ROPE - A Whodunnit in Six Chapters by Lloyd Lutara (2022)

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A Whodunnit in Six Chapters


Lloyd Lutara
+256 783 867 897
Cast of Characters
EZEKIEL (63): Business Tycoon and Linda’s
DESMOND (42): Struggling business man and
Linda’s husband.
CONSTANCE (32): Single mother and Linda’s
OPHELIA (43): Owner of an online escort
BAKRI AKA LIL’ FERDI (33): Struggling musician and
LINDA (32): Daughter, wife, sister,
client, victim.
"The Father"

EZEKIEL (63) and well preserved is sitting in a

large leather swivel chair behind a Mecedes Benz
of a desk - large and sleek, smooth edges,
announcing power and status.

The desk is populated by only a lap top, land line

phone to his left and mobile phone to his right.
This is where commands are given - there’s no need
for paper work.
The desk is the centerpiece in an office the size
of some Ugandan’s homes. The walls are mostly
floor to ceiling windows; the floor carpeted, the
ceiling coffered.
Matching the opulence of the room Ezekiel is
dressed in an expensive looking suit - two button
with a waist coat.
He looks composed but underlying that are waves of
unease crashing against his pretense of calm.
He looks directly at the audience like they’re
sitting at the desk across from him. His eyes are
piercing, as if challenging them to challenge him.
He glances at a watch that probably costs six
months of some of Ugandans salaries and then
projecting an agitated impatience he blurts out-

Time is running like water and yet I’m in here talking
to you instead of you being out there looking for my
daughter. What else am I going to tell you that I’ve
not already told you? In fact, I should be the one
asking you questions. You think I didn’t hear you over
there whispering amongst yourselves? About how you
found her car in some ditch somewhere? Katwe or Kalerwe
or some such place? Lights and side mirrors missing? No
bag, no phone, no Linda? It’s been three days, it’s
time to look at the facts: No one has contacted me
about a ransom and so the chances of that are very low.
I know you think the kidnappers could be waiting for me
to become desperate but if that’s the case then all
they’ve managed to do is annoy me. And let me tell you,
once I’m annoyed...

EZEKIEL (cont’d)
What I’m saying is that I’m a man with many resources
and getting on the wrong side of me would be a mistake.
That’s not a threat, that’s a fact. And so, if it’s not
some fools trying to fool with me that leaves one other
option: The girl got robbed. I always told her not to
move with that car at night. Not that side of town.
When such people see you with such nice things you
might as well be telling them, ’Here, you rob me’.
These are the things I tell that one but she can also
be stubborn when she decides to be. Like with her and
that husband of hers. From the moment I met the boy I
knew he was going to cause problems. You see, I’ve not
gotten to where I am by mistake. I can tell everything
I need to know about a man just by shaking his hand. If
a man’s grip is firm, if he looks you in the eye, if he
holds both your grip and gaze without looking away -
that’s a man you can trust. That’s a man you go into
business with, that’s a man you give your daughter to.
When I shook that boy’s hand though... let’s just say
the boy’s not fit to trust with a shilling. All he does
is take and take and take. Allergic to work, that one.
Like so many of these boys out there. You’ve seen them;
with their pierced ears and colored hair and trousers
two sizes too tight. Who’s going to hire those ones?
And to do what? This is why unemployment is so high.
Why our boys continue to be brain washed by the
internet. Why they think it’s OK to dress and behave
like women. Let me tell you, if these white people
think they can use these back doors to corrupt our
youth then they’ve not yet seen me. You see, this is
why I’m running for MP; to stop this epidemic from
spreading. It’s my duty as a citizen of this nation to
protect our future, as it’s yours. MUSA! "Let’s Make
Uganda Straight Again!" As for those so-called Ugandans
who say that as long as they’re not harming anyone
people should be allowed to do whatever they want, I
hear "love is love"... It is God who will judge them.
No, that’s not what I’m saying - it’s like you have
ears but you don’t listen - what I’m saying is that the
concept of hard work is foreign one to him. He may not
be as bad as these ones who are here being suckled on
smartphones but like a lot of these boys of his
generation he thinks that as long as you talk long and
loud enough people will just bend over and give you
what you want. The first time I met that boy, let me
tell you, he talked non-stop for two hours: how he’s
going to do this, how he has a meeting with who, how
he’s flying to where. It’s that mouth of his that
confused that girl. But me? No, no, no - his stories
didn’t fool me. You see, there are two types of men in

EZEKIEL (cont’d)
this world: The kind who will talk and talk until Jesus
comes back but do nothing and those who keep quiet and
all you see is results...

You see, I’m not the kind of man who pleads with you.
If I’ve told you and you refuse to hear me - daughter
or not - I leave you. If you want to do things your way
you do but don’t come crying to me as if I didn’t tell
you. And so after all my warnings the girl still went
ahead and married him. Now, I’m not a man who gambles
but for this one I went and made my bet with God. Five
years, I told him, five years and we’ll see where
they’ll be. But to my daughter I told her, "It’s OK. If
this is the man you have chosen then this is the man
you have chosen." I paid for the wedding, the honeymoon
in Dubai, the shopping in Dubai... everything. The girl
even asked me to give them one of the Najeera flats, I
hear as a wedding gift but that is where I put my foot
down. Let the boy be a man and find them somewhere to
live. Let him at least pay mortgage. Four years and
with all the money I pay him you think he has paid a
shilling? I’m here still waiting for him to do this,
meet who and fly where.
I already told you but fine, since you want to insist:
Thursday morning I received a call from my other
daughter Constance, claiming that Linda was missing -
that one also doesn’t listen but that’s another story.
It was almost midday and I’d just arrived in office
from a meeting.
It was with some Saudis I’m closing a deal with before
I hand things over and focus on the campaign. These
elections are coming fast and even for a multi-tasker
such as myself, such a task needs a man’s full
Yes, the phone call. She sounded worried but she’s like
her mother, that one: always worrying when there’s
nothing to worry about. A simple headache and she wants
money to scan for a tumor. She thinks I have money for
such useless thing? Let her go take Panadol. Anyway,
she claimed Desmond called her asking whether Linda had
spent the night. Apparently she hadn’t returned home
after fellowship. That one, who once told me I’m proof
there’s no God, now hosts fellowship. We’ll also see
how long that one lasts. But like I said, me I let you
do. Now, I’m not one to point fingers but the boy
calling the morning after and not the night before was
for me red flag number one. Anyway, Conso said Linda
hadn’t slept over. That she left to go home at around

Conso stays in one of the Najeera flats. Just after the
bridge. Not too far deep inside. After talking to her I
tried Linda but no answer. I kept trying for one good
hour but nothing. I tried her place of work but they
said she had not reported in. That’s when I called that
husband of hers. I wanted to hear things first hand.
For once the boy had few words. And even those ones I
had to box out of him. You see, I’m a very good judge
of character and in such a situation someone like him
you would have to box to shut him up. It’s happened
before. When trapped like a rat - instead of stopping
to think - all he does is scatter his words around
making no sense.
He claimed he hadn’t seen or heard from Linda since
that previous morning and when she failed to come home
tried to call but she wasn’t answering. But even
getting him to tell me that was a battle. For someone
who has so many words to have so few... for me this was
red flag number two.
I told Constance to calm down; there was no reason to
worry as yet. It wasn’t a tumor, it was just a
headache. All we needed to do was swallow some Panadol.
And so talked to friends, workmates and other members
of fellowship but when it reached evening and we still
hadn’t reached her - her phone was now off - I made a
decision and I called you people. And so now here we
are: you in here talking to me instead of out there
looking for her.
I mean, it’s certainly possible; a man like me will
always have enemies but leverage for what now? My
campaign? I doubt. Yes, there are people who are
unhappy about being shut out of the Saudi deal but none
of them would be stupid enough to think kidnapping my
daughter would do anything. My gut has never once
failed me and what it’s saying now is that boy knows
where my daughter is. Isn’t the culprit usually the
spouse? Now, I won’t deny my bias but I’m also a good
judge of character and that one - there’s something
shady beneath all that talk of his. It’s also not a
secret that the man can be violent. Ask Constance,
she’ll tell you. She’s told me many times how Linda has
run to her scared for her life. Why she runs back is
her business but my question is this: what if this
Wednesday the boy became violent and he went too far?
These are the things you should be pursuing.
Fine, since you want to insist on wasting time I’ll
come up with a list of ’people who may wish me harm’
and have my secretary send it to you. Now, is there

EZEKIEL (cont’d)
anything else you need from me or are you going to go
and do your job?
(Ezekiel makes a call on the landline)
Bring the car around front, I’m done here.


"The Husband"


DESMOND (37) is sitting in a modest office chair
at a modest desk. A Vitz or Rav-4 of a desk, one
that will get you from point A to point B -
nothing to brag about but it will get the job
The desk is scattered with, almost drowning in,
papers, files, receipts and receipt books. A lap
top sits open on it and there’s a land line phone
off to one side that’s not connected to anything.
The same can be said for the office Desmond sits
in. It’s functional, a couple of small windows,
tiled with an empty water dispenser off to one

Incongruous with the office Desmond is handsome

and dressed well. A pin-striped and cuff-linked
shirt, silk tie and waist coat with a blazer
around the back of his chair.

A gaudy ring is perched on the pinky of his left

hand, an Omega watch with brown leather strap
wrapped around his wrist.
He leans back in his chair, beams the audience a
casual and charming smile. He’s laid back like
he’s chatting with a friend as he says:
Animosity’s a strong word - I have no beef with the old
man. What I can say is that Mzze has had it out for me
since day one. He probably told you how I’m lazy and
mbu allergic to work. Or that I have a temper and beat
his daughter. You don’t even have to tell me because I
know... I know. He always tries to make me look like
I’m the evil son-in-law. And do you know why? Not
because I’ve mistreated his daughter in any way but
because I tell him the truth... the truth! Just because
the whole world kisses his ass except for me he says I
don’t have any sense in my head. When he tells me to do
something this way and I tell him, "No, I think it
might be best to do it that way.", he claims I have no
respect. But since when does disagreeing mean
disrespect...? Since when?
That’s right, I’m the care taker for some of his
properties Najeera-Kira side of town. But that’s just

DESMOND (cont’d)
until I finalize a few things. I collect the rent, deal
with any issues the tenants may have and over see the
overall maintenance of the properties.
That’s true, she does stay in one of the flats but I
can count the number of times I’ve seen her since she
moved in with that baby of hers. They’re sisters, sure,
but they’re not friends.
That’s what he told you? That’s absolute nonsense. In
six years of marriage I’ve only beaten her once...
once! And I didn’t even beat her, I hit her. You can
say what you want but we all know there’s a difference.
Show me a man of that man’s generation who hasn’t put
his woman in her place. In fact, if you can convince me
you haven’t at least been tempted I’ll put the
handcuffs on myself. Don’t pretend you don’t know how
these women can be. And yet he’s there sitting in his
big office pointing fingers as if I’m not the one on
the ground keeping his money flowing.
As for the one time I did discipline her... You have to
understand, I’d just found out I’d lost a deal I’d been
working on for close to six months... six months! If it
had gone through I would have been set for life - you
know how those Saudis have money - and I would have
told that old man to go choke on his shillings.

I was still trying to figure out a way to fix that when

Linda starts pulling her diva things. They can happen
anytime for any reason and so I’ve had to learn how to
handle her when she gets like that. I told her to first
chill me but you guy when that switch flips it’s like
chick goes crazy: she starts yelling, abusing, pushing,
even hitting sometimes... you guy, it’s as if she’s
asking to be beaten. Most days I can manage, go have a
drink and come back home when she’s found her senses
but that day... that day my patience was already at
zero. One slap to shut her up was all it was. Don’t let
the old man convince you I put the woman in hospital.
You think I don’t know what Mzze is saying? That since
I did that then I must have done this? All I did was
shut that mouth of hers and trust me, if she was
yapping in your ear the way she was yapping in mine
you’d want to shut it too.
"Don’t I see anything wrong with that?" But people can
be hypocrites also. Parents discipline their children
when they step out of line, governments discipline
their citizens when they step out of line, why
shouldn’t husbands discipline their wives when they
step out of line? Why is it that when it comes to women

DESMOND (cont’d)
people look at you as if you’re talking about
genocide... ?
It was like any other Wednesday. We woke up, she went
to work and I headed for office because I needed to
first do some small paper work before heading into
town. Since I have nothing to hide I’ll tell you -
before she left for work we had a small argument about
how there were almost no clean clothes yet I’d told her
before. She then started going on about how it’s not
her job to make sure the laundry is done, how if I
wanted clean clothes why didn’t I wash them myself? How
if I thought her entire existence rotated around my
dirty laundry then I had another thing coming and such
nonsense. And so I told her, again very calmly, that if
it’s not her job then whose job is it? And if she
didn’t want to do it let her go and I find someone else
who does. Did she think she was the only woman there
was? There are plenty of women who would love to do my
laundry. I even have some on stand by. Remember that
switch I told you about? That’s when it flipped. Sure,
I was trying to provoke her but that doesn’t make what
I said any less true. Women are many while the men are
few - a man always has options. She then she started
threatening to leave and never come back. And she
thought that was a threat? She leaves and goes where?
She’s lucky I had to leave otherwise I would have shown
her who’s who.
No, no, no. Don’t try to twist my words. What I meant
was that if she wanted to leave I would help her pack
her things, carry them out to the car myself and see
how long she lasts.
On Wednesdays Linda goes for fellowship at Conso’s and
so I knew she wouldn’t be home until around ten-eleven.
She’d go and complain to those women who have convinced
themselves being married to God is better than being
married to a man since no man will marry them and then
she would come home. As for my day? I visited a few of
the properties then went for a couple meetings. But
before you ask, they were for signing NDA’s so I can’t
tell you that much about them.
(Desmond’s phone rings. He digs it out
of his pocket. On the screen upstage
appears a phone with the caller ID: MAMA
T. He makes a face)
But I thought I told this chick I was...
(Desmond catches himself and silences
the phone)
Sorry. Just a client I’m meant to meet after here. What
was I saying...?

Yes, After the meetings I went back to office, finished
up some paper work and then headed for some party me
and some buddies threw for a friend. You’ve seen the
car I drive, that qualifies me for The Beemer Boys’
Club or BBC. Baker, the guy who’s birthday it was,
drives an X3 so we got a cake made that looked like
one. In fact...
(Desmond picks up his phone, swipes
through it a moment then holds it up to
the audience. On the screen upstage
appears a photo of a car shaped cake)
Chick is good right? If you ever need cake, you know my
number, just call me and I’ll hook you up. Anyway,
around eleven I was about to head home when I got this:
(Desmond swipes through his phone and
again holds it up to the audience. On
the screen upstage appears the following
text message)
From "Lin"
I’m going to spend the night at Conso’s.

Wed 11:07pm
It’s not the first time and so I was like, "OK, let her
do what she wants." Also since she was sleeping out,
there was no real reason to rush home so I stayed out
until about one.
The next day was business as usual and it wasn’t until
evening - when I still hadn’t heard from her and she
hadn’t come home - that I finally started to wonder
what was up. I called Conso, asked her if she was with
Linda but she said Linda had left for work that morning
and she hadn’t heard from her since. I asked her
whether Linda said anything about going anywhere else
but she said she didn’t.
(Desmond’s phone rings. Once again it’s
MAMA T. He’s obviously aggravated but
instead of silencing it he answers,
slightly turning away from the audience
to give himself a false sense of
(into the phone)
What is it? Why are you calling me as if I don’t
already know? (pause) OK, OK, I’ll send it in a bit.
(pause) thirty minutes. Now please stop calling me.
(Desmond ends the call and turns back to
the audience, his expression and tone

DESMOND (CONT’D) (cont’d)

So sorry about that - my cousin’s daughter is sick and
needs a little help. You know how family can be; when
you have, no matter how little, you have to help... but
I was saying something before... Shit, it’s
Yes, yes, yes, I was telling you how Conso claimed she
hadn’t heard from her since that morning and didn’t
know where she was. You have to ask her but I think
Linda still might be hiding somewhere trying to prove
some point. As far as I’m concerned she can prove
whatever point she’s trying to prove for as long as she
wants but let her at least let people know so that the
rest of us can get back to our lives. I have no idea
where that somewhere could be but you know who might?
Conso. She’s the one you should be talking to. Those
two have become besties out of nowhere. Linda always
had beef with her because she’s from one of the old
man’s side chicks. As if that was her fault. But people
can also be weird.
(Desmond’s phone rings again. It’s MAMA
T, again. Bottling his aggravation he
silences it and places it face down on
his desk)
Listen, I’ve told you everything. What else is there?
Like I’ve already told you, this whole thing that she’s
lying in some ditch somewhere I’m still not convinced;
Linda’s sitting in some hotel room somewhere trying to
teach me a "lesson". It wouldn’t be the first time.
It’s usually Conso - the only one of God’s wives to
have some sense - who manages to convince the chick to
come back. Why that woman is so nice after Linda’s been
such a bitch to her all these years I don’t know. If it
was me I would have told her to go choke on her beef a
long time ago...
Kidnapped? It’s possible but why now? Her father’s been
her father for a very long time. Why not earlier? And
if you tell me because the old man is running for
things I’m not buying it. And why her? Why not her
sister? Plus, no one has been in contact with any
demands. At least that’s what he claims. The old man
might be there hiding things and you’re here wasting
time. Think: doesn’t it seem odd how he’s working so
hard to convince you it’s me? Like he’s using me to try
and distract you from someone or something else. Mzze
thinks he’s smart but I’m also smart...
(Desmond’s phone rings again. Desmond
glances at the caller ID. This time it’s
a SWEET CAKES. He allows himself a small
Now, I’m not accusing the man of anything but it’s your
job to explore all options, isn’t it? If I can be a

DESMOND (CONT’D) (cont’d)

suspect why can’t he? Anyway, I have people waiting for
(answers the phone)
Yes Chief! I’m just turning the corner. Look out the
window and you’ll see me. Give me two minutes to find
(Desmond gets up)
I think you’ve heard, I’m finding where to park. Good

Desmond walks off.


"The Sister"

CONSTANCE (32) is sitting in a chair at a table.

Both the chair and table are wooden and ancient.
The room is small, claustrophobic and dark, the
paint on the walls thinning - peeling.

Constance is pretty, dressed in a bright colored

blouse, an expensive looking leather hand bag is
sitting on the table to one side.
An Ankh pendant is around her neck, a beaded
bracelet on her left hand and a hair band round
her right.
She has long braids hanging half way down her back
and during the interview keeps fidgeting with them
and flipping them out of her face.

She seems to be close to panic. Like any small

thing will make her burst out into tears.
Being so close to the brink affects her voice and
when she talks it’s high and tremulous.

Yes, she seems genuinely distraught but there’s

also a theatricality to it. Like she’s cranked up
the drama to one thousand.
It’s been five days, why haven’t you found anything
yet? Have you tried tracing her phone? Can you trace a
phone when it’s off because it was off the last time I
tried it. And if it’s off does that mean the battery
died or that someone turned it off? And if someone did
turn it off do you think it was her who turned it off
or someone else? But that doesn’t make any sense. If
someone turned it off wouldn’t they have turned it off
a long time ago? As in, even if she’d decided she just
wanted to disappear and not have anyone find her
wouldn’t she have turned it off on the first day?
Meaning the battery just died. Is that a good or bad
thing? It’s a bad thing, isn’t it? Because it means
that her phone’s just lying somewhere. Does that mean
that if it wasn’t found with her car that it was thrown
somewhere else? In another ditch somewhere? Does that
mean it’s with her in some ditch somewhere?

CONSTANCE (cont’d)
Don’t look at me like that. Why aren’t you answering
any of my questions? I know I’m here to answer yours
but Jesus! Can’t you tell me anything? She’s my sister!
Sister, half sister right now what difference does it
make? I know you must have heard how we’ve never been
close but blood is blood. Plus, this past year things
have gotten so much better between us. They say how
when you become a mother you realize how important
family is. When I had Tanya I finally knew what they
meant. Her father’s not really there, much like mine
wasn’t; he paid school fees and made sure I at least
had food but he was never really there, never did more
than he felt obligated to. I was always a niece from a
nonexistent sister, never a daughter and so life was
often hard for me and my mother. She had family but not
really. Having Tanya I Suddenly saw that would be our
lives if I wasn’t careful and so I decided to cultivate
the relationships with my family in a way my mother
never did with hers. Did that mean reaching out to a
sister I never had much of a relationship with and
setting aside all the jealously and bitterness I had
towards her for having all the things I never did?
Sure. Has it been easy? Not at all. Are we the best of
friends? No. But we are sisters. And more than anything
that means being worried and scared for each other.
That might be what my father says but I can tell you
right now Desmond doesn’t have anything to do with
Because the man’s harmless. Linda has never had to try
to get a man and so she has no idea how to keep a man.
She makes Desmond feel like whether he’s there, whether
he’s not it doesn’t matter. And you know how men long
to be needed. What Linda doesn’t realize is that women
are many, men are few and good men are even fewer and
so if she doesn’t work to keep her man, another woman
will come and take her man.

Desmond’s not perfect but he is good. Yes, he could

talk less and work more but a man like that you push
gently. You don’t nag him the way Linda does.
No, he has never. Yes, he might have a temper but he
would never lay hands on Linda. Or any woman for that
matter. If that’s what my father said then I’m sorry,
he’s not telling the truth.
No, Linda hasn’t spent a Wednesday evening at my place
in a while and Wednesday’s not been for fellowship for
quite some time either.

It’s now a book club. Which is really the same thing
isn’t it?
Because fellowship’s just a book club where the book of
the month is the same book every month.
We read books only by female writers. Some might say
that makes it feminist and maybe it does but seeing as
"feminist" is such a slur to so many people these days
we decided to stick with "fellowship."
Linda came for about a month. We may read books in book
club but as "feminist" as it may sound, it’s really
about building sisterhood. It was obvious to everyone
she wasn’t doing OK. It took a couple of Wednesday’s -
it usually does - but Linda eventually opened up and
told us what was going on. She wasn’t happy. She’d been
married three years and was starting to think it was a
mistake. She’d just gotten a promotion but -
All I know is that it’s the same firm that handles all
of her father’s contracts. Yes, he might have helped
her get the job but she’s worked hard to keep it. Now,
if only she worked that hard with Desmond... Anyway,
she said it’s like a third more money but because of
how unhappy she is she can’t even enjoy it.
She said didn’t love Desmond anymore. He was lazy and
unmotivated. She talked about how when they met he made
all these promises and how he’s fulfilled absolutely
none of them and how it was now obvious that he never
would. She claimed her father had warned her about
Desmond but she didn’t want to listen. How she thought
she knew better. And now look, she’s wound up exactly
where he said she would. I know Desmond to be the exact
opposite of everything she said but he was her husband
not mine and if she was unhappy who was I to say
anything? She said it was one fight after the next and
they hadn’t had sex months. She thought Desmond might
be having an affair but there was no way for her to
tell and she was too afraid to ask.
But even if he was why would I know about it? We barely
talk to each other. Plus, would it really be out of his
rights? In any case, Linda claimed she felt like a cat
in heat. And so we asked her: why didn’t she do
anything about it? After a little pushing she finally
told us she’d thought about it but she was too scared.
Not because she thought God would strike her down or
anything like that but because she’d only ever been
with one man - Desmond. Which was even more of a reason
as far as we were concerned. Plus, if Desmond could
have an affair why couldn’t she?

I thought she’d get herself a little boyfriend, which

would have been easy enough, but nope. Who knew who
would say what to who and when? Plus, she didn’t need
someone to buy her dinner - she could buy her own
dinner - what she needed was someone to do all the
things her fingers couldn’t do. If she had to buy that
too then fine and so long story short Linda signed up
for one of those Facebook "dating" pages where you "Pay
a small fee of 40K" and they connect you.
When she found someone I was actually happy for her.
She showed me a picture and I won’t lie, I’d open my
legs for that. A little short but who cares how tall a
man is when you’re on your back? And so instead of
seeing us on Wednesday’s she started seeing him. Even
this last Wednesday, that’s who she was with.
I do feel a little responsible but at the end of the
day the decision was hers.
The guy’s name is Ferdinand. I doubt that’s his real
name but that’s what she told me.
(Conso’s phone rings from inside her
bag. On the screen upstage appears the
caller ID: Tanya’s Nanny. She answers)
What have they said? (pause) How many bottles?
(pause)Don’t let them touch her until I get there.
(Conso hangs up)
My daughter’s very sick and has just been admitted -
they want to put her on drip - I have to go. If I knew
more I’d tell you. All I know for sure is the name of
the Facebook page she used to find him: "Kampala’s
Hottest Sugar mummies." Go there and you’ll find a
number for a Mr. Sula, call him and you’ll find
Ferdinand. Find Ferdinand and you’ll find Linda. If
anyone knows where Linda is it’s him.
No, we canceled book club that day. It was around the
time Tanya started feeling sick. Her father’s helped
but with him everything is for fighting. You ask him
for money for medication for his daughter and he acts
as if you’re asking for a handbag. You should hear him
complain about having to admit her, like it’s not her
life we’re talking about.
I really have to go. I left Tanya alone with her nanny.
Please, please, please let me know if you find her. If
you find her phone. If you find anything.
Conso gets up and hurries away.

"Mr. Sula"


OPHELIA (43) is sitting in the same room, in the
same chair as Conso was moments before.

She’s attractive in a way that comes from knowing

what her assets are and accentuating them while
hiding what’s not so flattering.
She’s wearing a weave that falls half way down her
back. Her make up is a bit much, the layer of
foundation conspicuous, her eye shadow and lip
stick neon in the dimly lit room.
She’s wearing a long chained necklace that falls
between her breasts with some sort of bauble
dangling from it. Her blouse is something silky,
colorful and flowy and she has bangles cackling
around her wrists.
Although she’s 43 she could easily pass for five
or six years younger.

She throws the audience a look that’s not one you

give your interrogator but someone you’ve already
decided you’re going to get to go home with you.
With a small flirtatious smile Ophelia opens her
mouth and words smooth as cocoa butter flow out.

I’ll be honest, I’m actually impressed. Most people,
they talk to Sula and that’s the end. They block the
site, close the page and threaten Sula with prison.
He’s been to prison so many times that prison doesn’t
scare him anymore and so a few days later he opens
another page, the whatsapp group was never closed and
so life moves on. But now see, here you are - you
actually took the time to follow the money. What’s so
different this time? Is it because of who her father
is? How much did he pay you? One month’s rent? Two?
Whatever he did use some of it to invest in a good pair
of shoes. Shoes say a lot about a man. I always looked
at two things when it came to a client; his shoes and
his belt. Those two things never lie. Never trust
phones. Anyone can get an iphone these days. Me, I
learnt the hard way. It’s what I tell my girls and boys
so they don’t have to. That and to always get paid
before, never after. Afterwards a client can come up
with all sorts of excuses and then what?

I did. And then?
From when I got these (re: her breasts). Even before.
But fifteen years is a long time. It’s not something
you do forever. My mother tried but the Devil finally
found her, leaving me and my brother to suffer for
ourselves. (re: to a look she gets) You judge as if
life has never shown you things. We had to eat and so
me I did what I had to do.
Father? Don’t act as if you don’t know how these men
enjoy spraying their things everywhere but tell them to
clean up afterwards and they don’t want to know. Me, I
learnt how to twist arms from when I was very young so
when I found mine I twisted until he released some
shillings and I expanded my business.
Exploitation how? My boys and girls are not like me,
for them they chose. They can leave any time they want,
no one is keeping them here.
Money is money and let us be honest, the money I make
is probably made more honestly than most of the people
out there make theirs.
I was against using mobile money for a long time but
Sula insisted for so long that I finally said, "OK
fine, we try." I won’t lie, it sorts out a lot of
payment issues but then trail it leaves is also what
got me here. But as impressed as I am let’s not forget
that I’m only here as a courtesy. You know who some of
my clients are and if at any point I feel like that
courtesy’s not being returned one call and I can make
your lives very difficult. You get me?
I’ll take your silence as agreement but just so we’re
clear: I don’t give out staff or client information.
You can do what you want but that’s not going to
(Ophelia’s phone rings. The screen
upstage show the Caller ID to be SULA.
She answers it)
(in Luganda)
What is it? (pause) I thought I told you to call
Claudette. (pause) Then keep trying until she does.
(pause) Then use yours and she’ll replace it. (pause)
You wanted more responsibility, you have it, now figure
it out.
(Ophelia ends the call)
Why do people act as if they don’t have brains of their
own? And don’t waste your time - Claudette’s not her
real name. None of my kids use their real names.

Now you’re resulting to threats? For what now? I can
make threats of my own. One call and that’s it. Is that
what you want? You might think my threats are empty but
you know the people we’re dealing with and these people
are very paranoid. Especially now with these elections
just around the corner. You might want to ask yourself
whether what you want from me is really what you want.
If I was you, you know what I would do? I would leave
right now, write my report where I say she was very
cooperative but knew nothing about the inner workings
of the business and how Mr. Sula is the one you need to
be talking to. How he’s the one who handles the day to
day and all she does is count the money. You see, I’m
even writing your report for you.
(Ophelia’s phone rings again. It’s Sula,
again. She answers. In Luganda again.)
What is it? (pause) And you’re telling me this why?
(pause) And you really thought I was going to take time
out of my day to fix your mistake? Go and fix it
(Ophelia ends the call, turns her
attention back to the audience.)
Are we done here or do I have to make that call?
OK. Don’t say I didn’t warn you...
(Ophelia makes a show of scrolling and
making a call as she sings a little tune
to herself)
Hello? (pause) Yes, I know and I’m so sorry to disturb
you but I have a small issue. (pause) These people are
insisting I give up information concerning a client and
the person who attends to them. I’ve told them this is
privileged information and if they keep pushing they’ll
lose the privilege of their jobs. (Pause) You want me
to what? (Pause) But I thought we - (pause) Yes...
yes... I understand but -
(the person on the other end ends the
call. Ophelia is stunned and takes a
moment to get her bearings)
I don’t know what god you pray to but it seems today
he’s heard you. I’ll tell you what you want to know.
Not because you’ve asked me to but because someone else

You already know "the person in question", as you put

her, is one of my clients so we won’t waste any time
with that. What you really want to know is the when,
where and who with... She met with him every Wednesday
evening at the Majestic Hotel. 8-10pm. Room 222 under
the name Mukasa.
After what I just told you, that’s what you want to

There are plenty of reasons why a woman would pay for
sex. But really, why does anyone pay for sex? Why do
you? The reasons are so many I could sit here listing
them the whole day and I still wouldn’t be done but if
I was to guess... for her it was boredom. She had that
look. I’ve seen it so many times that I’m surprised
when I don’t see it. People like to deny it but having
sex with a stranger is exciting. You can become a
different person, do things with them and have them do
the things to you you’d be too embarrassed to do
otherwise. Sometimes it’s just the desire to feel
desired. It’s not real but in that moment it feels
real. When you have a repeat customer with the same
provider though, it can be very tricky. People can
catch feelings. They forget this person is doing it
because they’re paid to, not because they want to. And
sometimes - not a lot - but sometimes the feeling is
returned. The two start planning a new life together.
She has money and he could do what he really wants to
do. For Bakri that’s making music. He calls himself
"Lil Ferdi". Mbu he’s saving up money to pay for his
album. She’d probably promise him she would pay for it.
I’m not saying that’s what happened but the signs were
all there - the way he would talk about how unhappy she
was. How if he had a woman like that how he would take
care of her. This is a boy who likes saying how when he
gets that deal it he’ll come back and take care of me.
Which is absolute nonsense but let the boy dream if he
wants to dream.
Now, no one has heard from either of them in days -
aren’t you the people who say there’s no such thing as
(swipes through her phone)
I’ll give you his number but if he won’t answer my
calls what makes you think he’ll answer yours? Anyway,
here it is. 0786-534624. Uh huh, what else? Nothing?
Then let me go - money won’t make itself.

Ophelia gets up and sashays off stage.


"Lil’ Ferdi"

BAKRI AKA LIL FERDI(33) is now the one sitting at

the table.
He’s dressed casually but fashionably with every
article of clothing, every hair in place - a
hip-hop swagger about him.
He’s leaning back in his chair, stroking his
perfectly trimmed beard.
The forearm of his left arm is bandaged.

He gives us a bored look, his nonchalance almost

genuine. Almost.
He talks with a slurry, fake black American accent
but as the interview progresses he gets more
agitated and slips into his original Ugandan
I told you niggas already: I don’t know the bitch. You
said her name is what? And she’s the daughter of who?
Of all these niggas out there what makes you think that
this nigga knows anything about her? Go ahead and ask
your questions - He’s got nothing to hide. But if you
ain’t got shit then let this nigga leave because this
album’s not gonna record itself.
(A picture of him and a pretty looking
lady posing for a selfie appears on the
screen upstage. Bakri immediately
falters, his accent slipping but he
recovers soon after)
Ohhhhh... That’s the Linda you were talking about. Why
didn’t you say so? The city’s full of Linda’s. I even
have a cousin sister called Linda. yoooooo, I heard
what happened. That’s some crazy shit. I really hope
you guys find her but homie I ain’t seen her in a
(A screen shot of a segment of a
Whatsapp conversation now appears on the
Me: Sent the deposit. Seen it?
FD: Yes.


Me: OK. See you on Wednesday.

FD: K.

Bakri’s mask slips again. He tries to grab it and

put it back on but even when he does, it’s
Aight, fine - so this nigga’s seen the bitch. We met
Wednesday’s because that was fellowship and her husband
didn’t ask no questions.
Married - not married, how’s that any of my business?
Money’s money so who cares whose pocket it comes from?
The stories I heard about that nigga though. How he’d
slap the shit out of her for no reason. She comes home
two minutes too late - pop! She comes home two minutes
too early - pop! She comes home right on time - pop!
Why she stay with a nigga like that is her business but
damn! And it’s not like it’s because the nigga has
money. Her bank account is stacked. It has to be for
her to pay me what she pays me as often as she pays it.
And the way she tells it; all the nigga does is scratch
his balls, spend her dimes and slap the shit out of
her. You would think she’d get tired of that shit but
nah-ah. But that ain’t my problem.
This last Wednesday though - nassing. She said she was
coming, sent the dimes and all that but never showed.
Tried whatsapping her but nadda. How hard is it to send
a nigga a message? "I. Can’t. Come." and Send. Three
words and we good. But now that this nigga thinks about
it those last few Wednesdays she seemed a little off.
Might not seem like it but that one is a freak. But
then most of these bitches are. Hiding behind their
corprate jobs and Hallelujah’s and Amen’s. Those last
few times though... it was like chick was on autopilot.
I asked her wussup and she first told me some story
about how Aunt Flow brokedown somewhere between Jinja
and Kampala but that was some bullshit. This is the
same one who insists on two condoms yet she’s telling
me this shit. I told her if things weren’t flowing that
shit had nothing to do with me. Who else she fucking?
Finally, she claimed some psycho-what? psycho-pandemic
shit. You know that shit. Where you’re not sick but
your mind makes you sick or some shit like that.
Yeaaaah! Psychosomatic. That’s the shit. That’s what
she was now claiming. How maybe this was her body

BAKRI (CONT’D) (cont’d)

trying to tell her something. Tell her what now? That’s
when she started saying how we should chill. How maybe
her little holiday was over and it was time for her to
focus on fixing her marriage. Her words - not mine.
Bitch then went on about how no marriage is perfect,
how you have to work with what God has given you, how
her husband wasn’t a bad man he just did bad things and
some shit like that. She even started saying how she
was going to go and tell the nigga everything - how
that’s the only way to truly fix things. Again, her
words, not mine. Sounded like the fastest way to get
killed to me but what do I know?
Nah... that was just me saying. When chick failed to
show up I figured she was gonna go work on her
marriage. Maybe she did go to work on it - told him the
way she was threatening to - and maybe the nigga didn’t
like what he heard. If he slaps her around just for
coming home late what’s he going to do when he finds
out she’s been fucking some other dude? It’s so obvious
how come you niggas didn’t figure this shit out before?
Isn’t it the husband who usually done did it? Go talk
to him because I never saw her that night.
(Another picture. This one from a
security camera of Bakri and the same
woman sitting at the hotel restaurant.
Gone is the casual confidence. It’s
quickly replaced with a pinched
OK, so I saw her. Now what do you want? A trophy?
I didn’t lie, I finessed the truth a little bit. We all
know if I told you I saw her that night you’d lock me
up and even if I told you she only saw me so she could
break things off it wouldn’t have mattered. And that’s
how she said it too, "to break things off", like I was
her boyfriend or some shit like that. You still would
have said I was lying and tried to beat the truth out
of me. And so I told myself, I’m not about to miss a
week’s worth of sente because you niggas fucked up my
face. So I finessed some. Can you blame me? Anyway, we
met so she could tell me some shit she could have told
me over the phone. The time I wasted, I could have
booked another client. I only do one, maybe two clients
a night and so for me that was a major loss. She had
paid the deposit but that books the room. I told her
since we were already there we might as well do one for
the road but she was acting all shifty-shifty and so I
let it go. And that was it. She left and I bounced. For
all I know she went home, told the nigga that crazy
shit and he did something to her. Just because I told
some small lies to protect myself doesn’t mean that

BAKRI (CONT’D) (cont’d)

shit didn’t happen. Plus, what am I going to do with
her? I just want to finish my album and get that record
deal and get the fuck out of here. You think I want be
doing this all my life? This shit’s just a means to an
ends. I’m on that 10,000 hours, five point plan shit
and none of this fits into the plan. She was paying me
money, why would I want that to end? And holding the
bitch for ransom? That’s more effort than it’s worth.
I’d rather let that tap close, open another and keep
hustling. You’ve already checked the crib and what not,
you can check under my balls if you want but you’re not
going to find shit. I’ve told you where you should be
looking, can this nigga go now?
Hey! I asked you a question... can I go?
Then what the fuck you need me for?!?! Hey... ! HEY!!!
Bakri keeps yelling.




LINDA (32) who is perched on the edge of a couch

and flanked by several pillows. A low coffee table
sits several feet away on which rests a cup of
tea. She sips from it several times during her
Linda looks tired, her face ashen. One or two
healing bruises discolor her face and ligature
marks are visible around her neck and wrists.

One of her eyes is bloodshot and teary and every

minute or so Linda dabs at it with a handkerchief.
Linda stares at the audience with her one blood
shot eye, a tear rolling down her cheek, her lip

Sitting in an adjacent chair is Ezekiel, his

expression serious. Linda glances over at him. He
Over the course of the interview she continues to
glance over at him, whether it’s for support or
for permission is up for debate.
She then turns her gaze back to the audience. When
she opens her mouth to speak it’s in monotone with
a certain detachment that is somewhat
I... I met him in the hotel restaurant. He asked me why
not in the room - it was already paid for and anything
we wanted we could order from room service but I told
him NO - the restaurant was fine. I was afraid if I was
alone with him I would lose my resolve. I didn’t tell
him that but I think he knew and so he tried to push.
Wasn’t I worried someone would see us? Report me to
Desmond? And if that happened then what? I told him I
wasn’t, that it would only take five minutes and that I
would pay him his full fee.
I told him I couldn’t see him anymore. That I wanted to
give Desmond and I another try, a real try but I
couldn’t do that when I was still seeing him. I hoped
he understood.

He seemed to. The best way someone like him could

anyway. Said it was a shame but hey, that’s life.
Claimed the album was almost done and this would all be
over soon anyway.

I mobile monied him his money, paid for our drinks and
left. I don’t know where he went after that.
I knew Desmond probably wouldn’t be back yet but I
still went straight home. He wasn’t and so I waited. I
just hoped he wasn’t drunk when he did come...

He came back at around eleven. He’d been drinking but

he wasn’t the kind of drunk that caused problems. I
should have waited until he was sober to tell him but I
told myself I wouldn’t be able to sleep if I didn’t and
so I... I told him everything. I told him I was sorry,
that it was over and that I wanted us to focus on
fixing us but... but that for us to do that we needed
to reestablish honesty and trust and that’s why I told
him what I’d done.
He was quiet for a very long time and that’s the one
thing Desmond doesn’t do - quiet. He talks, even when
he has nothing to talk about he talks and so him not
talking scared me.
And then... then he was on top of me; hitting me,
punching me. I tried to stop him, to fight him off but
he was too strong...
When I woke up I was tied to the bed in the boy’s
quarters. It’s where Pesh, the girl who helps us at
home, sleeps but she was up country taking care of her
mother who’s sick.

He was... all over the place. Saying how sorry and

scared he was. He told me he loved me, how he didn’t
want to lose me, how he didn’t want to go to prison. I
tried to get him to calm down. Told him to untie me and
we would figure this out; I loved him too and he wasn’t
going to lose me or go to prison. He didn’t believe me.
Was convinced that if he let me go ---
Ezekiel’s phone rings. He pulls it out of his
jacket pocket and frowns down at it. On the screen
upscreen appears the Caller ID: Unknown. He
hesitates, makes a decision and stands.
(to the audience)
I have to take this but continue and I’ll be back in

(answers the phone)

Yes! Hello! I’m in a place with bad network, hold on a
Linda watches her father walk off. Once he’s gone
she slowly turns back to face the audience.
Linda then continues with her story like she’s
following a script, her voice still detached.

He... he was convinced that if he let me go I would go
running to my father and so he kept me there. They say
that if it wasn’t for Pesh I probably still would be...
there. Apparently her mother had gotten worse and she
came to pick the rest of her things. She found me; tied
to the bed, unconscious. When I woke up I was in the
Linda sighs - a deep in and out and looks down at
her hands in her lap, rubbing at the ligature
marks on each wrist - she’s done.
She looks back up at us.

But what’s there to clarify? The man beat me and held
me prisoner for almost a week. I have no reason to lie.
It’s Fine. Ask your questions.
(caught off guard)
He’s... he’s lying. He must have sent that message to
himself using my phone after tying me up because I
didn’t send that message.
(starts to fidget again)
I don’t know but that’s what they told me. Maybe he
moved me while I was unconscious. All I know is that
when I woke up I was in the hospital.
(Linda looks down at her hands in her
I mean... yes, technically I did fire her but...
(Linda sips at her tea, shifts
uncomfortably in her seat)
(long beat)
OK... What if I did lie but only a little, what would
that mean? Would I be in trouble?

(Linda turns to see whether her father

is coming)
(lowers her voice)
What if I told you the real truth right now? Would I
still be in trouble?
(after some fidgeting Linda comes to a
(she looks up at the audience, a resolve
in her eyes)
But how much does a woman have to take before enough is
enough? And how many chances does a man get before he
runs out of them?

He accused me of not being wife enough for him. This

because his favorite shirt wasn’t ironed. As if he
doesn’t have hands. As if taking two minutes to be
presentable would make him miss the most important
meeting of his life. This from a man who’s never made a
mortgage payment, filled the fridge with food or filled
the car with fuel. Of course I wasn’t wife enough, I
was too busy playing husband...
I didn’t waste time packing a bag. I left for work and
told myself I was never going back.

After work I met with Ferdi like I usually did.

Afterwards, I told him what happened with Desmond, told
him I was done. He could have the house until the bank
came for it, I’d find somewhere else to live. It was
stupid of me but I asked Ferdi to come with me. I had
enough money for both of us and he could focus on
finishing his album. He might not be the most talented
but he is driven and sometimes that’s enough...
He told me he couldn’t. I was his client not his
girlfriend. I knew that of course, had known what he’d
say even before I asked him but I insisted, told him I
could be his girlfriend, if he wanted me. He switched
off when I said that. Told me he was late for his next
client and just left.
I tried my best not to cry... His reaction wasn’t
surprising but it still hurt. After getting myself
together I got dressed too. I went down to return the
key so I could leave and saw my father walk into the
lobby. I got a chance to hide before he saw me. I
watched him get a room and head for the lift. I even
heard which room - 223. The room right next to the one
I was just in.

What was he doing there? Could it just be a

coincidence? Not knowing what to think I went to the

LINDA (CONT’D) (cont’d)

bar and got a drink. I hoped it would calm me but all
it did was make me more anxious.

I tried Ferdi’s phone but he did’nt answer. I should

have let it go, I wish I had let it go but I just
couldn’t and tried my father’s phone - it was off. I
think that’s what did it. Conso had told my father
about Ferdi and my father had paid Ferdi not to leave
with me. That sounds crazy now but that was what I was
I went up to 223 and knocked on the door. When no one
answered I started banging. I kept banging until it
opened and there was Ferdi. He tried to close the door
on me but I pushed my way past him and into the room.
(Linda pauses. Her breath becomes
And there was my father. He was... my father was... Oh
Christ, my father was tied to the bed - naked. I ran
for the door but Ferdi grabbed me and tried to wrestle
me to the ground. I bit him on the arm and he let me
go. I ran for the door again but Ferdi tripped me up
and I hit my head.
When I woke up I was tied to the bed with someone’s
sock in my mouth. Ferdi, my father and some other woman
were standing in a corner talking. From what I heard
not only was my father Ferdi’s "next client" this woman
was Ferdi’s boss and in business with my father. Which
meant the whole time I was seeing Ferdi my father
probably knew...

It was Ferdi who realized I was awake first and told

the other two. Without wasting any time the woman said
she wanted to get rid of me. Who knew how long I’d been
awake and how much I’d heard? My father told her to let
him talk to me first.
He tried to explain how important his campaign was and
how this couldn’t come out and how I had to promise not
to say anything otherwise it could be bad for all of
us. When he realized he wasn’t getting through to me
his threats became more... explicit. Nothing was going
to threaten his campaign - nothing.
The woman once again said the easiest thing to do would
be to get rid of me. I was a loose end and the best way
to deal with loose ends was to cut them off. My father
said that was not happening. He would get me to keep
quiet. But the woman wasn’t convinced. I would keep
quiet now because I was scared but give it some time
and who knew. The only assurance they had was to get
rid of me.

My father then said, how about a compromise? Elections

weren’t far, how about they keep me until then? They
could make it look like a kidnapping. Or like I left
Desmond. Or like Desmond did something to me. If they
were sharp, they could even use it to get votes. And
then after the elections who cared what I said... ?
I don’t know where they kept me. The room was small and
only had a mattress. They gave me bread and water but
nothing else.
Every day the woman had him tie me up and she coached
me on what to say. She said if I wanted to get out of
there alive I had to get it right. If I got any bit of
the story wrong, even just a word, she... she made him
beat me. Every day... again... and again...
I begged, I pleaded with him but he just... it was like
all that time we spent together meant nothing. Like I
meant nothing. But then what did I expect? I was his
client, not his girlfriend.

Linda’s on the verge of breaking down but by some

miracle she’s able to gather herself before she
goes over the edge.
Then one day she came and told me they were letting me
go. They were going to take me to the hospital and when
the police came to ask me what happened I was to tell
them the story she had him beat into me... and that’s
what I did. What else was I supposed to do...? What
would you have done?
What’s going to happen now? You have to protect me. You
can’t tell anyone what I just told you. Now that you
know what happened you have to find some other way to
prove because if they find out it was me that told you
what do you think they’ll do to me? They already made
me disappear once. That man I met in room 223 was not
my father and after what happened I don’t... I don’t
know what he’s capable of. I’m not saying you lie but
Linda suddenly stiffens as Ezekiel walks back in
and sits down.

Everything OK here?
(with a plastic smile)
Everything’s... everything’s fine. They were just
asking me a few follow up questions but were just
saying how they’ve gotten everything they need and were
just about to leave, isn’t that right?

(Linda surveys us, a pleading smile

plastered to her face.)
The pleading smile still on Linda’s face we...


Silence. Deathly and uncomfortable. We sit with
this silence for some time until finally:

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