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By: Faith A. Calimlim


Instructions: Conduct an interview with your trainees to assess their readiness in starting a fitness
program. Below are the list of questions that you will ask to your trainees, you may use English or Tagalog
as the medium of language. Encode the answers of your trainees in a word document and Please attach a
photo documentation as a proof you’ve conducted the interview. (Your face should be visible in the photo
you will submit).

a) Where am I now in my life? How did I get here?

- I’m currently in my first year of college, taking up a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. I got
here because of my hard-work and especially because of my parents who are supporting me
physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially.

b) What do I like about myself, my body? What do I not like?

- What I like about myself is how thoughtful I am. What I don’t like about myself is my physical
flaws. Although it’s normal, sometimes I just feel insecure.

c) What is it about my body and mind that I am unhappy with that could be positively affected by
exercising regularly?
- I think yes, because your insecurities can make you improve yourself. My flaws
(specifically my fats) are the main reason why I exercise.

d) What would I like to change, if anything, and why?

- I want to improve my mindset. I want to become more positive on how I see things.

e) What is going on in my life that would facilitate behavior change? Inhibit it?
- I think growth? Because as we grow, our minds become bold. We encounter different
people with different perspectives which can influence our perspectives also.

f) Where am I now in my physical activity level?

- I’m actually at the middle level, because as of now It’s not my priority. My study consumes
most of my time, that's why I can’t exercise daily.

g) Have I tried regular exercise before and failed to stick with it?
- Yes, several times.

h) Currently, what do I estimate my potential to stick with an exercise program to be?

- I’m not quite sure.

i) What unmet personal needs am I thinking of attempting to meet?

- Healthy diet like low carbohydrates or calorie deficit.

j) Am I really, really ready, to try it? Would I really like to change, even if it means giving up something I
am accustomed to?
- Of course, why not? If it’s for my good, I’m willing to try it.

k) Do I think that I can mobilize the mental strength if that is what I want or need to do?
- Yes.

l) What has my previous experience with personal health behavior change been? Good? Bad? Some
success? None? Will that help me this time around?
- It's been good. I think I improved a lot.

m) What can I learn from experience that will help me this time? Am I being realistic about this?
- I became more cautious and careful about my actions.

n) What is my self-image?
- Strong and positive.

o) Do I think of myself as good-looking? Attractive? Not attractive? Healthy? Unhealthy?

- Yes, confidence is the key. There are people who are more attractive, but self-love is more important.

p) What do I see when I look in the mirror?

- I see myself observing my face most of the time.

q) What kinds of feelings do those images elicit?

- Fondness.

r) If I am planning to exercise to help in weight loss or simply to shape up a currently out of shape body,
will I able to scale weight?
- Yes. I will do my very best to be fit.

s) And further, if I am going to exercise primarily for weight loss, is my true goal to become really “thin”,
rather than somewhat thinner?
- Yes.


Interviewed via Google Meet.

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