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Module - 2

Construction Management Functions

Dr. Hermawan
Construction Management (120405)

Dr. Hermawan – CM (120405)

• What is Construction Management?
• Construction Project Players
• Construction Environment Impact
• Definitions of Construction Management
• Project Life Cycle
• Project Life Cycle and Decisions
• Project Delivery Method
• CM Responsibility
• Distribution of Main Responsibilites

Dr. Hermawan – CM (120405)

What is Construction Management?

(Source: Dr. Hermawan – CM (120405)

Construction Project Players


General Contractors
(Architects & Engineers)


(Source: Developed of Schexnayder and

Mayo, 2003) Dr. Hermawan – CM (120405)
Construction Environment Impact

(Source: Abduh, 2017)

Dr. Hermawan – CM (120405)
Definitions of Construction Management
The CMAA (Construction Management Association of America) defines
Construction Management as:

…process of professional management applied to a construction program from

concept to completion for purposes of controlling time, cost, and quality

The AGC (American General Contractors of America) have defined Construction

Management as:

…one effective method of satisfying an Owner's building needs. It treats the

project planning, design and Construction Phases as integrated tasks within a
construction system. These tasks are assigned to a construction team consisting
of the Owner, the construction manager and the architect engineer. Members of
the Construction Team ideally work together form project inception to project
completion, with the common objective of best serving the Owner's interests.
Interactions between construction cost, quality and completion schedule are
carefully examined by the team so that a project of maximum value to the Owner
is realized in the most economic time frame

Dr. Hermawan – CM (120405)

Cont. (Definitions of Construction Management)
The AIA (American Institute of Architects) defines Construction Management as:

…special management services provided to an Owner by an architect or other

person or entity possessing requisite training and experience during the Design
Phase and/or Construction Phase of a project. Such management services may
include advice on the time and cost consequences of design, construction
decisions, scheduling, cost control, coordination of contract negotiation and
awards, timely purchasing of critical material and long lead time items, and
coordination of construction activities

The NSPE and PEC (National Society for Professional Engineers and Professional
Engineers in Construction) define Construction Management as:

…that group of management activities related to a construction program,

performed from the conceptual to the operational Phases of a project by an
outside firm or the Owner's staff that provides the services to best meet the
economic interests of all entities through the control and management of time,
cost, and quality

Dr. Hermawan – CM (120405)

Cont. (Definitions of Construction Management)
The ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) defines Construction
Management as:

…one effective method of satisfying an Owner's construction needs. It treats the

project planning, design, and construction phases as integrated tasks. Tasks are
assigned to a project management team consisting of the Owner, the construction
manager (CM), and the design organization. A prime construction contractor or
funding agency, or both, may also be a member of the team. The team works
together from the beginning of design to project completion, with the common
objective of best serving the Owner's interests. Contractual relationships
between members of the team are intended to minimize adversary relationships
and contribute to greater responsiveness within the management group.
Interactions between construction cost, environmental impact, quality, and
completion schedule are carefully examined by the team so that a project of
maximum value to the Owner is realized in the most economic time frame.

Dr. Hermawan – CM (120405)

Cont. (Definitions of Construction Management)
Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 36 Tahun 2005
Tentang Peraturan Pelaksanaan Undang-undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2002
Tentang Bangunan Gedung
Bab I
Ketentuan Umum
Pasal 1
Penyedia jasa konstruksi bangunan gedung adalah orang perorangan atau badan
yang kegiatan usahanya menyediakan layanan jasa konstruksi bidang bangunan
gedung, meliputi perencana teknis, pelaksana konstruksi, pengawas/manajemen
konstruksi, termasuk pengkaji teknis bangunan gedung dan penyedia jasa
konstruksi lainnya.

Paragraf 5
Pengawasan Konstruksi
Pasal 70
(1) Pengawasan konstruksi bangunan gedung berupa kegiatan pengawasan
pelaksanaan konstruksi atau kegiatan manajemen konstruksi pembangunan
bangunan gedung.
(2) Kegiatan pengawasan pelaksanaan konstruksi bangunan gedung
sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) meliputi pengawasan biaya, mutu, dan
waktu pembangunan bangunan gedung pada tahap pelaksanaan konstruksi,
serta pemeriksaan kelaikan fungsi bangunan
D r . Hgedung
ermawan – CM (120405)
Cont. (Definitions of Construction Management)

Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 2 Tahun 2017

Tentang Jasa Konstruksi
Bab I
Pasal 1
(2) . Konsultansi Konstruksi adalah layanan keseluruhan atau sebagian kegiatan
yang meliputi pengkajian, perencanaan, perancangan, pengawasan, dan
manajemen penyelenggaraan konstruksi suatu bangunan

Paragraf 2
Pasal 13
Layanan usaha yang dapat diberikan oleh jasa Konsultansi Konstruksi yang
bersifat umum sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) huruf a meliputi:
a. pengkajian;
b. perencanaan;
c. perancangan;
d. pengawasan; dan/atau
e. manajemen penyelenggaraan konstruksi.

Dr. Hermawan – CM (120405)

Project Life Cycle

Project Engineering Use

Need formulation
and design
process process process
process process process

User Project Project Project Facility Facility

Requirements Feasibility Engineering Field engineering use and demolition
And scope And design And construction management Or conversion

Awareness Project Project Full Project Project Fulfillment

of need Concept Scope description Completion and Of need
formulation definition Acceptance
For use

(Source: Abduh, 2017) Dr. Hermawan – CM (120405)

Project Life Cycle and Decisions
Level of Cumulative
Influence Total Cost
100% 100%

Increasing Expenditures

50% 50%
0% 0%






(Source: Abduh, 2017) Dr. Hermawan – CM (120405)

Project Delivery Method
The Project Management Institute (PMI) has defined a project as "A temporary
attempt undertaken to create a product or service." (page 67, "A Guide to the
Project Management Body of Knowledge", 1996, Project Management Institute

(Source: Juliana and Larkin, 2005) Dr. Hermawan – CM (120405)

Project Delivery Method Alternative

Project Stages
Preliminary Project Design Construction Operation Transfer
Studies Implement.






(Source: Menheere & Pollalis 1996 ) Dr. Hermawan – CM (120405)

Project Delivery Method (Traditional Approach)

(Source: Juliana and Larkin, 2005) Dr. Hermawan – CM (120405)

Project Delivery Method
(Fast track or phased construction approach)

(Source: Juliana and Larkin, 2005) Dr. Hermawan – CM (120405)

Project Delivery Method
(Construction Management)

(Source: Juliana and Larkin, 2005) Dr. Hermawan – CM (120405)

CM Responsibility
• Manage and oversee the day-to-day construction management of the project.
• Prepares, supervises and approves the development of PEP [from
construction point of view, and its implementation plus ensuring Lessons
Learned are properly documented through out the life of the project
including Project Close-out].
• Manage the construction effort and be the construction representative of our
company with Client. To plan, develop and organize the construction effort to
formulate the most cost-effective plan to timely completion within budget
and to implement the execution of that plan.
• Responsible for implementation of the scope of work as related to
construction/ fabrication, precommissioning, load-out and offshore
installation hook-up and offshore pre-commissioning and commissioning of
the facilities in conformance with project specifications, Scope of Work, and
in accordance with the approved Project Schedule.
• Monitor and report to Project Manager / Sr Construction Manager of project
details, including progress, risks and opportunities in a timely manner.

(Source: Juliana and Larkin, 2005) Dr. Hermawan – CM (120405)

Cont. CM Responsibility
• Ensures all changes to specifications, work scope and drawings are
• Define clear roles & responsibilities and deliverable requirements in terms of
both scope and schedule to all the team members.
• Review man-hours and duration forecasts to completion for onshore
construction and man-hours, duration and manning forecasts for offshore
hook-up and offshore installation durations and resource requirements.
• Monitor construction productivity and schedule performance and investigate
reasons for less than satisfactory performance. Provide recommendations
and institute measures for improvement by modification to operating
procedures/work instructions.
• Adhere to Company Safety Standards and promote safety culture among the
ranks through out the Company.
• Any other ad-hoc projects and duties as required by the management

(Source: Juliana and Larkin, 2005) Dr. Hermawan – CM (120405)

Distribution of Main Responsibilites
Pre-Construction Phase
• Budget Allocation
• Design
• Review of Design and Technical Documents
• Planning & Work Schedules
• Estimation of Construction Cost
• Construction Contracts:
– Work Breakdown Strategy
– Technical Bid Documents
– Contractual Bid Documents
– Qualification of Contractors
• Licensing and Approvals
• Provision of Employer’s Materials
• Contract Processes
• Issuance of Documents
• Receiving & Evaluating Bids
• Awarding Contracts

(Source: FIDIC) Dr. Hermawan – CM (120405)

Cont. Distribution of Main Responsibilites
Construction Phase
• Site Handling Over
• Management of Construction
• Coordination of Contractors’ work
• Coordination Meetings & Progress Reports
• Follow-up & updating schedules
• Follow-up cash-flow and cost estimates
• Quality Control
– General
– QC Program
– Technical Supervision
• Interpretation of Contracts
• Record Keeping
• Variations
• Initial Acceptance at substantial completion
• Final Acceptance at final completion
• Contractors’ Payments:
– Auditing
– Issuance of payment certificates
– Effecting Payments
• Contractors’ Claims
(Source: FIDIC) Dr. Hermawan – CM (120405)
Exp. Distribution of Main Responsibilites Site Handling Over

(Source: Centennial
D r . H e r m a w a n – C M ( 1Tower,
2 0 42015)
Exp. Distribution of Main Responsibilites Site Handling Over

(Source: UKM, 2015) Dr. Hermawan – CM (120405)

Exp. Distribution of Main Responsibilites Site Handling Over

(Source: Ciputra World Jakarta II, 2015) Dr. Hermawan – CM (120405)

Exp. Distribution of Main Responsibilites Site Handling Over

(Source: Pullman Bandung, 2015) Dr. Hermawan – CM (120405)

Exp. Distribution of Main Responsibilites Site Handling Over

(Source: Pullman Bandung, 2015) Dr. Hermawan – CM (120405)

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