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Negative impact of drug for teenagers

In the name of Allah SWT. The most beneficion and the most merciful
The honorable audience, Ladies and Gentlemen, and to anyone who is
watching me.
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
First of all, let us give thanks to God for His grace that we can gather in this
English speech competition held by Beacukai in good health. Yeah, even
though we are just staring at the screen, not gathering in reality.
Secondly, We don't forget to pray to our esteemed prophet who has guided us
to become better human beings.
Many proverbs say, don't know then don't love, so let me introduce myself
first. Hi, My name is Divani Almawidha Zahra and I’m from SMAN 2 Plus
Well, now I will tell you about my speech the tittle is negative impact of drug
for teenagers and I will explain what drugs are and why they are very
dangerous for our lives.
Narcotics are narcotics, psychotropics, and illegal drugs containing addictive
substances that are used in several ways, namely by drinking, inhalation or
injection. Someone who has used drugs will feel addicted and this will cause
physical and psychological health to be disturbed. Moreover, as we know,
there are so many cases of teenagers today who have used drugs. And among
teenagers, the negative impact of drug use is not only addictive, but also can
cause various fatal health problems and can damage the development of brain
growth and can even damage short or long term memory because of the
addictive substances that depend on it. And this will result in a mind that can
think to do risky things such as criminal acts, free sex, and the dangers of
driving that can cause traffic accidents. This of course will harm yourself and
even harm the surrounding environment. It's very dangerous, isn't it? So,
therefore, we must together avoid, prevent, and anticipate drug use in the
environment around us, both for ourselves and for others. We can do this in a
way that we must be able to distinguish between good and bad things, we also
have to choose a good and bad social environment or socialize in a positive
environment, we also have to find out the impact of drug use, and when we
are stressed we must ask for advice from those closest to us and never ever to
approach or try drugs. And to help people who are already addicted, we can
continue to support them and encourage them to recover quickly. Finally, I
think this is enough for my speech. However, before I bid farewell, I hope that
through my speech we can all reflect on what might happen if we abuse drugs.
Thank you for your attention and time, I apologize if I make some mistakes, I
end with the words SAY NO TO DRUGS and
Assalamualaikum wr.wb.

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