In 1975

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IN 1975, a German Scientist and Philosopher Emmanuel Kant, turned his attention to the huge clouds or

nebuli, and came up with a theory of how the solar system was formed. His idea is that these nebuli
could collapse in and condense itself to form stars and planets, known as the Nebula Theory, and to this
day, his theory still holds up. Balor and her colleagues uses a certain telescope known as the Spitzer’s
telescope, which uses infrared vision to actually see what’s outside our planet and see through the
nebula. We only know about the birth of our own system if we observe how others form, thus the other
reason for the telescope. And it turns out, Kant’s theory is essentially correct, our own nebula began it’s
collapse 4.6 billions years ago, its likely the that the nebula has been slowly spinning in space since it’s
formation, but as it’s material collapsed, it began to spin much faster, this connects to the law physics
known as conservation of angular momentum, as the nebula contracts, the same amount of energy is
concentrated in a smaller space to keep the same momentum rotation speed must increase, as our
nebula to began to collapse under it’s own gravity and spin faster, a dense clump of matter formed in
the center, called a protostar. at first, it’s heat was due to friction, but when the clump reached, 10
million degrees Celsius, nuclear fusion kicked in, 4.5 billion years ago, our star was born. Hydrogen
atoms fused together to form helium, and in the process, released photons, it’s the first light made by
our sun, and it will keep on shining for four billion years. The sun might have born from a chaotic origin,
the explosive death of another star. Then, there seems to be a gigantic explosion called the Big Bang,
and it might have created the universe, time, space, and all the matter in the universe. However, it did
not create the 88 elements we have right now. A scientist sent an aircraft to outer space to collect dust
comets to get more information about the formation of our solar system called Stardust, and it
successfully collected them. However, they received too much information that it would take decades to
milk any information they can get from it. They also took from meteorites, and the thing is, that those
come to us, and it’s 4 and a half billion years old.

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