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athoms mbuma pdf

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Go to The Content 1 Therapeutics © CMP May 20162 This collection of 100 quotes comes from a series of "therapeutics" sermons preached at the Mission Center in Philadelphia on Sundays 01, 15, 22 and 29, 2016 ATHOM. If you talk about therapy, it means talking about what Jesus, the doctor, gives to those who come to him, regardless of their
condition. Tea rap is the message of salvation that Christ carries to influence people, from Spirit, through soul, to soul; is the message of the gospel that penetrates the heart of man to transform him into the image of Christ; It is the massage of Jesus Christ, not the massage of religion; It is for integral healing, not just spiritual. This stone therapy does
not remember its work in us during our existence on Earth, but transforms; Switch to the image of Christ every day. © CMP May 20163 1. Therapy is the message of salvation that Jesus Christ carries to affect the inner man, from his spirit, his soul, to his body. 2. Therapy is the message of the gospel, which penetrates the depths of man to make him
in the image of Jesus. This is the message of the Bible, not a religious massage. 3. If at some point we cannot accept that we are sick, we cannot at some point accept that we need Christ. 4. How would you be happy if you don't know who you were? © CMP May 2016 45. God, if He wants to heal our being, heal us completely, not partially. 6.
Sometimes therapy tends to give pain, but then it all ends. Sometimes we are much more afraid of the treatment than the disease. They tell them: they will be operated tomorrow, they are afraid. 8. When we are Christians, we do not conform, we are transformed. 9. They know that they have become a child of God, not because they have become like
all the members of the Philadelphia church in the mission center, but because they have become like them. © CMP May 20165 You were, beginning with who you are, who is, who Jesus is; They became Christians there. 11. You have become a new creation, which does not mean that God changed it: He made it anew. 12. The best promotion of the
church isConverted members. You don't have to join a church to invite people in your church. Her transformations themselves can be advertised in Philadelphia. 13. When Jesus leaves his mouth to fill your heart, your change will be visible even if he doesn't announce it. © CMP, May 14, 2016. The gospel is easier to perceive if life is proven than just
arguments. 15. If we call ourselves Christians and live like pagans, our intelligence is obscured. 16. The power of the gospel is not to conform you to human standards, but to transform you into a better person in the likeness of Jesus. 17. God is not trying to deliver us from the devil, but from what the devil gives over us. 18. The devil cannot destroy
you without God's permission, otherwise you would be completely destroyed. © CMP, May 19, 2016 The gospel is not complicated: God is complicated by our fortresses. 20. We don't control our views, they control us. 21. Give God the opportunity to show you that He is God. 22. A person cannot practice his faith outside of faith. 23. One way to avoid
entertainment is to be honest about your abilities. 24. What is missing in your neighborhood is in you. © CMP, May 25, 2016 When you have seen him in Satan, know that he exists 1000 times in God. 26. The devil is not an expert. His only specialty is copying. 27. If there are no 2 creators, Satan has nothing. 28. Stick to practice to show people you
are the norm is a vain religious tradition. 29. Jesus is not the servant of our spirituality, as long as we remain servants in all other areas of our lives. Jesus cannot be Lord and Lord just one part of our essence, no, Jesus wants to be Lord. © CMP May 20169 30. If you go to the supermarket every day and always buy the wrong thing, who is to blame? If
you pray every day, but in the wrong way, and do not understand what you are looking for, who is vain? 31. God warns us not because He cannot heal us, but because prevention is part of healing. 32. Prevention is part of God's therapy in human life. 33. In the process that guides usWho should even get sick is Presse. 34. It would be better for God if
we did not see how we are falling, than just saving us. Note to us! 36. God was such a god, because he knows that people are falling, and says: do not go there, you risk falling. 37. The disease begins to benefit when the medicine is not completed. There are specialists who will never finish spiritual medicine for the church. 38. A Christian not only
closes his eyes, but when we open them, how do we live? 39. Feelings give rise to © movements and extracts give rise to behavior. Who does not know their role. 41. If you consume what rots in your movements (music, films, etc.), it eventually rot. If you are rotten friends, you are ultimately rotten. 42. There are people who live only an essay, not a
transformation. They dress well, but they only have rotten S. 43. There are bodyichrosis that get a new night to train them in the body. 44. The one who thinks that he is very intelligent compared to logic is very low compared to the logic of God. Choice: You have no choice. 46. We never fell into the wound: we fall gradually. 47. We lie together, it was
an accident: an accident often happens to people who do not follow the rules of the road. 48. Not because you find a beautiful opinion on how to wear a faction that attracts Alita. Not because you find a beautiful opinion explaining your climax, it ceases. 49. If the money is only for you, Kau must say that you still do not understand what to do with
them. He has money and money. 51. Those who are looking for too much to fit on the ground can miss the call to heaven. 52. It can be seen how Chris hears money, but their presidents consist of a need for money. 53. We may have calling and calling. 54. Sool URS/from res, the body is not forIf you want to earn money with your body: play soccer, run,
go to the Olympics! BUT PLEASE DON'T SAY IT.©CMP May 2016 14 55. Don't live for money. Money is only meant to help us fulfill our calling. 56. Every profession has its temptations. It's not just pastors who are tempted. 57. What day will you become a Christian even in your profession? 58. The work of a Christian is for the glory of God. 59. Work
did not come after sin. The work took place before the sin of Adam and Eve. 60. Disappointment has always been in God's plan. it was sin that made him a painful burden. ©CMP, May 2016 15 61. Łukasz was a doctor by profession, but a student by profession. 62. Matthew was with DGI until God told him to "FOLLOW ME". The called ones are not
idle idlers with nothing to do. 63. Sometimes one has to start practicing one's profession in order to discover one's vocation. 64. Sometimes in life a PROFESSIONAL stands above a CALLING. 65. The call is a call to salvation but also to SERVE. © CMP May 2016 16 66. God cannot call you to walk on water without Him. 67. When God is calling you
somewhere, HE is already there. He never calls you from behind. 68. You will NEVER be happier than where God wants you to be. 69. Don't stand where you want: Go where the call calls you. 70. We are moved by our vocation. It defines our time and geographical location. 71. Vocation is the reason for our existence, it determines our destiny ©CMP,
May 2016 17 72. There is nothing in you that can be destroyed. Everything that is in you should bless you. God didn't send you destruction. 73. The call is that God sends you on a journey with the baggage you need to answer His call. 74. A vocation is programmed in a person from birth. 75. GOD, thank you for choosing. Otherwise there would be
people who would become nothing. 76. When God calls someone, there are no other conditions than His will. 77. Vocation is linked to the sovereign choice of the Creator. ©CMP May 2016 18 78. The answer to the call must be directed by the ER calling you. 79. Knowing one's vocation means submitting oneself to the will of the one who leads, who
calls. 80. VOCATION It is about following and obeying what leads us. 81. INVITATION He asks for recognition and obedience to God's way. 82. Not youIt is not your calling if you do not know how God is speaking to you. 83. God calls us all, but not everyone has invited us to respond. © CMP 201619 May 84 84. We don't just live in this moment. If we
only live in the moment, Christ is meaningless. We live in eternity. 85. Not because we walk with God, everything must be done impressively. 86. In life we ​​are chosen by 2 people: God and our enemies. 87. You cannot live in a relationship by other relationship standards. This relationship becomes a prison. 88. Poor closer to organic than rich.
Sometimes the solution to some problems is sport. 90. There are people in the church who know God's work, but disorder. 91. Reason is necessary to understand God. 92. The purpose of this technique is not to bring you to heaven, but to make your life easier here on Earth. 93. Just because technology makes your life easier doesn't mean it's going to
put you in the sky. 94. Being filled with the Holy Spirit does not mean that he is without thoughts. Similes 8:14; 2:11 a.m.; 8:12 96. How can you be like Jesus without love? 97. The Holy Spirit does not pressurize your mind before He works in you. Isaiah 11: 2 98 when you use the Bible, the day you lose your brain will not happen. 99. Jesus to say "yes"
is not to say "no" to reflection. 100. God has no bounty: He has bounty © CMP May 2016

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