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SESSION – 2022-23




Affiliated to CBSE New Delhi,
Under the guidance of
Mrs. Priya Agarwal


This is to certify that this English project is submitted in partial fulfilment,

for the award of Senior Secondary School Certificate in Standard XII
Science of the Central Board of Secondary Education which is the result
of the bona fide.

Research work is carried out by

Sakshi Agrawal

I find the work complete, comprehensive and of sufficient standards to

warrant its presentation of the examination. I further certify that the
work has been carried out under my guidance and has not been
submitted earlier to any other educational institute for the school

Ms. Priya Agarwal

External Examiner Project Mentor (Internal) Principal

______________ ________________ _____________


I, SAKSHI AGRAWAL do hereby declare that the project report submitted

to Choithram School North Campus, Indore (MP) affiliated to Senior
Secondary School Certificate Standard XII, Science entitled English
Project Work is an original piece of research work carried out by me in
the guidance and supervision of Ms. Priya Agarwal.

I further declare that the information has been collected from genuine
and authentic sources. I have not submitted this project report to this
institute or any other institute for diploma or school certificate

Date: Student’s Name:

Place: Indore (MP) Sakshi Agrawal


I take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the people

who have played crucial role in the research for this project. Without
their active cooperation the preparation of this project could not have
been completed within the specified time limit.

I am thankful to our respected principal Mr. Uttam Kumar Jha for giving
me this opportunity and our respected coordinator Mr. Umesh Singh
Rathore for motivating me to complete this project with complete focus
and attention.

I am thankful to my mentor Ms. Priya Agarwal who supported me

throughout this project with utmost cooperation and patience for helping
me in doing this project.

Student’s Name: Sakshi Agrawal

INTRO{Drug addiction has become a worldwide problem, especially among teenagers.
Many young people become dependent on different types of substances and stimulating
medicines that come hand-in-hand with a narcotic effect. The life of addicts becomes spoiled
in all aspects, as they lose contact with their family and live in a different world. They spend
lots of money on drugs and then look for ways to earn money illegally. If we compare the
health problems, there are many dangerous effects of drugs.
Drug addiction is a brain disease that changes the functioning of the brain. There is an
uncontrollable desire to consume drugs, as a result of which addicted people engage in
compulsive behavior to take drugs. The addicts find it impossible to control the intake of
drugs, and as a result of which they fail to fulfill day-to-day responsibilities efficiently. Drug
addiction is also referred to as drug dependency, as the addict develops a dependency on a
particular substance.}
The usage of drugs has become quite usual in today's time. When I conducted the surveys and
also some interviews, I found that drugs are seen as a status symbol among people. It was
also concluded that teenage boys are at high risk of getting indulged in all these bad practices
rather than teenage girls.
If we talk about the parent's role in all this then some respondents think it's completely the
parent's fault for being lenient and not paying proper attention to what their child is been up
to. Also, a few answerers think that children are involved with drugs and alcohol because of
family issues. Respondents feel that parents must teach their child about drug abuse whereas,
some people think that parents are not at fault, they say how will a parent know what their
ward have been up to if they never tell the truth It is true that both parties are at fault, one
cannot be at blame. I came across 1 more thing which was that teenagers who start drinking
at an early age usually have parents connected with alcohol or smoking.
A very important question arises why are teenagers doing all this? Is this because of peer
pressure or is it the mindset of being “cool”? so when I dug into the reason behind drug abuse
in teenagers, a common answer was found this all is because the atmosphere today is like
this, today drug abuse is a cool and fun activity and the kids away from alcohol are outcasted
from their friends and circles and also that in today's time teenagers are in a lot of pressure
about career and studies which leads them to a temporary solution which is alcohol. In other
cases, the fear of missing out on other friends is extreme that they surrender their values to
Having good company is very important in this generation as the respondents say that
teenagers are getting drugs from their friends. But when I searched for other sources, I was
shocked to know that the small shop shopkeepers sell drugs to teenagers just for a side
It is a shame that the government and schools are not taking major steps toward fixing these
problems. Government should introduce some new rules to fix it whereas schools can start
solving this issue just by regular counseling of the child.
The gravity of this issue is taken for granted. As a member of this society, we should always
keep a check on our friends and family members and if we came across a friend who is also
dragged in all this mud then we should help them and if we cannot then there are helplines for
the same which we should know.
The term drug not only means medicine but fatal narcotics with different specifications.
These drugs have evil effects on the mind and body cells of the addicts. The addict becomes
dependent on the drug to a great extent that he/she cannot stop using it. Despite having full
knowledge of its effects on health, addicts use it regularly.
The most disturbing thing about drug addiction is that people in different countries of the
world are becoming addicted to all kinds of drugs. There are different types of street drugs
such as – cocaine, meth, marijuana, crack, heroin, etc. Heroin is one of the dangerous drugs
that suppress your heart’s work and is appropriate to achieve a narcotic effect.
The alarming rate of drug consumption has always been a problem and has detrimental
effects on society. Personal and family problems also lead to drug abuse among youngsters
who fail to deal with personal problems. The physiological effects of drug addiction can be
difficult to endure and this is why the addict must be treated for their condition. The worst
thing is that drugs are that they affect youth in every country of the world.

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