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Task #1:

1.1 Design a Creative Logo showing the Basic Concepts of Module 3M: Rights, Responsibilities &
Regulation of Nursing Practice.
   NOTE: Just "copy image" and paste it here.
1.2 Describe your logo in 2-3 sentences.
Task #2:
2.1 Choose five (5) Rights of Nurses which you consider the most essential in the nursing practice.
   Note: Justify your answer in 5 - 10 sentences.
2.2 Answer this question:
   2.2.1 When do you consider a "Right" as a Right?

Task 1.1: LOGO

Task 1.2: Description

In making the logo, I used elements such as the nurse to represent the nursing community, the scale to represent
the equal rights of man as an individual, a member of the family, the community, and the entire world, and the
laurel leaves to represent excellence in providing care and championing nursing responsibilities. I also put the
symbol of the caduceus on the shoulder of the nurse because it is traditionally associated with strength and
power, and as medical professionals, I perceive them to be strong and powerful individuals that save people's
lives. Lastly, I used the color pink in the logo because pink symbolizes care.

Task 2.1: Five Most Essential Rights of Nurses in Nursing practice

The following are the most essential rights of nurses in the nursing practice in my opinion:

1.) Right to Fair Compensation

2.) Right to Negotiate Terms of Employment
3.) Right to Advocate for themselves and their patients freely and openly
4.) Right to Safe Work Environment
5.) Right to practice in a manner that fulfils their obligations

Nurses are among the most overworked and underpaid members of the healthcare workforce; Thus, I cannot
emphasize enough the importance of the right to fair compensation in this field of work. They go through more
than 24-hour work shifts, get barely any sleep, cater to every need of their clients, and deal with angry and
anxious family members. They deal with a lot of things, yet their pay bracket doesn’t really reflect the hard
work that they've put into everything they do. In relation to this, the right to negotiate employment terms is
equally important as it is critical for nurses to have a say in the work they conduct. After all, they are the
professionals on the job. This is not only for the nurse's benefit, but also for the hospital or organization for
which they work since the main purpose of this is to prioritizes both the nurse's and their employer's best
interests. The right to advocate for themselves and their patients freely and openly is also essential because,
unlike the previous right, which secures the interests of both the nurse and the employer, this right prioritizes the
best interests of the nurse and her clients. This ensures that the patient's rights and requirements are met in order
to ensure the best possible delivery of holistic, loving care. Furthermore, the right to a safe working
environment, which includes protection from the risks of injury, illness, and death, is critical for nurses to stay
healthy and continue providing care to their patients. Furthermore, the right to practice in a way that fulfils their
commitments nurture the essence of work ethic and critical thinking, which would considerably benefit the
quality of care that can be given to the clients, potentially affecting the patient's medical outcome.

Task 2.2: When do you consider a right as a right?

By definition, "rights" are legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement; in other words, rights are
the underlying normative standards that all humans share, regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnicity,
language, religion, or other status. As a result, I believe a right to be a right if it is equal and non-discriminatory
and attempts to prevent anyone from being exploited in any way. Rights should not only preserve, but also
encourage, the essence of being human, which is to live a decent, happy, and healthy life free of danger and
abuse. Human rights are inalienable, which means they cannot be taken away; Therefore, every human is not
only entitled to them, but no one should steal them from another.


Contracts of employment – why are they important? | Russell Kennedy Lawyers. (n.d.).

Russel Kennedy Lawyers. Retrieved March 2, 2022, from


OHCHR | What are Human Rights. (2021). United Nations Human Rights. Retrieved March

2, 2022, from

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