Science, Agricultural University, Bomenweg 2,
6703 HD Wageningen, The Netherlands
Received 28 November 1989

Sodium lactate (5%) used in neutral culture media has an antimicrobial effect which
rises above that what would be expected from its water activity lowering effect. This
antimicrobial effect was found to exist towards various lactic acid bacteria, Staphylo-
coccus aureus, and Salmonella typhimurium. It is particularly evident from increased
lag phase, decreased growth yield, and somewhat less from decreased growth rate.
Adverse growing conditions, such as suboptimum temperature, increase its anti-
microbial effect. Escherichia coli is an exception, as its growth rate is hardly affected by
5% sodium lactate, although its growth yield is lowered. The antimicrobial activity of
sodium lactate evidently reflects how various micro-organisms can cope with this

Introduction 6-3-6.7, at which more than 99.5% of

The use of sodium lactate in cooked meat lactic acid (pK value 3.86) is dissociated.
products, such as hams, sausages, pate Sodium lactate, in a concentration of
and turkey may offer interesting pros- around 2% w/w as used in meat products
pects for shelflife extension. This seems (about 4% in the water phase) has a
particularly true for products that are marked effect on water activity (Chirife
handled after heat treatment. This hand- and Fontan 1980). This water activity
ling, such as slicing or packaging, causes lowering effect will result in shelflife pro-
recontamination with a flora that is diffl- longation, especially since these meat
cult to control, despite nitrite, salt and products already have a fairly critical
refrigeration (Debevere 1989). Moreover, water activity of around 0.96. The ques-
it was shown recently that sodium lactate tion arises whether the shelflife pro-
delays toxin production by Clostridium longation caused by sodium lactate rises
botulinum in cooked-in-bag turkey prod- significantly above that which would be
ucts (Maas et al. 1989). expected from its water activity lowering
The efficacy of lactic acid as a meat effect.
decontaminant is well established To answer this question we have car-
(Smulders et al. 1986). However, just as ried out growth experiments with a num-
with other organic acids, the anti- ber of spoilage and pathogenic organ-
microbial activity is primarily ascribed to isms. In these experiments growth in the
the pH lowering effect and to the undisso- presence of sodium lactate was compared
ciated form of the acid, and therefore pH to that with sodium chloride at the same
dependent (Grau 1981, Gill and Newton water activity value. In this way the
1982). However, meat products in which sodium concentration in the media with
sodium lactate is applied have a pH of and without lactate was the same. Also,
0740-0020/90/020113 + 08 $02.0010 0 1990 Academic Press Limited
114 J. C. de Wit and F. M. Rombouts

since sodium lactate would partly replace did not differ more than 0.003. Of the various
sodium chloride in food products, the in- batches used an average a, of 0.958 + 0.006
hibition by sodium lactate compared to was measured.
Other media used were the above-
that by sodium chloride in media with mentioned medium in which meat extract and
identical water activity (a,) could be yeast extract were replaced by 5 g neutralized
established. Attention was also paid to bacteriological peptone per 1000 ml medium
effects of oxygen availability and tem- (a, O-977 + 0.002, pH 7.31, and Brain Heart
Infusion Broth (Oxoid) with sodium chloride
perature. or sodium lactate, a, 0.978 + 0.001, pH 7.3.
Because of insufficient growth in the model
Materials and Methods medium, Lactobacillus casei var. rhamnosus
and Leuconostoc mesenteroides were tested
Sodium lactate in MRS Broth (Gibco) with 20 g 1-l sodium
Biological sodium L-lactate, 60% w/w, phar- chloride, 4~ 0.967 + 0.002, and pH 6.00 *
maceutical quality, was obtained from CCA 0.005. These media were also used either with
biochem b.v., Gorinchem, The Netherlands. 26.3 g NaCl or with 83.3 g 60% w/w sodium
lactate 1-l.
Strains, preparation of inoculum The temperature of incubation was 3O”C,
Lactobacillus casei’ var. rhamnosus, Strepto- unless otherwise stated. Aerobic cultures
coccus faecalis, Ltuconostoc mesenteroides, were grown in 300 ml Erlenmeyer flasks with
Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and 40 ml medium, on a rotary incubator (150
Salmonella typhimurium were all from our rpm). With this method oxygen saturation
own culture collection., may not have been achieved over the entire
Inoculum was prepared by growing the growth curve, but oxygen must have been
strains in Brain Heart Infusion Broth (Oxoid) readily available during the lag phase and
for 18-24 h at 30°C and making dilutions in early logarithmic phase of growth. For anaer-
peptone physiological saline solution (PPS). obic growth screw-capped serum bottles were
Test media were inoculated to contain completely filled up with freshly sterilized me-
104-lo5 cells ml-‘. dium and samples were taken using an injec-
tion needle. Growth was followed by plating
Test media out adequate dilutions on Plate Count Agar
Microbial growth in a medium with sodium (Oxoid), using a spiral plating system (Spiral
lactate was compared with growth in the same Systems Inc., Cincinnati, OH) and counting
medium in which sodium lactate had been after 2 days incubation at 30°C. Lactobacillus
replaced by the same molar concentration of and Leuconostoc sp. were counted in MRS
sodium chloride. A model medium was com- Agar (Gibco; double layer technique).
posed to approach the composition and water
activity (about 0.96) of meat products. It con- Results
tained per litre: 83 g meat extract (Lab Lemco In Figs 1-3, growth of Streptococcus fue-
powder, Oxoidl; 83 g yeast extract powder
(Oxoid); O-9g KHzPO,; 2.6 g Na,HP0,.2HzO; calis, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmo-
26.3 g NaCl or 83.3 g 60% w/w sodium lactate; nella typhimurium in the model medium
10 g glucose. The ingredients, except glucose with lactate appears to be inhibited in
were dissolved in distilled water, adjusting the comparison with growth in the same me-
solution to 900 ml. After sterilization (20 min, dium with sodium chloride. Since both
12O”C), 100 ml of a 10% w/w glucose solution,
sterilized separately, was added. Final pH was media had exactly the same water
7.25 f O-10. For each experiment the media activity (values were close to 0.9581, the
originated from the same batch, differing only differences in growth curves reflect the
in added equimolar amounts of NaCl or inhibition which is specifically due to
sodium lactate. Therefore, the water activities sodium lactate, in addition to its a, lower-
of each set of media (with NaCl or with sodium
lactate) should have been identical. The ing effect. For the micro-organisms
freshly prepared media 4y values were tested there appears to be little, if any,
measured at 25°C with a Novasina EEJA-3 difference in inhibition under aerobic and
instrument. Sets of media o,,, measurements anaerobic conditions [(a) vs (b) of Figs l-
Antimicrobial activity of sodium lactate 115

Streptococcus foecofis


(a) (b)

2 I I I I I I
0 20 40 60 00 0 20 40 60 3
Time (h)

Fig. 1. Growth of Streptococcus fuecalis at 30°C in the model medium of pH 7.25 and a,,, O-958.
Conditions are (a) aerobic and (b) anaerobic, (0) with 5% (w/w) sodium lactate, (0) with 2.6%
(w/w) sodium chloride.

33. With all three organisms sodium lac- specific inhibitory effect of sodium lactate
tate appears to lengthen the lag phase, was studied with Streptococcus faecalis
and to diminish somewhat the maximum (Fig. 4). It appeared that the inhibitory
growth rate. Also the maximum number effect of lactate becomes more pro-
of micro-organisms in the stationary nounced with decreasing temperature.
phase is clearly lower in the lactate me- Figures 5 and 6 show that the specific
dium. inhibitory effect of sodium lactate over
The effect of temperature on the sodium chloride also exists for other lactic

Sfo~hy/ococc~.5 oureus


(a) (b)

0 20 40 60 so 0 20 40 60 00
Time (h)

Fig. 2. Growth of Staphylococcus aureus at 30°C in the model medium of pH 7.25 and a, O-958.
Conditions are as in Fig. 1.
116 J. C. de Wit and F. M. Rombouts

5Wmonello typhimurium

4- (a) (b)

0 20 40 60
Time (h)

Fig. 3. Growth of Salmonella typhimurium at 30°C in the model medium of pH 7.25 and q.,
0.958. Conditions are as in Fig. 1.

acid bacteria. Both micro-organisms lar to that observed for the organisms in
tested, Leuconostoc mesenteroides (Fig. Figs l-3.
5) and Lactobacillus casei var. rhamno- The specific lactate inhibitory effect is
sus (Fig. 6) show inhibition behaviour in relatively small for Escherichia coli, as
MRS medium (a, = 0.967 + O-002), simi- shown in Fig. 7. It appears that the effect

Streptococcus foecolis

21 I I I I I I
0 100 200 300 400 500 600

Time ( h )

Fig. 4. Growth of Streptococcus faecalis at various temperatures in model medium of pH 7.25

and a, 0.958. Conditions are (0) with 5% (w/w) sodium lactate, (0) with 2.6% (w/w) sodium
8 0-e
Antimicrobial activity of sodium lactate 117

2gH o/
6PJd0/.’ L euconos tot mesen teroides

c 4




Fig. 5. Growth of Leuconostoc mesenteroides at 30°C in MRS broth, pH 6.0 and Q 0.967.

Conditions are (a) aerobic and (b) anaerobic, (0) with 5% sodium lactate, (0) with 2.6% sodium


of lowering a, from O-977 to 0.958 has a at suboptimum values for water activity
much more dramatic growth inhibitory and temperature. However there seems
effect, even when achieved with sodium to be an effect on maximum growth yield,
chloride. For this strain the effect of tem- as judged from the 30°C curves.
perature was also tested (Fig. 8). This
experiment essentially shows the ab- Discussion
sence of a specific lactate inhibitory effect, Weak organic acids, such as lactic acid,
towards this E. coli strain, as far as lag owe their microbial growth inhibitory
phase and growth rate is concerned, even properties to the undissociated form. The

Locfobocillus cosei’ var. rbomnosus


4 (a)

2t I I I I
0 20 40 60 60 0 20 40 60 SO


Fig. 6. Growth of Lactobacillus casei var. rhamnosus at 30°C in MRS broth. Conditions are as
in Fig. 5.
118 J. C. de Wit and F. M. Rombouts

Escherichio co/i


Fig. 7. Growth of Escherichiu coli at 30°C in the model medium with pH 7.25, a, 0.958, and
either 5% sodium lactate (0) or 2.6% sodium chloride (0) and in a medium with pH 7.3, a, 0.977
and either 5% sodium lactate (A) or 2.6% sodium chloride (A ).

Escherichio cob’

4 ---_
-- -*
-e------- ------ IOT*
2 I 1 I I I
0 loo 200 300 400 500 600
Time ( h 1

Fig. 8. Growth of Escherichia coli at different temperatures in the model medium with pH
7.25, a, 0468 and 5% sodium lactate (01, or 2.6% sodium chloride (0).
Antimicrobial activity of sodium lactate 119

uncharged, lipophilic form diffuses go (Ten Brink and Konings 1980, Ten
through the cell membrane into the cell Brink et al. 1985).
(Warth 1986). In accordance with inter- Cellular response to accumulation of
nal pH, dissociation takes place, resulting lactate and protons may be diverse. In
in lowering of cytoplasmic pH and build- general, accumulation of protons tends to
ing up of anion concentration. Driving alleviate the pH gradient between cyto-
forces in this diffusion process are: (i) the plasm and medium, which may be one of
concentration of undissociated acid in the the driving forces for uptake of certain
medium, which is low (0.2 mM) in the amino acids and other compounds
model lactate medium tested (pH 7.21, (ii) (Freese et al. 1973, Poolman et al. 1987).
the permeability of the membrane. This Actively growing cells are able to expel
permeability may also be pH dependent, protons either by membrane-bound elec-
as was shown by Cassio et al. (19871, tron transfer and/or by the proton-
for Saccharomyces cerevisiae. They translocating ATPase complex (Ten
measured that the diffusion constant for Brink and Konings, 1980). Accumulation
undissociated lactic acid through the of lactate may be counteracted by carrier-
plasma membrane increases exponen- mediated efflux. Both processes will nor-
tially by a factor of 40 over the pH range mally require energy, which cannot be
of 3.0-6.0. The permeability factor is spent on synthesis and growth. This loss
usually not considered, and to our knowl- of energy will result in reduced growth
edge no data are available for bacterial rate and possibly growth yield. Cells in
membranes. Increased permeability of the lag phase may not be able to respond
cellular membranes for lactic acid at adequately due to lack of energy in the
higher pH values may be an important form of proton motive force or ATP. Con-
factor in understanding the anti- sequently the lag phase will be prolon-
microbial activity of sodium lactate ob- gated.
served in neutral media. More generally, The absence of lactate inhibition in
the permeability dependency of pH may Escherichia coli may possibly be
help to explain why the antimicrobial explained by the large surplus in proton
effect of organic acids may be less motive force generating power provided
influenced by pH changes than predic- by the respiration chain or the anaerobic
table from their dissociation behaviour electron transport chain in this organism.
(cf. Eklund 1983). . A similar pumping activity is not present
In addition to accumulation of lactic in Streptococcus cremoris, Leuconostoc
acid by diffusion, in certain micro- mesenteroides and Lactobacillus casei.
organisms lactate uptake may be carrier For that reason lactate should have a
mediated. Carrier-mediated transport of stronger inhibitory effect on these lactic
organic acids may be inducible, for in- acid bacteria than on E. coli (Poolman et
stance in certain yeasts (Cassio et al. al. 1987).
1987) or constitutively present if needed It is clear from the experiments that
for e&ix of metabolic end products such there is an antimicrobial effect of sodium
as D,L-lactate in lactic acid bacteria and lactate, which cannot be ascribed to its
certain Enterobacteriaceae, including E. water activity lowering effect. The
coli and S. typhimurium. This type of specific inhibitory effect of sodium lactate
transport is fully reversible, and the driv- on various micro-organisms evidently
ing forces (proton gradient, lactate gradi- depends on how these micro-organisms
ent) determine which way transport will can cope with this compound. Adverse
120 J. C. de Wit and F. M. Rombouts

growing conditions, such as suboptimum trophic lactic acid bacteria (Debevere

temperature, may increase the anti- 1989). It appears that sodium lactate
microbial effects (Fig. 4). Escherichia coli most clearly inhibits the growth of just
shows an exceptional behaviour as the these bacteria, especially under adverse
growth rate of this organism is little temperature conditions, such as main-
affected by sodium lactate (Figs 7 and 8). tained during cold storage. Indeed it is
It is interesting to note that sodium lac- often observed that the use of sodium
tate finds its application primarily in lactate allows 1 or 2 weeks prolongation
cooked meat products such as hams, sau- of cold storage of these products. Since
sages, pate and turkey to extend cold there are other bacteria which are less
storage. The spoilage flora of these prod- affected by sodium lactate a shift in spoil-
ucts consists predominantly of psychro- age association may be expected.

Cassio, F., Leao, C. and van Uden, N. (1987) Transport of lactate and other short-chain
monocarboxylates in the yeast Saccharomyces cereuisiae. Appl. Environm. Microbial. 53,
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Debevere, J. M. (1989) The effect of sodium lactate on the shelf life of vacuum-packed coarse
liver pate. Fleischwirtschaft 69,223-224.
Eklund, T. (1983) The antimicrobial effect of dissociated and undissociated sorbic acid at
different pH levels. J. Appl. Bacterial. 54, 383389.
Freese, E., Sheu, C. W. and Galliers, E. (1973) Function of lipophilic acids as antimicrobial food
additives. Nature 241,321-325.
Gill, C. 0. and Newton, K. G. (1982) Effect of lactic acid concentration on growth on meat of
Gram-negative psychrotrophs from a meatworks. Appl. Environm. Microbial. 43, 284-288.
Grau, F. H. (1981) Role of pH, lactate, and anaerobiosis in controlling the growth of some
fermentative Gram-negative bacteria on beef. Appl. Environm. Microbial. 42,1043-1050.
Maas, M. R., Glass, K. A. and Doyle, M. P. (1989) Sodium lactate delays toxin production by
Clostridium botulinum in cook-in-bag turkey products. Appl. Environm. Microbial. 55,
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Streptococci by external and internal pH values. Microbial. Rev. 51,498-508.
Smulders, F. J. M., Barendsen, P., van Logtestijn, J. G., Mossel, D. A. A. and van der Marel, G.
M. (1986) Review: Lactic acid: considerations in favour of its acceptance as a meat decontami-
nant. J. Food Technol. 21,419-436.
Ten Brink, B. and Konings, W. N. (1980) Generation of an electrochemical proton gradient by
lactate efflux in membrane vesicles of Escherichia coli. Eur. J. Biochem. 111,59-66.
Ten Brink, B., Otto, R., Hansen, U.-P. and Konings, W. N. (1985) Energy recycling by lactate
efflux in growing and nongrowing cells of Streptococcus cremoris. J. Bacterial. 162,383-390.
Warth, A. D. (1986) Preservative resistance of Zygosaccharomyces bailii and other yeasts.
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