Biological Psychology Summaries

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Chapter 2 _How does the nervous System Function?

The size of the human brain is the biggest White matter: Area with mainly axons, lots of
among all vertebrates, in comparison to body fat.
weight. Our brains can conduct very complex
 Ventricles: 4 Cavities in brain have
tasks. The brain is plastic because neural
cerebrospinal fluid. Cushioning and
tissues change to adapt to changing
maintain brain metabolism.
environment. Simple “learning” is based
o (bi)Lateral ventricles. Third
changes of connections between neurons.
and fourth ventricles-> Drains
Epigenetic factors affect the rate of expression
in to cerebral aqueduct ,
of genes but don’t change genes.
entire spinal cord.
CNS- Brain and Spinal cord. Can function
Corpus callosum: Dense composition of axons
independently but connected in order to
(white matter) making way for hemisphere
establish e.g our planning and voluntary
Cells and fibers:
PNS- Composed of neurons outside brain and
spinal cord. ANS and SNS are part of it. Two types of cells in brain: Neurons: info.
transmitor. Glia cell : Nourish and
There are different functions carried out by
protect(myelin),support neurons
each system.
Connection between cells by: Axons. A
Afferent information is sensory information
gathering of them = tract, CNS.
that enters CNS. Efferent is the reversed.
Clusters of similar cells: Nuclei
Dimensions For study: Dorsal, anterior,sagtial
et.c Stages in Brain evolution and development
Protection of Brain First stage consisted of
Prosencephalon(forebrain) -> Tele-&Dienc.
Three layers of protection:
Mesencephalon(midbrain) and
 Skull
 Meninges:
o Dura mater- Outer dense Connected to Spinal cord. New tissues
tissue of fiber. developed as the vertebrate organism
o Arachoid membrane: Thin develops and is exposed to new
delicate tissue, like spiderw. environments. Result is then several nervous
-Space between has system that make complex behaviours.
Cerebrospinal fluid between Natural selection did the rest. Non vertebrate
A and P , a cushion of salt complex NS can still learn in similar
solutions. ways.#Octopus.
o Pia mater delicate layer
Fully developed human brain with Central
closest to neocortex.
nervous system
Cerebral cortex
CNS has three major components. Each
Nerve tissue that is folded. Divided into lobes. “higher” level replicates the work of lower
ones and enable complexity and refinement
Gray matter: Areas with mainly cell bodies,
of behaviour.
gather info of facilitates transport of it.
1) Spinal cord: Made of tracts, and different that manages sex, sleep,
segments receive and send information to movement, basically
different parts of body. everything.

2)Brain stem: From spinal cord entry in skull 3) Forebrain:

until lower ----. Receiver of afferent nerves
 Neocortex: The folded thin tissue we
and sender of efferent nerves. Master
see from outside. Last developed.
controller. Hind- and midbrain developed first
Divided in Lobes. What happens if
in brain. Sensory structures dorsally and
motor ventrally
o Frontal lobe: Planning,
 Romb. Hindbrain: problem solving ,execution…
o Cerebellum: Controls complex o Temporal : Auditory and
movement coordination & language, music
balance. Has a cortex and o Parietal: Directs movement
gray, white matters. toward a task. Pick a coin.
o Reticular formation: Sensory too: touch,temp.taste
Stimulates forebrain. Eg. o Occipital: Vision process
Waking from sleep centre.
o Pons: A bridge that channels
Motor cortex in Frontal lob. och
info from cerebellum to
Somatosensory cortex in parietal lob: --
forebrain. Vital movements
o Medula: Breathing rhythm Gyri (vindling) , sulci(fåror,spricka), major
ones separating lobes, increase brain area.
 Mes. Mid brain: Berg och dal.
o Tectum: Sensory component.
Fissures(djupare fåror cracks) on cortex
Dorsal location. Info from
separate lobes and hemispheres.
optic nerves and auditory
paths to its superior Lack of blood or bleeding = stroke
respective inferior colliculus.
Orienting movement, eg see  Basala Ganglia: Together with
source of noise. thalamus and other systems, primarily
o Tegmentum: Motor structure involved in control of voluntary
movements. Parkinsons.
with many “nuclei” Ex red
nucleus, Substantia niagra
o caudate nucleus. C shape
m.m- initiator of movements.
Parkinsons. o the putamen,
o The globus pallidus,
 Diencephalon (between brain): o (Nucleus accumbens :
Gathers sensory and motor info going Reward, addic. Motivat.
to cortex Control.)
o Thalamus: Large. All sensory o Subthalamic nucleus: Slow
info different systems gather down signals from B.G. even
here and then forwarded to decisions->correct ones.
cortex. “Relay place” o Substantia niagra is related
o Hypothalamus: Links NS with to it.
Pituitary gland/hypofys to  Limbic system: A system with many
control Hormon production functions: memory, motivation and
emotions… Hippocampus(info via
fornix=, Amygdala and
Some principals to keep in mind about NS
Cingulate/Limbic cortex. Behind
rewarding properties of drugs and 1) Brain creates world and moves in that
addiction. world.
 Olfactory System: Part of forebrain. 2) Neuroplasticity: +Learning and
Small compared to other animals. survival. -Addictions.
Inputs takes a detour to a pyrifom 3) For every higher level in the NS comes
cortex before going to thalamus. refined and complex elaboration of
Peripheral nervous System
4) Hierarchy in NS
Somatic Nervous System(SNS) 5) Sensory and Motor divisions.
6) Sensory input is divided for object
Controlled by Brain and Spinal cord segments. recognition and motor control. T.ex
LEARN MORE ABOUT SNS occipital lobe.
 Cranial Nerves : Nerves between 7) Excite and inhibit
brain and many parts of face , neck 8) Functions local and distributed.
and internal organs. Sensory and Compensable to a certain extent
motor functions. Eg. Feel face and during injuries.
move face. Ipsilateral. . Receive in
and command parts that they
 Spinal Nerves : Classified in 5
independent segments : Cervical,
thoracic,lumbar,sacral and coccygeal.
Bilateral. Ipsilateral... Each spinal cord
segment controls body
segment(dermatome) adjacent to it,
when viewed from a crawling
position. *

Connections of SNS

Collection of fibres known as axons = roots.

Dorsal roots in connected to spinal cord
receive info(sensory) and ventral (motor)
sends out info. Law of BELL AND Magendie for
the nervous system.

Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)

Keeps us alive without our conscious effort.
Uses SNS. Two divisions :

Parasympathetic: Relax, rest and digest, uses

mostly cranial nerves.

Sympathetic: Arousal, fight or flight, uses

mainly spinal nerves
Chapter 3- Cells and Genes Intra/extracellular fluid: Different
Neurons are the basic units of work in the concentrations between them. Extracellular
brain. Acquire info from sensory receptors fluid =CFS in CNS.
and transfer info from brain to create Organelles; Nuclear membrane
movement. Groupwork. Neuroplasticity. CNS
neurons exception. Endoplasmic reticulum(ER): Protein factory

Parts of a neuron Golgi bodies: Protein post office

Dendrites, Cell body Axon, Axon hillock, Tubules, microtubules : Cell structure
myelin (speed,-short circuiting) maintenance and Protein road, flimmer hår

Three types of Neurons: Mitochondria ; Lysosomes.

1. Sensory neurons: Collects info from Protein synthesis

sensory receptors in eg skin. Sends to  Transcription: RNA
CNS. A cell body, long dendrites. polymerase(enzyme) opens gene in
2. Interneurons: Collects information DNA strand in Chromosome with
from many places and link up sensory needed info. Lose nucleotides attach
and motor neurons. Pyramidal cell. to the open DNA strand. Nucleotides
3. Motor neurons: With many dendrites (k-base + socker) join together to
for info gathering and long axons to form mRNA. The sequences of bases
command muscles. state the order of genetic code.
Neurons receive many signals and acts Nucleotide bases: Pair of bases in DNA.
depending on if sum of yes (excitatory) signals Always A-T, C-G.
are greater than no(inhibitory) signals.
 Translation: mRNA goes to Ribosome
Five types of Glia cells in Er. Ribosome catalyst the following.
1. Ependymal cells: Produces It reads 3 bases(a codon) at a time.
celebrospinal fluid in venticles , Spinal Then a tRNA with corresponding
cord… codon comes carrying a specific
2. Astrocyte: Supports neurons and their amino acid. Then attaches to codon
axons. Taps nutrition even oxygen on mRNA. Same process for next
from blood give to neurons. Stops tRNA. Amino acids attach to each
things.. other by a peptide bond. A chain of
3. Microglial cell: Defends against amino acids= polypeptide. Packed:-
infections and helps repair damages sheet, helix, 3D structure.
4. Oligodendroglia cell: Wrap their flat All 20 Aminoacids have same similar
branches =the myelin on axons in CNS structure with amino group and carboxyl
5. Schwann cell: Same here but on group. Making peptide bonds possible.
axons in PNS
 Golgi bodies: Proteins are packed,
Internal structure of a cell and destination is marked. The
Cell membrane: a barrier, even around “mark” , attachment can also change
dendrites, impermeable. Fosfolipider, structure of protein. Proteins loaded
Channels, pumps. on motor molecules= microtubules.
Put in vesicles if kick outside.
These protein affects process in other cells, chromosomes carry same alleles for same
tissues and organs. Affecting behaviour. trait. Heterozygous: Both Ch. Different alleles
for same trait.
Membrane: Channels-size and specific ions let
through. Pumps-shape shifts to carry ion Dominant Alleles: Expressed independently. If
through M. and Gates (open and close) gene of sickness here, it happens.

Genes, Cells and Behaviour Recessive Alleles: Needs to be homozygous,

to be expressed. Gene for sickness needed
Genotype. Phenotype.
from mamma and papa.
Chromosomes: Sex chromosomes and
Mutation: A change in genetic code eg, a
autosomes (behaviour and appearance). 23
single nucleotide base is removed or added.
pairs , except in sperm and ovary. Each pair
Deadly consequences of beneficial-> on the
carry “similar” genetic codes
long wrong natural selection.
Alleles: A variant form of a gene in
Extra copy of chromosome->Downs
chromosomes. Homozygous: If both
syndrome. Affecting genotype and phenotype.

4- Communication between Neurons

Tools for measuring neurons activity: EEG, Membrane is a barrier regulating equilibrium
microelectrodes to the axon, both in voltage and concentration of ions.
oscilloscope(screen) Ions don’t diffuse nor balance out charges
freely. Difference in charges between intra-
Movement of ions creates electrical charges.
and extracellular fluid takes place, (electrical)
Diffusion: A concentration of ions spread out Membrane potential. Meaning: The energy to
to places with lower concentration. To same flow is stored waiting to flow, which would
amount everywhere. Requires no energy. As create electrical activity.
they diffuse, a concentration gradient is
Resting potential: The relative difference in
formed due to different concentrations
charge /electrical charge between cell
among areas of solution/container.
membrane while resting. -70mV.
Voltage gradient: Negative ions are drawn to
Maintenance: K+ (Cl-)freely diffuse throw
positive ions. Same charges repel. Diffusion
channels; Na+ channels closed; Na+/K+ Pump
spreads cations and anions in a solution.
out “3Na” (and in “2K”) that eventually
Creating a difference in charges between
diffuse through membrane or in action
areas of solution. Yet ions want to move from
area of higher charge to area of lower charge-
> V. gradient. Inside: Anions (proteins) can’t leave cell. Yet
K+ not allowed to balance /neutralise inner
Barrier in solution: A hole in it. Diffusion. Then
charge by their quantity. Secondly, there are
ions will move to places with lower charge so
more K+ inside and open channel leading to
create an equilibrium. If hindered, a potential
diffusion to outside. Inside is negatively
is created.
charged, diffusion makes charge on
Electrical activity of a membrane. membrane positive.

Cations : Na, K ; Anions : Protein Cl.

Outside: Few K+ that stay outside maintain Relatively refractory period would require
negative charge inside. Na+ gates are closed very intense simulation greater than former
so they can’t diffuse in neutralise/(depolarise) to create another action potential.
the charge inside. If Na+ eventually leaks, it is
Pumps help restore resting potential and put
pumped out. Many and more Na+ outside
ions on “right side”
cell making it relatively positively charged.
When action potential spreads through axon
Cl-: Diffuse through channels. At resting
it is called a nerve impulse. Unidirectional due
potential, they are at equilibrium,
to repolarisation by K+ gates that follow each
voltage=concentration gradient. Little
action potential.
contribution to resting potential.
Saltatory Conduction: Action potential jumps
Graded potentials: Conditions that change
between nodes of Ranvier, because of myelin
voltage across membrane. Stimulations or
sheaths. Action potential doesn’t happen
neurotransmitters can create these
inside myelin areas and nodes have many
conditions. It can lead to:
voltage sensitive gates, that can trigger
Depolarization: Voltage levels moves closer to opening of gates on next node.
threshold. Less electrical charge.
Excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic
Hyperpolarization. -80-90Voltage levels potentials.
moving lower than from resting p. More
EPSP produce local depolarisation. IPSP->
electrical charge.
(receptors of K+/Cl- open)
Threshold potential: -55 The voltage level if repolarization/hyper... They cancel out each
reached triggers action potential other if at they occur at same time and place;
temporal and spatial. Vice versa
Action Potential: -55<+30Huge reverse of
charge that progagates through axon->Signal. Summation: Potentials of same kind can add
to increase depolarisation or to hyperpolarise
Summation of excitatory signals or simply
more. Generally, no A.P in n-cell body, lack of
stimulation of receptors that so intense that a
voltage sensitive channels. EPSP must reach
receptor lets in great amount of Na+.
axon hillock that has v.s.channels.
(Absolutely refractory= no response to new Depolarization here that reaches threshold =
stimulus) Na+ gate is opened leading to action potential.
depolarisation in that area of membrane. It
Sensory stimuli lead to action potentials
passes threshold and action potential takes
place. Moreover, adjacent Na+ Voltage Hair moves, light in eye, air movement ear…
sensitive channels (-50mV) open to stimulate corresponding channels on
propagating it along the axon. Na+ gates open dendrites-> summate in axon hillock. Eg.
faster and close fast, at +30mV Stretch-sensitive channels. They open up and
let in Na+ , depolarise , threshold->action
(Ab. Fractory) K+ voltage sensitive channels
potential. Nerve impulse sent to brain. You
open slower. Yet flushing out many K+ to
feel, see and hear.
outside. To reverse depolarization- to
repolarise- caused by Na+ influx. On muscles: Transmitter sensitive channels
have receptors opened by chemical
K+ continuous efflux leads to
transmitters. Na+ influx. Summation or very
intense to create action potential. Voltage
sensitive channels of muscle membrane open
and action potential propagates among them- >muscle contracts.

Chapter 5
Neurotransmitters consist of chemicals such Also release versicles on
as acetylcholine (excite or inhibit) , microtubules.
norepinephrine. When they circulate in blood 3) Diffusion across synaptic cleft and
streams, they are called hormones, affecting land on specific receptors. They either
autonomic system. Slower. cause depolisation or hyperpolisation.
One versicle’s release of contents
Influence voltage on next postsynaptic
produce the smallest postsynaptic
membrane, also message back to presynaptic
potential. Amount of ca2+ and
membrane-receptors to enable endocytos.
number of versicle important.
Structure of synapse: 4) Neurotransmitters detach from
receptors and Diffuse away,
Microtubule. Axon terminal, presynaptic consumed by enzymes or reuptake by
membrane, storage granule, synaptic cleft, presynaptic membrane. Endocytosis.
mitochondrion. Postsynaptic membrane, *ATP: Energy molecule created in
Postsynaptic receptor. mitochondria used on pumps, versicle
Neurotransmission: transport and exocytosis… P breaks
and energy produced. ADP goes back
1) Transmitters are synthesised in DNA gets new P
or in axon terminals with chemicals
from blood(food). Microtubule Many types of synapse yet same message.
transport the first to presynaptic Excitatory or inhibitory. Summation or
terminal wrapped in versicles made “cancelation” affects action potential.
by golgi bodies. Other versicles are in Inhibitory synapses tend to be on cell body to
storage granules say “excitatory potential you shall not pass”
2) Action potential reaches axon. Dendritic spines: Increases in size to match
Calcium voltage sensitive channels changes of size of axon terminal. More
open and Ca2+ influx. They bind to a transport versicles=more space in cleft. Bigger
protein that release versicles on area of axon = more area for more versicle in
presynaptic membrane->exocytosis. exocytos.

ATP is used as energy supply for Na/K pumps depolarise from “hyperpolarisation” back to resting
potential. How much focus on this? What info about it is included in 5 th edition book? Which chapter
then? If not use youtube 😉

Autonomous System and the Endocrine System

Parasympathetic- Connected to cranial and Effect: Rest and Digest. Relaxing organs,
sacral spinal nerves. Long axons that send info reducing heartbeat, glucose production,
to ganglia close to organs. Ach through first reduce stress.
neuron and Ach also released by ganglia.
Sympathetic : Nerves from Thoractic-lumbar specific genes->More or less proteins
spinal region. Info sent to ganglia. Ganglia : A produced.
group of neuron bodies forming a parallel
Peptide hormones: Consists of aminoacids,
chain to the spinal cord; a relay station for
therefore a result of transcription. Ex: insulin,
impulses from spine. An impulse from Spine
endorphins. They bind to receptors on cell
can affect many organs simultaneously due to
membrane-> chain of reactions that affect
ganglia. Ach(acetlykolin) enters ganglia but
stress, use of energy, growth…. Signalkaskad.
Norepinephrine released in final synaptic
cleft. Functions of Hormones
NE and Ach synapses excite or inhibit organs Homeostatic hormones : A stable and
depending on organ receptors. Most are constant state in the body’s systems, “pro-
excited by NE but a few are survival” homoestas. They control
inhibited ,stopping digestion. Same for ACH concentrations ions in/out cells. Balancing
that can excite stomach but inhibit heart. level of nutrients and water anywhere these
are used in body. Överallt. Insulin from
Homoestas: Kroppen strävan att behålla
Bukspottskörtel counteracting glucose from
förhållanden och miljön inuti stabila. Three
Njuren. High levels of sugar damage
components of a homestatic system :
organs :nerves, heart, brain…
Receptor, control organ(brain,pituitary g) and
effector(hormons). Gonadal (sex) hormones: Control
reproductive aspects. Testosterone (enter
Hormones and hierarchy
brain cells) or Oestrogen-> tell body to
Chemical substance sent through the blood to become man or woman Sperm production,
signal organs in the body. Could be same as fertlization, mens, birth, milk… Y-
neurotransmitters. Hormone’s speed is chromosome has SRY gene, determines if
slower. testis or ovary will be developed in embryo.

Hypothalamus controls pituitary gland which Sertoli (build AMH peptide hormons -> stop
in turn releases hormones. Sensory or female organs development )and Leydig cells-
cognitive activity-> create testerosterone->more male organs.

1) Hormones from Hypothalamus -Anabolic-androgenic steroids: Less

produced. testosterone produced but more muscle.
2) Enter through blood Anterior P. lob Fertility reduces.
uses blood vessels while
Problems with receptors of testerone in body-
3) Entering posterior P. lob “by”
> yes testicles but female organs developed in
axons ,uses nervous systems
other parts of body. No mens.
4) Endocrine glands (bukspott, Glucocorticoids (ex: cortisol- steroid) :
binjuren,testiklar…) are signalled and Produced in times of stress. Affect sugar levels
they also produce hormones targeting and it’s absorption.
organs, even brain.
Stress : A stimulus/event/stressor that
Classes of Hormones requires rapid adaptation of the body, affects
homoestasis, triggers arousal. Body response
Steroid hormones : Synthesized from
is same not depending on situation. +/- Stress
cholesterol in glands (gonads, adrenal,
thyroid) that can diffuse through
lipids(membranes). Enters nucleus and affects
 Fast stress system: neurotransmitters *Ephinerine effects subside, then CRH from
from hypothalamus through Hypothalamus, activates ACTH in P.gland
p.pituitary lob, (Ach->NE neurons) which tells A.gland to pump cortisol in body.
gets to medulla(middle) of adrenal High alert maintained until threat gone. OR
gland, peptide hormones. ELSE:
Epinephrine/adrenalin released in
Prolonged Stress and effects: Hippocampus
blood arousing /activating cells,
glucocorticoid receptors detect high level of
organs brain.
cortisol in blood and tells hypothalamus to
 Slow Stress system: Hypo-> CRH
reduce it. If not , they damage hippocampu s
Signal to Anterior pituitary gland,
neurons if levels high for long time. In turn
ACTH hormone to blood-> affects
less H.neurons to regulate cortisol levels by
cortex of A.gland->glucocorticoids
telling hyppthalums. Vicious circle. Memory
=cortisol->Out in blood->Eg high sugar
affected: PTSD remembering the stressor and
level. Improves conditions for Fast S=
body mobilises as if it is real. Injuries to
icke livs nödvändiga funktioner
Hippocampus can cause same vicious circle.
-Sperm production decrease, immune system
Short stress: Resources mobilised to face fight
suppressed, growth stopped, digestion and
or flee and parasympathetic system used to
uptake too.
turn of arousals. When stressor is taken care

Regelbunda område av förtätningar i luften.

Outer hair cells : Receives info from brain ,efferent axons. Change form, thickness, changing
resonance In liquid, we can hear weak noises.

Inner hair cells : Send to brain, afferent axons. Actions potential, connect axons on x ganglia

The Auditory system

Anatomy and functions of parts of ear. How that specific area of basilar Membrane. Then
info goes from cochlea nucleus to auditory hair cells will register that frequency and tell
cortex. What happens in auditory cortex. brain.
That’s it!
Tonotopic representation: Parts of Primary
Tiplink connected to ion channels on cillias cortex correspond to apex and base of
Deporalisation when Basilar membrane
swings upward, cilias move to one direction , Periodicitets teori : When 20-200hz, Area
exactly ON THE apex swings. ALL the cells in
A specific frequency will create (maximum)
the area of 20-200hz respond to any frek
movement enough movement of BM at a
between 20-200hz, not just specific groups
specific area of BM. The movement will the be
for specific frequencies as in other areas.
enough to also move the cilia on hair cells in
Compensation for it: Hjärnan känner av Lateral Lemniscus i brainstem: Tract of axons
frekvensen av aktionspotentialen här när det used by auditory system
i normala fallet räcker att med känna av
Inferior Colliculus: Process changes in pitch
vilket område som svänger för att identifiera
and mediate movement of neck in response
ljud och dess frekvens.
to loud noises
Område på Basilar M nära apex svänger
Primary Audio-cortex: Ljudstyrka och
samtidigt för tonhöjder mella 20-200hz. Ger
aktionspotential som avgör hur vi uppfattar
tonhöjden. Meaning that not just one area of Medial geniculate nucleus – relay place
BM moves but a bigger area allowing us to
perceive frequencies 20-200hz. APASIA- språknedsättning

Sound localization: Volume: Bigger area of basliar membrane

swings due to high amplitude. Not only more
Superior Olivary complex: Info from ventral frekvent AP from the particular hair cells but
nucleus.: Medial SOC: Measures differences even more AP to brain due to adjacent hair
in Time that waves/Sound arrive to each ear cells that react. The close adjacent reacting to
Lateral part : Measures Differences in sound frekvens not precisely their own.
amplitude(volume/ljudstyrka) arriving to
each ear. Co-worker Trapetzoid bodies. *SOC The secondary auditory pathway is essential
simple measures and forwards data, not for sound ID & localization. Identification and
making decisions. language comprehension = analysis of
complex sounds
Hög frek: svagare dör dem, mer fokus på
Outer hair cells- info from brain, change
styrka skillnad. Låg frekvens: Amp är viktigt
form och hårdhet. Ändrar resonans i
håller sig längre i distans.
vätskan. Vi uppfattar väldigt svaga ljud.
9- Visual system
Perception is the subjective interpretation Photoreceptors
we give to what we sense: A car, music. Not
 Rodes(stavar): Registers difference in
objective as sensation, an object, a
light intensity, low light
soundwave, or noise. Receptor density: The
sensitive ,night vision without details
more receptors the more sensitive a sensory
and “colours”, Larger and scattered in
system is. Different sensations, due to
periphery area of retina frequency.
different cortex for processing. Tonopographic
(Prefers a certain wavelength). M.
Electromagnetic radiation is light. We see  Cones(tappar): Registers difference in
“Blue” 400-700nm “Red”. wave lengths(colour) and details.
Smaller, packed in central area,
Frequency =” colour” high frek=
mostly in macula. 3 “types” of cones
shorter wave length and amplitude
for S(blue), M(green) and L(red)
“intensity of light/”colour”.
wavelengths. More reds than blues.
Receptive field: The area that a (ganglion) Connect to P cells going to P. layers in
neurons can receive information. Parvo cells thalamus
have smaller receptive field. are
Light absorbing visual pigments: On the outer
hierarchic :100 photoreceptors->25 RGN->6
layer face towards brain of rods and cones.
LGN-> 1 Primary cortex cell.
Different pigments absorb different light
Parts of the eye: frequencies/wavelengths->three types of
cones and one type of rode.
Sclera(ögonvita): White area.
Cornea(hornhinna): transparent outer layer. Visual pathway:
Iris: Light regulating muscle. Pupil. Lens: Light
bender, upside down image. Glaskropp:
Transparent lösning mellan retina och lins. ->Nasal and Temporal retina: Info from
Retina: Light falls on it. Macula (Gula photoreceptors on nasal retina cross to
fläcken): The area with most cones, aligned opposite hemisphere at optical chiasm.
with lens. Fovea(Centralgrop) : pit with ,no Temporals are ipsilateral. Info from visual field
rodes . Nasal retina & temporal retina. Optic to both hemi.
disc(blinda fläcken) with Optic nerves: Eye
->Photoreceptors: Light through Retina
visual field overlap-> not seen using
ganglion cells. Reaches light absorbing
both eyes
pigments on cone and rode that absorb light
The layers of the retina and release chemical substances through
synaptic end. Dendrites of RGC receive info,
Retina ganglion cells: Transparent, receive
summation of excitatory/inhibitory may lead
synaptic info. Also called P and M cells in
to more action potential or not. Brighter light,
retina, receive info from cones and others
bigger amplitude, stronger colour-> frequent
from rodes.
action potentials. Enters neuron and out
Support cells: Converging info from through axons.
->Optic nerve to Optical chiasm: ipsilateral Different wavelengths simulate cone
and contralateral afferent nerves from T/N receptors in different ways. Receptors, in
retina general in 1/3 of cones are more sensitive to
the same wavelengths. This particular waves
->Lateral geniculate nucleus in Thalamus with
length is interpreted by brain to be blue(400),
six layers: Parvocellular (4) and
green(500) or red(600).
Magnocellular. Then relay to other nerve
cells. OBS: Info from each eye is segregated all Trichromatic theory =we see colour because
the way to cortex of the relative difference in response among
these 3 types of cones. Per say: S cones
->Primary visual/striate cortex V1 in occipital
responds more to 400 nm so we “see” blue,
lob and transmit info to Dorsal and Ventral
M cones to 500 we see green , red Equal
streams. V1 Receives info from LGN.
response->white colour.
Secondary visual cortex the other areas of
cortex More light in mixture creates colour,
white ,less light creates black , dark.
Colour, form, and motion are put together in
these streams to create a unified vision of the Colour- deficient vision: Missing one or more
world. Ventral stream, “what” ->Temporal cones can distinguish some colours but not all.
lob: Functions that identify object; Dorsal Only rodes= one colour type literally black and
stream ”how”&(where) ->Parietal lob: guiding white.
action with vision.
Opponent process: Opposing pairs of colours
Left hemisphere receives input from right are important, red-green and blue-yellow.
side of the visual field. R-hemi-left V.field. Inbihit vs excit ganglion cell->colour
We not necessary talking about entire eyes perception 4 colours.
but about visual field, based of nasal/temp.
(Outer part of the receptive field of a retina
ganglia cell is more sensitive to green while
(Tectopulvinar pathway, info to superior the centre responds best to red. Same for
colliculus from LGN -> orientating blue in middle and yellow in outer region.)
Only wave length for “green” light-> reaches
Evolution of eyes: Photoreceptors on flat area “green absorbing cone”->then to green/red
to depressing into a pit. Limiting sensitivity, ganglion cell, which is excited by red light and
then pinhole to increase focus, membranes inhibited by green light-> ganglion cell sends
for protection and soon lens and iris. an inhibitory postsynaptic potential
interpreted as green by brain.
Visual field: The world I see with eyes focuses
on single point, steady head. 4 quadrants. Info (wave length 600”red” leads to excitation->
from each quadrant goes to opposite brain red) Put yellow/blue above. Blue light
hemisphere. Light from different directions hit absorbed by blue cone and inhibits ganglion
opposite locations on retina. Up ->down on leading to “blue” signal. Yellow light enters
retina->inverted image. Topographic green and red cones, excit and inbhit
organization of Primary visual cortex: Left V.F red/green ganglion= cancelation. Response
is projected on right primary visual cortex. from red and green cones to excite
yellow/blue ganglion cell-> yellow signal.
Colour vision:
Applicable to blue light too. OBS: Colours are
Evolved from competition for fruits.
only in our brain. Light don’t have colours.

Vision defects
Hemispatial neglect: Most frequent after Myopia: Mer avlångad ögonkropp. Light
stroke. Information on/from one side of visual focuses infront retina instead on the retina.
field and space is ignored by brain. Seeing or Hypermyopia- Kortare avstånd, plattare lens
acting on that side is an inexistent mental refract errors.
process. On sided attention. Contralateral: left
Anopia: Blindness of eye due to damage of
eye due to damage of right hemi.
optic nerve, LGN or V1. Hemi -, quadrant-
Agnosia (Visual): Damaged ventral stream part of visual damaged. scotoma(blind spot)
“What” region = lack of recognition. But can but compensated by brain.
still grab object and use it.
Visuell avsökning: Brain creates hypothesis in
Then using feeling and memory to recognise. order to see and find what we seek. Uses
If no Tactical agnosia. Some could still process semantic memory and Expectations. Eyes
face because the separate fusiform area, if finds the horse before you consciously realise
not damaged. it. Guided search tasks. An attribute of the
item stands out , uteslutar platser att söka.
Prosopagnosia: Fusiform face area, No face
Experts use same basic ability but more
recognition, can still see faces but don’t
effectively. Not a new ability though.
remember them.

9-Olfactory and Gustatory Senses and “Kemiska hudsinnet”

Olfactory system unconsciously and suddenly Triggered if

exposed to smell in future. Even for words
Identification difficulties in and pictures. Not so useful for studying for
 -Finding the precis name for what we exams though…
smell. “Tip of the nose” Tasty- Functions of Olfactory System:
 Hints help  Preserve life by identifying hazards :
 Discovering difference in intensity Food safety, stranger(amygdala
levels. activates) or family
 Communication?
Origin of good/bad smell classification o Pheromones, biochemical
1. -/+Experiences from childhood and odorant from one animal
rest of life. Survival!! affect the other. Humans lack
2. Environment congruent memory : this abililty
Abusive, stressful place->bad smell o Role in social behaviour-
3. Familiarity: Well-known smells -> förmedla känslor
experienced as good smell.  Bonding with Mother as a baby.
4. Information from others: affect how
Enjoy food: with taste too.
we perceive a smell of something.
5. Taste and colour too. Habituation(habituering): Get used to smells,
nerves stop firing if same smell constant. But
Smell and memory: Smells registered from
recovers. Also detects new smell fast
childhood(senses central) are well stored in
brain. Memory connected to smell is
Smell sensitivity changes: Age->Younger Differences in taste sensitivity: Age,
more sensitive, genetic?, environment= environment, gender, Gene:
medicine, habituation. Attention
Genotype: An allele in gene ->codes taste
From receptors to Olfactory Cortex: receptors sensitive to very small bitter tastes..
#Ipisilateral!!! Proved by PROP experiment. Supertasters
and nontasters. Advantage is that bitter
To smell it, it must be airborne, or retronasal
mostly=poisonous. Non tasters, recessive, may
from mouth particles = chemicals of it must
eat more veggie and fruits.
reach your:
Phenotype: No. of Papillae (bumps on
Olfactory Epithelium= Surface in nose with
tongue) correlate with amount of taste buds.
receptor cells/Olfa-rec-neuron. (and support
More= better detect bitterness.
cells). Cilia (end of receptor cells) sticker ut in
olfactory mucosa. Chemicals dissolved in Types of Papillae : From Tip of tongue
mucosa reach receptors on cilia. A certain Svampform-> bladformad-
group of chemicals stimulates a specific group vallgravpapilae (close to svalg)
of receptors. If they react, Na+ channels open,
Receptors for taste
Taste buds (smaklökar) are on Papillae. They
->Presynaptic membrane of receptor cells +
contain taste receptors cells.
post synaptic membrane of mitral cells. Meet
at glomeruli(axons of recep-cells of same 5 types of taste receptor cells each
odorant ->same glomeruli, förfina) corresponding to one these:
->Mitral cells forward info to Primary o Salt, Sugar, sweet,
olfactory cortex = Pyriform + entorhinal o Sour and Umami (reacts to
cortex + amydala ID smell. Without going glutamate=a neurotransmitter and
through thalamus. protein)
Other Axons ->thalamus -> relays signals to
Secondary Olf-cortex: Orbitofrontal cortex.
From tongue to afferent nerves
Position : In Prefrontal cortex behind
eye =Social behaviours such as eating. Tip of taste receptors = Microvilli. Food
component touches “appropriate” microvilli
Gene encode these 400+ receptor cell-The and they open->
summation of activity of receptors lead to us
perceiving a type of odour. All receptors ->Ion influx->Depolarisation->exocytos ->
combined and we can discriminate trillion Afferent nerves receive a signal. Ipsilateral
smells. Many chemicals>”one” smell They are cranial nerves:

Liknande ämne inte likande lukter. Lukt är en Ansiktsnerven : info from Posterior of
blandning av olika kemikalier. tongue; Tungnerven: Medial ;
Vagusnerven: Anterior.
400 receptors BUT 1 trillion odours.
Kombination av olika intryck från olika From afferent nerves to Gustatory cortex,
receptorer leder till 1 trillion lukter. INTE en insula
receptor- 1 lukt. Those cranial nerves gather as a nerve ->
Gustatory System medulla next is-> pons. There are ipisilateral?
Route 1: Medulla-> (ventroposterior medial
nucleus) Thalamus->
a) Primary gustatory cortex =insula.
Kemoreceptorer sk TRP- kanaler. Olika typer
dessa receptorer finns.
Also gathers info from Orbitalfrontal cortex
Trp- reagerar på värme/kyla och
(2nd Olf-cortex) Input from Gustatory and
aktiveras också av kemikalier som
olfactory into the orbitafrontal cortex affect-
capsaicin in chillipeppar och vi
> flavour.
upplever heta. Mentol ->kyla.
->b) Primary somatosensory cortex.
Andra Kemorecep- regerar på
Food texture.
Smärtaintryckt från e.x wasabi
Route 2: Hypothalamus and amygdala.
Info via Kranialnerv V, Trigeminus
Feeding behaviour, connecting feeling to
food, good or bad Dessa receptorer är kopplade till
kranialnerver. De ta med signaler från tre
Det kemiska hudsinnet
olika zoner i hela ansiktet: panna, ögat; runt
En del av vår känsel som reagerar på samma näsa, övre munhål; nedre munhål).
kemikalier som (smak) och luktsinnet MEN Oftalmiska, Maxillära och Mandibulär
vid höga koncentrationer. förgreningen, motsvarar områden ovan.

Conveys info together with smell and taste Vidare till pons -> thalamus-> till
(stickande,bränande, kyla..) about chemicals Somatosensory cortex, orbitofrontalcortex
in our environment. and to Limbic system, insula m.

Funktion: Varningssystem som inte? Flavour= ett samlad intryckt from smell+ taste
Habitueras inte till simulus utan signalerna and Kemiska hudsinnet. Dessa tre bidrar till
ökar med tid. totala smakupplevelsen.

11-Sensation, Somatosensory System

Somatosensory system is unique because it dense in sensory receptors->Respond to a
located, mostly outside the brain and huge range of stimulus.
connected to all parts of the body.
Receptive fields: The area their dendrites
Somatosensory receptors cover/receive info. E.g., Two point
Receptor cells sit at the end of dendrites sensitivity= Area of skin=> Non converged
underneath the skin. Not part of neurons but receptive field with few S.neurons synapse
connected to them.Some dendrites without on secondary S. neurons" send two or more
these cells are called free nerves. Eg. signals to brain. We feel two fingers.
Connected to hair root. Converged R.fields, overlap and many
S.neurons relay info on one 2nd S.neuron or
Sensitivity and receptive fields less than number stimulus ->we fail in
Sensory receptors: Free dendrites(nerves), recognising num.. Hands "better" than thighs.
Density of these receptors affect sensitivity
levels of different parts of the body. Palms,
feet and lips are glabrous skin that most
Group and types of Somatosensory 2) a- Dorsal column-medial
(mechano)Receptors lemniscal pathway: Haptic-
Drag I nervcell, ett rör med håll , då skickar proprioceptivee info. Ipsilateral->At
den massor AP! .The deeper in skin the bigger Medulla, cross side then ->Medial
their receptive field, comparing 1 receptor vs lemniscus->(Ventrolateral)Thalamus-
another 1. Ju mindre receptive fält desto >Primary S. cortex.
större upplösning. b- Spinothalamic tract:
1. Nociception (pain,temperature, itch) Nociooeptive sensations are
 Free nerves pain: Slow contralateral at spine and ipsilateral
 Free nervtrådar Temperature: Slow. all the way to S. Cortex.
-Hit hand, body cell layer close to F-nerves *obviously connects to subcortical organs.
break. F-nerves signal pain Damage: Haptic ipsilerarll and nocio
2. Hapsis (fine touch and pressure)- with
tissue capsules Spinal Reflexes:
 Meissner’s corpuscle (Stryker Hit patella->Quadriceps stretched activation
huden,lätt tryck)- Rapid "muscle spindle" tells somatosenstory
 Merkel's receptor -Slow (steady skin .neuron-> Info to spinal cord. Divides 1-input
pressure and texture) Fin känsliga och direct to motor neuron goes back to frontal
mest känsliga. Upptäcker sandkorn. quadricep to contract it. 2-Input to
o *M + M Upper skin layer vs interneuron, back to dorsal quadricep-
P+R >relaxes(streches). you kick. #Monosynaptic
 Pacinian corpuscle (Vibration)- Rapid flex.
 Ruffini corpuscle (Skin stretch) Slow
 Free nerve on hair (vid drag eller Same principle for Inner reflex: Golgi tendon
rörelse av håret. upper layer tells s.neuron, I can't bear weight for too long
De samarbetar vid rörelser and damage bone, tendons-> afferent nerve
to spines interneuron-> efferent nerves to
3. Proprioception (Body awareness) inbhit the contracted side-> you drop load.
- Muscle spindles
- Golgi tendon organs (tendon stretch) rapid Pain
- Joint receptors(joint movement" -rapid Origin: Stimulate nocio- receptors or Frontal
Adaption to constant stimuli = rapid(stops lob’s failure to inhibit pain
with AP) or slow(continues send AP!). Different pain fibers in body. Explain pinching
someone. There pathways connect eg.
Amygdala, reticular formation -arousal…
Dorsal-Root Ganglion Neurons
Lateral inhibition.
Only tip of (long) dendrite is sensitive in A stimulus affects a receptive field of primary
S.neurons. sensory neuron A (that may have receptors
Dorsal root ganglion: (Secondary?) cells at the tips) that is directly beneath
Somatosensory neurons, long, that stimulus. It sends more action potentials than
“synapse” at spinal cord. Cell body closer to the lateral B, C, Primary neurons. At their
spinal cord. Carry Info about fine touch and synapse with secondary neurons, Secondary
pressure. Each type responding to particular neuron A inhibits the lateral neurons=B,C.
sort of info. Eg. Temp. if connected to nocio. Result only signal from "A"s pathway go to
From Spine to Brain
1) Dorsal ganglion neurons carry info to Gate way theory:
spinal cord. Hapsis and nocio connect to a common
interneuron while going to brain.
No pain: Interneurons inbhits pain and temp Part of Somatosensory system, for balance.
C-fiber’s pathway och låter signaler från
beröring Från Alfa--fiber att passera. Anatomy:
Pain time: Signaler från nocio route hämmar  3 Semicircular canals: Endolymph-
interneuron. Connects to next neuron and >Hair cells in cupula of Ampulla.
goes to brain. Canals together tells of Heads motion
Pain relief :Vi blåser på såret ->signal via fine in 3D.
touch and pressure/ mechanoreceptors-  Otolithic organs: Utricle & Saccule:
axons->Aktiverar Egg shape with hair cells and gelatine
interneuron->hämmar/minskar smärta substance. For/backward movement,
signalernas omkoppling på spinal neuron. gravity
Interneuron hämmas och exiteras samtidigt Receptors cells = hair cells’ function:
spinal neuron hämmas lite grann= mindre 1) Tell brain Position of body
smärta. referenced from gravity.
2) Signal brain about head's
The somatosensory Cortex , Homunuculus movement direction and
Primary S.S. cortex: Info from body. acceleration/deacceleration
Secondary S.S cortex: info from primary SS. 3) Head orientation
Cortex. As result we don't fall when we stand. Mr
compensation. We maintain posture and
The Primary somatosensory cortex is balance
organised as a homunculus. The bigger areas How?
correspond to most sensitive parts of body. Ex: Head movement to right = movement of
Legs smaller but lips bigger. These areas cillia to right->Depolarisation->A.P!->Increase
represent the sensitivity of skin,muscle and of AP! In s. neuron. OR hyperpolarization-
joints of each part body. >decrease Neuron resting avfiring. Also, if
Homunculus: What we would look like with Hair cells one side fires more the opposite side
consideration to sensitivity of different body fires less- when we tilt head
- Photoreceptors and balance hair cells
receptors out of sync= dizziness, nausea.-
>Vertigo = contradictory signals in ampula due
to calcium substances in endolymph, that
supposed to be there. You a not actually
Vestibular System and Balance moving.

11- Motor System

Afferent (bigger region in s. cortex) - Vi reagerar på olika sätt beroende på
somatosensory info and efferent (Bigger in situationen.
Motor cortex) motor system. Nerves and -Skador ->Cerebral Pares: not moving
tracts. Different types of movements, even bodies parts voluntary. Locked-in
internal=visceral Syndrome- Medveten, rör bara ögat.
3) Spinal cord:
1) Cerebrum (cortex, conscious -Reflexer, rytmik. Bebis sparkar när
control of movements) de hålls upp.
2) Brainstem Skador: Quadriplegia: Paralysis from
-Beteende som är specifika för arter. neck to toe. Paraplegia: Paralysis of
Stå upp, simma, rita . Hållning legs to toe.
Motor cortex visar olika typer av rörelser som
Hierarchy and parallel order in Movement ett djur kan göra, modifierarbar med övning.
Sensory system ex: Eyes see target. Informs Position-point teory: En rumslig
sensory system good for location. Frontal lobe representation av rörelsekategorier i cortex.
plans and executes. Sensory info back to En punkt i cortex står för handen som rör sig
sensory cortex and B.G and cerebellum upp. En annan punkt rör den åt sida. Olika
engage to correct movement. rikttningar 1i rummet
(Sensory receptors->sensory cortex->)
Prefrontal->Premotor->Primary Motor Motor cortex before and during movements.
cortex-> Brain stem Spinal cord. Parallel Motor cortex is active (more AP!) b4 you pick
connection too. the plastic cup. It is planning. Still active
during execution.
Initiating a motor sequence:
Complex movements involve complex Same for heavy cup but activity increases as
decisions. There is a sequence/order behind you lift it. Increment due to Motor cortex
movements. Motor sequence adjusting to force and duration of
Prefrontal cortex: Plans and sets goals. Right movement.
or wrong->decision. Involves some
consciousness. Flexibility: Motorcortex can plan, withhold,
Premotor cortex: Organises and coordinates and imagine movements that might not be
goals to apropiate order of able to produce yet.
movements/Behaviour. Mental imagery
Imagines, imitates others with eg Mirror Plasticity:
neurons. Damage: Lack of co. Damage on e.g., hand cortical representation
Primary Motor cortex: Does the action, with -> Using that hand less-> hand cortical region
help of liljhärnan adjust movements to goals. becomes smaller, less mobility of hand -
>Elbow and shoulder bigger.
The Motor cortex Organization Rehab-> Same size of hand c-region over
Motor cortex is on each hemisphere controls time.
the contralateral side of body. Except for -Some parts of hand worked a bit because of
reflexes, all command from P. M.cortex. new connections in Hand-shoulder cortical
Homunculus in M-Cortex. Bigger body parts region. Even though specific region for
show complex and precis movements of those "finger" is gone.
parts. Constraint induced therapy.

Behaviour not just movements: Corticospinal tracts- From Motor cortex to

Topographic map: A representation of each muscles
sensory body parts on the motor cortex. Axons from: Pyramidal celler i lager V in
 Pre och Primära motor cortex visar Motor cortex, Premotor - and sensory cortex.
olika typer av rörelser som ett djur --> to Brain stem and divide in medulla at
kan göra, modifierarbar med övning. Pyramidal decussation:
Ett lexikon av rörelser- Oflexibla Lateral Kortikala bana(Tract) : 90% Korsar till
rörelsekategorier. andra sidan. Synapse with interneurons that
- Inte bara enskilda forward info to motor neurons that then
muskler. reach limb, fingers, and toes.
A specific area ,t.ex hand area doesn't just Anterior/Ventrala kortikala bana: Ipisilateral-
make muscles hand to twitch. Rather it >interneurons in spinal cord-> Motor
creates a behaviour. Hand moves to mouth. neurons-> Styr muskler kroppens mitt. Bålen
Continue stimulating area hand stays in -Ryggmärgen också som Homunculus.
mouth. Stimulate "drop hand area" instead.
Kortikobulära banan:
Cortex->Pons ->motorneurons->Kranial  Medial region:
nerver(ansikte, tunga, mun). Rörelse av o Vermis: (Lilhjärnsmasken),
huvud, hals, input from spinal cord,
connect both hemi.
Control of muscles Movement kroppens mitt.
Lateral inbitions at spinal cord. Interneurons Balans.
inhibit extensors and flexors one at a time.
Teamwork .You can't flex tri and bicep same  Intermediary region
time. Extensor Motor neurons- limb away o Input och export of info
from body. Flexor motor neurons: opp. ACHL från/till nucleusruber. Jämnar
neurotransmitter for contraction ut rörelsen

Basal Ganglia_  Lateral region

Regulator of force of movements, emo, o Input från somatosensoriska
motiv-. Input from Limbic, sensor-, motor och motoriska cortex (primära
systems och sekundära)
Damage of caudate putamen: Hyperkinetic: o Complex muscle coo.
Unwanted movements, Huntingtons
Hypokinetic: Can't produce movement, loss of Cerebellum functions
dopamine from S.nigra. Parkinsons. Timing: Rörelsen sker när du vill det.

Basal Ganglia Pathways for regulation: Justera rörelserna: Jämför det rörelsen som vi
Yes movement. Direct pathway; gjort med den tilltänkta. Då justerar den nästa
 Motor Cortex-> X Caudate Putamen-> rörelse för att matcha tilltänka bättre. *-
Hämma GP i-> exciteras Thalamus- ok >Inlärning av nya rörelser mönster. Shoot ball.
> M.cortex- Brainstem-> Spine...
*S.nigra: Dopa-> “Putamen->Gp i” Neurons = Hur: Får en kopie av planen innan och
More Inbition Gp i feedback efter första exekution. Korrigerar så
*Subthalamic X s-nigra de matchar bättre->Skickar till Motor cortex.
Gör om.
Stop unwanted movements. Indirect pathway *Även om du har prismglasögon.
 Same as above but Striatum inbites *Skador: Tänk på saker som cerebellum kan
Gp extern>Sub thalamic nucleus then göra.
excite Gp i ->Hämmar ännu mer
Thalamus 3 Cerebrala pedunklerna (nervbanor):
Vägen för cerebellums kopplingar still resten
Thalamus vill alltid sätta igång rörelse. Gp i av CNS
vill stoppa honom och rörelser. Aktiverad Gp-i • Superior cerebrala -> efferent banor till
stoppar thalamus=stop movement. Vice versa. superior colliculus

Cerebellum Mediala afferent bana med input från Pons
Anatomy: Two hemi. Ipsilateral control. •
Homunculus organization two on each. Inferiora efferent och afferent banor från
Topographically. Imagine a little doll lying ryggmärg och hjärnstam
 Ventral part
o Flocculus: a small lobe -
>Balans, ögonrörelser.
8- Earlier development of Brain
From Zygote till Newborn 2) Cell migration_ Progenitor cells travel
to their locations shortly after genesis
Fertilization-ZYGOT >Cell division->Embryonic of 1st neurons. Up to week 25.
disc(groddblad) #15th day.
Subventricular zone: A Line of stem cells
Origin of body organs and issues in the 3 around ventricles or neural tube walls in
layers of E. disc: Endoderm: Digestive system, embryo. But in Fetus they have map of
lever, lungs. Mesoderm: Muscles, blood destination for migrating neurons going to
vessels and bones. Ektoderm (groddblad): cortex.
Skin, nervous system, neck, and head.
Radial glia cells: Create a fibre that Is road
Ektoderm, 3 weeks-> 4th week from sub.ventrical zone to predetermined
 Neural plate: Tät område på yttersta destination for neurons on cortex.
lager Bildas. Viks blir en neural grop Transportation: Passive-New cells push old
 Neural tube: Resultatet när Neural ones further out-> inner structures like
plate viks och stängds ännu mer -> thalamus. Active-Young cells pass through old
cylinder form. A very sensitive period ones->Building cortex
for embryo development. Errors-
>termination of fetus formation. The 3) Cell origin and differentiation
upper region in it matures to become
Neural Stem cells: Forms in neural tube but at
canal for spinal cord and brain
subventricular zone around lateral vesicles
and spinal cords in adults ( S.cells exist but
quite restricted; blood cell, neuron. Self-
renewal= 1->2->1 dies+ 1 lives. Multipotent
After 4th week- 9th month Neural tube with DNA can become any cell it e.g:
structures called >¤Pros-(later ->Tele &
Dience-). ¤Mese-, ¤Rhombechephalon (later- Progenitor cells : Precursor cell from Stem
>Mete & Mye) and ¤end of tube spinal cord. cells migrates to become N&G at destination:

Soon forebrain wraps it all in. Sex Neuroblasts and Glioblasts that don’t divide->
differentiation due to testosterone or Mature and become :
oestrogen appearance.
Different types of specialised neurons and
9 month: Fetus brain has general Glia cells. Diff. complete after birth.
appearance of adult brain, different on
4) Maturation of neurons
cellular structure.
Dendrites grow and branch, specialise and
Stages of Brain development more functional as they create surfaces for
1) Cell birth _Neurogenesis , 250 000 synapses. Gradually become more complex
cells/min created before birth. Rapid until child reaches 2yrs. Important so as to
formation of Stam as closes. become systems and not just “parts”.
Prenatal Brain weight increases as fast Importance: Språkutveckling, synutveckling
as prenatal body weight pga koppplingar, Myelinasering-Motorik.
Neurons connect
Axons are extended to appropriate target  Projection(sending) routes b4
cells and makes contact b4 dendrites in cell is Association (back and forth) routes.
fully formed. Important in dendritic An Index for maturation. E.g Frontal
differentiation. “Growth cones” : like a hand lobe last myelinated, control high
with fingers seeking target cells. With mental functions. SPEED
filopodia=tip of extensions responds to
Starts I Brainstem vk 29 until adulthood
different come or reject chemical signals from
target cells. GENE->Potential AND ENVIROMENT affects
all this.
5) Synaptic Development,

Axons and dendrites meet guided by signals to Behaviour and Nervous-System

right place-> Creation of lots of Synapses. Development

1st Simple contacts. 2ndMore Complex Motor behaviour- Lie,crawl, walk; Grasping
contacts -> more development in cortical response 2-4-10mths+ In babies : Random
neurons in deeper brain region. Multi- hand movements->Hand towards goal->
connectivity among diff. skill regions Entire hand holds object->Thumbs and fingers
hold a pebble. Simple to sophisticated
After birth: Massive increment 1st years of life movement. Due to myelinated motor
Gives us all opportunities. Reaches a Plato and neurons in/from motor cortex developing:
starts reduces during life->death. More dendritic branching, axons from motor
6) Cell death and Elimination/pruning cortex myenalite.
of Synapses Language development
Rise and fall of synaptic density->Behaviour Vocabulary starts by 12 months. Language
changes eg. Mood changes in kids and youth. skills + motor skills develop parallelly to
Elimination according to 1) Neural Darwinism: Coordinate speech. Yet vocabulary grows
Neurons leading to survival traits= fitness gradually. Increase of neuronal connectivity
stay, The rest weeded out. 2) Apoptosis: Får and speech zones myelinate-> Language
av tillväxtfaktorer= död Failure in step 4 or acquisition complete. 12 years.
Certain genes not expressed in that neuron -> Problem solving ability:
Programmed cell death. Throughout life +/-
Piagé development stages. Comes with age as
More space brain makes complex connections
Gene controlled initially but enviro after Brain development and Environment
birth decides which synapses stays
Not just appearance of structures -
Synapses enter adulthood only if part of a >development<- Environment changes and
functional neural network<- Experience and experiences within and without. Eg.
rate of use. Hormones, mutation, medicine, uppfostran
Leads to environmental adaptions: E.g two Stimulating or Poor enviroment-> Growth of
cultures meet, language Relative Intelligence (Farmer vs Psychologist).
7) Myelination Adaptability may be greater intelligence.
 Proximal axons nära mttlinjen b4 Touch your children => stimulates brain
Distant. development. OBS: Multiple variables.
 Sensory nerves then Motor nerves. Richness of environment->More neurons even
in adults
 Critical periods: 6-7 year. Eg. Visual synapses. Neuroplasticity in adult slower than
development depends on stimuli from in kids.
environment. Right time must eye be
OBS! Correlation of events with neural
used. Might not regrow later. If
changes doesn’t always mean causation!!
problem as embryo=permanent. Use
Remember third variable, directionality
it or lose it. Language RRRR-
problem and selection bias.
Different Experiences (may)change Neuron
Abonormal experience creates defects on
structures differently-> Still leads to
Bigger/smaller size and quantity more/less

*Att kunna: Utveckligen generellt från barn till tonåren.


Orsaker till beteende Motivation är ett tillstånd inuti som startar

och driver ett beteende. Två grupper av
Överlevnad- kopplas till evolutionär påverkan
motiverade beteende:
Belöning- kan också kopplas till miljöpåverkan
Reglerat beteende
; stimuli och respons. Apa gör allt för att se
banan genom en lucka.  Homeostatiska mekanismer: Huttra
(non volontary ) eller sätt på jacka
Jaga-döda instinkt i en katt->Belöning från
verkar ”volontär”Behåller samma
hjärnkretsar->Försäkrar överlevnad och
nivå. Temp, kroppsvätska(törst),
motiverar beteende. Sinnen påverkar
hunger- glucos. Hypthalamus är
sökandet på belöning. Lukt på pizza. Andra
väldigt involverade med sina
hjärnkretsar reglerar vår reaktion på det
hormoner och neurotrasmittor
 Motiveras av att kroppen vill
Innate releasing mechanism(IRM) överlevna

Ett nätverk av neuroner , tar emot ett specifikt Icke-reglerat beteende

stimuli och de utlöser ett specikt beteende .
 Beteende som inte är livsviktiga
Stimuli matchar en medfödd mall för ett visst
/uppfyller de grundläggande
beteende och vi agera på ett visst sätt.
överlevnadsbehoven. EX: Sex
Evolutionära faktorer (överleva, naturligt (Hypothalamus involverad) Läsning,
urval) och faktorer från miljön kan påverka nyfiken påverkas mycket av frontala
aktivitet i olika hjärnbanor, loben.
 Ej homoestatiska och starkt påverkad
Miljö och erfarenhet kan reglera hur vi
av yttre stimuli. Du t.ex ser/luktar och
regerar. Mamma ler och bebis ler tillbaka
du gör.
omedvetet. Mamma ler och slår barnet->barn
gråter när hen ser leendet. Picasso katt Hypotalamus funktion och Feedback
matchar inte ”äkta” katt>ingen respons
Involverad i homeostas genom sina hormoner
Motiverat beteende via ANS->Reglering av temp,puls,socker,
cortisol Får feedback vid hög/låg nivåer
3 regioner: Lateral. Medial och Petrivetrikulär 1) Modulär- 6 grundläggande emotions
styr: Anses vara medfödda ; Rädsla,ilska,
glädje, sorg, äckdel och förvåning-
Vårt Beroende på substanser, impuls
>Blandas=Komplex emotioner. Glädje
beteende; --; Behagliga känslor och
m.m ger INTE specifik hjärnaktivitet
2) Reaktivt- Bedömningsteorier
Generar beteende: Kamp/flykt, äta och -Vi upplever emotioner i händelser
dricka, reproduktivt,. Tänk på beroende på vår synpunkt,
Symp/Parasymp--. Eg Råttan ”På” och ”av” erfarenheter och fysiologiska
grävande förändringar. Att bedöma är
funktionen som ”är” medfödd-Det är
reaktion=stimuli- respons.
Definition av Emotioner 3) Prediktivt sätt- Konstruktvistiska
- Känsla som är din upplevelse (jag är arg) + Känslor och emotioner är något
Emotionellt uttryck är din reaktion (rynkar hjärna skapar för att tolka och
pannan) =Emotion förklara situationer (inkl
-Det är en kortvarig upplevelse som människor)och förutsäga handlingar.
involverar förändringar i kroppen och hjärnan. Kategoriserar baserad på
Orsak och riktning. erfarenheter. Inte inre + yttrre om 2)
Men konstruerad.
Syfte med emotioner
Emotioner på Ansiktet: Utgick från
 Riktar vårt fokus ,motiverar oss och stereotyper för ansiktsuttryck och emotioner-
orienterar. >Upptäckt samma ansiktsuttryck överallt.
 Minne och inlärning fästpunkt, Bevis för 6 emotioner. Ansiktsmuskler kanske
 Hot kognition och rationella beslut kan påverka vårt inre tillstånd och ANS. Glad,
penna i munnen<-Kan vi manipulera den?
Emotioners komponenter OBS! Inkludera andra kropsspråk
-Fysiologisk reaktion (aktivering)- Händer i Vad händer i kroppen? Emotioner
kroppen, svettas, puls. ANS!! Fysiologiska reaktioner:
-Uttrycksfulla beteende(motorik)- Yttre Händelse blir ett stimuli för hjärnan->
Kroppsliga signaler/rörelser som kopplas till
1) Sympa- systemet och Endokri-
olika emotioner. Ex: Ansiktsuttryck och
2) Muskler agerar=beteende->
-Medveten/omedveten upplevelser: Märker 3) Feedback till hjärnan skapar
eller ej att en viss stimulus orsakar min emotion. Ex: En clown->vi är rädda -
reaktion. Självrapporter. Annars svårt att Stress system-> Blod till muskler ger
mäta subjektiva upplevelsen ”sorg etc”. Fråga! kalla fötter. Arga- varm hud och vi
svettas. Rädsla och spänning ger
Dimensioner på emotioner i i ett kordinat
samma fysiologisk reaktion. High road
system : X +Arousal , -No arousal ; Y-Pleasant ,
or low perspective.
+Unpleasant. Placera ut grundemotioner i
systemet. Emotionsteorier
TRE Synsätt på Emotioner James-lange : Vi uppfattar ett stimuli genom
våra sinnen. #1-Förändringar sker i vår kropp
ex pulsen ökar. Då signaleras hjärnan att det 1) Hypotalamus- Input alla andra
är samma sak som rädsla, nervositet. Just att strukturer passerar här- Ger
förändringarna i kroppen är och föregår motivation och emotion i beteende.
emotionen. 1b) Hypofysen, homeostatiska
Cannon-Bard teorin: Den känslomässiga
2) Limbiska Systemet: Under
upplevelsen sker oberoende av fysiologisk
förändring. Han menar att sorg och gråt kan är
 Amygdala: Får info från flera
oberoende av varandra men sker oftast
sensoriska system
samtidigt. Vi blir rädda och vi märker att
(multimodala). Många
hjärta börjar slå. Feeling doesnt depend on
synapser från visuella cortex-
fysiological changes. Oberoende av somatisa
>Tidig upptäck av faror i
systemet : Du kan vara arg även när du är
världen. Ångest med sina
förlamad. (Händer tillsammans?)
reaktioner från barndom kan
Schachter-Singers two faktor teori: Vi lagras här.
uppfattar ett Stimulus den ger en  El. Stimuleras -> ilska,
kroppsaktivering + Hur vi tolkar och aggression.
beskriver det ”KONTEXT” kognitivt avgör
Emotionens via amygdala :
vilken emotion vi har. Det leder till
motsvarande handling. Ex: Du får adrenalin 1) Sinne->Amygdala.
och hjärtat slår. Du kanske tolkar pulsen som 2) Amygdala->3a) Hypotalamus=> ANS
rädsla eller andra emotioner. respons. Och till Hjärnstam-> respons
ex beteende 3b)-> Cerebral Cortex-
Emotion och Kognition, High & Low way:
Emotionell upplevelse
Vi kan reagera direkt på stimuli utan att vi
Kluver Bucy Syndrom-Ingen rädsla, litar på
hunnit tolka den. Speciellt när impulsen går
främlingar, har mindre emotionella uttryck
talamus-Amygdala snarare än Talamus-
eller känna igen ansikte. Problem att reagera
Sensoriska kortex- Amygdala vid respons. Vs
men man kommer ihåg stimuli.
High way- Tänka 1st på känslor
 Hippocampus: Långtidsminne
Somatiska Markörer:
kodas och formas här. Minnas
Skador: Ju högre upp i ryggmärgen desto associationer till emotioner.
mindre intensitet på upplevelse av emotioner. T.ex. rädsla pga clownen
Pga färre kroppsliga reaktioner. Somatisk info Möjliggör inlärning.
utnyttjas inte 100% .  Mamilarkropparna : För över
minnet till Hippo (& hypo) till
Kroppsliga responsen i situationer hjälper att
C.cortex. Minne av dagliga
fatta ”bättre “beslut. Ju mindre fysiologisk
feedback som vi känner från kroppen desto
sämre blir vi på att basera vår beslut på Gyrus Cingulum: Kogniticva konflikter.
känslor.-Hot kognition och sociala beslut
o För Självreglering emotioner.
nedsätts Skada på frontal lob utesluter o Relästation för Info från Talamus- tiill
emotioner från kognition. ->Hippocampus.
o Koppla lukt och smärta till minne.
Neuroanatomi och Emotioner
o Stödjer fokus på emotionella
Essentiella Strukturer: händelser.

Prefrontala Cortex
 Input från ALLA sensoriska cortex (alla Svårt att tala och förstå andras talmelodi, läsa
sinne) + Amygdala + talamus. av, nedsatt fokus och motorik, icke-adaptiv
 Konkretisar och bedömer lämpliga för beteende och beslut
beteende. Skickar vidare till resten av
Dorsolateralt Syndrom:
motor system + Basal ganglia och
Pseudo depression- Planlös Energilös, , Auto-
 Även till alla essentiella strukturer. Ex
Amygdala och Hypothalamus- Oribital/ventromedial syndrom:
>ANS&ENS Pseudo psykopati-Impulsiv, Självcentrerad,
Skador på PFrontala Cortex:
Socialt smärta = fysiskt smärta enligt hjärnan

Motiverat beteende : Styrs av Hypothalamus. Reglerat:Jämvikt inom satta ramar temp,

vätskebalans,. Kallt: Ofrivlliga beteende att skaka eller välja att klä på sig.

Hypotalamus ser till att de celebra regioner är aktiva när de behöver vara det. Producerar beteende

Rädsla eller glädje-> Håll undan fara eller nära det som ökar överlevnad.

Emotioner har format alltså evolutionen.

Sinnerörelse=emotioner. Emotion: inifrån SUBJETIKV, affekt när sett utifrån. Emotioner är kortvariga

Inre/ytre stimuli påverkar emotion.

Olika emotionerkomponenter: Uttyckt—vad vi kopplar till olika emotioner

Arousal= kroppsaktiviering
Grundemotioner kan blandas och skapa komplexa emotioner. Kritisk mot att de är relaterad till en
sprcifik hjärnaktivitet.

Olika känslor->olika ansiktysuttryck. Vice versa #nyans

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